RF exposure report


RF Exposure Info

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SAR evaluation

MPE Calculation Method
E (V/m) = (30*P*G)      /d
Power Density: Pd (W/m2) = E2/377
E = Electric Field (V/m)
P = Peak RF output Power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to
Pd = (30*P*G) / (377*d2)
From the peak EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance,
d=0.2m, as well
as the gain of the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained.

Calculated Result and Limit (WORSE CASE IS AS BELOW)
Directional   Peak Output           Power Density    Limit of Power   Test
AntennaGain   Power (mW)            (S)(mW/cm2)      Density (S)      Result
(Numeric)                                            (mW/cm2)

(1.2dBi)      52.24                  0.0137          1                Compiles

Document Created: 2018-11-04 15:46:55
Document Modified: 2018-11-04 15:46:55

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