User Manual


Users Manual

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                                            User manual
  Soundbar Speaker


                          USER MANUAL
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            This user manual only for FCC application

1 Important                            3    5 Wall mount               13
    Safety                             3
    Care for your product              4
                                            6 Product specifications   14
    Care of the environment            4
    Caution FCC and IC statement for
     Users (USA and Canada only)        5   7 Troubleshooting          15

2 Your Soundbar                        6
    Main unit                          6
    Wireless subwoofer                 6
    Remote control                     6
    Connectors                         7
    Prepare the Remote Control         8
    Placement                          8

3 Connect                               9
    Connect to HDMI (ARC) Socket        9
    Connect to Optical Socket           9
    Connect to AUX Socket               9
    Connect to Power                   10
    Pair up with the subwoofer         10

4 Use your Soundbar                    11
    Turn ON and OFF                    11
    Auto Standby                       11
    Select Modes                       11
    Adjust the Volume                  11
    Select Equalizer (EQ) Effect       11
    Bluetooth Operation                12
      Operation                        12
    USB Operation                      13


1 Important                                              back or bottom of the product. Never
                                                         connect the product to the power outlet if

                                                         the voltage is different.

Read and understand all instructions before you     Risk of injury or damage to this product!
use your product. If damage is caused by failure    • For wall mounting, this product must be
to follow instructions, the warranty does not            securely attached to the wall in accordance
apply.                                                   with the installation instructions. Use
                                                         only the supplied wall mount bracket (if
                                                         available). Improper wall mounting may
                                                         result in accident, injury or damage. If you
Safety                                                   have any query, contact Consumer Care in
                                                         your country.
Risk of electric shock or fire!                     • Never place the product or any objects
• Before you make or change any                          on power cords or on other electrical
     connections, make sure that all devices are         equipment.
     disconnected from the power outlet.            • If the product is transported in
• Never expose the product and accessories               temperatures below 5°C, unpack the
     to rain or water. Never place liquid                product and wait until its temperature
     containers, such as vases, near the product.        matches room temperature before
     If liquids are spilt on or into the product,        connecting it to the power outlet.
     disconnect it from the power outlet            • Parts of this product can be made of
     immediately. Contact Consumer Care to               glass. Handle with care to avoid injury and
     have the product checked before use.                damage.
• Never place the product and accessories
     near naked flames or other heat sources,       Risk of overheating!
     including direct sunlight.                     • Never install this product in a confined
• Never insert objects into the ventilation              space. Always leave a space of at least four
     slots or other openings on the product.             inches around the product for ventilation.
• Where the mains plug or an appliance                   Ensure curtains or other objects never
     coupler is used as the disconnect device,           cover the ventilation slots on the product.
     the disconnect device shall remain readily     Risk of contamination!
     operable.                                      • Do not mix batteries (old and new or
• Battery (battery pack or batteries installed)          carbon and alkaine, etc.).
     shall not be exposed to excessive heat         • CAUTION: Danger of explosion if
     such as sunshine, fire or the like.                 batteries are incorrectly replaced. Replace
• Disconnect the product from the power                  only with the same or equivalent type.
     outlet before lightning storms.                • Remove batteries if they are exhausted or
• When you disconnect the power cord,                    if the remote control is not to be used for
     always pull the plug, never the cable.              a long time.
Risk of short circuit or fire!                      • Batteries contain chemical substances, they
• For identification and supply ratings, see             should be disposed of properly.
     the type plate at the back or bottom of        Risk of swallowing batteries!
     the product.                                   • The product/remote control may contain
• Before you connect the product to the                  a coin/button type battery, which can be
     power outlet, ensure that the power                 swallowed. Keep the battery out of reach
     voltage matches the value printed on the            of children at all times! If swallowed, the


    battery can cause serious injury or death.     Your product is designed and manufactured
    Severe internal burns can occur within two     with high quality materials and components,
    hours of ingestion.                            which can be recycled and reused.
•   If you suspect that a battery has been
    swallowed or placed inside any part of the
    body, seek immediate medical attention.
•   When you change the batteries, always          This symbol on a product means that the
    keep all new and used batteries out of         product is covered by European Directive
    reach of children. Ensure that the battery     2012/19/EU.
    compartment is completely secure after
    you replace the battery.
•   If the battery compartment cannot be
    completely secured, discontinue use of the     This symbol means that the product contains
    product. Keep out of reach of children and     batteries covered by European Directive
    contact the manufacturer.                      2013/56/EU which cannot be disposed of with
•   The apparatus shall not be exposed to          normal household waste.
    dripping or splashing and that no objects      Inform yourself about the local separate
    filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be   collection system for electrical and electronic
    placed on the apparatus                        products and batteries. Follow local rules and
                                                   never dispose of the product and batteries
                                                   with normal household waste. Correct disposal
                                                   of old products and batteries helps prevent
                                                   negative consequences for the environment and
This is CLASS II apparatus with double             human health.
insulation, and no protective earth provided.
                                                   Removing the disposable batteries
                                                   To remove the disposable batteries, see battery
                                                   installation section.
Care for your product
Use only microfiber cloth to clean the product.

Care of the environment
Disposal of your old product and battery


Caution FCC and IC                                     This device contains licence-exempt
statement for Users (USA

                                                       transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with
and Canada only)                                       Innovation, Science and Economic Development
                                                       Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is
                                                       subject to the following two conditions:
                                                       1.    This device may not cause interference.
                                                       2.    This device must accept any interference,
                                                             including interference that may cause
                                                             undesired operation of the device.
• This equipment should be installed and               This equipment should be installed and operated
     operated with minimum distance 20cm               with minimum distance 20cm between the
     between the radiator & your body.                 radiator & your body.
• Changes or modifications to this unit not
     expressly approved by the party responsible
     for compliance could void the user’s authority     L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence
     to operate the equipment. ”                        contenu dans le présent appareil est
NOTE: This equipment has been tested                    conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences
and found to comply with the limits for a               et Développement économique Canada
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of          applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to             licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux
provide reasonable protection against harmful           conditions suivantes :
interference in a residential installation. This        1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio         2. L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
frequency energy and, if not installed and used              radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
in accordance with the instructions, may cause               est susceptible d’en compromettre le
harmful interference to radio communications.                fonctionnement.
However, there is no guarantee that interference
                                                        Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à une
will not occur in a particular installation. If this
                                                        distance minimale de 20 cm entre le radiateur
equipment does cause harmful interference
                                                        et votre corps.
to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following           Compliance
  •    Reorient or relocate the receiving              This product complies with the radio
       antenna.                                        interference requirements of the European
  •    Increase the separation between the             Community.
       equipment and receiver.                         Hereby, MMD Hong Kong Holding Limited
  •    Connect the equipment into an outlet            declares that this product is in compliance
       on a circuit different from that to which       with the essential requirements and other
       the receiver is connected.                      relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.
  •    Consult the dealer or an experienced            You can find the Declaration of Conformity on
       radio / TV technician for help.       


2 Your Soundbar                                 Wireless subwoofer
                                                This section includes an overview of the
                                                Wireless subwoofer.

Main unit
This section includes an overview of the main

                                                                          a      b c

                                                a AC~ Socket
                                                  Connect to the power supply.
                                                b PAIR button
                                                  Press to to enter the pairing mode for the
a               b        c      d     e f         subwoofer.
                                                c Subwoofer indicator
a Remote Control Sensor                           • When the power is turned on, the
                                                     indicator lights up.
b Soundbar’s LED indicator                        • During wireless pairing between the
  • Green        : AUX mode.                         subwoofer and the main unit, the
  • Green flash : USB mode.                          indicator blinks orange quickly.
  • Blue         : Bluetooth mode.                • When the pairing succeeds, the
  • Orange       : OPTICAL mode.                     indicator lights up orange.
  • White        : HDMI ARC mode.                 • When the pairing fails, the indicator
c      (SOURCE)                                      blinks orange slowly.
    Select an input source for the Soundbar.
d +/- (Volume)
  Increase or decrease volume.
                                                Remote control
e     (Standby)                                 This section includes an overview of the
    Switch the Soundbar on or to standby.       remote control.
f Standby indicator                             a      (Standby-On)
  When the Soundbar is in standby, the              Switch the Soundbar on or to standby.
  standby indicator turns red.
                                                b     (Mute)
                                                    Mute or restore volume.
                                                c        /     (Previous/Next)
                                                    Skip to the previous or next track in USB/
                                                    BT mode.


d       (Play/Pause)
    Start, pause or resume play in USB/BT       Connectors

                                                This section includes an overview of the
e +/- (Volume)                                  connectors available on your Soundbar.
  Increase or decrease volume.
f Source buttons
  AUX: Switch your audio source to the
  MP3 connection (3.5mm jack).
  BT/PAIR: Switch to Bluetooth mode.
  Press and hold to activate the pairing
  function in Bluetooth mode or disconnect
  the existing paired Bluetooth device.
  OPTICAL: Switch your audio source to                  a   bc d              e
  the optical connection.
  HDMI ARC: Switch your source to HDMI
  ARC connection.
    USB: Switch to USB mode.                                   f
g EQ
  Select Equalizer (EQ) effect.
                                                a AC~
                                                  Connect to the power supply.
                                                b AUX
                                                  Audio input from, for example, an
a                                           b     MP3 player (3.5mm jack).
                                                c       USB
                                                    •   Audio input from a USB storage
c                                           e           device.
                                                    •   Upgrade software of this product.
                                                d HDMI (ARC)
                                                  Connect to the HDMI input on the TV.
                                                e OPTICAL
                                                  Connect to an optical audio output on the
                                                  TV or a digital device.
                                                f Wall Bracket Screws


Prepare the Remote Control                         Precautions Concerning Batteries
                                                   •   When the Remote Control is not to be
•   The provided Remote Control allows the             used for a long time (more than a month),
    unit to be operated from a distance.               remove the battery from the Remote
•   Even if the Remote Control is operated             Control to prevent it from leaking.
    within the effective range 19.7 feet           •   If the batteries leak, wipe away the leakage
    (6m), remote control operation may                 inside the battery compartment and
    be impossible if there are any obstacles           replace the batteries with new ones.
    between the unit and the remote control.       •   Do not use any batteries other than those
•   If the Remote Control is operated near             specified.
    other products which generate infrared         •   Do not heat or disassemble batteries.
    rays, or if other remote control devices
    using infra-red rays are used near the unit,   •   Never throw them in fire or water.
    it may operate incorrectly. Conversely, the    •   Do not carry or store batteries with other
    other products may operate incorrectly.            metallic objects. Doing so could cause
                                                       batteries to short circuit, leak or explode.
                                                   •   Never recharge a battery unless it is
First-time use:                                        confirmed to be a rechargeable type.
The unit has a
pre-installed lithium
CR2025 battery.
Remove the protective
tab to activate the
                                                   Place the subwoofer at least 1 meter (3 feet)
remote control battery.
                                                   away from your Soundbar, and ten centimeters
                                                   away from the wall.
Replace the Remote Control Battery                 For best results, place your subwoofer as shown
•   The remote control requires a CR2025, 3V
    Lithium battery.
1   Push the tab on the side of the battery
    tray towards the tray.
2   Now slide the battery tray out of the
    remote control.
3   Remove the old battery. Place a new
    CR2025 battery into the battery tray with
    the correct polarity (+/-) as indicated.
4   Slide the battery tray back into the slot in
    the remote control



3 Connect                                                              Note

                                                                •• Your TV must support the HDMI-CEC and ARC
                                                                    function. HDMI-CEC and ARC must be set to On.
This section helps you connect your Soundbar                    •• The setting method of HDMI-CEC and ARC may differ
                                                                   depending on the TV. For details about ARC function,
to a TV and other devices, and then set it up.                     please refer to your TV owner’s manual.
For information about the basic connections of                  •• Only HDMI 1.4 compatible cables can support the
your Soundbar and accessories, see the quick                       ARC function.
start guide.

 •• For identification and supply ratings, see the type plate   Connect to Optical Socket
    at the back or bottom of the product.
 •• Before you make or change any connections, make sure
    that all devices are disconnected from the power outlet.

Connect to HDMI (ARC) Socket

Your Soundbar supports HDMI with Audio                                                        OPTICAL OUT

Return Channel (ARC). If your TV is HDMI ARC
compliant, you can hear the TV audio through                    1    Using an optical cable, connect the
your Soundbar by using a single HDMI cable.                          OPTICAL connector on your Soundbar to
                                                                     the OPTICAL OUT connector on the TV
                                                                     or other device.
                                                                     • The digital optical connector might be
        HDMI (ARC)
                                                                         labeled SPDIF or SPDIF OUT.

                                                                Connect to AUX Socket
                                HDMI (ARC)
                                                                •    Use a 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio cable
1    Using a High Speed HDMI cable, connect                          (included) to connect the TV’s headphone
     the HDMI OUT (ARC)-TO TV connector                              socket to the AUX socket on the unit.
     on your Soundbar to the HDMI ARC
     connector on the TV.
     • The HDMI ARC connector on the TV
         might be labeled differently. For details,                       AUX

         see the TV user manual.
2    On your TV, turn on HDMI-CEC
     operations. For details, see the TV user
     manual.                                                                                 Headphone


                                                  •     Do not press Pair on the rear of the
                                                        subwoofer, except for manual pairing.



                         AUDIO OUT

•    Use a RCA to 3.5mm audio cable (not
     included) to connect the TV’s audio output
     sockets to the AUX socket on the unit.

Connect to Power
•    Before connecting the AC power cord,
                                                  Manual Pairing
     ensure you have completed all other          If no audio from the wireless subwoofer can be
     connections.                                 heard, manually pair up the subwoofer.
•    Risk of product damage! Ensure that the      1     Unplug both units from the mains sockets
     power supply voltage corresponds to                again, then plug them in again after 3 minutes.
     the voltage printed on the back or the       2     Press and hold the PAIR button on the
     underside of the unit.                             rear of the subwoofer for a few seconds.
•    Connect the mains cable to the AC~ Socket          »» The Pair indicator on the subwoofer
     of the unit and then into a mains socket               will rapidly blink.
•    Connect the mains cable to the AC~           3     Then press      on the unit or remote
     Socket of the subwoofer and then into a            control to switch the unit ON.
     mains socket.                                      »» The Pair indicator on the subwoofer
                                                           will become solid when successful.
                                                  4     If the Pair indicator still keeps blinking,
                                                        repeat step 1-3.
Pair up with the subwoofer
Automatic Pairing                                         Tips
Plug the Soundbar and the subwoofer into the       •• The subwoofer should be within 6 m of the Soundbar
mains sockets and then press on the unit or           in an open area (the closer the better).
remote control to switch the unit to ON mode.      •• Remove any objects between the subwoofer and the
The subwoofer and Soundbar will automatically         Soundbar.
                                                   •• If the wireless connection fails again, check if there is a
pair.                                                 conflict or strong interference (e. g. interference from
• When the subwoofer is pairing with                  an electronic device) around the location. Remove
      the Soundbar, the Pair indicator on the         these conflicts or strong interferences and repeat the
                                                      above procedures.
      subwoofer will flash fast.
                                                   •• If the main unit is not connected with the subwoofer
• When the subwoofer is paired with                   and it is in ON mode, the unit’s POWER indicator will
      the Soundbar, the Pair indicator on the         flash.
      subwoofer will light up steadily.


4 Use your                                         Select Modes

                                                   1   Press the     button repeatedly on the unit
                                                       or press the AUX, OPTICAL, HDMI ARC,
                                                       BT PAIR, USB buttons on the remote
This section helps you use the Soundbar to play        control to select the desired mode.
audio from connected devices.                          » The indicator light on the front of the
Before you start                                           main unit will show which mode is
• Make the necessary connections described                 currently in use.
    in the quick start guide and the user              •   Green          :   AUX mode.
    manual.                                            •   Green flash    :   USB mode.
• Switch the Soundbar to the correct source            •   Blue           :   Bluetooth mode.
    for other devices.                                 •   Orange         :   OPTICAL mode.
                                                       •   White          :   HDMI ARC mode.

Turn ON and OFF
                                                   Adjust the Volume
•   When you first connect the unit to the
    main socket, the unit will be in STANDBY
    mode. The STANDBY indicator will light
                                                   1    Press +/- (Volume) to increase or decrease
                                                        a volume level.
    up red.                                             • To mute sound, press         (Mute).
•   Press the button on the remote control              • To restore the sound, press        (Mute)
    to switch the main unit ON or OFF.                      again or press +/- (Volume).
•   Disconnect the main plug from the main         Note: While adjusting the volume, the status
    socket if you want to switch the unit off      LED indicator will flash quickly. When the
    completely.                                    volume has hit maximum/minimum value level,
•   If a TV or an external device (Only for        the status LED indicator will flashes once.
    AUX socket) is connected, the unit will
    switch on automatically when the TV or
    the external device is switched on.
                                                   Select Equalizer (EQ) Effect
                                                   Select predefined sound modes to suit your
Auto Standby                                       video or music.
The unit automatically turns to Standby mode       1   Press the EQ button on the remote
after about 15 minutes if the TV or the external       control to select your desired preset
unit is disconnected, switched off.                    equalizer effects: MOVIE/MUSIC/NEWS:
• To switch the unit off completely, remove            •   Blue light flash - MOVIE recommended
      the mains plug from the mains socket.                for viewing movies
• Please turn the unit off completely to save          •   Orange light flash - MUSIC
      energy when not in use.
                                                           recommended for listening to music
                                                       •   White light flash - NEWS
                                                           recommended for listening to NEWS


                                                  5    To exit Bluetooth, select other source.
Bluetooth Operation                                    • When your switch back to Bluetooth
                                                           mode, Bluetooth connection remains
Through Bluetooth, connect the Soundbar with               active.
your Bluetooth device (such as an iPad, iPhone,
iPod touch, Android phone, or laptop), and then
you can listen to the audio files stored on the
device through your Soundbar speakers.             •• The music streaming may be interrupted by obstacles
                                                      between the device and Soundbar, such as wall, metallic
What you need                                         casing that covers the device, or other devices nearby
• A Bluetooth device which supports                   that operate in the same frequency.
                                                   •• If you want to connect your Soundbar with another
   Bluetooth profile A2DP, AVRCP and with             Bluetooth device, press and hold BT/PAIR on the
   Bluetooth version as 4.2 + EDR.                    remote control to disconnect the currently connected
• The maximum operational range between               Bluetooth device.
   the Soundbar and a Bluetooth device is
   approximately 10 meters (30 feet).

1    Press the    button repeatedly on the unit
     or press BT button on the remote control     AUX / OPTICAL / HDMI
     to switch the Soundbar to Bluetooth          ARC Operation
     »» The Soundbar’s indicator blinks blue.     Ensure that the unit is connected to the TV or
2    On the Bluetooth device, switch on
                                                  audio device.
     Bluetooth, search for and select RSR         1     Press the     button repeatedly on the
     HTL3310 to start connection (see the               unit or press the AUX, OPTICAL, HDMI
     user manual of the Bluetooth device on             ARC buttons on the remote to select the
     how to enable Bluetooth).                          desired mode.
     »» During connection, the Soundbar’s
         indicator blinks blue.                   2     Operate your audio device directly for
3    Wait until you hear “Paired” voice prompt
                                                        playback features.
     from the Soundbar.                           3     Press the VOL +/– buttons to adjust the
     »» If the successfully connected, the Blue         volume to your desired level.
         indicator will light up solidly.
4    Select and play audio files or music on
     your Bluetooth device.                               Tip
     • During play, if a call is coming, music
                                                   •• While in OPTICAL/HDMI ARC mode, if there’s no
         play is paused. Play resumes when the        sound output from the unit and the status Indicator
         call ends.                                   flashes, you may need to activate PCM or Dolby Digital
     • If your Bluetooth device supports              Signal output on your source device (e.g. TV, DVD or
                                                      Blu-ray player).
         AVRCP profile, on the remote control
         you can press       /     to skip to a
         track, or press      to pause/resume


USB Operation                                           5 Wall mount

Enjoy audio on a USB storage device, such as an
MP3 player and USB flash memory, etc.                                 Note

1       Insert the USB device.                           •• Improper wall mounting may result in accident, injury or
                                                            damage. If you have any query, contact Consumer Care

2       Press the     button repeatedly on the unit
                                                            in your country.
                                                         •• Before wall mounting, make sure the wall can support
        or press the USB button on the remote               the weight of your Soundbar.
        control to select USB mode.                      •• Before wall mount, you need not remove the four
                                                            rubber feet at the bottom of the Soundbar, otherwise
3       During playback:
                                                            the rubber feet cannot be fixed back.

Button          Action                                  Screw length/diameter
                Start, pause or resume play.            Depending on the type of wall mounting your
    /           Skip to the previous or next track.     Soundbar, make sure that you use screws of a
                                                        suitable length and diameter.

         Tips                                            3.5-4mm

 •• The unit can support USB devices with up to 32 GB
    of memory.
 •• This unit can play MP3 / WAV / WMA.                                                 4mm
 •• Support a USB port: 5V , 500mA.

                                                                        > 25mm

                                                        See the illustration in the quick start guide on
                                                        how to wall mount the Soundbar.
                                                        1) Drill two holes on the wall.
                                                        2) Secure the dowels and screws in the holes.
                                                        3) Hang the Soundbar on the fastening screws.





                                                                                         1               5"
                                                                                                  m  /29.
                                                        Subwoofer                            751m
                                                        Frequency band/Output power



6 Product                                                     Subwoofer

  specifications                                              •
                                                                   Power Supply: 100-240 V~, 50-60 Hz
                                                                   Output Power: 60 W
                                                              •    Power Consumption: 20 W
                                                              ••   Standby power consumption: < 0.5 W
         Note                                                 ••   Frequency Response: 40Hz - 120Hz
 •• Specifications and design are subject to change without   •    Impedance: 4 Ω
     notice.                                                  •    Dimensions (W x H x D):
                                                                   120 x 403 x 300 mm
                                                              ••   Weight: 4.1 kg
                                                              •    Operating temperature: 0°C - 45°C
••    Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP                         Remote control
••    Bluetooth version: 4.2 + EDR
                                                              ••   Distance/Angle: 6m/30°
••    Frequency band/ maximum power:
                                                              ••   Battery Type: CR2025
••    2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz / -2 dBm

2.4G wireless
•• 2.4G wireless frequency range: 2404.5
    MHz ~ 2479.5 MHz
•• 2.4G wireless maximum power: -16dBm

Main unit
••    Power Supply: 100-240V~ 50/60Hz
••    MAX Output Power by speaker:
      25W x 4
••    Power Consumption: 25 W
••    Standby Consumption: < 0.5 W
••    USB: 5V 500mA
••    Frequency Response: 120Hz - 20KHz
••    Audio input Sensitivity (AUX): 500mV
••    Speakers Impedance: 8Ω x 2
••    Dimension (W x H x D ):
      800 x 67.3 x 81.7 mm
••    Weight: 1.6 kg
•     Operating temperature: 0°C - 45°C


7 Troubleshooting                                           •   Reduce the distance between the remote
                                                                control and the unit.

                                                            •   Insert the battery with its polarities (+/-)
                                                                aligned as indicated.
       Warning                                              •   Replace the battery.
•• Risk of electric shock. Never remove the casing of the   •   Aim the remote control directly at the
    product.                                                    sensor on the front of the unit.

                                                            I can’t find the Bluetooth name of this
No power                                                    unit on my Bluetooth device
•    Ensure that the AC cord is properly                    •   Ensure the Bluetooth function is activated
     connected.                                                 on your Bluetooth device.
•    Ensure that there is power at the AC                   •   Re-pair the unit with your Bluetooth
     outlet.                                                    device.
•    Press standby button on the remote
     control or Soundbar to turn the Soundbar               This is a 15 mins power off
                                                            function, one of the ERPII standard
                                                            requirement for saving power
No sound
                                                            •   When the unit’s external input signal
•    Increase the volume. Press Volume Up on                    level is too low, the unit will be turned off
     the remote control or on the Soundbar.                     automatically in 15 minutes. Please increase
•    Press MUTE on the remote control to                        the volume level of your external device.
     ensure the Soundbar is not muted.
•    Press source buttons to select a different
     input source.                                          The subwoofer is idle or the indicator
•    When using either of the Digital input, if             of subwoofer do not light up
     there is no audio:                                     •   Please unplug power cord from the mains
    - Try setting the TV output to PCM or                       sockect, and plug it in again after 3 minutes
    - Connect directly to your Blu-ray/other                    to resent the subwoofer.
        source, some TVs do not pass through
        digital audio.
•    Your TV may be set to variable audio
     output. Confirm that the audio output
     setting is set to FIXED or STANDARD, not
     VARIABLE. Consult your TV’s user manual
     for more detailed information.
•    If using Bluetooth, ensure that the volume
     on your source device is turned up and
     that the device is not muted.

Remote control does not work
•    Before you press any playback control
     button, first select the correct source.


                      Names and Contents of Hazardous Substances
                                               Hazardous Substance
      部件名称                铅           汞            镉        六价铬        多溴联苯       多溴二苯醚
 Name of the parts       (Pb)        (Hg)        (Cd)      (Cr (VI))     (PBB)      (PBDE)
                          O           O            O          O           O            O
                          X           O            O          O           O            O
                          O           O            O          O           O            O
                          X           O            O          O           O            O
Accessories (Remote
control & cables)
                          X           O            O          O           O            O
Batteries in Remote
Control (ZnC)             X           O            O          O           O            O

本表格依据 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制。
The table is formulated according to SJ/T 11364.
O:表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求以下。
O:Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials
  for this part is below the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.
×:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求。
×:Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous
    materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.

            环保使用期限 Environmental Protection Use Period
This logo refers to the period (10 years) during which the hazardous substances in electronic
and electrical products will not leak or mutate so that the use of these [substances] will not
result in any severe environmental pollution, any bodily injury or damage to any assets.

                              FCC Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Philips Soundbar Speaker/HTL3310/XX
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Envision Peripherals,Inc.
490 N McCarthy Blvd, Suite#120 Milpitas,CA95035

  The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
  The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or
  registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
  Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio and the double-D symbol are
  trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Document Created: 2019-07-11 17:05:10
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 17:05:10

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