SAR Probe & Dipole Cal Cert


RF Exposure Info

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   Calibration Laboratory of                   was.
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   Schmid & Partner                                                      Sericemiaseatinomage
     Engineering AG                                                   c Senide wizmscitwatn
   Povatistaise itoo arch uzesn                e                      5. sn catiratentnice
   smy ho is AcemsntoSssA                                             Accrstntonio: 5CS 0108
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   crem BACL                                                  ceiteusns: D7S0V3—1167_Novi6
   [CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                           Et
    ow                     orsova—simier

    Citatenprcesants       on cat.o5ve
                           Calbration procedure or ipolo valation kts above 700 MHz

   catomion w              November 08, 2016

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Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL
     Inpodarce, vanstomad t ond pont                                strn—azjo!
     retur Lose                                                       —mse

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL
     impedarce, vanstomed i feedpost                                wan—sain
     Rewn toss                                                       —mac

General Antenna Parameters and Design
     EncicalDoay fow arecien                    \                     Te
Alrlong torm use wit 100M rctated pome, l a sigt warrig of he iotenearhefeedpont an be measired
Te dpala is made o tandar senitgi coaal catle. Th cortrcontuctoof tfondngIno is sraay connacin t h
sneand arn of h olTe antmnais narforshortcircateor DCsignal. n some ofhe poie,unal ondcane
w addedto theciple ams in ordrtomprove matting whan toagaccortng o thposlonas elansd n
"Measurement Condtons® aragrah, Te SAR da arenot aocied by is change. The ovenlldpollengthis sit
secortng o th Sundart
No excennveforce muntbe anpiedto thedlple arms,because hy migt bend or hn scconnectons noar ho
feedboinmay e domaged
Additional EUT Data
     wandactredy                                                      wene
     wandtacred on                                                occrer 10. aore

Gonteate No: prsovs—1167_Nevie               Pagesots

Document Created: 2019-05-16 17:25:20
Document Modified: 2019-05-16 17:25:20

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