

Users Manual

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Test Model:Ultra-M

     —                                 Global location tracking device
     '-I-rQ                            with the longest battery life

     Key benefits
         Gives you peace of mind by helping you keep            @   Powerful mobile applications for iTraq

         track of your loved ones and valuables.                    configuration and management.

         Has extra—long battery life (up to 4 month)            @ 2000 location reports are included in

         on a single charge.                                        price.

         Includes factory installed SIM card that works

         globally (with few exceptions). All you need is
         the cell phone reception in the area.

         Provides accurate reporting outdoors with

         included GPS module.

     How is it used

                                Use iTraq location tracking Platform
                                and API to:
                                 * Track your valuable assets

                                 ® Track your shipments

    How it works

                                                   ® iTraq operations are driven by the customer defined schedule.
                                                     Using free iTraq mobile application (i0S or Android), customer can
                                                     define the frequency of the location reports. These reports can
                                                     range from every 5 minutes to once a day. The battery life
                                                     depends on the frequency of the reports. More reports per day —
                                                     shorter the battery life.

                                                                                      ( o8:00
®   Please note the between the reports iTraq is in the sleep                         ( 08:30
    state,preserving the battery. If you want to be able to wake up the                      —
    device at any time and ask for its location, use OnDemand mode.                   ( 09:00

                                                   ® in the iTraq mobile application you can choose which location
                                                     technology will be used by iTraq: GPS (accurate, outdoors, shorter
                                                     battery life) or Cell—ID (not accurate, indoors, longer battery life). If
                                                     iTraq cannot get the GPS data it will revert to Cell—ID data.

® Customer can track as many iTraq devices in one mobile application.

® Customer can share any iTraq device registered in the application with
    other people. They will be able to see the location of the shared iTraq,
    but will not be able to change its schedule.


Container tracker comes with global SIM card pre—installed. This SIM
 card works
 in most countries (except Japan and Korea). Your subscription to
 iTraq service includes global roaming and no extra fees required.
Tracker is using 26/3G cellular technologyto communicate.
This means that if there is no 2G/3G cell coverage, the device may
know its location through GPS, but will not be able to communicate
it to iTraq platform.Please note that since your phone can use many               —
other technologies to connect (4G, CDMA, LTE) it is possible that
your phone will connect from the area, while tracker device will not.
                                                                                                                     Cell Tower

Location tracking technologies
                                                                                                                     Cell Tower

iTraq is using the following location tracking technologies:
GPS — with accuracy of 10—30 meters when               Ceall ID — cell tower triangulation technology calculates the location
the device has visibiity of the GPS satelites          of the device based on the location of the nearby cell towers. Not very
(usually outdoors}.                                    accurate. Based on the location of the towers can be off by few miles.

                                       Replacing batteries

Unscrew 8 screws and open the cap.
Replace a battery pack with 14 AA
batteries inside. Use 8 screws to
close the cap

                                Longest Battery Life
           so                   Over 4 month of battery life for daily reports. Over 50 days for once an hour reports 7—10 days
                                reporting every 10 minute.

Updating the firmware

Container tracker device can be updated over Bluetooth.

Device is turned on by default. Open device and hold a button for 10
seconds to rebootit. It will turn on Bluetooth update mode for 30 seconds.

If you will look for available Bluetoothdevices (from your phone) during
this 30 seconds interval you will see the Bluetooth device with the name
that starts with "Chep—"

Use Android app "nRF Toolbox " to update the firmware. You will need a file with .bin
extension. Please contact to get it .

                               iTraq service subscription

                               iTraq comes with 2000 location reports that have
                               expiration time of one month.

                               This means that once you will use 2000 location reports or one month after the
                               device activation, you will need to have a subscription to iTraq services to continue
                               to use iTraq.

           13:30               The count of location reports and expiration time count starts from the moment
                               when you added iTraq to your mobile application (activated your iTraq) Annual
           14:00               subscription: $59/year.

                               Monthly subscription: $5.9/month Subscriptions are non—refundable, so you will not
                               get the pro—rated refund if you will decide to stop using your iTraq and cancel your

Using a mobile application
                                                                                                         Switching between multiple
     Registering for thefirst time                          Adding another iTraq                                iTraq devices

                                                                        ©                                                     ;

                                                                  crotrimmiacmne                            x)    (@)   @         oC

     When registering forthefusttme,enter        Clck*t" on the topleftof hernainscreentoregiterthe       Ityou have mutiple rag devies.cick
     your Emalland password.For simply             new iraq device.Gve t a name, add photo and enter      o the device on on the main screen
        youcan Login with your Facebook           the sei nurmber orcick BR code button to read t of         This wilshow ll deviceadded
                    account                             the devie stcker withyour phone camera                       toyouraccount

                                                    In—app Information Popups

Share location data             GPS report                     Next report time                Cell—ID report                 OnDemand ON

                               tocatontat: ons
                                                                                               tecatondai:Cotin              nsm tacnmevemesinen
                                                                   nextmpottme                                              Erienorintns
                                                                                           metemmatnistenesns               Yovnn oo riseton mevtcomme

     Open in Maps
   Other Shae Options

                                                                                                                  Switching between
                     Guard Mode                               Details screen                                        Cell—ID and GPS

                                                                     m                                             "HERY*

                                                                     My Car

                                                   0             s                          6                .

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  Zoomand side the map tslecthe Guard zone          Once you cick"Detals on the main screon.          Swich between defalfocaon racingtechnolony.
radius,"Leavig" or"Enteringthearea®crteiacan be       youcan sethe setings for thselected                Device willreport CEHD or GPSlocation at the
    swtthed by cicking on the nk athe botom          fTraq devie, ror more detais folow the           chedule that you setWhen GPS i selected, butthe
Guard zone alets arecoming as natfeatons on your         number on the sideofthis sreen                devie doesnt seethesatelites, CelD coorcinate
   smartphone and are triggered only bythe GPS                                                                   willbe sent asafal back tech

               Scheduling reports.                         Scheduling reports.                           Turning OnDemand Mode
              Reports at fixed time                         Custom schedule                                          ON and OFF

                                                             mc                                                         Feamvitas
                5 min
               20 min        30 min

               1hour        2hours

               3 hours       4 hours

        Choose how frequenty do you want the           Set upcustom schedule t reportthe          \When you tur OnDemand mode ON, in additon to
        devce to wake upand report s locaton       locationwithcifferent requency at ifferent   schedledreports you can askfor the device locaion at
                                                                 times of e day.                  any time, lease note that turmingths mode onwl
                                                                                                   sgnifcanty reduce the batey ie of the device

                                                          Sharing your iTraq                                        iTraq found
    Buying iTraq subscription                             with other people                                   in OnDemand mode

            Choose yourpackage                      Om
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                                                                                                                                o( ceais>

 When you buy your iTraq lacation service        Youcan share your iTraq with other people:         Turn OnDemand mode ON, to see "Find my iTrag"
  itincludes unlimited number of location        Just enter their Email andask them tinstal          button on the main sereen. You can cick t at any
reports for the selectedperiod. Subscription          (Traq application using this Emailfor        time to get the iTrag location. it wl take 2—3 minutes
              is non—refundable:                   registration. They will receive notifcation         to find Traq and report ts location. Location
                                                    that Traq had been shared with them.           reported in this mode willblnk red for few minutes

       Waiting for changes                             Edit iTraq information.
        to be sent to iTraq                                 Deleting iTraq                                      Account settings



                             wox (}. ces
                                                                    orcere                                               tocout

Once youmade changes to the device setings        Click ‘pencll ican on the "Details® screen to          Click Cognheel con on the main screen
 (chedule, OnDemand, Guard zone, GPS vs        seefedit device nformation. This s also the place             to Editchange account settings
  CelHD etc.) you will see thisred spinning       where you can delete the device from your
 watch icon on the screen. t wllbe present          account,(i is useful when you transfer
   unti the newinfo is sent to the device                ownership to another person)

Technical specifications

Power and Battery Life                                     Tracking

®   Battery: Battery pack with 14 x AA batteries           ®—   GPS, Cell—ID, WIFI

®   Battery charging: Not supported                        ®    Cellular communications:
    0135 days with once a day reports                           2G GSM, Operating Frequencies
    0. 45 days with once an hour reports                        850MHz, 9OOMHz, 1.8GHz, 1.9GHz
    0. 10 days with once every 10 min reports                   sCoperstngrrequences

Sensors                                                    Ping Data Frequency

®   Temperature, 2 x Light, Accelerometer, Magnetometer,   ®    Optimal: 60 minutes

    Gyroscope                                              ®    Maximuim: 1440 mins (24 hours)
                                                                Overthe— air updating of device settings — yes
_ Location (CellID+GPS+WiF

Temperature Range                                          Weight

®   Storage temperature range is 10...60C (14—140F)        ®    529g=190z

® Operating temperature range is 0...45C (32—113F)

Firmware update

®   Firmware update over Bluetooth


®   150x 173x 30 mm


3G:Test data refers to FCC ID:XPYSARAU280

Document Created: 2019-01-21 20:20:06
Document Modified: 2019-01-21 20:20:06

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC