RF Test Report -Module-2


Test Report

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                                                FCC PART 27


           Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited
            Room501,Building 13,No.99 TianZhou Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

                                            FCC ID: XMR201606EC21A

              Report Type:                                    Product Type:
              CIIPC                                           LTE Module

                       Test Engineer:         David. Hsu

                    Report Number:           RKS170320003-00A

                         Report Date:        2017-03-20

                        Reviewed By:          Jerry.Chang

                                             Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan)
                                             70, Lane 169, Sec. 2, Datong Road, Xizhi Dist.,
                                             New Taipei City 22183, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                        Prepared By:
                                             Tel: +886 (02)27206758
                                             Fax: +886 (02)27206722

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the equipment described herein. It may not be duplicated
or used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report is valid only with a valid
digital signature. The digital signature may be available only under the Adobe software above version 7.0.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                                             Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................5
  JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................5
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................5
  SPECIFIC ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................................................................5
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
  EXTERNAL CABLE LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................6
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................6
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................7
FCC §1.1310& §2.1091 –MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) ..........................................................8
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................8
FCC §2.1047 - MODULATION CHARACTERISTIC ............................................................................................10
FCC§27.50 (D) (C) - RF OUTPUT POWER .............................................................................................................11
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................11
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................11
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................12
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................12
FCC § 2.1049; §27.53 (C) - OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH .........................................................................................15
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................15
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................15
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................15
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................16
FCC§ 2.1051;§27.53 (C) (H)-SPURIOUS EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINALS .......................................19
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................19
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................19
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................19
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................20
FCC § 2.1053; §27.53 (C) (H) SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS ...................................................................22
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................22
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................22
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................23
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................23
FCC §27.53 (C)(H) - BAND EDGES ..........................................................................................................................25
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................25
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................25
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................26
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................26
FCC § 2.1055; §27.54 - FREQUENCY STABILITY ................................................................................................30
  APPLICABLE STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................................30
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................30
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................31
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................31

FCC Part 27                                                                                                                                              Page 2 of 33

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                 Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
The Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited’s product, model number: EC21-A (FCC ID:
XMR201606EC21A) or the "EUT" in this report was a LTE Module , which was measured approximately
32mm(L) × 29mm(W) × 2.4mm(H). Rated with input voltage: DC3.8 V, EUT Operating Voltage Range:

* Note: The product’s series model number: EC21-A MINIPCIE The difference between them was explained in the
declaration letter.

* All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 20160519001
(Assigned by BACL, Taibei).The EUT supplied by the applicant was received on 2016-05-19.

This type approval report is prepared on behalf of Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited in
accordance with Part 2, Part 27 of the Federal Communication Commission’s rules.

The objective is to determine the compliance of EUT with FCC rules for output power, modulation
characteristic, occupied bandwidth, and spurious emission at antenna terminal, spurious radiated emission,
frequency stability, and band edge.

This is a CIIPC base on the original report with FCC ID: XMR201606EC21A which was granted on 2016-07-27,
the differences between the original device and the current one are as follows:

1.Add new Band (WCDMA Band Ⅳ)

2.Update RF Exposure Evaluation (MPE)

For the changes made to the device, according to Part 27-Subpart, the test items were performed.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
Federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-Part J as well as the following parts:

Part 27 – Miscellaneous wireless communications services

Applicable Standards: TIA/EIA 603-D.
All radiated and conducted emissions measurements were performed at Bay Area Compliance
Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan). The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3
Measurement uncertainty with radiated emission is 5.81 dB for 30MHz-1GHz.and 4.88 dB for above
1GHz, 1.95dB for conducted measurement.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                            Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan) 70, Lane 169, Sec. 2, Datong
Road, Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 22183, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Test site at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) has been fully described in reports
submitted to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The details of these reports have been
found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on October 31, 2103.
The facility also complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI

The Federal Communications Commission has the reports on file and is listed under FCC Registration No.:
431084. The test site has been approved by the FCC for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access
Link (PAL) database.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                            Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

The EUT was configured for testing according to TIA/EIA-603-D.

The final qualification test was performed with the EUT operating at normal mode.

Equipment Modifications
No modifications were made to the EUT.

Specific Accessory Equipment

         Description                               Parameter                        Serial Number

  WCDMA antenna                 PCB antenna with typical gain:1.0dBi                     N/A

Support Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer                        Description                   Model         Serial Number

    Rohde & Schwarz           Universal Radio Communication Tester     CMU200            106891

           Dell                            Notebook                     E6410              N/A

         Quectel                           Test Fixer                    N/A               N/A
Shanghai Jingsai Electronic
                                   I/P: AC 100-240V, 50-60Hz           JS-400K             N/A
   Techology Co.,Ltd.
                                      O/P: DC 5V, 2A, 12W
Quectel Wireless Solutions               Control Board                 S2-W2231     MP76121D4000228

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                 Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

External Cable List and Details

  Cable Description                      Length (m)        From Port                 To
              /                                  /             /                          /

Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                         Horn                                       AC Power
                                       Antenna           CUM 200                     Source

                                                                              1.0 Meter
                                        Control Board

                  Non-Conductive Table
                  150cm above Ground Plane

                                             1.5 Meter

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                Report No.: RKS170320003-00A


               FCC Rules                             Description of Test                       Result
                                          MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE
          §1.1310, §2.1091                                                                   Compliant
        §2.1046;§27.50 (d) (c)                        RF Output Power                        Compliant

                § 2.1047                         Modulation Characteristics                Not Applicable

         § 2.1049; §27.53 (c)                       Occupied Bandwidth                       Compliant
                § 2.1051;
                                           Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminal            Compliant
              §27.53 (c) (h)
       § 2.1053; §27.53 (c) (h)                  Spurious Radiated Emissions                 Compliant

              §27.53 (c) (h)                             Band Edge                           Compliant

          § 2.1055; §27.54                           Frequency stability                     Compliant

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A


Applicable Standard
According to subpart§2.1091and subpart §1.1310, systems operating under the provisions of this section
shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in
excess of the Commission’s guidelines.

Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) (§1.1310, §2.1091)

                           (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

  Frequency Range           Electric Field       Magnetic Field       Power Density         Averaging Time
       (MHz)               Strength (V/m)        Strength (A/m)         (mW/cm2)              (minutes)

       0.3-1.34                  614                     1.63             *(100)                   30
       1.34-30                  824/f                   2.19/f           *(180/f²)                 30
       30-300                   27.5                    0.073               0.2                    30
      300-1500                    /                        /              f/1500                   30
    1500-100,000                  /                        /                1.0                    30

f = frequency in MHz; * = Plane-wave equivalent power density;

According to §1.1310 and §2.1091 RF exposure is calculated.

Calculated Formulary:
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
S = PG/4πR² = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2);
P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW);
G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator, the power gain
factor, is normally numeric gain;
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm);

Base on ERP/EIRP Calculated Data:

                                         Max Turn-up Power           ERP/EIRP Limit         Max Antenna Gain
                                              (dBm)                      (dBm)                   (dBi)

         WCDMA (Band V)                          23.5                     38.45                   14.95

         WCDMA (Band II)                         23.5                       33                     9.5

         WCDMA (Band IV)                         23.5                       30                     6.5
                                                 24                         33                     9.0
               (Band II)
                                                 24                         30                     6.0
              (Band Ⅳ)
                                                 24                       34.77                   10.77
              (Band Ⅻ)

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                             Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

To meet MPE requirement, the allowed maximal gain for each band is below:

                Frequency         Antenna Gain         Target Power      Evaluation      Power            MPE
   Mode           Range                                                   Distance      Density           Limit
                  (MHz)         (dBi)   (Numeric)    (dBm)      (mW)        (cm)       (mW/cm2)         (mW/cm2)
                826.4-846.6     10.92      12.36      23.5     223.87        20           0.551           0.551
 (Band V)
               1852.4-1907.6    13.51      22.44      23.5     223.87        20            1.0              1.0
  (Band II)
               1712.4-1752.6    13.51      22.44      23.5     223.87        20            1.0              1.0
 (Band Ⅳ)
               1850.7-1909.3    13.01      20.00       24      251.19        20            1.0              1.0
  (Band II)
               1710.7-1754.3    13.01      20.00       24      251.19        20            1.0              1.0
 (Band Ⅳ)
                699.7-715.3      9.69      9.31        24      251.19        20           0.465           0.466
 (Band Ⅻ)


1. The device meets FCC MPE at 20 cm distance.
2. Target Power =the max power including Tune-up tolerance, the tune up power declared by manufacture as:

  WCDMA Bands: 22.5±1dBm;
  LTE Bands: 22.5±1.5dBm

Output power is conducted. This device is to be used in mobile or fixed applications only. Antenna gain
including cable loss must not exceed:

9.69 dBi of frequency band 699-716MHz
10.92 dBi of frequency band 824-849MHz
6.0dBi of frequency band 1710-1755MHz
9.0 dBi of frequency band 1850-1910MHz

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                             Report No.: RKS170320003-00A
According to FCC § 2.1047(d) , Part 27 there is no specific requirement for digital modulation, therefore
modulation characteristic is not presented.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                           Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

FCC§27.50 (d) (c) - RF OUTPUT POWER
Applicable Standards
According to §27.50(d), the maximum EIRP must not exceed 1Watts (30dBm) for 1710-1755MHzHz.
The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitter output power must not exceed 13 dB.

Test Procedure
Conducted method:

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the CMU200 through sufficient attenuation.

     EUT                Power Splitter/combiner            CMU200

                                                          Attenuator          Signal

Radiated method:

TIA603-D section 2.2.17

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                       Serial         Calibration     Calibration
   Manufacturer             Description               Model
                                                                      Number             Date          Interval
 Rohde & Schwarz         EMI Test Receiver             ESCI           100540          2016-07-25      2017-07-24

       Agilent            Signal Generator            8648C         3537A01810      2016-07-04       2017-07-03

   Sunol Sciences       Broadband Antenna              JB6           A050115          2016-06-15      2017-06-14

       EMCO                Horn Antenna                3115          9311-4158        2016-05-08      2017-05-07

        ETS                Horn Antenna                3115             6431          2015-11-07      2016-11-06

 Rohde & Schwarz         Spectrum Analyzer            FSU 26          200268          2016-07-29      2017-08-28

       EMCO                  Turn Table              2081-1.21       9709-1885          N.C.R            N.C.R

       EMCO                Antenna Tower              2075-2         9707-2060          N.C.R            N.C.R

     Controller                EMCO                    2090          9709-1256          N.C.R            N.C.R

        R&S                   Software                EMC32          V9.10.00            NCR             NCR

        BACL                  RF cable           KS-LAB-012        KS-LAB-012         2015-12-16      2016-12-15

        BACL                  RF cable           KS-LAB-010        KS-LAB-010         2015-12-16      2016-12-15

        Mini                 Attenuator                10dB             N/A           2016-01-11      2017-01-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                  25 ℃
         Relative Humidity:                 50 %
            ATM Pressure:                 101.0kPa

     The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                  Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Conducted Power

                                              WCDMA Band IV

                                                                        Average Output Power
                 Test                                                          (dBm)
   Mode                           Test Mode       Sub
               Condition                                                       Middle          High
                                                  Test      Low Frequency
                                                                             Frequency       Frequency
                                    Rel99           1              22.53             22.33               22.40
                                                    1              22.33             22.42               22.45
                                                    2              22.52             22.32               22.58
                                                    3              22.36             22.45               22.58
                                                    4              22.44             22.53               22.42
                 Normal                             1              22.35             22.36               22.46
 (Band Ⅳ)
                                                    2              22.40             22.45               22.40
                                   HSUPA            3              22.30             22.32               22.49
                                                    4              22.41             22.52               22.53
                                                    5              22.34             22.47               22.59
                                   HSPA+            1              22.37             22.44               22.51


                           Turn        RX Antenna                Substituted
              Receiver                                                               Absolute
Frequency                  table                          SG               Antenna                 Limit   Margin
              Reading                Height   Polar               Cable               Level
                           Angle                         Level               Gain
  (MHz)       (dBμV)      Degree       (m)    (H/V)     (dBm)      (dB)      (dB)     (dBm)        (dBm)     (dB)
                                     WCDMA Band Ⅳ Mode, Middle channel
 1732.40       78.52        233        2.1      H        4.69      0.31    10.40       14.78        30       15.22
 1732.40       84.65        358        1.3      V        11.52     0.31    10.40       21.61        30       15.39

 1) The unit of antenna gain is dBd for frequency below 1GHz and dBi for frequency above 1GHz.
 2) Absolute Level = SG Level - Cable loss + Antenna Gain
 3) Margin = Limit-Absolute Level
 4) The antenna with gain (typical: 1.0dBi) which provided by manufacturer was used during test.
 5) The fundamental was tested without amplifier.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                    Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

 Peak-to-average ratio (PAR)

                                           WCDMA Band IV

                                                           PAR                    Limit
       Mode                     Channel
                                                           (dB)                   (dB)
                                  Low                      2.65                    13
       Rel99                    Middle                     2.64                    13
                                 High                      2.61                    13
                                  Low                      2.45                    13
      HSDPA                     Middle                     2.43                    13
                                 High                      2.52                    13
                                  Low                      2.41                    13
      HSUPA                     Middle                     2.44                    13
                                 High                      2.47                    13

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

FCC § 2.1049; §27.53 (c) - OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH
Applicable Standards
FCC 47 §2.1049, §27.53.

Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the simulator and the spectrum analyzer through
sufficient attenuation.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz (WCDMA) and the 26 dB & 99%
bandwidth was recorded.

     EUT                 Power Splitter/combiner                 CMU200

                                                                Attenuator            Signal

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                      Serial         Calibration     Calibration
   Manufacturer               Description             Model
                                                                     Number             Date          Due Date
 Rohde &Schwarz             Signal Analyzer          FSIQ26        8386001028        2015-12-11      2016-12-11
 Rohde & Schwarz           Signal Analyzer           FSV40           101116          2016-07-04      2017-07-03
                           Universal Radio
 Rohde & Schwarz                                    CMU200           106891          2015-11-23      2016-11-23
                         Communication Tester
        Mini                    Splitter                          SF019411452        2016-07-11      2016-12-10
       BACL                    RF cable                           KS-LAB-020         2016-07-11      2016-12-10
        Mini                   Attenuator             10dB             N/A           2016-07-11      2016-12-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                 Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                 21 ℃
         Relative Humidity:                49 %
            ATM Pressure:                101.0kPa

     The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

    EUT operation mode: Transmitting

    Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following tables and plots.

                                               WCDMA Band IV

                                                            OCCUPIED                       26dB
    Mode                            Test Mode              BANDWIDTH                   BANDWIDTH
                                                              (MHz)                       (MHz)

                                       Rel99                     4.13                       4.73
                    Normal            HSDPA                      4.15                       4.75
  (Band Ⅳ)
                                      HSUPA                      4.13                       4.75

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                          Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                    99% Occupied & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth for Rel99 Mode
                                             Delta 1 [T1]                  RBW   100 kHz       RF Att      40 dB
                            Ref Lvl                        -0.43 dB        VBW   300 kHz
                             38 dBm                   4.72945892 MHz       SWT    5 ms         Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                            1 [T1]              -8.45 dBm
                      30                                                                        1.73004529 GHz
                                                                                    1 [T1]              -0.43 dB
                                                                                                4.72945892 MHz
                                                                                   OPB          4.12825651 MHz
                             D1 17.17 dBm
                                                                                    T1 [T1]              7.48 dBm

                      10                              T1                             T2         1.73034589 GHz
                                                                                    T2 [T1]              8.08 dBm
                            1MAX                                                                                    1MA
                                                                                                1.73447415 GHz

                                                  1                                        1
                                   D2 -8.83 dBm





                            Center 1.7324 GHz                     1 MHz/                              Span 10 MHz

                    Date:            7.SEP.2016   16:26:31

                   99% Occupied & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth for HSDPA Mode
                                             Delta 1 [T1]                  RBW   100 kHz       RF Att      40 dB
                            Ref Lvl                        -1.64 dB        VBW   300 kHz
                             38 dBm                   4.74949900 MHz       SWT    5 ms         Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                            1 [T1]              -6.85 dBm
                      30                                                                        1.73004529 GHz
                                                                                    1 [T1]              -1.64 dB
                                                                                                4.74949900 MHz
                             D1 18.68 dBm                                          OPB          4.14829659 MHz
                                                                                    T1 [T1]              9.30 dBm
                                                      T1                             T2
                      10                                                                        1.73034589 GHz
                                                                                    T2 [T1]              9.59 dBm
                            1MAX                                                                                    1MA
                                                                                                1.73449419 GHz
                                   D2 -7.32 dBm





                            Center 1.7324 GHz                     1 MHz/                              Span 10 MHz

                    Date:            7.SEP.2016   16:38:32

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                          Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                   99% Occupied & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth for HSUPA Mode
                                             Delta 1 [T1]                  RBW   100 kHz       RF Att      40 dB
                            Ref Lvl                        -0.36 dB        VBW   300 kHz
                             38 dBm                   4.74949900 MHz       SWT    5 ms         Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                            1 [T1]              -8.65 dBm
                      30                                                                        1.73002525 GHz
                                                                                    1 [T1]              -0.36 dB
                                                                                                4.74949900 MHz
                             D1 17.67 dBm                                          OPB          4.12825651 MHz
                                                                                    T1 [T1]              8.24 dBm

                      10                              T1                             T2         1.73034589 GHz
                                                                                    T2 [T1]              7.67 dBm
                            1MAX                                                                                    1MA
                                                                                                1.73447415 GHz

                                                  1                                        1
                                   D2 -8.33 dBm





                            Center 1.7324 GHz                     1 MHz/                              Span 10 MHz

                    Date:            7.SEP.2016   16:14:31

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Applicable Standards
FCC §2.1051, §27.53(c)(h).

The spectrum was to be investigated to the tenth harmonics of the highest fundamental frequency as
specified in § 2.1051.

Test Procedure
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer and simulator through appropriate
attenuation. The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz for below 1GHz;
1MHz for above 1GHz. Sufficient scans were taken to show any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

     EUT                 Power Splitter/combiner                 CMU200

                                                                Attenuator            Signal

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                      Serial         Calibration     Calibration
   Manufacturer               Description             Model
                                                                     Number             Date          Due Date
Rohde &Schwarz             Signal Analyzer           FSIQ26        8386001028        2015-12-11       2016-12-11
                           Universal Radio
 Rohde & Schwarz                                    CMU200            106891         2015-11-23       2016-11-23
                         Communication Tester
        Mini                    Splitter                          SF019411452        2016-07-11       2016-12-10
       BACL                    RF cable                            KS-LAB-020        2016-07-11       2016-12-10
        Mini                   Attenuator             10dB             N/A           2016-07-11       2016-12-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
Units (SI).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                  Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                      20~23 ℃
         Relative Humidity:                     48~50 %
            ATM Pressure:                    100.5~101.0kPa

     The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

    Please refer to the following plots.

                                                      WCDMA Band IV

                                                        30 MHz – 1 GHz
                                              Marker 1 [T1]          RBW   100 kHz     RF Att       20 dB
                              Ref Lvl                   -58.20 dBm   VBW   300 kHz
                               18 dBm             900.86172345 MHz   SWT   245 ms      Unit           dBm
                               8 dB Offset                                    1 [T1]          -58.20 dBm
                        10                                                             900.86172345 MHz


                               D1 -13 dBm
                              1MAX                                                                          1MA






                              Start 30 MHz                     97 MHz/                        Stop 1 GHz

                      Date:          7.SEP.2016   16:45:45

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                                         1 GHz – 2 GHz
                                              Marker 1 [T1]           RBW    1 MHz      RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                     -39.87 dBm    VBW    3 MHz
                             28 dBm                 1.48897796 GHz    SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                                8 dB Offset                                    1 [T1]           -39.87 dBm
                      20                                                                 1.48897796 GHz            Fundamental



                            1MAX                                                                             1MA
                                D1 -13 dBm






                            Start 1 GHz                        100 MHz/                         Stop 2 GHz

                    Date:            7.SEP.2016   16:50:33

                                                        2 GHz – 20 GHz
                                              Marker 1 [T1]           RBW    1 MHz      RF Att      20 dB
                            Ref Lvl                     -26.59 dBm    VBW    3 MHz
                             18 dBm                 2.14428858 GHz    SWT   105 ms      Unit           dBm
                                8 dB Offset                                    1 [T1]           -26.59 dBm
                      10                                                                 2.14428858 GHz


                                D1 -13 dBm
                            1MAX                                                                             1MA






                            Start 2 GHz                        1.8 GHz/                        Stop 20 GHz

                    Date:            7.SEP.2016   16:51:36

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                               Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

FCC § 2.1053; §27.53 (c) (h) SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS
Applicable Standards
FCC § 2.1053, § 27.53(c)(h)
      For mobile digital stations, the attenuation factor shall be not less than 40 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies between the channel edge and 5 megahertz from the channel edge, 43 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies between 5 megahertz and X megahertz from the channel edge, and 55 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies more than X megahertz from the channel edge, where X is the greater of 6 megahertz or the
actual emission bandwidth as defined in paragraph (m)(6) of this section. In addition, the attenuation factor
shall not be less that 43 + 10 log (P) dB on all frequencies between 2490.5 MHz and 2496 MHz and 55 +
10 log (P) dB at or below 2490.5 MHz. Mobile Satellite Service licensees operating on frequencies below
2495 MHz may also submit a documented interference complaint against BRS licensees operating on
channel BRS Channel 1 on the same terms and conditions as adjacent channel BRS or EBS licensees.

Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TX pwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                               Serial          Calibration         Calibration
 Manufacturer         Description           Model
                                                              Number              Date              Interval
    Sonoma             Amplifier             310N              130601           2016-07-02          2017-07-01
    Rohde &           EMI Test
                                             ESCI              100540           2016-07-25          2017-07-24
    Schwarz            Receiver
 Sunol Sciences                              JB6              A050115           2016-06-15          2017-06-14
 Sunol Sciences                              JB3             A090314-1          2015-11-07          2016-11-06
      Mini             Amplifier         ZVA-213-S+          460901516          2016-08-21          2017-08-21

    EMCO             Horn Antenna            3115             9311-4158         2016-05-08          2017-05-07

      ETS            Horn Antenna            3115               6431            2015-11-07          2016-11-06
    Rohde &            Spectrum
                                            FSU 26             200268           2016-07-29          2017-08-28
    Schwarz            Analyzer
    EMCO              Turn Table          2081-1.21           9709-1885           N.C.R               N.C.R
    EMCO            Antenna Tower           2075-2            9707-2060           N.C.R               N.C.R

   Controller           EMCO                 2090             9709-1256           N.C.R               N.C.R

      R&S              Software             EMC32             V9.10.00             NCR                 NCR

      HP            Signal Generator       E4421B           3426A01336          2015-11-04          2016-11-03

     BACL              RF cable        KS‐LAB‐012         KS‐LAB‐012            2015-12-16          2016-12-15

     BACL              RF cable        KS‐LAB‐010         KS‐LAB‐010            2015-12-16          2016-12-15

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                25 ℃
         Relative Humidity:               48 %
            ATM Pressure:               101.0kPa

     The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

    Test mode: Transmitting

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                 Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

For EC21-A

Test mode: Transmitting (Pre-scan with Low, Middle, High channel, and the worse case data as below)

30 MHz ~ 18 GHz:

                                             WCDMA Band IV

                                                  Substituted Method
                            Receiver                                             Absolute
 Frequency       Polar                    S.G.        Antenna                                  Limit     Margin
                            Reading                               Cable Loss       Level
   (MHz)         (H/V)                    Level        Gain                                    (dBm)      (dB)
                             (dBµV)                                 (dB)          (dBm)
                                         (dBm)       (dBd/dBi)
                                       Middle Channel: 1732.400 MHz
   3464.80         H          61.40     -48.60      13.90        1.90             -36.60       -13.00     23.60
   3464.80         V          64.00     -46.00      13.90        1.90             -34.00       -13.00     21.00
   5197.20         H          62.00     -45.20      14.00        2.30             -33.50       -13.00     20.50
   5197.20         V          63.80     -43.40      14.00        2.30             -31.70       -13.00     18.70
   239.20          H          28.60     -69.60       0.00        0.50             -70.10       -13.00     57.10
   281.30          V          31.20     -67.00       0.00        0.50             -67.50       -13.00     54.50


Test mode: Transmitting (Pre-scan with Low, Middle, High channel, and the worse case data as below)

30 MHz ~ 18 GHz:

                                             WCDMA Band IV

                                                  Substituted Method
                            Receiver                                             Absolute
 Frequency       Polar                    S.G.        Antenna                                  Limit     Margin
                            Reading                               Cable Loss       Level
   (MHz)         (H/V)                    Level        Gain                                    (dBm)      (dB)
                             (dBµV)                                 (dB)          (dBm)
                                         (dBm)       (dBd/dBi)
                                       Middle Channel: 1732.400 MHz
   3464.80         H          61.27     -48.73      13.90        1.90             -36.73       -13.00     23.73
   3464.80         V          63.51     -46.49      13.90        1.90             -34.49       -13.00     21.49
   5197.20         H          61.09     -46.11      14.00        2.30             -34.41       -13.00     21.41
   5197.20         V          64.68     -42.52      14.00        2.30             -30.82       -13.00     17.82
   239.20          H          27.64     -70.56       0.00        0.50             -71.06       -13.00     58.06
   281.30          V          31.53     -66.67       0.00        0.50             -67.17       -13.00     54.17

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                               Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

FCC §27.53 (c)(h) - BAND EDGES
Applicable Standards
According to FCC §27.53 (c)(h), the power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency
ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

      For mobile digital stations, the attenuation factor shall be not less than 40 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies between the channel edge and 5 megahertz from the channel edge, 43 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies between 5 megahertz and X megahertz from the channel edge, and 55 + 10 log (P) dB on all
frequencies more than X megahertz from the channel edge, where X is the greater of 6 megahertz or the
actual emission bandwidth as defined in paragraph (m)(6) of this section. In addition, the attenuation factor
shall not be less that 43 + 10 log (P) dB on all frequencies between 2490.5 MHz and 2496 MHz and 55 +
10 log (P) dB at or below 2490.5 MHz. Mobile Satellite Service licensees operating on frequencies below
2495 MHz may also submit a documented interference complaint against BRS licensees operating on
channel BRS Channel 1 on the same terms and conditions as adjacent channel BRS or EBS licensees.

Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

The center of the spectrum analyzer was set to block edge frequency

     EUT                Power Splitter/combiner               CMU200

                                                             Attenuator           Signal

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                    Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                       Serial        Calibration     Calibration
   Manufacturer               Description              Model
                                                                      Number            Date          Due Date
Rohde &Schwarz             Signal Analyzer            FSIQ26        8386001028       2015-12-11       2016-12-11
                           Universal Radio
 Rohde & Schwarz                                     CMU200           106891         2015-11-23       2016-11-23
                         Communication Tester
        Mini                    Splitter                            SF019411452      2016-07-11       2016-12-10
       BACL                     RF cable                            KS-LAB-020       2016-07-11       2016-12-10
        Mini                   Attenuator              10dB            N/A           2016-07-11       2016-12-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:              20~23 ℃
         Relative Humidity:             48~52 %
            ATM Pressure:            100.5~101.0kPa

     The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

     EUT operation mode: Transmitting

    Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following plots.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                    Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                           Left Band Edge for Rel99 Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -15.22 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.70998998 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -15.22 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.70998998 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm                            1






                            Center 1.71 GHz                  1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:13:13

                                           Right Band Edge for Rel99 Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -16.37 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.75505010 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -16.37 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.75505010 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm                            1






                            Center 1.755 GHz                 1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:15:17

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                    Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                           Left Band Edge for HSDPA Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -17.60 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.70998998 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -17.60 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.70998998 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm






                            Center 1.71 GHz                  1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:19:37

                                          Right Band Edge for HSDPA Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -16.65 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.75505010 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -16.65 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.75505010 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm                            1






                            Center 1.755 GHz                 1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:17:10

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                                    Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                           Left Band Edge for HSUPA Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -17.60 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.70998998 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -17.60 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.70998998 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm






                            Center 1.71 GHz                  1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:19:37

                                          Right Band Edge for HSUPA Mode
                                           Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
                            Ref Lvl                   -16.65 dBm       VBW   300 kHz
                             27 dBm               1.75505010 GHz       SWT    5 ms       Unit           dBm
                             8 dB Offset                                        1 [T1]           -16.65 dBm
                      20                                                                  1.75505010 GHz



                            1MAX                                                                              1MA
                             D1 -13 dBm                            1






                            Center 1.755 GHz                 1 MHz/                             Span 10 MHz

                    Date:          7.SEP.2016   17:17:10

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                              Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

FCC § 2.1055; §27.54 - FREQUENCY STABILITY
Applicable Standards
FCC § 2.1055 & §27.54.

According to FCC §2.1055, the frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental
emissions stay within the authorized bands of operation.

According to §27.54, the frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emissions
stays within the authorized frequency block.

Test Procedure
Frequency Stability vs. Temperature: The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power
supply and the RF output was connected to communication test set via feed-through attenuators. The EUT
was placed inside the temperature chamber. The DC leads and RF output cable exited the chamber
through an opening made for the purpose.

After the temperature stabilized for approximately 20 minutes, the frequency output was recorded from the
communication test set.

Frequency Stability vs. Voltage: For hand carried, battery powered equipment; reduce primary supply
voltage to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the manufacturer.


                                   EUT                            Test

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                                   Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                    Serial       Calibration       Calibration
   Manufacturer               Description             Model
                                                                   Number           Date            Due Date
  Rohde &Schwarz            Signal Analyzer          FSIQ26      8386001028       2015-12-11       2016-12-11
       BACL                                         BTH‐150         30023         2015-11-12       2016-11-11
                          Universal Radio
  Rohde & Schwarz                                   CMU200         106891         2015-11-23       2016-11-23
                        Communication Tester
        Mini                    Splitter                         SF019411452      2016-07-11       2016-12-10
       BACL                    RF cable                          KS-LAB-020       2016-07-11       2016-12-10
        Mini                   attenuator              10dB         N/A           2016-07-11       2016-12-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
Units (SI).

Test Data
Environmental Conditions

        Temperature:                 23 ℃
   Relative Humidity:                50 %
      ATM Pressure:                101.0kPa

The testing was performed by David. Hsu on 2016-09-07.

EUT operation mode: Transmitting

Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following tables.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                            Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                     WCDMA Band IV Rel99 Mode

                                         Middle Channel, fo =1732.4MHz
                                                      Frequency          Frequency
   Temperature           Power Supplied
                                                        Error              Error            Result
      (℃)                   (VDC)
                                                         (Hz)              (ppm)
        -30                                               7               0.0040             pass
        -20                                               9               0.0052             pass
        -10                                               7               0.0040             pass
         0                                                8               0.0046             pass
        10                     3.8                        7               0.0040             pass
        20                                                9               0.0052             pass
        30                                               13               0.0075             pass
        40                                               13               0.0075             pass
        50                                               11               0.0063             pass
        25                  Vmin.= 3.5                   13               0.0075             pass
        25                  Vmax.= 4.2                   11               0.0063             pass

                                     WCDMA Band IV HSDPA Mode

                                         Middle Channel, fo =1732.4MHz
                                                      Frequency          Frequency
   Temperature           Power Supplied
                                                        Error              Error            Result
      (℃)                   (VDC)
                                                         (Hz)              (ppm)
        -30                                              12               0.0069             pass
        -20                                              11               0.0063             pass
        -10                                              11               0.0063             pass
         0                                               14               0.0081             pass
        10                     3.8                       15               0.0087             pass
        20                                                6               0.0035             pass
        30                                               12               0.0069             pass
        40                                                8               0.0046             pass
        50                                                7               0.0040             pass
        25                  Vmin.= 3.5                   13               0.0075             pass
        25                  Vmax.= 4.2                   10               0.0058             pass

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.(Taiwan)                          Report No.: RKS170320003-00A

                                     WCDMA Band IV HSUPA Mode

                                      Middle Channel, fo =1732.4 MHz
                                                   Frequency           Frequency
   Temperature           Power Supplied
                                                     Error               Error            Result
      (℃)                   (VDC)
                                                      (Hz)               (ppm)
        -30                                             6               0.0035             pass
        -20                                             9               0.0052             pass
        -10                                            14               0.0081             pass
         0                                             12               0.0069             pass
        10                     3.8                      5               0.0029             pass
        20                                             10               0.0058             pass
        30                                             14               0.0081             pass
        40                                              7               0.0040             pass
        50                                             12               0.0069             pass
        25                  Vmin.= 3.5                 14               0.0081             pass
        25                  Vmax.= 4.2                 11               0.0063             pass

                                     ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2017-05-04 09:31:25
Document Modified: 2017-05-04 09:31:25

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