10 (LDT-300BS) User manual_r2


Users Manual

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                                                                                                      D   I   G   I   T   A   L          T   A   C   H   O   G   R   A   P   H

 This product is warranted only in the event of failure during normal use by the customer, and the
                                                                                                                                     User manual
   product will be repaired free of charge under the warranty.
 This product warranty must be presented when requesting free inspection. If you lose the
   warranty, you can not get free inspection.
 The warranty period is one year from the date of purchase and installation of the product.
 The following items will be covered for repair at any time during the warranty period.                                  LDT‐300BS(ISG)
   1. If the cause of the trouble is due to external factors other than this unit
   2. In case of failure due to arbitrary decomposition or arbitrary modification of the product
   3. In case of malfunction due to improper use or improper repair
   4. In case of malfunction due to transportation, movement after purchase
   5. In case of malfunction due to natural disaster
   6. If you lose your letter of guarantee

     Name of
     Car No
        Name                                                  Phone No.
                          Date of purchase (                     year          month         day)
                          From 1 year

     Manufacturer : LOOP Co., Ltd.
     Address : 70, Heungan-daero 439beon-gil
     Tel: Sales (070) 7116-6150 A/S (070) 7116-6183
     E-mail : help@loopsystem.co.kr (http://www.loopsystem.co.kr)

    product composition                                             Part Names and Functions

                                                                                      1                         2                      3

              main body                     G-mouse

                                                                      1   USB port
                                                                          - Download driving history
                                                                          - USB3.0 support
                                                                           (Some products may not download as compatibility issues.)

                                                                      2   LCD
               Harness                  Mounting parts

                                                                      3   BUTTON

                                                                                          • Switch menu
                                                                                          • Selection / input

                                                                                          • Change screen
                           Some components may change to improve                         • Move up and down within a menu
                                                                                          • Change setting value
                          performance or quality of the product
                                                                                          • Previous screen
                                                                                          • Long press to adjust LCD brightness

2                                                                                                                                          3

    Installation settings                                                                              Installation settings

     When the power is turned on after initial installation, the driver registration screen appears.

       운전자 등록 후                               Initial Screen                                              운전자 코드 입력
                                                                                                                                                Up to 10 number
       사용바랍니다.                                Press[OK], List of menus.                                   1234567893
                                    OK                                                                                               OK   Complete driver code

       시내버스                                                                                               운전자 사번 입력
                                              [▲],[▼] after change, [OK] Select                                                                 [▲],[▼] after change, [OK] Select
         00 가 0000                                                                                        0000000
                                    OK                                                                                               OK

       마을버스                                   [▲],[▼] ] after change, [OK] Select
       서울 00 가 0000                                                                                       운전자 사번 입력
                                                                                                                                                Up to 7 alphanumeric characters
                                                                                                                                     OK   Entered driver's number

       부산 34 다 1 2 3 4                                                                                    등록완료!
                                    OK   Complete vehicle number                                                                     OK   or    ESC

       운전자 이름 입력                                                                                          운전자 등록
                                              [▲],[▼] after change, [OK] Select                                                                 Check whether normal registration!
       A                                                                                                  운전자 선택

                                                                                                          >1. KIM S YM
       운전자 이름 입력
                                              Up to 10 alphanumeric characters                                -END-
       KIM S YM
                                    OK   Complete driver name                                                        ESC

       운전자 코드 입력                                                                                                     ESC
                                              [▲],[▼] after change, [OK] Select
                                                                                                            GUB                     03-26 13:45
                                                                                                               75km/h              2300rpm                       Operation initial screen
                                                                                                           28.3V                          1235km

    Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.                                 Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.

4                                                                                                                                                                                           5

    Menu select                                                                 Menu select
     When you press [OK], the menu selection list appears.
                                                                                                       [OK] : Selecr [▲] [▼] : Move [ESC] : Previous
     Move to the menu with [▲], [▼] and press [OK] to select..                                         1일2일 … 89일90일DATE전체
                                                                                                       DATE : Select a date range, 전체 : Select total driving record
        N             03-26 13:45
                                           Operation initial screen                 Download
                                                                                                       Show downloaded date / time history
            75km/h    2300rpm              press [OK], the menu list appears.        history
                                    OK                                                                 [OK] : Shifts      [▲] [▼] : Change      [ESC] : Previous
                                                                                                       Driver's name : Alphanumeric characters(Up to10)
       다운로드                               Move menu :                                Driver            Driver Code : Number (Up to 10)
                                                                                   Registration        Driver's office number : Number (Up to 7)
       다운로드 이력                           Select menu :   OK

                                                                                                       Press [OK] and enter the last digit to complete registration.
       운전자 등록
                                                                                                       [OK] : Select     [▲] [▼] : Move
       운전자 선택                                                                    Driver's Choice
                                                                                                       Choose from registered drivers
       운전자 삭제                                                                    Driver’s Delete
                                                                                                       [OK] : Select     [▲] [▼] : Move
                                                                                                       Remove from list of registered drivers
       프로그램 버전
                                    :                                           Program version        Check program version
                                                                                   Car number          Check your car number
       회사정보                                                                         Company
                                                                                                       Check vehicle company
       사업자등록번호                      :                                               Company
                                                                                   Registration        Vehicle Registration Number
       차대번호                                                                          Number
       교정인자                                                                       VIN Number           Identify the chassis number

       형식승인번호                                                                   Correction factor      Speed calibration factor, RPM Calibration factor
                                                                                 Type Approval
       제품일련번호                                                                                          Confirm type of transponder type approval number
                                                                                 Product serial
       모뎀정보                                                                         number
                                                                                                       Check product serial number

       서버정보                                                                         Modem              Communication protocol, communication company, modem manufacturer,
                                                                                  Information          telephone number confirmation (Wireless control service model only)
                                                                                      Server           IP, communication PORT information confirmation
                                                                                   Information         (Wireless control service model only)

    Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.          Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.

6                                                                                                                                                                            7

    Switch the initial screen                                                                    Download vehicle driving record
     Press [▲], [▼] to switch the initial screen.                                                 Insert the USB memory into the front panel and proceed with the download.
     The converted screen is retained even after restart. (Explained in the screen example)       [OK] : List / Select       [▲][▼] : Move / Change

       GUB            03-26 13:45                   See headline information(Page 10)                GU             03-26 13:45
                                                                                                                                            Operation initial screen
            75km/h    2300rpm               March 26 13:45
      28.3V             1235km                                                                         75km/h       2300rpm                 press [OK], the menu list appears.
                                            75km/h, 2300rpm, Vehicle voltage 28.3V, ODO 1235km

       GUB            03-26 13:45
                                            Summary screen                                          다운로드                                    Press [OK] to enter the download menu
            75km/h    2300rpm                                                                       다운로드 이력

                       28.3V                Battery / Operating distance
                                            B-VOLT : Battery voltage 28.3V                          다운로드
      ODO             1235km                                                                           1일
                                                                                                                                                    [▲],[▼] Select download period
                                            ODO : Total running distance 1235km

                      6:25                  Daily driving time / distance
                                            D-TIME : Today's driving time 6:25                      다운로드
      D-TRIP          212.5km                                                                          2일
                                            D-TRIP : Today's driving distance 212.5 km
                                            Driving time / distance after start-up
      C-TIME          1:50
                                            C-TIME : Operating time after start-up 1:50
      C-TRIP          22.1km                C-TRIP : Running distance after starting 22.1km
                                            Fuel consumption
      D-FUEL          35.052L                                                                          90일
                                            D-FUEL : Daily fuel consumption 35.052 L
      T-FUEL         196.446L               T-FUEL : Total fuel consumption 196.446 L
                                                                                                    다운로드                                             다운로드
                                            Fuel efficiency / Fuel consumption                         DATE
      FUEL-EF          6.5km/L
                                            FUEL-EF : Moment fuel efficiency 6.5 km/L
      FUEL-RT         12.050L               FUEL_RT : Fuel consumption after startup 12.050 L
                                            GPS Latitude / longitude                                   전체                              OK            다운로드완료!
      LAT         37.393521                 Latitude : 37.393521                                                                                         100%
      LON        126.970330                 longitude : 126.970330

              03-26 13:45                   March 26 13:45

    Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.                           Press [ESC] on each screen to move to the previous digit / screen.

8                                                                                                                                                                                    9

 LCD Brightness Control                                                                                  Specifications
     If you press and hold [ESC] for more than 1 second, you can adjust the LCD screen
     brightness in 4 steps.
                                                                                                           Name of device      MDT
                     Long press                  Short press
        N                 03-26 13:45                                                                       Model name         LDT-300BS
                                                    LCD brightness
            75km/h        2300rpm                       : 100%        : 70%      : 30%      Blank : 0%    Operating voltage    12-24Vdc
        N                 03-26 13:45                                                                                          Max 4.5W
            75km/h        2300rpm
                                                                                                               Display         128 x 32 graphic LCD

        N                 03-26 13:45                                                                            Data
                                                                                                                               1.0s (Default data)
                                                                                                           collection cycle
            75km/h        2300rpm                                                                               Speed
                                                                                                                               0 – 255 km/h
                                                                                                          recording range
        N                 03-26 13:45                                                                    Operating distance
                                                                                                                               0 – 9,999,999,999 km
            75km/h        2300rpm 꺼짐                                                                      recording range
                                                                                                                               USB 3.0
                                                                                                          External interface
                                                                                                                               RS232 4ch
                                                                                                                               5Vdc, 105mA(peak), 45mA(average)
 Headline information                                                                                           GPS
                                                                                                                               HOT START < 1s, WARM < 28s, COLD < 30s

     Headline                                                                                                  DI / DO         2ch / 2ch
        GUB               03-26 13:45                                                                        Operating
                                                                                                                               -20C ~ +70C
            75km/h        2300rpm                                                                           temperature
                                                                                                                               -40C ~ +85C
            First digit           LCD bright            See top description
                                                                                                                Size           100(L) x109(D) x 32(H)
                                                        N : GPS Device not connected.                          Weight          170g (Main body)
       Second digit               GPS signal
                                                        V : Weak    A : good    G : Great                       RF             Bluetooth V4.1
                                                        U : USB memory stick recognition
        Third digit               USB memory
                                                        Blank : Usb not connected.
                                                        B : Brake signal input                           Memo
        Fourth digit              Brake signal
                                                        Blank : No signal

10                                                                                                                                                                      11


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your
authority to operate the equipment.

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.

This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be
collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.

Document Created: 2019-04-23 10:37:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 10:37:39

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