User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                             Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, ©
        é".:—:L @               fi          fi            &                                            2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK

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         i2z           Contin

        Door Alarm System:
        Date: 9/4/2018

        1. Structure

                                                    Magnetic Door Sensor
                    Electric Lock                           I                    Siren

             o0                             _     Door Strip                                           it
             D‘\- 12VDC Adaptor 1|                 Monitor                                   'fi\)                                  |
                                           A" Teabbs _                                                   TL—4015
                  i|                                                               |
    |        Emergency          I                  a                        | |@)                           s |
                                                                                                              ces              |

             Door Release       1                                             Door Lock                                        1
                                                                rFdzskHz 7I    Indicator                TL—2020P
                                    .§ V

                                    ©                                   4              — Power Core
                                     tor                           dl
                                                                                      Signal Cabl
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                                                T:E%Eer                           (("        RF433

                                                                                  (( o _RF 2.4GHz
                                                                              System Block Diagram

    1. Main Device — Single Door Strip Monitor(Code: TL—4005)
2. Resident Wristband Transmitter(Code: TL—4012)

3. Wireless Reset Button(Code: TL—4014W)
4. Pager TL—4012

5. Central Monitor Unit TL—4015

Optional Devices:
1. Power Supply, 12V DC, 1A

2. Magnetic Door Sensor
3. Electric Lock
4. Siren
5. Emergency Door Release(Glass Break button)

                                                                            Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, ©

4 Ls3
      z2 n #                                  -                    2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
                                                                                             T:(852) 2398 2562
 Sss         Contin technology                                                               F:(852) 2398 1536 ®

6. Door Lock Indicator
When door open{with magnetic door sensor)

a. Count when door is detected as open(could be set as Sseconds~75seconds), TL—4005 alarm
b. Can be reset by TL—4014W or tamper proof reset option
c. After reset, TL—4005 will pause function
d. Once door closed, TL—4005 will restart

When TL—4012 get close to TL—4005(with magnetic door sensor)
a. TL—4005 will awake TL—4012 by sending low frequency signal, which cover 1—8m area
     *Please do not put TL—4012 too close to the TL—4005 for testing

b. TL—4012 send out its ID to TL—4005
c. TL—4005 will try to lock the door and react in 3 ways:

     i. if it failed to lock the door, it will alarm immediately
     ii. if the door is successfully be locked, and TL—4012 is detected leave the range, the door will
automatically unlock after 3 seconds
     iii. if the door is successfully be locked, and TL—4012 is detected stay in the range, after 3 seconds,

TL—4005 will alarm
d. The alarm could be reset by using TL—4014W, TL—4005 will enter reset delay period for Osec~75sec.

When TL—4012 get close to TL—4005(without magnetic door sensor)
a. TL—4005 will awake TL—4012 by sending low frequency signal, which cover 1—8m area
b. TL—4012 send out its ID to TL—4005
c. If TL—4012 is being detected and have not leave within 3seconds, TL—4005 will alarm
d. The alarm could be reset by using TL—4014W, TL—4005 will pause function for 3mins

Temporarily pause TL—4005

a. Press and hold TL—4014W for Sseconds, system will pause for 1 mins
b. Press TL—4014W once again, system will return to normal

                                                                      Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre,

EL8       #% AR &
%‘;1 Contin technology
                                                              2—12 Au Pul Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK @


2. Introduction of Devices
2.1. TL—4005


               Wire Connection

2.2 Specification
Power Output: 12V DC, 1A Max

Current: 300ma
Relay Contact Rating: (Include Electric Lock/Siren/Door Lock Indicator) Switching voltage 12VDC/24VDC,
Switching current 500ma Max
Size: 360mm(L) x 68mm(W) x 32mm(D)

                                                                                   Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, ©
    E:-E                                t                                  2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
    €      L8               f        N      #                                                        T:(8B52) 2398 2562
    iez           Contin technology                                                                 F:(852) 2398 1536 ®

2.3 Connection

         %%%;';o'fik Indicator    ud ]                                 Electric Lock Power In
                  GND,                                                  GND

         12VDC Input                                            l_ Siren Power
         Max 1A                                                                       J1


11                               [          *          |Z
        Terminal                                Description
        Ground                                  Power input GND
        12V DC                                  Power input 12V DC
        LED +                                   Door Lock Indicator, door lock
                                                status shown when short circuit
        LED —                                   Door Lock Indicator
5       Lock+                                   Electric lock power out, door
                                                locked when short circuit
        Lock —                                  Electric lock power out
7       Alarm +                                 Alarm output +, alarm when
                                                short circuit
8       Alarm —                                 Alarm output—

        Terminal                                Description
1       Reset +                                 Connect to fire alarm switch
2       Reset —                                 Connectto fire alarm switch
3       Magnet +                                Magnetic door signal in
4       Magnet —                                Magnetic door signal in

                                                                                            Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, ©
.—?E L fi               fi      fl        &                                            2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
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& 1               Contif n technology

2.4 System Setup

 SWl                           o   im io io. lear tec Marhm:
     ower Swite
                               6666666 0):                                 sws
                                                                           DATX Distance Range

                           noset| D)     $         ElE
                           nost| D)      M         EME            3        sw3
                           meemel|D      Fe—s§          18—       {*J|—— DATX Sensitivity Level
                           ueess D)                 i                      Select

 Program Button                  ‘(onh}m     ‘;°    §         1            SW4 Buzzer Volume

                                 S$1 Number Input

1. SW1 Power Switch
2. SW3 & SWS5 — Setup the sensing range
       SW3 adjust the distance, long distance = within 8m; short distance = within 4m

       SW5 fine tuning the distance, 1 is shortest, 4 is longest
3. SW4 adjust the volume
4. Other parameter setting:
       a. S$1 choose setting(refer to the table listed in below)

       b. Press(Program), "Bi" sounds and enter setting mode, Green LED{(Door Open) & Red LED(Alarm) on
       c. S1 enter parameter
       d. Press program button, parameter entered

n                                                                      Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre,
                                                               2—12 Au Pul Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK $

   '1" * ntin&#technology
                  N K                                                                   T:(B52) 2308 2562 /
                                                                                        F:(8s2) 2398 1536

Parameter List (Apart from 1—9, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13,E=14,F=15)
     Setting             Setting Code            Description                           Parameter(N)
     Zone No. (01—99)    O(For digit in tens)   Zone no. has to be same as the         0—9
                         1(For digit in ones)   TL—4015‘s for communication            0—9
     Door No.            2                       Door ID for showing in the            0—15
     Door Lock Time                             After the time will release the        145
     Out                                        door and alarm
                                                5sec.~75sec(5s x N)

                                                 No time limit for the lock door
     Reset Delay                                After using reset button or reset      0—15
                                                key to cancel the alarm, the
                                                system will be pause for a preset
                                                period, no alarm will be triggered
                                                during the period
                                                Time is Osec.~75sec(5s x N)
     Door Open Alarm                            Turn off the door detection
     Delay                                      When door magnetic detector            1—15
                                                check the door is open, alarm will
                                                be triggered after the delay time
                                                Time is 5sec.~75sec(5s x N)
     Alarm Relay                                Output Keep Short       for alarming
                                                Impulse output(400ms On/400ms
     Resume original                            Zone no. :87
     setting                                    Door no. :01
                                                Door Lock Time Out: 07 (35sec)
                                                Reset delay: 0 sec
                                                Door open alarm delay: Turn off
                                                Alarm relay: normal close alarm

                                                                                  Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre,
                                                                          2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK $

                 L. 8            B   HF    OR                                                          T:(852) 2398 2562
                        Contin teChnOlOSg                                                              F:(B52) 2398 1536 ®


   2.5 Signal

             Door Open/Close

                                                                                        Power Signal

                                             System Pause and

       Door Lock Signal

                     Items           Description

  1                  Door            Door close will light up Green LED
                     Open/Close      Door open will flash Green LED
                                     It will not light when door magnetic detection function is closed

  2                  Alarm           Red LED flash when alarm(TL—4012 get close to the device or door open)

  3                  Reset/Pause     Yellow LED flash indicates that the system is on reset delay or pause,
                                     system is temporarily not working

  4                  Door Lock       Green LED light up indicates the door is locking

  5                  Program Mode    Door Open/Close LED and Alarm LED light up

                                                                        Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, @
5"’—"_ 3            &       B      oK#                          2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
 Bm            Contin technolo, SY                                                        Pioep   on tem
                                                                                          F:(852) 2398 1536 3

3. TL—4012
3.1 Introduction of Transmitter(TL—4012)
Resident Wristband Transmitter will be waked by TL—4005 and start to           |       |/        Lhoindéstof
send signal to TL—4005.

3.2 Specification                                                                               %

Batter: CR2450
Frequency: 2.4Ghz

3.3 Instruction
 LED will flash when it get closed to TL—4005

3.4 Check On / Off Status
    Place magnetic on right side

     Status              LED
       On              Flashing
       Off           Keep light up

3.5 Turn On
   Put the magnetic field on the right for 5 seconds, LED Off and
   turns on the power.

3.6 Turn Off
   Step 1: Put the magnetic field on the rightside for 5 seconds,
          LED stops flashing and keep light up;
   Step 2: Remove the magnetic until LED light off;
   Step 3: Put the magnetic field on the rightside again until LED
          light up;
   Step 4: Remove the magnetic and TL—4012 will turn off the

                                                                          Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, ©
 F:EL                                                            2—12 Au Pul Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
€           §       .&      N                                                                :
                                                                                            T:(852) 2398 2562 $
 &ZJ          Contin technology                                                             F(B52) 2398 1536

4. TL—4014W
4.1 Introduction of Reset Button{(TL—4014W)
TL—4014W will reset the alarm of TL—4005. If the button is press during door open status(with door detector},
it can pause the TL—4005 until the door is closed. If the button is pressed for 3 seconds while door detection is
not applied, TL—4005 will pause for 3 mins.
Low battery signal will be sent to TL—4005.

4.2 Specification
Battery: CR2450
Frequency: 2.4Ghz

5. Message Displayed on WC—TL—4015
5.1 Single Door Strip Monitor Setting Procedure
a)Turn on the TL—4015

b)Press and hold Prog. Button for 2 seconds, TL—4015 will enter program mode, "PROG" will light on the left
hand corner

                          V prog              i       o)

c)Press Prog. Button one more time, TL—4015 will enter Single Door Strip Monitor setting mode, Single Door
Strip Monitor icon will be shown

                               PROG                    D

                              A U
                              L }1
d)Press up/down button enter the door no., it has to be the same as the number entered in TL—4005
e)Press Quit to finish the setting

                                                                        Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre,

 E2ELs # n #
 E                                                                                          |
                                                                2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK @
                                                                                           T:(852) 2398 2562 &
 %;          Contin technology                                                             F:(852) 2398 1536

5.2 Message shown
1. TL—4012 alarm

                                     ALARM              4)

                             |            Cl
                                          5 ic
                             (              4A L

                            D=Door           Door No.        DATX‘s ID no.
                            DATX‘s Icon
*Door no. from                                                                              10—15, will be shown
as 0, b, c, E and F

2. TL—4012 in low battery
                                                                        >           Low Battery
                                                        4)        -D

3. Reset button in low batter

                                                                   fi         / Icon for Reset Button

                                                                                          Flat H, 4/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, @
 é__éL fi                         fi        &                                     2—12 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, HK
€ .1                1                                                                                        T:(852) 2398 2562 0@
lz             Contin technology                                                                             F:(852) 2398 1536

4. Door not close alarm                                                                            Icon for door not close
                                  _         ALARMa                 a)     _             _¥
                                   10            SA M lm
                                  |                           1 L(

Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generate, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular

installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipmentoff and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:

—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

                                                                 ~end ~


Document Created: 2019-06-07 05:49:41
Document Modified: 2019-06-07 05:49:41

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