SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I) MPE Test Report Rev1


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                                    MPE REPORT
Report No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)- 19012903(I)

Product Name: Fi Smart Collar - Charging Base

Product Model: FB1

Applicant: Barking Labs Corp.

Manufacturer: Barking Labs Corp.

Specification: FCC Part §2.1091, §2.1093, §1.1307(b), §1.1310


          The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)

                No.80 Beilishi Road Xicheng District Beijing, China

                    Tel: 86-10-57996181                 Fax: 86-10-57996288

                                                                                         No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                                      FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................2
  1.1 NOTES OF THE TEST REPORT............................................................................................2
  1.2 INFORMATION ABOUT THE TESTING LABORATORY ..............................................................2
  1.3 APPLICANT’S DETAILS .....................................................................................................2
  1.4 MANUFACTURER’S DETAILS .............................................................................................2
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE UNDER TEST ...............................................................3
  2.1 FINAL EQUIPMENT BUILD STATUS ....................................................................................3
3 REFERENCE SPECIFICATION .........................................................................................4

4 RESULT SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................5

5 TEST RESULTS .................................................................................................................6
  5.1 AVERAGE POWER OUTPUT ..............................................................................................6
  5.2 CALCULATION RESULT.....................................................................................................9

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                                                Page number: 1 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                                         20180129V2.1.0

                                                                     No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                  FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1


1.1 Notes of the test report

The test report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of
extracts from the report requires the prior written permission of The State
Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC).
The test results relate only to individual items of the samples which have been tested.
The certification and accreditation identifiers used in this report shall not be applicable to
the tested or calibrated samples thereof. The manufacturer shall not mark the tested
samples or items (or a separate part of the item) with the identifiers of certification and
accreditation to mislead relevant parties about the tested samples or items.

1.2 Information about the testing laboratory

Company:                  The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)
Address:                  15th Building, No.30 Shixing Street, Shijingshan District, Beijing P.R.
City:                     Beijing
Country or Region:        P.R. China
Contacted person:         Liu Jia
Tel:                      +86 10 57996183
Fax:                      +86 10 57996388

1.3 Applicant’s details

Company:                  Barking Labs Corp.
Address:                  53 Bridge St., Suite 103
City:                     Brooklyn, NY
Country or Region:        USA
Contacted person:         Bob Blake
Tel:                      +1-914-249-9347
Fax:                      ---

1.4 Manufacturer’s details

Company:                  Barking Labs Corp.
Address:                  53 Bridge St., Suite 103
City:                     Brooklyn, NY
Country or Region:        USA
Contacted person:         Bob Blake
Tel:                      +1-914-249-9347
Fax:                      ---

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                         Page number: 2 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                 20180129V2.1.0

                                                                No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                             FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1


2.1 Final Equipment Build Status

Bluetooth BLE
Frequency Range                    2.402GHz~2.480GHz
Number of Channel                  40
Modulation Type                    GFSK
Channel Spacing                    2MHz
Data Rate                          1Mbps
Power Supply                       Charger
Antenna Type                       PCB Antenna
Antenna Gain                       0.9 dBi
HW Version                         Rev.A
SW Version                         1.0

Operating Band(s):                       2.412GHz~2.462GHz
Number of Channel For 20MHz              11
Modulation Type:                         DBPSK/DQPSK/CCK/BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM
Duplex Mode                              TDD
Channel Spacing                          5MHz
Data Rate                                802.11g:6Mbps-54Mbps
                                         802.11n HT20:MCS0-MCS7
Power Supply                             Charger
Antenna Type                             PCB Antenna
Antenna Gain                             0.9 dBi
Software Revision:                       1.0
Hardware Revision:                       Rev.A

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                    Page number: 3 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                            20180129V2.1.0

                                                                     No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                  FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1


Specification      Version                                    Title
                  Sept. 20,          Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: mobile
                    2017                                    devices.
                  Sept. 20,          Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable
                    2017                                    devices.
                  Apr. 22,         Actions that may have a significant environmental effect, for
                    1986           which Environmental Assessments (EAs) must be prepared.
                   June 4,
   1.1310                                     Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
                 October 23,      RF exposure procedures and equipment authorization policies
                    2015                        for mobile and portable devices

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                         Page number: 4 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                 20180129V2.1.0

                                                                        No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                     FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1


     No.                    Test case                                  FCC reference

                                                                     FCC Part §2.1091,
                                                                     FCC Part §2.1093,
     1                  MPE Calculation                              FCC Part §1.1307(b)
                                                                      FCC Part §1.1310
                                                                        KDB 447498

 This Test Report Is Issued by:                       Checked by:
 Mr. PENG Zhen                                        Mr. LI Bin

 Tested by:                                           Issued date:
 Mr. CHANG Tianyu


The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                            Page number: 5 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                    20180129V2.1.0

                                                                     No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                  FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1


5.1 Average Power Output

5.1.1 Ambient condition
       Temperature                         Relative humidity                   Pressure
           22°C                                  40%                           101.5kPa

5.1.2 Test Description
A transmitter antenna terminal of EUT is connected to the power meter. Measurement is
made using a broadband power meter capable of making peak and average measurements
while the EUT is operating at its maximum duty cycle (>98%), at maximum power, and at
the appropriate frequencies.

5.1.3 Test Procedure Used
KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04 – Section 9.2.3

5.1.4 Test Settings

The maximum average conducted output power may be measured using a broadband
average RF power meter. The power meter shall have a video bandwidth that is greater
than or equal to the DTS bandwidth and shall utilize a fast-responding diode detector.

a) As an alternative to spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver measurements, measurements
may be performed using a wideband RF power meter with a thermocouple detector or
equivalent if all of the conditions listed below are satisfied.
   1) The EUT is configured to transmit continuously, or to transmit with a constant duty
   2) At all times when the EUT is transmitting, it shall be transmitting at its maximum
power control level.
   3) The integration period of the power meter exceeds the repetition period of the
transmitted signal by at least a factor of five.
b) If the transmitter does not transmit continuously, measure the duty cycle (x) of the
transmitter output signal as described in Section 6.0.
c) Measure the average power of the transmitter. This measurement is an average over
both the on and off periods of the transmitter.
d) Adjust the measurement in dBm by adding 10log (1/x), where x is the duty cycle to the
measurement result.

5.1.5 Test Setup
The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                    RF output

                       EUT                                     Power Meter

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                         Page number: 6 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                 20180129V2.1.0

                                                                No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                             FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1

5.1.6 Test Result

BT BLE output power
                                                  Average Power Output (dBm)
        Modulation type                   2402MHz          2440MHz           2480MHz
                                            (Ch0)           (Ch19)            (Ch39)
      GFSK (LE 1Mbps)                        2.22            2.36              2.14

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                    Page number: 7 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                            20180129V2.1.0

                                                                    No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                 FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1

2.4GHz Output Power test result

                                                  Average power output (dBm)
   Modulation type
                                  2412MHz                 2437MHz                 2462MHz
        11b                         16.98                   16.84                   17.52
        11g                         16.26                   15.89                   16.78
      11n HT20                      16.02                   15.74                   16.65

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                        Page number: 8 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                20180129V2.1.0

                                                                No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                             FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1

5.2 Calculation result


(A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
                     Electric Field    Magnetic Field      Power Density     Averaging Time
                     Strength (E)       Strength (H)           (S)            |E|2, |H|2 or S
  Range (MHz)
                         (V/m)             (A/m)            (mW/cm2)            (minutes)
     0.3-3.0                 614                   1.63        *100                   6

      3.0-30                1842/f                4.89/f      *900/f2                 6

     30-300                  61.4                 0.163         1.0                   6

    300-1500                  --                    --         f/300                  6

 1500-100,000                 --                    --          5                     6

(B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure 5
                     Electric Field   Magnetic Field    Power Density        Averaging Time
                     Strength (E)      Strength (H)         (S)               |E|2, |H|2 or S
  Range (MHz)
                         (V/m)             (A/m)          (mW/cm2)              (minutes)
    0.3-1.34                 614                   1.63        *100                  30

     1.34-30                824/f                 2.19/f      *180/f2                30

     30-300                  27.5                 0.073         0.2                  30

    300-1500                  --                    --        f/1500                 30

 1500-100,000                 --                    --          1.0                  30
f = frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                    Page number: 9 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                            20180129V2.1.0

                                                                     No.: SRTC2019-9004(F)-19012903(I)
                                                                                  FCC ID: 2ARXN-FB1

Calculation procedure:

According to §2.1091, §2.1093, §1.1307(b) and §1.1310, systems operating under the
provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not
exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.

The S = PG / (4πR²)
Where S = power density in mW/cm²
      P = transmit power in mW
      G = numeric gain of transmit antenna
      R = distance (cm)

The calculations in the table below use the highest gain of antenna for client EUT. These
calculations represent worst case in terms of the exposure levels.

                                      Power           Antenna Gain
                      Freq                                             R     S       Limits
                     (GHz)                                           (cm) (mW/cm2) (mW/cm2)
                                 (dBm) (mW) (dBi) (Numeric)

     BLE              2.440       2.36      1.72     0.9     1.23     20      0.0004          1.00

WLAN/2.4GHz           2.462       17.52    56.49     0.9     1.23     20       0.013          1.00
Note: 1mW/cm² from §1.1310 Table 1.

According to the KDB447498 D01 section 7.1 determine the device is exclusion from SAR

                                         ---End of Test Report---

The State Radio_monitoring_center Testing Center (SRTC)                         Page number: 10 of 10
Tel: 86-10-5799 6181
Fax: 86-10-5799 6288                                                                 20180129V2.1.0

Document Created: 2019-03-03 17:31:49
Document Modified: 2019-03-03 17:31:49

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