test report gsm 2


Test Report

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                                                                                     REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

 WCDMA Band VCH4132 826.4MHz                                                     WCDMA Band VCH4182 836.4MHz

 WCDMA Band VCH4233 846.6MHz                                                     WCDMA Band II CH9262 1852.4MHz

 WCDMA Band II CH9400 1880.0MHz                                                  WCDMA Band II CH9538 1907.6MHz

           SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                       Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB     FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
           Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China       Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                                     REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

2.4. Frequency Stability

2.4.1. Requirement

According to FCC section 22.355, 24.235 and 27.54 the frequency stability shall be sufficient to
ensure that the fundamental emission stays within the authorized frequency block. According to
FCC section 2.1055, the test conditions are:
(a) The temperature is varied from -30°C to +50°C at intervals of not more than 10°C.
(b) For hand carried battery powered equipment, the primary supply voltage is reduced to the
battery operating end point which shall be specified by the manufacture. The supply voltage shall
be measured at the input to the cable normally provided with the equipment, or at the power supply
terminals if cables are not normally provided.

2.4.2. Test Description

Test Setup:

          Power                     System
                                   Spectrum                   Attenuator
                                                              Attenuator 12           Power                 EUT
          Sensor                   Simulator
                                   Analyzer                                           Splitter

The EUT, which is powered by the DC Power Supply directly, is located in the Temperature
Chamber. The EUT is commanded by the System Simulator (SS) to operate at the maximum
output power i.e. Power Control Level (PCL) = 5 and Power Class = 4. A call is established
between the EUT and the SS via a Common Antenna.

               SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB         FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
               Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                                    REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

2.4.3. Test Result

A. Test Verdict:
                          GPRS 850MHz, Channel 190, Frequency 836.6MHz
                                        Limit =±2.5ppm
               Power(V                                             Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                 DC)                                                 (Hz)                          (ppm)
     100                            +20(Ref)                             24                           0.029
     100                                 -30                             -44                         -0.053
     100                                 -20                             -24                         -0.029
     100                                 -10                             -87                         -0.104
     100                                   0                             -47                         -0.056
     100                                +10                              67                           0.080
     100                                +20                              75                           0.090
     100                                +30                              76                           0.091
     100                                +40                              23                           0.027
     100                                +50                              53                           0.063
     115           13.8                 +20                              -64                         -0.077
     85            10.2                 +20                              -27                         -0.032

                      GPRS 1900MHz, Channel 661, Frequency 1880.0MHz
                               Limit =Within Authorized Band
               Power(V                                             Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                 DC)                                                 (Hz)                          (ppm)
     100                            +20(Ref)                             25                           0.013
     100                                 -30                             36                           0.019
     100                                 -20                             -23                         -0.012
     100                                 -10                             34                           0.018
     100                                   0                             -19                         -0.010
     100                                +10                              -48                         -0.026
     100                                +20                              26                           0.014
     100                                +30                              78                           0.041
     100                                +40                              97                           0.052
     100                                +50                              42                           0.022
     115           13.8                 +20                              -65                         -0.035
     85            10.2                 +20                              53                           0.028

              SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB        FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
              Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                                    REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                         EDGE 850MHz, Channel 190, Frequency 836.6MHz
                                       Limit =±2.5ppm
              Power(V                                              Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                DC)                                                  (Hz)                          (ppm)
    100                             +20(Ref)                             45                           0.054
    100                                  -30                             -45                         -0.054
    100                                  -20                             -37                         -0.044
    100                                  -10                             -26                         -0.031
    100                                    0                             -17                         -0.020
    100                                 +10                              25                           0.030
    100                                 +20                              43                           0.051
    100                                 +30                              77                           0.092
    100                                 +40                              24                           0.029
    100                                 +50                              63                           0.075
    115           13.8                  +20                              -58                         -0.069
    85            10.2                  +20                              -25                         -0.030

                      EDGE 1900MHz, Channel 661, Frequency 1880.0MHz
                               Limit =Within Authorized Band
              Power(V                                              Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                DC)                                                  (Hz)                          (ppm)
    100                             +20(Ref)                             25                           0.013
    100                                  -30                             36                           0.019
    100                                  -20                             -36                         -0.019
    100                                  -10                             21                           0.011
    100                                    0                             -65                         -0.035
    100                                 +10                              -55                         -0.029
    100                                 +20                              21                           0.011
    100                                 +30                              57                           0.030
    100                                 +40                              24                           0.013
    100                                 +50                              26                           0.014
    115           13.8                  +20                              -73                         -0.039
    85            10.2                  +20                              78                           0.041

              SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB        FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
              Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                                    REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                      WCDMA Band V, Channel 4182, Frequency 836.4MHz
                                     Limit =±2.5ppm
              Power(V                                              Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                DC)                                                  (Hz)                          (ppm)
    100                             +20(Ref)                             35                           0.042
    100                                  -30                             -33                         -0.040
    100                                  -20                             -43                         -0.051
    100                                  -10                             -35                         -0.042
    100                                    0                             -75                         -0.090
    100                                 +10                              36                           0.043
    100                                 +20                              47                           0.056
    100                                 +30                              78                           0.093
    100                                 +40                              24                           0.029
    100                                 +50                              73                           0.087
    115           13.8                  +20                              -63                         -0.075
    85            10.2                  +20                              -44                         -0.053

                     WCDMA Band II, Channel 9400, Frequency 1880.0MHz
                             Limit =Within Authorized Band
              Power(V                                              Fre. Dev.                      Deviation
 Voltage(%)                        Temp(°C)                                                                                    Result
                DC)                                                  (Hz)                          (ppm)
    100                             +20(Ref)                             67                           0.080
    100                                  -30                             -52                         -0.062
    100                                  -20                             -64                         -0.077
    100                                  -10                             -28                         -0.034
    100                                    0                             -57                         -0.068
    100                                 +10                              57                           0.068
    100                                 +20                              25                           0.030
    100                                 +30                              56                           0.067
    100                                 +40                              24                           0.029
    100                                 +50                              65                           0.078
    115           13.8                  +20                              -65                         -0.078
    85            10.2                  +20                              -22                         -0.026

              SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB        FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
              Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                                     REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

2.5. Conducted Out of Band Emissions

2.5.1. Requirement

According to FCC section 22.917(a), 24.238(a) and 27.53(h) the power of any emission outside of
the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by
a factor of at least 43+10*log(P)dB. This calculated to be -13dBm.

2.5.2. Test Description

Test Setup:

The EUTis coupled to the Spectrum Analyzer (SA) and the System Simulator (SS) with Attenuators
through the Power Splitter; the RF load attached to the EUT antenna terminal is 50Ohm; the path
loss as the factor is calibrated to correct the reading. The EUT is commanded by the SS to operate
at the maximum output power i.e. Power Control Level (PCL) = 5 and Power Class = 4. A call is
established between the EUT and the SS.

2.5.3. Test Result

The measurement frequency range is from 30MHz to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental
frequency. The lowest, middle and highest channels are tested to verify the out of band emissions.

               SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB         FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
               Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH190 836.6MHz

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH251 848.8MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz

                                GPRS 1900MHz CH521 1850.2MHz

                                GPRS 1900MHz CH661 1880.0MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz
                                GPRS 1900MHz CH810 1909.8MHz

                                  EDGE 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz

                                  EDGE 850MHz CH190 836.6MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

                                                                                                                             Page32of 70

                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz

                                  EDGE 850MHz CH251 848.8MHz

                                EDGE 1900MHz CH521 1850.2MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz
                                EDGE 1900MHz CH661 1880.0MHz

                                EDGE 1900MHz CH810 1909.8MHz

                                WCDMA Band V CH4132 826.4MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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                                                                               REPORT No.:SZ19040220W01

                                  GPRS 850MHz CH128 824.2MHz

                                WCDMA Band V CH4182 836.4MHz

                                WCDMA Band V CH4233 846.6MHz

         SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86-755-36698555   Fax: 86-755-36698525
MORLAB   FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
         Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://www.morlab.cn   E-mail: service@morlab.cn

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Document Created: 2019-05-10 09:15:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-10 09:15:11

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