SAR Test Report


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                              SAR EVALUATION REPORT

                   Meizhou Guo Wei Electronics Co., Ltd
AD1 Section, Economic Development Area, Dongsheng Industrial District, Meizhou, Guangdong,

                                           FCC ID: 2ARRB-AXH

              Report Type:                                         Product Type:
              Original Report                                      Digital Cordless Telephone

                   Report Number:           RSZ180903005-20A

                        Report Date:        2018-10-12

                                            Rocky Xiao
                       Reviewed By:         RF Engineer

                       Prepared By:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)
                                            No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area,
                                            Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
                                            Tel: +86-769-86858888
                                            Fax: +86-769-86858891

 Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan).
This report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any agency of
the Federal Government. * This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an
asterisk “*”

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                 Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

                                           Attestation of Test Results
                                EUT Description      Digital Cordless Telephone
                                   Tested Model      AXH01
         EUT                     Multiple Model      AXH02, AXH03, AXH04
     Information                          FCC ID     2ARRB-AXH
                                   Serial Number     18090300521
                                        Test Date    2018-09-22
       MODE                     SAR Type                 Max. SAR Level(s) Reported(W/kg)            Limit(W/kg)
        DECT                   1g Head SAR                               0.03                             1.6
                         FCC 47 CFR part 2.1093
                         Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices
                         IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific
                         Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
                         Measurement Techniques
                         IEC 62209-2:2010
Applicable Standards Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless
                         communication devices-Human models, instrumentation, and procedures-Part 2:
                         Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication
                         devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)
                         KDB procedures
                         KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
                         KDB 648474 D04 Handset SAR v01r03
                         KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
                         KDB 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02
Note: This wireless device has been shown to be capable of compliance for localized specific absorption rate (SAR)
for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure limits specified in FCC 47 CFR part 2.1093 and has been tested in
accordance with the measurement procedures specified in IEEE 1528-2013 and RF exposure KDB procedures.
The results and statements contained in this report pertain only to the device(s) evaluated.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                                                          Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ......................................................................................................................... 4
EUT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................................... 5
  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 5
REFERENCE, STANDARDS, AND GUIDELINES.................................................................................................. 6
  SAR LIMITS ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
DESCRIPTION OF TEST SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................... 9
EQUIPMENT LIST AND CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................. 14
  EQUIPMENTS LIST & CALIBRATION INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 14
SAR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM VERIFICATION .............................................................................................. 15
  LIQUID VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................... 15
  SYSTEM ACCURACY VERIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 16
  SAR SYSTEM VALIDATION DATA ..................................................................................................................... 17
EUT TEST STRATEGY AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 18
  TEST POSITIONS FOR DEVICE OPERATING NEXT TO A PERSON’S EAR........................................................................ 18
  CHEEK/TOUCH POSITION ........................................................................................................................................... 19
  EAR/TILT POSITION ................................................................................................................................................... 19
  TEST POSITIONS FOR BODY-WORN AND OTHER CONFIGURATIONS .............................................................................. 20
  SAR EVALUATION PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 21
CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................... 22
 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
 MAXIMUM TARGET AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER ......................................................................................................... 22
 TEST RESULTS: .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
STANDALONE SAR TEST EXCLUSION CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................... 23
  ANTENNA LOCATION ................................................................................................................................................. 23
SAR MEASUREMENT RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 24
  SAR TEST DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
SAR MEASUREMENT VARIABILITY .................................................................................................................. 27
SAR PLOTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 28
APPENDIX A MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX B EUT TEST POSITION PHOTOS .................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX C CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES .................................................................................................. 32

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    Revision Number            Report Number        Description of Revision      Date of Revision

           1.0                RSZ180903005-20A          Original Report             2018-10-12

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This report has been prepared on behalf of Meizhou Guo Wei Electronics Co., Ltd and their product
Digital Cordless Telephone, Model: AXH01, FCC ID: 2ARRB-AXH or the EUT (Equipment under Test)
as referred to in the rest of this report.

Note: The series product models, AXH02, AXH03, AXH04 are electrically identical with the tested model AXH01, we
selected AXH01 for SAR test.The differences between them were explained in the declaration letter.

*All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 18090300521
(Assigned by BACL). The EUT was received on 2018-09-11.

Technical Specification

                         Device Type:    Portable
                  Exposure Category:     Population / Uncontrolled
                     Antenna Type(s):    Internal Antenna
                    Operation Mode :     GFSK
                          Accessories:   None
                     Frequency Band:     DECT:1921.536-1928.448 MHz;
                                         Peak Power: 19.17 dBm
                Conducted RF Power:
                                         Average Power :6.10 dBm
                        Power Source:    2.4 VDC Rechargeable Battery
                   Normal Operation:     Head

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The Report and Order requires routine SAR evaluation prior to equipment authorization of portable
transmitter devices, including portable telephones. For consumer products, the applicable limit is 1.6 mW/g
as recommended by the ANSI/IEEE standard C95.1-1992 [6] for an uncontrolled environment (Paragraph
65). According to the Supplement C of OET Bulletin 65 “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guide-lines for
Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields", released on Jun 29, 2001 by the FCC, the
device should be evaluated at maximum output power (radiated from the antenna) under “worst-case”
conditions for normal or intended use, incorporating normal antenna operating positions, device peak
performance frequencies and positions for maximum RF energy coupling.

This report describes the methodology and results of experiments performed on wireless data terminal. The
objective was to determine if there is RF radiation and if radiation is found, what is the extent of radiation
with respect to safety limits. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is the measure of RF exposure determined by
the amount of RF energy absorbed by human body (or its parts) – to determine how the RF energy couples
to the body or head which is a primary health concern for body worn devices. The limit below which the
exposure to RF is considered safe by regulatory bodies in North America is 1.6 mW/g average over 1 gram
of tissue mass.


The order requires routine SAR evaluation prior to equipment authorization of portable transmitter devices,
including portable telephones. For consumer products, the applicable limit is 2 mW/g as recommended by
EN62209-1 for an uncontrolled environment. According to the Standard, the device should be evaluated at
maximum output power (radiated from the antenna) under “worst-case” conditions for normal or intended
use, incorporating normal antenna operating positions, device peak performance frequencies and positions
for maximum RF energy coupling.

This report describes the methodology and results of experiments performed on wireless data terminal. The
objective was to determine if there is RF radiation and if radiation is found, what is the extent of radiation
with respect to safety limits. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is the measure of RF exposure determined by
the amount of RF energy absorbed by human body (or its parts) – to determine how the RF energy couples
to the body or head which is a primary health concern for body worn devices. The limit below which the
exposure to RF is considered safe by regulatory bodies in Europe is 2 mW/g average over 10 gram of tissue

The test configurations were laid out on a specially designed test fixture to ensure the reproducibility of
measurements. Each configuration was scanned for SAR. Analysis of each scan was carried out to
characterize the above effects in the device.

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SAR Limits

                                                 FCC Limit

                                                                 SAR (W/kg)
                                             (General Population /              (Occupational /
                                             Uncontrolled Exposure            Controlled Exposure
                                                Environment)                     Environment)
                Spatial Average
                                                     0.08                             0.4
         (averaged over the whole body)
                   Spatial Peak
                                                     1.60                             8.0
         (averaged over any 1 g of tissue)
                  Spatial Peak
            (hands/wrists/feet/ankles                 4.0                            20.0
              averaged over 10 g)

                                                  CE Limit

                                                                 SAR (W/kg)
                                             (General Population /              (Occupational /
            EXPOSURE LIMITS                  Uncontrolled Exposure            Controlled Exposure
                                                Environment)                     Environment)
                Spatial Average
                                                     0.08                             0.4
        (averaged over the whole body)
                 Spatial Peak
          (averaged over any 10 g of                  2.0                             10
                 Spatial Peak
           (hands/wrists/feet/ankles                  4.0                            20.0
              averaged over 10 g)

Population/Uncontrolled Environments are defined as locations where there is the exposure of
individual who have no knowledge or control of their exposure.

Occupational/Controlled Environments are defined as locations where there is exposure that may
be incurred by people who are aware of the potential for exposure (i.e. as a result of employment
or occupation).

General Population/Uncontrolled environments Spatial Peak limit 1.6W/kg for 1g Head SAR applied to the

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The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) to collect test data is located
on the No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area, Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China

The test site has been approved by the FCC under the KDB 974614 D01 and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database, FCC Registration No. : 897218,the FCC Designation No. : CN1220.

The test site has been registered with ISED Canada under ISED Canada Registration Number 3062D.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at:

          SAR Lab 1                                 SAR Lab 2

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These measurements were performed with the automated near-field scanning system DASY5 from Schmid
& Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG) which is the Fifth generation of the system shown in the figure

DASY5 System Description

The DASY5 system for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

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   A standard high precision 6-axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension
    for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
   An isotropic field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.
   A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal application, signal multiplexing,
    AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is
    battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.
   The Electro-optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the
    digital communication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is
    required. The EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
   The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering,
    control of the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.
   The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe
   A computer running Win7 professional operating system and the DASY52 software.
   Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning
    lamps, etc.
   The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.

 DASY5 Measurement Server

The DASY5 measurement server is based on a PC/104 CPU
board with a 400MHz Intel ULV Celeron, 128MB chip-disk
and 128MB RAM. The necessary circuits for communication
with the DAE4 (or DAE3) electronics box, as well as the 16
bit AD-converter system for optical detection and digital I/O
interface are contained on the DASY5 I/O board, which is
directly connected to the PC/104 bus of the CPU board.

The measurement server performs all real-time data
evaluation of field measurements and surface detection,
controls robot movements and handles safety operation. The
PC operating system cannot interfere with these time critical
processes. All connections are supervised by a watchdog, and disconnection of any of the cables to the
measurement server will automatically disarm the robot and disable all program-controlled robot
movements. Furthermore, the measurement server is equipped with an expansion port which is reserved for
future applications. Please note that this expansion port does not have a standardized point out, and
therefore only devices provided by SPEAG can be connected. Devices from any other supplier could
seriously damage the measurement server.

 Data Acquisition Electronics

The data acquisition electronics (DAE4) consist of a highly sensitive electrometer-grade preamplifier with
auto-zeroing, a channel and gain-switching multiplexer, a fast 16 bit AD-converter and a command decoder
with a control logic unit. Transmission to the measurement server is accomplished through an optical
downlink for data and status information, as well as an optical uplink for commands and the clock.

The mechanical probe mounting device includes two different sensor systems for frontal and sideways
probe contacts. They are used for mechanical surface detection and probe collision detection.

The input impedance of both the DAE4 as well as of the DAE3 box is 200MOhm; the inputs are
symmetrical and floating. Common mode rejection is above 80 dB.

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 EX3DV4 E-Field Probes

             Frequency       10 MHz to > 6 GHz
                             Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 6 GHz)

             Directivity     ± 0.3 dB in TSL (rotation around probe axis)
                             ± 0.5 dB in TSL (rotation normal to probe axis)

             Dynamic         10 µW/g to > 100 mW/g
             Range           Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (noise: typically < 1 µW/g)

             Dimensions      Overall length: 337 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                             Tip diameter: 2.5 mm (Body: 12 mm)
                             Typical distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1 mm

             Application     High precision dosimetric measurements in any exposure scenario
                             (e.g., very strong gradient fields); the only probe that enables
                             compliance testing for frequencies up to 6 GHz with precision of
                             better 30%.

             Compatibility   DASY3, DASY4, DASY52 SAR and higher, EASY4/MRI

 Calibration Frequency Points for EX3DV4 E-Field Probes SN: 7441 Calibrated: 2017/11/2

        Calibration Frequency       Frequency Range(MHz)                       Conversion Factor
             Point(MHz)                From            To             X                 Y           Z
               750 Head                 650            850           9.98              9.98        9.98
              750 Body                 650            850            9.95              9.95        9.95
               900 Head                 850           1000           9.74              9.74        9.74
              900 Body                 850            1000            9.8               9.8         9.8
              1750 Head                1650           1850           8.22              8.22        8.22
              1750 Body                1650           1850           8.04              8.04        8.04
              1900 Head                1850           2000           7.9               7.9         7.9
              1900 Body                1850           2000           7.79              7.79        7.79
              2450 Head                2350           2550           7.34              7.34        7.34
              2450 Body                2350           2550            7.4               7.4         7.4
              2600 Head                2550           2700           7.01              7.01        7.01
              2600 Body                2550           2700            7.1               7.1         7.1
              3700 Head                3600           3800           6.71              6.71        6.71
              3700 Body                3600           3800           6.27              6.27        6.27
              5200 Head                5100           5250           5.94              5.94        5.94
              5200 Body                5100           5250           5.22              5.22        5.22
              5300 Head                5250           5410           5.65              5.65        5.65
              5300 Body                5250           5410           4.73              4.73        4.73
              5600 Head                5490           5700           5.12              5.12        5.12
              5600 Body                5490           5700           4.33              4.33        4.33
              5800 Head                5700           5900           5.15              5.15        5.15
              5800 Body                5700           5900           4.35              4.35        4.35

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 SAM Twin Phantom

The SAM twin phantom is a fiberglass shell phantom with
2mm shell thickness (except the ear region, where shell
 increases to 6 mm). The phantom has three measurement areas:
_ Left Head
_ Right Head
_ Flat phantom

The phantom table for the DASY systems based on the
robots have the size of 100 x 50 x 85 cm (L x W x H).
For easy dislocation these tables have fork lift cut outs at the
The bottom plate contains three pairs of bolts for locking the
device holder. The device holder positions are adjusted to the
standard measurement positions in the three sections. Only one device holder is necessary if two phantoms
are used (e.g., for different liquids)

A white cover is provided to cover the phantom during off-periods to prevent water evaporation and
changes in the liquid parameters. Free space scans of devices on top of this phantom cover are possible.
Three reference marks are provided on the phantom counter. These reference marks are used to teach the
absolute phantom position relative to the robot.


The DASY5 system uses the high precision industrial robot. The robot offers the same features important
for our application:
 High precision (repeatability 0.02mm)
 High reliability (industrial design)
 Low maintenance costs (virtually maintenance free due to direct drive gears; no belt drives)
 Jerk-free straight movements (brushless synchrony motors; no stepper motors)
 Low ELF interference (motor control fields shielded via the closed metallic construction shields)

The above mentioned robots are controlled by the Staubli CS8c robot controllers. All information regarding
the use and maintenance of the robot arm and the robot controller is contained on the CDs delivered along
with the robot. Paper manuals are available upon request direct from Staubli.

Area Scans

Area scans are defined prior to the measurement process being executed with a user defined variable
spacing between each measurement point (integral) allowing low uncertainty measurements to be
conducted. Scans defined for FCC applications utilize a 15mm 2 step integral, with 1.5mm interpolation
used to locate the peak SAR area used for zoom scan assessments.

Where the system identifies multiple SAR peaks (which are within 25% of peak value) the system will
provide the user with the option of assessing each peak location individually for zoom scan averaging.

Zoom Scan (Cube Scan Averaging)

The averaging zoom scan volume utilized in the DASY5 software is in the shape of a cube and the side
dimension of a 1 g or 10 g mass is dependent on the density of the liquid representing the simulated tissue.
A density of 1000 kg/m3 is used to represent the head and body tissue density and not the phantom liquid
density, in order to be consistent with the definition of the liquid dielectric properties, i.e. the side length of
the 1g cube is 10mm,with the side length of the 10g cube is 21.5mm.

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When the cube intersects with the surface of the phantom, it is oriented so that 3 vertices touch the surface
of the shell or the center of a face is tangent to the surface. The face of the cube closest to the surface is
modified in order to conform to the tangent surface.

The zoom scan integer steps can be user defined so as to reduce uncertainty, but normal practice for typical
test applications (including FCC) utilize a physical step of 7 x7 x 7 (5mmx5mmx5mm) providing a volume
of 30 mm in the X & Y & Z axis.

Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantoms

The head tissue dielectric parameters recommended by the IEEE SCC-34/SC-2 in P1528 have been
incorporated in the following table. These head parameters are derived from planar layer models simulating
the highest expected SAR for the dielectric properties and tissue thickness variations in a human head.
Other head and body tissue parameters that have not been specified in P1528 are derived from the tissue
dielectric parameters computed from the 4-Cole-Cole equations described in Reference [12] and
extrapolated according to the head parameters specified in P1528.

Recommended Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body

         Frequency                      Head Tissue                              Body Tissue
           (MHz)                  εr                Ơ (S/m)               εr                   Ơ (S/m)
             150                 52.3                 0.76               61.9                   0.80
             300                 45.3                 0.87               58.2                   0.92
             450                 43.5                 0.87               56.7                   0.94
             835                 41.5                 0.90               55.2                   0.97
             900                 41.5                 0.97               55.0                   1.05
             915                 41.5                 0.98               55.0                   1.06
            1450                 40.5                 1.20               54.0                   1.30
            1610                 40.3                 1.29               53.8                   1.40
         1800-2000               40.0                 1.40               53.3                   1.52
            2450                 39.2                 1.80               52.7                   1.95
            3000                 38.5                 2.40               52.0                   2.73
            5800                 35.3                 5.27               48.2                   6.00

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Equipments List & Calibration Information

                                                                     Calibration     Calibration
         Equipment                Model                  S/N
                                                                         Date         Due Date
    DASY5 Measurement
                               DASY5 4.5.12             1470            NCR             NCR
     Data Acquisition
                                   DAE3                  471          2017/10/23     2018/10/22
      E-Field Probe              EX3DV4                 7441          2017/11/2       2018/11/1
      Dipole, 1900 MHz           D1900V2                 543          2016/10/25     2019/10/24
        Digital Radio
                                 CMD 60M              846956/010      2017/12/22     2018/12/22
    communication Tester
      Mounting Device           MD4HHTV5            SD 000 H01 KA       NCR             NCR
         Twin SAM              Twin SAM V5.0             1874           NCR             NCR
    Simulated Tissue 1900
                                 TS-1900-H            1703190001      Each Time           /
         MHz Head
      Network Analyzer            8753C              3033A02857        2018/8/3       2019/8/3
   Dielectric assessment kit       1253             SM DAK 040 CA       NCR             NCR
      ESG Series Signal
                                  E4422B             MY41000355       2017/12/14     2018/12/14
        Power Meter              EPM-441A            GB37481494       2017/12/11     2018/12/11
       Power Amplifier            60S1G6               348711           NCR             NCR
     Directional Coupler          441493                520Z            NCR             NCR
          Attenuator            20dB, 100W              LN749           NCR             NCR
          Attenuator             6dB, 150W              2754            NCR             NCR

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Liquid Verification

                                 Liquid Verification Setup Block Diagram
Liquid Verification Results

                                                     Liquid                         Delta
                                                                  Target Value
 Frequency                Liquid                    Parameter                       (%)         Tolerance
   (MHz)                   Type                             Ơ              Ơ             ΔƠ       (%)
                                                    εr             εr            Δεr
                                                          (S/m)          (S/m)          (S/m)
    1900        Simulated Tissue 1900 MHz Head 40.354     1.395    40     1.4    0.88   -0.36      ±5
  1924.992      Simulated Tissue 1900 MHz Head 40.246     1.421    40     1.4    0.62    1.5       ±5
*Liquid Verification above was performed on 2018-09-22.

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 System Accuracy Verification

 Prior to the assessment, the system validation kit was used to test whether the system was operating within
 its specifications of ±10%. The validation results are tabulated below. And also the corresponding SAR plot
 is attached as well in the SAR plots files.

 The spacing distances in the System Verification Setup Block Diagram is given by the following:
     a)   s = 15 mm ± 0,2 mm for 300 MHz ≤ f ≤ 1 000 MHz;
     b) s = 10 mm ± 0,2 mm for 1 000 MHz < f ≤ 3 000 MHz;
     c)   s = 10 mm ± 0,2 mm for 3 000 MHz < f ≤ 6 000 MHz.

 System Verification Setup Block Diagram

 System Accuracy Check Results

                                            Input    Measured     Normalized
              Frequency                                                           Target      Delta     Tolerance
  Date                       Liquid Type    Power      SAR           to 1W
                Band                                                            Value(W/kg)   (%)         (%)
                                            (mW)      (W/kg)        (W/kg)
2018/09/22   1900 MHz      1900MHz Head       100      1g 4.19       41.9           40.3       3.97         ±10
  *The SAR values above are normalized to 1 Watt forward power.

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System Performance 1900 MHz Head

DUT: D1900V2; Type: 1900 MHz; Serial: 543

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.395 S/m; εr = 40.354; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7441; ConvF(7.9, 7.9, 7.9); Calibrated: 2017/11/2;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE3 Sn471; Calibrated: 2017/10/23
       Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0_20150321; Type: QD000P40CD; Serial: TP:1874
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (41x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 6.76 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 56.76 V/m; Power Drift = 0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.51 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 4.19 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.22 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 6.35 W/kg

               0 dB = 6.35 W/kg = 8.03 dBW/kg

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Test Positions for Device Operating Next to a Person’s Ear

This category includes most wireless handsets with fixed, retractable or internal antennas located toward
the top half of the device, with or without a foldout, sliding or similar keypad cover. The handset should
have its earpiece located within the upper ¼ of the device, either along the centerline or off-centered, as
perceived by its users. This type of handset should be positioned in a normal operating position with the
“test device reference point” located along the “vertical centerline” on the front of the device aligned to the
“ear reference point”. The “test device reference point” should be located at the same level as the center
of the earpiece region. The “vertical centerline” should bisect the front surface of the handset at its top
and bottom edges. A “ear reference point” is located on the outer surface of the head phantom on each ear
spacer. It is located 1.5 cm above the center of the ear canal entrance in the “phantom reference plane”
defined by the three lines joining the center of each “ear reference point” (left and right) and the tip of the

A handset should be initially positioned with the earpiece region pressed against the ear spacer of a head
phantom. For the SCC-34/SC-2 head phantom, the device should be positioned parallel to the “N-F” line
defined along the base of the ear spacer that contains the “ear reference point”. For interim head
phantoms, the device should be positioned parallel to the cheek for maximum RF energy coupling. The
“test device reference point” is aligned to the “ear reference point” on the head phantom and the “vertical
centerline” is aligned to the “phantom reference plane”. This is called the “initial ear position”. While
maintaining these three alignments, the body of the handset is gradually adjusted to each of the following
positions for evaluating SAR:


                                                                   LE ER
                                                                      P                             B

                                                               M                mm

                                                                   ERP - ear reference
                                                                     i t- entrance to ear

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

Cheek/Touch Position

The device is brought toward the mouth of the head phantom by pivoting against the “ear reference point”
or along the “N-F” line for the SCC-34/SC-2 head phantom.
   This test position is established:
                  When any point on the display, keypad or mouthpiece portions of the handset is in contact
                  with the phantom.
                  (or) When any portion of a foldout, sliding or similar keypad cover opened to its intended
                  self-adjusting normal use position is in contact with the cheek or mouth of the phantom.
    For existing head phantoms – when the handset loses contact with the phantom at the pivoting point,
    rotation should continue until the device touches the cheek of the phantom or breaks its last contact
    from the ear spacer.

                                           Cheek /Touch Position

Ear/Tilt Position

With the handset aligned in the “Cheek/Touch Position”:

  1) If the earpiece of the handset is not in full contact with the phantom’s ear spacer (in the “Cheek/Touch
position”) and the peak SAR location for the “Cheek/Touch” position is located at the ear spacer region or
corresponds to the earpiece region of the handset, the device should be returned to the “initial ear position”
by rotating it away from the mouth until the earpiece is in full contact with the ear spacer.

   2) (otherwise) The handset should be moved (translated) away from the cheek perpendicular to the line
passes through both “ear reference points” (note: one of these ear reference points may not physically exist
on a split head model) for approximate 2-3 cm. While it is in this position, the device handset is tilted away
from the mouth with respect to the “test device reference point” until the inside angle between the vertical
centerline on the front surface of the phone and the horizontal line passing through the ear reference point is
by 15 80°. After the tilt, it is then moved (translated) back toward the head perpendicular to the line passes
through both “ear reference points” until the device touches the phantom or the ear spacer. If the antenna
touches the head first, the positioning process should be repeated with a tilt angle less than 15° so that the
device and its antenna would touch the phantom simultaneously. This test position may require a device
holder or positioner to achieve the translation and tilting with acceptable positioning repeatability.

If a device is also designed to transmit with its keypad cover closed for operating in the head position, such
positions should also be considered in the SAR evaluation. The device should be tested on the left and right
side of the head phantom in the “Cheek/Touch” and “Ear/Tilt” positions. When applicable, each
configuration should be tested with the antenna in its fully extended and fully retracted positions. These test
configurations should be tested at the high, middle and low frequency channels of each operating mode; for
example, AMPS, CDMA, and TDMA. If the SAR measured at the middle channel for each test
configuration (left, right, Cheek/Touch, Tilt/Ear, extended and retracted) is at least 2.0 dB lower than the
SAR limit, testing at the high and low channels is optional for such test configuration(s). If the transmission
band of the test device is less than 10 MHz, testing at the high and low frequency channels is optional.
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                                           Ear /Tilt 15o Position

Test positions for body-worn and other configurations

Body-worn operating configurations should be tested with the belt-clips and holsters attached to the device
and positioned against a flat phantom in normal use configurations. Devices with a headset output should
be tested with a headset connected to the device. When multiple accessories that do not contain metallic
components are supplied with the device, the device may be tested with only the accessory that dictates the
closest spacing to the body. When multiple accessories that contain metallic components are supplied with
the device, the device must be tested with each accessory that contains a unique metallic component. If
multiple accessories share an identical metallic component (e.g., the same metallic belt-clip used with
different holsters with no other metallic components), only the accessory that dictates the closest spacing to
the body must be tested.

Body-worn accessories may not always be supplied or available as options for some devices that are
intended to be authorized for body-worn use. A separation distance of 1.5 cm between the back of the
device and a flat phantom is recommended for testing body-worn SAR compliance under such
circumstances. Other separation distances may be used, but they should not exceed 2.5 cm. In these cases,
the device may use body-worn accessories that provide a separation distance greater than that tested for the
device provided however that the accessory contains no metallic components.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                          Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

SAR Evaluation Procedure

The evaluation was performed with the following procedure:

    Step 1: Measurement of the SAR value at a fixed location above the ear point or central position was
    used as a reference value for assessing the power drop. The SAR at this point is measured at the start
    of the test and then again at the end of the testing.

    Step 2: The SAR distribution at the exposed side of the head was measured at a distance of 4 mm
    from the inner surface of the shell. The area covered the entire dimension of the head or radiating
    structures of the EUT, the horizontal grid spacing was 10 mm x 10 mm, and the SAR distribution was
    determined by integrated grid of 1.0 mm x 1.0 mm. Based on these data, the area of the maximum
    absorption was determined by spline interpolation. The first Area Scan covers the entire dimension of
    the EUT to ensure that the hotspot was correctly identified.

    Step 3: Around this point, a volume of 30 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm was assessed by measuring 7x 7 x 7
    points. On the basis of this data set, the spatial peak SAR value was evaluated under the following

         1) The data at the surface were extrapolated, since the center of the dipoles is 1.2 mm away
         from the tip of the probe and the distance between the surface and the lowest measuring point is
         1.3 mm. The extrapolation was based on a least square algorithm. A polynomial of the fourth
         order was calculated through the points in z-axes. This polynomial was then used to evaluate the
         points between the surface and the probe tip.

         2) The maximum interpolated value was searched with a straightforward algorithm. Around this
         maximum the SAR values averaged over the spatial volumes (1 g or 10 g) were computed by the
         3D-Spline interpolation algorithm. The 3D-Spline is composed of three one dimensional splines
         with the “Not a knot"-condition (in x, y and z-directions). The volume was integrated with the
         trapezoidal-algorithm. One thousand points (10 x 10 x 10) were interpolated to calculate the

         All neighboring volumes were evaluated until no neighboring volume with a higher average
         value was found.

    Step 4: Re-measurement of the SAR value at the same location as in Step 1. If the value changed by
    more than 5%, the evaluation was repeated.

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Test Procedure

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input port of the EMI Test Receiver through

                                                                                     EMI Test
                          EUT                       Connector

                                             Rohde & Schwarz CMD60
                                            Digital Radio communication

Maximum Target Average Output Power

                                             Max Target Power(dBm)

                                         Low                     Middle                         High

               DECT                         6.5                    6.5                          6.5

Test Results:

                                Frequency         RF Output Peak          Average Power
             Mode                                                                               Duty Cycle
                                  (MHz)            Power (dBm)               (dBm)
                                 1921.536              19.12                  6.05
             DECT                1924.992              19.17                  6.10                4.93%
                                 1928.448              19.08                  6.01

Per KDB 447498 D01, 1 Channel shall be tested, the middle channel was selected to test:

where fhigh is the highest frequency in the band and flow, is the lowest fc is the center frequency in the band.

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Standalone SAR test exclusion considerations

Antenna Location

                                                    DECT Antenna

                                Left Front(Reverse) Right


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This page summarizes the results of the performed dosimetric evaluation.
SAR Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:          22.5-23.2℃
         Relative Humidity:            51%
            ATM Pressure:           100.6 kPa
                   Test Date:       2018/09/22

Testing was performed by Brave Lu.


                                                  Max.    Max.                  1g SAR (W/kg)
         EUT            Frequency      Test      Meas.   Rated
        Position          (MHz)        Mode      Power   Power   Scaled     Meas.    Scaled Corrected
                                                 (dBm)   (dBm)   Factor     SAR       SAR     SAR
   Head Left Cheek       1924.992      GFSK       6.10     6.5    1.096     0.031     0.034      0.03       1#
    Head Left Tilt       1924.992      GFSK      6.10     6.5     1.096     0.023     0.025      0.03       2#
  Head Right Cheek       1924.992      GFSK      6.10     6.5     1.096     0.026     0.028      0.03       3#
   Head Right Tilt       1924.992      GFSK      6.10     6.5     1.096     0.020     0.022      0.02       4#

 1. When SAR or MPE is not measured at the maximum power level allowed for production units, the results must
    be scaled to the maximum tune-up tolerance limit according to the power applied to the individual channels
    tested to determine compliance.
 2. According to EN 62209-2:2010 ,If the correction ΔSAR has a positive sign, the measured SAR results shall not
    be corrected.

SAR Evaluation Report                                                                                   24 of 32

Corrected SAR Evaluation
  s2200.2 © tec:2010                             —so —
                                              Annex F
      SAR correction for deviations of complex permittivity from targets
 F.2— SAR correction formula
 From (13] and [14], a linear relationship was found between the percent change in SAR
 (denated 38R and the percent change in the permitivity and conductiviy from the target
 values in Table 1 (denated as, and ao, respectively). This lnear relationship agreeswith the
 results of Kuster and Balzano {48] and Bit—Babik et al. (2. The relationship is given by
                                      ASAR        Ane o ar                              En
            6. = 0(ASARY2(4)     is the coofficients representing the sensitvity of SAR to
                                 permitivity where SAR is normalizad to output power
                  (aSARY@(4o) is the coeffiients representing the sensitiity of SAR to
                                 conductiviy, where SAR is normalized to output power.
 The values of c, and c, have a simple relationship wih frequency that can be described using
 polynomial equations. Forthe 1 a averaged SAR c, and c, are given by
                        —rese 108 .« a 4022103 2—274210"" 1—02026                       ra
                     c, «804109 79—as0110—277 200110—27+ ore2 9                       CS
     1. is the frequency in Gite
  For the 10 g averaged SAR, the variables c, and e» are given by:
                           asex109°—as31—10—#72+7.er5»1021—o.186 0                    ra
                       co =4479 109—iseo02 2—or0r 26— 0771 7                          ©=

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                  Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

Corrected SAR Evaluation Table:

  Frequency                                                                            △SAR
                Liquid Type         Cε              △εr    Cδ             △δ
    (MHz)                                                                               (%)
     1900           Head           -0.226           0.88   0.594          -0.36         -0.41
   1924.992         Head           -0.226           0.62   0.589           1.5          0.74

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                   Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

SAR Measurement Variability

In accordance with published RF Exposure KDB procedure 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6
GHz v01. These additional measurements are repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring
the same head or body tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned
to ambient conditions (normal room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on
the device holder for the repeated measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated

     1)   Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg;
          steps 2) through 4) do not apply.
     2)   When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg, repeat that measurement once.
     3)   Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the
          original and first repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement
          is ≥ 1.45 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1-g SAR limit).
     4)   Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first or second repeated measurement is
          ≥1.5 W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second repeated
          measurements is > 1.20.

Note: The same procedures should be adapted for measurements according to extremity and occupational
    exposure limits by applying a factor of 2.5 for extremity exposure and a factor of 5 for occupational
    exposure to the corresponding SAR thresholds.

The Highest Measured SAR Configuration in Each Frequency Band


                                                                               Meas. SAR (W/kg)           Largest to
    SAR probe            Frequency
                                        Freq.(MHz)       EUT Position                                      Smallest
 calibration point         Band
                                                                             Original       Repeated      SAR Ratio

          /                   /               /                /                /               /              /

     1. Second Repeated Measurement is not required since the ratio of the largest to smallest SAR for the original
       and first repeated measurement is not > 1.20.
     2. The measured SAR results do not have to be scaled to the maximum tune-up tolerance to determine if
       repeated measurements are required.
     3. SAR measurement variability must be assessed for each frequency band, which is determined by the SAR
       probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium used for the device measurements.

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SAR Plots

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The uncertainty budget has been determined for the measurement system and is given in the following
                 Measurement uncertainty evaluation for IEEE1528-2013 SAR test

                                Tolerance/                                               Standard      Standard
         Source of                            Probability                ci      ci
                                uncertainty                  Divisor                    uncertainty   uncertainty
        uncertainty                           distribution             (1 g)   (10 g)
                                   ±%                                                    ± %, (1 g)   ± %, (10 g)

                                              Measurement system
      Probe calibration            6.55            N           1        1        1          6.6           6.6
        Axial Isotropy              4.7            R           √3       1        1          2.7           2.7
  Hemispherical Isotropy            9.6            R           √3       0        0          0.0           0.0
      Boundary effect               1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
          Linearity                 4.7            R           √3       1        1          2.7           2.7
       Detection limits             1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
    Readout electronics             0.3            N           1        1        1          0.3           0.3
       Response time                0.0            R           √3       1        1          0.0           0.0
      Integration time              0.0            R           √3       1        1          0.0           0.0
  RF ambient conditions –
                                    1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
        RF ambient
                                    1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
   Probe positioner mech.
                                    0.8            R           √3       1        1          0.5           0.5
   Probe positioning with
                                    6.7            R           √3       1        1          3.9           3.9
  respect to phantom shell
      Post-processing               2.0            R           √3       1        1          1.2           1.2
                                               Test sample related
  Test sample positioning           2.8            N           1        1        1          2.8           2.8
Device holder     uncertainty       6.3            N           1        1        1          6.3           6.3
    Drift of output power           5.0            R           √3       1        1          2.9           2.9
                                               Phantom and set-up
Phantom uncertainty (shape
                                    4.0            R           √3       1        1          2.3           2.3
 and thickness tolerances)
 Liquid conductivity target)        5.0            R           √3      0.64    0.43         1.8           1.2
 Liquid conductivity meas.)         2.5            N           1       0.64    0.43         1.6           1.1
  Liquid permittivity target)       5.0            R           √3      0.6     0.49         1.7           1.4
 Liquid permittivity meas.)         2.5            N           1       0.6     0.49         1.5           1.2
   Combined standard
                                                 RSS                                       12.2          12.0
Expanded uncertainty 95 %
                                                                                           24.3          23.9
   confidence interval)

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                               Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A

                         Measurement uncertainty evaluation for IEC62209-2 SAR test

                                 Tolerance/                                               Standard      Standard
          Source of                            Probability                ci      ci
                                 uncertainty                  Divisor                    uncertainty   uncertainty
         uncertainty                           distribution             (1 g)   (10 g)
                                    ±%                                                    ± %, (1 g)   ± %, (10 g)

                                               Measurement system
      Probe calibration             6.55            N           1        1        1          6.6           6.6
        Axial Isotropy               4.7            R           √3       1        1          2.7           2.7
   Hemispherical Isotropy            9.6            R           √3       0        0          0.0           0.0
           Linearity                 4.7            R           √3       1        1          2.7           2.7
    Modulation Response              0.0            R           √3       1        1          0.0           0.0
       Detection limits              1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
       Boundary effect               1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
     Readout electronics             0.3            N           1        1        1          0.3           0.3
       Response time                 0.0            R           √3       1        1          0.0           0.0
       Integration time              0.0            R           √3       1        1          0.0           0.0
  RF ambient conditions –
                                     1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
       RF ambient
                                     1.0            R           √3       1        1          0.6           0.6
   Probe positioner mech.
                                     0.8            R           √3       1        1          0.5           0.5

   Probe positioning with
                                     6.7            R           √3       1        1          3.9           3.9
  respect to phantom shell

       Post-processing               2.0            R           √3       1        1          1.2           1.2
                                                Test sample related
  Device holder Uncertainty          6.3            N           1        1        1          6.3           6.3
   Test sample positioning           2.8            N           1        1        1          2.8           2.8
        Power scaling                4.5            R           √3       1        1          2.6           2.6
    Drift of output power            5.0            R           √3       1        1          2.9           2.9
                                                Phantom and set-up

 Phantom uncertainty (shape
                                     4.0            R           √3       1        1          2.3           2.3
  and thickness tolerances)

Algorithm for correcting SAR
for deviations in permittivity       1.9            N           1        1      0.84         1.1           0.9
       and conductivity
 Liquid conductivity (meas.)         2.5            N           1       0.64    0.43         1.6           1.1
  Liquid permittivity (meas.)        2.5            N           1       0.6     0.49         1.5           1.2
  Temp. unc. - Conductivity          1.7            R           √3      0.78    0.71         0.8           0.7
  Temp. unc. - Permittivity          0.3            R           √3      0.23    0.26         0.0           0.0
     Combined standard
                                                  RSS                                       12.2          12.1
 Expanded uncertainty 95 %
                                                                                            24.5          24.2
    confidence interval)

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A


Please Refer to the Attachment.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)              Report No.: RSZ180903005-20A


Please Refer to the Attachment.

                                   ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2018-12-27 19:03:59
Document Modified: 2018-12-27 19:03:59

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