RF exposure

FCC ID: 2ARD3-LA-119

RF Exposure Info

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(    fltl                                                                                           Report Number: 1908FS16
    \‘                                                                                                               Rev.00

                                SAR Exclusion Evaluation Report

    Applicant                    :   LEXON
    Product Type                 :   TYKHO 3
    Trade Name                   : LEXON
    Model Number                 : LA119
    Test Specification           :   ANSI / IEEE Std.095.1—1992 / IEEE Std. 1528—2013
                                     47 CFR §2.1098
    Received Date                / Jul. 17, 2019
    Test Period                  :   Aug. 19, 2019
    Issue Date                   :   Aug. 22, 2019

                                                           Issue by

     Approved By            :        ;j f         LU\                Tested By          :       K Y’US             FG\V\

                                           (Jet Lu)                                                     (Kris Pan)

    A Test Lab Techno Corp.
    No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,
    Taoyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190

    Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
    Test Firm MRA designation number: TWO010

     1 The test results are valid. only for samples provided by customers and under the test conditions described in this
     2:This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the wnitten approval af A Test Lab Technology Corparation.
     3:The relevant information is provided by customers in this test report. According to the correciness, appropriateness
       or completeness of the information provided by the customer, if there is any doubt or error in the information which
       affects the validity of the test results, the laboratory does not take the responsibility.

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                                                        Report Number: 1908FS16

                               Revision History

Rev.    Issue Date                          Revisions        Revised By
00     Aug. 22, 2019   Initial Issue                         Jennifer Liu

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                                                                                                   Report Number: 1908FS16


1.   Description of Equipment under Test (EUT) ...............................................................5
2.   Reference Testing Standards .......................................................................................4
3.   SAR Test Exclusion .......................................................................................................6
     3.1        Conducted Power ...............................................................................................7
     3.3        Evaluation Results ..............................................................................................8

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                                                                                        Report Number: 1908FS16

1.   Reference Testing Standards
            Standard                                      Description                                Version
                              American National Standard safety levels with respect to human
     ANSI/IEEE C95.1          exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 300 kHz to 100      1992
                              GHz, New York.
                              IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak
     IEEE 1528                Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head        2013
                              From Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques.
     FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093   Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices.          ---
                              SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz - describes SAR
     FCC KDB 865664 D01       measurement procedures for devices operating between 100 MHz to        v01r04
                              6 GHz
                              RF Exposure Reporting - provides general reporting requirements as
     FCC KDB 865664 D02       well as certain specific information required to support MPE and SAR   v01r02
                              General RF Exposure Guidance - provides guidance pertaining to
     FCC KDB 447498 D01       RF exposure requirements for mobile and portable device equipment       v06

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                                                                                              Report Number: 1908FS16

2.   Description of Equipment under Test (EUT)
                                      91 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément - 92100 Boulogne - FRANCE
                                      91 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément - 92100 Boulogne - FRANCE
      Product Type                    TYKHO 3
      Trade Name                      LEXON
      Model Number                    LA119
      FCC ID                          2ARD3-LA-119
                                                                                               Frequency Range
                                                          Operate Band
      Frequency Range
                                      Bluetooth BR/EDR                                            2402 - 2480
                                      Bluetooth LE                                                2402 - 2480
                                                                                                         Max. Gain
      Antenna information                                                                                  (dBi)
                                                         Inverted F Antenna                                -0.58
     The above equipment was tested by A Test Lab Techno Corp. For compliance with the requirements set forth in 47
     CFR § 2.1093. The results of testing in this report apply only to the product/system, which was tested. Other similar
     equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance and measurement uncertainties.

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                                                                                              Report Number: 1908FS16

3.   SAR Test Exclusion
     As RF exposure evaluation of portable device, SAR test is not required when the evaluation results. According to

     KDB 447498 4.3.1, unless excluded by specific FCC test procedures, portable devices shall include SAR data for

     equipment approval. SAR test necessity will be based on the exclusion result.

     The test exclusion refers KDB 447498 as below:

     ≤50 mm:
     [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] · [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for

     1-g SAR and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR

     >50 mm and <200 mm:

     a) [Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step 1) + (test separation distance - 50 mm)·( f(MHz)/150)]

         mW, at 100 MHz to 1500 MHz

     b) [Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step 1) + (test separation distance - 50 mm)·10] mW at > 1500

         MHz and ≤ 6 GHz

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                                                                                            Report Number: 1908FS16

3.1 Conducted Power

   The conducted power turn-up tolerance, please reference manufacturer specification.
                                         Frequency                                       Average Conducted power
             Operate Band                                    Packet Type
                                           (MHz)                                                  (dBm)
                                                                 DH1                              2.86
                                          2402.0                 DH3                              2.89
                                                                 DH5                              2.92

             Bluetooth BR                                        DH1                              2.80
                                          2441.0                 DH3                              2.83
                GFSK                                             DH5                              2.86
                                                                 DH1                              2.74
                                          2480.0                 DH3                              2.77
                                                                 DH5                              2.80
                                                                 DH1                              1.60
                                          2402.0                 DH3                              1.63
                                                                 DH5                              1.66

            Bluetooth EDR                                        DH1                              1.56
                                          2441.0                 DH3                              1.59
             π/4-DQPSK                                           DH5                              1.62
                                                                 DH1                              1.48
                                          2480.0                 DH3                              1.51
                                                                 DH5                              1.54
                                          2402.0                                                  -1.00
             Bluetooth LE                 2440.0                  ---                             -1.11
                                          2480.0                                                  -1.22

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                                                                                         Report Number: 1908FS16

3.2 Evaluation Results

    The evaluation of SAR test reduction according to KDB447498

    SAR test is not required when the results showed “EXEMPT”.
                                                 SAR test reduction
                                                                  Distance of Ant.
                                   Frequency    Power                                      Calculated threshold value
     Ant. Used         Band                                       To User (mm)
                                             (dBm) (mW)         Front         Back            Front         Back
                                                                                               0.6           0.6
        DSS          Bluetooth        2.441       3     1.995        5            5
                                                                                            EXEMPT        EXEMPT

    Exclusion Considerations: SAR is not required

    Note: 1. Calculated Value include string "mW",that is meam through compare output power with threshold, if the
              output power more than threshold value the SAR test should be perform. Otherwise,the SAR test could be
              exempt. (> 50mm)
          2. Calculated Value only inculde number format, that is mean through compare output power with threshold,
             if the Calculated value more than 3, the SAR test should be perform. Otherwise, the SAR test could be
             exempt. (<50mm)
          3. When an antenna qualifies for the standalone SAR test exclusion of KDB 447498 section 4.3.1 and also
             transmits simultaneously with other antennas, the standalone SAR value must be estimated according to
             KDB 447498 section "4.3.2. Simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion considerations b) "
          4. We used highest frequency and power,that result should be evaluated the worst case.
          5. Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation.
          6. The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison.
          7. We use a minimum distance of 5mm for bluetooth function.


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Document Created: 2019-09-20 17:57:23
Document Modified: 2019-09-20 17:57:23

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