Test Report_Part 27

FCC ID: 2ARXK201906DB926A

Test Report

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                              RF TEST REPORT

                    Applicant            Veea Inc.

                    FCC ID               2ARXK201906DB926A

                    Product              Veeahub Connect 4G

                    Brand                Veea (Note the case of letters)

                    Model                DB926-A

                    Marketing            Veeahub Connect 4G

                    Report No.           R1906A0291-R3V1

                    Issue Date           July 18, 2019

TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements in FCC
CFR47 Part 2 (2018)/ FCC CFR47 Part 27C (2018). The test results show that the equipment tested is capable
of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

                    Performed by: Peng Tao                       Approved by: Kai Xu

               TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                      No.145, Jintang Rd, Tangzhen Industry Park, Pudong Shanghai, China
                                         TEL: +86‐021‐50791141/2/3
                                      FAX: +86‐021‐50791141/2/3‐8000

          RF Test Report                                                                                   Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

                                                   TABLE OF CONTENT
1     Test Laboratory ............................................................................................................................ 4
    1.1   Notes of the Test Report ......................................................................................................... 4
    1.2   Test facility .............................................................................................................................. 4
    1.3   Testing Location ...................................................................................................................... 5
2     General Description of Equipment under Test .......................................................................... 6
3     Applied Standards........................................................................................................................ 7
4     Test Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 8
5     Test Case Results ......................................................................................................................... 9
    5.1   RF Power Output .................................................................................................................... 9
    5.2   Effective Isotropic Radiated Power ....................................................................................... 12
    5.3   Radiates Spurious Emission ................................................................................................. 17
6 Main Test Instruments................................................................................................................ 25
ANNEX A: EUT Appearance and Test Setup ................................................................................... 26

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            RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

                                    Summary of Measurement Results

Number      Test Case                              Clause in FCC rules                               Verdict
                                                                                                     Refer to Report No.:
   1        RF power output                        2.1046
            Effective Isotropic Radiated
   2                                               27.50(d)(4)/27.50(c)(10)/27.50(h)(2)              PASS
                                                                                                     Refer to Report No.:
   3        Occupied Bandwidth                     2.1049
                                                                                                     Refer to Report No.:
   4        Band Edge Compliance                   27.53(h) /27.53(g)
            Peak-to-Average Power                                                                    Refer to Report No.:
   5                                               27.50(d)/KDB971168 D01(5.7)
            Ratio                                                                                    RKS160908001-00A
                                                                                                     Refer to Report No.:
   6        Frequency Stability                    2.1055 / 27.54
            Spurious Emissions at                                                                    Refer to Report No.:
   7                                               2.1051 /27.53(h) /27.53(g)
            Antenna Terminals                                                                        RKS160908001-00A
   8        Radiates Spurious Emission             2.1053 /27.53(h) /27.53(g)                        PASS
Note: PASS: The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
     FAIL: The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
Date of Testing: June 17, 2019~ July 5, 2019

    According to the power of the sampling test, the test architecture is identical to the module
    report, so this report refers to the module report (Report No.: RKS160908001-00A) except
    EIRP and RSE.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

1      Test Laboratory

1.1 Notes of the Test Report

This report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of TA technology
(shanghai) co., Ltd. The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the
conditions and modes of operation as described herein .Measurement Uncertainties were not taken
into account and are published for informational purposes only. This report is written to support
regulatory compliance of the applicable standards stated above.

1.2 Test facility

FCC (Designation number: CN1179, Test Firm Registration Number: 446626)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed on the US Federal Communications Commission
list of test facilities recognized to perform electromagnetic emissions measurements.
IC (recognition number is 8510A)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by industry Canada to perform electromagnetic
emission measurement.
VCCI (recognition number is C-4595, T-2154, R-4113, G-10766)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by industry Japan to perform electromagnetic
emission measurement.
A2LA (Certificate Number: 3857.01)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by American Association for Laboratory
Accreditation to perform electromagnetic emission measurement.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

1.3 Testing Location

   Company:              TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

   Address:              No.145, Jintang Rd, Tangzhen Industry Park, Pudong Shanghai, China

   City:                 Shanghai

   Post code:            201201
   Country:              P. R. China

   Contact:              Xu Kai

   Telephone:            +86-021-50791141/2/3

   Fax:                  +86-021-50791141/2/3-8000
   Website:              http://www.ta-shanghai.com

   E-mail:               xukai@ta-shanghai.com

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

2      General Description of Equipment under Test

Client Information
    Applicant                             Veea Inc.
    Applicant address                     164 E 83rd Street, New York, USA
    Manufacturer                          Veea Inc.
    Manufacturer address                  164 E 83rd Street, New York, USA

General information
                                                    EUT Description
    Model                                    DB926-A
    IMEI                                     /
    Hardware Version                         DB926-A V1.00
    Software Version                         EC25AFAR05A05M4G
    Power Supply                             External Power Supply
    Antenna Type                             External Antenna
                                             WCDMA Band IV:3.4dBi
    Antenna Gain                             LTE Band 4:3.4dBi
                                             LTE Band 12:1.0 dBi
                                             WCDMA Band IV;
    Test Mode(s)
                                             LTE Band 4; LTE Band 12;
    Test Modulation                          (WCDMA) BPSK, QPSK,16QAM;                    (LTE)QPSK 16QAM;
                                             WCDMA Band IV:                 27.01 dBm
    Maximum E.I.R.P./ E.R.P.                 LTE Band 4:                    26.57 dBm
                                             LTE Band 12:                   22.21 dBm
    Extreme Temperature                      Lowest: 0°C           Highest: +50°C
                                                        Mode                      Tx (MHz)                 Rx (MHz)
                                                 WCDMA Band IV                  1710 ~ 1755              2110 ~ 2155
    Operating Frequency Range(s)
                                                    LTE Band 4                  1710 ~ 1755              2110 ~ 2155
                                                   LTE Band 12                    699 ~ 716               729 ~ 746
    Note: 1. The information of the EUT is declared by the manufacturer.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

3      Applied Standards

According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:

Test standards

FCC CFR47 Part 2 (2018)

FCC CFR47 Part 27C (2018)

ANSI C63.26 (2015)

KDB 971168 D01 Power Meas License Digital Systems v03r01

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         RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

 4      Test Configuration

 Radiated measurements are performed by rotating the EUT in three different orthogonal test planes.
 EUT stand-up position (Z axis), lie-down position (X, Y axis). Receiver antenna polarization
 (horizontal and vertical), the worst emission was found in position (X axis, horizontal polarization) and
 the worst case was recorded.

 All mode and data rates and positions and RB size and modulations were investigated.
 Subsequently, only the worst case emissions are reported.
 The following testing in WCDMA/LTE is set based on the maximum RF Output Power.
 The following testing in different Bandwidth is set to detailin the following table:
 Test modes are chosen to be reported as the worst case configuration below for WCDMA Band IV:
         Test items
                                                                                     WCDMA Band IV
         RF power output                                                             HSDPA/HSUPA
         Effective Isotropic Radiated power                                                 RMC
         Radiates Spurious Emission                                                         RMC

 Test modes are chosen to be reported as the worst case configuration below for LTE Band 4/12:
                                        Bandwidth (MHz)                 Modulation                    RB
  Test items          Modes                                                                                           Channel
                                  1.4    3    5    10    15    20    QPSK        16QAM        1    50%     100%       L     M   H
                       LTE 4       O     -     -    -     -     O       O           O        O      O         O       -     O   -
RF power output
                      LTE 12       O     -     -    O     -     -       O           O        O      O         O      O      O   O
   Effective           LTE 4       O     O    O     O     O     O       O           O        O      O         O      O      O   O
                      LTE 12       O     O    O     O     -     -       O           O        O      O         O      O      O   O
Radiated power
   Radiates            LTE 4       O     -    O     -     -     O       O            -       O       -        -       -     O   -
                      LTE 12       O     -    O     O     -     -       O            -       O       -        -       -     O   -
                      1. The mark “O” means that this configuration is chosen for testing.
                      2. The mark “-” means that this configuration is not testing.

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         RF Test Report                                                                    Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

5      Test Case Results

5.1 RF Power Output

Ambient condition

                Temperature                  Relative humidity                           Pressure

                23°C ~25°C                       45%~50%                                 101.5kPa

Methods of Measurement

During the process of the testing, The EUT is controlled by the Base Station Simulator to ensure max
power transmission and proper modulation.

Test Setup

The loss between RF output port of the EUT and the input port of the tester has been taken into


No specific RF power output requirements in part 2.1046.

Measurement Uncertainty

The assessed measurement uncertainty to ensure 95% confidence level for the normal distribution is
with the coverage factor k = 2, U=0.4 dB.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
Test Results

                                                                    AV Conducted Power(dBm)
              WCDMA Band IV                            Channel 1312              Channel 1413           Channel 1513
                                                       1712.4 (MHz)              1732.6 (MHz)            1752.6(MHz)
           RMC                    12.2k                     22.47                     22.30                   22.35
                              Sub - Test 1                  22.27                     22.37                  22.41
                              Sub - Test 2                  22.46                     22.26                  22.55
                              Sub - Test 3                  22.31                     22.39                  22.52
                              Sub - Test 4                  22.46                     22.56                  22.35
                              Sub - Test 1                  22.32                     22.34                  22.41
                              Sub - Test 2                  22.34                     22.43                  22.45
         HSUPA                Sub - Test 3                  22.25                     22.26                  22.39
                              Sub - Test 4                  22.37                     22.49                  22.50
                              Sub - Test 5                  22.34                     22.48                  22.51
         HSPA+                   16QAM                      22.36                     22.37                   22.44

                         LTE Band 4                                          AV Conducted Power(dBm)
                                                                              Channel/Frequency (MHz)
   Bandwidth        Modulation       RB size      RB offset
                                                                 19957/1710.7        20175/1732.5         20393/1754.3
                                          1            0                 /                23.21                   /
                                          1            2                 /                23.25                   /
                                          1            5                 /                23.23                   /
                       QPSK               3            0                 /                23.18                   /
                                          3            2                 /                23.25                   /
                                          3            3                 /                23.16                   /
                                          6            0                 /                22.21                   /
                                          1            0                 /                22.86                   /
                                          1            2                 /                22.84                   /
                                          1            5                 /                22.87                   /
                      16QAM               3            0                 /                22.34                   /
                                          3            2                 /                22.31                   /
                                          3            3                 /                22.27                   /
                                          6            0                 /                21.89                   /
                                                                              Channel/Frequency (MHz)
   Bandwidth        Modulation       RB size      RB offset
                                                                  20050/1720         20175/1732.5          20300/1745
                                          1            0                 /                22.72                   /
                                          1           50                 /                22.69                   /
                                          1           99                 /                22.54                   /
      20MHz            QPSK
                                         50            0                 /                22.46                   /
                                         50           25                 /                22.37                   /
                                         50           50                 /                22.28                   /
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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
                                        100            0                 /                21.93                   /
                                         1             0                 /                22.71                   /
                                         1            50                 /                22.64                   /
                                         1            99                 /                22.70                   /
                       16QAM             50            0                 /                22.26                   /
                                         50           25                 /                 22.11                  /
                                         50           50                 /                22.19                   /
                                        100            0                 /                21.55                   /

                 LTE Band 12                                                     AV Conducted Power(dBm)
                                         RB                                       Channel/Frequency (MHz)
   Bandwidth         Modulation                    RB offset
                                         size                      23017/699.7          23095/707.5       23173/715.3
                                          1             0                    /             23.24                  /
                                          1             2                    /             23.16                  /
                                          1             5                    /             23.21                  /
                         QPSK             3             0                    /             22.76                  /
                                          3             2                    /             22.82                  /
                                          3             3                    /             22.76                  /
                                          6             0                    /             22.59                  /
                                          1             0                    /             22.67                  /
                                          1             2                    /             22.69                  /
                                          1             5                    /             22.59                  /
                       16QAM              3             0                    /             22.26                  /
                                          3             2                    /             22.42                  /
                                          3             3                    /             22.53                  /
                                          6             0                    /             21.69                  /
                                         RB                                       Channel/Frequency (MHz)
   Bandwidth         Modulation                    RB offset
                                         size                       23060/704           23095/707.5         23130/711
                                          1             0                    /             23.62                  /
                                          1            25                    /             23.64                  /
                                          1            49                    /             23.61                  /
                         QPSK             25            0                    /             23.24                  /
                                          25           13                    /             23.41                  /
                                          25           25                    /             23.32                  /
                                          50            0                    /             22.42                  /
                                          1             0                    /             22.96                  /
                                          1            25                    /             23.09                  /
                                          1            49                    /             22.96                  /
                       16QAM              25            0                    /             22.61                  /
                                          25           13                    /             22.57                  /
                                          25           25                    /             22.84                  /
                                          50            0                    /             21.74                  /

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

5.2 Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

Ambient condition

                Temperature                  Relative humidity                           Pressure

                23°C ~25°C                       45%~50%                                 101.5kPa

Methods of Measurement

1. The testing follows FCC KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 Section 5.8 and ANSI C63.26 (2015).
a) Connect the equipment as illustrated. Mount the equipment with the manufacturer specified
antenna in a vertical orientation on a manufacturer specified mounting surface located on a
non-conducting rotating platform of a RF anechoic chamber (preferred) or a standard radiation site.
b) Key the transmitter, then rotate the EUT 360°azimuthally and record spectrum analyzer power
level (LVL) measurements at angular increments that are sufficiently small to permit resolution of all
peaks. If a standard radiation test site is used, raise and lower the test antenna to obtain a maximum
reading at each angular increment. (Note: several batteries may be needed to offset the effect of
battery voltage droop, which should not exceed 5% of the manufactured specified battery voltage
during transmission).
c) Replace the transmitter under test with a vertically polarized half-wave dipole (or an antenna
whose gain is known relative to an ideal half-wave dipole). The center of the antenna should be at the
same location as the center of the antenna under test.
d) Connect the antenna to a signal generator with a known output power and record the path loss
(in dB) as LOSS. If a standard radiation test site is used, raise and lower the test antenna to obtain a
maximum reading.LOSS = Generator Output Power (dBm) – Analyzer reading (dBm)
e) Determine the effective radiated output power at each angular position from the readings in steps
b) and d) using the following equation:ERP (dBm) = LVL (dBm) + LOSS (dB)
f) The maximum ERP is the maximum value determined in the preceding step.
g) When calculating ERP, in addition to knowing the antenna radiation and matching characteristics,
it is necessary to know the loss values of all elements (e.g.transmission line attenuation, mismatches,
filters, combiners) interposed between the point where transmitter output power is measured, and the
point where power is applied to the antenna. ERP can then be calculated as follows:
EIRP (dBm) = Output Power (dBm) - Losses (dB) + Antenna Gain (dBi)
where:dBd refers to gain relative to an ideal dipole.
EIRP (dBm ) = ERP (dBm) + 2.15 (dB.)

The RB allocation refers to section 5.1, using the maximum output power configuration.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

Test setup

Note: Area side:2.4mX3.6m
The radiated emission was measured in the following position: EUT stand-up position (Z axis),
lie-down position (X, Y axis). The worst emission was found in stand-up position (Z axis) and the
worst case was recorded.

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
Rule Part 27.50(c) (10) specifies that “Portable stations (hand-held devices) in the 600 MHz uplink
band and the 698-746 MHz band, and fixed and mobile stations in the 600 MHz uplink band are
limited to 3 watts ERP”
Rule Part 27.50(d) (4) specifies that “Fixed, mobile and portable (hand-held) stations operating in the
1710–1755 MHz band are limited to 1 watt EIRP”

            Part 27.50(c)(10)Limit                                    ≤ 3 W (34.77 dBm)
            Part 27.50(d)(4)Limit                                     ≤ 1 W (30 dBm)

Measurement Uncertainty

The assessed measurement uncertainty to ensure 95% confidence level for the normal distribution is
with the coverage factor k = 2, U= 1.19 dB

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
Test Results

The measurement is performed for both of horizontal and vertical antenna Polarization, and only the
data of worst mode is recorded in this report.
                                        Frequency                            EIRP        Limit
              Mode        Channel                        Polarization                              Conclusion
                                          (MHz)                             (dBm)       (dBm)
                             Low          1712.4           Horizontal        25.66        30           Pass
                             Mid           1732.6          Horizontal         26.61       30           Pass
            Band IV
                             High          1752.6          Horizontal         27.01       30           Pass

                                                       LTE Band 4
                                          Frequency                            EIRP       Limit
          Bandwidth        Channel                         Polarization                             Conclusion
                                            (MHz)                             (dBm)      (dBm)
                              Low            1710.7          Horizontal        24.83        30           Pass
            1.4 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.85        30           Pass
                              High           1754.3          Horizontal        26.05        30           Pass
                              Low            1711.5          Horizontal        24.67        30           Pass
             3 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.74        30           Pass
                              High           1753.5          Horizontal        26.04        30           Pass
                              Low            1712.5          Horizontal        24.69        30           Pass
             5 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.83        30           Pass
                              High           1752.5          Horizontal        25.98        30           Pass
                              Low             1715           Horizontal        24.86        30           Pass
            10 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        26.00        30           Pass
                              High            1750           Horizontal        26.57        30           Pass
                              Low            1717.5          Horizontal        24.97        30           Pass
            15 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        26.01        30           Pass
                              High           1747.5          Horizontal        26.15        30           Pass
                              Low             1720           Horizontal        24.50        30           Pass
            20 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        26.39        30           Pass
                              High            1745           Horizontal        26.38        30           Pass
                              Low            1710.7          Horizontal        24.35        30           Pass
            1.4 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.46        30           Pass
                              High           1754.3          Horizontal        25.61        30           Pass
                              Low            1711.5          Horizontal        24.27        30           Pass
            3 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.19        30           Pass
                              High           1753.5          Horizontal        25.64        30           Pass
                              Low            1712.5          Horizontal        24.17        30           Pass
            5 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.39        30           Pass
                              High           1752.5          Horizontal        25.46        30           Pass
                              Low             1715           Horizontal        24.32        30           Pass
            10 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.69        30           Pass
                              High            1750           Horizontal        25.87        30           Pass
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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
                              Low            1717.5          Horizontal        24.49        30           Pass
            15 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.43        30           Pass
                              High           1747.5          Horizontal        25.58        30           Pass
                              Low             1720           Horizontal        24.02        30           Pass
            20 MHz
                               Mid          1732.5           Horizontal        25.86        30           Pass
                              High            1745           Horizontal        25.73        30           Pass

                                                      LTE Band 12
                                          Frequency                            ERP        Limit
          Bandwidth        Channel                         Polarization                             Conclusion
                                            (MHz)                             (dBm)      (dBm)
                              Low            699.7           Horizontal        22.08      34.77          Pass
            1.4 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        22.12      34.77          Pass
                              High           715.3           Horizontal        22.04      34.77          Pass
                              Low            700.5           Horizontal        22.20      34.77          Pass
             3 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        22.00      34.77          Pass
                              High           714.5           Horizontal        22.19      34.77          Pass
                              Low            701.5           Horizontal        22.16      34.77          Pass
             5 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        22.13      34.77          Pass
                              High           713.5           Horizontal        22.21      34.77          Pass
                              Low             704            Horizontal        22.07      34.77          Pass
            10 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        22.17      34.77          Pass
                              High             711           Horizontal        22.03      34.77          Pass
                              Low            699.7           Horizontal        21.64      34.77          Pass
            1.4 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        21.70      34.77          Pass
                              High           715.3           Horizontal        21.52      34.77          Pass
                              Low            700.5           Horizontal        21.82      34.77          Pass
            3 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        21.47      34.77          Pass
                              High           714.5           Horizontal        21.66      34.77          Pass
                              Low            701.5           Horizontal        21.54      34.77          Pass
            5 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        21.43      34.77          Pass
                              High           713.5           Horizontal        21.82      34.77          Pass
                              Low             704            Horizontal        21.61      34.77          Pass
            10 MHz
                               Mid           707.5           Horizontal        21.72      34.77          Pass
                              High             711           Horizontal        21.47      34.77          Pass

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

5.3 Radiates Spurious Emission

Ambient condition

                Temperature                  Relative humidity                           Pressure

                23°C ~25°C                       45%~50%                                 101.5kPa

Method of Measurement

1. The testing follows FCC KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 Section 5.8 and ANSI C63.26 (2015).
2. Below 1GHz: The EUT is placed on a turntable 0.8 meters above the ground in the chamber, 3
meter away from the antenna. The maximal emission value is acquired by adjusting the antenna
height, polarisation and turntable azimuth. Normally, the height range of antenna is 1 m to 4 m, the
azimuth range of turntable is 0° to 360°, and the receive antenna has two polarizations Vertical (V)
and Horizontal (H). Above 1GHz: (Note: the FCC’s permission to use 1.5m as an alternative per
TCBC Conf call of Dec. 2, 2014.) The EUT is placed on a turntable 1.5 meters above the ground in
the chamber, 3 meter away from the antenna. The maximal emission value is acquired by adjusting
the antenna height, polarisation and turntable azimuth. Normally, the height range of antenna is 1 m
to 4 m, the azimuth range of turntable is 0° to 360°, and the receive antenna has two polarizations
Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H).
3. A loop antenna, A log-periodic antenna or horn antenna shall be substituted in place of the EUT.
The log-periodic antenna will be driven by a signal generator and the level will be adjusted till the
same power value on the spectrum analyzer or receiver. The level of the spurious emissions can be
calculated through the level of the signal generator, cable loss, the gain of the substitution antenna
and the reading of the spectrum analyzer or receiver.
4. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the test.
Set Test Receiver or Spectrum RBW=200Hz,VBW=600Hz for 9kHz150kHz , RBW=10kHz,
VBW=30kHz 150kHz-30MHz ,RBW=100kHz,VBW=300kHz for 30MHz to 1GHz and RBW=1MHz,
VBW=3MHz for above 1GHz And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
5. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. In the chamber, an substitution antenna for
the frequency band of interest is placed at the reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source
for the frequency band of interest is connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been
constructed to not interfere with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the
input of the substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of
the receiver reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The
test should be performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.
6. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be connect
between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna. The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna
Gain (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be recorded after test.
7. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea- PAg - Pcl + Ga
The measurement results are amend as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea- Pcl + Ga
8. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15 dBi)
and known input power. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP
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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
= EIRP-2.15dBi.
The modulation mode and RB allocation refer to section 5.1, using the maximum output power
Test setup
    9KHz ~ 30MHz

     30MHz ~ 1GHz

     Above 1GHz

Note: Area side:2.4mX3.6m

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         RF Test Report                                                                    Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

LTE -4 Rule Part 27.53(h) specifies that “for operations in the 1695-1710 MHz, 1710-1755 MHz,
1755-1780 MHz, 1915-1920 MHz, 1995-2000 MHz, 2000-2020 MHz, 2110-2155 MHz, 2155-2180
MHz, and 2180-2200 bands, the power of any emission outside a licensee's frequency block shall be
attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 43 + 10 log10 (P) dB.”

LTE -12 Rule Part 27.53 (g) For operations in the 600 MHz band and the 698-746 MHz band, the
power of any emission outside a licensee's frequency band(s) of operation shall be attenuated below
the transmitter power (P) within the licensed band(s) of operation, measured in watts, by at least 43 +
10 log (P) dB. Compliance with this provision is based on the use of measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of 100 kilohertz or greater. However, in the 100 kilohertz bands
immediately outside and adjacent to a licensee's frequency block, a resolution bandwidth of at least
30 kHz may be employed.

LTE -13 Rule Part 27.53(f)For operations in the 746-758 MHz, 775-788 MHz, and 805-806 MHz
bands, emissions in the band 1559-1610 MHz shall be limited to −70 dBW/MHz equivalent
isotropically radiated power (EIRP) for wideband signals, and −80 dBW EIRP for discrete emissions
of less than 700 Hz bandwidth. For the purpose of equipment authorization, a transmitter shall be
tested with an antenna that is representative of the type that will be used with the equipment in
normal operation.

LTE -7/38/41 Rule Part 27.53(m) 55 + 10 log (P) dB on all frequencies more than X megahertz from
the channel edge, where X is the greater of 6 megahertz or the actual emission bandwidth as defined
in paragraph (m)(4) of this section.

LTE 13- Part 27.53 (c) For operations in the 746-758 MHz band and the 776-788 MHz band, the
power of any emission outside the licensee's frequency band(s) of operation shall be attenuated
below the transmitter power (P) within the licensed band(s) of operation, measured in watts, in
accordance with the following:
(1) On any frequency outside the 746-758 MHz band, the power of any emission shall be attenuated
outside the band below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB;
(2) On any frequency outside the 776-788 MHz band, the power of any emission shall be attenuated
outside the band below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB;
(3) On all frequencies between 763-775 MHz and 793-805 MHz, by a factor not less than 76 + 10 log
(P) dB in a 6.25 kHz band segment, for base and fixed stations;
(4) On all frequencies between 763-775 MHz and 793-805 MHz, by a factor not less than 65 + 10 log
(P) dB in a 6.25 kHz band segment, for mobile and portable stations;
(5) Compliance with the provisions of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section is based on the use
of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz or greater. However, in
the 100 kHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block, a resolution bandwidth
of at least 30 kHz may be employed;

         Part 27.53(a)/(h)/(g) Limit                                                             -13 dBm

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

                                   Limit out of the band 1559-1610 MHz                           -13 dBm
        Part 27.53(f) Limit
                                   Limit in the band 1559-1610 MHz                               -40 dBm

        Part 27.53(m) Limit                                                                      -25 dBm

Measurement Uncertainty

The assessed measurement uncertainty to ensure 95% confidence level for the normal distribution is
with the coverage factor k = ±1.96, U= ±3.55 dB.

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          RF Test Report                                                                    Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

 Test Result

  Sweep the whole frequency band through the range from 9kHz to the 10th harmonic of the carrier,
  the emissions below the noise floor will not be recorded in the report.

 WCDMA Band IV CH-Middle
                                                   Cable                                   EIRP
                    Frequency            SG                  Gain       Antenna                       Limit     Margin        Azimuth
  Harmonic                                         Loss                                   Level
                      (MHz)            (dBm)                 (dBi)     Polarization                  (dBm)       (dB)          (deg)
                                                   (dB)                                   (dBm)
         2            3465.2           -60.56       2.6     10.75       Horizontal        -52.41     -13.00      39.41            135
         3            5197.8           -62.87       2.4      11.05      Horizontal        -54.22     -13.00      41.22            180
         4            6930.4           -57.88       4.5      11.15      Horizontal        -51.23     -13.00      38.23            45
         5            8663.0           -55.32       5.1      11.35      Horizontal        -49.07     -13.00      36.07            225
         6            10395.6          -54.08       5.3      11.95      Horizontal        -47.43     -13.00      34.43            270
         7            12128.2          -53.53       5.5     13.55       Horizontal        -45.48     -13.00      32.48             0
         8            13860.8          -52.18       6.3     13.75       Horizontal        -44.73     -13.00      31.73            180
         9            15593.4          -51.85       6.7     13.85       Horizontal        -44.70     -13.00      31.70            90
         10           17326.0          -51.05       6.8     14.25       Horizontal        -43.60     -13.00      30.60            135
     Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
          2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

 LTE Band 4 QPSK 1.4MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                    EIRP
               Frequency          SG                  Gain       Antenna                       Limit      Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                    Level
                 (MHz)          (dBm)                 (dBi)     Polarization                  (dBm)        (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                    (dBm)
     2            3464.3        -63.60       2.6      10.75       Horizontal       -55.45     -13.00       42.45         135

     3            5197.5        -57.41       2.4      11.05       Horizontal       -48.76     -13.00       35.76             45

     4            6930.0        -53.59       4.5      11.15       Horizontal       -46.94     -13.00       33.94             0

     5            8662.5        -55.34       5.1      11.35       Horizontal       -49.09     -13.00       36.09         180

     6           10395.0        -55.39       5.3      11.95       Horizontal       -48.74     -13.00       35.74             90

     7           12127.5        -54.99       5.5      13.55       Horizontal       -46.94     -13.00       33.94         315

     8           13860.0        -51.65       6.3      13.75       Horizontal       -44.20     -13.00       31.20             45

     9           15592.5        -53.40       6.7      13.85       Horizontal       -46.25     -13.00       33.25         225

    10           17325.0        -50.24       6.8      14.25       Horizontal       -42.79     -13.00       29.79         135
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
       2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

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         RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

 LTE Band 4 QPSK 5MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                    EIRP
               Frequency          SG                  Gain       Antenna                       Limit      Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                    Level
                 (MHz)          (dBm)                 (dBi)     Polarization                  (dBm)        (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                    (dBm)
     2            3460.5        -62.91       2.6      10.75       Horizontal       -54.76     -13.00       41.76         180

     3            5191.5        -56.95       2.4      11.05       Horizontal       -48.30     -13.00       35.30         315

     4            6930.0        -53.34       4.5      11.15       Horizontal       -46.69     -13.00       33.69             45

     5            8662.5        -56.83       5.1      11.35       Horizontal       -50.58     -13.00       37.58             45

     6           10395.0        -54.45       5.3      11.95       Horizontal       -47.80     -13.00       34.80         180

     7           12127.5        -53.78       5.5      13.55       Horizontal       -45.73     -13.00       32.73             90

     8           13860.0        -53.15       6.3      13.75       Horizontal       -45.70     -13.00       32.70         315

     9           15592.5        -53.89       6.7      13.85       Horizontal       -46.74     -13.00       33.74         180

    10           17325.0        -49.87       6.8      14.25       Horizontal       -42.42     -13.00       29.42             90
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
       2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

 LTE Band 4 QPSK 20MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                    EIRP
               Frequency          SG                  Gain       Antenna                       Limit      Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                    Level
                 (MHz)          (dBm)                 (dBi)     Polarization                  (dBm)        (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                    (dBm)
     2            3465.0        -61.95       2.6      10.75       Horizontal       -53.80     -13.00       40.80             90

     3            5170.9        -55.03       2.4      11.05       Horizontal       -46.38     -13.00       33.38             45

     4            6930.0        -56.99       4.5      11.15       Horizontal       -50.34     -13.00       37.34         135

     5            8662.5        -56.38       5.1      11.35       Horizontal       -50.13     -13.00       37.13             90

     6           10395.0        -54.77       5.3      11.95       Horizontal       -48.12     -13.00       35.12         315

     7           12127.5        -54.70       5.5      13.55       Horizontal       -46.65     -13.00       33.65             45

     8           13860.0        -51.81       6.3      13.75       Horizontal       -44.36     -13.00       31.36         225

     9           15592.5        -53.86       6.7      13.85       Horizontal       -46.71     -13.00       33.71         135

    10           17325.0        -49.41       6.8      14.25       Horizontal       -41.96     -13.00       28.96             0
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
       2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

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         RF Test Report                                                                      Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

 LTE Band 12 QPSK 1.4MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                     ERP
              Frequency           SG                  Gain        Antenna                       Limit     Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                     Level
                (MHz)           (dBm)                 (dBi)      Polarization                  (dBm)       (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                     (dBm)
    2            1415.0         -67.73      2.00      10.75       Horizontal        -61.13     -13.00      48.13             45
    3            2122.5         -63.98      2.51      11.05       Horizontal        -57.59     -13.00      44.59             225
    4            2830.0         -61.95      4.20      11.15       Horizontal        -57.15     -13.00      44.15             135
    5            3537.5         -57.06      5.20      11.15       Horizontal        -53.26     -13.00      40.26             180
    6            4245.0         -59.77      5.50      11.95       Horizontal        -55.47     -13.00      42.47             315
    7            4952.5         -57.69      5.70      13.55       Horizontal        -51.99     -13.00      38.99             90
    8            5660.0         -58.56      6.30      13.75       Horizontal        -53.26     -13.00      40.26             315
    9            6367.5         -58.79      6.80      13.85       Horizontal        -53.89     -13.00      40.89             180
   10            7075.0         -54.53      6.90      14.25       Horizontal        -49.33     -13.00      36.33             90
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
        2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

 LTE Band 12 QPSK 5MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                     ERP
              Frequency           SG                  Gain        Antenna                       Limit     Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                     Level
                (MHz)           (dBm)                 (dBi)      Polarization                  (dBm)       (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                     (dBm)
    2            1415.0         -68.31      2.00      10.75       Horizontal        -61.71     -13.00      48.71             180

    3            2122.5         -62.84      2.51      11.05       Horizontal        -56.45     -13.00      43.45             315

    4            2830.0         -62.54      4.20      11.15       Horizontal        -57.74     -13.00      44.74             45

    5            3537.5         -57.77      5.20      11.15       Horizontal        -53.97     -13.00      40.97             135

    6            4245.0         -59.86      5.50      11.95       Horizontal        -55.56     -13.00      42.56             45

    7            4952.5         -57.73      5.70      13.55       Horizontal        -52.03     -13.00      39.03             0

    8            5660.0         -61.18      6.30      13.75       Horizontal        -55.88     -13.00      42.88             180

    9            6367.5         -57.33      6.80      13.85       Horizontal        -52.43     -13.00      39.43             90

   10            7075.0         -55.16      6.90      14.25       Horizontal        -49.96     -13.00      36.96             45
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
        2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

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         RF Test Report                                                                      Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1
 LTE Band 12 QPSK 10MHz CH-Middle, RB 1

                                           Cable                                     ERP
              Frequency           SG                  Gain        Antenna                       Limit     Margin      Azimuth
Harmonic                                   Loss                                     Level
                (MHz)           (dBm)                 (dBi)      Polarization                  (dBm)       (dB)        (deg)
                                           (dB)                                     (dBm)
    2            1415.0         -73.38      2.00      10.75       Horizontal        -66.78     -13.00      53.78             45

    3            2122.5         -63.09      2.51      11.05       Horizontal        -56.70     -13.00      43.70             180

    4            2830.0         -63.89      4.20      11.15       Horizontal        -59.09     -13.00      46.09             135

    5            3537.5         -56.96      5.20      11.15       Horizontal        -53.16     -13.00      40.16             135

    6            4245.0         -60.96      5.50      11.95       Horizontal        -56.66     -13.00      43.66             180

    7            4952.5         -61.52      5.70      13.55       Horizontal        -55.82     -13.00      42.82             315

    8            5660.0         -61.04      6.30      13.75       Horizontal        -55.74     -13.00      42.74             45

    9            6367.5         -58.60      6.80      13.85       Horizontal        -53.70     -13.00      40.70             90

   10            7075.0         -54.99      6.90      14.25       Horizontal        -49.79     -13.00      36.79             225
Note: 1.The other Spurious RF Radiated emissions level is no more than noise floor.
     2. The worst emission was found in the antenna is Horizontal position.

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          RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

  6      Main Test Instruments

                                                                                Serial            Calibration        Expiration
       Name                 Manufacturer                  Type
                                                                               Number                Date              Date
  Base Station
                                  R&S                   CMW500                 113824             2019-05-19         2020-05-18
  Power Splitter              Hua Xiang             SHX-GF2-2-13              10120101                   /                    /

Spectrum Analyzer              Key sight                N9010A              MY50210259            2019-05-19         2020-05-18

 Signal Analyzer                  R&S                    FSV30                 100815             2018-12-16         2019-12-15

  Loop Antenna             SCHWARZBECK                FMZB1519                1519-047            2017-09-26         2019-09-25

  Trilog Antenna           SCHWARZBECK                VUBL 9163               9163-201            2017-11-18         2019-11-17

  Horn Antenna                    R&S                    HF907                 100126             2018-07-07         2020-07-06

  Horn Antenna              ETS-Lindgren                3160-09               00102643            2018-06-20         2020-06-19

 Signal generator                 R&S                  SMB 100A                102594             2019-05-19         2020-05-18

Climatic Chamber                ESPEC                    SU-242               93000506            2017-12-17         2020-12-16

   Preampflier                    R&S                    SCU18                 102327             2019-05-19         2020-05-18
                               Keysight                 66319D              MY43004105            2019-05-19         2020-05-18
      RF Cable                   Agilent               SMA 15cm                  0001             2019-06-14         2019-09-13

      Software                    R&S                    EMC32                  9.26.0                   /                    /

                                                *****END OF REPORT *****

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        RF Test Report                                                                     Report No.: R1906A0291-R3V1

ANNEX A: EUT Appearance and Test Setup

The Detailed EUT Appearance and Test Configuration refer to EUT Appearance and
Part22_24_27 Test Setup.

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Document Created: 2019-07-23 14:03:06
Document Modified: 2019-07-23 14:03:06

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