
FCC ID: 2ARRN-4275

RF Exposure Info

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                  Report No. : FA190805001

                       FCC SAR TEST REPORT

                       FCC ID          : 2ARRN-4275
                       Equipment       : Echo Loop
                       Model Name      : H9K87E
                       Applicant       : Exoseven + One LLC
                                         400 N. Main, 1st & 2nd Floors
                                         Royal Oak, Michigan 48067
                       Standard        : FCC 47 CFR Part 2 (2.1093)
                                         ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992
                                         IEEE 1528-2013

      The product was received on Aug. 19, 2019 and testing was started from Aug. 19, 2019 and
      completed on Sep. 13, 2019. We, SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC., would like to declare
      that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance with the test procedures and has
      been in compliance with the applicable technical standards.

      The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or
      endorsement by TAF or any agency of government.

      The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without
      written approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications
      Laboratory, the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.

              Approved by: Ken Chen
                                Sporton International (USA) Inc.
                            1175 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035

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                                                                            Issued Date : Sep. 22, 2019
Form version: 181113

              FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                                                            Report No. : FA190805001

                                                                Table of Contents
1. Statement of Compliance ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Guidance Applied .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) Information ................................................................................................................... 4
     3.1 General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 4
4. RF Exposure Limits....................................................................................................................................................... 6
     4.1 Uncontrolled Environment ...................................................................................................................................... 6
     4.2 Controlled Environment.......................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) ................................................................................................................................... 7
     5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
     5.2 SAR Definition ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
6. System Description and Setup .................................................................................................................................... 8
     6.1 E-Field Probe ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
     6.2 Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE) ........................................................................................................................ 9
     6.3 Phantom ................................................................................................................................................................10
     6.4 Device Holder........................................................................................................................................................ 11
7. Measurement Procedures ...........................................................................................................................................12
     7.1 Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation ................................................................................................................................12
     7.2 Power Reference Measurement............................................................................................................................13
     7.3 Area Scan .............................................................................................................................................................13
     7.4 Zoom Scan ............................................................................................................................................................14
     7.5 Volume Scan Procedures ......................................................................................................................................14
     7.6 Power Drift Monitoring...........................................................................................................................................14
8. Test Equipment List .....................................................................................................................................................15
9. System Verification ......................................................................................................................................................16
     9.1 Tissue Simulating Liquids ......................................................................................................................................16
     9.2 Tissue Verification .................................................................................................................................................17
     9.3 System Performance Check Results .....................................................................................................................18
10. Conducted RF Output Power (Unit: dBm) ................................................................................................................19
11. Test Exclusion Applied ..............................................................................................................................................20
12. SAR Test Results .......................................................................................................................................................20
     12.1 Head SAR ...........................................................................................................................................................20
13. Uncertainty Assessment ...........................................................................................................................................21
14. References ..................................................................................................................................................................21
Appendix A. Plots of System Performance Check
Appendix B. Plots of High SAR Measurement
Appendix C. DASY Calibration Certificate
Appendix D. Test Setup Photos

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Form version: 181113

          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                               Report No. : FA190805001

                                 History of this test report
    Report No.         Version                             Description              Issued Date

   FA190805001           01      Initial issue of report                           Sep. 17, 2019

   FA190805001           02      Update tune-up limit                              Sep. 22, 2019

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Form version: 181113

seorronias. FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                  Report No. : FA190805001
    1. Statement of Compliance
 The maximum results of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) found during testing for Exoseven + One LLC, Echo
  Loop, H9K87E

  , H9K87F, H9K87G, H9K87H are as follows.

                                                                                           Highest SAR Summary
                 Equipment                               Frequency                                  Head
                     Class                                  Band                              (Separation 5mm)
                                                                                               1g SAR (W/kg)
                     Bs                                   Bluetooth                                0.12
                                    Date of Testing:                                       2019/8/19 ~ 2019/9713

 Sporton Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF code: 1190) and the FCC
 designation No. TW1190 under the FCC 2.948(e) by Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) in FCC test. This
 device is in compliance with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for general population/uncontrolled exposure
  limits (1.6 W/kg) specified in FCC 47 CFR part 2 (2.1093) and ANSI/IEEE C95.1—1992, and had been tested in
 accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE 1528—2013 and FCC KDB

  Reviewed by: Jason Wang
  Report Producer: Wan Liu

 2. Guidance Applied
      The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing specification, method, and procedure for this device is in accordance with
      the following standards:
       >     FCC 47 CFR Part 2 (2.1093)
             ANSVIEEE C95.1—1992
             IEEE 1528—2013
             FCC KDB 865664 DO1 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
             FCC KDB 865664 D02 SAR Reporting v01r02
             FCC KDB 447498 DO1 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

  3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) Information

  3.1 General Information
                                               Product Feature & Specification
  Equipment Name

  Model Name

 FCC ID                  2ARRN—4275
 Wireless Technology and           .        L
 Frequency Range         Bluetooth: 2402 MHz 2480 MHz
  es                             Bluetooth BR/EDR/ALE

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                   Report No. : FA190805001
EUT Stage              Identical Prototype

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                  Report No. : FA190805001
4. RF Exposure Limits
4.1 Uncontrolled Environment
Uncontrolled Environments are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no knowledge or
control of their exposure. The general population/uncontrolled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the
general public may be exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be
made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Members of the general
public would come under this category when exposure is not employment-related; for example, in the case of a wireless
transmitter that exposes persons in its vicinity.

4.2 Controlled Environment
Controlled Environments are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by persons who are
aware of the potential for exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation). In general, occupational/controlled
exposure limits are applicable to situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment, who
have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. The exposure
category is also applicable when the exposure is of a transient nature due to incidental passage through a location where
the exposure levels may be higher than the general population/uncontrolled limits, but the exposed person is fully aware
of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other
appropriate means.

                             Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (W/kg)

                        Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (W/kg)

     1.   Whole-Body SAR is averaged over the entire body, partial-body SAR is averaged over any 1gram of tissue
          defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube. SAR for hands, wrists, feet and ankles is averaged over any
          10 grams of tissue defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube.

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                      Report No. : FA190805001
5. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
5.1 Introduction
    SAR is related to the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass in an object exposed to a radio field. The SAR
    distribution in a biological body is complicated and is usually carried out by experimental techniques or numerical
    modeling. The standard recommends limits for two tiers of groups, occupational/controlled and general
    population/uncontrolled, based on a person’s awareness and ability to exercise control over his or her exposure. In
    general, occupational/controlled exposure limits are higher than the limits for general population/uncontrolled.

5.2 SAR Definition
    The SAR definition is the time derivative (rate) of the incremental energy (dW) absorbed by (dissipated in) an
    incremental mass (dm) contained in a volume element (dv) of a given density (ρ). The equation description is as

                                                        𝐝 𝐝𝐖    𝐝 𝐝𝐖
                                              𝐒𝐀𝐑 =       (   )= (    )
                                                        𝐝𝐭 𝐝đĻ   𝐝𝐭 đ›’đđ¯
    SAR is expressed in units of Watts per kilogram (W/kg)

                                                        𝐒𝐀𝐑 =
    Where: σ is the conductivity of the tissue, ρ is the mass density of the tissue and E is the RMS electrical field strength.

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                         Report No. : FA190805001
6. System Description and Setup
The DASY system used for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

īŽ     A standard high precision 6-axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension for
      accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
īŽ     An isotropic Field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.
īŽ     A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing,
      AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is
      battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.
īŽ     The Electro-optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the
      digital communication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is
      required. The EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
īŽ     The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering,
      control of the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.
īŽ     The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe
īŽ     A computer running WinXP or Win7 and the DASY5 software.
īŽ     Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps,
īŽ     The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.

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seorron cas._FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                    Report No. : FA190805001
  6.1 E—Field Probe
  The SAR measurement is conducted with the dosimetric probe (manufactured by SPEAG).The probe is specially
  designed and calibrated for use in liquid with high permittivity. The dosimetric probe has special calibration in liquid at
  different frequency. This probe has a built in optical surface detection system to prevent from collision with phantom.

  <ES3DV3 Probe>
  Construction              Symmetric design with triangular core
                            Interleaved sensors
                            Built—in shielding against static charges
                            PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic
                            solvents, e.g., DGBE)
  Frequency                 10 MHz — 4 GHz;
                            Linearity: +0.2 dB (30 MHz —4 GHz)
  Directivity               +0.2 dB in TSL (rotation around probe axis)
                            +0.3 dB in TSL (rotation normal to probe axis)
  Dynamic Range             5 uW/g —>100 mWig;
                            Linearity: +0.2 dB
  Dimensions                Overall length: 337 mm (tip: 20 mm)
                            Tip diameter: 3.9 mm (body: 12 mm)
                            Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 3.0 mm

  <EX3DV4 Probe>
  Construction              Symmetric design with triangular core
                            Built—in shielding against static charges
                            PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic
                            solvents, e.g., DGBE)
  Frequency                 10 MHz —>6 GHz
                            Linearity: +0.2 dB (30 MHz —6 GHz)
  Directivity               +0.3 dB in TSL (rotation around probe axis)
                            +0.5 dB in TSL (rotation normal to probe axis)
  Dynamic Range             10 uW/g—>100 mW/g
                            Linearity: +0.2 dB (noise: typically <1 uW/g)
  Dimensions                Overall length: 337 mm (tip: 20 mm)
                            Tip diameter: 2.5 mm (body: 12 mm)
                            Typical distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1

  6.2 Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE)

  The data acquisition electronics (DAE) consists of a highly sensitive
  electrometer—grade     preamplifier   with   auto—zeroing,   a   channel   and
  gain—switching multiplexer, a fast 16 bit AD—converter and a command
  decoder and control logic unit. Transmission to the measurement server is
  accomplished through an optical downlink for data and status information as
  well as an optical uplink for commands and the clock.
  The input impedance of the DAE is 200 MOhm; the inputs are symmetrical
  and floating. Common mode rejection is above 80 dB.

                                                                                          Fig 5.1     Photo of DAE

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      FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                        Report No. : FA190805001
6.3 Phantom
<SAM Twin Phantom>
Shell Thickness              2 ± 0.2 mm;
                             Center ear point: 6 ± 0.2 mm
Filling Volume               Approx. 25 liters
Dimensions                   Length: 1000 mm; Width: 500 mm; Height:
                             adjustable feet
Measurement Areas            Left Hand, Right Hand, Flat Phantom

The bottom plate contains three pair of bolts for locking the device holder. The device holder positions are adjusted to the
standard measurement positions in the three sections. A white cover is provided to tap the phantom during off-periods to
prevent water evaporation and changes in the liquid parameters. On the phantom top, three reference markers are
provided to identify the phantom position with respect to the robot.

<ELI Phantom>
Shell Thickness          2 ± 0.2 mm (sagging: <1%)
Filling Volume           Approx. 30 liters
Dimensions               Major ellipse axis: 600 mm
                         Minor axis: 400 mm

The ELI phantom is intended for compliance testing of handheld and body-mounted wireless devices in the frequency
range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz. ELI4 is fully compatible with standard and all known tissue simulating liquids.

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      FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                        Report No. : FA190805001
6.4 Device Holder
<Mounting Device for Hand-Held Transmitter>
In combination with the Twin SAM V5.0/V5.0c or ELI phantoms, the Mounting Device for Hand-Held Transmitters enables
rotation of the mounted transmitter device to specified spherical coordinates. At the heads, the rotation axis is at the ear
opening. Transmitter devices can be easily and accurately positioned according to IEC 62209-1, IEEE 1528, FCC, or
other specifications. The device holder can be locked for positioning at different phantom sections (left head, right head,
flat). And upgrade kit to Mounting Device to enable easy mounting of wider devices like big smart-phones, e-books, small
tablets, etc. It holds devices with width up to 140 mm.

                          Mounting Device for Hand-Held
                                                               Mounting Device Adaptor for Wide-Phones

<Mounting Device for Laptops and other Body-Worn Transmitters>
The extension is lightweight and made of POM, acrylic glass and foam. It fits easily on the upper part of the mounting
device in place of the phone positioned. The extension is fully compatible with the SAM Twin and ELI phantoms.

                                                Mounting Device for Laptops

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           FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                     Report No. : FA190805001
7. Measurement Procedures
   The measurement procedures are as follows:

   <Conducted power measurement>
   (a) For WWAN power measurement, use base station simulator to configure EUT WWAN transmission in conducted
       connection with RF cable, at maximum power in each supported wireless interface and frequency band.
   (b) Read the WWAN RF power level from the base station simulator.
   (c) For WLAN/BT power measurement, use engineering software to configure EUT WLAN/BT continuously
       transmission, at maximum RF power in each supported wireless interface and frequency band
   (d) Connect EUT RF port through RF cable to the power meter, and measure WLAN/BT output power

   <SAR measurement>
   (a) Use base station simulator to configure EUT WWAN transmission in radiated connection, and engineering
       software to configure EUT WLAN/BT continuously transmission, at maximum RF power, in the highest power
   (b) Place the EUT in the positions as Appendix D demonstrates.
   (c) Set scan area, grid size and other setting on the DASY software.
   (d) Measure SAR results for the highest power channel on each testing position.
   (e) Find out the largest SAR result on these testing positions of each band
   (f) Measure SAR results for other channels in worst SAR testing position if the reported SAR of highest power
       channel is larger than 0.8 W/kg

         According to the test standard, the recommended procedure for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR value
         consists of the following steps:
   (a)     Power reference measurement
   (b)     Area scan
   (c)     Zoom scan
   (d)     Power drift measurement

7.1 Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation
     The procedure for spatial peak SAR evaluation has been implemented according to the test standard. It can be
     conducted for 1g and 10g, as well as for user-specific masses. The DASY software includes all numerical
     procedures necessary to evaluate the spatial peak SAR value.
     The base for the evaluation is a "cube" measurement. The measured volume must include the 1g and 10g cubes
     with the highest averaged SAR values. For that purpose, the center of the measured volume is aligned to the
     interpolated peak SAR value of a previously performed area scan.
     The entire evaluation of the spatial peak values is performed within the post-processing engine (SEMCAD). The
     system always gives the maximum values for the 1g and 10g cubes. The algorithm to find the cube with highest
     averaged SAR is divided into the following stages:
     (a)    Extraction of the measured data (grid and values) from the Zoom Scan
     (b)    Calculation of the SAR value at every measurement point based on all stored data (A/D values and
            measurement parameters)
     (c)    Generation of a high-resolution mesh within the measured volume
     (d)    Interpolation of all measured values form the measurement grid to the high-resolution grid
     (e)    Extrapolation of the entire 3-D field distribution to the phantom surface over the distance from sensor to surface
     (f)    Calculation of the averaged SAR within masses of 1g and 10g

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      FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                      Report No. : FA190805001
7.2 Power Reference Measurement
The Power Reference Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power drift of the device under
test in the batch process. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface determines the closest measurement point
to phantom surface. This distance cannot be smaller than the distance of sensor calibration points to probe tip as defined
in the probe properties.

7.3 Area Scan
The area scan is used as a fast scan in two dimensions to find the area of high field values, before doing a fine
measurement around the hot spot. The sophisticated interpolation routines implemented in DASY software can find the
maximum found in the scanned area, within a range of the global maximum. The range (in dB0 is specified in the
standards for compliance testing. For example, a 2 dB range is required in IEEE standard 1528 and IEC 62209 standards,
whereby 3 dB is a requirement when compliance is assessed in accordance with the ARIB standard (Japan), if only one
zoom scan follows the area scan, then only the absolute maximum will be taken as reference. For cases where multiple
maximums are detected, the number of zoom scans has to be increased accordingly.
Area scan parameters extracted from FCC KDB 865664 D01v01r04 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz.

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       FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                      Report No. : FA190805001
7.4 Zoom Scan
Zoom scans are used assess the peak spatial SAR values within a cubic averaging volume containing 1 gram and 10
gram of simulated tissue. The zoom scan measures points (refer to table below) within a cube shoes base faces are
centered on the maxima found in a preceding area scan job within the same procedure. When the measurement is done,
the zoom scan evaluates the averaged SAR for 1 gram and 10 gram and displays these values next to the job’s label.
Zoom scan parameters extracted from FCC KDB 865664 D01v01r04 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz.

7.5 Volume Scan Procedures
The volume scan is used for assess overlapping SAR distributions for antennas transmitting in different frequency bands.
It is equivalent to an oversized zoom scan used in standalone measurements. The measurement volume will be used to
enclose all the simultaneous transmitting antennas. For antennas transmitting simultaneously in different frequency bands,
the volume scan is measured separately in each frequency band. In order to sum correctly to compute the 1g aggregate
SAR, the EUT remain in the same test position for all measurements and all volume scan use the same spatial resolution
and grid spacing. When all volume scan were completed, the software, SEMCAD postprocessor can combine and
subsequently superpose these measurement data to calculating the multiband SAR.

7.6 Power Drift Monitoring
All SAR testing is under the EUT install full charged battery and transmit maximum output power. In DASY measurement
software, the power reference measurement and power drift measurement procedures are used for monitoring the power
drift of EUT during SAR test. Both these procedures measure the field at a specified reference position before and after
the SAR testing. The software will calculate the field difference in dB. If the power drifts more than 5%, the SAR will be

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             FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                              Report No. : FA190805001
8. Test Equipment List
Manufacturer              Name of Equipment             Type/Model      Serial Number
                                                                                             Last Cal.            Due Date
   SPEAG            2450MHz System Validation Kit        D2450V2            806            Mar. 14, 2019     Mar. 13, 2020
   SPEAG               Data Acquisition Electronics        DAE4             1424           Jan. 24, 2019     Jan. 23, 2020
   SPEAG                Dosimetric E-Field Probe         EX3DV4             3976           Jan. 29, 2019     Jan. 28, 2020
    R&S                     BT Base Station               CBT32            100522          Mar. 18, 2019     Mar. 17, 2020
  RCPTWN                      Thermometer                 HTC-1           TM685-1          Nov. 12, 2018     Nov. 11, 2019
   SPEAG                     Device Holder                 N/A              N/A                 N/A                 N/A
   Anritsu                  Signal Generator             MG3710A         6201502524        Dec. 11, 2018     Dec. 10, 2019
   Agilent               ENA Network Analyzer             E5071C        MY46104758         Sep. 19, 2018     Sep. 18, 2019
   SPEAG                   Dielectric Probe Kit          DAK-3.5            1126           Sep. 19, 2018     Sep. 18, 2019
 LINE SEIKI               Digital Thermometer         DTM3000-spezial       3169           Sep. 26, 2018     Sep. 25, 2019
   Anritsu                    Power Meter                ML2495A          1419002          May. 29, 2019     May. 28, 2020
   Anritsu                   Power Sensor                MA2411B          1339124          May. 29, 2019     May. 28, 2020
   Agilent                 Spectrum Analyzer              E4445A        MY41000161         Nov. 27, 2018     Nov. 26, 2019
Mini-Circuits                Power Amplifier             ZVE-8G+         070501814         Oct. 08, 2018     Oct. 07, 2019
    ATM                 Dual Directional Coupler         C122H-10       P610410z-02                      Note 1
   Woken                      Attenuator 1              WK0602-XX           N/A                          Note 1
     PE                       Attenuator 2              PE7005-10           N/A                          Note 1
     PE                       Attenuator 3              PE7005- 3           N/A                          Note 1
General Note:
 1.  Prior to system verification and validation, the path loss from the signal generator to the system check source and
     the power meter, which includes the amplifier, cable, attenuator and directional coupler, was measured by the
     network analyzer. The reading of the power meter was offset by the path loss difference between the path to the
     power meter and the path to the system check source to monitor the actual power level fed to the system check

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                          Report No. : FA190805001
9. System Verification
9.1 Tissue Simulating Liquids
    For the measurement of the field distribution inside the SAM phantom with DASY, the phantom must be
    filled with around 25 liters of homogeneous body tissue simulating liquid. For head SAR testing, the liquid
    height from the ear reference point (ERP) of the phantom to the liquid top surface is larger than 15 cm,
    which is shown in Fig. 10.1. For body SAR testing, the liquid height from the center of the flat phantom to
    the liquid top surface is larger than 15 cm, which is shown in Fig. 10.2.

      Fig 10.1Photo of Liquid Height for Head SAR           Fig 10.2 Photo of Liquid Height for Body SAR

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seorrow cas. _FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                              Report No. : FA190805001
  9.2 Tissue Verification
  The following tissue formulations are provided for reference only as some of the parameters have not been
  thoroughly verified. The composition of ingredients may be modified accordingly to achieve the desired target
  tissue parameters required for routine SAR evaluation.

            750                  41.1                        0.2          1.4
            835                  40.3                        0.2          1.4
            900                  40.3                        0.2          1.4
    1800, 1900, 2000             55.2           0            0            0.3
            2450                 55.0           0            0             0
            2600                 54.8           0            0            0.1

  Simulating Liquid for 5GHz, Manufactured by SPEAG

                      Water                                         64~78%
                   Mineral oil                                      11~18%
                   Emulsifiers                                      9~15%
              Additives and Sait                                     2~3%

  <Tissue Dielectric Parameter Check Results>
  ues ols          Eiquid        Conductivity Permittivity Conductivity Permittivity    Delta (0)   BSCHCH       Limit (%)
    (MHz)          TīŦ,’c",‘"             (0)         Cconoo                                          (%)
    2450            22.6                1.792       39.886         1.80         39.20    —0.44       1.75           +5        2019/8/719
    2450            22.6                1.801       39.257         1.80         39.20     0.06       0.15           +5        2019/913

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       FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                    Report No. : FA190805001
9.3 System Performance Check Results
Comparing to the original SAR value provided by SPEAG, the verification data should be within its specification of 10 %.
Below table shows the target SAR and measured SAR after normalized to 1W input power. The table below indicates the
system performance check can meet the variation criterion and the plots can be referred to Appendix A of this report.
                            Input                                           Measured Targeted Normalized
                Frequency                 Dipole         Probe      DAE                                  Deviation
     Date                   Power                                            1g SAR   1g SAR   1g SAR
                  (MHz)                    S/N            S/N       S/N                                    (%)
                            (mW)                                             (W/kg)   (W/kg)    (W/kg)
  2019/8/19         2450     250       D2450V2_806       3976       1424      13.50    51.60      54       4.65
  2019/9/13         2450     250       D2450V2_806       3976       1424      12.10      51.60       48.4        -6.20

            Fig 8.3.1 System Performance Check Setup                                    Fig 8.3.2 Setup Photo

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          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                              Report No. : FA190805001
10. Conducted RF Output Power (Unit: dBm)
<2.4GHz Bluetooth>
General Note:
1.  For 2.4GHz Bluetooth SAR testing was selected BT 2.0, 1Mbps due to its highest average power and duty cycle is
    76.25% considered in SAR testing, and the duty cycle would be scaled to theoretical 83.3% in reported SAR
<BT 2.0>

                                              Frequency                     Average power (dBm)
       Mode               Channel
                                                (MHz)          1Mbps              2Mbps                  3Mbps
                           CH 00                  2402          10.04              7.84                   7.82
     BR / EDR              CH 39                  2441          10.08              7.91                   7.91
                           CH 78                  2480          10.64              8.51                   8.51
                        Tune-up Limit                            12                 9.5                   9.5
              Frame Average Tune-up Limit (dBm)                 10.82              8.33                   8.33

<BT 5.0>

                                              Frequency           Average power (dBm)
       Mode               Channel
                                                (MHz)          1Mbps              2Mbps
                           CH 00                  2402          10.01              9.74
        LE                 CH 19                  2440          10.07              9.87
                           CH 39                  2480          10.66              10.46
                        Tune-up Limit                           11.25              11.5
              Frame Average Tune-up Limit (dBm)                 10.56              9.11

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Form version: 181113

seorron cas. _FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                                   Report No. : FA190805001
  11. Test Exclusion Applied
  General Note:
  1. The device is worn on the finger and therefore subject to assessmentfor extremity SAR at Omm. In addition it supports
     audio and following FCC guidance requires evaluation for held to mouth (10mm}, held to ear (5mm) and proximity to
     face /cheek (10mm) RF exposure conditions.
  2. Per KDB 447498 DO1vO06, the 1—g and 10—g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at fest separation
     distances < 50 mm are determined by:
          [(max. power of channel, including tune—up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] «[N[(GHz)] < 3.0 for
          1—g SAR and < 7.5 for 10—g extremity SAR
               *   f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
                *      Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
                *      The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison

        cupped to               12                10            2.480              2.50           3.0                No
   Hand Ce‘fjped to             12                5             2.480              4.99           3.0                Yes
       Nanditeal C              12                10            2.480              2.50           2.0                No
       Hand exposure            12                0             2.480              4.99           7.5                No

  12. SAR Test Results
  General Note:
  1.     Per KDB 447498 DO1v06, the reported SAR is the measured SAR value adjusted for maximum tune—up tolerance.
        a. Tune—up scaling Factor = tune—up limit power (mW) / EUT RF power (mW), where tune—up limit is the maximum rated
            power among all production units.
        b. For Bluetooth: Reported SAR(W/kg)= Measured SAR(W/g)* Duty Cycle scaling factor * Tune—up scaling factor
  2.     Per KDB 447498 DO1v06, for each exposure position, testing of other required channels within the operating mode of a
         frequency band is not required when the reported 1—g or 10—g SAR for the mid—band or highest output power channel is:
          >    <0.8 Wikg or 2.0 Wikg, for 1—g or 10—g respectively, when the transmission band is S 100 MHz
               <0.6 Wikg or 1.5 Wikg, for 1—g or 10—g respectively, when the transmission band is between 100 MHz and 200 MHz
          >    <0.4 Wikg or 1.0 Wikg, for 1—g or 10—g respectively, when the transmission band is > 200 MHz
  3.     Per KDB 865664 DO1v01r04, for each frequency band, repeated SAR measurement is required only when the measured
         SAR is 20.8W/kq.

  12.1 Head SAR
  <Bluetooth SAR>

  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear
  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear
  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear
  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear
  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear
  Bluetooth         1Mbps    Hand cupped to ear

              Test Engineer : Yao WeiLee

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  Form version: 181113

          FCC SAR TEST REPORT                                                              Report No. : FA190805001
13. Uncertainty Assessment
    Per KDB 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100MHz to 6GHz, when the highest measured 1-g SAR within a frequency
    band is < 1.5 W/kg and the measured 10-g SAR within a frequency band is < 3.75 W/kg. The expanded SAR
    measurement uncertainty must be ≤ 30%, for a confidence interval of k = 2. If these conditions are met, extensive
    SAR measurement uncertainty analysis described in IEEE Std 1528-2013 is not required in SAR reports submitted
    for equipment approval. For this device, the highest measured 1-g SAR is less 1.5W/kg. Therefore, the measurement
    uncertainty table is not required in this report.

14. References
       [1]   FCC 47 CFR Part 2 “Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and
       [2]   ANSI/IEEE Std. C95.1-1992, “IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure
             to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz”, September 1992
       [3]   IEEE Std. 1528-2013, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average
             Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
             Measurement Techniques”, Sep 2013
       [4]   SPEAG DASY System Handbook
       [5]   FCC KDB 248227 D01 v02r02, “SAR Guidance for IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) Transmitters”, Oct 2015.
       [6]   FCC KDB 447498 D01 v06, “Mobile and Portable Device RF Exposure Procedures and
             Equipment Authorization Policies”, Oct 2015
       [7]   FCC KDB 865664 D01 v01r04, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz", Aug
       [8]   FCC KDB 865664 D02 v01r02, “RF Exposure Compliance Reporting and Documentation
             Considerations” Oct 2015.

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                                                                                        Issued Date : Sep. 22, 2019
Form version: 181113

Document Created: 2019-09-26 12:53:43
Document Modified: 2019-09-26 12:53:43

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