

Test Report

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RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

                                          Certification Radio test report

                                                         According to the standard:
                                                           CFR 47 FCC PART 15

                                                             Equipment under test:
                                                              Industrial Smart Hub

                                                         FCC ID: 2APE2-CONNECT

                                                          ETS GEORGES RENAULT

Distribution: Mr GARIN                                                                          (Company: ETS GEORGES RENAULT)

                                                                                                Number of pages: 25 with 4 appendixes

                                                                          Technical Verification and
       Ed.                    Date                 Modified                   Quality Approval
                                                   Page(s) Name and Function                                                                     Visa
        0                 27-Mar-18                Creation M. DUMESNIL, Radio Technical Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                      S51 RTY 000 INT 00002 [ 00]

Duplication of this document is only permitted for an integral photographic facsimile. It includes the number of pages referenced here above.
This document is the result of testing a specimen or a sample of the product submitted. It does not imply an assessment of the conformity of the whole manufactured
products of the tested sample.
  Siège Social : Emitech - 3, rue des Coudriers - Z.A. de l’Observatoire - 78180 MONTIGNY LE BX - France
  Siret : 344 545 645 00022 - Tél. : 33 (0)1 30 57 55 55 - Fax : 33 (0)1 30 43 74 48 - E-mail : contact@emitech.fr - URL : www.emitech.fr                   ACCREDITATIONS N°
                                                                                                                                                                1-0107, 1-0826,
  S.A. au capital de 1 560 000 € - R.C.S. VERSAILLES 344 545 645 - APE 7112B                                                                                    1-0827,1-1925,
                                                                                                                                                               1-2376 & 1-6086
                                                                                                                                                                  LISTE DES SITES ACCREDITES ET
                                                                                                                                                              DISPONIBLES SUR WWW.COFRAC.FR

                                                                 RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT:     Industrial Smart Hub

Serial number (S/N):        08 01 18 00006

Internal code:              6159327230

Reference / model (P/N):    CONNECT

Software version:           System software:
                            CPU board:
                            CPU bootloader: 2016.01
                            OS version: 4.1.15-CP

Cards version:              8825-IND07



Company:                    ETS GEORGES RENAULT

Address:                    38 RUE BOBBY SANDS
                            44800 SAINT-HERBLAIN - FRANCE

Responsible:                Mr GARIN

DATES OF TEST:              From 9-Mar-18 to 16-Mar-18

                            FCC Accredited under US-EU MRA Designation Number: FR0009
                            Test Firm Registration Number: 873677

TESTED BY:                  T. LEDRESSEUR                VISA:

WRITTEN BY:                 T. LEDRESSEUR

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                        TITLE                                                                                                                                PAGE

1.      INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.      PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.      NORMATIVE REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.      TEST METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 5
5.      TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATES ............................................................................................ 6
6.      TESTS RESULTS SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 7
7.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................ 8
8.      CONDUCTED LIMITS ............................................................................................................................... 9
10.     OPERATION WITHIN THE BAND 13.110 – 14.010 MHZ........................................................................13
11.     FIELD STRENGTH OUTSIDE THE BAND 13.110-14.01 MHZ ...............................................................16
APPENDIX 1: PHOTOS OF THE EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST........................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX 2: TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ........................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX 3: 99% BANDWIDTH ..................................................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX 4: BAND EDGE .............................................................................................................................................. 25

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                                                                                    RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0


This report presents the results of radio test carried out on the following radio equipment: Industrial Smart
Hub - CONNECT, in accordance with normative reference.

The device under test integrates a RFID part not certified and a WLAN (2.4 GHz and 5GHz) radio module
already certified (FCC ID: 2AG87DLM168N).
The host device of certified module(s) shall be properly labeled to identify the module(s) within.

This radio test report concern only measure realized following CFR47 part 15.225 for certification procedure
on the RFID.

For Verification and colocation measurements realized see radio test report RR051-18-100254-2-A.


Class:                         A

Utilization:                   Industrial

Antenna type and gain:          PCB antenna, gain: 0dBi

Operating frequency range:     From 13.110 MHz to 14.010 MHz

Frequency tested               13.56 MHz

Number of channels:            1

Channel spacing:               Not concerned

Power source:                  120 Vac – 60 Hz

Power level, frequency range and channels characteristics are not user adjustable.
The details pictures of the product and the circuit boards are joined with this file.

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The standards and testing methods related throughout this report are those listed below.
They are applied on the whole test report even though the extensions (version, date and amendment) are not

CFR 47 FCC Part 15 (2018)       Radio Frequency Devices

ANSI C63.10                     2013
                                Procedures for ComplianceTesting of Unlicensed Wireless Devices.

447498 D01 General RF           RF Exposure procedures and equipment authorization policies for mobile and
Exposure Guidance v06           portable equipment


Radio performance tests procedures given in CFR 47 part 15:

Subpart C – Intentional Radiators
                Paragraph 203: Antenna requirement
                Paragraph 205: Restricted bands of operation
                Paragraph 207: Conducted limits
                Paragraph 209: Radiated emission limits; general requirements
                Paragraph 212: Modular transmitter
                Paragraph 215: Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations
                Paragraph 225: Operation within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz

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                                                                                                 Calibration    Next
Emitech                                                                               Last
                      Model                                Type                                   interval   calibration
Number                                                                             calibration
                                                                                                   (years)       due
  0             BAT-EMC V3.16.0.64                      Software                        /             /             /
 1211                 HP 8901B                     Modulation analyzer             08/11/2017         2        08/11/2019
 1406                EMCO 6502                        Loop antenna                 13/04/2017         2        13/04/2019
 4088                R&S FSP40                     Spectrum Analyzer               21/02/2018         2        21/02/2020
 7045                MPC F0-100                     Climatic chamber                    /             /             /
 7190                R&S HL223                          Antenna                    15/03/2016         3        15/03/2019
 7240                 Emco 3110                     Biconical antenna              15/03/2016         3        15/03/2019
                California instruments
 8508                                                 Power source                 15/01/2018         1        15/01/2019
 8528         Schwarzbeck VHA 9103                  Biconical antenna              15/03/2016         3        15/03/2019
 8578                    2GHz                             Cable                    11/04/2016         2        11/04/2018
 8590                  RG214 N                            Cable                    11/04/2016         2        11/04/2018
 8676            ISOTECH IDM106N                       Multimeter                       /             /             /
 8707                 R&S ESI7                        Test receiver                07/06/2016         2        07/06/2018
 8720              R&S ESH3-Z5                            LISN                     28/11/2016         2        28/11/2018
 8732                  Emitech                           OATS                      11/10/2016         3        11/10/2019
             La Crosse Technology WS-
 8749                                                  Meteo station               23/09/2016         2        23/09/2018
             La Crosse Technology WS-
 8750                                                  Meteo station               23/09/2016         2        23/09/2018
 8783                EMCO 3147                        Log periodic antenna            15/03/2016       3         15/03/2019
 8893                  Emitech                      Outside room Hors cage                  /          /              /
                                                Satellite synchronized frequency
 8896           ACQUISYS GPS8                                                               /          /              /
 9398                 N-1.5m                                   cable                  11/04/2016       2         11/04/2018
10523        Absorber sheath current                         Emitech                  06/06/2016       2         06/06/2018
10730        Mini-circuit ZFL-1000LN                    Low-noise amplifier           12/02/2018       1         12/02/2019
10759              SIDT Cage 3                          Anechoic chamber                   /           /             /
11535               R&S EZ-25                             High pass filter            13/12/2016       2         13/12/2018
14302           SUCOFLEX N-1m                                  cable                  28/11/2016       2         28/11/2018
14303           SUCOFLEX N-2m                                  cable                  28/11/2016       2         28/11/2018
14304          SUCOFLEX N-2.5m                                 cable                  28/11/2016       2         28/11/2018
14305           SUCOFLEX N-4m                                  cable                  28/11/2016       2         28/11/2018
   -                GPIB Shot                                Software                       /          /              /
       (2) The equipment is not verified; instead, the output voltage is checked before each measurement with the
      calibrated multimeter.

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        Test                        Description of test                 Respected criteria?           Comment
     procedure                                                        Yes No NAp NAs

FCC Part 15.203 ANTENNA REQUIREMENT                                    X                          Note 1

FCC Part 15.205 RESTRICTED BANDS OF OPERATION                          X

FCC Part 15.207 CONDUCTED LIMITS                                       X

FCC Part 15.209 RADIATED EMISSION LIMITS; general                                                 Note 2

FCC Part 15.212 MODULAR TRANSMITTERS                                                              see
                                                                       X                          certification

                (a) Alternative to general radiated emission limits    X
                (b) Unwanted emissions outside of §15.225                                         Note 3
                frequency bands
                (c) 20 dB bandwidth and band-edge compliance           X

FCC Part 15.225 OPERATION WITHIN THE BAND 13.110-14.010
                (a) Field strength within the band 13.553-13.567
                (b) Field strength within the bands 13.410-13.553
                MHz and 13.567-13.710 MHz
                (c) Field strength within the bands 13.110-13.410
                MHz and 13.710-14.010 MHz
                (d) Field strength outside the band 13.110-14.010
                (e) Carrier frequency tolerance                        X
                (f) Powered tags                                                     X

NAp: Not Applicable        NAs: Not Asked

Note 1: Integral antenna

Note 2: See FCC part 15.225 (d).

Note 3: See FCC part 15.209. Unwanted emissions levels are all below the fundamental emission field
        strength level.

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To declare, or not, the compliance with the specifications, it was not explicitly taken into account of uncertainty
associated with the result(s)

The reported expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of
approximately 95%.

                       RF power, conducted                                 0.75dB
                       Radiated emission valid to 26 GHz
                                                F < 62.5 MHz:              5.14 dB
                                      62.5 MHz < F < 1 GHz:                5.13 dB
                                       1 GHz < F < 26 GHz:                 5.16 dB
                       AC Power Lines conducted emissions                  3.38 dB
                       Temperature                                           1 °C
                       Humidity                                             5%

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Temperature (°C) : 24                Humidity (%HR): 36.6                 Date : March 15, 2018
Technician : T. LEDRESSEUR

Standard: FCC Part 15

Test procedure: Paragraph 15.207

Software used: BAT-EMC V3.6.0.32

Test set up:

The EUT is isolated and placed on a wooden table, 0.8 m over an horizontal reference plane and 0.4 m from a
vertical reference plane. It is powered by an artificial main network placed on the ground reference plane.
The equipment is powered with the AC power operating voltage of 120 V / 60 Hz.

Frequency range: 150 kHz - 30 MHz

Detection mode: Peak / Quasi-peak / Average

Bandwidth: 10 kHz / 9 kHz

Equipment under test operating condition:

The equipment under test is blocked in alternation of emission and reception mode without tag. During this
measure the WLAN is also active, only the worst critical results for WLAN at 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz are reported

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          Sample N° 1:

          Measurement on the mains power supply:

          The measurement is first realized with peak detector.
          The highest frequencies are then analyzed with Quasi-peak detector and Average detector

          Curve N° 1:    measurement on the Neutral
                                                                                             FCC part 15 : 11 §107 - Classe:A - Moyenne/
                                                                                             FCC part 15 : 11 §107 - Classe:A - QCrête/
                                                                                             Mes.Peak (Neutre)
                                                                                             QPeak () (Neutre)
                                                                                             CISPR AVG () (Neutre)


         150kHz                                                                                                                  30MHz
                                                               Fréquence                                                   Ligne: Neutre

           Frequency     Quasi-      QP Limit    QP margin      Frequency     Average      Average         Average
                          peak                                                               Limit          margin
             (MHz)       (dBµV)       (dBµV)        (dB)           (MHz)       (dBµV)      (dBµV)            (dB)
              0.54        53.12       73.000       19.880             0.54      39.51       60.000          20.490
              0.882       46.39       73.000       26.610            0.882      36.49       60.000          23.510
              1.489       47.93       73.000       25.070            1.489      30.66       60.000          29.340
              1.831       45.27       73.000       27.730            1.831      31.15       60.000          28.850
             18.649       40.22       73.000       32.780           18.649      32.08       60.000          27.920
             29.575       41.47       73.000       31.530           29.575      30.87       60.000          29.130

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          Curve N° 2:   measurement on the Line
                                                                                        FCC part 15 : 11 §107 - Classe:A - Moyenne/
                                                                                        FCC part 15 : 11 §107 - Classe:A - QCrête/
                                                                                        Mes.Peak (Phase 1)
                                                                                        QPeak () (Phase 1)
                                                                                        CISPR AVG () (Phase 1)


         150kHz                                                                                                             30MHz
                                                            Fréquence                                               Ligne: Phase 1

           Frequency    Quasi-     QP Limit   QP margin      Frequency    Average     Average         Average
                         peak                                                           Limit          margin
             (MHz)      (dBµV)     (dBµV)          (dB)         (MHz)     (dBµV)      (dBµV)            (dB)
              0.537      53.77     73.000         19.230          0.537    39.73       60.000          20.270
              0.879      48.36     73.000         24.640          0.879    39.49       60.000          20.510
              1.486      47.28     73.000         25.720          1.486    32.88       60.000          27.120
              1.831      45.32     73.000         27.680          1.831    32.99       60.000          27.010
               10        41.11     73.000         31.890             10    32.57       60.000          27.430
             18.493      37.44     73.000         35.560         18.493    33.53       60.000          26.470
             29.908      40.33     73.000         32.670         29.908    33.75       60.000          26.250

          Test conclusion:


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  Temperature (°C) : 24                        Humidity (%HR): 36                       Date : March 15, 2018
  Technician : T. LEDRESSEUR

  Standard: FCC Part 15

  Test procedure: Paragraph 15.215

  Test set up:

  Test realized in near field. All field strength measurements are correlated with the radiated maximum peak
  output power

  Test operating condition of the equipment:

  The equipment under test is blocked in alternation of emission and reception.

  Power source: 120 Vac – 60 Hz through a variac
  Percentage of voltage variation during the test (%):                                1


  Lower Band Edge: From 13.090 MHz to 13.110 MHz
  Upper Band Edge: From 14.010 MHz to 14.030 MHz

  Sample N° 1:

Fundamental        Field Strength Detector            Frequency of         Delta      Calculated    Limit       Margin
frequency          Level of       (Peak or            maximum              Marker     Max Out-of-   (dBµV/m)    (dB)
(MHz)              fundamental Average)               Band-edges           (dB) (1)   Band
                   (dBµV/m)                           Emission                        Emission
                                                      (MHz)                           Level
13.56              44.17               Peak           13.0866375           -38.68     5.49          48.58       43.09
13.56              44.17               Peak           14.0317375           -38.67     5.5           48.58       43.08

        (1) Marker-Delta method

  band-edge curves are given in appendix 4.

  Test conclusion:


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10.   OPERATION WITHIN THE BAND 13.110 – 14.010 MHZ

Temperature (°C) : 21.8               Humidity (%HR): 40.2                   Date : March 16, 2018
Technician : T. LEDRESSEUR

Standard: FCC Part 15

Test procedure: paragraph 15.225 (a), (b), (c), (e)

Test set up:

First an exploratory radiated measurement was performed. During this phase the product is oriented in two
orthogonal planes.

Then the final measurement is realized with the product on the most critical orientation.

The system is tested in an open area test site (OATS). The EUT is placed on a rotating table, 0.8 m from a
ground plane. Zero degree azimuth corresponds to the front of the equipment under test.

The frequency tolerance and the spectral mask between 13.010 MHz and 14.110 MHz measures are realized
in near-field.

Detection mode: Quasi-peak (F < 1 GHz)

Bandwidth: 9 kHz (150 kHz < F < 30MHz)

Distance of antenna: 10 meters

Antenna height: 1 meter

Antenna polarization: oriented in the vertical plane. The lowest point of the loop is 1m above ground level.

Equipment under test operating condition:

The equipment under test is blocked in alternation of emission and reception mode.

A passive tag is used for the spectral mask

Power source: 120 Vac – 60 Hz through a variac
Percentage of voltage variation during the test (%):                       1

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Sample N° 1:

Carrier field strength

                                                  Field strength (dBµV/m) at frequency:
                                                                  13.56 MHz
 Normal test conditions measure at 10 m                            44.17
Normal test conditions correlated at 30 m                          25.09
          Limits at 30m (dBµV/m)                                    84
                 Margin (dB)                                       58.91
Polarization of test antenna: 45° at the equipment at 0 degree.
Position of equipment: see photos in “Test setup” document (azimuth: 240°)

Field strength within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz
                                                                             Masque 15.225/A2.6 - Classe: - Crête/10.0m/
                                                                             Mes.Peak (Verticale)



            13.1MHz                                                                                            14.02MHz

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        Frequency stability

        Results for temperature variation

        Realized with a power source at 120 Vac – 60 Hz through a variac

              Mesure at startup             Measure at 2 min          Measure at 5 min         Measure at 10 min
Temperature Frequency                    Frequency                 Frequency                 Frequency
                       Frequency                     Frequency                 Frequency                Frequency        limit
   (°C)     measured                     measured                  measured                  measured
                        drift (kHz)                  drift (kHz)               drift (kHz)               drift (kHz)    (kHz)
              (MHz)                        (MHz)                     (MHz)                     (MHz)
     50     13.559638     -0.362         13.559627     -0.373      13.559624     -0.376      13.559623     -0.377
     40     13.559636     -0.364         13.559625     -0.375      13.559624     -0.376      13.559624     -0.376
     30     13.559648     -0.352         13.559634     -0.366      13.559630      -0.37      13.559628     -0.372
     20     13.559668     -0.332         13.559648     -0.352      13.559643     -0.357      13.559642     -0.358      ± 1.356
     10     13.559681     -0.319         13.559663     -0.337      13.559661     -0.339      13.559660      -0.34        (a)
     0      13.559717     -0.283         13.559706     -0.294      13.559701     -0.299      13.559697     -0.303
    -10     13.559710      -0.29         13.559722     -0.278      13.559721     -0.279      13.559718     -0.282
    -20     13.559677     -0.323         13.559714     -0.286      13.559719     -0.281      13.559722     -0.278
            (a) ±0.01% of the operating frequency

        Results for power supply variation

        Realized at +20 °C

            Power        Frequency               Drift
            supply       measured                limit
                                   drift (kHz)
             (Vac)         (MHz)                (kHz)
              102        13.559632   -0.368
                                               ± 1.356
              120        13.559668   -0.332
              138        13.559724   -0.276
            (a) ±0.01% of the operating frequency

        Test conclusion:


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Temperature (°C) : 23                 Humidity (%HR): 35                     Date : March 15, 2018
Technician : T. LEDRESSEUR

Standard: FCC Part 15

Test procedure: paragraph 209
                paragraph 15.225 (d)

Test set up:

First an exploratory radiated measurement was performed. During this phase the product is oriented in two
orthogonal planes.

Then the final measurement is realized with the product on the most critical orientation.

The exploratory measurement is realized in anechoic chamber and the final measure is realized on open area
test site.

When the system is tested in an open area test site (OATS), the EUT is placed on a rotating table, 0.8m from
a ground plane.

When the system is tested in anechoic chamber, the EUT is placed on a rotating table, 1.65 m from a ground

Zero degree azimuths correspond to the front of the device under test.

See photos in appendix 2.

Frequency range: From 9 kHz to 1GHz.

Detection mode: Quasi-peak (F < 1 GHz)

Bandwidth:     200Hz (9 kHz < F < 150kHz)
               9 kHz (150 kHz < F < 30MHz)
               120 kHz (30 MHz < F < 1 GHz)

Distance of antenna: 10 meters (in open area test site) / 3 meters (in anechoic room)

Antenna height: 1 to 4 meters (in open area test site) / 1.65 meter (in anechoic room)

Antenna polarization: vertical and horizontal (only the highest level is recorded)

Equipment under test operating condition:

The equipment under test is blocked in alternation of emission and reception mode

Power source: 120 Vac – 60 Hz through a variac
Percentage of voltage variation during the test (%):                       1

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 Sample N° 1:

 Below 30 MHz
Frequencies Detector RBW          Polarization   Position of   Field     Field      Limits     Margin
   (MHz)       P     (kHz)        (Parallel     the product strength   strength   (dBV/m)      (dB)
              QP                  Perpendicular     (b)      Measured Computed
              Av                  Horizontal)                 at 10 m  at 30 m
                                                             (dBV/m) (dBV/m)
  27.12         QP        9              /           2         18 (a)    -1.09       29.5      30.59
    (a) Noise floor
    (b) see document test setup

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 Above 30 MHz
Frequencies Detector RBW Polarization             Position of   Field        Field       Limits     Margin
   (MHz)       P     (kHz) H: Horizontal         the product strength      strength    (dBV/m)      (dB)
              QP           V: Vertical               (a)      Measured    Computed
              Av                                               at 10 m      at 3 m
                                                              (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)
  37.786         P      100       V                   2         28.98       38.58         40         1.42
   40.37         P      100       V                   1         29.97       39.57         40         0.43
  52.355        QP      120       V                   1         28.25       37.85         40         2.15
  65.734         P      100       V                   1         19.91       29.51         40         10.49
  74.795         P      100       V                   1         27.29       36.89         40         3.11
  81.493         P      100       V                   1         22.11       31.71         40         8.29
  245.12         P      100       H                   2         26.61       36.21         46         9.79
  247.52         P      100       H                   1         25.72       35.32         46         10.68
    250          P      100       H                   1         23.75       33.35         46         12.65
    264          P      100       H                   1         31.52       41.12         46         4.88
  346.56         P      100       H                   1         26.84       36.44         46         9.56
  375.04         P      100       H                   1         25.88       35.48         46         10.52
    396          P      100       H                   2         36.32       45.92         46         0.08
    400          P      100       H                   1         26.03       35.63         46         10.37
  414.96         P      100       H                   1         25.69       35.29         46         10.71
  425.04         P      100       H                   1         28.65       38.25         46         7.75
  717.04         P      100       V                   2         33.36       42.96         46         3.04
     P= Peak, QP=Quasi-peak, Av=Average
     (a) see document test setup

 Not any harmonics has been observed

 Applicable limits:   for 9 kHz ≤ F ≤ 490 kHz : 2400/F(kHz) at 300 meters
                       for 490 kHz < F ≤ 1.705 MHz : 24000/F(kHz) at 30 meters
                       for 1.705 MHz < F ≤ 30 MHz : 29.5 dBµV/m at 30 meters
                       for 30 MHz < F ≤ 88 MHz : 40 dBµV/m at 3 meters
                       for 88 MHz < F ≤ 216 MHz : 43.5 dBµV/m at 3 meters
                       for 216 MHz < F ≤ 960 MHz : 46 dBµV/m at 3 meters
                       Above 960 MHz : 54 dBµV/m at 3 meters

 Test conclusion:


                         End of report, (4) appendixes to be forwarded 

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APPENDIX 1: Photos of the equipment under test

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                               APPENDIX 2: Test equipment list

                                            Conducted limits

                    TYPE                               MANUFACTURER           EMITECH NUMBER
Outside room Hors cage                         Emitech                              8893
Test receiver ESI7                             Rohde & Schwarz                      8707
Absorber sheath current                        Emitech                             10523
High pass filter EZ-25                         Rohde & Schwarz                     11535
LISN ESH3-Z5                                   Rohde & Schwarz                      8720
Cable N-5m                                     -                                    8590
Power source 1251RP                            California instruments               8508
Multimeter IDM106N                             ISOTECH                              8676
Meteo station WS-9232                          La Crosse Technology                 8750
Software                                       GPIBShot V2.4                          -

                Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations

                    TYPE                            MANUFACTURER              EMITECH NUMBER
Full anechoic chamber                          EMITECH                             10759
Satellite synchronized frequency standard      ACQUISYS                             8896
Spectrum Analyzer FSP40                        Rohde & Schwarz                        4088
Loop antenna 6502                              EMCO                                   1406
Cable N-1m                                     SUCOFLEX                              14302
Cable N-2m                                     SUCOFLEX                              14303
Cable N-2.5m                                   SUCOFLEX                              14304
Cable N-4m                                     SUCOFLEX                              14305
Cable N-1.5m                                   -                                      9398
Power source 1251RP                            California instruments                 8508
Multimeter IDM106N                             ISOTECH                                8676
Meteo station WS-9232                          La Crosse Technology                   8750
Software                                       GPIBShot V2.4                            -

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                                                                          RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

                          Operation within the band 13.110 – 14.010 MHz

                   TYPE                            MANUFACTURER              EMITECH NUMBER
Open test site                              EMITECH                                8732
Full anechoic chamber                       EMITECH                               10759
Modulation analyzer HP 8901B                Hewlett Packard                        1211
Satellite synchronized frequency standard   ACQUISYS                               8896
Test receiver ESI7                          Rohde & Schwarz                          8707
Spectrum Analyzer FSP40                     Rohde & Schwarz                          4088
Loop antenna 6502                           EMCO                                     1406
Cable N-1m                                  SUCOFLEX                                14302
Cable N-2m                                  SUCOFLEX                                14303
Cable N-2.5m                                SUCOFLEX                                14304
Cable N-4m                                  SUCOFLEX                                14305
Cable N-1.5m                                -                                        9398
Cable N-1m                                  -                                        8572
Cable N-10m                                 -                                        8578
Climatic chamber F0-100                     MPC                                      7045
Power source 1251RP                         California instruments                   8508
Multimeter IDM106N                          ISOTECH                                  8676
Meteo station WS-9232                       La Crosse Technology                     8750
Software                                    BAT-EMC V3.6.0.32                        0000

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                                                                        RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

                        Field strength outside the band 13.110-14.010 MHz

                   TYPE                          MANUFACTURER               EMITECH NUMBER
Open test site                              EMITECH                               8732
Full anechoic chamber                       EMITECH                              10759
Satellite synchronized frequency standard   ACQUISYS                              8896
Test receiver ESI7                          Rohde & Schwarz                        8707
Spectrum Analyzer FSP40                     Rohde & Schwarz                        4088
Loop antenna 6502                           EMCO                                   1406
Cable N-1m                                  SUCOFLEX                              14302
Cable N-2m                                  SUCOFLEX                              14303
Cable N-2.5m                                SUCOFLEX                              14304
Cable N-4m                                  SUCOFLEX                              14305
Cable N-1.5m                                -                                      9398
Cable N-1m                                  -                                      8572
Cable N-10m                                 -                                      8578
Biconical antenna 3110                      Emco                                   7240
Biconical antenna VHA 9103                  Schwarzbeck                            8528
Log periodic antenna HL223                  Rohde & Schwarz                        7190
Log periodic antenna 3147                   EMCO                                   8783
Low-noise amplifier ZFL-1000LN              Mini-circuit                          10730
Power source 1251RP                         California instruments                 8508
Multimeter IDM106N                          ISOTECH                                8676
Meteo station WS-9232                       La Crosse Technology                   8749
Meteo station WS-9232                       La Crosse Technology                   8750
Software                                    BAT-EMC V3.6.0.32                      0000

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                                                                            RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

                                      APPENDIX 3: 99% bandwidth

                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      VBW 10 kHz                63.38 dBµV
       Ref   77 dBµV          * Att    10 dB          SWT 60 ms           13.559637500 MHz

                                                                      OBW167.937500000 kHz
                                                                      Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                27.99 dBµV    A
                                                                          13.469812500 MHz
1 PK
       60                                                             Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                27.63 dBµV
                                                                          13.637750000 MHz


                               T1                                T2

       20                                                                                    3DB





       Center 13.56 MHz                        50 kHz/                        Span 500 kHz

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                                                                       RR051-18-100254-1-A Ed. 0

                                 APPENDIX 4: Band edge

                                                  * RBW   10 kHz   Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                   VBW 30 kHz                -38.67 dB
       Ref   77 dBµV          * Att   10 dB        SWT 40 ms          472.225000000 kHz

                                                                   OBW167.050000000 kHz
                                                                   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             63.30 dBµV   A
                                                                       13.559512500 MHz
1 PK
       60                                                          Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                             -38.68 dB
                                                                     -472.875000000 kHz
                                                                   Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                             34.56 dBµV
                                                                       13.477612500 MHz
                                         T1                        Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                      T2                     32.07 dBµV

       30                                                              13.644662500 MHz
                 2                                                           3

       20                                                                                 3DB





       Center 13.56 MHz                   130 kHz/                         Span 1.3 MHz

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Document Created: 2019-01-22 17:10:12
Document Modified: 2019-01-22 17:10:12

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