User manual


Users Manual

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              Model: XUS100

        Xunison Ltd
        25th Kilcarbery Business Park, Upper
        Nangor Road, Dublin 22, Ireland

              Powered by xUNISOn                                                                                wali enc

                                                                                   Limited Manufacturer‘s Warranty
                                                                                   Maticom certfesyou as the orginalretapurchaserofthe product 1the product has
                                                                                   any defectsunder nomal condtions, uh defects wilberepaired orreplaced wih a
                                                                                   new orrecondiioned procict under Maticoms ciscretionwithout chargeisubmted
                                                                                   to Maticom within 265 daysfrom the dateof purchase,This warrant ony covers
                                                                                   manfoctrerdefects and the product mustberetumed to Maticom in ts orignal
                                                                                   condiion. Proofof purchase is required
     Table of Contents
      2| Welcome                                                                   FCC Statement
                                                                                    This eavipment has been teste and found to compl wth the Imtsfoa Glass 8 cigta
      3| Setting Up Your Arc                                                        devie,pursuantto Pat 15 of the FCC Rules,These it ae designed to provide
                                                                                    reasonable protecton againt harmfuintererence i a residentalinstalation, This
      4| Port Layout                                                                equioment generates uses and can tadateracio requency energy andfnot instaled
                                                                                    and used in aceordance wih the nstructions,may cause harminterfrence o rado
      5| SetUp Wizard Guide                                                         communieations,Howevesthere is no guaranteethaiterference wilinot occuin a
                                                                                    partiurinstalation. Ifthi equipment does use harmfulitererencetorado or
      61 Remote Guide                                                               teleision receptonwhich can be deternined y ring the equioment off and onthe
                                                                                    useris encouraged o ty tcorectthe interfrence by oneor more afthe falowing
      7| Accessories                                                                messures
      81 Support                                                                      ~Reotent o relacatetherecebingantemna
                                                                                      —Icrease the seporaionbetween theequipmentand recever
      9| Specifications                                                               ~ Connectthe equipmentintoanouet on a crout iferentrom that o which the
                                                                                         receveris comnected
     10 |. Warranty Information                                                       ~ Consult thedealeoran experenced radiaTV technician forhelp
                                                                                    This device complies witpart 18 ofthe FCC Aules
                                                                                    Operation is subjectto tfalowing wo condtions
                                                                                 (1)Thisdevice may no cause harmfnteference,and (2) this devicemust accept any
                                                                                    inteferencereceived,including inteference that may cause undesred opertion
                                                                                    Changes ormodifeations noexpressy approved bytheprt esponsible or
                                                                                    complance could vatd the users authorty o operate theeavioment
                                                                                    FCC Radation Exposure Statement This eqvipment comples wth CC radiation
                                                                                    exposureImits sefoth fon uncontraled ervronment. This equipment should be
                                                                                    instaledand operated with minimum istance 20em betweentheradlator& ourbody

                                                                                   matricomnet            786—686—5515              19


         Processor                   Quad—Core @ 2.0GHz
         Graphics                    PentaCore ARM Mal—450 3D
         RAM                         2GB DDR3
         Flash                       16GB eMMC
                                                                                   We are so happy to have you as a new member of our
         Router                      MT7628 + MT7612, 1200Mbps                     Matricom Community. With the purchase of your new Arc
         Router Flash                256MB                                         you can be sure your home will be smarter and safer.
         Gateway                     Z—Wave, WeFi                                  Setting up your Arc is simple, and this Quick Start Guide
         Ethernet                    10/100M Full Duplex Port                      will get you managing your home quickly.
         WiFi                        IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ac                          Get ready to experience Smart Living, Made Simple.
         RCu                         Bluetooth
         0s                          Android 7.1.2
         Video Output                up—to 4K at 60 FPS
         USB Ports                   USB 2.0 x2                                    In Your Box
         MicroSD Slot                Yes
         WPS Button                  Yes
         HD Output                   Yes
         Coax Cable                  No
                                                                                     Are              Remote®        Ethemet          Power Cord       HD Cable
         AV Port                     Yes                                                                             Cable            rev
         SPDIF                       Yes
         Dimensions                  9.5 in x 5.75 in x 4.25 in
 9       |_Weight                    2.05 Ios                                       *2 AAA Batteries not included                                                 2

 Setting Up Your Arc                                                               We Want to Hear from You!
                                                                                   Leaveus a review on Amazon and share your experience
 Connect To Your TV:
 1. Connect the Power Cord to a wall outlet, and the other                         Here‘s how:
    end to the Arc device.                                                         1. LOG IN to your Amazon account
                                                                                   2. FIND Matricom‘s Arc
 2. Connectone end of the Ethernet cable to your internet
                                                                                   3. SCROLL to the bottom of the page
    source and the other end to the WAN port (blue port)
                                                                                   4. WRITE a product review
     on the Arc device.
 3. Connect the HD Cable to the Arc and to your TV.                                Find Us On:

 4. Press the Power Button on the Are device.                                      n 0 y 0
 5. Press the ‘Source" button on your TV‘s remote and                              Register Your Product:
    select the HD Input port connected to your Arc.

 6. Youshould now see the "Welcome" screen
 7. Press the "OK" button on the Are Remote control to                             Need Some Help?
     continue through the Set—Up Wizard.                                           Visit Our Support Hub:
                                                                                   Give Us a Call: 786—686—5515
     Refer to pg. 5 for more information about the Wizard.                         Our Hours: Mon—Fri| 9—5pm EST
                                                                                   Email Us:

                                                                                   786—686—5515                 8

 Accessories                                                                         Port Layout
 Arc can communicate with most Z—Wave smart home
 devices. Matricom provides a wide range of smart
 home products that can be easily controlled by our
 gateway to provide the perfect solution for your home
 or business.
                                                                                       WAN Port                              h                   AV
& O @0

               Dimmer Socket                           Color Button
              + for ight control                       + on/off switchtimer
              + easy to instalWuse                     + ambient control
                                                                                       LAN 1 & 2

               Multi—Sensor                            Outdoor Camera
              + temperature and ight                  + with Night Vision Mode
              + easy installation                     +2.8mm Fixed Lens                    SD Input

                Smart Energy Plug
              * auto report the power wattage
              * overload protection                                                           HDD

               3in 1 Multi—Sensor                                                                                                               Power Button
              + door/window sensor
              + temperature and ilumination
                                                                                      Power Jack                                                 Reset

 Explore our bundle options at

 Set—Up Wizard Guide                                                               Remote Guide
 1. Choose your preferred language.
 2. Select your time—zone.                                                                                        Power. Power off, hold down to reboot
 3. Set—up your router                                                                                            Mute: Silence all sound
    We highly recommend you do not skip this step.                                                                Scene Trigger: Pre—programmed action
 4. Plug in the Ethernet cable into the blue WAN Port*.                                                           Surveillance: Fast access to cameras
 5. Register a new username and password or login with                                                            Home: Return to home screen
     your existing Arc account                                                                                    Direction Pad: Navigate selections
 6. Follow the prompt to download the X—Home app on                                                               ‘OK: Select an item
    your Android or i0S device.                                                                                   Back: Return to previous screen
 7. You have now completed the Setup Wizard. Click                                                                Mouse Mode: Navigate with a mouse
    "Update Now" to ensure that your device is running
                                                                                                                  Voice Command: Press to speak
     the latest software and firmware.
                                                                                                                  Volume Raise/Lower
                                                                                                                  Menu: Jump to main—menu
     Download Arc‘s app XHome‘to remotely control                                                                 Rewind/Fast—Forward
     your device.
              eron                        sr
           lCnc                      L App Store

 5       *Refer to the Port Layout on pg. 4

Document Created: 2019-03-06 20:09:24
Document Modified: 2019-03-06 20:09:24

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