User Manual


Users Manual

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MyDeltaSolar DC1 and User Interface

                            Aska Chiu

                                                                                                                  'RZQORDG0\'HOWD6RODU$33 |          Download APP

                 1. This APP should collocate with data collector and Delta Inverter.
                 2. If inverter is not connected to cloud, you still can monitor inverter operation by APP.

                 Where can search for MyDeltaSolar APP?
                 - QR Code : Please scan the QR code to DSC cloud (web).
                 - IOS system : Please search “MyDeltaSolar” in App store.
                 - Android system : Please search “MyDeltaSolar” in Google Play.

                                          QR Code                                        IOS                                Android
                                                                         eltasolar/id1271609228?mt=8           tails?

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                2

                                                                                          &UHDWHDQHZDFFRXQW |                     User & Plant Register Of Cloud

                                                                                                                                               -   Login :
                                   Login                                                                                              x
                                                                   Use MyDeltaSolar Service terms and conditions :                                 1. Please fill in user e-mail & password.

                                                                    You must need a MyDeltaSolar account in order to use our                       *If you have registered, the mobile will
                                                                    cloud services. Delta may collect your personal data and                        remember account info. Then please
                                        protect your privacy when you use MyDeltaSolar service. By                      fill in password.
                                                                    using MyDletaSolar service, you agree that Delta can use
                                                                    such data and monitor your inverter’s status if necessary. In                  2. Please click “Create account” to
                                                                    some case, Delta employees, authorized contractors or                          create an user‘s account.
             8-16 characters                                        agents may need to use your account to analyze any issue
                                                                    and problem you have while using Delta solar inverter or                       3. User have to check the box         to
                 Forget password   Create account   Language        service. We restrict access to personal information to Delta                   enable "Go to Register" button.
                                                    1               employees, contractors and agents who need to know that
                                                                    information in order to process it for us, and who are subject                 4. Please click “Go to Register” to
             V1.15                 Sign In                          to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be                   register.
             V1.19                                                  disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these
                                                                    obligations.                                                                               Go to Register

                                                                      I had read and agree this declaration as above.


                                                                                          Go to Register

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                        3

                                                                    Cloud Register & Plant Register |   User & Plant Register Of Cloud

                                                                                                                  - REGISTER :
                                  Cloud Register                           Cloud Register                          One account can register many plants.

                                                                                                                  - USE CLOUD / DC1 :
                                                                                                                    Yes -> Switch to cloud page.
                                                                                                                    No -> Home page ( DC1 Monitor ).

                                        Plant 1


                                                                                                                   If one country have multi-grid code,
                                                                                                                   user have to choose the correct grid
                                                                                                                   e.g. User choose France here :

               *The location will record in the cloud to service.

                                        Register                              Register

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                        4

                                                                                                   Please turn on DC1 |     Connect to DC1

                                                                   Wi-Fi Connection Procedure by APP

                                                                   1. Turn on DC1.
                                         Delta-O1W14800005W0-DC1   2. Turn on Wi-Fi function of mobile device. (cell phone, tablet)
                                                                   3. Search and choose DC1’ SSID (Delta-serial number-DC1).
                                                                   4. Enter the default password “DELTASOL” to get DC1 connected.
                                                                   5. Open MyDeltaSolar APP.


                                                                                                           Turn on DC1.
                                                                                                           Inverter connected.
                                                                                                           Internet is success.

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                       5

                                                                       Change password |    Connect to DC1 And Setting

                            Network                          Network                               - CHANGE DC1’S PASSWORD :
                                                                                                    1. Same as cloud account : The system
                                                                                                    enter user's password automatically.
                                                                                                    2. Others : User can change password,
                                                                                                    and fill in “confirm password” to double

                                                                                                    *Change your password by using strong
                                                                                                    one what you don‘t use elsewhere
                                                                                                    immediately to protect your account.

                                                        Change Password

                                              Data collector’s password has been updated!
                                              Please use the new password next time you            - Connection (page 9-13) :
                                              login.                                                If this data collector isn’t set up yet, APP
                                                                                                    will direct to this page and start the
                                                                 OK                                 following set up procedure.

                                                                                                   - Network (page 14) :
                                                                                                    If user want this data collector uses delta
                                                                                                    cloud service, but it’s network
                                                                                                    connection is not set up yet.

                                                                                                   - Cloud (page 15) :
                                                                                                    If this data collector is completely set
                                                                                                    up, APP wilt direct to cloud page.
                              Set                                Set

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                          6

                                                       Please select country and grid code, then go to home page |                        Connect to DC1 And Setting

                                                                                           Connection                                              - Search Button :
                                                                                                                                                      Select Sub-1G and click Search button to
                                                                                                                                                      start DC1 setting process.
             Search   Auto      RS485     Wi-Fi   Sub-1G              Search        Auto          RS485          Wi-Fi         Sub-1G           --------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                                                    If this data collector isn’t set up yet, APP
                                                                                                                                                    will direct to this page and start the
                                                                    DC1 SETTING         SET INV           GET INFO          SYNC TIME               following set up procedure ( page 9-13 ).
                                                                                                                                                      Grid Code : Select specific grid codes for
                                                                                                                                                      utility. Will be written into inverters.
                                                                                                                                                      Frequency : Select the desired frequency
                                                                      Grid Code                     IEEE1547
                                                                                                  : France                                            to scan for quality.
                                                                      Frequency                   : 915
                                                                                                    925 MHz

                                                                       Scan Frequency               Quality : 100
                                                                                                    If the quality value is not 100,                1. Scan one frequency is 10 s.
                                                                                                    there might be some devises are
                                                                                                    using this frequency band.
                                                                                                                                                    2. Quality = 100 is OK to use.
                                                                                                    Communication may be disturbed                     Quality < 100 has been used.
                                                                                                    by these devices.                               3. Sort : Good (top) Æ Bad (bottom)

                                                                    Block Setting
                                                                                                                                                   - Searching Inverters ...

                                                                      Block :                       Block 1
                                                                                                  - Every Data collector in same plant
                                                                                                    should be set an unique Block ID
                                                                                                  - Duplicated Block ID is not allowed.

                                                                                           Search Inverters

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                                 7

                                                                                                  Search Inverters and Set ID |        Connect to DC1 And Setting

                                     Connection                                                    Connection                                 - Select All :
                                                                                                                                               This button will select all inverters.
           DC1 SETTING            SET INV    GET INFO          SYNC TIME   DC1 SETTING          SET INV    GET INFO      SYNC TIME
                                                                                                                                               When there are more than 25 inverters,
                                                                                                                                               the top most 25 inverters will be
                     Select All                                Auto ID             Select
                                                                               Select All All                                Auto ID           selected.

                         Serial Number      ID    SNR RSSI                             Serial Number      ID    SNR RSSI                      - RSSI :
                                                                                                                                               Indicate the signal quality of every
                      DE000000000801        1      7     -72                        DE000000000801        1      7     -72
                                                                                                                                               inverter. The larger is better.
                                                                                                                                               * The search result will be sorted by
                      DE000000000802        1      6     -76                        DE000000000802        1      6     -76                     RSSI, the most recommended inverters
                                                                                                                                               will on the top of the list.
                      DE000000000803        1      7     -79                        DE000000000803        1      7     -79

                      DE000000000804        1      5     -82                        DE000000000804        1      5     -82

                      DE000000000805        1      3     -86                        DE000000000805        1      3     -86

                      DE000000000806        1      4     -89                        DE000000000806        1      4     -89

                      DE000000000807        1      5     -92                        DE000000000807        1      5     -92

                      DE000000000808        1      2     -93                        DE000000000808        1      2     -93

                      DE000000000809        1     -1     -96                        DE000000000809        1     -1     -96

                      DE000000000810        1      1     -99                        DE000000000810        1      1     -99

                      DE000000000811        1      0    -101                        DE000000000811        1      0    -101

                      DE000000000812        1     -1    -103                        DE000000000812        1     -1    -103

                         Refresh Confirm Inverters
                                              Confirm Inverter                         Refresh Confirm Inverters
                                                                                                            Confirm Inverter

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                8

                                                                                                    Search Inverters and Set ID |         Connect to DC1 And Setting

                                    Connection                                                       Connection                                  - Auto ID :
                                                                                                                                                  This button will automatically assign an
           DC1 SETTING           SET INV     GET INFO          SYNC TIME     DC1 SETTING          SET INV    GET INFO        SYNC TIME
                                                                                                                                                  unique ID to every inverter which is
                Select All All                                 Auto ID               Select
                                                                                 Select All All                                 Auto ID
                          Serial Number     ID    SNR RSSI                               Serial Number      ID    SNR RSSI

                         DE000000000801     1       7    -72                          DE000000000801        1      7      -72

                         DE000000000802     1       6    -76                          DE000000000802        1      6      -76

                         DE000000000803     1       7    -79                          DE000000000803        2      7      -79

                         DE000000000804     1       5    -82                          DE000000000804        3      5      -82

                         DE000000000805     1       3    -86                          DE000000000805        4      3      -86

                         DE000000000806     1       4    -89                          DE000000000806        5      4      -89

                         DE000000000807     1       5    -92                          DE000000000807        6      5      -92

                         DE000000000808     1       2    -93                          DE000000000808        7      2      -93

                         DE000000000809     1      -1    -96                          DE000000000809        8     -1      -96

                         DE000000000810     1       1    -99                          DE000000000810        9      1      -99

                         DE000000000811     1       0   -101                          DE000000000811        10     0     -101

                         DE000000000812     1      -1   -103                          DE000000000812        11    -1     -103

                                                                                                                       Success                   - Confirm Inverter:
                          Refresh Confirm Inverters
                                               Confirm Inverter                          Refresh Confirm Inverters
                                                                                                              Confirm Inverter
                                                                                                                                     3             User cannot select more than 25
                                                                                                                                                   inverters, and duplicated ID is not

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                       9

                                                                                                   Search Inverters and Set ID |       Connect to DC1 And Setting

                                    Connection                                                     Connection

           DC1 SETTING           SET INV    GET INFO           SYNC TIME   DC1 SETTING       SET INV        GET INFO       SYNC TIME

                Select All All                                 Auto ID     Select All
                                                                                   Serial Number       ID   SNR RSSI     Status

                        Serial Number      ID    SNR RSSI                       DE000000000801         1      7    -72     OK                 - Status :
                                                                                                                                               OK : Set inverter ID success.
                     DE000000000801        1       7     -72
                                                                                DE000000000802         1      6    -76                         Fail : Set inverter ID fail, need refresh.
                     DE000000000802        1       6     -76
                                                                                DE000000000803         2      7    -79     OK

                     DE000000000803        2       7     -79
                                                                                DE000000000804         3      5    -82     OK
                       Confirm Inverter
                     DE000000000804   3 &        Set
                                                                                DE000000000805         4      3    -86     OK

                      you sure you want to4 select 3and set
                                                        -86 ID
                                                                                DE000000000806         5      4    -89     OK
                  of these inverters?
                     DE000000000806        5       4     -89
                  *Unselected inverters will not be                             DE000000000807         6      5    -92     OK
                   monitored by this data 6collector.
                    DE000000000807                 5     -92
                                                                                DE000000000808         7      2    -93     OK
                                           7       2     -93                    DE000000000809         8     -1    -96     OK

                     DE000000000809        8      -1     -96
                                                                                DE000000000810         9      1    -99     OK

                     DE000000000810        9       1     -99
                                                                                DE000000000811         10     0   -101     OK

                     DE000000000811        10      0    -101
                                                                                DE000000000812         11    -1   -103     OK

                     DE000000000812        11     -1    -103                    DE000000000813         12    -1   -105     OK

                                                                                                                   Success                    - Get Info
                        Refresh Confirm Inverters
                                             Confirm Inverter                          Refresh Confirm InvertersGet Info
                                                                                                                                                All selected inverters need to be
                                                                                                                                                set ID successfully.

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                    10

                                                                                              Search Inverters and Set ID |     Connect to DC1 And Setting

                                     Connection                                               Connection

           DC1 SETTING         SET INV        GET INFO      SYNC TIME   DC1 SETTING     SET INV        GET INFO     SYNC TIME

                     Serial Number       ID   SNR RSSI     Status             Serial Number       ID   SNR RSSI     Status

                DE000000000801           1     7     -72      OK            DE000000000801         1     7    -72    OK

                DE000000000802           1     6     -76                    DE000000000802         1     6    -76

                DE000000000803           2     7     -79      OK            DE000000000803         2     7    -79    OK

                DE000000000804           3     5     -82      OK            DE000000000804         3     5    -82    OK

                DE000000000805           4     3     -86      OK            DE000000000805         4     3    -86    OK

                DE000000000806           5     4     -89      OK            DE000000000806         5     4    -89    OK

                DE000000000807           6     5     -92      OK            DE000000000807         6     5    -92    OK

                DE000000000808           7     2     -93      OK            DE000000000808         7     2    -93    OK

                DE000000000809           8     -1    -96      OK            DE000000000809         8    -1    -96    OK

                DE000000000810           9     1     -99      OK            DE000000000810         9     1    -99    OK

                DE000000000811           10    0    -101      OK            DE000000000811        10     0   -101    OK

                DE000000000812           11    -1   -103      OK            DE000000000812        11    -1   -103    OK

                DE000000000813           12    -1   -105      OK            DE000000000813        12    -1   -105    OK

                         Refresh Confirm InvertersSync time                       Refresh Confirm Inverters Next

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                      11

                                                            After user choose an available Wi-Fi network, then pop-up the message |    Connect to Cloud

                                                                                                                                - Search Internet :
                                 Network                                                  Network                                 1. User click “search” icon to search
                                                                                                                                  Wi-Fi access point.
                                                                                                                                   2. Please choose an available Wi-Fi
                                                                                                                                   access point.

              Specific SSID          Scan       Status

                                                                                                                                - Register Fail :
                                                                                                                                  The message box would indicate the
                                                                                                                                  reason why register was failed.

                                                                                       Cloud Register                                                Register Fail
                                                                                                                                   Please connect to internet and push the 'status' button to
                                                                           Cloud register success!                                 check what happened. If you cannot solve the problem please
                                                                                                                                   contact your local Installer.
                                                                           Press ok to go to cloud page.

                                                                                                                                   If user want this data collector uses delta
                                                                                                                                   cloud service, but it’s network connection
                                                                                                                                   is not set up yet. Show this page.

                     Show Password

                                                                                                                                   Please fill in the Wi-Fi’s password,
                                                                                                                                   then click “Connect” button.

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                                                                               12

                                                                                              Connect to MyDeltaSolar cloud |   Connect to Cloud

             Use MyDeltaSolar Service terms and conditions :

               You must need a MyDeltaSolar account in order to use our
               cloud services. Delta may collect your personal data and
               protect your privacy when you use MyDeltaSolar service. By
               using MyDletaSolar service, you agree that Delta can use
               such data and monitor your inverter’s status if necessary. In
               some case, Delta employees, authorized contractors or
               agents may need to use your account to analyze any issue
               and problem you have while using Delta solar inverter or
               service. We restrict access to personal information to Delta     TOTAL ENERGY : 0.1 kWh
               employees, contractors and agents who need to know that
               information in order to process it for us, and who are subject
               to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be
               disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these


                                                                                0 kWh

Delta Confidential                                                                                                                            13

                                       Antenna Type

                     Delta Part No.      0990236424            0990242124
                     Frequency Range                 868~928 MHz

                     Impedance                          50Ω
                     VSWR                   ≤2.5                    ≤2.0
                     Radiation                          Omni
                     Gain                  2.0 dBi                 1.5 dBi

Delta Confidential

 For All device
     (15.21) Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the
      party responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate the
    For mobile device
     1. To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance
        of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all
        persons. (Not including low power device (below 20mW))
     2. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
        antenna or transmitter
For Class B digital device or peripheral or cordless phone (15.105)
     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
     However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
䕺 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     䕺 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     䕺 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
       receiver is needed.
     䕺 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician   for help.
   Delta Confidential

This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:
    1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users. For laptop
       installations, the antenna must be installed to ensure that the proper spacing is maintained in the event the
       users places the device in their lap during use (i.e. positioning of antennas must be placed in the upper portion
       of the LCD panel only to ensure 20 cm will be maintained if the user places the device in their lap for use) and
   2) The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna.
      As long as the 2 conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM
      integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required
      with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).
      IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptop
      configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid
      and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be
      responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC
      End Product Labeling
      This transmitter module is authorized only for use in devices where the antenna may be installed such that
      20 cm
      may be maintained between the antenna and users (for example access points, routers, wireless ASDL modems,
      certain laptop configurations, and similar equipment). The final end product must be labeled in a visible
      area with
      the following: "Contains TX FCC ID: 2ARTOPPMN3U

   Delta Confidential

Un-license band: This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
    including interference that may cause
    undesired operation.

Delta Confidential

    Smarter. Greener. Together.

To learn more about Delta, please visit

Document Created: 2019-02-13 11:16:14
Document Modified: 2019-02-13 11:16:14

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC