User manual


Users Manual

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§PIM                           Table of Contents

                Camera Overview                             ~mmm~> 3
                         Inserting / Removing the Battery
Survey Camera            Inserting / Removing Memory Cards
                         Charging the Battery
                         Status LEDs

                PowerIng Camera On and Off                  ————————————————————— 6

                Change Camera Mode
                Touch Display Overview
                         Touch Display Gestures

                Quick Settings
                PRORO®                                      ce 1
                         Taking a Photo
                         Photo Settings
                         Video Settings

                         Viewing Videos and Photos on Your Camera
                         Viewing Videos and Photos on HDTV

                System Settings                             —— > 19

           Table of Contents
Using the GPS Module               ——.——......c.ccoco—— 22
Wirelass                            c> 2
       WHFi Remote Control
        Bluetooth Remote Control
Connecting Extemal Microphone       ————————————————— 23

PWM Triggering                     > 24

USB Media Management               <——————————— 25

Package Included                   .=c 26
Optional Accessories                                 ~~ 26
Customer Support                                     =27

                                                             1. Shutter Button                              7.Front LED 2
                                                             2. Cooling Hole                                8. Power / Mode Button
                                                             3. HDMI Port (supports PWM trigger cable,      9. MicroSD Card Slot
                                                             not included)                                  10. Tripod Mount
                                                             4. Mini—USB Port (supports included external   11. Back LED
                                                             GPS module}                                    12. Touch Display
                                                             5, Min/—USB Port (supports composite A/V
                                                             cable, 3.5mm mic adapter, not included)
                                                             6. Front LED 1

 Powering Camera
  On and Off
                                                                       + Swipe left on the main screen to change the capture made.
To Power on: Hold the Power button for 3 seconds.
To Power off: Hold the Power button for 4 seconds,
1. To preventloss of data always turn off the camera before removing
the battery or memory card.                                                                               on
2. The camera will automatically turn off after removing the memory
card or battery.

   Change Camera

There are three camera modes, Video, Photo and Playback. You can
choose the camera mode in the main men, press mode button or
swipe left to change the capture mode.
* Touch [@] to enter main menu and choose the camera mode.

                                                                                     eJ       (Cacld

                   eS         Photo      Playback

                                                                       * Press mode button [@] to change the capture mode.

   Touch Display
                                                                         ® Touch Display Gestures
                                                                         Usethese gestures to navigate the touch display. When swiping,
                                                                         swipe from the edge of the screen.

                                                                                  &               Enter the main menu,system settings and
                                                                                  @               Video/Photo settings.

                                                                                                  Swipe Left
                                                                                e q               Change capture mode.
                                    Main Screen

The touch display provides information for current mades and settings.
                                                                                                  Swipe Right
 @ Display the camera mode                                                              nd        Change the view for main and slave camera.
 € Left recording time / Elapsed time                                      C

 € Battery indlicator                                                                        _    SwipeDown
                                                                                                  Swipe down to open thequick settings, enable
 @ GP5 status
                                                                                   ¥              or disable Wi—Fi, bluetooth, etc. From setting
 9 Go to video / photo settings                                                                   menu, select an item, swipe down to choose
                                                                           \                      an option. Otherwise, swipe down to return to
 @ Select to open the main menu
                                                                                                  the main screen.
 fl Display the resolution

 C Go to the system settings                                                       #4             Swipe Up
                                                                                                  From setting menu, select an item, swipe up
                                                                                                  to choosean option. Otherwise, swipe up to
                                                                           ~                      return to the main screen.

Ext Power(Extemal Power): Set the camera to go to the Charge, Power           Set Time: Set the date and time for your camera. The date and time
On or Recording mode while the external charger connected.                    are automatically updated when you connect your camera with GPS
LED: Set which status lights blink. The options are All LED On (default),           le and GPS feature enabl
All LED Off, Front LED On, Front LED Off and Back LED On.                     Zone: Set the time zone. The time zoneaffects the date format and
OSD: The OSD (on—screen display) info setting determines whether the          time stamp.
recording icons and file information on video and on the viewing              Date Format: Set the camera to show dates in a YY/MM/DD, or
screen appear during playback. The options for this setting are On            DD/MM/YY, or MM/DD/YY format.
(default), Record Dot (only show the recording indicator icon) and Off.       Format: To keep your microSD card in good condition, format it on a
Beep: Set the camera to beep or not while pressing a button.                  regular basis.
Lock: Turns off the touch display after a period of inactivity to save        Note: Formatting erases all of your content, so be sure to offload your
battery life. The options are 15 Seconds, 1 Minute (default), 3 Minutes, 5    photos and videosfirst.
Minutes, and Off. To turn on the touch display again, press any of the        Reset: This option resets all of your camera settings to the defaults.
button on the camera.                                                         Version: Displays the firmware information.
Auto Off: Powers off your camera after a period ofinactivity to save
                                                                             FCC Warnning:
battery life. The options are 1 Minute, 3 Minutes (default), 5 Minutes, 10
                                                                             This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
Minutes, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 60 Minutes, and Off.                        to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
TV Mode: TV Mode setting is mainly for watching the video on                 interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
                                                                             energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
TV/HDTV to control the video frame rate of the recording.                    to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
                                                                             installation. f this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
NTSC: Watch the video on the area of North America.                          be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
                                                                             interference by oneor more of the following measures
PAL: Watch the video on the PAL/HDTV (apply to the most of TV                * Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
except the area of North America).                                           * Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                                                                             * Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
Frequency: This setting allows you to set the light frequency to avoid       + Consult the dealer or an experienced radioTV technician for help
flickering issue of videos.                                                  Caution: Any changes or modifcations to this device not exalicity approved by manufacturer could void
Note: 60Hz in US and Canada and 50Hz in other countries.                     your authority to operate this equipment
Language: Set the on—screen text language.                                   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions
                                                                             (1)This deviee may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference
                                                                              received, including interference that may cause undesited operation
                                                                             The device has beenevaluated to meet general RF expostre requirement. The device can be used in
                                                                             portable exposure condition without restriction

  Using the GPS
                                                                           1. Enable the Wi—Fi:
With the GPS module connected, it will enable you to capture the           a) From the main screen, swipe down to enable the Wi—Fi features.
location where your videos and photos were taken. The ultra—fast 10X       When Wi—Fi is on, a Wi—Fi status icon appears on the camera main
GPS processor allows you to update GPS data quickly, recording your        screen. Note: When Wi—Fi is on, only the swipe down gesture is
latitude and longitude data precisely.                                     available and you can only set your camera with your phone.
Note: You can download the Dashcam Viewer                                  2. To connect your camera with GitUp app:
                                                                           a) Download and install the GitUp app to your smartphone/tablet.
( to playback the GPS data.
                                                                           b) Power on the camera and enable the Wi—Fi.
When you first plug the GPS unit in, and you are on the default Photo      c) Connect to the Wi—Fi connection names MAPIRO000xx.
Mode screen, you will see red colored text saying "GPS OK" in the          d) Open the app, click the Connect, the app will automatically search
bottom right of the screen:                                                the camera, it will show live preview once connected.
                                                                           Note: The default Wi—Fi password is 12345678.

                                                                             Bluetooth Remote Control

                                                                           With the Bluetooth remote control, you can remotely control the
                                                                           Survey3 camera to start / stop recording, take photos.
During this time the GPS is acquiring a better lock status. Once the GPS   From the main screen, swipe down to enable the bluetooth features.
has good lock there will be an audible tone sequence (6 beeps) and         When bluetooth is on, the camera will search the bluetooth remote
the text will turn green and read "GPS Good*.                              control automatically, normally it will take about 3 to 5 seconds for
                                                                           pairing with remote control.

                                                                            Connecting External
® Wi—Fi Remote Control

The GitUp app allows you to control your camera remotely using a           An external microphone can provide enhanced audio for your captured
smartphone or tablet. Features include full camera control, live           video. (sold separately).
preview, playback and video / photo download.                              Note: The S3 does not support external stereo microphone.
                                                                           When you enable and connect an external microphone, the camera
                                                                           records audio from both the external microphone and the built—in

 PWM                                                                                                 USB Media
 Triggering                                                                                          Management

The Survey3 camera can receive and act on a couple PWM values
                                                                                                    Survey3 allows you to power on and charge the camera by
when sending a PWM pulse using the optional HDMI PWM trigger
                                                                                                    connecting one end of the USB cable to the USB/FPV port and the
cable. Please see the below PWM levels for more details.
                                                                                                    other end to your computer.

The 1000us neutral value is the default value the camera is always
                                                                                                    The microSD card in the camera stores the captured media and
expecting and will not do anything at that pulse width.
                                                                                                    typically must be removed and inserted into a computer in order to
To capture a photo, send the camera a momentary 2000us pulse.
                                                                                                    browse the saved media content. With Survey3 though you have the
To enter media transfer mode, send the camera a momentary 1500us                                    option to also send the camera a 1500us PWM signal to put the
pulse. To exit send a 1500us pulse again.                                                           camera into media transfer mode, making media browsing easier.

          m t h o#h #h   o#    To        o        30
                                                                                                    Media transfer mode allows the computer that is connected to the
           mm 48 tb 4P 40 @0        @0       @0   2
                                                                                                    camera to then mount the camera‘s microSD card and the captured
                                                                                                    media will show up as a removable disk on the computer. This allows
        Camera HDMI Port                                          HDMI (Micro) Cable                you to browse the contents as well as perform some remote
               Active HDMI Pins:                                                                    automation.
               PIN 2: PWM Signal
               PIN 4: Ground                                                                        One common application for media transfer mode is to connect the
               PIN 19; +Svolt Power Out (Not Required)                                              camera to a companion computer such as a Raspberry Pi on your
                                                                                                    robot (UAS/drone) and then move the camera‘s media to the
               PWM Signal Value:                                                                    computers own storage media. This allows the content to more easily
               Level 0: Do Nothing / Neutral = 1000us                                               be removed from your robot if the Survey3 cameras are too difficult
               Level 1: Enter/Exit USB Transfer = 1500us                                            to access. You could also perform some processing on the media.
               Level 2: Photo Capture = 2000us

                                                       PIN   1:   +5V        PIN   6: MIC INPUT     Enabling Media Transfer Mode: Send the camera a 1500us PWM
                                                       PIN   2:   USB—       PIN   7: MIC INPUT
                                                                                                    pulse using the optional HDMI PWM trigger cable.
                                                       PIN   3:   USB+       PIN   8: SD YIDOEO—
                                                       PIN   4:   I0*        PIN   9: SDO YICOEO+
                                                       PIN   5:   GND        PIN   10:; AUDIOG+
        Camera USB Port                                                                             Disabling Media Transfer Mode: Send the camera a 1500us PWM
                                                       * = Pull PIN4 Low to Ground with             pulse when it is already in media transfer mode.
                                                           Resistor To Activate PIN 6—10

                                               Please go to for more information
                                               about our products.

                                               MAPIR® is a brand/dba of Peau Productions, Inc.

                                               Peau Productions, Inc.
Lens Cover          USB Data/Charging Cable:   7592 Metropolitan Drive — Suite 401
                                               San Diego, CA 92108 USA
                                               +1 (877) 949 — 1684
                                               Live Chat is Available On Our Website

                               3                         wanwfacebookcom/mapitcamera/
Battery                   GPS Module

                                                         hitps// RCamera

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Document Created: 2018-09-14 16:52:22
Document Modified: 2018-09-14 16:52:22

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