Test Report 13


Test Report

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Report On
FCC and IC Testing of the CBRSYS6500 in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part
2 and FCC CFR 47 Part 22



 PREPARED BY                                                          APPROVED BY                                                         DATED

                                                                                                                                          December 18,
 Nikolai Viktorov                                                     Scott Drysdale
 Test Personnel                                                       Authorised Signatory

October 2018

                                Report Issued:                    Report File #: 7169004718
  Page 1 of 34
                                 12/18/2018                             Report 01 Issue 1                                   Testing Laboratory
                                                                                                                            Certificate #2955.02
                © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


Section                                                                                                                                             Page No

1         REPORT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 3
1.1       Report Details ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2       Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3       Configuration Description .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4       Declaration of Build Status ............................................................................................................ 7
2         MAIN EUT ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5       Product Information ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.6       Test Setup ................................................................................................................................... 10
1.7       Test Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 11
1.8       Deviation From The Standard ..................................................................................................... 11
1.9       Modification Record ..................................................................................................................... 11
1.10      Alternative Test Site..................................................................................................................... 11
1.11      Additional Information .................................................................................................................. 11
3         TEST DETAILS .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.1       Maximum Peak Output Power and Peak to Average Ratio - Conducted .................................... 13
2.2       Occupied Bandwidth .................................................................................................................... 17
2.3       Band Edge ................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4       Transmitter Spurious Emissions .................................................................................................. 22
2.5       Frequency Stability ...................................................................................................................... 29
4         TEST EQUIPMENT USED ......................................................................................................... 30
3.1       Test Equipment Used .................................................................................................................. 31
3.2       Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 32
5         ACCREDITATION, DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT............................................................ 33
4.1       Accreditation, Disclaimers and Copyright .................................................................................... 34

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                © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.

                                                                SECTION 1

                                                   REPORT INFORMATION

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


         Manufacturer                                            Octasic inc.

         Address                                                 300-401 Molson St, Montreal, QC, H1Y 3L1

         Product Name                                            CBRSYS6500 (CBRRFE6400+CBRSYS6000)

         Product Number                                          CBRSYS6000 - CBRSYS6008-RE-3E
                                                                 CBRRFE6400 - CBRRFE6407-NC100-EE1
         Serial Number(s)                                        CBRSYS6000 – F-00190
                                                                 CBRRFE6400 – K-15468
         Hardware Version                                        CBRSYS6000 - 3.0
                                                                 CBRRFE6400 - 3.1
         Test Specification/Issue/Date                           FCC CFR 47 Part 2: 2016
                                                                 FCC CFR 47 Part 22: 2016
         Start of Test                                           October 5, 2018

         Finish of Test                                          December 17, 2018

         Name of Test Personnel(s)                               Scott Drysdale and Nikolai Viktorov

         Related Document(s)                                     KDB 971168 D01 v02r02
                                                                 KDB 662911 D01 v02r01

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


        A brief summary of results for each configuration, in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2 and
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22 is shown below.

                                     Specification Clause
          Section                                                                Test Description                                                    Result
                          CFR 47            FCC CFR 47 Part 22
                           Part 2

                                                                                 Maximum Peak Output Power, ERP, and Peak to
          2.1             2.1046                    22.913(a)                                                                                        Pass
                                                                                 Average Ratio - Conducted

          2.2             2.1049                    22.917(b)                    Occupied Bandwidth                                                  Pass

          2.3             2.1051                    22.917(b                     Band Edge                                                           Pass

          2.4             2.1051                 22.917(a) (b)                   Transmitter Spurious Emissions                                      Pass

          2.5             2.1055                     22.355                      Frequency Stability                                                 Pass

          -           -              15.111                                      Receiver Spurious Emissions                                         N/A1

        N/A1 – Not Applicable, as this is a transceiver.

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              © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


        The CBRSYS6500 supports Single Mode operation from a single port configuration.

        The CBRSYS6500 supports GSM 850(869 MHz – 894 MHz).

        TX test cases: Maximum Conducted Output Power, Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals
        (±1MHz) and Conducted Spurious Emissions, measurements were performed on the RF Port.
        The test limits shown are representative of the worst case. All testing was performed with the
        EUT transmitting at maximum RF power unless as designated setting by client, otherwise

        The EUT was powered via a 120V 60Hz power supply.

        GSM 850(869 MHz – 894 MHz) Channel Configurations

        All tests

                                           Carrier                             Carrier Frequency Configuration (MHz)
                           No. of
           RAT                             Bandwidth
                           Carriers                              Bottom (BRFBW)                 Middle (MRFBW)                 Top (TRFBW)
           G               1               0.2                          869.2                           881.6                       893.8

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               © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


                                                                            MAIN EUT

          MANUFACTURING DESCRIPTION                                 CBRSYS6500
          MANUFACTURER                                              Octasic inc.
          TYPE                                                      Portable Base Station Unit with Transportable Amplification Unit
                                                                    CBRSYS6000 - CBRSYS6008-RE-3E
          PART NUMBER
                                                                    CBRRFE6400 - CBRRFE6407-NC100-EE1
                                                                    CBRSYS6000 – F-00190
                                                                    CBRRFE6400 – K-15468
                                                                    CBRSYS6000 - 3.0
                                                                    CBRRFE6400 - 3.1
          TRANSMITTER OPERATING RANGE                               GSM 850             869 – 894 MHz
          RECEIVER OPERATING RANGE                                  GSM 850             824 – 849 MHz
                                                                    CBRSYS6000 - India
                                                                    CBRRFE6400 - Canada
                                                                    GSM: 250KGXW, 250KG7W
          (i.e. G1D, GXW)
                                                                    GSM: GMSK
          (i.e. GMSK, QPSK)
                                                                    894 MHz
          OUTPUT POWER (W or dBm)                                   20W
          FCC ID                                                    2AQSOCBRSYS65000

                                                                    The Transportable Amplification Unit (TAU) is a powerful multiband
          TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (a brief
                                                                    RF front-end (RFE) designed for use as a Transportable
          description of the intended use and
                                                                    Amplification Unit (TAU) in conjunction with a Portable Base station
                                                                    Unit (PBU). The EUT fits in a standard 19" 6U rack.

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


1.5.1   Technical Description

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) operates from a 120V 60Hz supply.

        The CBRRFE6400 Transportable Amplification Unit (TAU) is a powerful multiband RF front-end
        (RFE) designed for use as a Transportable Amplification Unit (TAU) in conjunction with a
        Portable Base station Unit (PBU) such as the CBRSYS6000. The TAU ships in a ruggedized
        case and fits in a standard 19" 6U rack.
        Depending on band configuration it can support up to 8 bands. It has a high sensitivity
        multiband receiver and an interference mitigation and suppression mechanism to maintain
        sensitivity in the presence of interference. The transmitter can transmit up to 100W peak per
        The TAU has automatic RF power control per band for coverage optimization and a standby
        mode to optimize power consumption.

        The CBRSYS6000 Portable Base station Unit (PBU) is multi-channel, software-defined radio
        (SDR) based base station system for wireless applications like Network in a Box (NIB). It is
        designed to fit in a standard 19" 3U rack–two PBUs can be fit in a standard 3U rack and ships in
        a ruggedized 3U rackmount case.
        The PBU has a basic RF front end that internally combines the TX signals and splits the RX
        signals of each SDR. It can be coupled with a high-power RF front end Transportable
        Amplification Unit (TAU) such as the CBRRFE6400 for a complete system. The PBU is
        controlled over wired Ethernet and has a USB service port for maintenance access to the serial
        ports of each SDR. The PBU has built-in fans for thermal management.

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is shown in the photograph below. A full technical description
        can be found in the Manufacturer’s documentation.

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.

                                                                Equipment Under Test

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.

1.6     TEST SETUP

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.


        For all tests, the EUT was set up in accordance with the relevant test standard and to represent
        typical operating conditions. Tests were applied with the EUT situated in a shielded enclosure,
        test laboratories or a chamber as appropriate.

        The EUT was powered from a 120V 60Hz supply.

        FCC Measurement Facility Accreditation Designation Number: CA6845 - TUV SUD Canada


        No deviations from the applicable test standards or test plan were made during testing.


        No modifications were made to the EUT during testing.


        Under our Accreditation, TÜV SÜD Canada, Laval conducted the following tests at the TÜV
        SÜD Canada, Ottawa location.


        The CBRSYS6000 Portable Base station Unit (PBU) is multi-channel, software-defined radio
        (SDR) based base station system for wireless applications like Network in a Box (NIB). It is
        designed to fit in a standard 19" 3U rack–two PBUs can be fit in a standard 3U rack and ships in
        a ruggedized 3U rackmount case.

        Depending on band configuration it can support up to 8 bands. It has a high sensitivity
        multiband receiver and an interference mitigation and suppression mechanism to maintain
        sensitivity in the presence of interference. The transmitter can transmit up to 100W peak per

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            © TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.

                                         SECTION 2

                                        TEST DETAILS

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2.1.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1046
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.913(a)

2.1.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        October 5, 2018 - Modification State 0

2.1.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.1.4   Environmental Conditions

         Ambient Temperature       24°C
         Relative Humidity         34%

2.1.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01, clause 5.2.1 and
        summed in accordance with FCC KDB 662911 D01.

2.1.6   Test Results

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        Maximum Target Output Power 43 dBm

                                                              Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                                                          Channel Position B
              Antenna       Modulation   Carrier Bandwidth
                                                                                    Average Power
                                                             PAR (dB)
                                                                               dBm              dBm/MHz
                A            GMSK            0.2 MHz           1.06            42.86              42.96

        GSM Modulation GMSK - GSM Carrier Bandwidth 0.2 MHz - Antenna A

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        Maximum Target Output Power 43 dBm

                                                              Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                                                         Channel Position M
              Antenna       Modulation   Carrier Bandwidth
                                                                                    Average Power
                                                             PAR (dB)
                                                                               dBm              dBm/MHz
                A            GMSK            0.2 MHz           1.06            42.63              42.93

        GSM Modulation GMSK - GSM Carrier Bandwidth 0.2 MHz - Antenna A

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        Maximum Target Output Power 43 dBm

                                                                           Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                                                                       Channel Position T
                  Antenna         Modulation   Carrier Bandwidth
                                                                                                 Average Power
                                                                       PAR (dB)
                                                                                            dBm              dBm/MHz
                    A              GMSK            0.2 MHz                 1.06             42.88              43.09

        GSM Modulation GMSK - GSM Carrier Bandwidth 0.2 MHz - Antenna A

          Peak to Average Ratio                                    13 dB

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2.2.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1049
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.917(b)

2.2.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        October 5, 2018 - Modification State 0

2.2.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.2.4   Environmental Conditions

         Ambient Temperature        24°C
         Relative Humidity          34%

2.2.5   Test Method

All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01.

2.2.6   Test Results

        Maximum Target Output Power B:43dBm M:43dBm T:43dBm

                                                                        Result (KHz)
                               Carrier        Channel Position B     Channel Position M       Channel Position T
          Antenna   Modulation
                                            Occupied     -26 dB     Occupied     -26 dB     Occupied     -26 dB
                                            Bandwidth   Bandwidth   Bandwidth   Bandwidth   Bandwidth   Bandwidth
          A         GMSK       0.2 MHz       234.26      277.22      234.34      275.86      233.02      276.26

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        Antenna A - Bandwidth GMSK – Channel B

        Antenna A - Bandwidth GMSK - Channel M

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        Antenna A - Bandwidth GMSK - Channel T

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2.3     BAND EDGE

2.3.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1051
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.917(b)

2.3.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        October 5, 2018- Modification State 0

2.3.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.3.4   Environmental Conditions

         Ambient Temperature        24°C
         Relative Humidity          34%

2.3.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01 Clause 6.
        The EUT was connected to a Spectrum Analyser via an attenuator and switching box. The path
        loss between the EUT and the Spectrum Analyser was measured using a Network Analyser.
        The measured path loss was entered as a Reference Level Offset in the Spectrum Analyser.
        The Spectrum Analyser RBW was adjusted to be at least 1% of the measured 26dB Bandwidth.
        Using an RMS detector, the frequency spectrum up to 1MHz away from the Band Edge was
        The EUT has one transmit port, testing was performed on this port with a test limit of
        43+10log(P) = -13 dBm.

2.3.6   Test Results

        Maximum Target Output Power T:43dBm B:43dBm

                                                                                  Band Edge (MHz)
          Antenna            Modulation          Carrier Bandwidth
                                                                       Channel Position B   Channel Position T
          A                  GMSK                0.2 MHz                    869.2                893.8

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        Antenna A - GSM Modulation GMSK - Channel B, 0.2MHz

        Antenna A - GSM Modulation GMSK - Channel T, 0.2MHz

          Limit                                     -13 dBm

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2.4.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1051
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.917(a)(b)

2.4.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        October 5, 2018- Modification State 0

2.4.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.4.4   Environmental Conditions

         Ambient Temperature       24°C
         Relative Humidity         34%

2.4.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01 Clause 6.
        The EUT was connected to a Spectrum Analyser via an attenuator and switching box. Prior to
        testing, a Network Analyser was used to calibrate the path loss between the EUT and the
        Spectrum Analyser. The worst-case path loss in the measured ranges was entered as a
        reference level offset. Over the measured ranges, the RBW was set to 1MHz with a VBW of
        3MHz. All measurement results are specified as average with an RMS detector being used in
        conjunction with a trace setting of Max Hold. Measurements were performed in configurations
        of the EUT as reported below.
        Testing was performed on this port with a test limit of 43+10log(P) = -13 dBm.

2.4.6   Test Results

        Maximum Target Output Power B:43dBm, M:43dBm, T:43dBm
        GSM 0.2 MHz Bandwidth setting

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        Antenna A - GSM Modulation GMSK - Channel B

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        Antenna A - GSM Modulation GMSK - Channel M

Document 7169004718 Report 01 Issue 1                 Page 25 of 36

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        Antenna A - GSM Modulation GMSK - Channel T

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          Limit                         -13dBm

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2.5.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1055
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.355

2.5.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        October 12 and 15th, 2018 - Modification State 0

2.5.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.5.4   Environmental Conditions

         Ambient Temperature       23°C
         Relative Humidity         36%

2.5.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01.

2.5.6   Test Results

        Maximum Target Output Power 43 dBm

                                                                            Frequency Error (Hz)
          Temperature                      Voltage
                                                                            Channel Position M
          -30°C                            120V AC                          EUT non-operational
          -20°C                            120V AC                          EUT non-operational
          -10°C                            120V AC                          0
          0°C                              120V AC                          0
          +10°C                            120V AC                          0
          +20°C                             99V AC                          0
          +20°C                            120V AC                          0
          +20°C                            135V AC                          0
          +30°C                            120V AC                          0
          +40°C                            120V AC                          0
          +50°C                            120V AC                          0

          Limit                                            +/- 1 ppm

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                                        SECTION 3

                                 TEST EQUIPMENT USED

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        List of absolute measuring and other principal items of test equipment.

          Instrument            Manufacturer    Type No.        Serial No         Period
          PXA Signal Analyzer   Keysight        N9030A          MY53310519        12              2019-07-17

        N/A – Not Applicable
        O/P Mon – Output Monitored with Calibrated Equipment

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        For a 95% confidence level, the measurement uncertainties for defined systems are:-

          Test Discipline                       Frequency / Parameter                         MU
          Conducted Maximum Peak Output Power   30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                    ± 0.1 dB
          Conducted Emissions                   30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                    ± 2.3 dB
          Frequency Stability                   30 MHz to 2 GHz                               ± 5.0 Hz
          Occupied Bandwidth                    Up to 20 MHz Bandwidth                        ± 1.1 Hz
          Band Edge                             30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                    ± 2.3 dB

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                                        SECTION 5


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                                          Testing Laboratory
                                          Certificate #2955.02

                         This report relates only to the actual item/items tested.

This report does not imply product endorsement by any government, accreditation agency, or TÜV SÜD
                                            Canada Inc.

  Opinions or interpretations expressed in this report, if any, are outside the scope of TÜV SÜD Canada
 Inc. accreditations. Any opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TÜV SÜD Canada
                                       Inc., unless otherwise stated.

                                   © 2018 TÜV SÜD Product Service

Document 7169004718 Report 01 Issue 1                                                     Page 34 of 36

Document Created: 2019-02-12 11:17:10
Document Modified: 2019-02-12 11:17:10

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