User manual


Users Manual

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                    1.Description ofappearance   2Initlal Use Instructions                         ®comneatingtence                                    wotonttentainy
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                                                                                                   3. Introduction of Maln Functions
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   Manual Automatic and Private Mode of Blood Pressure Testing                                 PhoneTracking                                                                   Notifications/Pushes                                                                                                                                 €) How to change different physlological states?
                                                                                               "H Band" must be running in the background on the phone to                      When a new message arrives, the device vibrates and the screen                   Physiological Period RemindevW
   Switching to manual blood pressure testing interface wl
                                                                                               use this feature.To track their phone, the user must turn the
                                                                                                                                                                           I   shows relevant notifications and corresponding icons.                            This feature can be used as a timely reminder of the users          Tap and enter Into the*Personal Serings!
   allow device to start test automatically, The test time depends
                                                                                                                                                                           I                                                                                    different physiological states.                                     then pull down the lt to the right botwom.
   on the user‘s body condition.ts normal for the test to take                                 device Mode to‘seek phoneA long press on the touch area                         Astention: please switch on APP notfications first; Relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Note: This function is only available in Chinese / Englshsystem.    Enter via the physiological status fcon o
                                                                                               will cause the phoneto respond.                                             I   communication tools should be set to allow contents to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to adjust settings.
   The numerical display during the test is —,/— . Ifthere is no                                                                                                           I   be shown on the device screen.
                                                                                               Count—Down                                                                                                                                            € How to turn on the function?
   blood pressure result, the device will display x0x,/200¢. If                                After setting the Count Down Mode the count—down begins. A                  I   Call reminder                                                           User can set their gender in their profile within the APP. Ifthe gender is
   this appears, please ensure that the sensoris close to the skin.                            sand clock will display on the device screen, and the device will
   Please keep your body relaxed and stil during the test. After 70                                                                                                        I   The device will remind you with vibration when you have a               Yfemale‘ the system reminds the user promptly to set up her                  0 4. Notes
                                                                                               vibrate bath when count—down begins and finishes. A quick start                                                                                         physiological period (funnecessary then tap to skip}. There are four
                                                                                                                                                                           I    coming callShort press to mute, long press to refect the call
   seconds of testing, the device wl enter into standby mode,                                  switchcan also be set for high frequency events. A long hold on                                                                                         statuses for female physiological period. They are *Period? ‘Preparing for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1) Do not use a charger with a current greater than 5V2A.
   regardless of whether results have been isplayed. The results                               the touch area willinitiate the Count Down quick start.                     I   Sedentary reminder                                                      Pregnancy© ‘Pregnancy‘ "Postpartur‘ User Information and status wl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Charging time is 90 minutes;
   captured on the device wl not be stored.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2) Do not chargeif the device is water damaged;
                                                                                                                                                                           I   This function can be tuned on using the APR The user can set a          be saved in the APR
                                                                                               Stopwatch                                                                        time value for the warning . When the device detects that the use                                                                                    3) Do not wear this device while you are washing hands,
   The user can find the blood pressure icon Q at the bottom
                                                                                               The stopwatch can beswitched on using the Stopwatch                         I                                                                                                                                                            doing strenuous exerclse or when itralning
   ofthe APP interface and can enter into the manual blood                                                                                                                      has sat or kept stllfor the set time limit,the device will vibrate
   pressure test interface from there. The user can choose
                                                                                               function in the APP. Once it is tuned on, the device will go into           I    to remind the user to move around.                                                                                                                   4) This is an electionic monitorIng product; data recelved from It cannot
   General Mode or Private Mode to test and he can choose to                                   Stopwatch mode. While the stopwatch is running, tap on the                  |                                                                                                                                                            be used as medical reference and is for reference only;
                                                                                               touch area to pause or continue the count, Anather long press                   Heart Rate Warning
   save or discard the test results obtained through the APR.                                                                                                              I                                                                                                                                                         5) Blood pressure testing tip:
                                                                                               stops the count.                                                                Using the APR the user can choose to tuin on the heart rate
   Turn on the automatic blood pressure monitoring through the
                                                                                               Attention: While in stopwatch made, all restreminders and                   I   waming and preset the upper imit oftheir heart rate.Ifthe                                                                                             Keep your body relaxed and stl while testing.
   APP; The device will automatically test blood pressure every                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Keep device at the same helght as where your
                                                                                               pushes notifications will be temporarlly blocked. The maximum               I   device detects that the user‘s heart rate has reached or
   hour. Afzer syncing, the results captured wll be presented at                                                                                                               exceeded the preset value, it will vibrates and display the                                                                                           heart is (ike the picture on the righ), and don‘t
   the blood pressure Interface.
                                                                                               time—count reaches up to 99 min 59 sec.                                     I                                                                                                                                                         talk while you are tessing.
                                                                                                                                                                               following icon on the device screen ¥r.                               @ How to modify current phystological status on user‘s device?
                                                                                               Alarm Clock and Events Reminder
                                                                                                                                                                           I                                                                                                                                                         6) The photoelectric sensor is a highly—sensitive component, and should
   if the user has acquired blood pressure results through                                                                                                                     Remote Photograph
   professional medical instruments, they can enter this data in                               Multiple alarms can be set through "Settings"in the APR.                    I   To use the device to take a remote photograph, the user can                                                                                           be careful not to be damaged by hard objects. The device may be sweat
   the Private Modleof Blood Pressure of the AP(Attention: to                                  Snooze reminders for the alarms can be set within the APR.                  I   turn on the Camera Mode in the APF, then quickly shaking                 Change the settings through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     stained or have dust attached after wearing it for a perfod of time. User
   those users who are aware oftheir high blood pressure, please                               This function can also add tags for important things which                  I   the walst.                                                               the female section on the                &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     can use soft cloth to clean regularly.
   take the real blood pressure reading before using any blaod                                 happening in the future. When set time arrives, the device wil
                                                                                                                                                                           I   Waterproof
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        APP dashboard.
   pressure medicine},To make sure the test resultis valid, please                             vibrate and show those tags.
                                                                                                                                                                           I   This device is lfe waterproof and sultable for hands washing,
   input the actual blood pressure.If the device has been set to
   test in private mode, then the Private Mode has to be canceled
                                                                                                                                                                           I   rain or cald shower, not suitable for plunge, dive ar soak.

   before any more tests for other people can betaken.                                                                                                                     I

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Satement

Thisdevise comples wih pat 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operaion is subjec to he faloning hro «Rearient orrelocats the recsiving antemna
cendiions:(1) Ths deve may not cause harmt intererence, and (2) his devie must «inersass ths seperation between the eavipment and receiver
accept anyinefernce recevedincludng inleference bat may cause undesire operaton «Connect the eqviementnto an autet on a civuit diferent from that to which the receveris
MoteThis equpmenthas been testd and found o comply wi thImisfora Clas 8 digta! «Consul the dealer oran experienced racia‘TV technician or help.
devie, pusuantlo par 15 ofthe FCC Rules.TheseImisaredesigned toprovidereasonable
proecion againt hamf nerrence i a residentalnsalaton, Ths equipment genrates Warning: Chenges or modifcations made to his device not expressly approved by Weless
wses and canradiate rad Frequensy energyand, f notinclaled and used in aesordance wih Technology (Shenhen) Co, LtS. may veidthe FCC authorizaton to operate ts device
theinstuelons, may cause harmfulinteerencs to radi communicatons, However,there s Note: The manufectirer is not responsie for any radlo or TV interfrence caused by
no gusrante tntintertrence wil not occuri a prtetarnstalaton. Ifis equipment does unauthorized modifcations to this equipment. Such modifeatons could void the users
eause harnfuintetrence to radi otevision receplon, uhichcan be dermined byuming authorly t operate the eqvipment
the eqviement of and on, th useris encouraged t y to corectth nferfrence by one or
moreofthe folouing messures:

Document Created: 2018-03-22 13:57:48
Document Modified: 2018-03-22 13:57:48

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