Long Confidentiality


Cover Letter(s)

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< Hanggzhou Scieneer Smart Teechnology Co.,
                                       C Ltd. >

Office of
       o Engineerinng Technologgy
Federal Communicaations Comm mission
7435 Oaakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD210466
                                                                                      Date: Jan. 22, 2018
Subject; Request forr Long Term Confidentiaality
FCC ID: 2AOVG-M   M503

To Whoom It May Cooncern,
Pursuant to the proviisions of the Commissionn’s rules Titlle 47 Sectionns §0.457 andd §0.459, wee are
requestinng the Comm mission to wiithhold the following
                                              fo        attaachment(s) as
                                                                        a confidentiaal documentss from
public disclosure
       d          inddefinitely.

       ocuments coontain detaileed system and
These do                                       d equipment descriptionss and are connsidered as proprietary
informattion in operaation of the equipment. The public dissclosure of thhese documeents might bee harmful to
our com
      mpany and woould give com    mpetitors an unfair advanntage in the market.

              Schematicc Diagram
              Block Diaagram
              Parts List
              Operational Descriptioon
              Tune-up PProcedure

It is our understandinng that all measurement
                                  m             t reports, F
                                                test         FCC ID labeel format andd corresponddence during
the certification review process cannot
                                   c      be graanted as conffidential documents and tthis informattion will be
availablee for public review
                      r       once the grant of equipment authorization
                                                            a            n is issued.



Name: Baohong
      B       Waan

Title: Manager

Document Created: 2018-01-22 15:16:25
Document Modified: 2018-01-22 15:16:25

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