SDoC Attestation Letter


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 Shenzhen Junsida Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
 3F Bldg 1. Zhenyingtai Industrial Park.Hebei Industrial Zone,Hualian,Longhua
 Dist,Shenzhen,C} na

    Federa! Communications Commission
    Authorization and Evaluation Division
    1435 Oakland Mills Road
    Columbia, MD 21046

    Date: 2018—06—08

    SUBJECT: FCC Application for FCC ID: 24PTQ—R100

    To WhomIt May Concemn:

    I, the undersigned, hereby states this ecuipment has been tested and found to comply
    with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules, and
    will apoly the Supplier‘s Declaration of Conformity procedure to the class B
    compurer peripheral portion ofthis     composite device. I understandthe following FCC
    1. Devices subject to the SDoC procedure are required to be tested to show
    compliance w nh ‘lu FCCtechnical regulations by a recognized accredited testing
    laboratory. T           aboratory must be accredited by a Commission anproved
    accreditation           si        inder the terms of a government—to—government
    Mutual Re                     nt (MRA). A listing of those accredited testing
    laboratories that have been rccogniud by the Commission is published on the FCC
    "accredited" option to search for IC C 1ecognized accredited test firms.)
    2. Pt 2.1077 contains thelist of information that must be included in the Supplier‘s
    Declaration of Conformity, which mus: be supplied with each product sold. The
   $DoC complianceinfo shall beincluded in the User‘s Manual or as a separate
   sheet. T         ust contain the namé,address,and phone number ofthe
   responsible party, which must be located withinthe United States. According to
   2.909(b), the responsible p      s cither the Manufacturer or if the productis
   imported the Importer.


Shenzhen Junsida Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.


Document Created: 2018-06-20 09:56:50
Document Modified: 2018-06-20 09:56:50

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