Test Report

FCC ID: 2AQZU-18003

Test Report

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                                                                                        odel: TR256A

                          C Partt 15C
                          nt and
                               d Test Repoort
                          Satellitte Electrronic(Zh
                                                  hong Shaan)Ltd.
   No.8, Chuang Ye
                Y Road, Torch Deevelopmen
                                        nt Zone, Zhongsha
                                                 Z      an, Guang


                                 FCC ID
                                      D: 2AQZU-180033

        CC Rule(s):                         FCC Part 15.231

         oduct Desc
                  cription:                 CEILING FAN
                                                    F   REMOT
                                                            TE CONTR

         sted Model:
       Tes                                  TR256A

        eport No.:                                 8004

       Sample Rece
                 eipt Date:                 2018-12-19

         sted Date:                         2018-12-20
                                                     0 to 2019-01-09

         sued Date:                         2018-01-09

         sted By:
       Tes                                  Iven Guo / Engineer

        eviewed By
       Re        y:                         Silin Chen / EMC Man

        pproved & Authorized
       Ap         A        d By:            Jandy So / PSQ Mana

         epared By::
                              Shhenzhen SE   EM Test Technology Co.,
                                                                   C Ltd.
                             1/F, Building A, Hongwei Inndustrial Pa
                                                                   ark, Liuxian 2nd Road,
                             Bao''an District, Shenzhen,, P.R.C.(518101)
           Tel.: +86-75
                                8 Fax.: +86
                                                     309 Websitte: www.sem

   Note: This
         T    test repport is limite
                                   ed to the abbove client company
                                                           c       an
                                                                    nd the produ
                                                                               uct model only.
                                                                                         o     It
   may noot be dupliccated withou  ut prior perm
                                               mitted by Shhenzhen SE
                                                                    EM.Test Tecchnology Co.,
                                                                                        C Ltd.

Report No.: SEM1901800
            S        04                          Page 1 of
                                                        o 18                          RF Part
                                                                                         P 15.231a

                                                                                                                                                       Model: TR256A

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ...............................................................................3
   1.2 TEST STANDARDS...................................................................................................................................................4
   1.3 TEST METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................4
   1.4 TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................................4
   1.5 EUT SETUP AND TEST MODE .................................................................................................................................5
   1.6 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..............................................................................................................................5
   1.7 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .....................................................................................................................6
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................7
3. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................................................................8
   3.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.........................................................................................................................................8
   3.2 TEST RESULT..........................................................................................................................................................8
4. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................................9
   4.1 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................9
   4.2 BASIC TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................................9
   4.3 TEST RECEIVER SETUP ...........................................................................................................................................9
   4.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ......................................................................................................................9
5. RADIATED EMISSIONS .......................................................................................................................................10
   5.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................10
   5.2 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................11
   5.3 CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION ............................................................................................12
   5.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................12
6. 20DB BANDWIDTH ...............................................................................................................................................15
   6.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................15
   6.1 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................15
   6.2 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................15
7. TRANSMISSION TIME .........................................................................................................................................16
   7.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................16
   7.2 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................16
   7.3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................16
8. DUTY CYCLE .........................................................................................................................................................17
   8.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................17
   8.2 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................17
   8.3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................17

Report No.: SEM19018004                                                               Page 2 of 18                                                    RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                         Model: TR256A


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

Client Information
Applicant:                              Satellite Electronic(Zhong Shan)Ltd.
                                        No.8, Chuang Ye Road, Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan,
Address of applicant:
                                        Guangdong, China

Manufacturer:                           Satellite Electronic(Zhong Shan)Ltd.
                                        No.8, Chuang Ye Road, Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan,
Address of manufacturer:
                                        Guangdong, China

General Description of EUT
Product Name:                             CEILING FAN REMOTE CONTROLLER
Trade Name:                               /
Model No.:                                TR256A
Adding Model(s):                          /
Rated Voltage:                            DC 3V
Software Version:                         N/A
Hardware Version:                         N/A

Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample provided by the manufacturer.

Technical Characteristics of EUT
Frequency Range:                          304.25MHz
Max. Field Strength:                      74.58dBuV/m(3m)
Data Rate:                                /
Modulation:                               ASK
Antenna Type:                             PCB Antenna
Antenna Gain:                             0dBi
Lowest Internal frequency of EUT:         16MHz

Report No.: SEM19018004                               Page 3 of 18                       RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                                Model: TR256A

1.2 Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:

FCC Rules Part 15.231: Periodic operation in the band 40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz.
ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
result in lowering the emission/immunity, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.10-2013,
The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible emission level. The test modes
were adapted accordingly in reference to the Operating Instructions.

1.4 Test Facility

FCC – Registration No.: 125990
Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd. Laboratory has been recognized to perform compliance testing on
equipment subject to the Commissions Declaration Of Conformity (DOC). The Designation Number is CN5010,
and Test Firm Registration Number is 125990.

Industry Canada (IC) Registration No.: 11464A
The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber of Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. has been registered by Certification
and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with Registration No.: 11464A.

Report No.: SEM19018004                               Page 4 of 18                             RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                                  Model: TR256A

1.5 EUT Setup and Test Mode

The EUT was operated at continuous transmitting mode that was for the purpose of the measurements. All testing
shall be performed under maximum output power condition, and to measure its highest possible emissions level,
more detailed description as follows:

Test Mode List
 Test Mode                      Description                                      Remark
    TM1                         Transmitting                                 304.25MHz
      /                                /                                            /

Test Conditions
                        Temperature:                                             22~25 C
                   Relative humidity                                             50~55 %.
                     ATM Pressure:                                           1019 mbar

EUT Cable List and Details
    Cable Description                      Length (m)      Shielded/Unshielded          With / Without Ferrite

Special Cable List and Details
    Cable Description                      Length (m)      Shielded/Unshielded          With / Without Ferrite

Auxiliary Equipment List and Details
          Description                  Manufacturer               Model                      Serial Number

1.6 Measurement Uncertainty

Measurement uncertainty
                    Parameter                                Conditions                       Uncertainty
               Occupied Bandwidth                            Conducted                          ±1.5%
          Conducted Spurious Emission                        Conducted                         ±2.17dB
                Transmission Time                            Conducted                           ±5%
                                                                                          9-150kHz ±3.74dB
              Conducted Emissions                            Conducted
                                                                                        0.15-30MHz ±3.34dB
                                                                                        30-200MHz ±4.52dB
                                                                                          0.2-1GHz ±5.56dB
          Transmitter Spurious Emissions                      Radiated
                                                                                            1-6GHz ±3.84dB
                                                                                          6-18GHz ±3.92dB

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                                                                                          Model: TR256A

1.7 Test Equipment List and Details

   No.       Description     Manufacturer           Model             Serial No.   Cal Date    Due Date
SEMT-1072                       Agilent            E4407B            MY41440400    2018-05-22 2019-05-21
               Spectrum        Rohde &
SEMT-1031                                           FSP30            836079/035    2018-05-22 2019-05-21
               Analyzer        Schwarz
               EMI Test        Rohde &
SEMT-1007                                           ESVB             825471/005    2018-05-22 2019-05-21
               Receiver        Schwarz
SEMT-1008      Amplifier        Agilent             8447F            3113A06717    2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-1043      Amplifier        C&D               PAP-1G18              2002       2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-1011                    Schwarz beck         VULB9163            9163-333     2017-06-08 2020-06-07
SEMT-1042    Horn Antenna        ETS                 3117             00086197     2017-06-08 2020-06-07
SEMT-1069    Loop Antenna    Schwarz beck         FMZB 1516             9773       2017-06-08 2020-06-07
               EMI Test        Rohde &
SEMT-1001                                            ESPI              101611      2018-05-22 2019-05-21
               Receiver        Schwarz
SEMT-1003       L.I.S.N      Schwarz beck         NSLK8126            8126-224     2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-1166    Power Limiter      Agilent            N9356B            MY45450376    2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-1048     RF Limiter       ATTEN          AT-BSF-2400~2500            /        2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-1076     RF Switcher    Top Precision        RCS03-A2                /        2018-05-22 2019-05-21
SEMT-C001       Cable          Zheng DI      LL142-07-07-10M(A)           /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18
SEMT-C002       Cable          Zheng DI      ZT40-2.92J-2.92J-6M          /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18
SEMT-C003       Cable          Zheng DI      ZT40-2.92J-2.92J-2.5M        /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18
SEMT-C004       Cable          Zheng DI            2M0RFC                 /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18
SEMT-C005       Cable          Zheng DI            1M0RFC                 /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18
SEMT-C006       Cable          Zheng DI            1M0RFC                 /        2018-03-19 2019-03-18

Report No.: SEM19018004                            Page 6 of 18                          RF Part 15.231a

                                                         Model: TR256A


         FCC Rules          Description of Test Item       Result
          §15.203            Antenna Requirement         Compliant
          §15.205         Restricted Band of Operation   Compliant
         §15.207(a)           Conducted Emission            N/A
          §15.209         Radiated Spurious Emissions    Compliant
         §15.231(a)           Deactivation Testing       Compliant
         §15.231(b)           Radiated Emissions         Compliant
         §15.231(c)         20dB Bandwidth Testing       Compliant

Report No.: SEM19018004          Page 7 of 18            RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                                   Model: TR256A

3. Antenna Requirement

3.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the
provisions of this section.

3.2 Test Result

This product has a permanent antenna, fulfill the requirement of this section.

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                                                                                                          Model: TR256A

4. Conducted Emissions

4.1 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.10:2013 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 15.207 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

4.2 Basic Test Setup Block Diagram

                                              Adapter                     EUT


                                                                                                               1.0 m
 To Receiver                  Non-conduction table
                              80 cm above Ground

                                                                              1. 5 m

4.3 Test Receiver Setup
During the conducted emission test, the test receiver was set with the following configurations:

     Start Frequency .......................................................................... 150 kHz
     Stop Frequency .......................................................................... 30 MHz
     Sweep Speed .............................................................................. Auto
     IF Bandwidth.............................................................................. 10 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth ................................................. 9 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode ......................................................... Normal

4.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots

     Not Applicable, battery powered.

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                                                                                                 Model: TR256A

5. Radiated Emissions

5.1 Standard Applicable

According to §15.231(b), the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under this section
shall not exceed the following:

The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on the fundamental
frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to the average (or, alternatively,
CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the general limits shown in §15.209, whichever limit permits a
higher field strength.

The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector. The
provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply. Spurious Radiated Emissions measurements starting
below or at the lowest crystal frequency.

Compliance with the provisions of §15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement instrumentation
specified in that section.

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                                                                                          Model: TR256A

5.2 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.10-2013 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 15.205 15.231(b) and FCC Part 15.209 Limit.



           EUT SYS

           Table                                                               To EMI Receiver

                                        Ground Plane

Report No.: SEM19018004                                Page 11 of 18                      RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                                 Model: TR256A

5.3 Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and the Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

                      Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading +Ant.Loss +Cab. Loss – Ampl.Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable limit.
For example, a margin of -6dBV means the emission is 6dBV below the maximum limit. The equation for
margin calculation is as follows:
                                  Margin = Corr. Ampl. – FCC Part 15C Limit

5.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots

Note: this EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal positions and the worst case position data was reported.

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                                                                                             Model: TR256A

       Test Mode                    TM1                       Polarity:                    Horizontal

        No.   Frequency   Reading   Corr.     Dutycycle    Result         Limit   Margin   Remark
                   MHz    dBuV/m    Factor(    Factor     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        (dB)
                                     dB)        (dB)
         1     38.8878     35.16    -8.67       N/A        26.49          40.00   -13.51     peak
         2     50.2324     35.67    -8.55       N/A        27.12          40.00   -12.88     peak
         3    112.9196     34.43    -14.93      N/A        19.50          43.50   -24.00     peak
         4    304.6099     83.83    -9.25       N/A        74.58          94.95   -20.37     peak
              304.6099       /         /       -6.15       68.43          74.95   -6.52      Ave
         5    609.9217     35.77    -3.90       N/A        31.87          74.95   -43.08     peak
              609.9217       /         /       -6.15       25.72          54.95   -29.23     Ave
         6    763.3757     31.26    -1.67       N/A        29.59          46.00   -16.41     peak

Above 1GHz
        No.   Frequency   Reading   Corr.     Dutycycle    Result         Limit   Margin   Remark
                   MHz    dBuV/m    Factor     Factor     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB
                                     (dB)       (dB)
         1    1218.4396    47.89    -9.19       N/A        38.70          74.00   -35.3      peak
              1218.4396      /         /       -6.15       32.55          54.00   -21.45     Ave

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                                                                                              Model: TR256A

       Test Mode                      TM1                       Polarity:                    Vertical

         No.   Frequency    Reading    Corr.    Dutycycle    Result         Limit   Margin   Remark
                   MHz      dBuV/m    Factor(    Factor     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        (dB)
                                        dB)       (dB)
         1      39.8542      36.65     -8.56      N/A        28.09          40.00   -11.91    peak
         2      48.8429      35.36     -8.32      N/A        27.04          40.00   -12.96    peak
         3     107.1337      33.89    -14.48      N/A        19.41          43.50   -24.09    peak
         4     304.6099      72.90     -9.25      N/A        74.58          94.95   -20.37    peak
               304.6099        /         /       -6.15       68.43          74.95   -6.52     Ave
         5     477.1694      35.28     -6.40      N/A        28.88          46.00   -17.12    peak
         6     747.4825      32.41     -1.78      N/A        30.63          46.00   -15.37    peak

Above 1GHz
         No.   Frequency    Reading    Corr.    Dutycycle    Result         Limit   Margin   Remark
                   MHz     dBuV/m     Factor     Factor     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB
                                       (dB)       (dB)
         1     1218.4396     36.49     -7.12      N/A        29.37           74     -44.63    peak
               1218.4396       /         /       -6.15       23.22           54     -30.78    Ave

Note: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9kHz to the tenth harmonics, which above 5th Harmonics are
attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
      The fundamental frequency is 304.25MHz, so the fundamental and spurious emissions radiated limit base
on the the operating frequency 304.25MHz.

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                                                                                            Model: TR256A

6. 20dB Bandwidth

6.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 15.231(c), The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center
frequency for devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB
down from the modulated carrier.

6.1 Test Procedure

With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s 20dB Bandwidth power was received by the test antenna, which was
connected to the spectrum analyzer with the START, and STOP frequencies set to the EUT’s operation band.

6.2 Summary of Test Results/Plots

      Test Frequency                  20dB Bandwidth               Limit
           MHz                             kHz                     kHz
          304.25                   456.207                  760.6                          Pass
Limit = Fundamental Frequency X 0.25% = 304.25 MHz X 0.25% = 760 kHz

Please refer to the attached plots.


Report No.: SEM19018004                                Page 15 of 18                        RF Part 15.231a

                                                                                                   Model: TR256A

7. Transmission Time

7.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 15.231 (a), the transmitter shall be complied the following requirements:

1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within
not more than 5 seconds of being released.
(2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.
(3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling or supervision
transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications
are allowed if the total duration of transmissions does not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each
transmitter. There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions, provided the total transmission time does
not exceed two seconds per hour.

7.2 Test Procedure

With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s output signal was received by the test antenna, which was connected
to the spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to 304.25MHz, than set the spectrum analyzer to Zero Span for
the release time reading. During the testing, the switch was released then the EUT automatically deactivated.

7.3 Summary of Test Results/Plots

 Transmission Type        Test Frequency(MHz)        Transmission Time(s)            Limit(s)            Result
      Manually                        304.25                  0.225                      5                 Pass

Please refer to the attached plots.


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                                                                                                Model: TR256A

8. Duty Cycle

8.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 15.231 (b)(2) and 15.35 (c), For pulse operation transmitter, the averaging pulsed
emissions are calculated by peak value of measured emission plus duty cycle factor.

8.2 Test Procedure

With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s output signal was received by the test antenna, which was connected
to the spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to 304.25MHz, than set the spectrum analyzer to Zero Span for
the release time reading. During the testing, the switch was released then the EUT automatically deactivated.

8.3 Summary of Test Results/Plots

                           Width of Pulse                                Transmission Time   Total Time (Ton)
    Type of Pulse                                 Quantity of Pulse
                               (ms)                                            (ms)                (ms)
    Pulse 1 (Wide)               0.775                   24                    18.60
   Pulse 2 (Narrow)              0.363                   1                     0.36

      Test Period (Tp)              Total Time (Ton)              Duty Cycle             Duty Cycle Factor
             ms                            ms                            %                      dB
            38.50                         18.96                       49.25                    -6.15
Remark: Duty Cycle Factor=20*log(Duty Cycle)

Please refer to the attached test plots

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                                                      Model: TR256A


       Test Period

     Pulse Number

   Pulse 1 and Pulse 2

                          ***** END OF REPORT *****

Report No.: SEM19018004              Page 18 of 18    RF Part 15.231a

Document Created: 2019-02-21 09:26:55
Document Modified: 2019-02-21 09:26:55

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