Declaration Document


Attestation Statements

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                                      Lettter of Declar
                                                 D     ation
  mpany:        Sh
                 henzhen Future Charge
                                     er Technolog
                                                gy Co., LTD..

  dress:          Yongfengtia
                  Y                                 huang Third industrial Zo
                            an Industrial Park, fengh                       one, Fuyong
                                                                                      g Town,
                  Baoan Distrrict, Shenzhe
                                         en, China

Product Name:          Fast Wiireless Charrger

Moddel Number:          DLP90
                            035BC/27, HD01,
                                      H     HD02
                                               2, HD03, HD04, HD05
                                                                 5, HD06, HD
                                                                           D07, HD08,,
45871, 45872

  C Identifier::
FCC                    2AS6X

   mpliant with KDB680106 D01 RF Expossure Wirelesss Charging Ap
                                                               pps v03 sectio
                                                                            on 5,b:

(1) Power transffer frequencyy is less than 1 MHz.
    ‐The device operate
                o        in thee frequency range
                                            r    125KHzz

(2) Output poweer from each primary coil is less than or
                                                       o equal to 15
                                                                   5 watts.
    ‐The maximum output po ower of the primary
                                        p         coil iss 10W

(3) The transfer system includdes only single primary an
                                                       nd secondaryy coils. This includes charging systems
    that may havve multiple prrimary coils and
                                           a clients that are able to
                                                                    o detect and allow couplin   ng only
    between individual pairs of coils.
    ‐The transferr system inclu
                              uding a chargging system with
                                                       w only singlle primary co  oils is to detecct and allow

(4) Client devicee is placed dirrectly in contaact with the transmitter.

(5) Mobile exposure conditio
                           ons only (porttable exposurre conditionss are not coveered by this exclusion).
    ‐The EUT is a Mobile Pow
                           wer Pack with wireless Charger

(6) The
     T aggregatee H‐field strenngths at 15 cm surroundin
                                                       ng the devicee and 20 cm aabove the topp surface
from             neous transmitting coils arre demonstrated to be lesss than 50% of the MPE lim
    m all simultan                                                                            mit.
                                            m & The EUTT H‐Field Strength levels at 15cm are le
   ‐TThe EUT E‐Fieeld Strength levels at 15cm                                                 ess than 50%
of thhe MPE limit

             vid Wei
     Name: Dav                                             Date:
                                                           D     May 05,
                                                                     0 2019

     Title: Sales
                s Manager

     Signature of applican

Document Created: 2019-05-05 16:41:43
Document Modified: 2019-05-05 16:41:43

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