SAR Report Part 1


RF Exposure Info

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          KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100MHz to 6GHz
                    FCC 47 CFR part 2 (2.1093)

                     SAR EVALUATION REPORT
Digital Microscope and Scanner Device with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Radio

                           Model: OCUS
                   Contains FCC ID: 2AQ5IOCUS1

           Report Number UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0
                    ISSUE DATE: 20 March 2019

                             Prepared for
                          GRUNDIUM OY
                   HERMIANKATU 6-8, BUILDING F
                         TAMPERE, 33720

                             Prepared by
                           UL VS LTD
                     TEL: +44 (0) 1256 312000
                     FAX: +44 (0) 1256 312001

 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019
                                               REVISION HISTORY
  Version   Issue Date             Revisions                                                      Revised By
  1.0       10 January 2019        Initial Issue                                                  --
  2.0       20 March 2019          The following amendments were made in the report:              Naseer Mirza
                                      1. Typo corrected on front page
                                      2. Typo corrected in section 6.1

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UL VS Ltd.                                                                                          Report. No.: 2.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                                    Issue Date: 20 March 2019

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Attestation of Test Results ................................................................................................ 4
2. Test Specification, Methods and Procedures .................................................................. 5
    2.1. Test Specification                                                                                      5
    2.2. Methods and Procedures Reference Documentation                                                          5
    2.3. Definition of Measurement Equipment                                                                     5
3. Facilities and Accreditation............................................................................................... 6
4. SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment ................................................................. 7
    4.1. SAR Measurement System                                                                              7
    4.2. SAR Measurement Procedure                                                                           8
    4.3. Test Equipment                                                                                   10
    4.4. SAR System Specifications                                                                        11
5. Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................... 12
    5.1. Uncertainty – Freq. < 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g                                                                 13
    5.2. Uncertainty – Freq. > 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g                                                                 14
6. Device Under Test (DUT) Information ............................................................................. 15
    6.1. DUT Description                                                                                             15
    6.2. Wireless Technologies                                                                                       16
    6.3. Nominal and Maximum Output power                                                                            17
7. RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations) ............................................................. 18
    7.1. Configuration Consideration                                                                          18
    7.2. SAR Test Exclusion Consideration                                                                     18
8. Conducted Output Power Measurements ...................................................................... 19
    8.1. RF Output Average Power Measurement: Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz                                                   19
    8.2. RF Output Average Power Measurement: Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz                                                   19
9. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check ..................................................... 20
    9.1. Tissue Dielectric Parameters                                                                    20
    9.2. System Check                                                                                    21
    9.3. Reference Target SAR Values                                                                     21
    9.4. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check Results                                         22
10. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results .................................................... 23
    10.1. General Comments                                                                              23
    10.2. Specific Absorption Rate - Test Results – Body Worn                                           24
    10.3. Specific Absorption Rate - Test Results – Extremity                                           25
    10.4. SAR Measurement Variability                                                                   26
11. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis .......................................................................... 27
    11.1. Highest Standalone Reported SAR                                                                         27
    11.2. Simultaneous Transmission analysis                                                                      28
12. Appendixes .................................................................................................................... 29
    12.1. Photos and Ports Location                                                                                                 29
    12.2. System Performance Checks                                                                                                 40
    12.3. SAR Distribution Plots                                                                                                    43
    12.4. Calibration Certificate for E-Field Probes                                                                                46
    12.5. Calibration Certificate for Dipoles                                                                                       47
    12.6. Tissues-Equivalent Media Recipes                                                                                          48

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UL VS Ltd.                                                                                          Report. No.: 2.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                       Issue Date: 20 March 2019

1. Attestation of Test Results
  Applicant Name           Grundium Oy

  Model                    OCUS

  Test Device is           A representative test sample
  Device category          Portable
  Date Tested              14 December 2018 to 20 December 2018
  ICNIRP Guidelines
  Limits for SAR           General Population/Localised SAR (Head and trunk) – 1g SAR limit 1.6 W/kg
  Exposure                 General Population/Localised SAR (Extremity) – 10g SAR limit 4.0 W/kg
  The highest                                                                         Equipment Class
  reported SAR values          RF Exposure Conditions
                                                                Licensed           DTS             U-NII            DSS

                            Standalone             Body            N/A          0.25 W/Kg       0.24 W/Kg           N/A

                            Standalone           Extremity         N/A          0.12 W/Kg       0.09 W/Kg           N/A
                                                   Body            N/A             N/A              N/A             N/A
                                                 Extremity         N/A             N/A              N/A             N/A

  Applicable                FCC 47 CFR part 2 (2.1093)
  Standards                 KDB publication

  Test Results              Pass

  UL Verification Services Ltd. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
  standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL Verification Services Ltd. based on
  interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties are in accordance with the above standard
  and are published for informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
  demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
  Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample(s), under the conditions and modes of
  operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification
  Services Ltd. and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by
  UL Verification Services Ltd. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by the
  client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by UKAS. This report is written to support regulatory
  compliance of the applicable standards stated above.

  Issued By:                                                             Prepared By:

  Naseer Mirza                                                           Chanthu Thevarajah
  Lead Project Engineer                                                  Senior Engineer
  UL VS Ltd.                                                             UL VS Ltd.

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UL VS Ltd.                                                                                          Report. No.: 2.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019

2. Test Specification, Methods and Procedures
2.1. Test Specification
 Reference:            KDB Publication Number: 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz
 Title:                SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz
                       The SAR Measurement procedures for 100MHz to 6GHz are described in this document.
                       Field probes, tissue dielectric properties, SAR scans, measurement accuracy and
                       variability of the measured results are discussed. The field probe and SAR scan
                       requirements are derived from criteria considered in standard IEEE 1528-2013. The
                       wireless product and technology specific procedures in applicable KDB publications are
                       required to be used unless further guidance has been approved by the FCC.
                       To determine if the Equipment Under Test complies with the Specific Absorption Rate for
 Purpose of Test:      general population/uncontrolled exposure limit of 1.6 W/kg as specified in FCC 47 CFR
                       part 2 (2.1093).

2.2. Methods and Procedures Reference Documentation
The methods and procedures used were as detailed in:
IEEE 1528:2013
IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the
Human Head from Wireless Communication Devices: Measurement Techniques.

FCC KDB Publication:
KDB 248227 D01 802.11 Wi-Fi SAR v02r02
KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
KDB 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02

2.3. Definition of Measurement Equipment
The measurement equipment used complied with the requirements of the standards referenced in the methods
& procedures section above. Section 4.3 contains a list of the test equipment used.

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                  Issue Date: 20 March 2019

3. Facilities and Accreditation
The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at
 Unit 1 Horizon, Kingsland Business Park, Wade Road, Basingstoke,        Facility Type
 Hampshire, RG24 8AH UK
 SAR Lab 60                                                              Controlled Environment Chamber
UL Verification Services Ltd, is accredited by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service), Laboratory UKAS
Code 0644.

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    REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019

4. SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment
4.1. SAR Measurement System
The DASY system used for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

•     A standard high precision 6-axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension for
      accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
•     An isotropic Field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.
•     A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-
      conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is battery
      powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.
•     The Electro-optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the digital
      communication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is required. The
      EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
•     The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering, control of
      the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.
•     The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe positioning.
•     A computer running Win 8.1 or Win 10 and the DASY software.
•     Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps, etc.
•     The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019

4.2. SAR Measurement Procedure
4.2.1. Normal SAR Measurement Procedure
The following procedure shall be performed for each of the test conditions Measure the local SAR at a test point
within 8 mm of the phantom inner surface that is closest to the DUT.

    a) Measure the two-dimensional SAR distribution within the phantom (area scan procedure).
    b) The boundary of the measurement area shall not be closer than 20 mm from the phantom side walls. The
       distance between the measurement points should enable the detection of the location of local maximum
       with an accuracy of better than half the linear dimension of the tissue cube after interpolation. A maximum
       grid spacing of 20 mm for frequencies below 3 GHz and (60/f [GHz]) mm for frequencies of 3 GHz and
       greater is recommended. The maximum distance between the geometrical centre of the probe detectors
       and the inner surface of the phantom shall be 5 mm for frequencies below 3 GHz and δ ln(2)/2 mm for
       frequencies of 3 GHz and greater, where δ is the plane wave skin depth and ln(x) is the natural logarithm.
       The maximum variation of the sensor-phantom surface distance shall be ± 1 mm for frequencies below
       3 GHz and ± 0,5 mm for frequencies of 3 GHz and greater. At all measurement points the angle of the
       probe with respect to the line normal to the surface should be less than 5°. If this cannot be achieved for
       a measurement distance to the phantom inner surface shorter than the probe diameter, additional
       uncertainty evaluation is needed.
    c) From the scanned SAR distribution, identify the position of the maximum SAR value, in addition identify
       the positions of any local maxima with SAR values within 2 dB of the maximum value that will not be
       within the zoom scan of other peaks; additional peaks shall be measured only when the primary peak is
       within 2 dB 6 of the SAR compliance limit (e.g., 1 W/kg for 1,6 W /kg 1 g limit, or 1,26 W/kg for 2 W /kg,
       10 g limit).
    d) Measure the three-dimensional SAR distribution at the local maxima locations identified in step c) (zoom
       scan procedure). The horizontal grid step shall be (24 / f [GHz]) mm or less but not more than 8 mm. The
       minimum zoom scan size is 30 mm by 30 mm by 30 mm for frequencies below 3 GHz. For higher
       frequencies, the minimum zoom scan size can be reduced to 22 mm by 22 mm by 22 mm. The grid step
       in the vertical direction shall be (8-f [GHz]) mm or less but not more than 5 mm, if uniform spacing is
       used. If variable spacing is used in the vertical direction, the maximum spacing between the two closest
       measured points to the phantom shell shall be (12/f [GHz]) mm or less but not more than 4 mm, and
       the spacing between farther points shall increase by an incremental factor not exceeding 1,5. When
       variable spacing is used, extrapolation routines shall be tested with the same spacing as used in
       measurements. The maximum distance between the geometrical centre of the probe detectors and the
       inner surface of the phantom shall be 5 mm for frequencies below 3 GHz and δ ln(2)/2 mm for
       frequencies of 3 GHz and greater, where δ is the plane wave skin depth and ln(x) is the natural logarithm.
       Separate grids shall be centred on each of the local SAR maxima found in step c). Uncertainties due to
       field distortion between the media boundary and the dielectric enclosure of the probe should also be
       minimized, which is achieved if the distance between the phantom surface and physical tip of the probe
       is larger than probe tip diameter. Other methods may utilize correction procedures for these boundary
       effects that enable high precision measurements closer than half the probe diameter. For all
       measurement points, the angle of the probe with respect to the flat phantom surface shall be less than
    e) Use post processing (e.g. interpolation and extrapolation) procedures to determine the local SAR values
       at the spatial resolution needed for mass averaging.
    f) The local SAR should be measured at the same location as in Step a). SAR drift is assessed
       and reported in the uncertainty budget.
       In the event that the evaluation of measurement drift exceeds the 5 % tolerance, it is required that SAR
       be reassessed following guidelines contained within this standard.
       If the drift is larger than 5 %, then the measurement drift shall be considered a bias, not an uncertainty.
       A correction shall be applied to the measured SAR value. It is not necessary to record the drift in the
       uncertainty budget (i.e. ui = 0 %). The uncertainty budget reported in a measurement report should
       correspond to the highest SAR value reported (after correction, if applicable). Alternatively, the
       uncertainty budget reported should cover all measurements, i.e., it should report a
       conservative value.

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019

Area Scan Parameters:

Zoom Scan Parameters:

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   REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                 Issue Date: 20 March 2019

  4.3. Test Equipment
  The measuring equipment used to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in
  accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.
UL No.       Instrument             Manufacturer       Type No.         Serial No.         Date Last Calibrated    Interval
             Data Acquisition
A2546                               SPEAG              DAE4             1435               06 Feb 2018             12

A1377        5GHz Dipole Kit        SPEAG              D5GHzV2          1016               12 Feb 2018             12

A1322        2450 MHz Dipole Kit    SPEAG              D2450V2          725                17 Sep 2018             12

A2545        Probe                  SPEAG              EX3DV4           3995               24 Apr 2018             12

                                                                                           Calibrated as part of
G0611        Robot Power Supply     SPEAG              DASY52           F14/5UA6A1/C/01
                                                                                           Calibrated as part of
M1876        Robot Arm              Staubli            TX60 L           F14/5UA6A1/A/01                            -
                                                       SM DAK 040
M1755        DAK Fluid Probe        SPEAG                               1089               Calibrated before use   -

M1015        Network Analyser       Agilent            Agilent 8753ES   US39172406         14 Oct 2018             12

A2621        Digital Camera         Nikon              S3600            41010357           N/A                     -

                                                                                           Calibrated as part of
A2252        Phantom                SPEAG              ELI Phantom      1177                                       -
             Phantom Support                           DASY6                               Calibrated as part of
PRE0141348                          SPEAG                               -                                          -
             Structure                                 Phantom Table                       system

M1853        RS Hygrometer          RS Components      408-6109         D10Q69             11 Apr 2018             12

PRE0176848   RF Coax Cable          Huber+Suhner       Superflex 126    503319             Calibrated before use   -

PRE0141988   Directional Coupler    RF-Lambda          RFDC5M06G15      12042502539        Calibrated before use   -

A2689        Amplifier              Mini-Circuits      ZVE-8G           910401427          Calibrated before use   -

M1838        Signal Generator       R&S                SME06            1038.6002.06       22 Mar 2018             12

             Dual Channel Power
M1840                               R&S                NRVD             844860/040         22 Mar 2018             12

M1044        Power Sensor           R&S                NRV-Z1           893350/0019        06 Nov 2017             12

             Phantom Support                                                               Calibrated as part of
PRE0141348                          SPEAG              Phantom Table    -                                          -
             Structure                                                                     system
                                                                                           Calibrated as part of
A2550        Phantom                SPEAG              ELi Phantom      1251                                       -

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                  Issue Date: 20 March 2019

4.4. SAR System Specifications
 Robot System
 Positioner:                                        Stäubli Unimation Corp. Robot Model: TX60L
 Repeatability:                                     ±0.030 mm
 No. of Axis:                                       6
 Serial Number(s):                                  F14/5UA6A1/C/01
 Reach:                                             800 mm
 Payload:                                           2.0 kg
 Control Unit:                                      CS8C
 Programming Language:                              V+
 Data Acquisition Electronic (DAE) System
 Serial Number:                                     DAE4 SN: 1435
 PC Controller
 PC:                                                HP EliteDesk800
 Operating System:                                  Windows 10
 Data Card:                                         DASY5 Measurement Servers
 Data Converter
 Features:                                          Signal Amplifier, multiplexer, A/D converted and control logic.
 Software:                                          DASY5 PRO Software
 Connecting Lines:                                  Optical downlink for data and status info.
                                                    Optical uplink for commands and clock.
 PC Interface Card
 Function:                                          24 bit (64 MHz) DSP for real time processing Link to DAE4 16 bit
                                                    A/D converter for surface detection system serial link to robot
                                                    direct emergency stop output for robot.
 Phantom:                                           Eli Phantom
 Shell Material:                                    Fibreglass
 Thickness:                                         2.0 0.1 mm
 E-Field Probe
 Model:                                             EX3DV4
 Serial No:                                         3995
 Construction:                                      Triangular core
 Frequency:                                         10MHz to >6GHz
 Linearity:                                         0.2 dB (30 MHz to 6 GHz)
 Probe Length (mm):                                 337
 Probe Diameter (mm):                               10
 Tip Length (mm):                                   9
 Tip Diameter (mm):                                 2.5
 Sensor X Offset (mm):                              1
 Sensor Y Offset (mm):                              1
 Sensor Z Offset (mm):                              1

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                               Issue Date: 20 March 2019

5. Measurement Uncertainty
No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently, the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value of the measurand
(the specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of the
uncertainty of the approximation.

The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor, such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the purposes of this
document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical purposes”.
                                                                                     Confidence       Calculated
 Test Name                                                                             Level          Uncertainty

 Uncertainty- Freq. < 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g                                       95 %           ±19.22 %

 Uncertainty- Freq. > 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g                                       95 %           ±16.37 %

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the various
measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the evaluation of
measurement uncertainty, the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is followed.

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                       Issue Date: 20 March 2019

5.1. Uncertainty – Freq. < 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g
                                                         Probability                           Standard Uncertainty   i or
Type   Source of uncertainty         + Value   - Value   Distributio      Divisor   ci (1g)
                                                                                                + u (%)     - u (%)    eff
  B    Probe calibration              5.050    5.050                      1.0000    1.0000      5.050       5.050      
  B    Axial Isotropy                 0.250    0.250                      1.0000    1.0000      0.250       0.250      
  B    Hemispherical Isotropy         1.300    1.300                      1.0000    1.0000      1.300       1.300      
  B    Spatial Resolution             0.500    0.500     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      0.289       0.289      
  B    Boundary Effect                0.769    0.769     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      0.444       0.444      
  B    Linearity                      0.300    0.300     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      0.173       0.173      
  B    Detection Limits               0.200    0.200     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      0.115       0.115      
  B    Readout Electronics            0.160    0.160                      1.0000    1.0000      0.160       0.160      
  B    Response Time                  0.000    0.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      0.000       0.000      
  B    Integration Time               8.520    8.520     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      4.919       4.919      
  B    RF Ambient conditions          3.000    3.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      1.732       1.732      
       Probe Positioner
  B                                   4.000    4.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      2.309       2.309      
       Mechanical Restrictions
       Probe Positioning with
  B                                   2.850    2.850     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      1.645       1.645      
       regard to Phantom Shell
       Extrapolation and
  B    integration/ Maximum SAR       5.080    5.080     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      2.933       2.933      
  A    Test Sample Positioning        0.147    0.147                      1.0000    1.0000      0.147       0.147      
  A    Device Holder uncertainty      0.154    0.154                      1.0000    1.0000      0.154       0.154      
  B    Phantom Uncertainty            4.000    4.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      2.309       2.309      
  B    Drift of output power          5.000    5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000      2.887       2.887      
       Liquid Conductivity (target
  B                                   5.000    5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    0.6400      1.848       1.848      
       Liquid Conductivity                                  normal
  A                                   2.470    2.470                      1.0000    0.6400      1.581       1.581      
       (measured value)                                      (k=1)
       Liquid Permittivity (target
  B                                   5.000    5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    0.6000      1.732       1.732      
       Liquid Permittivity                                  normal
  A                                   2.430    2.430                      1.0000    0.6000      1.458       1.458      
       (measured value)                                      (k=1)
       Combined standard
                                                         t-distribution                          9.81        9.81     >500
       Expanded uncertainty                                k = 1.96                             19.22       19.22     >500

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                     Issue Date: 20 March 2019

5.2. Uncertainty – Freq. > 3 GHz Body Configuration 1g
                                                       Probability                               Standard
                                       +                                                        Uncertainty
Type   Source of uncertainty                 - Value   Distributio      Divisor   ci (1g)                         i or eff
                                                            n                               + u (%)     - u (%)
 B     Probe calibration             5.050   5.050                      1.0000    1.0000     5.050      5.050        
 B     Axial Isotropy                0.250   0.250                      1.0000    1.0000     0.250      0.250        
 B     Hemispherical Isotropy        1.300   1.300                      1.0000    1.0000     1.300      1.300        
 B     Spatial Resolution            0.500   0.500     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.289      0.289        
 B     Boundary Effect               0.769   0.769     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.444      0.444        
 B     Linearity                     0.300   0.300     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.173      0.173        
 B     Detection Limits              0.200   0.200     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.115      0.115        
 B     Readout Electronics           0.160   0.160                      1.0000    1.0000     0.160      0.160        
 B     Response Time                 0.000   0.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.000      0.000        
 B     Integration Time              0.000   0.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     0.000      0.000        
 B     RF Ambient conditions         3.000   3.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     1.732      1.732        
       Probe Positioner
 B                                   4.000   4.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     2.309      2.309        
       Mechanical Restrictions
       Probe Positioning with
 B                                   2.850   2.850     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     1.645      1.645        
       regard to Phantom Shell
       Extrapolation and
 B     integration/ Maximum SAR      5.080   5.080     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     2.933      2.933        
 A     Test Sample Positioning       1.360   1.360                      1.0000    1.0000     1.360      1.360        
 A     Device Holder uncertainty     0.154   0.154                      1.0000    1.0000     0.154      0.154        
 B     Phantom Uncertainty           4.000   4.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     2.309      2.309        
 B     Drift of output power         5.000   5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    1.0000     2.887      2.887        
       Liquid Conductivity (target
 B                                   5.000   5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    0.6400     1.848      1.848        
       Liquid Conductivity                                normal
 A                                   0.770   0.770                      1.0000    0.6400     0.493      0.493         
       (measured value)                                    (k=1)
       Liquid Permittivity (target
 B                                   5.000   5.000     Rectangular      1.7321    0.6000     1.732      1.732        
       Liquid Permittivity                                normal
 A                                   0.990   0.990                      1.0000    0.6000     0.594      0.594         
       (measured value)                                    (k=1)
       Combined standard
                                                       t-distribution                        8.35        8.35      >500
       Expanded uncertainty                              k = 1.96                            16.37      16.37      >500

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                    Issue Date: 20 March 2019

6. Device Under Test (DUT) Information
6.1. DUT Description
                       The DUT is a digital microscope scanner that contains WLAN module with FCC ID: 2AQ5IOCUS1.
 DUT Description:
                       It module supports WiFi 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g/n) and WiFi 5.0 GHz (a/n/ac) radio.

                       MGU-00001-000035          WiFi 2.4/5.3GHz                                  SAR Evaluation
 Serial Number:
                                                                                                  Conducted Power
                       MGU-00001-000035          WiFi 2.4/5.3GHz

 Hardware Version
 Number:               A.02.02.02

 Software Version
 Number:               1.0.146

 Country of
 Device dimension      Overall (Height x Width x Depth): 180.0 mm x 180.0 mm x 190.0 mm
 Date of Receipt:      07 December 2018
 Antenna Type:         Internal integral
 Antenna Length:       Unknown
 Number of             Antenna 1 – WIFI – Transmit                                                               1 fixed
 Positions:            Antenna 2 – WIFI – Receive Only                                                           1 fixed

 Battery Type(s):      LiMn (Lithium Manganese) coin cell (ML2016)

Note: There is no battery in the DUT to operate it, the LiMn (Lithium Manganese) coin cell (ML2016) is to keep the DUT
real-time clock in time. The DUT is operated using main AC power supply.

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 REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                             Issue Date: 20 March 2019

6.2. Wireless Technologies
 Wireless          Frequency       Operating mode                                            Duty Cycle
 technologies      bands
 Wi-Fi             2.4 GHz         802.11b                                                   100%
                                   802.11n (HT20)
                   5.0 GHz         802.11a                                                   100%
                                   802.11n (HT20)
                                   802.11n (HT40)
                                   802.11ac (VHT20)
                                   802.11ac (VHT40)
                                   802.11ac (VHT80)

         Band                                Frq.                               Frq.                                   Frq.
                      20 MHz BW Ch.#                  40 MHz BW Ch.#                             80 MHz BW Ch.#
                                            (MHz)                           (MHz)                                     (MHz)
                              1             2412.0
                              2             2417.0
                              6             2437.0
  Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz
                              10            2457.0                                         N/A
                              11            2462.0
                              12            2467.0
                              13            2472.0
                              36            5180.0          38              5190.0                                -
  Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz               40            5200.0                     -                               42             5210.0
   5.2 (U-NII-1)
  (802.11a/n/ac)              44            5220.0          46              5230.0
                              48            5240.0                                           -
                              52            5260.0          54              5270.0                      -
  Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz               56            5280.0                     -                               58             5290.0
  5.3 (U-NII-2A)
  (802.11a/n/ac)              60            5300.0          62              5310.0
                              64            5320.0                                           -
                             100            5500.0
                             104            5520.0
                             108            5540.0
                             112            5560.0
                             116            5580.0
  Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz              120            5600.0
  5.6 (U-NII-2C)
  (802.11a/n/ac)             124            5620.0
                             128            5640.0
                             132            5660.0                                     Not Supported
                             136            5680.0
                             140            5700.0
                             144            5720.0
                             149            5745.0
  Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz              153            5765.0
   5.8 (U-NII-3)             157            5785.0
  (802.11a/n/ac)             161            5805.0
                             165            5825.0

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6.3. Nominal and Maximum Output power
                                                                           Jetson TX2(P3310)
          Channel                Freq(MHz)                                       Target Power (dBm)
                                                                    11b                 11g           11n (HT20)
               1                    2412             A             14.00                14.00           12.00
               2                    2417             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               3                    2422             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               4                    2427             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               5                    2432             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               6                    2437             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               7                    2442             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               8                    2447             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               9                    2452             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               10                   2457             A             14.50                14.00           12.00
               11                   2462             A             14.50                13.00           12.00
               12                   2467             A             14.00                9.00             9.00
               13                   2472             A             10.50                5.50             5.50
               14                   2484             D               -                    -               -

                                                                    Jetson TX2(P3310)
                                                                           Target Power (dBm)
        Channel         Freq(MHz)
                                                     11a         11n/ac(20)            11n/ac(40)       11ac(80)

          36              5180                A     14.00           8.00
          38              5190                A                                          10.00
          40              5200                A     13.50           8.00
          42              5210                A                                                           9.50
          44              5220                A     13.50           8.00
          46              5230                A                                          10.00
          48              5240                A     13.50           8.00
          52              5260               DFS    14.50          10.00
          54              5270                P                                          12.00
          56              5280                P     14.50          10.00
          58              5290                P                                                          11.00
          60              5300                P     15.00          10.00
          62              5310                P                                          12.00


1. Jetson TX2(P3310) have a tolerance of ± 1.5 dB

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     REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                     Issue Date: 20 March 2019

7. RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations)

7.1. Configuration Consideration
      Technology                         Antenna-to-User                                                           Evaluation
                       Configuration                                   Position           Edge Separation
       Antenna                             Separation                                                              Considered
                           Body /                             Edge 1                            < 25                  Yes
           WLAN                                0mm
                          Extremity                           Edge 2                            > 25                  No

1.    Prior to the testing the ‘test positions’ and ‘separation distances’ were agreed with FCC via KDB inquiry.

7.2. SAR Test Exclusion Consideration
                      Frequency Band
                                                                              Body                           Extremity
                       WLAN 2.4 GHz                                            No                                   No
                       WLAN 5.2 GHz                                           Yes1                                 Yes1
                       WLAN 5.3 GHz                                            No                                   No
      1.    As per KDB 248227, U-NII-2A was chosen for SAR evaluation as maximum rated power for U-NII-2A > U-NII-1.
            Based on the measurements obtained, SAR measurements on U-NII-1 band are not required as highest reported
            SAR from U-NII-2A band is ≤ 1.2 W/Kg.

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  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                           Issue Date: 20 March 2019

8. Conducted Output Power Measurements

8.1. RF Output Average Power Measurement: Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz
Note: Additional Conducted power measurements are performed on adjacent Channels having same or higher
Max. rated power than the standard Channels (i.e., 1, 6, and 11).

8.1.1. Wi-Fi 802.11b (2.4 GHz) - SISO
                                                              Avg Power (dBm)
        Channel         Frequency                                    6Mbps
                                                                                                              Operating Mode
        Number            (MHz)                                 Body/Extremity
           1               2412                                      14.49
           2               2417                                      15.74
           6               2437                                      15.70
          11               2462                                      15.69
          12               2467                                      13.66
          13               2472                                      11.73

Note: Conducted power measurements for 802.11g/n modes not required, as the Max. Rated Power for this mode was ≤ than 802.11b.

8.2. RF Output Average Power Measurement: Wi-Fi 5.0 GHz

8.2.1. Wi-Fi 802.11a/n/ac (5.0 GHz) – SISO Sub Band 2 (5.3 GHz U-NII-2A)
                                                             Avg Power (dBm)
    Channel           Frequency                                  13.5 Mbps
                                                                                                              Operating Mode
    Number              (MHz)                                       Body
          52             5260                                       15.72
          60             5300                                       16.40                                          802.11a
          64             5320                                       16.43

    1.     As per KDB 248227, U-NII-2A was chosen for SAR evaluation as maximum rated power for U-NII-1 < U-NII-2A. Based on the
           max target + tolerances declared, SAR measurements on U-NII-1 band are not required as highest reported SAR from U-NII-2A
           band is ≤ 1.2 W/Kg.
    2.     Conducted power measurements for 802.11n/ac HT20/ 802.11n/ac (HT40)/ 802.11ac VHT80 (SISO) modes not required, as the
           Max. Rated Power for these mode was ≤ than higher bandwidth modes 802.11a.

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  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                                 Issue Date: 20 March 2019

9. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check
9.1.Tissue Dielectric Parameters
The temperature of the tissue-equivalent medium used during measurement must also be within 18C to 25C
and within ± 2C of the temperature when the tissue parameters are characterized.
The dielectric parameters must be measured before the tissue-equivalent medium is used in a series of SAR
measurements. The parameters should be re-measured after each 3 – 4 days of use; or earlier if the dielectric
parameters can become out of tolerance; for example, when the parameters are marginal at the beginning of
the measurement series.
Tissue dielectric parameters were measured at the low, middle and high frequency of each operating frequency
range of the test device.

IEEE 1528:2013
    Target Frequency                                  Head                                              Body (FCC only)
         (MHz)                            r                         (S/m)                        r                         (S/m)
             150                        52.30                        0.76                        61.90                         0.80
             300                        45.30                        0.87                        58.20                         0.92
             450                        43.50                        0.87                        56.70                         0.94
             750                        41.90                        0.89                           -                            -
             835                        41.50                        0.90                        55.20                         0.97
             900                        41.50                        0.97                        55.00                         1.05
             915                        41.50                        0.98                        55.00                         1.06
            1450                        40.50                        1.20                        54.00                         1.30
            1500                        40.40                        1.23                           -                            -
            1610                        40.30                        1.29                        53.80                         1.40
            1640                        40.20                        1.31                           -                            -
            1750                        40.10                        1.37                           -                            -
            1800                        40.00                        1.40                        53.30                         1.52
            1900                        40.00                        1.40                        53.30                         1.52
            2000                        40.00                        1.40                        53.30                         1.52
            2100                        39.80                        1.49                           -                            -
            2300                        39.50                        1.67                           -                            -
            2450                        39.20                        1.80                        52.70                         1.95
            2600                        39.00                        1.96                           -                            -
            3000                        38.50                        2.40                        52.00                         2.73
            3500                        37.90                        2.91                           -                            -
            4000                        37.40                        3.43                           -                            -
            4500                        36.80                        3.94                           -                            -
            5000                        36.20                        4.45                        49.30                         5.07
            5100                        36.10                        4.55                        49.10                         5.18
            5200                        36.00                        4.66                        49.00                         5.30
            5250                        35.90                        4.71                        48.90                         5.36
            5300                        35.90                        4.76                        48.90                         5.42
            5400                        35.80                        4.86                        48.70                         5.53
            5500                        35.60                        4.96                        48.60                         5.65
            5600                        35.50                        5.07                        48.50                         5.77
            5700                        35.40                        5.17                        48.30                         5.88
            5750                        35.40                        5.22                        48.30                         5.94
            5800                        35.30                        5.27                        48.20                         6.00
            6000                        35.10                        5.48                           -                            -
 NOTE: For convenience, permittivity and conductivity values at some frequencies that are not part of the original data from Drossos et
 al. [B60] or the extension to 5800 MHz are provided (i.e., the values shown in italics). These values were linearly interpolated between
 the values in this table that are immediately above and below these values, except the values at 6000 MHz that were linearly
 extrapolated from the values at 3000 MHz and 5800 MHz.

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  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                 Issue Date: 20 March 2019

9.2. System Check
SAR system verification is required to confirm measurement accuracy, according to the tissue dielectric media,
probe calibration points and other system operating parameters required for measuring the SAR of a test
device. The system verification must be performed for each frequency band and within the valid range of each
probe calibration point required for testing the device. The same SAR probe(s) and tissue-equivalent media
combinations used with each specific SAR system for system verification must be used for device testing.
When multiple probe calibration points are required to cover substantially large transmission bands,
independent system verifications are required for each probe calibration point. A system verification must be
performed before each series of SAR measurements using the same probe calibration point and tissue-
equivalent medium. Additional system verification should be considered according to the conditions of the
tissue-equivalent medium and measured tissue dielectric parameters, typically every three to four days when
the liquid parameters are re-measured or sooner when marginal liquid parameters are used at the beginning of
a series of measurements.

9.3. Reference Target SAR Values
The reference SAR values are obtained from the calibration certificate of system validation dipoles. The
measured values are normalised to 1 Watt.

                                                                   Freq.            Target SAR Values (mW/g)
     System Dipole            Serial No.           Cal. Date
                                                                   (MHz)        1g/10g               Body
                                                                                  1g                 50.80
       D2440V2                   725             17 Sep 2018        2450
                                                                                 10g                 23.80
                                                                                  1g                 73.9
                                                                                 10g                 20.7
                                                                                  1g                 76.7
       D5GHzV2                  1016             12 Feb 2018        5600
                                                                                 10g                 21.5
                                                                                  1g                 73.5
                                                                                 10g                 20.5

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9.4. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check Results
The 1-g SAR and 10-g SAR measured with a reference dipole, using the required tissue-equivalent medium at
the test frequency, must be within ±10% of the manufacturer calibrated dipole SAR target. The internal limit is
set to ±10%.

Site 60

System check 2450 Body

Date: 18/12/2018
Validation dipole and Serial Number: D2450V2 / SN: 725
             Frequency                                                        Target   Measured    Deviation   Limit
 Simulant                  Room Temp (℃)       Liquid Temp (℃)   Parameters
               (MHz)                                                          Value     Value         (%)       (%)
                                                                      εr      52.70     54.37         3.17     10.00
                                                                      Σ        1.95      1.92        -1.35     10.00
   Body        2450             22.0                22.5
                                                                  1g (W/kg)   50.80     47.48        -6.52     10.00
                                                                 10g (W/kg)   23.80     21.74        -8.62     10.00

System check 5250 Body
Date: 18/12/2018
Validation dipole and Serial Number: D5GHzV2 / SN: 1016
             Frequency                                                        Target   Measured    Deviation   Limit
 Simulant                  Room Temp (℃)       Liquid Temp (℃)   Parameters
               (MHz)                                                          Value     Value         (%)       (%)
                                                                      εr      48.90     49.31        0.84      10.00
                                                                      Σ        5.36      5.35        -0.09     10.00
   Body        5250             22.0                22.5
                                                                  1g (W/kg)   73.90     73.82        -0.10     10.00
                                                                 10g (W/kg)   20.70     20.75        0.24      10.00

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10. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
10.1. General Comments
SAR test was performed in accordance with the criteria in KDB 248227.
In the 2.4 GHz band, separate SAR procedures were applied to DSSS and OFDM configurations to
simplify DSSS test requirements. SAR test was evaluated on the mode with the highest rated power,
which is in this case was 802.11b mode. OFDM mode was not evaluated because when the highest
reported SAR for DSSS was adjusted by the ratio of OFDM to DSSS specified maximum output power,
the adjusted SAR obtained was < 1.2W/kg.
In the 5.0 GHz band, the initial test configuration transmission mode was determined by the 802.11
configuration with the highest maximum output power specified for production units, including upper
tune-up tolerance, in each standalone and aggregated frequency band. Since multiple channel
bandwidth configuration modes have the same specified maximum output power, SAR test was
performed on the largest channel bandwidth with the lowest order modulation.
For the cases where the power was not flat throughout the mode to test, additional runs were also
performed on the next highest bandwidth provided the power response was identical. This was
performed in order to assess the SAR response throughout the frequency band and establish that all
worst cases have been evaluated.

Note: SAR Values represented by “-“ indicate no SAR peaks were detected during area scans.

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  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                                Issue Date: 20 March 2019

10.2. Specific Absorption Rate - Test Results – Body Worn

10.2.1.WLAN 2.4 GHz - Body 1g
Max Reported 1g-SAR = 0.25 (W/kg)
                                                                    1g: SAR Results
                                                    Power (dBm)
                                                    Tune            Meas.
              Dist.    EUT       Channel    Freq                             Reported    Transmitting             Plot
  Mode                                               Up     Meas.   SAR                                 Notes
              (mm)    Position   Number    (MHz)                               SAR         Antenna                No.
                                                    Limit           Level
 802.11b       0       Edge 1       2      2417.0   16.00   15.74   0.23       0.25         Core 0        1         1
 802.11b       0       Edge 1       6      2437.0   16.00   15.70   0.22       0.24         Core 0        -         -
 802.11b       0       Edge 1      11      2462.0   16.00   15.85   0.21       0.22         Core 0        -         -
     1.     Test were performed on adjacent Channels having same or higher Max. rated power than the standard
            Channels (i.e., 1, 6, and 11).

10.2.2.WLAN 5.2GHz - Body 1g
As per KDB 248227, U-NII-1 was not chosen for SAR evaluation as maximum rated power for U-NII-1 < U-NII-
2A. Based on the measurements obtained, SAR measurements on U-NII-1 band are not required as highest
reported SAR from U-NII-2A band is ≤ 1.2 W/Kg.

10.2.3.WLAN 5.3GHz - Body 1g
Max Reported 1g-SAR = 0.24 (W/kg)
                                                                    1g: SAR Results
                                                    Power (dBm)
                                                    Tune            Meas.
              Dist.    EUT       Channel    Freq                             Reported    Transmitting             Plot
  Mode                                               Up     Meas.   SAR                                 Notes
              (mm)    Position   Number    (MHz)                               SAR         Antenna                No.
                                                    Limit           Level
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      60      5300.0   16.50   15.74   0.22       0.24         Core 0        -         2
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      52      5260.0   16.00   15.70   0.19       0.20         Core 0        -         -
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      64      5320.0   16.50   15.85   0.22       0.23         Core 0        -         -

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10.3. Specific Absorption Rate - Test Results – Extremity

10.3.1.WLAN 2.4GHz - Extremity 10g
Max Reported 10g-SAR = 0.12 (W/kg)
                                                                    10g: SAR Results
                                                    Power (dBm)
                                                    Tune            Meas.
              Dist.    EUT       Channel    Freq                             Reported    Transmitting             Plot
  Mode                                               Up     Meas.   SAR                                 Notes
              (mm)    Position   Number    (MHz)                               SAR         Antenna                No.
                                                    Limit           Level
 802.11b       0       Edge 1       2      2417.0   16.00   15.74   0.12       0.12         Core 0        1         1
 802.11b       0       Edge 1       6      2437.0   16.00   15.70   0.11       0.12         Core 0        -         -
 802.11b       0       Edge 1      11      2462.0   16.00   15.85   0.11       0.11         Core 0        -         -
     1.     Test were performed on adjacent Channels having same or higher Max. rated power than the standard
            Channels (i.e., 1, 6, and 11).

10.3.2.WLAN 5.2GHz - Extremity 10g
As per KDB 248227, U-NII-1 was not chosen for SAR evaluation as maximum rated power for U-NII-1 < U-NII-
2A. Based on the measurements obtained, SAR measurements on U-NII-1 band are not required as highest
reported SAR from U-NII-2A band is ≤ 1.2 W/Kg.

10.3.3.WLAN 5.3GHz - Extremity 10g
Max Reported 10g-SAR = 0.09 (W/kg)
                                                                    10g: SAR Results
                                                    Power (dBm)
                                                    Tune            Meas.
              Dist.    EUT       Channel    Freq                             Reported    Transmitting             Plot
  Mode                                               Up     Meas.   SAR                                 Notes
              (mm)    Position   Number    (MHz)                               SAR         Antenna                No.
                                                    Limit           Level
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      60      5300.0   16.50   15.74   0.09       0.09         Core 0        -         2
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      52      5260.0   16.00   15.70   0.07       0.08         Core 0        -         -
 802.11a       0       Edge 1      64      5320.0   16.50   15.85   0.09       0.09         Core 0        -         -

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10.4. SAR Measurement Variability
In accordance with published RF Exposure KDB procedure 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz.
These additional measurements are repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same
head or body tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned to ambient
conditions (normal room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on the device holder
for the repeated measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated results.

1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg; steps 2)
   through 4) do not apply.
2) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg, repeat that measurement once.
3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original and first
   repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement is ≥ 1.45 W/kg (~ 10%
   from the 1-g SAR limit).
4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first or second repeated measurement is ≥1.5
   W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second repeated measurements is >

Note: SAR variability measurement not required as all measured 1g-SAR values are below 0.8 W/Kg.

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  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                           Issue Date: 20 March 2019

11. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis

11.1. Highest Standalone Reported SAR
Individual Transmitter Evaluation per Band:

                               Technology                                                   Equipment    Reported
   Exposure Configuration                               Reported 1g - SAR (W/Kg)
                                  Band                                                        Class      1g - SAR

                              WLAN 2.4 GHz                        0.25                         DTS          0.25
  (Separation Distance 0mm)
                              WLAN 5.3 GHz                        0.24                        U-NII         0.24

                               Technology                                                   Equipment    Reported
   Exposure Configuration                              Reported 10g - SAR (W/Kg)
                                  Band                                                        Class      10g - SAR

                              WLAN 2.4 GHz                        0.12                         DTS          0.12
  (Separation Distance 0mm)
                              WLAN 5.3 GHz                        0.09                        U-NII         0.09

                                                 Page 27 of 48
UL VS Ltd.                                                                                          Report. No.: 2.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

  REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12447929-116A V2.0                                           Issue Date: 20 March 2019

11.2. Simultaneous Transmission analysis
Simultaneous transmission SAR test analysis is determined for each operating configuration and exposure
condition according to the reported standalone SAR of each applicable simultaneous transmitting antenna.

Note: As transmitting antenna does can simultaneously transmit, no simultaneous transmission
analysis is required.

                                                 Page 28 of 48
UL VS Ltd.                                                                                          Report. No.: 2.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-04-10 09:42:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 09:42:25

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