Test report


Test Report

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                        Report No.:BSL18061126490001

                   FCC Part 15C
             Measurement and Test Report
                  Chongqing ARTOP Yuli Technology Co., Ltd.

                            FCC ID:2AP5N-ARTOP

     FCC Rule(s):                     FCC Part 15.247

     Product Description:             Wireless Speaker

     Tested Model:                    Spring A

     Report No.:                      BSL18061126490001

     Tested Date:                     June 12-27, 2018

     Issued Date:                     June 27, 2018

     Tested By:                       Lisa. Li / Engineer

     Reviewed By:                     arno. Liu / EMC Manager

     Approved & Authorized By:        Mike mo / PSQ Manager

     Prepared By:
                                 BSL Testing Co.,LTD.
                        NO. 24, ZH Park, Nantou, Shenzhen, 518000 China
            Tel: 86- 755-26508703                        Fax: 86- 755-26508703

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                                                            Report No.:BSL18061126490001

1. GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT).............................................................................. 3
   1.2 TEST STANDARDS................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.3 TEST METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................................................. 4
   1.4 TEST FACILITY........................................................................................................................................................ 4
   1.5 EUT SETUP AND TEST MODE................................................................................................................................. 5
   1.6 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY...............................................................................................................................5
   1.7 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS..................................................................................................................... 6
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS............................................................................................................................ 7
3. RF EXPOSURE.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
   3.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE......................................................................................................................................... 8
   3.2 TEST RESULT.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT................................................................................................................................... 9
   4.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE......................................................................................................................................... 9
   4.2 EVALUATION INFORMATION................................................................................................................................... 9
5. POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY............................................................................................................................ 10
   5.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE....................................................................................................................................... 10
   5.2 TEST PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................10
   5.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................10
   5.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................... 10
6. 6DB BANDWIDTH.................................................................................................................................................. 13
   6.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE....................................................................................................................................... 13
   6.2 TEST PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................13
   6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................13
   6.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................... 13
7. RF OUTPUT POWER............................................................................................................................................. 16
   7.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE....................................................................................................................................... 16
   7.2 TEST PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................16
   7.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................16
   7.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................... 16
8. FIELD STRENGTH OF SPURIOUS EMISSIONS.............................................................................................. 19
   8.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE....................................................................................................................................... 19
   8.2 TEST PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................19
   8.3 CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION........................................................................................... 20
   8.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................20
   8.5 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................... 21
9. OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS..................................................................................................................................26
   9.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE....................................................................................................................................... 26
   9.2 TEST PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................26
   9.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................27
   9.4 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................... 27
10. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS..................................................................................................................................28
  10.1 TEST PROCEDURE................................................................................................................................................28
  10.2 BASIC TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM.................................................................................................................28
  10.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS...........................................................................................................................28
  10.4 TEST RECEIVER SETUP........................................................................................................................................29
  10.5 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS.................................................................................................................. 29
  10.6 CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST DATA..................................................................................................................29

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                 Report No.:BSL18061126490001


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Client Information
  Applicant:                           Chongqing ARTOP Yuli Technology Co., Ltd.
  Address of applicant:                No. 1, South Road, University City, Shapingba District,
                                       Chongqing, China
  Manufacturer:                        ShenZhen E-FORTUNE Digital Manufactory Limited
  Address of manufacturer:             4th Floor Block4 and 3,King Mei Way Industrial Park Hiyi
                                       Village, Shajing Street, Bao an, Shenzhen,china

  General Description of EUT
  Product Name:                        Wireless Speaker
  Brand Name:                          N/A
  Model No.:                           Spring A
  Rated Voltage:                       DC 5V from USB&DC 3.7V from battery
  Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample provided by the manufacturer.

  Technical Characteristics of EUT
  Bluetooth Version:             V4.2 (BLE mode)
  Frequency Range:               2402-2480MHz
  RF Output Power:               -1.70dBm (Conducted)
  Modulation:                    GFSK
  Quantity of Channels:          40
  Channel Separation:            2MHz
  Type of Antenna:               PCB
  Antenna Gain:                  -0.68dBi

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1.2 Test Standards

The following report is prepared on behalf of the Bloom Sharing Technology LLC in accordance with FCC Part
15, Subpart C, and section 15.203, 15.205, 15.207, 15.209 and 15.247 of the Federal Communication
Commissions rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, and section 15.203, 15.205, 15.207,
15.209 and 15.247 of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
result in lowering the emission, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.10-2013, American National Standard
for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices, and ANSI C63.4-2014, American National Standard for Methods of
Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9
kHz to 40 GHz. The measurement guide KDB 558074 D01 v04 for digital transmission systems shall be
performed also.

1.4 Test Facility

BSL Testing Co.,LTD.
NO. 24, ZH Park, Nantou, Shenzhen, 518000 China
Designation Number : CN1217
Test Firm Registration Number: 866035
Tel: 86- 755-26508703
Fax: 86- 755-26508703

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1.5 EUT Setup and Test Mode

The EUT was operated in the engineering mode to fix the Tx frequency that was for the purpose of the
measurements. All testing shall be performed under maximum output power condition, and to measure its highest
possible emissions level, more detailed description as follows:

      Test Mode List
       Test Mode                   Description                                    Remark
         TM1                       GFSK(BLE)                         2402MHz, 2442MHz, 2480MHz

      EUT Cable List and Details
         Cable Description              Length (m)          Shielded/Unshielded       With / Without Ferrite
                   /                         /                        /                         /

      Special Cable List and Details
         Cable Description              Length (m)          Shielded/Unshielded       With / Without Ferrite
                   /                         /                         /                        /

      Auxiliary Equipment List and Details
            Description                Manufacturer                  Model                 Serial Number

1.6 Measurement Uncertainty

 Measurement uncertainty
                       Parameter                                     Conditions                     Uncertainty
               RF Output Power                                       Conducted                      ±0.42dB
             Occupied Bandwidth                                      Conducted                       ±1.5%
           Power Spectral Density                                    Conducted                       ±1.8dB
        Conducted Spurious Emission                                  Conducted                      ±2.17dB
            Conducted Emissions                                      Conducted                      ±2.88dB
       Transmitter Spurious Emissions                                Radiated                        ±5.1dB

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1.7 Test Equipment List and Details
    Description         Manufacturer        Model          Serial No.     Cal Date   Due. Date
Communication Tester   Rohde & Schwarz     CMW500            100358      2017-10-21 2018-10-20
 Spectrum Analyzer          R&S             FSP40            100550      2017-10-21 2018-10-20
    Test Receiver           R&S              ESCI7         US47140102 2017-10-21 2018-10-20
  Signal Generator           HP             83630B         3844A01028 2017-10-22 2018-10-21
    Test Receiver           R&S             ESPI-3           100180      2017-10-21 2018-10-20
     Amplifier             Agilent          8449B          4035A00116    2017-10-22 2018-10-21
     Amplifier               HP              8447E         2945A02770 2017-10-22 2018-10-21
  Signal Generator           IFR            2023A          202307/242    2017-10-22 2018-10-21
 Broadband Antenna      SCHAFFNER            2774             2774       2017-10-17 2018-10-16
  Biconical and log    ELECTRO-METRI
                                          EM-6917B-1          171        2017-10-17 2018-10-16
  periodic antennas          CS
   Horn Antenna             R&S             HF906            100253      2017-10-17 2018-10-16
   Horn Antenna              EM            EM-6961            6462       2017-10-17 2018-10-16
       LISN                 R&S            ESH3-Z5           100196      2017-10-17 2018-10-16
       LISN             COM-POWER           LI-115           02027       2017-10-17 2018-10-16
 3m Semi-Anechoic      Chengyu Electron   9 (L)*6 (W)*
                                                            BSL086       2017-10-21 2018-10-20
      Chamber                                6 (H)
   Horn Antenna          A-INFOMW         LB-180400KF       BSL088       2017-10-21 2018-10-20

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            FCC Rules                            Description of Test Item                   Result
              § 2.1093                                RF Exposure                            PASS
    §15.203;§15.247(b)(4)(i)                      Antenna Requirement                        PASS
              §15.205                          Restricted Band of Operation                  PASS
            §15.207(a)                             Conducted Emission                        PASS
            §15.247(e)                           Power Spectral Density                      PASS
          §15.247(a)(2)                              6 dB Bandwidth                          PASS
          §15.247(b)(3)                             RF Output Power                          PASS
            §15.209(a)                              Radiated Emission                        PASS
            §15.247(d)                    Band Edge (Out of Band Emissions)                  PASS

Note: PASS: applicable, N/A: not applicable.

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3. RF Exposure

3.1 Standard Applicable

According to§1.1307 and §2.1093, the portable transmitter must comply the RF exposure requirements.

3.2 Test Result

This product complied with the requirement of the RF exposure, please see the RF Exposure Report.

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4. Antenna Requirement

4.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the
provisions of this section.

4.2 Evaluation Information

This product has a PCB antenna, fulfill the requirement of this section.

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5. Power Spectral Density

5.1 Standard Applicable

According to 15.247(a)(1)(iii), For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the
intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of
continuous transmission.

5.2 Test Procedure

According to the KDB 558074 D01 v04, the test method of power spectral density as below:

a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c) Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
e) Detector = peak.
f) Sweep time = auto couple.
g) Trace mode = max hold.
h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
j) If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

5.3 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:              26 C
   Relative Humidity:        54
   ATM Pressure:             1011 mbar

5.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots

                                     Test Channel           Power Spectral Density           Limit
          Test Mode
                                         MHz                     dBm/3kHz                  dBm/3kHz
                                            2402                    -23.96                      8

         GFSK(BLE)                          2442                    -23.74                      8

                                            2480                    .26.57                      8

Please refer to the following test plots:

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Low Channel

                                                                    * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                    * VBW   10 kHz             -23.96 dBm
                        Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB        SWT 225 ms           2.401980000 GHz

                        10    Offset   0.6 dB


                 1 PK
                        -10                                                                                 LVL

                        -20                                     1








                        Center 2.402 GHz                    200 kHz/                           Span 2 MHz

                 Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:40:51

Middle Channel

                                                                    * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                    * VBW   10 kHz             -23.74 dBm
                        Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB        SWT 225 ms           2.441980000 GHz

                        10    Offset   0.6 dB


                 1 PK
                        -10                                                                                 LVL

                        -20                                     1








                        Center 2.442 GHz                    200 kHz/                           Span 2 MHz

                 Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:41:36

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High Channel

                                                                  * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                  * VBW   10 kHz             -26.57 dBm
                      Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB        SWT 225 ms           2.479980000 GHz

                      10    Offset   0.6 dB


               1 PK
                      -10                                                                                 LVL









                      Center 2.48 GHz                     200 kHz/                           Span 2 MHz

               Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:42:05

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                   Report No.:BSL18061126490001

6. 6dB Bandwidth

6.1 Standard Applicable

According to 15.247(a)(2). Systems using digital modulation techniques may operate in the 902–928 MHz,
2400–2483.5 MHz, and 5725–5850 MHz bands. The minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

6.2 Test Procedure

a) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b) Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 × RBW.
c) Detector = Peak.
d) Trace mode = max hold.
e) Sweep = auto couple.
f) Allow the trace to stabilize.
g) Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the two
   outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum
   level measured in the fundamental emission.

6.3 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:              25 C
   Relative Humidity:        53
   ATM Pressure:             1018 mbar

6.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots

                                                Test Channel        6 dB Bandwidth              Limit
                   Test Mode
                                                    MHz                   kHz                   kHz
                                                    2402                   696                   ≥500
                   GFSK(BLE)                        2442                   726                   ≥500
                                                    2480                   714                   ≥500

Please refer to the following test plots:

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Low Channel:

                                                                          * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW   300 kHz              -4.56 dBm
                         Ref    10.6 dBm          * Att       20 dB        SWT 2.5 ms            2.402246000 GHz

                         10    Offset   0.6 dB                                              Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                      -11.30 dBm
                                                                                                 2.401622000 GHz   A
                                                                                            Delta 1 [T1 ]
                  1 PK
                                                                                      1                 1.09 dB
                  VIEW                                    1
                         -10      D1 -10.56 dBm                                                714.000000000 kHz LVL









                         Center 2.402 GHz                         300 kHz/                            Span 3 MHz

                  Date: 23.JUN.2018         10:25:29

Middle Channel:

                                                                          * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW   300 kHz              -2.87 dBm
                         Ref    10.6 dBm          * Att       20 dB        SWT 2.5 ms            2.441988000 GHz

                         10    Offset   0.6 dB                                              Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                       -9.91 dBm
                                                                                                 2.441610000 GHz   A
                         0                                            2
                                                                                            Delta 1 [T1 ]
                  1 PK                                                                1
                                                          1                                             1.41 dB
                  VIEW            D1 -8.87 dBm
                         -10                                                                   726.000000000 kHz LVL









                         Center 2.442 GHz                         300 kHz/                            Span 3 MHz

                  Date: 23.JUN.2018         10:27:11

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High Channel:

                                                                   * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                   * VBW   300 kHz              -4.30 dBm
                       Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB        SWT 2.5 ms            2.479988000 GHz

                       10    Offset   0.6 dB                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                               -10.52 dBm
                                                                                          2.479634000 GHz   A
                                                                                     Delta 1 [T1 ]
                1 PK
                                                                            1                    0.68 dB
                VIEW                                   1
                       -10      D1 -10.3 dBm                                            696.000000000 kHz LVL









                       Center 2.48 GHz                     300 kHz/                            Span 3 MHz

                Date: 23.JUN.2018         10:28:24

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                 Report No.:BSL18061126490001

7. RF Output Power

7.1 Standard Applicable

According to 15.247(b)(3). For systems using digital modulation in the 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, and
5725–5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt.

7.2 Test Procedure

According to section KDB-558074 D01 v04 section 9.1.1, this procedure shall be used when the measurement
instrument has available a resolution bandwidth that is greater than the DTS bandwidth.

a) Set the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth.
b) Set VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
c) Set span ≥ 3 x RBW
d) Sweep time = auto couple.
e) Detector = peak.
f) Trace mode = max hold.
g) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
h) Use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.

7.3 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:           26 C
   Relative Humidity:     57
   ATM Pressure:          1011 mbar

7.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots

                                      Frequency          Reading      Output Power           Limit
              Test Mode
                                        MHz               dBm             mW                 mW
                                        2402              -2.68           0.540              1000
             GFSK(BLE)                  2442              -1.70           0.676              1000
                                        2480              -2.50           0.562              1000

Note: the antenna gain of- 0.68dBi less than 6dBi maximum permission antenna gain value based on 1 watt peak
output power limit.

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For BLE:
Low Channel:
                                                                     * RBW   3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                     * VBW   3 MHz               -2.68 dBm
                         Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.401928000 GHz

                         10    Offset   0.6 dB

                         0                                       1

                  1 PK
                         -10                                                                                 LVL









                         Center 2.402 GHz                    900 kHz/                           Span 9 MHz

                  Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:50:01

Middle Channel:
                                                                     * RBW   3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                     * VBW   3 MHz               -1.70 dBm
                         Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.442090000 GHz

                         10    Offset   0.6 dB

                                                                     1                                       A

                  1 PK
                         -10                                                                                 LVL









                         Center 2.442 GHz                    900 kHz/                           Span 9 MHz

                  Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:45:46

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High Channel:
                                                                   * RBW   3 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                   * VBW   3 MHz              -2.50 dBm
                       Ref    10.6 dBm         * Att   20 dB        SWT 2.5 ms          2.479982000 GHz

                       10    Offset   0.6 dB

                       0                                       1

                1 PK
                       -10                                                                                LVL









                       Center 2.48 GHz                     900 kHz/                          Span 9 MHz

                Date: 21.JUN.2018         19:49:21

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8. Field Strength of Spurious Emissions

8.1 Standard Applicable

According to §15.247(d), in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional
radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level
of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter
demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted
power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this
section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the
general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted
bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a).

The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector. The
provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply. Spurious Radiated Emissions measurements starting
below or at the lowest crystal frequency.

8.2 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.10-2013 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 15.205 15.247(a) and FCC Part 15.209 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

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                  EUT SYS

                   Table                                                                        To EMI Receiver

                                                   Ground Plane

Frequency :9kHz-30MHz                         Frequency :30MHz-1GHz                     Frequency :Above 1GHz
RBW=10KHz,                                    RBW=120KHz,                               RBW=1MHz,
VBW =30KHz                                    VBW=300KHz                                VBW=3MHz(Peak), 10Hz(AV)
Sweep time= Auto                              Sweep time= Auto                          Sweep time= Auto
Trace = max hold                              Trace = max hold                          Trace = max hold
Detector function = peak                      Detector function = peak, QP               Detector function = peak, AV

8.3 Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and the Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

                        Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading + Ant. Factor + Cable Loss – Ampl. Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable limit.
For example, a margin of -6dB  V means the emission is 6dB  V below the maximum limit.               The equation for
margin calculation is as follows:

                                        Margin = Corr. Ampl. – FCC Part 15 Limit

8.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:                25 C
   Relative Humidity:          52
   ATM Pressure:               1012 mbar

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8.5 Summary of Test Results/Plots

According to the data below, the FCC Part 15.205, 15.209 and 15.247 standards, and had the worst cases:

1. Worst-case radiated emission below 1GHz is GFSK (CH Low) mode.
2. Worst-case radiated emission above 1GHz is GFSK (CH Low, Middle, High) mode.

   The Worst Test Data Below 1GHz GFSK (CH Low) mode:
   Plot of Radiated Emissions
   Test Specification:      Horizontal

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 80.0         dBu¥/m


                                                                                                FCC Part158 Class B 3M Radiation

50                                                                                                                        Margin —5 dB

      30.000       40        50      o      70    80                       (MHz)                300       400     500    600   700       1000.000

                                  Measure—                                    Antenna Table
      No. Mk.      Freq.           ment          Limit    Over                Height   Degree
                       MHz         dBuVim        dBuVim    dB      Detector        m   degree   Comment

 10       *      348823             30.87        40.00     —9.13     QP
 2               54.0711           28.28         40.00    —11.72      QP
 3               814967            28.55         40.00    —11.45      QP
 4               111.7377           31.86        43.50    —11.64      QP
 5               180.0165           27.02        43.50    —16.48      QP
 6               333.6865           33.10        46.00    —12.90      QP

BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                     Report No.:BSL18061126490001

   The Worst Spurious Emissions Above 1GHz

                                             Transmitting: BLE mode:
  Frequency       Reading       Correct        Result         Limit         Margin         Polar        Detector
    (MHz)        (dBuV/m)          dB         (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)         (dB)           H/V
                                              Low Channel-2402MHz
     4804         61.21          -3.61          57.6              74        -16.4            H             PK
     4804         49.01          -3.61          45.4              54         -8.6            H             AV
     7206         57.04          -0.54          56.5              74        -17.5            H             PK
     7206         41.03          -0.54         40.49              54       -13.51            H             AV
     4804         54.94          -3.61         51.33              74       -22.67            V             PK
     4804         42.91          -3.61          39.3              54        -14.7            V             AV
     7206         53.89          -0.54         53.35              74       -20.65            V             PK
     7206         36.93          -0.54         36.39              54       -17.61            V             AV
                                             Middle Channel-2442MHz
     4884         58.03          -3.51         54.52              74       -19.48            H             PK
     4884         45.93          -3.51         42.42              54       -11.58            H             AV
     7326         56.04          -0.49         55.55              74       -18.45            H             PK
     7326         39.93          -0.49         39.44              54       -14.56            H             AV
     4884         56.03          -3.51         52.52              74       -21.48            V             PK
     4884         43.92          -3.51         40.41              54       -13.59            V             AV
     7326         53.91          -0.49         53.42              74       -20.58            V             PK
     7326         37.94          -0.49         37.45              54       -16.55            V             AV
                                              High Channel-2480MHz
     4960         64.06          -3.43         60.63              74       -13.37            H             PK
     4960         48.34          -3.43         44.91              54        -9.09            H             AV
     7440         51.24          -0.44          50.8              74        -23.2            H             PK
     7440         40.95          -0.44         40.51              54       -13.49            H             AV
     4960         53.47          -3.43         50.04              74       -23.96            V             PK
     4960         39.31          -3.43         35.88              54       -18.12            V             AV
     7440          52.9          -0.44         52.46              74       -21.54            V             PK
     7440         36.73          -0.44         36.29              54       -17.71            V             AV

Note: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9kHz to the tenth harmonics, other than listed in the table above
are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                                              Report No.:BSL18061126490001

Spurious Emission(Conducted)

Low channel:
                                                                      * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                      * VBW   300 kHz               -42.72 dBm
                          Ref    10.6 dBm             * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.7 s           20.464840000 GHz

                          10    Offset    0.6 dB                                        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                     -5.97 dBm
                                                                                               2.359360000 GHz   A
                   1 PK
                          -10                                                                                    LVL


                                      D1 -25.97 dBm


                          -40                                                              2






                          Center 13.265 GHz                      2.647 GHz/                     Span 26.47 GHz

                   Date: 23.JUN.2018           10:34:57

Middle channel:
                                                                      * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                      * VBW   300 kHz                -5.20 dBm
                          Ref    10.6 dBm             * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.7 s              2.412300000 GHz

                          10    Offset    0.6 dB                                        Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                    -43.39 dBm
                                                                                            26.341180000 GHz     A
                   1 PK
                          -10                                                                                    LVL


                                      D1 -25.2 dBm


                          -40                                                                                2






                          Start 30 MHz                           2.647 GHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

                   Date: 23.JUN.2018           10:33:17

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                                         Report No.:BSL18061126490001

High channel:
                                                                   * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                   * VBW   300 kHz             -42.97 dBm
                       Ref    10.6 dBm             * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.7 s           26.394120000 GHz

                       10    Offset    0.6 dB                                        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                -5.51 dBm
                                                                                          2.465240000 GHz   A
                1 PK
                       -10                                                                                  LVL


                                   D1 -25.51 dBm


                       -40                                                                              2






                       Start 30 MHz                           2.647 GHz/                    Stop 26.5 GHz

                Date: 23.JUN.2018           10:31:25

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                       Report No.:BSL18061126490001

9. Out of Band Emissions

9.1 Standard Applicable

According to §15.247 (d) In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional
radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level
of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter
demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted
power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this
section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the
general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted
bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a).

9.2 Test Procedure

According to the KDB 558074 D01 v04, the band-edge radiated test method as follows:

Set span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the channel closest to the bandedge,
as well as any modulation products which fall outside of the authorized band of operation (2310MHz to 2420MHz
for low bandedge, 2460MHz to 2500MHz for the high bandedge)
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 1MHz for peak value measured
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz for average value measured
Sweep = auto; Detector function = peak/average; Trace = max hold
All the trace to stabilize, set the marker on the emission at the bandedge, or on the highest modulation product
outside of the band, if this level is greater than that at the bandedge. Enable the marker-delta function, then use the
marker-to-peak function to move the marker to the peak of the in-band emission. Those emission must comply
with the 15.209 limit for fall in the restricted bands listed in section 15.205. Note that the method of measurement
KDB publication number: 913591 may be used for the radiated bandedge measurements.

According to the KDB 558074 D01 v04, the conducted spurious emissions test method as follows:
1. Set start frequency to DTS channel edge frequency.
2. Set stop frequency so as to encompass the spectrum to be examined.
3. Set RBW = 100 kHz.
4. Set VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
5. Detector = peak.
6. Trace Mode = max hold.
7. Sweep = auto couple.
8. Allow the trace to stabilize (this may take some time, depending on the extent of the span).
9. Use peak marker function to determine maximum amplitude of all unwanted emissions within any 100 kHz
Ensure that the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency band (excluding
restricted frequency bands) are attenuated by at least the minimum requirements specified in section 8.1. Report
the three highest emissions relative to the limit.

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                                                         Report No.:BSL18061126490001

9.3 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:                23C
   Relative Humidity:          54
   ATM Pressure:               1011 mbar

9.4 Summary of Test Results/Plots
                                                                                  * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                  * VBW   300 kHz              -4.48 dBm
                               Ref    10.6 dBm            * Att       30 dB        SWT 15 ms             2.402200000 GHz

                               10    Offset   0.6 dB                                                Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -56.94 dBm
                                                                                                         2.310000000 GHz   A
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                        1 PK
                                                                                                              -57.17 dBm
                               -10                                                                       2.390000000 GHz LVL
                                                                                                    Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -55.47 dBm
                                                                                                         2.400000000 GHz
                                          D1 -24.48 dBm




                                     2                                                       3




                               Start 2.3 GHz                                  14 MHz/                      Stop 2.44 GHz

                        Date: 23.JUN.2018          10:37:19

High Channel:
                                                                                  * RBW   100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                  * VBW   300 kHz              -4.41 dBm
                               Ref    10.6 dBm            * Att       30 dB        SWT 15 ms             2.480040000 GHz

                               10    Offset   0.6 dB                                                Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -57.37 dBm
                                                                                                         2.500000000 GHz   A
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                        1 PK
                                                                                                              -56.40 dBm
                               -10                                                                       2.483500000 GHz LVL
                                                                                                    Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -55.03 dBm
                                                                                                         2.490600000 GHz
                                          D1 -24.41 dBm




                                                                      3             2




                               Start 2.44 GHz                                 11 MHz/                      Stop 2.55 GHz

                        Date: 23.JUN.2018          10:39:38

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                     Report No.:BSL18061126490001

10. Conducted Emissions

10.1 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.4-2014 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 15.207 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

10.2 Basic Test Setup Block Diagram

                                    EUT              Notebook


                                                                                                  1.0 m
 To Receiver            Non-conduction table
                        80 cm above Ground

                                                                1. 5 m

10.3 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             25 C
   Relative Humidity:       52
   ATM Pressure:            1012 mbar

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                                                             Report No.:BSL18061126490001

10.4 Test Receiver Setup
During the conducted emission test, the test receiver was set with the following configurations:

     Start Frequency............................................................................ 150 kHz
     Stop Frequency............................................................................ 30 MHz
     Sweep Speed................................................................................ Auto
     IF Bandwidth............................................................................... 10 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth.................................................. 9 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode...........................................................Normal

10.5 Summary of Test Results/Plots

According to the data in section 10.6, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 15.207 Conducted margin for this

10.6 Conducted Emissions Test Data


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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                     Report No.:BSL18061126490001

 Plot of Conducted Emissions Test Data
 Test Specification:     Neutral

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BSL Testing Co.,LTD.                                 Report No.:BSL18061126490001

 Test Specification:   Line

                              ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2018-06-27 18:52:20
Document Modified: 2018-06-27 18:52:20

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