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Technical Documentation

                          Installation Manual


Technical Documentation

 DOC        Hub Installation Manual                           Issue Date       17/10/2018

>>> Change History <<<

  Rev                Date                    Issued By          Description
   1.0             17/10/18                     DB              Version 1.0

 Prepared by:        DB                                       Date      17/10/18

 Reviewed by:


The Technical documentation is describing and defining the usage of specified items for technical experts. It shell
describe features of the defined topic, expected performance and examples. Target audience is professional trained
experts only.

Definitions and Abbreviations

                    All diagrams shall be provided in a way that they can be directly transferred into any
 Diagram            relevant Marketing material such as Technical Specifications or User Manual.

                    All instructions shall be formulated or presented in a way that they can be understood by a
                    third-party layman and used as basis for descriptions in the User Manual


Technical Documentation

Table of Contents
General                                 5
  Introduction                          5
  Safety Instructions                   5
  Package content                       5
Specification Hub                       6
  Interfaces                            6
  Power Compatibility                   6
  Technical Data                        7
  Dimensions                            8
Installation Hub                        9
  Mounting Options                      9
  Mounting on Wall                      9
  Mounting on Ceiling                  10
Setup Hub                              11
  User Interface (Buttons & LEDs)      11
  Network connect                      12
  IP settings (wired LAN connection)   12
  Pairing of wireless Sensors (Dots)   12
  Clear Buffer Data                    13
  Reset RF setting                     13
Admin Portal                           14
  Status page                          14
  Network page                         15
  Sensors                              15
Setup Dot                              16
  General                              16
  Powering Dot                         17
  Mounting Dot                         17
  Connecting Sensor Probe              18
  Pairing Dot                          18
  Button / LED                         18
  Factory reset Dot                    19
  Dimensions Dot                       19
Firmware update                        20


Technical Documentation
  Firmware update from cloud   20
 Firmware update manually      20


Technical Documentation

           The Hub is a central IoT gateway with integrated wireless transmitters to uplink sensor data to the cloud
           backend. The Hub can connect to Energybox sensors (Dot) wirelessly and receive sensor data. The
           information will be time synchronized and aggregated. Connected to internet via LAN interface or the
           internal cellular modem the data can be uplinked to the cloud database.

          This document describes how to install a unit and ensure proper operation. Besides general information
          you will be guided through the physical installment process and the operation of device and data uplink

Safety Instructions
           Please always disconnect power before installing the unit ! Any installation should be done by certified
           personnel. Please make sure the unit is not connected to any voltage level outside specification.

Package content
          The package contains the following items:

              ▪    Hub
              ▪    Mounting Plate
              ▪    Mounting-Screws
              ▪    Sim card (optional)
              ▪    CAT5 cable (LAN)
              ▪    Antenna for RF connection
              ▪    Antenna for cellular connection
              ▪    AC/DC Power adaptor
              ▪    DC Jack Adaptor for fixed wire mounting on DC cord


Technical Documentation

Specification Hub


    1          LAN port                        RJ 45 TCP/IP               CAT5 or higher
    2          Antenna 4G (green code)         SMA Jack                   -
    3          USB Port for backup battery     Micro USB                  Micro USB cable
    4          DC Power port                   DC Jack 2.5mm              Adaptor or DC In hole Jack
    5          Antenna RF (grey code)          SMA Jack                   -

Power Compatibility
         The Hub provides various options to power the unit. All of them can be operated simultaneously and
         provide fallback feature between each other.

              POWER INPUT               DESCRIPTION                           PORT SPECIFICATION

              POE                       Power over Ethernet                   LAN RJ45
              DC JACK                   5V / 2A DC input                      AC/DC adaptor required
              USB POWER                 5V / 2A USB power from battery        Micro USB; not charging is
                                        power pack for backup of unit         provided


Technical Documentation

Technical Data

          Build In Powersupply
          Power Input            DC Power input 5V / 2A, AC-DC Power Adaptor 90-240VAC, 50/60 Hz
                                 PoE via LAN port
                                 USB 5V / 2A battery power pack support (backup function)

          Sensor Communication
          RF Frequency           902-928 MHz (US version)
          Antenna                SMA, 3dBi gain
          Wireless range         1000 ft / 300m (in line of sight), 150 ft / 45m (indoor)
                                 Range may vary according to environmental variables
          Max no of Sensors      50
          Security               AES-128 Encryption

          Network Communication
          LAN                    RJ45 10/100 Mbps
          Security               TLS1.2, AES-128 Encryption
          IP                     DHCP or static IPv4
          Bandwidth              min. 128kBps upload speed
          4G                     LTE/4G Modem with dedicated Simcard
          Antenna                SMA, 3dBi gain

          Data Logger
          Memory Size            120MB
          Capacity               Max. 4 weeks

          Mounting/Housing       Wall or Ceiling mount
          Size                   DIA 7.88” x H 2.21”
                                 DIA 200mm x H56mm
          Weight                 0.98lbs / 445g

          Environmental conditions
          Location               Indoor Unit
          Operating Temp.        32°F to 113°F (0°C to +45°C)
          Storage Temp.          -22°F to 140°F (-30°C to +60°C ()
          Humidity               max. 90% non-condensing



Technical Documentation



Technical Documentation
Installation Hub

Mounting Options
         The Hub can be mounted in different options on Wall, Ceiling or Desk. Necessary mounting equipment is
         provided as accessory.

Mounting on Wall


Technical Documentation
Mounting on Ceiling


Technical Documentation

Setup Hub
User Interface (Buttons & LEDs)


           1    RF Status         Red               No Sensor connected
                                  Amber             At least one sensor of whitelist connected, but some missing
                                  Green             All Sensors from whitelist connected
           2    Pairing Mode      Off               Pairing Mode disabled
                                  Green flash       Pairing Mode enabled
           3    Cloud Status      Red               Disconnected
                                  Amber             Connected to Cloud, Buffer mode operation
                                  Green             Connected to Cloud
           4    4G/LTE Status     Off               Disabled or no Simcard inserted
                                  Red               No signal detected
                                  Amber             Signal detected, but no Host-Server connection
                                  Green             Connected to Host-Server
           5    Central Status    Green             Normal operation
                                  Green flash       Firmware updating
                                  Amber             Buffer erase in progress
                                  Red flash (1x)    Door opened
                                  Cyan flash (1x)   Door closed
                                  Blue flash (1x)   Button double click on dot


Technical Documentation

Network connect
          The Hub requires an Internet connection and offers connectivity via the internal LAN network connection
          port or build in 4G Modem. Default setting is to 4G modem as primary link to Internet. The LAN port
          supports standard Ethernet communication at 10/100Mbps and TCP/IP protocol.

          Standard unit is equipped with international simcard for mobile network access and does not require
          user interaction for linking the unit to internet. After unit is powered will automatically link to cellular
          network and connect to cloud. The LEDs on unit indicate current state.

          For wired connectivity the Hub supports a local LAN interface, standard set to DHCP IP setting and with
          ability link to cloud through any standard broadband router. IP settings can be modified in admin portal
          of Hub towards static IPv4 setting.

IP settings (wired LAN connection)
            Default setting for IP connection of Hub is set to DHCP. There is a 4G over LAN fallback enabled.

          In case of usage inside a local network with firewall the following ports are required to be open to access
          the energybox cloud system:

Pairing of wireless Sensors (Dots)
The Hub supports whitelist method of pairing of sensors to the Hub. Each wireless sensor is equipped with a global
unique ID (UID) and once powered the sensor will seek for a Energybox Hub to transmit data to. The whitelist is a
list of UID inside Hub which is the ‘allowance list’. Hub will only accept sensors transmitting data to Hub that are
listed in whitelist. Once a sensor is transmitting data to Hub it is in paired mode causing the sensor to no longer
seek for a Hub rather than transmitting data in regular configured interval.

On admin portal of Hub is an overview of listed sensors in whitelist and status (paired / non-paired).

To add a device to whitelist and pair with Hub activate the pairing mode on Hub.


Technical Documentation

The green LED of pairing mode starts flashing and Dots that are not yet paired and seeking for Hub will pair to Hub
accordingly. The flashing LED on dot indicates pairing seek and will be in off state once paired.

ATTENTION: Do not start pairing mode on multiple Hubs simultaneously in same communication area next to each
other as the pairing will be random by then.

Clear Buffer Data
The Hub provides Memory for storing measurement data up to 4 weeks in case of disconnect to host server. This
data can be manually erased following the procedure:

Step 1: power off Hub
Step 2: Hold RF link button

Step 3: Power on Hub

Step 4: RF link and cloud LED turn red, Status LED turn green

Step 5: Keep pressing RF link button for 15s

Step 6: Pairing and RF link LED turn green

Step 7: Release button

Reset RF setting
During normal operation of Hub press and hold RF link button and pairing button for 5s. This will reset the RF


Technical Documentation
Admin Portal

The Hub is providing an internal webserver allowing access to devices admin portal for manual configuration
settings. To enter the admin portal attach the Hub to your network or computer with a wired LAN connection.

Start an internet browser (preferred Chrome) and enter the Hubs IP address. You will be linked to the device admin

        Credentials for login:
        User : hubadmin
        Password : hubadmin

    Status page

Landing page is the status of unit:

             UUID                 Unique ID of Hub (same as MAC adress of LAN port)

             Server               Host Server setting the Hub is connecting to

             Status               Cloud link status (connected to Host server)

             Network              Network type and carrier

             LTE RSSI             Signal strength of RSSI on 4G/LTE

             LTE                  Signal quality of 4G/LTE connection

             Sim card             Status of simcard

             Paired Sensors       Number of paired Sensors to Hub


Technical Documentation

Network page

          Ethernet setting applies between DHCP mode of operation or fixed IPv4 setting. Ports in use please see
          referring chapter in manual.

          Mobile setting applies the 4G/LTE setting. For Energybox simcard set to default. In case of instable 4G
          network a preference handling Mobile/LAN can be set.

          NTP servers are set to default NTP pool operation. In case of operating of unit inside intranetwork the
          settings can be modified.

          Cloud setting defaults to standard Energybox Host Server and can be modified for intranetwork


          Current whitelist of sensors shows which UID of sensors will be accepted by Hub and their actual pair

          Unpaired sensors shows only sensors that are seeking for Hub to pair to. On admin portal can manually
          add those to whitelist.


Technical Documentation

Setup Dot


          The Energybox Dot Sensor lines supports two models:

          Ambient Dot with internal temperature and humidity sensor

          Sensor Dot with external probe connector.


Technical Documentation

Powering Dot

The Dot can be battery powered or DC hard wired powered.

Open top cover by turn counterclockwise and insert 2x AA batteries (non-rechargeable). For DC wiring connect a 5V
/ 200mA DC source to the terminal for powering and follow polarity mark. The wiring can be support from
backside of dot through hole.

Mounting Dot


Technical Documentation

The dot comes with Velcro-tape for easy mounting on surface. Screw mounting is also provided and suitable
screws are in accessory of Dot package.

Connect the antenna to SMA jack of Dot. The Dot cannot operate properly without antenna connected.

Connecting Sensor Probe

The sensor connector supports probes from Energybox portfolio. The probe can be connected to Dot via sensor
connector and will be recognized automatically. In case of probe requires powering the sensor port will provide
this and no additional equipment is needed to operate the probe.

Pairing Dot
After first power up the Dot sensor will seek for Hub to pair with. The LED will be on green flashing (slow) and it
needs to be made sure Hub in pairing mode is at near. A Hub with UID of Dot listed in whitelist will pair the Dot

After pairing done the LED of Dot will be off state.

Button / LED
          The Dot comes with one button and build in LED.

     LED COLOR                     SIGNAL STATUS

     Off                           Paired mode, normal operation
     Green flash (5s)              Seeking pairing to Hub
     Green flash (0.2s)            Pairing in process

     BUTTON PRESS                  SIGNAL STATUS

     Double click                  manual transmit of value, LED will flash up (6x) for proper transmission
                                   (can be used for checking connection to Hub)


Technical Documentation

Factory reset Dot
To factory reset Dot and activate pairing mode again follow the procedure:

Step 1: Press and hold button of Dot
Step 2: Power on Dot
Step 3: Keep holding button for >15s
Step 4: Ensure LED flash quick for 3s
Step 5: Click button once within 3s

Dimensions Dot


Technical Documentation
Firmware update
     Hub provides functionality for firmware update on both internal operating system and wireless connected
     devices. To ensure synchronized proper operation the Hub will update wireless connected devices
     automatically to same firmware being installed on Hub. Whilst the firmware update process on Hub is being
     performed in less than 1 Minute the update via RF to wireless connected devices might take time depending
     on bandwidth available in air traffic and number of devices connected to Hub.

     During Hub firmware update the Center LED is green flashing.

     During Dot or any wireless connected device firmware update the RF LED is flashing green/red. On Dot device
     the LED is flashing green quickly.

Firmware update from cloud
    For Firmware update on cloud follow online instruction.

Firmware update manually
    For manual firmware update in admin portal:

    1.   Connect the Hub to the LAN.
    2.   Enter Hub’s Admin portal
    3.   Goto Maintainance page
    4.   Enter Firmware update page and choose firmware-file from your computer
    5.   Wait until reboot of system
     Please note that the filename is case-sensitive.


Technical Documentation

FCC Regulatory Information

    These devices comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions :
    (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
    (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

    Caution :
    The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
    compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

    Note :
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
    part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
    interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
    energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
    radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
    installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
    determined by turning
    the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
    following measures:
        —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
        —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
        —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
        —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

    RF Exposure Statement :
    This equipment complies with FCC’s RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
    The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed and operated to provide a separation distance of at
    least 20 cm from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
    or transmitter. Installers must ensure that 20cm separation distance will be maintained between the device
    (excluding its handset) and users.


Document Created: 2018-11-05 15:04:09
Document Modified: 2018-11-05 15:04:09

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