Users Manual

FCC ID: 2AQ3VBYE00810-00001

Users Manual

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                                                                                                         Pressing R1 (RB) brings up

                                                                                                         • Control instructions

                                                                                                                                                            Forward / Backward
                                                                                                         • Camera settings
                                                                                                         menu for viewing:
     Diving with remote controller

                                                                                                                                                            Turn Left / Right
                                                                                                         • Light settings

                                                                                                                                                            Touch controls
                                                                                                         • Diagnostics
                                                                                                         • Calibration
     L1 (LB) 3D-view of drone
     heading relative to you             Heading                                R1 (RB) Menu

                                315◦   360◦     45◦   90◦   135◦                 R1



                                                                                                   Diving without remote controller


                                                                                                                                                            Change screenview by
                    3,6 m


                                                                                                                                                              tapping or swiping

     Depth                                                                  Function buttons


                                                                                                                                                    3,6 m
                                     Light ON/OFF
                                 Y-button on controller

      Capture video ON/OFF                                         Lock heading ON/OFF
      X-button on controller                                       B-button on controller                Pressing L1 brings up

                                                                                                         • Remaining storage
                                                                                                         • Remaining battery
                                                                                                         information about:
                                                                   It is recommended to

                                                                                                                                                            Move sideways
                                                                                                                                                            Touch controls
                                  Lock depth ON/OFF                immediately turn on both lock
                                                                                                         • Dive time

                                                                                                                                                            Up / Down
                                 A-button on controller            depth and lock heading for
                                                                   easier manoeuvrability.

20                                                                                                                                                                                 21

 Diving                                                                                   Ending a dive

                                                                                                                                                      Before picking the drone up from the
                                                                                                                                                      water, make sure that both lock
                             > 1,5 m/s
                                                                                                                                                      depth and lock heading are turned off.
                                                      > 1,5 m/s               > 1,5 m/s

                                                                                                                                                      If not, the thrusters will try to
                                                                                                                                                      compensate for movements also
                             150 m
                                                      150 m                   150 m
                                                                                                                                                      when the drone is out of the water.

     Lower the drone                     It is not recommend-     DO NOT throw the
     slowly into the water               ed to lower the drone    drone into the water.                                  Pick up the drone from the water.
     by hand. A boat hook                by the tether as this
     can also be used                    will shorten the life-
     from heights.                       time of the tether.

                                                                                                                           315◦       360◦        45◦     90◦        135◦   R1



                                                                                                                          Dive time           Battery      Free storage

                                                                                                                          00:00:00             100%             --

                                                                                                                                             End dive

                                                                                                                 3,6 m

                                                                                          To transfer videos and images to a mobile device directly after the
                                                                                          dive, press the L1 on the controller and tap “End dive”. The connection
                                                                                          screen will appear in the app. Tap “Download video files” to choose
                                                                                          which files to download to the mobile device.

22                                                                                                                                                                                             23

                                               After each dive in salt water

                             ON/OFF magnet

     When finished with the dive, make         To avoid unnecessary wear on the drone and tether, after each dive in salt
     sure that both the drone and the          water, the drone and tether must be rinsed with fresh water.
     surface unit are turned off. The drone
     is turned off by putting the “OFF” side   The drone can either be submerged in fresh water or rinsed with a garden
     of the magnet attached to the tether      hose. Running the thrusters submerged in fresh water after each dive will keep
     bag against the LED light window.         them in shape longer.
     When the drone is turned off all indi-
     cator lights in the LED light window      The tether can be rinsed inside the tether bag, just remember to remove the
     will be off.                              Surface Unit away from the bag.

     Also check and remove any foreign         Instructions for changing propellers can be found at
     objects in the thrusters, for example
     sea weed.

24                                                                                                                              25

      Transferring videos and images
 Transferring videos and images
                                                                                                      Charging the batteries
Transferring     videos and images
    Transferring video and images from the drone can either be done in the app or                                 Before charging the drone make sure that the drone
      on a PC.
 Transferring video and images from the drone can either be done in the                                           is turned off. Connect the power supply to the
 app or on avideo
              PC. and images from the drone can either be done in the                                             charger and connect the power supply to the wall
app or on a PC.                                                                                                   socket. Make sure that the charging selector switch
                                                                                                                  on the bottom is set to drone charging. See page 7.

                                                                                                                  Place the drone on a robust and stable surface
                                                                                                                  laying on the left side to remove any risk of the
                                                                                                                  drone falling over.
        To transfer
 To transfer  videosvideos   and images
                       and images            to a mobile
                                    to a mobile    device,device,
                                                            turn onturn  on the drone and
                                                                    the drone
To transfer
 and         videos
        surface unit, and  images
                        connectthe to
                                 the  a mobile
                                      mobile      device,
                                               device   theturn
                                                     to to      on theunit
                                                           the  surfacedrone
                                                                         unit Wi-Fi, start the app,               Unscrew the charging connector cap on the drone
        and    unit,
        the app, and
             choose  connect
                       “Transfer   mobile
                                 video      devicefiles”.
                                        files”.     to the surface unit Wi-Fi,                                    and connect the charger to the charging port on
start the app, and choose “Transfer video files”.
                                                                                                                  the drone with the included charging cable.

                                                                                                                  Open the connector lid on the Surface Unit and
                                                                                                                  connect an output of the external USB charger to
                                                                                                                  the charging port (micro USB) on the Surface Unit.
                                                                                                                  Make sure the USB output rating is minimum 2.1A.
 To transfer videos and images to a PC go to this address: https://www.                                           Connect the other USB outputs on the external
To transfer  videosvideos
                       and images
        To transfer                  to a PC to
                               and images    goatoPC
                                                      goaddress:  https://www.
                                                         to this address:  https://www.blueye.                    USB charger to charge a mobile device and the
        no/Software/FileTransfer                                                                                  controller.
 Download and install the Blueye File Transfer Desktop App on the
 computer.and install the Blueye File Transfer Desktop App on the
        Download and install the Blueye File Transfer Desktop App on the computer.
computer.                                                                                                         To disconnect the power supply from the mains,
 Turn on the drone and the surface unit and connect the computer to                                               pull the plug from the wall socket outlet. Make sure
Turn  onTurn
 the surface     theWi-Fi.
                unit   drone
                      and  theand  the surface
                                surface  unit andunit and connect
                                                  connect           the computer
                                                            the computer   to       to the                        that the wall socket outlet is easily accessible.
the surface
 Open the Blueye File Transfer Desktop App and choose which files to
Open   the Blueye
 download     to theFile Transfer Desktop App and choose which files to
        Open the Blueye File Transfer Desktop App and choose which files to download
download to the computer.
                                                                                                                  Do not turn the drone on while charging, it may dam-
        to the
 Turn off       computer.
           the drone    when files have been transferred.                                                         age the drone and/or charger. When finished charging
Turn off the drone when files have been transferred.                                                              remember to put the charging connector cap back on.
24 Turn off the drone when files have been transferred.

    26                                                                                                                          > 1,5 m/s                                27

     Charging the battery outside of drone
                                                                            6. Inspect o-ring for damages. Put a
                 Warning: We recommend charging the battery                    small amount of silicone grease on
                 inside the drone as much as possible to limit wear            the o-ring before closing the lid.
                 of the o-rings on the aluminium lid.

                                                                            7. Insert the battery. Make sure that
                                > 1,5 m/s
                                                                               the arrow on the battery is point-
                                                                               ing upwards.

                                                                       UP   8. Make sure that the battery is
                                150 m
                               1. Open lid.                                    pushed all the way in. There are
                                                                               two guiding pins at the bottom of
                                                                               the battery canister that will align
                               2. Unscrew the aluminium lid with               the battery with the connector.
                                  the pin spanner to open it.                  Fold down the handle.

                                                                            9. Close the aluminium lid with the
                               3. Pull out the battery.                        pin spanner. Make sure to not
                                                                               tighten the lid too much, but there
                                                                               shouldn’t either be a large gap
                               4. Make sure that the charging selec-           between the aluminium lid and
                                  tor switch on the bottom is set to           the aluminium tube. Be careful to
                                  battery charging.                            not damage the threads of the lid
                                                                               when closing.

                               5. Remove the blue cover on charger.         10. Close the battery lid by sliding it
                                  Connect the power supply to                   along the battery tube. The battery
                                  a wall socket and connect the                 lid cannot be pushed all the way
                                  battery direcly to the back of the            in. Tightening the thumb screw will
                                  charger.                                      move the lid into place.

28                                                                                                                    29

 Maintenance/Service                                                               Propeller replacement
                                                                                   If one of the propellers is broken, they can easily be replaced with a spare
                             Always remove battery from drone before replacing     propeller. Cleaning the propeller should also be done regularly if diving in salt
                             parts. Do not open or detach any parts other than     water.
                             described in the maintenance procedure. Any mainte-
                             nance work not included in the list is forbidden
                                                                                                               Note that the propeller direction of the replace-
                                                                                                               ment propeller is the same as the one being
                                            > 1,5 m/s                                                          replaced. The propellers are marked with CW
 List of servicable parts:                                                                                     (clockwise) or CCW (counter-clockwise).

 •   Propeller                                                                                                               > 1,5 m/s

 •   Tether*                               150 m
                                                                                      Vertical Propeller
 •   SD-Card*
 •   Thrusters*                                                                       Remove the grid on top and unscrew the propeller to replace it with a new
                                                                                      one.                              150 m

 *See seperate manuals.

                                                                                      1. Remove the grid on the top.

                                                                                      2. Unscrew the propeller with a hex key.

30                                                                                                                                                                     31

     Lateral Propeller

     Remove the battery cover.    Unscrew the 3 screws that hold the
                                  side covers with a hex key.          Pull the propeller out to replace it
                                                                       with a new one.

     Open the side cover.        Unscrew the 2 screws holding the

32                                                                                                            33

     Forward/Backwards Propellers                                                Drone specifications
                                                                                 Ingress protection		 IPX8
                                                                                 Dimensions		                485 x 257 x 354 mm (LxWxH)
                                                                                 Weight in air		 8.6 kg (with salt water ballast)
                                                                                 Construction		              ABS enclosures, Aluminium pressure
                                                                                 		 enclosures, Polycarbonate (PC)
                                                                                 Buoyancy material           HCP 30 Polymer Foam
     1. Unscrew the 4 screws holding the thruster grids in place and remove      Maximum rated depth		 150 m
        the grid.                                                                Forward speed at normal use 1.5 m/s (3 knots)
                                                                                 Thrusters                   4 x 350 W
                                                                                 Run time at normal use      Approx. 2 hours
                                                                                 Operating temperature       -5 to +35 °C

                                                                                 Sensor		                 CMOS, 1/3 inch
                                                                                 Max image size		 1920 x 1080 pixels
     2. Unscrew the 2 screws holding the propeller and pull the propeller out.   Shutter speed		 1/30 s – 1/8000 s
                                                                                 Picture max resolution		 2M (1920 x 1080)
     3. Replace the propeller with a new one.                                    Picture type             JPEG
                                                                                 Video resolution		 FHD: 1920 x 1080 25/30 Fps, HD: 1280
                                                                                 		 x 720 25/30 Fps
                                                                                 Video type               MP4
                                                                                 Video storage bit-rate   2 to 16 MBit/s
                                                                                 SD card                  64 GB

                                                                                 LED lights			
                                                                                 Luminous flux		                  3300 Lumen
                                                                                 Colour temperature		             5000 K
                                                                                 Colour rendering index (CRI)		   70
                                                                                 Adjustable dimming		             Yes

34                                                                                                                                                35

                                                                 Surface Unit specifications
  Smart Battery Pack			                                          Surface Unit
  Nominal Voltage		                14.8 V                        Ingress protection		          IP64
  Nominal Capacity		               6500 mAh                      Dimensions		                  38 x 149 x 158 mm (LxWxH)
  Nominal Energy		                 96.2 Wh                       Operating frequency		         2.4 GHz / 5.8 GHz
  Operating temperature		          -5 to +35 °C                  Max Wi-Fi distance		          30 m
  Charging temperature             5 to 30 °C                    Battery		                     19.48 Wh
                                                                 Operating temperature		       -5 to +35 °C
  Sensors			                                                     Transmitter power		           125 mW
  IMU		                          3 axis gyro & accelerometer &   Operating voltage		           5 - 8.4 V
  		magnetometer                                                 Output, USB A		               5 V, 400 mA
  Depth sensor		 Resolution: 0.2 mbar                            Input, Micro USB		            5 V, 2.1 A
  Depth sensor operating range		 0 to 30 bar                     Antenna		                     Dual-band 3dBi RP-SMA Male
  Temperature sensor		 +/-1 °C
                                                                 Charger specifications
  Tether			                                                      Charger						
  Length		            75 m                                       Dimensions		 56 x 107 x 64 mm (LxWxH)
  Breaking strength		 100 kg                                     Operating temperature		 5 to 30 °C
  Number of cables		 1 twisted pair (copper)                     Operating rel. humidity		 20% to 80%
  Size		              26 AWG                                     Input		 19.5 V, 4 A
                                                                 Output		 16.8 V, 2.5 A

  Controller			                                                  Power supply						
                iOS or Android                                   Input		 100 - 240 V, 3A, 50 - 60 Hz
                                                                 Output		 19.5 V, 11.8 A
                                                                 Operating temperature		 0 to 40 °C
                                                                 Operating rel. humidity		 20% to 80%
                                                                 Manufacturer		 FSP GROUP
                                                                 Model		FSP230-AJAN3

36                                                                                                                          37

 Symbol overview
     Drone                                                                  Markings

                Standby                      Charging. Shows where to                  Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE as in direc-
                                             connect the charging cable.               tive 2012/19/EU) should not be mixed with general household

     Charger                                                                           CE (Conformité Européenne) indicates compliance with require-
                                                                                       ments regarding the safety. environmental impact, health, and
                Charging symbol              Battery charging symbol                   consumer protection for products sold within the European
                                                                                       Economic Area. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity
                Drone symbol                 Battery fully charged symbol              is available at the following internet address: www.blueyero-
                Battery symbol

                                                                                       Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly
                                                                                       approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
                                                                                       the user's authority to operate the equipment.
     Surface unit
                                                                                       This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
                Standby                      Battery checking.                         subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
                                                                                       cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
                Drone. Lights up when the    Charging. Shows where to                  any interference received, including interference that may
                surface unit is turned on    connect the charging cable.               cause undesired operation.
                and it is connected to the
                drone.                                                                 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply
                                                                                       with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
                                                                                       the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
                                                                                       protection against harmful interference in a residential instal-
                                                                                       lation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
                                                                                       frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
                                                                                       with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio

38                                                                                                                                                            39

            communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-       Recycling information
            ence will not occur in a particular installation.
            If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or                 This product should not be disposed of in the general household
            television reception, which can be determined by turning the                  waste. Instead, in order to prevent possible harm to the environ-
            equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct                ment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please
            the interference by one or more of the following measures:                    dispose of this product separately in accordance with your local
                                                                                          laws and regulations. Please check with your Local Authority or
            • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                 retailer for recycling advice.
            • Increase the separation between the equipment and
              receiver.                                                         Manufacturer markings
            • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
              from that to which the receiver is connected.                               Marking plate for the drone can be found on the outside of the
            • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician                    tube containing the battery. See section “Charging the battery
              for help.                                                                   outside of drone” for instructions on how to gain access to the
                                                                                          battery tube.

     ISED   This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt
            RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two con-
            ditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
            device must accept any interference, including interference
            that may cause undesired operation of the device.
            Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada
            applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploita-
            tion est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil
            ne doit pas produire de brouillage ; (2) l’appareil doit accepter
            tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
            susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

            It is strictly prohibited to replace the antenna by any antenna
            not approved by Blueye.

40                                                                                                                                                            41

 Battery warnings
 The following warnings apply to both the Blueye Surface Unit and the Blueye          battery terminals can lead to burns, fire and serious injury.
 Smart Battery.                                                                     • Under abusive condition, liquid may be ejected from the battery; avoid
 Important: Blueye Surface Unit battery is only accessible to Blueye service        • If contact accidentally occurs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes,
 personnel and cannot be accessed by any means by the user or operator.               additionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from battery may cause
 Only the Blueye Smart Battery can be accessed by the user or operator.               irritation or burns.
                                                                                    • Do not use a battery pack or appliance that is damaged or modified. Dam-
 • CAUTION: RISK OF EXPLOSION IF (Drone) BATTERY IS REPLACED WITH                     aged or modified batteries may exhibit unpredictable behavior resulting in
   AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE                      fire, explosion or risk of injury.
   INSTRUCTIONS.                                                                    • Do not expose a battery pack or appliance to fire or excessive tempera-
 • Do not dispose batteries in household waste. Obey local waste disposal             ture. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130 °C (266 °F) may cause
   regulations.Do not subject the battery to mechanical shock.                        explosion.
 • Observe the plus (+) and minus (-) marks on the battery and equipment            • Follow all charging instructions and do not charge the battery pack outside
   and ensure correct use.                                                            of the temperature range specified in this instruction. Charging improperly
 • Always purchase the battery and charger from Blueye Robotics.                      or at temperatures outside the specified range may damage the battery
 • Keep the battery clean and dry.                                                    and increase the risk of fire.
 • Wipe the battery terminals with a clean dry cloth if they become dirty.          • Do not open, modify or attempt to repair the battery pack.
 • The battery needs to be charged before use. Always use the correct char-         • Do not charge the battery pack in a damp or wet environment.
   ger and refer to the Start Guide for proper charging instructions.               • Do not cover the charger or the battery pack with cloth or anything else.
 • Do not leave the battery in prolonged charge when not in use.                      The charger and battery pack heats up during charge and lack of ventila-
 • After extended periods of storage, it may be necessary to charge and               tion may result in fire or serious injury.
   discharge the battery several times to obtain maximum performance.               • Do not use the battery pack for appliances that it is not intended for.
 • Retain the original product literature for future reference.                     • Keep battery packs and chargers away from children if not thoroughly
 • Use the battery only for the application for which it was intended.                supervised.
 • When possible, remove the battery from the equipment when not in use.            • Failure to comply with these warnings can lead to explosion, fire, leakage
 • Only charge the drone battery with the supplied charger. A charger that is         and/or serious injury.
   suitable for one type of battery pack may create a risk of fire when used
   with another battery pack.
 • When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects,
   like paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects that
   can make a connection from one terminal to another. A short-circuit of the

42                                                                                                                                                                  43


Document Created: 2019-05-15 12:33:19
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 12:33:19

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