User Manual


Users Manual

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IntelliHead User Guide
Installing, configuring and maintaining your IntelliHead

The IntelliHead is a self-contained, automatic, internet connected beverage pouring unit that
is designed as a drop in replacement for traditional bar-top taps or as a mobile unit when
combined with the IntelliKeg.

This User Guide will take you from mechanical installation of the unit on to connecting it to
the internet and finally configuring it on the IntelliHub, IntelliCup’s online management portal.


Installing the IntelliHead                                    4
   Mechanical Installation                                    4
       Counter Top Mounting                                   5
   Piping and wiring                                          6
       Beverage In                                            7
       Fresh Water In                                        7
       Waste Out                                              8
       12V DC In                                              8
       Remote Control                                         8
       External Temperature Sensor (Optional)                 8
       Ethernet (Optional)                                    9
       Sim Card (Optional)                                    9

Priming and Pouring                                          10

Using the Remote Control                                     11
   Purge                                                     11
   Manual Pour                                               11
   Wash                                                      11
   Stop                                                      11
   Reset                                                     11

Connecting the IntelliHead to the Internet                   12
   Choosing Your Connection Method                           12
   Mobile IntelliHeads                                       12
   Connecting Your Device to the IntelliHead                 13
       Windows 10                                            13
       Mac OS (formerly OSX)                                 14
       Android (Samsung, LG, Sony, etc)                      15
       iOS (iPhone)                                          16
   Accessing the IntelliHead Config Page                     17
       Ethernet                                              18
       Ethernet - Advanced                                   18
       Wi-Fi                                                 19
       Wi-Fi - Advanced                                      19
       Cellular                                              20

Updating the Firmware                                        21

IntelliHub: Managing your IntelliHead online                 22

Troubleshooting                                              23
   Pour Troubleshooting                                      23
       There is excessive foaming while pouring              23
       The injector injects into the cup but does not pour   23


   Network Troubleshooting                                                               23
      The IntelliHead Configuration Page is inaccessible                                 23
      The Wi-Fi “Current Settings” block shows “Not Connected”                           23
      The IntelliHead screen displays “no connectivity”                                  24
      The IntelliHead screen displays “no connectivity” when using GSM interface         24
      The Wi-Fi scan returns no results and the IntelliHead shows “no connectivity”      24
      The WiFi password is correct/there is no WiFi password but the IntelliHead won’t
      connect to the WiFi                                                                24

FCC part 15 Statements for User’s Manual                                                 25

ISED Required User Manual Statements for Certification                                   26


Installing the IntelliHead
The IntelliHead is designed for easy installation into a bar counter with seamless integration
into an existing cold chain. Should you not have an existing cold chain, the IntelliHead is
compatible with industry standard chillers and fittings which can be installed with no further
training by beverage industry service personnel.

Mechanical Installation
The IntelliHead is designed to drop into a countertop with a suitably sized cut-out and
sufficient space below the unit for fittings. The dimensions are shown below:

Countertop cutout size in mm

IntelliCup recommends 150mm clearance below the bottom of the unit for easy installation of
piping and cabling.


Counter Top Mounting
Place the complete assembly into the cut countertop. Fit the retaining brackets and screw in
6 off M6x45 screws to secure assembly to counter. See images below.

Assembly before dropping into countertop cut-out

Screws tightened to secure unit below countertop


Piping and wiring
The IntelliHead has three compulsory piping connections (beverage in, fresh water in and
waste out), two compulsory wiring connections (12V DC in and remote control) and two
optional wiring connections (ethernet and external temperature probe).


Beverage In
The IntelliHead has a ⅜” John Guest input for the beverage in line on the bottom of the unit.
For beer dispensing, the beer is supplied by a keg which is connected to a
refrigeration/chiller unit and then to the IntelliHead. The recommended cold chain setup is
illustrated below:

(1) Beer Keg (2) Foam Stopper (FOB) (3) ⅜” Beer Tubing (4) Refrigeration Unit (5) Insulated ⅜” Beer Piping with Active Cooling
(Python) (6) IntelliHead

To eliminate any excessive foaming, IntelliCup requires a refrigeration unit with at least a
40m long internal beer coil. An example of such a cooler can be found ​here​ or in the

IntelliCup also requires that the piping between the refrigeration unit and the IntelliHead be
insulated and actively cooled. This is standard in the beverage industry and is called a
‘Python’. Pythons can be bought cut to length from beverage suppliers. A Python consists of
at least one beverage line coming out of the refrigeration unit, one cold water line in and one
cold water return line. The water lines form a constantly running cooling loop that is fed from
the chiller’s own water and keeps the beer in the line at the same temperature as the beer in
the chiller. These are then wrapped in thick insulation as pictured in (5) above.

Finally, IntelliCup requires a foam control unit also known as a Foam on Beer (FOB) stopper.
This stops foam from an empty keg from entering the line by sealing the output when the
FOB stopper fills with foam. Once a new keg is connected, the foam is vented through a vent
pipe, the FOB stopper fills with beer again and the output is re-opened. These can be
purchased from beverage supply stores.

Fresh Water In
The IntelliHead has an internal cleaning mechanism which washes the cup dock and injector
area with clean water at regular intervals. This clears any debris from the cup dock area and
minimizes bacterial transfer from cup to cup via the injector.


The cleaning mechanism has its own pump and simply requires a 1-5 litre container filled
with fresh water. Connect the included silicone pipe to the side of the unit and drop the other
end so it is immersed in water at the bottom of the container.

Waste Out
The IntelliHead cup dock area has a drain hole to drain away water from the washing
process, to quickly drain away any overflow from an unsuccessful pour and to drain away
the waste in the purging and priming process.

Connect the included drain pipe to the drain hole on the bottom of the unit and route the pipe
into a 5 litre or larger container. Make sure that the pipe is angled down the entire way from
the IntelliHead to the container otherwise waste will pool in the pipe and may cause bad

12V DC In
The IntelliHead is powered by the included 12V DC power supply. Plug the power supply
into a 110V-240V AC wall socket and plug the other end into the bottom of the IntellIhead.
Keep the power supply away from areas where it may come into contact with liquids.

Remote Control
The IntelliHead can be manually controlled using the included external remote control. The
remote control allows staff to manually pour, purge, wash and reset the unit.

To connect the remote control, plug its four pin plug into the appropriate socket on the
bottom of the unit and tighten the plug to the socket by screwing the housing with your

Note: The IntelliHead has two similar sockets on the bottom of the unit. The plug should not
require any force to insert. Attempting to plug into the incorrect socket may damage your
IntelliHead and void your warranty.

External Temperature Sensor (Optional)
The IntelliHead can be paired with an external temperature sensor that is fitted between the
keg and the chiller to monitor the input temperature of the keg.

To connect the external temperature sensor to the beverage line, cut the ⅜” beverage pipe
in between the chiller and the keg and fit the external temperature sensor in between using
the John Guest fittings on each end of the sensor.

To connect the external temperature sensor to the IntelliHead, plug its five pin plug into the
appropriate socket on the bottom of the unit and tighten the plug to the socket by screwing
the housing with your fingers.


Note: The IntelliHead has two similar sockets on the bottom of the unit. The plug should not
require any force to insert. Attempting to plug into the incorrect socket may damage your
IntelliHead and void your warranty.

Ethernet (Optional)
Ethernet is one of the three methods provided in the IntelliHead to connect to the internet.
Consult ​Connecting the IntelliHead to the Internet​ for detailed information on the ethernet

Sim Card (Optional)
Use of a sim card is one of the three methods provided in the IntelliHead to connect to the
internet. Consult ​Connecting the IntelliHead to the Internet​ for detailed information on the
sim card connection.

To insert sim card unscrew the sim card cover and remove to expose the sim card slot.
Insert sim card in the large slot and replace cover plate, see image below.


Priming and Pouring
When the IntelliHead is installed for the first time, the beverage lines need to be ​primed​.
Priming is the process of filling the beverage lines with liquid, thereby removing all the air
pockets from the system. This keeps the pour consistent and allows the IntelliHead to
maintain the Perfect Serve.

To prime your IntelliHead, first make sure you have completed every item on the following

   ●   Make sure the chiller has already reached temperature
   ●   Make sure all inline valves are in the ‘open’ position
   ●   Make sure that your CO2 supply is on and your CO2 regulator is set to the correct
       pressure as defined by your brewer
   ●   Make sure your chiller beverage coil is at least 40m in length

Once you are happy that the list has been satisfied, you can begin to prime the system. The
system should be primed using an IntelliCup with the chip removed in order to keep the area
clean and to be able to discern the quality of the pour. An IntelliCup with a chip in the handle
will interfere with the priming process.

First, insert the IntelliCup into the IntelliHead docking area making sure it is sitting correctly.
Then, using the included remote control, press and hold the button combination marked
Purge​​. This will cause the injector to engage and the valve to open. Air and foamy liquid will
start to pour into the cup. Keep the ​Purge​​ buttons pressed until the cup fills, then let go of
the ​Purge​​ buttons to stop pouring.​ ​Repeat this process, pouring out the contents of the
IntelliCup each time until the beverage is no longer foamy and bursts of foam and air are no
longer coming out of the injector.

All of the air should now be out of the lines and the system is primed and ready for use by


Using the Remote Control

Please consult ​Priming and Pouring​.

Manual Pour
In the event of dissatisfactory pour for a customer or in a demo situation, the operator can
perform a Manual Pour. A Manual Pour will fill an IntelliCup up to the volume limit set on the
IntelliHub and will be recorded as a Manual Pour in the pour history alongside the volume.
To perform a manual pour, hold down the ​Pour​ button on the remote control and place the
cup into the IntelliHead. The IntelliHead will pour until you release the ​Pour​ button or the
volume setpoint is reached.

To manually clear dirt and debris from the IntelliCup dock area, hold down the ​Wash​ button
until the dirt and debris has been washed away.

In the event of a malfunction or dissatisfactory pour, pressing the ​Stop​ button will stop the
IntelliHead pouring and retract the injector.

To reset the IntelliHead, simply press the ​Pour​ and ​Stop​ buttons simultaneously. The
IntelliHead will reboot just as if the power supply had been removed and reconnected.


Connecting the IntelliHead to the Internet
The IntelliHead needs an active internet connection in order to function. This section will
guide you through choosing your preferred connection method, connecting to the IntelliHead
Configuration Utility and finally connecting your IntelliHead to the internet.

Choosing Your Connection Method
The IntelliHead has three methods of connecting to the internet, namely via Ethernet (LAN)
cable, Wi-Fi or the cellular modem.

Your choice of connection method depends on your available infrastructure, however, for the
most stable results IntelliCup recommends an Ethernet connection from the IntelliHead
directly to a fixed line modem (Cable, Fibre, ADSL, etc.). Consult the table below to assist
you in choosing your preferred connection method.

 Method         Pros                                 Cons                              Stability

 Ethernet       Low delay                            Requires running permanent or     Excellent
 (LAN)          No interference                      semi-permanent cabling

 Wi-Fi          Wireless                             Subject to congestion and         Average to
                Allows easy repositioning of         interference from multiple        Good
                the IntelliHead (as long as it is    devices on the same network       Signal
                in range)                            Stability decreases as the        strength
                Stable if connected to a fixed       signal weakens further away       and
                line modem (Cable, Fibre,            from the Wi-Fi access point       congestion
                ADSL, etc.)                                                            dependent

 Cellular       Truly mobile - unit can travel       Subject to congestion and         Average
                anywhere with network service        interference from multiple
                                                     devices on the cellular network
                                                     Requires one SIM loaded with
                                                     data per IntelliHead

Once you have decided your preferred method, consult the relevant section below.

Mobile IntelliHeads
If your IntelliHeads are moving from venue to venue, IntelliCup recommends that you choose
a connection method that is in your control such as purchasing a stand-alone mobile hotspot
or, for a truly mobile set-up, buying a SIM with a data contract for each IntelliHead. IntelliCup
does not recommend relying on WiFi provided by venues as the infrastructure is not in your
control and your set-up time may be limited should incompatibilities occur.


Connecting Your Device to the IntelliHead
The IntelliHead Configuration Page can be accessed on any device with WiFi capabilities
and an internet browser. This includes almost all modern PCs, laptops, smartphones and

The IntelliHead creates its own Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) to which you can connect your
device. The name of the AP is the same as the serial number of your IntelliHead, e.g.
IntelliHead-12. The network password (also known as the security key, WPA key or PSK)
was emailed to you on delivery of your IntelliHead.

Find your device in the list below and follow the connection instructions.

Note: Once connected to the IntelliHead AP, your device will lose internet access.

Windows 10
Click on the network icon in the bottom right of your screen
as underlined in blue below:

Find the WiFi name of your IntelliHead in the WiFi list as in
the image on the right. Click connect, enter the network
security key and then press “Next”.


Mac OS (formerly OSX)

Click on the network icon in the menu bar (the
bar on top of your screen). Find the name of
your IntelliHead in the Wi-Fi list and click on it
as shown to the right. Enter your password in
the following screen and click ‘Join’. Once
joined, the screen below should appear and
you can move to the next step.


Android (Samsung, LG, Sony, etc)
Pull down from the top of your screen to bring up
the notification and quick settings shade as in the
image on the right. Then long press on the Wi-Fi
button to bring up the Wi-Fi settings menu as

                                                      Next, find your IntelliHead’s name in the
                                                      list and tap on it, bringing up the screen

                                                      Enter your password as provided and
                                                      click CONNECT.


iOS (iPhone)
On the ​Homescreen​​, tap on the ​Settings ​icon.
Then in the Settings menu, tap on ​Wi-Fi​​, bringing
up the menu on the right.

Find your IntelliHead’s name in the ​CHOOSE A
NETWORK​​ list and tap on it to bring up the screen

                                                       Enter your password as provided and
                                                       click ​Join ​in the top right corner.


Accessing the IntelliHead Config Page
On some systems, once your device is connected it will open up a browser window directly
to the Configuration Page below. If this does not occur, open up your internet browser.
Depending on your platform this may be named Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox or
simply Internet.

In the address bar of your internet browser (normally a text box at the top of the application),
enter the web address If successful, the web page below should load.


   1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable (not included) to your router/modem/network
      switch and the other end to the bottom of your IntelliHead.
   2. On the ​IntelliHead Configuration Pag​​e that you accessed in the previous section,
      click on the button labelled ​Ethernet​​, as underlined in blue below. This should turn it

   3. Make sure that that ​DHCP​​ is checked in the ​IP Settings​​ sections. If not, check it and
      click the ​Save​​ button.
   4. Wait 60 seconds.
   5. Check the IntelliHead display to see whether the “Connectivity Lost” screen is not
      longer displayed. If it is, restart the unit by simultaneously pressing the ​Purge ​and
      Stop​​ buttons on the IntelliHead remote. If once restarted the IntelliHead still shows
      “Connectivity Lost”, consult the Ethernet Advanced section.

Ethernet - Advanced
Some networks (especially corporate and academic networks) require specialised settings in
order for devices to connect to the internet through them. The IntelliHead configuration page
has a ​Static​​ IP option to accommodate these networks.

Consult your IT Support to see whether this is necessary. If so, request a static IP, Gateway
and DNS from your IT Support, check ​Static ​in the ​IP Settings​​ section and enter them in the
relevant text boxes. Once you have entered them, click the ​Save ​button and refer to ​Step 4


   1. On the ​IntelliHead Configuration Page​​ that you accessed in the previous section,
      click on the button labelled ​WiFi​​, as underlined in blue below. This should turn it

   2. In the ​Change Settings​​ section, click on the ​Search​​ button. After a few seconds, a
      list of WiFi APs in range should appear. Click on the name of the network you would
      like to connect to and it will be copied automatically to the text box labeled ​SSID​​.
   3. Type your WiFi password into the text-box labelled ​PSK.
   4. Click ​Save​​.
   5. Make sure that that ​DHCP​​ is checked in the ​IP Settings​​ sections. If not, check it and
      click the corresponding ​Save​​ button.

After a few seconds, the first line in the ​Current Settings​​ section should display ​SSID:​​ and
then the name of your network. Wait 30 seconds, then press the refresh button in the top
right of the ​Current Settings​​. If it has connected successfully, the last line should read
Connected to:​​ and then the name of your network. If the connection fails, re-check your
credentials, click the “Save” button, wait for the loading icon to stop and click the save button
again. Wait 10 seconds then refresh the “Current Settings” block.

Wi-Fi - Advanced
If your Wi-Fi Access Point is a ​hidden​ access point or if you would like to configure your
Wi-Fi settings in preparation for an event you can manually type in your Wi-Fi name into the
SSID ​text-box and your password into the ​PSK ​text-box.

Some networks (especially corporate and academic networks) require specialised settings in
order for devices to connect to the internet through them. The IntelliHead configuration page
has a ​Static​​ IP option to accommodate these networks.

Consult your IT Support to see whether this is necessary. If so, request a static IP, Gateway
and DNS from your IT Support, check ​Static ​in the ​IP Settings​​ section and enter them in the
relevant text boxes. Once you have entered them, click the ​Save ​button.


    1. On the ​IntelliHead Configuration Page​​ that you accessed in the previous section,
       click on the button labelled ​Cellular​​, as underlined in blue below. This should turn it

    2.   Insert a SIM into the supplied USB dongle or SIM slot on the base of the unit. The
         IntelliHead does not support PIN protected SIMs and thus the SIM must not be PIN
         protected. If it is, insert it into a mobile phone and remove the PIN protection in the
         device settings. Consult your mobile phone manual for more info.
    3.   If you network provider requires a custom ​APN​​, enter it in the text-field labelled ​APN
         in the ​Change Settings​​ section. Consult your network provider to see whether this is
         necessary. A blank text-field will default to the APN, ​internet​.
    4.   If your network provider requires you to log in with a ​Username ​and ​Password​​, type
         these into the text-fields of the same name. If not, leave the text-fields blank.
    5.   Click ​Save​​ to connect.

Connecting may take some time during which a loading screen will fill the page. Once the
attempt is complete, the page is shown again and the result of the connection is shown in
the ​Connection Status​​ section. Pressing the refresh icon in the ​Connection Status​​ section
after successfully connecting will display more information about your connection. An
example of a successful connection is shown below.

Note: The S​ ave ​button needs to be pressed after changing to Cellular from either Wi-Fi or Ethernet
before the modem will attempt to connect.


Updating the Firmware
In order to keep your IntelliHead secure and with the latest features, IntelliCup employs
automatic Over the Air (OTA) updates to all IntelliHeads. The update procedure takes
seconds and will not be noticable to you or your customers and will take place as soon as
the update is made available or next time the IntelliHead is brought online.


IntelliHub: Managing your IntelliHead online
The IntellIHub is the cloud based web portal that allows Merchants to use IntelliCup system
to manage and monitor their assigned IntelliHeads online.

For detailed instructions refer to the IntelliHub User Guide – Merchant



Pour Troubleshooting

There is excessive foaming while pouring
   ●   Make sure your chiller has reached temperature, warm beer releases carbon dioxide
       more readily
   ●   Make sure your CO2 pressure is within the brewer’s specification. A common
       pressure for pure CO2 is 2.5 bar (36 PSI).
   ●   Make sure your chiller coil is minimum 40m long internally.
   ●   Check whether your beer has spoiled. Spoiled beer releases excessive CO2.

The injector injects into the cup but does not pour
   ●   Listen for an audible ​click​ once the injected has injected. If you can’t hear the click,
       check the pressure in the line: The internal valve cannot operate above 4 bar (58
       PSI). Drop the pressure and try again.
   ●   If the ​click​ is audible but the IntelliHead still won’t pour
            ○ Check all inline valves and make sure they are open
            ○ Make sure the FOB is not sealed
            ○ Check that the keg is coupled correctly and not empty
            ○ Check that your chiller has not dropped below the freezing point of beer, ~2℃

Network Troubleshooting

The IntelliHead Configuration Page is inaccessible
   ●   Make sure your device shows that it is connected to the correct WiFi network (It
       should be the same as your IntelliHead’s serial number)
   ●   Type in the address directly
   ●   If the issue persists disconnect and reconnect your device to the IntelliHead’s WiFi
   ●   If the issue is still not resolved, power off the IntelliHead, leave it off for a minute and
       power it back on and restart your device as well

The Wi-Fi “Current Settings” block shows “Not Connected”
   ●   Refresh the “Current Settings” block
   ●   Re-enter your network credentials making sure they are correct. Click the “Save”
       button, wait for the loading icon to stop and click the save button again. Wait 10
       seconds then refresh the “Current Settings” block


The IntelliHead screen displays “no connectivity”
   ●   Check that the correct interface is selected in the IntelliHead Config Page
   ●   If using Wi-Fi, refresh the Current Settings and see whether the correct network is
       shown after “Connected to:”
   ●   If using Wi-Fi, check that the Wi-Fi AP has a working internet connection using
       another device (smartphone, laptop, etc.)
   ●   If using Ethernet and DHCP, make sure that your network supports DHCP and that
       your network doesn’t have a MAC filter.
   ●   If using Wi-Fi or Ethernet, make sure that you network doesn’t have a firewall
       blocking port 8883 outgoing TCP

The IntelliHead screen displays “no connectivity” when using GSM
   ●   Refresh the “Connection Status” block, if not connected
            ○ Re-enter your credentials and click “Save” again
            ○ Make sure your SIM card has the PIN lock disabled
            ○ Make sure you have entered the correct APN for you SIM card (contact your
              SIM provider for assistance)
            ○ Make sure a) your SIM doesn’t require a username and password or b) you
              have entered your correct username and password
   ●   If connected
            ○ Make sure your SIM is provisioned for data access and that you have a
              working data contract/prepaid bundle

The Wi-Fi scan returns no results and the IntelliHead shows “no
   ●   Power off the unit, wait 1 minute then power on again. The issue should resolve itself.
       You may need to re-enter your Wi-Fi credentials.

The WiFi password is correct/there is no WiFi password but the
IntelliHead won’t connect to the WiFi
   ●   Some WiFi networks (especially ‘public’ or ‘open’ WiFi and corporate WiFi) have
       certain built in limitations such as requiring user input, limiting time/data, requiring
       whitelisting, etc. These networks may not support smart devices such as the
       IntelliHead. In general, IntelliCup recommends steering clear of ‘public’ or ‘open’
       networks for a variety of reasons. For installation into managed corporate networks,
       IntelliCup recommends that IT management contacts IntelliCup Support directly in
       order to go through the connection options.

If your issue is not listed above, power off the unit, wait 1 minute then power it on again. If
this fails to resolve the issue or it re-occurs frequently, contact your IntelliCup representative
and they will put you in touch with the IntelliCup technical team who will gladly assist you.


FCC part 15 Statements for User’s Manual

Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This equipment uses the following Antennas and may not be used with other antenna types
or with antennas of higher gain:
LTE antenna
Type: FPC Self-adhesive 3M 468P
Gain: peak 3.5 dBi
GPS Antenna
Type: FPC Self-adhesive 3M 468MP
Gain: peak 4.0dBi
NFC antenna
Mfg: Skeg Product development
Type:NCF loop antenna
Gain:-54.1 dB

Note: The IntelliHead NFC Module is not intended for other OEM integrators or end users.
The module is intended to be integrated by grantee authorized installers at the grantee
manufacturing facility.

Labeling Instructions for end product:
The end product must be labeled, in a visible area, with the following:
Contains FCC ID: 2AQ2P-IHB
Contains IC: 24263-IHB

ISED Required User Manual Statements for
NOTE: these statements are required to be listed in both English and French Languages

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le

Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna
of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To
reduce potential radio nterference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so
chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that
necessary for successful communication.

Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut
fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour
l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage
radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain
de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité
nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.

This equipment complies with the ICES RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum
distance of 20cm between the radiator and any part of the human body.

Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations ICES définies pour un
environnement non contrôlé . Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à une distance
minimale de 20 cm entre le radiateur et une partie de votre corps.


Document Created: 2019-02-01 13:35:00
Document Modified: 2019-02-01 13:35:00

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC