Test report_NII_5745-5825 Part2


Test Report

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                                                                                          Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

      5.5. Radiated Emissions Measurement

           5.5.1. Standard Applicable

           15.205 (a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are
           permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:
                MHz                      MHz                     MHz                GHz
               0.090-0.110                 16.42-16.423                   399.9-410            4.5-5.15
               \1\ 0.495-0.505             16.69475-16.69525              608-614              5.35-5.46
               2.1735-2.1905               16.80425-16.80475              960-1240             7.25-7.75
               4.125-4.128                 25.5-25.67                     1300-1427            8.025-8.5
               4.17725-4.17775             37.5-38.25                     1435-1626.5          9.0-9.2
               4.20725-4.20775             73-74.6                        1645.5-1646.5        9.3-9.5
               6.215-6.218                 74.8-75.2                      1660-1710            10.6-12.7
               6.26775-6.26825             108-121.94                     1718.8-1722.2        13.25-13.4
               6.31175-6.31225             123-138                        2200-2300            14.47-14.5
               8.291-8.294                 149.9-150.05                   2310-2390            15.35-16.2
               8.362-8.366                 156.52475-156.52525            2483.5-2500          17.7-21.4
               8.37625-8.38675             156.7-156.9                    2690-2900            22.01-23.12
               8.41425-8.41475             162.0125-167.17                3260-3267            23.6-24.0
               12.29-12.293.               167.72-173.2                   3332-3339            31.2-31.8
               12.51975-12.52025           240-285                        3345.8-3358          36.43-36.5
               12.57675-12.57725           322-335.4                      3600-4400            (\2\)
          \1\ Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz.
          \2\ Above 38.6

           For transmitters operating in the 5.725-5.85 GHz band:
           All emissions shall be limited to a level of −27 dBm/MHz(68.2dBuV/m at 3m) at 75 MHz or more
           above or below the band edge increasing linearly to 10 dBm/MHz(105.2dBuV/m at 3m) at 25
           MHz above or below the band edge, and from 25 MHz above or below the band edge increasing
           linearly to a level of 15.6(110.8dBuV/m at 3m) dBm/MHz at 5 MHz above or below the band
           edge, and from 5 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 27
           dBm/MHz(122.2dBuV/m at 3m) at the band edge.
           In addition, In case the emission fall within the restricted band specified on 15.205(a), then the
           15.209(a) limit in the table below has to be followed.

           Frequencies                             Field Strength                     Measurement Distance
              (MHz)                              (microvolts/meter)                         (meters)
           0.009~0.490                             2400/F(KHz)                                300
           0.490~1.705                             24000/F(KHz)                                30
           1.705~30.0                                    30                                    30
              30~88                                     100                                     3
             88~216                                     150                                     3
             216~960                                    200                                     3
            Above 960                                   500                                     3

5.5.2. Measuring Instruments and Setting

 Please refer to section 6 of equipment list in this report. The following table is the setting of spectrum
 analyzer and receiver.

 Spectrum Parameter                                  Setting
 Attenuation                                         Auto
 Start Frequency                                     1000 MHz
 Stop Frequency                                      10th carrier harmonic
 RB / VB (Emission in restricted band)               1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 1/B kHz for Average
 RB / VB (Emission in non-restricted band)           1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 1/B kHz for Average

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Receiver Parameter                              Setting
Attenuation                                     Auto
Start ~ Stop Frequency                          9kHz~150kHz / RB/VB 200Hz/1KHz for QP/AVG
Start ~ Stop Frequency                          150kHz~30MHz / RB/VB 9kHz/30KHz for QP/AVG
Start ~ Stop Frequency                          30MHz~1000MHz / RB/VB 120kHz/1MHz for QP

        5.5.3. Test Procedures
        1) Sequence of testing 9 kHz to 30 MHz
        --- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
        described by manufacturer.
        --- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 0.8 m height is used.
        --- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground.
        --- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions.
        --- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the
        --- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
        --- The EUT was set into operation.

        --- The turntable rotates from 0°to 315°using 45°steps.
        --- The antenna height is 1.5 meter.
        --- At each turntable position the analyzer sweeps with peak detection to find the maximum of all

        Final measurement:
        --- Identified emissions during the premeasurement the software maximizes by rotating the
        turntable position (0°to 360°) and by rotating the elevation axes (0°to 360°).
        --- The final measurement will be done in the position (turntable and elevation) causing the
        highest emissions with QPK detector.
        --- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, correction factor,
        margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with the graph of the premeasurement
        and the limit will be stored.

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2) Sequence of testing 30 MHz to 1 GHz
--- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
described by manufacturer.
--- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a table with 0.8 m height is used, which is placed on the
ground plane.
--- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between
--- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
--- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the
--- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
--- The EUT was set into operation.

--- The turntable rotates from 0°to 315°using 45°steps.
--- The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
--- The antenna height changes from 1 to 3 meter.
--- At each turntable position, antenna polarization and height the analyzer sweeps three times in
peak to find the maximum of all emissions.

Final measurement:
--- The final measurement will be performed with minimum the six highest peaks.
--- According to the maximum antenna and turntable positions of premeasurement the software
maximize the peaks by changing turntable position (± 45°) and antenna movement between 1
and 4 meter.
--- The final measurement will be done with QP detector with an EMI receiver.
--- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, antenna height, antenna polarization,
turntable angle, correction factor, margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with
the graph of the premeasurement with marked maximum final measurements and the limit will
be stored.

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3) Sequence of testing 1 GHz to 18 GHz
--- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
described by manufacturer.
--- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 1.5 m height is used.
--- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between
--- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
--- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the
--- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
--- The EUT was set into operation.

--- The turntable rotates from 0°to 315°using 45°steps.
--- The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
--- The antenna height scan range is 1 meter to 2.5 meter.
--- At each turntable position and antenna polarization the analyzer sweeps with peak detection
to find the maximum of all emissions.

Final measurement:
--- The final measurement will be performed with minimum the six highest peaks.
--- According to the maximum antenna and turntable positions of premeasurement the software
maximize the peaks by changing turntable position (± 45°) and antenna movement between 1
and 4 meter. This procedure is repeated for both antenna polarizations.
--- The final measurement will be done in the position (turntable, EUT-table and antenna
polarization) causing the highest emissions with Peak and Average detector.
--- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, EUT-table position,
antenna polarization, correction factor, margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot
with the graph of the premeasurement with marked maximum final measurements and the limit
will be stored.

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4) Sequence of testing above 18 GHz
--- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
described by manufacturer.
--- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 1.5 m height is used.
--- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between
--- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
--- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the
--- The measurement distance is 1 meter.
--- The EUT was set into operation.

--- The antenna is moved spherical over the EUT in different polarizations of the antenna.

Final measurement:
--- The final measurement will be performed at the position and antenna orientation for all
detected emissions that were found during the premeasurements with Peak and Average
--- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, correction factor, margin to the limit
and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with the graph of the premeasurement and the limit will be

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5.5.4. Test Setup Layout
For radiated emissions below 30MHz

Above 18 GHz shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20
dB/decade form 3m to 1m.
Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (specific distanc [3m] / test distance [1.5m]) (dB);
Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor [6 dB].

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          5.5.5. EUT Operation during Test
          The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

          5.5.6. Results of Radiated Emissions (9 KHz~30MHz)

         Temperature         24.5°C                      Humidity                  56.2%

        Test Engineer        Gary Qian                   Configurations             IEEE 802.1 1a/n/ac

          Freq.               Level             Over Limit            Over Limit
          (MHz)              (dBuVv)               (dB)                   (dBuV)             Remark
            —                   —                    —                      —               See Note

          The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the
          permissible value has no need to be reported.
          Distance extrapolation factor = 40 log (specific distance / test distance) (dB);
          Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

          5.5.7. Results of Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1GHz)

         Temperature         24.5°C            Humidity                   56.2%
        Test Engineer        Gary Qian         Configurations             IEEE 802.11a, 5745MHz

Test result for IEEE 802.11a—5745MHz@Chain 0

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          Pre-scan all modes and recorded the worst case results in this report (IEEE 802.11a-5745MHz) @
          Chain 0.
          Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
          Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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         5.5.8. Results for Radiated Emissions (Above 1GHz)
         Remark: Measured all modes and recorded worst case;

         IEEE 802.11a/ Antenna Chain 0
         Channel 149 / 5745 MHz
         Read      Ant.     Pre.             Measured    Limit    Over
Freq                               Cab.Los
         Level     Fac      Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                  dB
         dBuV     dB/m      dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.235   55.87    33.23    35.04    3.91      57.97      68.20   -10.23    Peak      Horizontal
17.235   44.32    33.23    35.04    3.91      46.42     54.00    -7.58    Average    Horizontal
17.235   57.99    33.23    35.04    3.91      60.09     68.20    -8.11     Peak       Vertical
17.235   44.01    33.23    35.04    3.91      46.11     54.00    -7.89    Average     Vertical

         Channel 157 / 5785 MHz
         Read      Ant.     Pre.             Measured    Limit    Over
Freq                               Cab.Los
         Level     Fac      Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                  dB
         dBuV     dB/m      dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.355   54.78    33.27    35.15    3.93      56.83      68.20   -11.37    Peak      Horizontal
17.355   42.01    33.27    35.15    3.93      44.06     54.00    -9.94    Average    Horizontal
17.355   57.04    33.27    35.15    3.93      59.09     68.20    -9.11     Peak       Vertical
17.355   41.27    33.27    35.15    3.93      43.32     54.00    -10.68   Average     Vertical

         Channel 163 / 5825 MHz
         Read      Ant.     Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                               Cab.Los
         Level     Fac      Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                  dB
         dBuV     dB/m      dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.475   59.03    33.32    35.14    3.97      61.18      68.20   -7.02     Peak      Horizontal
17.475   44.23    33.32    35.14    3.97      46.38     54.00    -7.62    Average    Horizontal
17.475   55.84    33.32    35.14    3.97      57.99     68.20    -10.21    Peak       Vertical
17.475   42.89    33.32    35.14    3.97      45.04     54.00    -8.96    Average     Vertical

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         IEEE 802.11n-HT20/Combined Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1
         Channel 149 / 5745 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.235   58.85    33.23   35.04    3.91      60.95      68.20   -7.25     Peak      Horizontal
17.235   43.41    33.23   35.04    3.91      45.51     54.00    -8.49    Average    Horizontal
17.235   56.73    33.23   35.04    3.91      58.83     68.20    -9.37     Peak       Vertical
17.235   43.08    33.23   35.04    3.91      45.18     54.00    -8.82    Average     Vertical

         Channel 157 / 5785 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit    Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.355   54.32    33.27   35.15    3.93      56.37      68.20   -11.83    Peak      Horizontal
17.355   40.02    33.27   35.15    3.93      42.07     54.00    -11.93   Average    Horizontal
17.355   56.48    33.27   35.15    3.93      58.53     68.20    -9.67     Peak       Vertical
17.355   41.05    33.27   35.15    3.93      43.10     54.00    -10.90   Average     Vertical

         Channel 163 / 5825 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.475   56.23    33.32   35.14    3.97      58.38      68.20   -9.82     Peak      Horizontal
17.475   40.85    33.32   35.14    3.97      43.00     54.00    -11.00   Average    Horizontal
17.475   56.37    33.32   35.14    3.97      58.52     68.20    -9.68     Peak       Vertical
17.475   44.32    33.32   35.14    3.97      46.47     54.00    -7.53    Average     Vertical

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         IEEE 802.11ac VHT20/ Combined Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1
         Channel 149 / 5745 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.235   57.14    33.23   35.04    3.91      59.24      68.20   -8.96     Peak      Horizontal
17.235   44.70    33.23   35.04    3.91      46.80     54.00    -7.20    Average    Horizontal
17.235   54.77    33.23   35.04    3.91      56.87     68.20    -11.33    Peak       Vertical
17.235   40.20    33.23   35.04    3.91      42.30     54.00    -11.70   Average     Vertical

         Channel 157 / 5785 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit    Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.355   54.75    33.27   35.15    3.93      56.80      68.20   -11.40    Peak      Horizontal
17.355   39.96    33.27   35.15    3.93      42.01     54.00    -11.99   Average    Horizontal
17.355   56.02    33.27   35.15    3.93      58.07     68.20    -10.13    Peak       Vertical
17.355   42.29    33.27   35.15    3.93      44.34     54.00    -9.66    Average     Vertical

         Channel 163 / 5825 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.475   56.82    33.32   35.14    3.97      58.97      68.20   -9.23     Peak      Horizontal
17.475   40.90    33.32   35.14    3.97      43.05     54.00    -10.95   Average    Horizontal
17.475   54.61    33.32   35.14    3.97      56.76     68.20    -11.44    Peak       Vertical
17.475   40.86    33.32   35.14    3.97      43.01     54.00    -10.99   Average     Vertical

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         IEEE 802.11n HT40 / Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1
         Channel 151 / 5755 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.265   57.70    33.23   35.04    3.91      59.80      68.20   -8.40     Peak      Horizontal
17.265   40.19    33.23   35.04    3.91      42.29     54.00    -11.71   Average    Horizontal
17.265   54.98    33.23   35.04    3.91      57.08     68.20    -11.12    Peak       Vertical
17.265   41.35    33.23   35.04    3.91      43.45     54.00    -10.55   Average     Vertical

         Channel 159 / 5795 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit    Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.385   55.02    33.27   35.15    3.93      57.07      68.20   -11.13    Peak      Horizontal
17.385   42.79    33.27   35.15    3.93      44.84     54.00    -9.16    Average    Horizontal
17.385   55.16    33.27   35.15    3.93      57.21     68.20    -10.99    Peak       Vertical
17.385   40.33    33.27   35.15    3.93      42.38     54.00    -11.62   Average     Vertical

         IEEE 802.11ac VHT40 / Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1
         Channel 151 / 5755 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.265   57.09    33.23   35.04    3.91      59.19      68.20   -9.01     Peak      Horizontal
17.265   41.41    33.23   35.04    3.91      43.51     54.00    -10.49   Average    Horizontal
17.265   54.57    33.23   35.04    3.91      56.67     68.20    -11.53    Peak       Vertical
17.265   41.73    33.23   35.04    3.91      43.83     54.00    -10.17   Average     Vertical

         Channel 159 / 5795 MHz
         Read      Ant.    Pre.             Measured    Limit   Over
Freq                              Cab.Los
         Level     Fac     Fac               Level       Line    limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                 dB
         dBuV     dB/m     dB                dBuV      dBuV/m     dB
17.385   57.89    33.27   35.15    3.93      59.94      68.20   -8.26     Peak      Horizontal
17.385   44.07    33.27   35.15    3.93      46.12     54.00    -7.88    Average    Horizontal
17.385   58.51    33.27   35.15    3.93      60.56     68.20    -7.64     Peak       Vertical
17.385   41.04    33.27   35.15    3.93      43.09     54.00    -10.91   Average     Vertical

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           IEEE 802.11ac VHT80 / Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1

           Channel 155 / 5775 MHz
            Read         Ant.     Pre.               Measured      Limit      Over
Freq                                      Cab.Los
            Level        Fac      Fac                 Level         Line       limit   Remark     Pol/Phase
GHz                                         dB
            dBuV        dB/m      dB                  dBuV        dBuV/m        dB
17.325      56.66       33.27    35.15      3.93      58.71        68.20      -9.49     Peak      Horizontal
17.325      41.32       33.27    35.15      3.93       43.37       54.00     -10.63    Average    Horizontal
17.325      56.48       33.27    35.15      3.93       58.53       68.20      -9.67     Peak       Vertical
17.325      42.15       33.27    35.15      3.93       44.20       54.00      -9.80    Average     Vertical

     1. Measuring frequencies from 9 KHz ~40 GHz, No emission found between lowest internal
         used/generated frequencies to 30MHz.
     2. Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 9 KHz ~40GHz were made with an
         instrument using Peak detector mode.
     3. Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “---” in the table above means the reading
         of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too
         small to be measured.
     4. Worst case data at 6Mbps at IEEE 802.11a; MCS0 at IEEE 802.11n HT20, IEEE 802.11n HT40,
        IEEE 802.11a VHT20, IEEE 802.11ac VHT40 and IEEE 802.11ac VHT80;

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5.6. Power line conducted emissions

   5.6.1 Standard Applicable
   According to §15.207 (a): For an intentional radiator which is designed to be connected to the
   public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC
   power line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed
   250 microvolts (The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15
   MHz to 0.50 MHz). The limits at specific frequency range are listed as follows:

         Frequency Range                               Limits (dBμV)
               (MHz)                          Quasi-peak                      Average
            0.15 to 0.50                       66 to 56*                      56 to 46*
             0.50 to 5                            56                             46
              5 to 30                             60                             50

  * Decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency

   5.6.2 Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                        Vert. reference
                                                                              EMI receiver



            LISN                                     Reference ground plane

   5.6.3 Test Results
   The test data please refer to following page.

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The worst result for IEEE 802.11a-5745MHz @Chain 0


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***Note: Pre-scan all modes and recorded the worst case results in this report (IEEE 802.11a) @ Chain 0 for

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   5.7 Undesirable Emissions Measurement

   5.7.1 LIMIT
     According to ξ15.407 (b) Undesirable emission limits. Except as shown in paragraph (b) (7) of
     this section, the maximum emissions outside of the frequency bands of operation shall be
     attenuated in accordance with the following limits:
   (a) For transmitters operating in the 5.15-5.25 GHz band: All emissions outside of the 5.15-5.35
        GHz band shall not exceed an e.i.r.p. of −27 dBm/MHz.
   (b) For transmitters operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band: All emissions outside of the 5.15-5.35
        GHz band shall not exceed an e.i.r.p. of −27 dBm/MHz.
   (c) For transmitters operating in the 5.47-5.725 GHz band: All emissions outside of the 5.47-5.725
        GHz band shall not exceed an e.i.r.p. of −27 dBm/MHz.
  (d) For transmitters operating in the 5.725-5.85 GHz band:
   (i) All emissions shall be limited to a level of −27 dBm/MHz at 75 MHz or more above or below the
      band edge increasing linearly to 10 dBm/MHz at 25 MHz above or below the band edge, and
      from 25 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 15.6 dBm/MHz at 5
      MHz above or below the band edge, and from 5 MHz above or below the band edge increasing
      linearly to a level of 27 dBm/MHz at the band edge.
 (ii) Devices certified before March 2, 2017 with antenna gain greater than 10 dBi may demonstrate
      compliance with the emission limits in §15.247(d), but manufacturing, marketing and importing
      of devices certified under this alternative must cease by March 2, 2018. Devices certified before
      March 2, 2018 with antenna gain of 10 dBi or less may demonstrate compliance with the
      emission limits in §15.247(d), but manufacturing, marketing and importing of devices certified
      under this alternative must cease before March 2, 2020.
 (e) The emission measurements shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1
      MHz. A lower resolution bandwidth may be employed near the band edge, when necessary,
      provided the measured energy is integrated to show the total power over 1 MHz.
 (f) Unwanted emissions below 1 GHz must comply with the general field strength limits set forth in
     §15.209. Further, any U-NII devices using an AC power line are required to comply also with the
     conducted limits set forth in §15.207.
(g) The provisions of §15.205 apply to intentional radiators operating under this section.
 (h) When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as close
     to the upper and lower frequency band edges as the design of the equipment permits.


   1. The power was monitored at the coupler port with a Spectrum Analyzer. The power level was
      set to the maximum level.
   2. Set the RBW = 1MHz.
   3. Set the VBW ≥ 3MHz
   4. Number of points in sweep ≥ 2 × span / RBW. (This ensures that bin-to-bin spacing is ≤
   RBW/2, so that narrowband signals are not lost between frequency bins.)
   5. Manually set sweep time ≥ 10 × (number of points in sweep) × (total on/off period of the
   transmitted signal).
   6. Set detector = power averaging (rms).
   7. Sweep time = auto couple.

                                                                                          Page 46 of 58

                                                                              Report No.: HUAK180824890E3
             8. Trace mode = max hold.
             9. Allow trace to fully stabilize.

        5. 7.4 Test Results
For Antenna Chain 0
                                                    IEEE 802.11a
              Conducted        Antenna                                                  Over
 Frequency                                       EIRP                        Limit
                Power           Gain                           Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                                      (dBm/1MHz)                  (dBm/1MHz)
                (dBm)           (dBi)                                                    dB
  5650.00       -46.84          4.03               -42.81          Peak     -27.00     -15.81      PASS
  5700.00       -47.18          4.03               -43.15          Peak      10.00     -53.15      PASS
  5720.00       -35.50          4.03               -31.47          Peak      15.60     -47.07      PASS
  5725.00       -27.36          4.03               -23.33          Peak      27.00     -50.33      PASS
  5850.00       -36.84          4.03               -32.81          Peak      27.00     -59.81      PASS
  5855.00       -41.03          4.03               -37.00          Peak      15.60     -52.60      PASS
  5875.00       -46.10          4.03               -42.07          Peak      10.00     -52.07      PASS
  5925.00       -48.96          4.03               -44.93          Peak     -27.00     -17.93      PASS

                                                  IEEE 802.11n HT20
              Conducted        Antenna                                                  Over
 Frequency                                       EIRP                        Limit
                Power           Gain                           Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                                      (dBm/1MHz)                  (dBm/1MHz)
                (dBm)           (dBi)                                                    dB
  5650.00       -47.88          4.03               -43.85          Peak     -27.00     -16.85      PASS
  5700.00       -46.51          4.03               -42.48          Peak      10.00     -52.48      PASS
  5720.00       -37.64          4.03               -33.61          Peak      15.60     -49.21      PASS
  5725.00       -24.08          4.03               -20.05          Peak      27.00     -47.05      PASS
  5850.00       -28.85          4.03               -24.82          Peak      27.00     -51.82      PASS
  5855.00       -39.41          4.03               -35.38          Peak      15.60     -50.98      PASS
  5875.00       -44.87          4.03               -40.84          Peak      10.00     -50.84      PASS
  5925.00       -49.04          4.03               -45.01          Peak     -27.00     -18.01      PASS

                                              IEEE 802.11ac VHT20
              Conducted        Antenna                                                  Over
 Frequency                                       EIRP                        Limit
                Power           Gain                           Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                                      (dBm/1MHz)                  (dBm/1MHz)
                (dBm)           (dBi)                                                    dB
  5650.00       -48.23          4.03               -44.20          Peak     -27.00     -17.20      PASS
  5700.00       -46.07          4.03               -42.04          Peak      10.00     -52.04      PASS
  5720.00       -35.36          4.03               -31.33          Peak      15.60     -46.93      PASS
  5725.00       -26.14          4.03               -22.11          Peak      27.00     -49.11      PASS
  5850.00       -31.27          4.03               -27.24          Peak      27.00     -54.24      PASS
  5855.00       -40.96          4.03               -36.93          Peak      15.60     -52.53      PASS
  5875.00       -46.43          4.03               -42.40          Peak      10.00     -52.40      PASS
  5925.00       -47.92          4.03               -43.89          Peak     -27.00     -16.89      PASS

                                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40
              Conducted        Antenna                                                  Over
 Frequency                                       EIRP                        Limit
                Power           Gain                           Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                                      (dBm/1MHz)                  (dBm/1MHz)
                (dBm)           (dBi)                                                    dB
  5650.00       -48.74          4.03               -44.71          Peak     -27.00     -17.71      PASS
  5700.00       -44.29          4.03               -40.26          Peak      10.00     -50.26      PASS
  5720.00       -28.27          4.03               -24.24          Peak      15.60     -39.84      PASS
  5725.00       -27.91          4.03               -23.88          Peak      27.00     -50.88      PASS
  5850.00       -44.25          4.03               -40.22          Peak      27.00     -67.22      PASS
  5855.00       -45.81          4.03               -41.78          Peak      15.60     -57.38      PASS
  5875.00       -47.91          4.03               -43.88          Peak      10.00     -53.88      PASS
  5925.00       -49.01          4.03               -44.98          Peak     -27.00     -17.98      PASS

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                                                                Report No.: HUAK180824890E3
                                   IEEE 802.11ac VHT40
             Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
 Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
               Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
               (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
  5650.00      -48.32     4.03       -44.29          Peak     -27.00     -17.29      PASS
  5700.00      -43.42     4.03       -39.39          Peak      10.00     -49.39      PASS
  5720.00      -26.25     4.03       -22.22          Peak      15.60     -37.82      PASS
  5725.00      -25.27     4.03       -21.24          Peak      27.00     -48.24      PASS
  5850.00      -42.48     4.03       -38.45          Peak      27.00     -65.45      PASS
  5855.00      -44.79     4.03       -40.76          Peak      15.60     -56.36      PASS
  5875.00      -47.63     4.03       -43.60          Peak      10.00     -53.60      PASS
  5925.00      -49.72     4.03       -45.69          Peak     -27.00     -18.69      PASS

                                   IEEE 802.11ac VHT80
             Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
 Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
               Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
               (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
  5650.00      -54.98     4.03       -50.95          Peak     -27.00     -23.95      PASS
  5700.00      -38.75     4.03       -34.72          Peak      10.00     -44.72      PASS
  5720.00      -34.17     4.03       -30.14          Peak      15.60     -45.74      PASS
  5725.00      -30.41     4.03       -26.38          Peak      27.00     -53.38      PASS
  5850.00      -41.13     4.03       -37.10          Peak      27.00     -64.10      PASS
  5855.00      -41.32     4.03       -37.29          Peak      15.60     -52.89      PASS
  5875.00      -48.53     4.03       -44.50          Peak      10.00     -54.50      PASS
  5925.00      -56.12     4.03       -52.09          Peak     -27.00     -25.09      PASS

For Antenna Chain 1

                                      IEEE 802.11a
             Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
 Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
               Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
               (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
  5650.00      -50.46     4.03       -46.43          Peak     -27.00     -19.43      PASS
  5700.00      -50.30     4.03       -46.27          Peak      10.00     -56.27      PASS
  5720.00      -42.36     4.03       -38.33          Peak      15.60     -53.93      PASS
  5725.00      -37.70     4.03       -33.67          Peak      27.00     -60.67      PASS
  5850.00      -39.02     4.03       -34.99          Peak      27.00     -61.99      PASS
  5855.00      -45.38     4.03       -41.35          Peak      15.60     -56.95      PASS
  5875.00      -46.47     4.03       -42.44          Peak      10.00     -52.44      PASS
  5925.00      -47.78     4.03       -43.75          Peak     -27.00     -16.75      PASS

                                    IEEE 802.11n HT20
             Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
 Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
               Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
   (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
               (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
  5650.00      -48.49     4.03       -44.46          Peak     -27.00     -17.46      PASS
  5700.00      -46.93     4.03       -42.90          Peak      10.00     -52.90      PASS
  5720.00      -36.78     4.03       -32.75          Peak      15.60     -48.35      PASS
  5725.00      -29.06     4.03       -25.03          Peak      27.00     -52.03      PASS
  5850.00      -29.42     4.03       -25.39          Peak      27.00     -52.39      PASS
  5855.00      -40.32     4.03       -36.29          Peak      15.60     -51.89      PASS
  5875.00      -45.69     4.03       -41.66          Peak      10.00     -51.66      PASS
  5925.00      -47.96     4.03       -43.93          Peak     -27.00     -16.93      PASS

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                                                               Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                                  IEEE 802.11ac VHT20
            Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
              Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
  (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
              (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
 5650.00      -48.22     4.03       -44.19       Peak        -27.00     -17.19      PASS
 5700.00      -47.36     4.03       -43.33       Peak         10.00     -53.33      PASS
 5720.00      -38.93     4.03       -34.90       Peak         15.60     -50.50      PASS
 5725.00      -25.46     4.03       -21.43       Peak         27.00     -48.43      PASS
 5850.00      -34.89     4.03       -30.86       Peak         27.00     -57.86      PASS
 5855.00      -40.82     4.03       -36.79       Peak         15.60     -52.39      PASS
 5875.00      -46.95     4.03       -42.92       Peak         10.00     -52.92      PASS
 5925.00      -46.50     4.03       -42.47       Peak        -27.00     -15.47      PASS

                                   IEEE 802.11n HT40
            Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
              Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
  (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
              (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
 5650.00      -49.72     4.03       -45.69       Peak        -27.00     -18.69      PASS
 5700.00      -43.32     4.03       -39.29       Peak         10.00     -49.29      PASS
 5720.00      -27.66     4.03       -23.63       Peak         15.60     -39.23      PASS
 5725.00      -27.46     4.03       -23.43       Peak         27.00     -50.43      PASS
 5850.00      -42.38     4.03       -38.35       Peak         27.00     -65.35      PASS
 5855.00      -44.18     4.03       -40.15       Peak         15.60     -55.75      PASS
 5875.00      -46.17     4.03       -42.14       Peak         10.00     -52.14      PASS
 5925.00      -48.48     4.03       -44.45       Peak        -27.00     -17.45      PASS

                                  IEEE 802.11ac VHT40
            Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
              Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
  (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
              (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
 5650.00      -48.32     4.03       -44.29       Peak        -27.00     -17.29      PASS
 5700.00      -43.42     4.03       -39.39       Peak         10.00     -49.39      PASS
 5720.00      -26.25     4.03       -22.22       Peak         15.60     -37.82      PASS
 5725.00      -25.27     4.03       -21.24       Peak         27.00     -48.24      PASS
 5850.00      -42.48     4.03       -38.45       Peak         27.00     -65.45      PASS
 5855.00      -44.79     4.03       -40.76       Peak         15.60     -56.36      PASS
 5875.00      -47.63     4.03       -43.60       Peak         10.00     -53.60      PASS
 5925.00      -49.72     4.03       -45.69       Peak        -27.00     -18.69      PASS

                                  IEEE 802.11ac VHT80
            Conducted   Antenna                                          Over
Frequency                            EIRP                     Limit
              Power      Gain                   Detector                 limit      Verdict
  (MHz)                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
              (dBm)      (dBi)                                            dB
 5650.00      -55.53     4.03       -51.50       Peak        -27.00     -24.50      PASS
 5700.00      -40.52     4.03       -36.49       Peak         10.00     -46.49      PASS
 5720.00      -34.72     4.03       -30.69       Peak         15.60     -46.29      PASS
 5725.00      -35.83     4.03       -31.80       Peak         27.00     -58.80      PASS
 5850.00      -42.21     4.03       -38.18       Peak         27.00     -65.18      PASS
 5855.00      -35.50     4.03       -31.47       Peak         15.60     -47.07      PASS
 5875.00      -48.18     4.03       -44.15       Peak         10.00     -54.15      PASS
 5925.00      -58.29     4.03       -54.26       Peak        -27.00     -27.26      PASS

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                                                                                 Report No.: HUAK180824890E3
For Combined Antenna Chain 0 and Antenna Chain 1

                                             IEEE 802.11n HT20
                   Conducted Power
                                           Directional                                          Over
Frequency              (dBm)                                EIRP                     Limit
                                              Gain                    Detector                  limit   Verdict
  (MHz)     Antenna    Antenna                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
                                   Sum        (dB)                                               dB
               0          1
 5650.00     -47.88     -48.49    -45.16      7.03         -38.13       Peak        -27.00     -11.13   PASS
 5700.00     -46.51     -46.93    -43.70      7.03         -36.67       Peak        -27.00      -9.67   PASS
 5720.00     -37.64     -36.78    -34.18      7.03         -27.15       Peak        -17.00     -10.15   PASS
 5725.00     -24.08     -29.06    -22.88      7.03         -15.85       Peak        -17.00       1.15   PASS
 5850.00     -28.85     -29.42    -26.12      7.03         -19.09       Peak        -17.00      -2.09   PASS
 5855.00     -39.41     -40.32    -36.83      7.03         -29.80       Peak        -17.00     -12.80   PASS
 5875.00     -44.87     -45.69    -42.25      7.03         -35.22       Peak        -27.00      -8.22   PASS
 5925.00     -49.04     -47.96    -45.46      7.03         -38.43       Peak        -27.00     -11.43   PASS

                                            IEEE 802.11ac VHT20
                   Conducted Power
                                           Directional                                          Over
Frequency              (dBm)                                EIRP                     Limit
                                              Gain                    Detector                  limit   Verdict
  (MHz)     Antenna    Antenna                           (dBm/1MHz)               (dBm/1MHz)
                                   Sum        (dB)                                               dB
               0          1
 5650.00     -48.23     -48.49    -45.35      7.03         -38.32       Peak        -27.00     -11.32   PASS
 5700.00     -46.07     -46.93    -43.47      7.03         -36.44       Peak         10.00     -46.44   PASS
 5720.00     -35.36     -36.78    -33.00      7.03         -25.97       Peak         15.60     -41.57   PASS
 5725.00     -26.14     -29.06    -24.35      7.03         -17.32       Peak         27.00     -44.32   PASS
 5850.00     -31.27     -29.42    -27.24      7.03         -20.21       Peak         27.00     -47.21   PASS
 5855.00     -40.96     -40.32    -37.62      7.03         -30.59       Peak         15.60     -46.19   PASS
 5875.00     -46.43     -45.69    -43.03      7.03         -36.00       Peak         10.00     -46.00   PASS
 5925.00     -47.92     -47.96    -44.93      7.03         -37.90       Peak        -27.00     -10.90   PASS

                                             IEEE 802.11n HT40
                  Conducted Power
                                           Directional                                         Over
Frequency             (dBm)                                 EIRP                    Limit
                                              Gain                    Detector                 limit    Verdict
  (MHz)     Antenna   Antenna                            (dBm/1MHz)              (dBm/1MHz)
                                  Sum         (dB)                                              dB
               0         1
 5650.00     -48.74    -49.72    -46.19       7.03         -39.16      Peak         -27.00     -12.16   PASS
 5700.00     -44.29    -43.32    -40.77       7.03         -33.74      Peak          10.00     -43.74   PASS
 5720.00     -28.27    -27.66    -24.94       7.03         -17.91      Peak          15.60     -33.51   PASS
 5725.00     -27.91    -27.46    -24.67       7.03         -17.64      Peak          27.00     -44.64   PASS
 5850.00     -44.25    -42.38    -40.20       7.03         -33.17      Peak          27.00     -60.17   PASS
 5855.00     -45.81    -44.18    -41.91       7.03         -34.88      Peak          15.60     -50.48   PASS
 5875.00     -47.91    -46.17    -43.94       7.03         -36.91      Peak          10.00     -46.91   PASS
 5925.00     -49.01    -48.48    -45.73       7.03         -38.70      Peak         -27.00     -11.70   PASS

                                            IEEE 802.11ac VHT40
                  Conducted Power
                                           Directional                                         Over
Frequency             (dBm)                                 EIRP                    Limit
                                              Gain                    Detector                 limit    Verdict
  (MHz)     Antenna   Antenna                            (dBm/1MHz)              (dBm/1MHz)
                                  Sum         (dB)                                              dB
               0         1
 5650.00     -48.32    -48.71    -45.50       7.03         -38.47      Peak         -27.00     -11.47   PASS
 5700.00     -43.42    -39.66    -38.13       7.03         -31.10      Peak          10.00     -41.10   PASS
 5720.00     -26.25    -25.62    -22.91       7.03         -15.88      Peak          15.60     -31.48   PASS
 5725.00     -25.27    -24.78    -22.01       7.03         -14.98      Peak          27.00     -41.98   PASS
 5850.00     -42.48     0.00      0.00        7.03          7.03       Peak          27.00     -19.97   PASS
 5855.00     -44.79    -44.58    -41.67       7.03         -34.64      Peak          15.60     -50.24   PASS
 5875.00     -47.63    -48.59    -45.07       7.03         -38.04      Peak          10.00     -48.04   PASS
 5925.00     -49.72    -49.26    -46.47       7.03         -39.44      Peak         -27.00     -12.44   PASS

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                                                                                Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                                           IEEE 802.11ac VHT80
                  Conducted Power
                                          Directional                                         Over
Frequency             (dBm)                                EIRP                    Limit
                                             Gain                    Detector                 limit    Verdict
  (MHz)     Antenna   Antenna                           (dBm/1MHz)              (dBm/1MHz)
                                  Sum        (dB)                                              dB
               0         1
 5650.00     -54.98    -55.53    -52.24      7.03         -45.21      Peak         -27.00    -18.21    PASS
 5700.00     -38.75    -40.52    -36.54      7.03         -29.51      Peak          10.00    -39.51    PASS
 5720.00     -34.17    -34.72    -31.43      7.03         -24.40      Peak          15.60    -40.00    PASS
 5725.00     -30.41    -35.83    -29.31      7.03         -22.28      Peak          27.00    -49.28    PASS
 5850.00     -41.13    -42.21    -38.63      7.03         -31.60      Peak          27.00    -58.60    PASS
 5855.00     -41.32    -35.50    -34.49      7.03         -27.46      Peak          15.60    -43.06    PASS
 5875.00     -48.53    -48.18    -45.34      7.03         -38.31      Peak          10.00    -48.31    PASS
 5925.00     -56.12    -58.29    -54.06      7.03         -47.03      Peak         -27.00    -20.03    PASS

1. Measured unwanted emission at difference data rate for each mode and recorded worst case for each
2. Test results including cable loss;
3. Worst case data at 6Mbps at IEEE 802.11a; MCS0 at IEEE 802.11n HT20, IEEE 802.11n HT40, IEEE
   802.11a VHT20, IEEE 802.11ac VHT40 and IEEE 802.11ac VHT80;
4. For MIMO with CCD technology device:
   Directional gain = 10 log[(10G1 /10 + 10G2 /10 + … + 10GN /10)/NANT] dBi,where antenna gains given by
   G1, G2, …, GN dBi, NANT is the antennas total Number
5. E.I.R.P = Conducted power + Directional Gain
6. Please refer to following test plots;

                                                                                                 Page 51 of 58

                                                      Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                           Unwanted emission
                             IEEE 802.11a
       Antenna Chain 0                           Antenna Chain 1

Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak             Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak

Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak             Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak
                           IEEE 802.11n HT20

Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak             Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak

                                                                      Page 52 of 58

                                                      Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                          Unwanted emission
                          IEEE 802.11n HT20
       Antenna Chain 0                           Antenna Chain 1

Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak             Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak
                          IEEE 802.11ac VHT20

Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak             Channel 149 / 5745 MHz – Peak

Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak             Channel 165 / 5825 MHz – Peak

                                                                      Page 53 of 58

                                                      Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                          Unwanted emission
                          IEEE 802.11n HT40
       Antenna Chain 0                           Antenna Chain 1

Channel 151 / 5755 MHz – Peak             Channel 151 / 5755 MHz – Peak

Channel 159 / 5795 MHz – Peak             Channel 159 / 5795 MHz – Peak
                          IEEE 802.11ac VHT40

Channel 151 / 5755 MHz – Peak             Channel 151 / 5755 MHz – Peak

                                                                      Page 54 of 58

                                                      Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

                           Unwanted emission
                         IEEE 802.11ac VHT40
       Antenna Chain 0                           Antenna Chain 1

Channel 159 / 5795 MHz – Peak             Channel 159 / 5795 MHz – Peak
                          IEEE 802.11ac VHT80

Channel 155 / 5775 MHz – Peak             Channel 155 / 5775 MHz – Peak

Channel 155 / 5775 MHz – Peak             Channel 155 / 5775 MHz – Peak

                                                                      Page 55 of 58

                                                                      Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

5.8. Antenna Requirements

   5.8.1. Standard Applicable
  For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203:

  An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by
  the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna
  or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may
  design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard
  antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited
  And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.407 (a), if transmitting antennas of directional gain
  greater than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional
  gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

   5.8.2. Antenna Connector Construction
   The directional gains of antenna used for transmitting refer to section 1.1 of this report , and the
   antenna is an internal antenna connect to PCB board and no consideration of replacement.
   Please see EUT photo for details.

   5.8.3. Results: Compliance.

  The antenna gain of the complete system is calculated by the difference of radiated power in
  EIRP and the conducted power of the module.

 Conducted power refers ANSI C63.10:2013 Output power test procedure for UNII devices.

 Radiated power refers to ANSI C63.10:2013 Radiated emissions tests.

  Measurement parameters

                                Measurement parameter
Detector:                                     Peak
Sweep Time:                                   Auto
Resolution bandwidth:                         1MHz
Video bandwidth:                              3MHz
Trace-Mode:                                   Max hold

Note: The antenna gain of the complete system is calculated by the difference of radiated power in
     EIRP and the conducted power of the module. For 5G WLAN devices, the IEEE 802.11a
     mode is used.

                    FCC                                             ISED
                                      Antenna Gain
                                          6 dBi

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                                                                     Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

Antenna Chain 0
                                   Lowest Channel   Middle Channel      Highest Channel
         Tnom          Vnom
                                     5745 MHz         5785 MHz             5825 MHz
        Conducted power [dBm]
            Measured with               16.19           17.00                 16.88
          OFDM modulation
         Radiated power [dBm]
            Measured with               18.7            18.65                 19.19
          OFDM modulation
         Gain [dBi] Calculated          2.51             1.65                  2.31
                Measurement uncertainty              ± 1.6 dB (cond.) / ± 3.8 dB (rad.)

Antenna Chain 1
                                   Lowest Channel   Middle Channel      Highest Channel
         Tnom          Vnom
                                     5745 MHz         5785 MHz             5825 MHz
        Conducted power [dBm]
            Measured with               11.61           13.38                 13.91
          OFDM modulation
         Radiated power [dBm]
            Measured with               14.72           15.62                 16.87
          OFDM modulation
         Gain [dBi] Calculated          3.11             2.24                  2.96
                Measurement uncertainty              ± 1.6 dB (cond.) / ± 3.8 dB (rad.)

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                                                                           Report No.: HUAK180824890E3

Item        Equipment          Manufacturer      Model No.    Serial No.        Last Cal.        Cal.
 1.           L.I.S.N.             R&S            ENV216      HKE-002         Dec. 28, 2017     1 Year
          Artificial Mains
 2.           Network
             Receiver              R&S            ESCI 7      HKE-010         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

 3.    RF automatic control      Tonscend        JS0806-2     HKE-060         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year
 4.     Spectrum analyzer          R&S            FSP40       HKE-025         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

 5.    Spectrum analyzer          Agilent         N9020A      HKE-048         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

 6.        Preamplifier        Schwarzbeck       BBV 9743     HKE-006         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

 7.     EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz     ESCI 7      HKE-010         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

 8.     Bilog Broadband        Schwarzbeck       VULB9163     HKE-012         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year
 9.      Loop Antenna          Schwarzbeck      FMZB 1519 B   HKE-014         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

10.       Horn Antenna         Schewarzbeck       9120D       HKE-013         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

11.      Broadband Horn        Schewarzbeck     BBHA 9170     HKE-017         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year
12.       Pre-amplifier            EMCI         EMC051845     HKE-015         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year
13.       Pre-amplifier           Agilent        83051A       HKE-016         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

14.     EMI Test Software        Tonscend        JS1120-B     HKE-083         Dec. 28, 2017      N/A
15.      Power Sensor             Agilent         E9300A      HKE-086         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

16.    Spectrum analyzer          Agilent         N9020A      HKE-048         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

17.      Signal generator         Agilent         N5182A      HKE-029         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

18.     Signal Generator          Agilent         83630A      HKE-028         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

19.       Shielded room         Shiel Hong         4*3*3      HKE-039         Dec. 28, 2017    3 Year

20.      RF Cable(below       HUBER+SUHNER        RG214       HKE-055         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year
21.      RF Cable(above       HUBER+SUHNER        RG214       HKE-056         Dec. 28, 2017    1 Year

                        ---------------THE END OF REPORT---------------

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Document Created: 2019-03-06 20:09:20
Document Modified: 2019-03-06 20:09:20

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