

Test Report

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                           Page 1 of 18                                                     Report No.: HK1812292065-1E

                                                   TEST REPORT
                                     FCC Rules and Regulations Part PART 15.249
                                         RSS-210 Issue 9/ RSS-GEN Issue 5
Report Reference No.:                                      HK1812292065-1E

FCC ID:                                                    2AR94-IBC-FC330

IC                                                         24663-IBCFC330
Compiled by
( position+printed name+signature).. :                     File administrators Gary Qian

Supervised by
( position+printed name+signature).. :                     Technique principal Eden Hu

Approved by
( position+printed name+signature).. :                     Manager Jason Zhou

Date of issue ..................................... :      Jan. 21, 2019
Testing Laboratory Name .............. :                   Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                           1F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park,
Address............................................. :
                                                           Heping Community, Fuhai Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, China
Applicant’s name ............................ :            SHANGHAI HONGYAN RETURNABLE TRANSIT PACKAGINGS
                                                           CO., LTD.
                                                           487 Tianlin Rd, 20-1105 Zone Caohejing Hi-Tech Park,Shanghai,
Address............................................. :
                                                           P.R China,200233
                                                           FCC Rules and Regulations Part PART 15.249
Standard ........................................... :
                                                           RSS-210 Issue 9/ RSS-GEN Issue 5
Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the
material. Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will not assume
liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its
placement and context.
Test item description .....................:               IOT Module
Trade Mark ....................................... :       /
Manufacturer ................................... :         SHANGHAI HONGYAN RETURNABLE TRANSIT PACKAGINGS
                                                           CO., LTD.
Model/Type reference....................... :              IBC-FC330
Listed Models .................................. :         IBC-FC1040
Ratings.............................................. :    DC 3.6 V From DC Power;
Modulation ....................................... :       GMSK
GPRS.................................................      Supported
Hardware version ............................. :           Horen_IBC_V1.4
Software version .............................. :          Horen_IBC_V1.4
Frequency ..........................................       GPRS 850MHz;GPRS 1900MHz;
Result................................................ :   PASS

                                      Page 2 of 18       Report No.: HK1812292065-1E

                                TEST REPORT

                                                                                           Jan. 21, 2019
Test Report No. :                HK1812292065-1E              ______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                           Date of issue

 Equipment under Test       :    IOT Module

 Model /Type                :    IBC-FC330

 Listed Models              :    IBC-FC1040

 Applicant                  :    SHANGHAI HONGYAN RETURNABLE TRANSIT
                                 PACKAGINGS CO., LTD.

 Address                    :    487 Tianlin Rd, 20-1105 Zone Caohejing Hi-Tech
                                 Park,Shanghai,P.R China,200233

 Manufacturer               :    SHANGHAI HONGYAN RETURNABLE TRANSIT
                                 PACKAGINGS CO., LTD.

                            :    487 Tianlin Rd, 20-1105 Zone Caohejing Hi-Tech
                                 Park,Shanghai,P.R China,200233

        Test Result:                                          PASS

 The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
 It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test

                                                     Page 3 of 18                  Report No.: HK1812292065-1E


1.     0BTEST STANDARDS ................................................................. 4

2.     1BSUMMARY ............................................................................ 5

2.1.   General Remarks                                                                                                                          5
2.2.   7BProduct Description                                                                                                                    5
2.3.     8BEquipment Under Test                                                                                                                 5
2.4.       9BShort description of the Equipment under Test (EUT)                                                                                5
2.5.         10BEUT operation mode                                                                                                              5
2.6.            1BBlock Diagram of Test Setup                                                                                                   6
2.7.              Modifications                                                                                                                 6

3.     2BTEST ENVIRONMENT .............................................................. 7

3.1.   TEST FACILITY                                                                                                                            7
3.2.   17BEnvironmental conditions                                                                                                              7
3.3.      18BSummary of measurement results                                                                                                     7
3.4.         19BStatement of the measurement uncertainty                                                                                        7
3.5.            20BEquipments Used during the Test                                                                                              8

4.     3BTEST CONDITIONS AND RESULTS ............................................ 9

       4.1.           21BAC Power Conducted Emission .....................................................................................9
       4.2.              Radiated Emission and Band Edges ............................................................................10
       4.3.              23Occupied Bandwidth Measurement .............................................................................15
       4.4.                31BAntenna Requirement...................................................................................................17

5.     4BTEST SETUP PHOTOS OF THE EUT.......................................... 18

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The tests were performed according to following standards:

FCC Rules Part 15.249: Operation within the bands 902 - 928 MHz, 2400 - 2483.5 MHz, 5725 -
5875 MHz, and 24.0 - 24.25 GHz.
ANSI C63.10:2013 : American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

ANSI C63.4: 2014: –American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40GHz
Range of 9 kHz to 40GHz

RSS-210 Issue 9:–Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment

RSS-GEN Issue 5: General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

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2.1. General Remarks

Date of receipt of test sample       :       Dec.29, 2018

Testing commenced on                 :       Dec.29, 2018

Testing concluded on                 :       Jan.21, 2019

2.2. Product Description

Name of EUT                                  IOT Module
Model Number                                 IBC-FC330
List Model:                                  IBC-FC1040
Power Rating                                 DC 3.6V From Battery
Operation frequency                          915MHz
Modulation                                   GFSK
Antenna Type                                 Internal antenna

2.3. Equipment Under Test

Power supply system utilised
Power supply voltage                     :   ● 230V / 50 Hz                  ○ 120V / 60Hz
                                             ○ 12 V DC                       ○ 24 V DC
                                             ○ Other (specified in blank below)

                                                      DC 3.60V

2.4. Short description of the Equipment under Test (EUT)

This is a IOT Module

For more details, refer to the user’s manual of the EUT.

2.5. EUT operation mode

The Applicant provides test software to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting and receiving
mode for testing .There is 1 channels provided to the EUT. Channel 00 was selected to test.

                                    Channel                      Frequency(MHz)
                                      00                              915

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2.6. Block Diagram of Test Setup


2.7. Modifications
No modifications were implemented to meet testing criteria.

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Test Firm         : Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

Address              1F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park, Fuhai
                     Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, China

3.2. Environmental conditions

During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

  Temperature:                              15-35 ° C

  Humidity:                                  30-60 %

  Atmospheric pressure:                   950-1050mbar

3.3. Summary of measurement results

FCC PART 15.249
FCC Part 15.249(a)/ RSS-210
                                      Field Strength of Fundamental                          PASS
Annex A.1.2/RSS-Gen 8.9
FCC Part 15.209/ RSS-210 Annex
                                      Spurious Emission                                      PASS
A.1.2/RSS-Gen 8.9
FCC Part 15.215(c)/ RSS-210
                                      20dB bandwidth                                         PASS
Annex A.1.3
FCC Part 15.207/ RSS-Gen 8.8          Conducted Emission                                     N/A
FCC Part 15.203/ RSS-Gen 8.3          Antenna Requirement                                    PASS
FCC Part 15.247(d)
RSS-Gen 8.10
                                      Band Edge Compliance of RF Emission                    PASS

 1. The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result.
 2. NA = Not Applicable; NP = Not Performed
 3. We tested all test mode and recorded worst case in report
3.4. Statement of the measurement uncertainty

 Measurement Uncertainty
 Conducted Emission Expanded Uncertainty                              =   2.23dB, k=2
 Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(9kHz-30MHz)                   =   3.08dB, k=2
 Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(30MHz-1000MHz)                =   4.42dB, k=2
 Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(Above 1GHz)                   =   4.06dB, k=2

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3.5. Equipments Used during the Test

 Item            Equipment          Manufacturer      Model No.      Serial No.      Last Cal.
  1.           Artificial Mains        R&S             ENV216         HKE-002     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
  2.              Receiver             R&S              ESCI 7        HKE-010     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
                RF automatic
  3.                                 Tonscend          JS0806-2       HKE-060     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
                 control unit
  4.          Spectrum analyzer        R&S              FSP40         HKE-025     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
  5.          Spectrum analyzer       Agilent          N9020A         HKE-048     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
  6.             Preamplifier      Schwarzbeck        BBV 9743        HKE-006     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
  7.          EMI Test Receiver   Rohde & Schwarz       ESCI 7        HKE-010     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
              Bilog Broadband
  8.                               Schwarzbeck        VULB9163        HKE-012     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
                                                      FMZB 1519
  9.            Loop Antenna       Schwarzbeck                        HKE-014     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 10.            Horn Antenna       Schewarzbeck         9120D         HKE-013     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
               Broadband Horn
 11.                              SCHWARZBECK BBHA 9170               HKE-017     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 12.            Pre-amplifier          EMCI                           HKE-015     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 13.            Pre-amplifier         Agilent           83051A        HKE-016     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
              EMI Test Software                        JS1120-B
 14.                                 Tonscend                         HKE-083     Dec. 28, 2018    N/A
                  EZ-EMC                                Version
 15.            Power Sensor          Agilent          E9300A         HKE-086     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 16.          Spectrum analyzer       Agilent          N9020A         HKE-048     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 17.           Signal generator       Agilent          N5182A         HKE-029     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 18.          Signal Generator        Agilent           83630A        HKE-028     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
 19.           Shielded room         Shiel Hong          4*3*3        HKE-039     Dec. 28, 2018 3 Year
          RF Cable(below
 20.                          HUBER+SUHNER              RG214         HKE-055     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
          RF Cable(above
 21.                          HUBER+SUHNER              RG214         HKE-056     Dec. 28, 2018 1 Year
Note: 1. The Cal.Interval was one year.

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4.1. AC Power Conducted Emission



    1, The equipment was set up as per the test configuration to simulate typical actual usage per the user’s
       manual. The EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden table with a height of 0.8 meters is used and is
       placed on the ground plane as per ANSI C63.10.
    2, Support equipment, if needed, was placed as per ANSI C63.10.
    3, All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per ANSI C63.10.
    4, If a EUT received DC power from the USB Port of Notebook PC, the PC’s adapter received power
       through a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) which supplied power source and was
       grounded to the ground plane.
    5, All support equipments received AC power from a second LISN, if any.
    6, The EUT test program was started. Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of the EUT
       using a spectrum Analyzer / Receiver connected to the LISN powering the EUT. The LISN has two
       monitoring points: Line 1 (Hot Side) and Line 2 (Neutral Side). Two scans were taken: one with Line 1
       connected to Analyzer / Receiver and Line 2 connected to a 50 ohm load; the second scan had Line 1
       connected to a 50 ohm load and Line 2 connected to the Analyzer / Receiver.
    7, Analyzer / Receiver scanned from 150 KHz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes.

AC Power Conducted Emission Limit

For intentional device, according to § 15.207(a) AC Power Conducted Emission Limits is as following:
                                                                     Limit (dBuV)
          Frequency range (MHz)
                                                       Quasi-peak                       Average
                  0.15-0.5                              66 to 56*                       56 to 46*
                    0.5-5                                  56                               46
                    5-30                                   60                               50
* Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.


Note applicable to this device.

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4.2. Radiated Emission and Band Edges


Frequency range 9 KHz – 30MHz

      Turntable              Loop antenna

                EUT               3m

                          0.8 m                                               Receiver

           Ground Plane                               Coaxial Cable

Frequency range 30MHz – 1000MHz


                                                                                      1m to 4m
     Receiver                                  0.8m

           Ground Plane                                               Coaxial Cable

 Frequency range above 1GHz-25GHz

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                1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane when testing
                   frequency range 9 KHz –25GHz.
                2. Maximum procedure was performed by raising the receiving antenna from 1m to 4m and
                   rotating the turn table from 0℃ to 360℃ to acquire the highest emissions from EUT.
                3. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving
                   antenna both horizontal and vertical.
                4. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measurements have been completed.
                5. The EUT minimum operation frequency was 26MHz and maximum operation frequency
                   was radiated emission test frequency band from 9KHz to 25GHz.
                6. The distance between test antenna and EUT as following table states:
                   Test Frequency range          Test Antenna Type                Test Distance
                   9KHz-30MHz                    Active Loop Antenna              3
                   30MHz-1GHz                    Ultra-Broadband Antenna          3
                   1GHz-18GHz                    Double Ridged Horn Antenna       3
                   18GHz-25GHz                   Horn Anternna                    1
                7. Setting test receiver/spectrum as following table states:
                   Test Frequency range                Test Receiver/Spectrum Setting             Detector
                       9KHz-150KHz               RBW=200Hz/VBW=3KHz,Sweep time=Auto                 QP
                      150KHz-30MHz              RBW=9KHz/VBW=100KHz,Sweep time=Auto                 QP
                        30MHz-1GHz            RBW=120KHz/VBW=1000KHz,Sweep time=Auto                QP
                                                   Peak Value: RBW=1MHz/VBW=3MHz,
                                                             Sweep time=Auto
                        1GHz-40GHz                                                                 Peak
                                                  Average Value: RBW=1MHz/VBW=10Hz,
                                                             Sweep time=Auto

Field Strength Calculation

       The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting the
       Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor(if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with a
       sample calculation is as follows:

       FS = RA + AF + CL - AG
       Where FS = Field Strength                                 CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss)
           RA = Reading Amplitude                                AG = Amplifier Gain
           AF = Antenna Factor

   Transd=AF +CL-AG

According 15.249, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within 902MHz-928 MHz
shall not exceed 94dBμV/m (50mV/m):

FCC PART 15.249(d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics,
shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission
limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply
with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a)
                                           Radiated emission limits
  Frequency (MHz)           Distance (Meters)             Radiated (dBμV/m)                         Radiated (μV/m)
      0.009-0.49                     3                 20log(2400/F(KHz))+40log(300/3)                2400/F(KHz)
      0.49-1.705                     3                 20log(24000/F(KHz))+ 40log(30/3)              24000/F(KHz)
       1.705-30                      3                       20log(30)+ 40log(30/3)                        30
        30-88                        3                                 40.0                                100
        88-216                       3                                 43.5                                150
       216-960                       3                                 46.0                                200
      Above 960                      3                                 54.0                                500

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 For 9 KHz-30MHz
 Frequency     Corrected Reading     FCC Limit       Margin
                                                                  Detector         Result
    (MHz)        (dBuV/m)@3m       (dBuV/m) @3m       (dB)
     0.38            46.79             96.01         49.22           QP            PASS
     1.55            51.68             63.80         12.12           QP            PASS
    19.68            56.73             69.54         12.81           QP            PASS
    24.62            40.92             69.54         28.62           QP            PASS
 For 30MHz-1GHz

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For 1GHz to 25GHz

Remark: For test above 1GHz GFSK, were test at Low, Middle, and High channel;

        Frequency   Meter Reading      Factor     Emission Level        Limits      Margin
           (MHz)        (dBμV)          (dB)         (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)      (dB)         Type

           1240          58.32          -9.12           49.2              74         -24.8        peak

           1240          44.26          -9.12          35.14              54        -18.86        AVG

           1830          60.47          -8.64          51.83              74        -22.17        peak

           1830          46.82          -8.64          38.18              54        -15.82        AVG

           2745          56.32          -3.95          52.37              74        -21.63        peak

           2745          42.49          -3.95          38.54              54        -15.46        AVG

      Remark: Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

        Frequency   Meter Reading      Factor     Emission Level        Limits      Margin
          (MHz)         (dBμV)          (dB)         (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)       (dB)        Type

           1240         57.62          -9.12            48.5              74         -25.5         peak

           1240         42.16          -9.12           33.04              54         -20.96        AVG

           1830         61.58          -8.64           52.94              74         -21.06        peak

           1830         44.72          -8.64           36.08              54         -17.92        AVG

           2745         55.77          -3.95           51.82              74         -22.18        peak

           2745         42.69          -3.95           38.74              54         -15.26        AVG

      Remark: Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

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4.3. Occupied Bandwidth Measurement




The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer through an attenuator. The bandwidth of the
fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer with 100KHz RBW and 300KHz VBW.

The 20dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of which is higher than peak power minus




                                                99% OBW            20dB bandwidth
      Modulation          Channel                                                              Result
                                                  (kHz)                (kHz)
        GFSK                CH00                     224.82              260.9                 Pass

Note: 1.The test results including the cable lose.

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 GFSK Modulation


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4.4. Antenna Requirement

Standard Applicable

For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to
ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (c), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than
6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna
exceeds 6dBi.

Antenna Information

The directional gains of antenna used for transmitting is 2.00 dBi.

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5. Test Setup Photos of the EUT

          .......................End of Report.........................

Document Created: 2019-02-13 14:10:35
Document Modified: 2019-02-13 14:10:35

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