Test Report_Co-location


Test Report

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                                   MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd           Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5
                                   Phone: +86-512-66308358                    Report Version:        V01
                                   Web: www.mrt-cert.com                      Issue Date:     11-06-2019

                                 Co-location Report

FCC ID:                       2AQYK-WWTMXS

APPLICANT:                    Shenzhen WOWOTO Technology Co., Ltd.

Application Type:             Certification

Product:                      Smart Projector

Model No.:                    WWT-M5S
Brand Name:                   WOWOTO

FCC Classification: Digital Transmission System (DTS)
                              Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (NII)
Test Date:                    November 05, 2019

Reviewed By:

                                  ( Sunny Sun )
Approved By:

                                   ( Robin Wu )

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as
indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified
in ANSI C63.4-2014. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AQYK-WWTMXS                                                                  Page Number: 1 of 26

                                                    Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

                            Revision History
   Report No.     Version       Description      Issue Date         Note

1910RSU009-U5     Rev. 01       Initial Report   11-06-2019         Valid

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                                                                                                              Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Description                                                                                                                                  Page
General Information .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.     INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 5

      1.1.       Scope .............................................................................................................................. 5
      1.2.       MRT Test Location .......................................................................................................... 5

2.     PRODUCT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 6

      2.1.       Feature of Equipment under Test.................................................................................... 6
      2.2.       Test Mode ....................................................................................................................... 6
      2.3.       Test Configuration ........................................................................................................... 6
      2.4.       EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications ....................................................................... 6
      2.5.       Labeling Requirements ................................................................................................... 7

3.     DESCRIPTION OF TEST ........................................................................................................... 8

      3.1.       Evaluation Procedure ...................................................................................................... 8
      3.2.       Radiated Emissions......................................................................................................... 8

4.     ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 10

5.     TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATE .............................................................................. 11

6.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ........................................................................................... 12

7.     TEST RESULT ......................................................................................................................... 13

      7.1.       Summary ....................................................................................................................... 13
      7.2.       Radiated Emissions for Co-location Measurement ....................................................... 14
      7.2.1.         Test Limit ................................................................................................................... 14
      7.2.2.         Test Procedure Used ................................................................................................. 14
      7.2.3.         Test Setting ................................................................................................................ 14
      7.2.4.         Test Setup ................................................................................................................. 16
      7.2.5.         Test Result of Radiated Emissions for Co-location.................................................... 17

Appendix A - Test Setup Photograph ............................................................................................ 25

Appendix B - EUT Photograph ...................................................................................................... 26

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                                                                       Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

General Information
Applicant:                    Shenzhen WOWOTO Technology Co., Ltd.
Applicant Address:            G05, 2nd Floor, Gaoxinqi Industry Park, District 67, Xingdong
                              Community, Xin'an Street, Baoan Area, Shenzhen, China
Manufacturer:                 Shenzhen WOWOTO Technology Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer Address:         G05, 2nd Floor, Gaoxinqi Industry Park, District 67, Xingdong
                              Community, Xin'an Street, Baoan Area, Shenzhen, China
Test Site:                    MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Test Site Address:            D8 Building, No.2 Tian’edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic
                              Development Zone, Suzhou, China

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at MRT Laboratory located in Tian’edang Rd., Suzhou, China.
 MRT facility is a FCC registered (MRT Reg. No. 893164) test facility with the site description
  report on file and has met all the requirements specified in ANSI C63.4-2014.
 MRT facility is an IC registered (MRT Reg. No. 11384A-1) test laboratory with the site
  description on file at Industry Canada.
 MRT facility is a VCCI registered (R-20025, G-20034,
  C-20020, T-20020) test laboratory with the site
  description on file at VCCI Council.
 MRT Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by the American
  Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) under
  the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
  Program (A2LA Cert. No. 3628.01) in EMC,
  Telecommunications, Radio and SAR testing.

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                                                                           Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

1.1. Scope
Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices
including intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and
regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and the Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada and Certification and Engineering Bureau.

1.2. MRT Test Location
The map below shows the location of the MRT LABORATORY, its proximity to the Taihu Lake.
These measurement tests were conducted at the MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Facility
located at D8 Building, No.2 Tian’edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou,
China. The measurement facility compliant with the test site requirements specified in ANSI

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                                                                            Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 2.1. Feature of Equipment under Test
Product Name:             Smart Projector
Model No.:                WWT-M5S
                          WWT-M1S, WWT-M2S, WWT-M3S, WWT-M4S, WWT-M5S, WWT-M6S,
Serial Model No.:         WWT-M7S, WWT-M8S, WWT-M9S, WWT-S1S, WWT-S2S, WWT-S3S,
                          WWT-S4S, WWT-S5S, WWT-S6S, WWT-S7S, WWT-S8S, WWT-S9S
Brand Name:               WOWOTO
Wi-Fi Specification:      802.11a/b/g/n
Bluetooth Specification: v4.0 (BLE only)
                          Model No.: GQ36-120300-AX
Adapter #1:               Input: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1.0A Max
                          Output: 12V ⎓ 3.0A
                          Model No.: KZ1203000
Adapter #2:               Input: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1.0A Max
                          Output: 12V ⎓ 3000mA
                          Model No.: GW48W-120300D
Adapter #3:               Input: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1.2A
                          Output: 12V ⎓ 3.0A
Note: The different models are only for marketing different clients, others are the same.

 2.2. Test Mode
                           Mode 1: Transmit by 2.4GHz Wi-Fi & Transmit by BLE
 Test Mode
                           Mode 2: Transmit by 5GHz Wi-Fi & Transmit by BLE

 2.3. Test Configuration
 This device was tested per the guidance of ANSI C63.10-2013. ANSI C63.10-2013 was used to
 reference the appropriate EUT setup for radiated spurious emissions testing.

 2.4. EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
 No EMI suppression device(s) were added and/or no modifications were made during testing.

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                                                                          Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

2.5. Labeling Requirements
Per 2.1074 & 15.19; Docket 95-19
The label shall be permanently affixed at a conspicuous location on the device; instruction manual or
pamphlet supplied to the user and be readily visible to the purchaser at the time of purchase.
However, when the device is so small wherein placement of the label with specified statement is not
practical, only the FCC ID must be displayed on the device per Section 15.19(a)(5). Please see
attachment for FCC ID label and label location.

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                                                                              Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

3.1. Evaluation Procedure
The measurement procedures described in the American National Standard of Procedures for
Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices (ANSI C63.10-2013), and the guidance was
used in the measurement.
Deviation from measurement procedure…………………………….....................................None

3.2. Radiated Emissions
The radiated test facilities consisted of an indoor 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber used for final
measurements and exploratory measurements, when necessary. The measurement area is
contained within the semi-anechoic chamber which is shielded from any ambient interference. For
measurements above 1GHz absorbers are arranged on the floor between the turn table and the
Antenna mast in such a way so as to maximize the reduction of reflections. For measurements
below 1GHz, the absorbers are removed. A MF Model 210SS turntable is used for radiated
measurement. It is a continuously rotatable, remote controlled, metallic turntable and 2 meters (6.56
ft.) in diameter. The turn table is flush with the raised floor of the chamber in order to maintain its
function as a ground plane. An 80cm high PVC support structure is placed on top of the turntable.
For all measurements, the spectrum was scanned through all EUT azimuths and from 1 to 4 meter
receive Antenna height using a broadband Antenna from 30MHz up to the upper frequency shown in
15.33(b)(1) depending on the highest frequency generated or used in the device or on which the
device operates or tunes. For frequencies above 1GHz, linearly polarized double ridge horn
Antennas were used. For frequencies below 30MHz, a calibrated loop Antenna was used. When
exploratory measurements were necessary, they were performed at 1 meter test distance inside the
semi-anechoic chamber using broadband Antennas, broadband amplifiers, and spectrum analyzers
to determine the frequencies and modes producing the maximum emissions. Sufficient time for the
EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to warm up to their
normal operating condition. The test set-up for frequencies below 1GHz was placed on top of the 0.8
meter high, 1 x 1.5 meter table; and test set-up for frequencies 1-40GHz was placed on top of the 1.5
meter high, 1 x 1.5 meter table. The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting cables were
arranged and manipulated to maximize each emission. Appropriate precaution was taken to ensure
that all emissions from the EUT were maximized and investigated. The system configuration, clock
speed, mode of operation or video resolution, if applicable, turntable azimuth, and receive Antenna
height was noted for each frequency found.
Final measurements were made in the semi-anechoic chamber using calibrated, linearly polarized
broadband and horn Antennas. The test setup was configured to the setup that produced the worst
case emissions. The spectrum analyzer was set to investigate all frequencies required for testing to

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                                                                          Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

compare the highest radiated disturbances with respect to the specified limits. The turntable
containing the EUT was rotated through 360 degrees and the height of the receive Antenna was
varied 1 to 4 meters and stopped at the azimuth and height producing the maximum emission. Each
emission was maximized by changing the orientation of the EUT through three orthogonal planes
and changing the polarity of the receive Antenna, whichever produced the worst-case emissions.
According to 3dB Beam-Width of horn Antenna, the horn Antenna should be always directed to the
EUT when rising height.

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                                                                         Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
“An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached
antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered
sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.”

    The antenna of this device is permanently attached.
    There are no provisions for connection to an external antenna.

This device complies with the requirement of §15.203.

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                                                                              Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5


Radiated Emissions - AC1

Instrument                 Manufacturer        Type No.     Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver          R&S                 ESR7         MRTSUE06001 1 year              2020/08/01
PXA Signal Analyzer        Keysight            9030B        MRTSUE06395 1 year              2020/09/03
Loop Antenna               Schwarzbeck         FMZB 1519    MRTSUE06025 1 year              2019/11/09
Bilog Period Antenna       Schwarzbeck         VULB 9168    MRTSUE06172 1 year              2020/03/31
Broad Band Horn Antenna    Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9120D   MRTSUE06023 1 year              2020/10/13
Broad Band Horn Antenna    Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9170    MRTSUE06024 1 year              2019/12/17
Microwave System Amplifier Agilent             83017A       MRTSUE06076 1 year              2019/11/16
Preamplifier               Schwarzbeck         BBV 9721     MRTSUE06121 1 year              2020/06/11
Thermohygrometer           Testo               608-H1       MRTSUE06403 1 year              2020/08/08
Anechoic Chamber           TDK                 Chamber-AC1 MRTSUE06212 1 year               2020/04/30

Radiated Emission - AC2

Instrument                 Manufacturer        Type No.     Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
Spectrum Analyzer          Keysight            N9038A       MRTSUE06125 1 year              2020/08/01
Loop Antenna               Schwarzbeck         FMZB 1519    MRTSUE06025 1 year              2019/11/09
Bilog Period Antenna       Schwarzbeck         VULB 9162    MRTSUE06022 1 year              2020/10/13
Horn Antenna               Schwarzbeck         BBHA9120D    MRTSUE06171 1 year              2019/11/09
Broad Band Horn Antenna    Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9170    MRTSUE06024 1 year              2019/12/17
Broadband Coaxial
                           Schwarzbeck         BBV 9718     MRTSUE06176 1 year              2019/11/16
Preamplifier               Schwarzbeck         BBV 9721     MRTSUE06121 1 year              2020/06/11
Temperature/Humidity Meter Minggao             ETH529       MRTSUE06170 1 year              2019/12/13
Anechoic Chamber           RIKEN               Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213 1 year               2020/04/30

Software                             Version                            Function
EMI Software                         V3                                 EMI Test Software

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                                                                          Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Where relevant, the following test uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the
EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2. This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed
at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k = 2.
Radiated Emission Measurement - AC1
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
     Horizontal: 30MHz~300MHz: 4.07dB
                 300MHz~1GHz: 3.63dB
                 1GHz~18GHz: 4.16dB
     Vertical:   30MHz~300MHz: 4.18dB
                 300MHz~1GHz: 3.60dB
                 1GHz~18GHz: 4.76dB
Radiated Emission Measurement - AC2
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
     Horizontal: 30MHz~300MHz: 3.75dB
                 300MHz~1GHz: 3.53dB
                 1GHz~18GHz: 4.28dB
     Vertical:   30MHz~300MHz: 3.86dB
                 300MHz~1GHz: 3.53dB
                 1GHz~18GHz: 4.33dB

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                                                                           Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

7.1. Summary
 FCC Part         Test Description              Test Limit            Test        Test     Reference
 Section(s)                                                         Condition    Result
              General Field Strength     Emissions in restricted
15.205        Limits (Restricted         bands must meet the
                                                                    Radiated     Pass      Section 7.2
15.209        Bands and Radiated         radiated limits detailed
              Emission Limits)           in 15.209
Note: All modes of operation and data rates were investigated. For radiated emission test, every
axis (X, Y, Z) was also verified. The test results shown in the following sections represent the worst
case emissions.

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                                                                           Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

7.2. Radiated Emissions for Co-location Measurement

7.2.1.Test Limit

All out of band emissions appearing in a restricted band as specified in Section 15.205 of the Title 47

CFR must not exceed the limits shown in Table per Section 15.209.

                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.209

          Frequency                         Field Strength                  Measured Distance
             (MHz)                             (μV/m)                             (Meters)
         0.009 - 0.490                      2400/F (kHz)                            300
         0.490 - 1.705                      24000/F (kHz)                            30
           1.705 - 30                             30                                 30
            30 - 88                              100                                 3
            88 - 216                             150                                 3
           216 - 960                             200                                 3
          Above 960                              500                                 3

7.2.2.Test Procedure Used

ANSI C63.10 Section 6.3 (General Requirements)

ANSI C63.10 Section 6.4 (Standard test method below 30MHz)

ANSI C63.10 Section 6.5 (Standard test method above 30MHz to 1GHz)

ANSI C63.10 Section 6.6 (Standard test method above 1GHz)

7.2.3.Test Setting

Quasi-Peak Measurements below 1GHz

1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest

2. Span was set greater than 1MHz

3. RBW = 120 kHz

4. Detector = CISPR quasi-peak or average

5. Sweep time = auto couple

6. Trace was allowed to stabilize

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                                                                         Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Peak Measurements above 1GHz

1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest

2. RBW = 1MHz

3. VBW = 3MHz

4. Detector = peak

5. Sweep time = auto couple

6. Trace mode = max hold

7. Trace was allowed to stabilize

Average Measurements above 1GHz (Method VB)

1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest

2. RBW = 1MHz

3. VBW; If the EUT is configured to transmit with duty cycle ≥ 98%, set VBW = 10 Hz.

If the EUT duty cycle is < 98%, set VBW ≥ 1/T. T is the minimum transmission duration.

4. Detector = Peak

5. Sweep time = auto

6. Trace mode = max hold

7. Trace was allowed to stabilize

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                         Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

7.2.4.Test Setup

Below 1GHz Test Setup:

Above 1GHz Test Setup:

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                                                                                  Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 7.2.5.Test Result of Radiated Emissions for Co-location
 Site: AC1                                               Time: 2019/11/05 - 14:06
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                            Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: VULB 9168 _20-2000MHz                            Polarity: Horizontal
 EUT: Smart Projector                                    Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 1

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading      Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level        (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   143.975       35.125     20.148       -8.375        43.500      14.977     QP
 2                   158.060       31.611     16.204       -11.889       43.500      15.407     QP
 3            *      240.005       38.218     25.215       -7.782        46.000      13.003     QP
 4                   288.020       37.244     23.013       -8.756        46.000      14.231     QP
 5                   474.760       36.386     18.014       -9.614        46.000      18.373     QP
 6                   840.450       35.226     11.224       -10.774       46.000      24.001     QP
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                   Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                               Time: 2019/11/05 - 14:10
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                            Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: VULB 9168 _20-2000MHz                            Polarity: Vertical
 EUT: Smart Projector                                    Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 1

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading       Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level         (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   30.490        25.896     12.107        -14.104       40.000      13.789     QP
 2                   35.340        27.077     13.008        -12.923       40.000      14.068     QP
 3                   106.630       29.858     18.014        -13.642       43.500      11.844     QP
 4            *      161.450       32.342     17.066        -11.158       43.500      15.277     QP
 5                   240.010       27.216     14.213        -18.784       46.000      13.003     QP
 6                   512.571       30.681     11.544        -15.319       46.000      19.137     QP
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                  Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                               Time: 2019/11/05 - 14:16
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                            Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: VULB 9168 _20-2000MHz                            Polarity: Horizontal
 EUT: Smart Projector                                    Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 2

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading      Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level        (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   143.990       35.296     20.318       -8.204        43.500      14.978     QP
 2                   159.490       31.540     16.154       -11.960       43.500      15.386     QP
 3                   240.006       37.048     24.045       -8.952        46.000      13.003     QP
 4            *      288.060       38.922     24.691       -7.078        46.000      14.231     QP
 5                   336.035       35.773     20.331       -10.227       46.000      15.442     QP
 6                   791.935       37.113     13.521       -8.887        46.000      23.592     QP
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                   Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                               Time: 2019/11/05 - 14:21
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                            Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: VULB 9168 _20-2000MHz                            Polarity: Vertical
 EUT: Smart Projector                                    Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 2

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading       Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level         (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   30.488        27.401     13.612        -12.599       40.000      13.789     QP
 2                   34.850        27.273     13.257        -12.727       40.000      14.016     QP
 3                   107.116       29.140     17.244        -14.360       43.500      11.896     QP
 4            *      160.952       31.968     16.645        -11.532       43.500      15.322     QP
 5                   474.744       31.585     13.213        -14.415       46.000      18.371     QP
 6                   515.002       30.538     11.347        -15.462       46.000      19.191     QP
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                 Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                              Time: 2019/11/05 - 15:32
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                           Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                               Polarity: Horizontal
 EUT: Smart Projector                                   Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 1

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading     Margin        Limit       Factor      Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level       (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   4876.000      52.322     46.621      -21.678       74.000      5.701       PK
 2            *      4876.000      48.825     43.124      -5.175        54.000      5.701       AV
 3                   5998.000      44.746     37.252      -29.254       74.000      7.494       PK
 4                   5998.500      36.909     29.414      -17.091       54.000      7.495       AV
 5                   7315.600      47.405     35.715      -26.595       74.000      11.690      PK
 6                   7312.000      38.463     26.757      -15.537       54.000      11.706      AV
 7                   9749.500      48.912     33.048      -25.088       74.000      15.864      PK
 8                   9748.000      40.691     24.843      -13.309       54.000      15.848      AV
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                  Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                              Time: 2019/11/05 - 15:36
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                           Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                               Polarity: Vertical
 EUT: Smart Projector                                   Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 1

 N    Fl     M    Frequency        Measure    Reading    Margin          Limit        Factor      Type
 o    ag     ar   (MHz)            Level      Level      (dB)            (dBuV/m)     (dB)
             k                     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                4876.000         51.468     45.767     -22.532         74.000       5.701       PK
 2           *    4876.000         47.829     42.128     -6.171          54.000       5.701       AV
 3                7313.400         47.789     36.089     -26.211         74.000       11.700      PK
 4                7313.400         39.224     27.524     -14.776         54.000       11.700      AV
 5                9151.500         49.838     35.669     -24.162         74.000       14.169      PK
 6                9151.500         39.310     25.141     -14.690         54.000       14.169      AV
 7                9749.600         48.541     32.676     -25.459         74.000       15.865      PK
 8                9748.000         36.005     20.157     -17.995         54.000       15.848      AV
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                 Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                              Time: 2019/11/05 - 15:42
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                           Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                               Polarity: Horizontal
 EUT: Smart Projector                                   Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 2

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading     Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level       (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   6499.500      43.050     33.694      -30.950       74.000      9.356      PK
 2                   6499.500      29.483     20.127      -24.517       54.000      9.356      AV
 3                   8038.000      45.901     33.206      -28.099       74.000      12.695     PK
 4                   8038.000      34.539     21.844      -19.461       54.000      12.695     AV
 5                   10792.000     50.644     33.123      -23.356       74.000      17.521     PK
 6                   10792.000     36.668     19.147      -17.332       54.000      17.521     AV
 7                   13427.000     50.893     31.910      -23.107       74.000      18.983     PK
 8            *      13427.000     39.081     20.098      -14.919       54.000      18.983     AV
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

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                                                                                  Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

 Site: AC1                                              Time: 2019/11/05 - 15:48
 Limit: FCC_Part15.209_RE(3m)                           Engineer: Flay Yang
 Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                               Polarity: Vertical
 EUT: Smart Projector                                   Power: AC 120V/60Hz
 Test Mode 2

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency     Measure    Reading      Margin        Limit       Factor     Type
                     (MHz)         Level      Level        (dB)          (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV)
 1                   8038.000      46.485     33.790       -27.515       74.000      12.695     PK
 2                   8038.000      34.016     21.321       -19.984       54.000      12.695     AV
 3                   10384.000     52.403     35.493       -21.597       74.000      16.910     PK
 4                   10384.000     39.297     22.387       -14.703       54.000      16.910     AV
 5                   13631.000     51.777     32.184       -22.223       74.000      19.593     PK
 6            *      13631.000     40.601     21.008       -13.399       54.000      19.593     AV
 7                   15492.500     50.053     32.435       -23.947       74.000      17.618     PK
 8                   15492.500     37.684     20.066       -16.316       54.000      17.618     AV
Note 1: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).
Note 2: There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and 18GHz~40GHz, the permissible
value is not show in the report.

                                                  The End
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                                     Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Appendix A - Test Setup Photograph
Refer to “1910RSU009-UT” file.

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                                 Report No.: 1910RSU009-U5

Appendix B - EUT Photograph
Refer to “1910RSU009-UE” file.

FCC ID: 2AQYK-WWTMXS                  Page Number: 26 of 26

Document Created: 2019-11-10 12:31:45
Document Modified: 2019-11-10 12:31:45

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