05 User Manual

FCC ID: 2AOTF-0000008

Users Manual

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                  MODBUS INTERFACE MODULE                                                                              MODEL   R3-NMW1F
 (Modbus Wired Communication, Modbus-RTU Transparent 900 MHz Band Devices Use)
                                                                                             • Do not install the unit where it is subjected to continuous
BEFORE USE ....                                                                                vibration. Do not subject the unit to physical impact.
Thank you for choosing M-System. Before use, please check                                    • Environmental temperature must be within -10 to +55°C
contents of the package you received as outlined below.                                        (14 to 131°F) with relative humidity within 30 to 90% RH
If you have any problems or questions with the product,                                        in order to ensure adequate life span and operation.
please contact M-System’s Sales Office or representatives.                                   • Attachment and adjustment of sleeve antenna: Loosen
                                                                                               the connector (See the below figure), and rotate the an-
■■PACKAGE INCLUDES:                                                                            tenna. Holding the antenna vertically, tighten the connec-
                                                                                               tor by hand. Make sure to fix the antenna firmly.
Modbus interface module....................................................(1)
Terminating resistor (110 Ω, 0.25 W)..................................(1)

Confirm Model No. marking on the product to be exactly
what you ordered.

This manual describes necessary points of caution when
you use this product, including installation, connection and
basic maintenance procedures.

This manual describes necessary points of caution when                                                                           Connector
you use this product, including installation, connection and
basic maintenance procedures.                                                                • Attachment of rooftop antenna: The magnet on the bottom
For information on the introduction of wireless device, refer                                  face allows the antenna to be attached on a metal box and
to the 900 MHz band wireless device users manual (EM-                                          such. To obtain optimum performance from the antenna,
9085).                                                                                         attach it on a metal plate (recommended dimension: 500
                                                                                               mm × 500 mm or more). However, in the case of connect-
                                                                                               ing FE1 or FG of the power supply module to a metal
POINTS OF CAUTION                                                                              plate, the isolation between FE1 or FG and the internal
                                                                                               bus or internal power or antenna connector will be lost.
                                                                                               Tighten the connector with a specified torque (0.9 N∙m).
• Locate the power input rating marked on the product and
                                                                                               As a guide, finger-tighten the connector until it stops, and
  confirm its operational range as indicated below:
                                                                                               then rotate it 10 to 15 degrees with a wrench. Do not force
		 100 – 240V AC rating: 85 – 264V, 47 – 66 Hz,
                                                                                               the cable to bend beyond the acceptable bending radius
						                     approx. 15VA at 100V AC
                                                                                               of 3 cm.
						                     approx. 20VA at 200V AC
                                                                                             • Please note that using 7.5 m coaxial cable (model: CX-
						                     approx. 21.5VA at 240V AC
                                                                                               SAC0SAD0Q0750) (OKI) for extension decreases trans-
		 24V DC rating: 24V ±10%, approx. 8.5W
                                                                                               mission distance.

■■HOT-SWAPPABLE MODULES                                                                      ■■WIRING
• The module can be replaced while the power is ON. Be                                       • Do not install cables close to noise sources (relay drive
  sure to replace it when the module is not communicat-                                        cable, high frequency line, etc.).
  ing with a host, as it may affect the system. Replacing                                    • Do not bind these cables together with those in which
  multiple modules at once may greatly change line voltage                                     noises are present. Do not install them in the same duct.
  levels. We highly recommend to replace them one by one.
                                                                                             ■■AND ....
                                                                                             • The unit is designed to function as soon as power is sup-
• Indoor use.                                                                                  plied, however, a warm up for 10 minutes is required for
• Attach the antenna to the unit.                                                              satisfying complete performance described in the data
• When heavy dust or metal particles are present in the                                        sheet.
  air, install the unit inside proper housing with sufficient

                                                     5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                           EM-8286   P. 1 / 10
                                                     Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


CAUTION REGARDING RADIO FREQUENCY                                          INSTALLATION
■■FCC NOTICE                                                               Use the Installation Base Model R3-BS, or Model R3-BSW
 • This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op-                 for free I/O address capability.
  eration is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and                    Before mounting the Network Interface Module onto the
(2) this device must accept any interference received, in-                 Base, please do the following.
cluding interference that may cause undesired operation.
                                                                           ■■DATA ALLOCATION
■■FCC CAUTION                                                              Set the DIP switches (SW1, SW2) so as to assign the data
• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the                   area size to each I/O module mounted on the base.
  party responsible for compliance could void the user’s au-               The data sent/received via Modbus is mapped according to
  thority to operate the equipment.                                        the setting.
                                                                           See “COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION” and “MODBUS
■■NOTE                                                                     I/O ASSIGNMENTS.”
• This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
  the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15             ■■MOUNTING TO THE BASE
  of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide                                           I/O 1      I/O 2   I/O n
  reasonable protection against harmful interference when
  the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
  frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accord-
  ance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
  interference to radio communications. Operation of this
  equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
  interference in which case the user will be required to cor-
  rect the interference at his own expense.
• This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in
  conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

■■FCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION                                              With Model R3-BS base, mount the I/O Modules from the
• This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure                      left end (I/O 1) to the right in order that the Network Mod-
  limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and                     ule assigns data areas from I/O 1.
  meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guide-                       Network Module(s) and Power Module are mounted basi-
  lines. This equipment should be installed and operated                   cally at the right end though technically they could be
  keeping the radiator at least 20 cm or more away from                    mounted in any position.
  person’s body.
  FCC ID: 2AOTF-0000008 (with no power supply)                             With Model R3-BSW base, there is no limitation in mount-
  FCC ID: 2AOTF-0000009 (24 V DC)                                          ing positions as I/O address can be assigned freely to each
  FCC ID: 2AOTF-0000010 (100 – 240 V AC)                                   module using rotary switches equipped on the base.
  Contains FCC ID: 2AKGW-1TD3016A1

                                    5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                                 EM-8286   P. 2 / 10
                                    Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


■ FRONT VIEW                                                                 ■ SIDE VIEW

                                              Antenna Connector
  Maintenance                       RUN
  Connector                 CFG2


                                   CFG1                                                                                                DIP SW
  920Run LED                                  Configuration Jack                                                                 SW3       SW2         SW1
                                                                                                                             4         8           8
                                                                                                                             3         7           7
  920Link LED                                 Tension clamp                                                                  2         6           6
                                              Terminal                                                                       1         5           5
                                                                                                                                 ON    4           4
                                                                                                                                       3           3
                                                                                                                                       2           2
                                              RUN Contact Output,                                                                      1           1
                                              Power Input Terminal                                                                         ON          ON

■■STATUS INDICATOR LED                                                                     • Dual Communication: SW3-1
  ID         STATUS          COLOR FUNCTION                                               When two network modules are mounted, one must be
 RUN*1                             Output writable port: normal                           ‘Main’ (OFF) network and the other must be ‘Sub’ (ON) net-
              ON             Green
                                   communication                                          work. For single communication, the network module must
              ON              Red  Wired: receiving data                                  always be set to ‘Main’ (OFF).
 ERR*1                             Output writable port: commu-                                                       DUAL COMMUNICATION
              ON             Green                                                            SW
                                   nication error                                                                 MAIN (*)             SUB
              ON              Red  Wired: transmitting data                                  SW3-1                 OFF                 ON
                                   Wireless: normal communica-
 920Run       ON             Green
                                   tion                                                    • Input Error Data: SW3-2
920Link                            Wireless: coordinator is con-                          Hold: When the communication from an input module is lost
              ON             Green
                                   nected                                                 due to the input module error, the network module holds the
             0.5 Hz                Wireless: coordinator connec-                          signal and stands by until the communication recovers.
            blinking               tion in process                                        Set to ‘0’: When the communication from an input module
            Blinking          Red  Network authentication failure                         is lost due to the input module error, the network module
               ON             Red  NO detour                                              outputs ‘0.’
*1. Refer to “LED Function: SW3-4” below.                                                                               INPUT ERROR DATA
                                                                                                                  HOLD (*)             SET ‘0’
■■SIDE DIP SW                                                                                SW3-2                 OFF                   ON
(*) Factory setting
 • Data Allocation: SW1, SW2                                                               • Main/Sub Switching Control: SW3-3
Data Allocation Type*2 must be assigned to each I/O module                                The host PC or PLC can choose whether ‘Main’ or ‘Sub’ bus
slot position to specify how many data areas (four types) are                             is used when the switching control is set to ‘Host.’
to be occupied by each module.                                                            In ‘Normal’ mode, ‘Main’ bus is normally used, while ‘Sub’
Two bits from SW1 and SW2 are assigned to each position,                                  bus is when the main communication has failed.
so as to specify data areas for each of the slots No. 1 to 8.                                                    MAIN/SUB SWITCHING CONTROL
Setting for No. 9 and later slots is identical to No. 8.                                      SW
                                                                                                                NORMAL (*)            HOST
       SW ASSIGNMENT                                          SLOT                           SW3-3                OFF                  ON
     SW1-1       SW1-2                                          1
                                                                                          Note 1: Be sure to match this control mode for both network
     SW1-3       SW1-4                                          2
                                                                                                   modules in dual communication mode.
     SW1-5       SW1-6                                          3                         Note 2: Must be “OFF” in single communication mode.
     SW1-7       SW1-8                                          4
     SW2-1        SW2-2                                         5                          • LED Function: SW3-4
     SW2-3        SW2-4                                         6                         Functions assigned to the front RUN and ERR LEDs can
     SW2-5        SW2-6                                         7                         be selected.
     SW2-7        SW2-8                                         8                                                   LED FUNCTION
            SW SETTING                                DATA ALLOCATION                                     RUN                     ERR
                                                                                                   Green when normal Green ON/blinking when abnormal
       OFF                         OFF                           1                         OFF (*)
                                                                                                   OFF when Timeout OFF when normal
       ON                          OFF                           4
                                                                                           ON      Red when receiving Red when transmitting
       OFF                         ON                            8
       ON                          ON                           16
*2. Refer to the specifications of the related series for the Data
     Allocation Type of I/O modules.

                                                   5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                                    EM-8286      P. 3 / 10
                                                   Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


With configurator software, settings shown below are available.
Refer to the software manual of R3CON for detailed operation.

 ITEM                                   SETTING RANGE                                                           DEFAULT
 Communication timeout                  2 – 32000 (100 msec.)                                                   30 (100 msec.)

 ITEM                                   SETTING RANGE                                                           DEFAULT
 Address                                1 – 247                                                                 1
 Data Mode                              RTU / ASCII                                                             RTU
 Baud rate                              38.4 kbps / 19.2 kbps / 9600 bps / 4800 bps                             38.4 kbps
 Parity                                 Odd / Even / None                                                       None
 Write enable port                      RS-485 / wireless                                                       RS-485
 Slave or Relay                         Slave / Relay                                                           Slave

 ITEM                                SETTING RANGE                                                              DEFAULT
 PAN-ID                               0000 to FFFE (hexadecimal, 4 digits)                                      0000
 Radio channel number                 0 (invalid), 1 to 43 (selectable up to 10 channels)                       0
 Short address                        0000 (invalid), 0001 to FFFD (hexadecimal, 4 digits)                      0000
 Network name                         English one-byte characters within 16 characters                          Blank
                                      (one-byte space, “-”, “_”, “.”, “@” are usable.)
 Encryption key                       0000...0 to FFFF...F (hexadecimal, 32 digits)                             0000...0
 Transmitter power output             0.16 mW / 1 mW / 20 mW                                                    20 mW
 Communication timeout                0 to 32767 (100 msec.)                                                    30
 Number of devices in a network       1 – 30 (devices) /                                                        1 – 30
                                      31 – 60 (devices) /
                                      61 – 100 (devices) /
                                      Fixed + Low speed movement
 Packet filtering                     Disable / Enable                                                          Enable
 Filter timeout on polling (100msec) 10 to 600 (100 msec.)                                                      10
 Fixed route                          Disable / Enable                                                          Disable
 Destination short address            0000 to FFFD (hexadecimal, 4 digits)                                      0000
 Temporary detour                     Disable / Enable                                                          Enable
 Low speed moving mode                Disable / Enable                                                          Disable
 Set network quality                    Standard / Changing frequency • delaytime middle /                      Standard
                                        Changing frequency • delaytime large
 Network join mode                      V3-compatible mode / Fast join mode                                     V3-compatible mode
 Retry times before route switching     1 to 3 (times)                                                          3

                                      5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                             EM-8286   P. 4 / 10
                                      Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


Connect the unit as in the diagram below.

■■EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS unit: mm (inch)


                                                                                                                                                                            [150 (5.91)
      280 (11.02)

                                                                                                                                                      POSITIONING GUIDE
                    130 (5.12)

                                             6 – M3


                                                                                                           TERMINAL COVER

                                  27.5                                                                                                  45 (1.77)        109 (4.29)
                                 (1.08)                                                             [200 (7.87)]


                                                                                                               Dia.3 (.12)

                                                                                                               Dia.1.2 (.05)
                                                                                   80 (3.15)

                                                                                                                                                      POSITIONING GUIDE
                                                                                               36 (1.42)

                                                                                                           Dia.27            [2500 (98.43)]

                                                                                                           TERMINAL COVER
                                                                                                                                              (.75)     109 (4.29)

                                                      5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                                                EM-8286    P. 5 / 10
                                                      Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp

Caution: FE1 terminal is NOT a protective conductor termi-                    WIRING INSTRUCTIONS
                                                                               Terminal wiring screw: 0.5 N·m

                       ANTENNA CONNECTOR                      INTERNAL         ■■SOLDERLESS TERMINAL

                       USB CONNECTOR                                           Refer to the drawing below for recommended ring tongue
                                                                               terminal size. Spade tongue type is also applicable. Solder-
Configuration Jack     JACK
                                                                               less terminals with insulation sleeve do not fit.
                                                              INTERNAL         Recommended manufacturer: Japan Solderless Terminal
                       SLD                                                                    MFG.Co.Ltd, Nichifu Co.,ltd
        To Other                                                               Applicable wire size: 0.75 to 1.25 mm2
   Modbus Devices      DG
                                                                                                     3max         4min
                                                                                                                           3.2 dia.
               RUN + 1

               RUN − 4

                 U (+) 2
 * POWER INPUT                                                                                                    12max
                 V (–) 3                                                                                                              (mm)

                 *FE1 6
                                                                               ■■TENSION CLAMP TERMINAL (Modbus)
             * Not provided with ‘No Power Supply’ type module.                Applicable Wire size: 0.2 to 1.5 mm2
                                                                               Stripped length: 10 mm
                                                                               The following Phoenix Contact terminals are recommended:
                                                                               AI 0.25-10YE 0.25 mm2
                                                                               AI 0.34-10TQ 0.34 mm2
                                                                               AI 0.5-10WH 0.5 mm2
                                                                               AI 0.75-10GY 0.75 mm2


                     HOST PC                                             R3−NMW1F                                          R3−NMW1F
                     Tx+/Rx+                                                DA                                                DA
                     Tx–/Rx−                                                DB                                                DB
                       SG                                                   DG                                                DG
                       Rx+                                                  SLD                                               SLD
                       Rx–                                                   FE                                                FE

                                                                     FG                                                  FG


                       R3-NMW1F                                      SLAVE DEVICE                                        SLAVE DEVICE
                           DA                                              DA                                                 DA
                           DB                                              DB                                                 DB
                           DG                                              DG                                                 DG
                           SLD                                             SLD                                                SLD
                            FE                                             FG                                                 FG

                                                                    FG                                               FG

                                        5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                                      EM-8286   P. 6 / 10
                                        Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


■■Data and Control Functions
  01    Read Coil Status                     X        Digital output from the slave (read/write)
  02    Read Input Status                    X        Status of digital inputs to the slave (read only)
  03    Read Holding Registers               X        General purpose register within the slave (read/write)
  04    Read Input Registers                 X        Collected data from the field by the slave (read only)
  05    Force Single Coil                    X        Digital output from the slave (read/write)
  06    Preset Single Register               X        General purpose register within the slave (read/write)
  07    Read Exception Status
  08    Diagnostics
  09    Program 484
  10    Poll 484
  11    Fetch Comm. Event Counter
  12    Fetch Comm. Event Log
  13    Program Controller
  14    Poll Controller
  15    Force Multiple Coils                 X        Digital output from the slave (read/write)
  16    Preset Multiple Registers            X        General purpose register within the slave (read/write)
  17    Report Slave ID                      X        Slave type / ‘RUN’ status
  18    Program 884/M84
  19    Reset Comm. Link
  20    Read General Reference
  21    Write General Reference
  22    Mask Write 4X Register
  23    Read/Write 4X Register
  24    Read FIFO Queue

■■Exception Codes
  01    Illegal Function                     X        Function code is not allowable for the slave
  02    Illegal Data Address                 X        Address is not available within the slave
  03    Illegal Data Value                   X        Data is not valid for the function
  04    Slave Device Failure
  05    Acknowledge
  06    Slave Device Busy
  07    Negative Acknowledge
  08    Memory Parity Error

                               5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                       EM-8286   P. 7 / 10
                               Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


                           ADDRESS        DATA FORMAT NAME
Coil (0X)                   1 – 1024                  Digital Output (discrete output)
                              1025                    Main / Sub Switching Command (valid only with SW3-3 set to ON)
Inputs (1X)                 1 – 1024                  Digital Input (discrete input)
                          1025 – 1040                 Module Status
                          1041 – 1056                 Error Status
                          1057 – 1072                 Data Error Status
Input Registers (3X)         1 – 256            I     Analog Input
                           257 – 768            F     Analog Input
Holding Registers (4X)       1 – 256            I     Analog Output
                           257 – 768            F     Analog Output
I: Integer, 0 – 10000 (0 – 100%)
F: Floating (32-bit data cannot be accessed using floating addresses.)
Note: DO NOT access addresses other than mentioned above. Such access may cause problems such as inadequate operation.

• Module Status indicates whether individual I/O modules are mounted or not. The bit corresponding to the mounted slot
  turns to “1,” and the unmounted slot to “0.”

• Error Status indicates error status for each module as described below. The bit corresponding to such module turns to “1.”
  R3-TSx, R3-RSx, R3-US4: Input burnout
  R3-DA16A: Power input in error or disconnected
  R3-YSx: Output current error (e.g. load unconnected)

• Data Error Status indicates overrange (R3-US4: out of -10% to +110%; the other types: out of -15% to +115%) status for each
  module. The bit corresponding to such module turns to “1.”

• Main / Sub Switching Commands given to the network modules result as follows:
          1                     0             Main bus is used; Red LED turns on at RUN LED of the I/O modules.
          0                     1             Sub bus is used; Green LED turns on at RUN LED of the I/O modules.
          1                     1             Main bus is used; Amber LED turns on at RUN LED of the I/O modules.
          0                     0             Output is invalid; RUN LED of the I/O modules turns off.

• Writing to Coil (0X) and Holding Registers (4X) is only available with either Wireless or Modbus communication. It is
  available to change the configuration with Configurator Software (model: R3CON). Factory default setting is Modbus com-

DIP SW located at the side of the module specifies each I/O module’s data allocation (occupied data area).
For example, when the data areas are assigned as shown below:
			 Module 1		              4
			 Module 2		              4
			 Module 3		              4
			 Module 4		              1
			 Module 5		              1
			 Module 6		              1
			 Module 7		              1
Then the I/O data are assigned as in the table below:
                               ADDRESS             POSITION                                              ADDRESS       POSITION
Input Registers (3X)      1 – 4, 257 – 264          Slot 1                 Coil (0X)                   1 – 64           Slot 1
Holding Registers (4X)    5 – 8, 265 – 272          Slot 2                 Inputs (1X)                 65 – 128         Slot 2
                          9 – 12, 273 – 280         Slot 3                                             129 – 192        Slot 3
                          13, 281 – 282             Slot 4                                             193 – 208        Slot 4
                          14, 283 – 284             Slot 5                                             209 – 224        Slot 5
                          15, 285 – 286             Slot 6                                             225 – 240        Slot 6
                          16, 287 – 288             Slot 7                                             241 – 256        Slot 7
                                                                          For Coil (0X) and Inputs (1X), addresses 16 times assigned
                                                                          data areas (Data Allocation Type) are allotted with the Data
                                                                          Allocation Type ‘1’ and ‘4.’ With ‘8’ and ‘16,’ 64 (4 × 16) are
                                                                          automatically allotted.

                                   5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                           EM-8286    P. 8 / 10
                                   Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp


Shows each module’s availability and error status.

                 15                                        0

                                                                  Module 1
                                                                  Module 2
                                                                  Module 3
                                                                  Module 16

The data allocations for typical I/O modules are shown below.
Refer to the manual for each module for detailed data allocations.

■■ANALOG DATA (16-bit data, models: R3-SV4, YV4, DS4, YS4 and US4, etc.)
16-bit binary data.
Basically, 0 to 100% of the selected I/O range is converted into 0 to 10000 (binary).
-15 to 0 % is a negative range represented in 2’s complement.
In case of R3-US4, -10 to 0% is a negative range represented in 2’s complement.

                 15                                        0

■■TEMPERATURE DATA (16-bit data, models: R3-RS4, TS4 and US4, etc.)
16-bit binary data.
With °C temperature unit, raw data is multiplied by 10. For example, 25.5°C is converted into 255.
With °F temperature unit, the integer section of raw data is directly converted into the data. For example, 135.4°F is con-
verted into 135.
Minus temperature is converted into negative values, represented in 2’s complements.

                 15                                        0

■■ANALOG DATA (16-bit data, models: R3-CT4A, CT4B, etc.)
16-bit binary data.
Integer obtained by multiplying unit value (A) by 100.
In case of CLSE-R5, integer obtained by multiplying unit value (A) by 1000.

                 15                                        0

■■ACCUMULATED COUNT DATA (32-bit data, models: R3-PA2, PA4A, WT1, WT4, etc.)
32-bit binary data is used for accumulated counts and encoder positions.
Lower 16 bits are allocated from the lowest address to higher ones, higher 16 bits in turn.
32-bit data cannot be accessed using floating addresses.

                 15                                        0
            +0                                                 Lower 16 bits

                 15                                        0
            +1                                                 Higher 16 bits

                                    5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                 EM-8286   P. 9 / 10
                                    Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp

■■BCD DATA (32-bit data, models: R3-BA32A, BC32A, etc.)
32-bit binary data is used for BCD.
Lower 16 bits are allocated from the lowest address to higher ones, higher 16 bits in turn.
32-bit data cannot be accessed using floating addresses.

                   15                                                0
              +0                                                         Lower 16 bits

                   15                                                0
              +1                                                         Higher 16 bits

■■16-POINT, DISCRETE DATA (models: R3-DA16 and DC16, etc.)

                   15                                                0

                                                                            Input 1 (Output 1)
                                                                            Input 2 (Output 2)
                                                                            Input 3 (Output 3)
                                                                               :        :
                                                                            Input 16 (Output 16)
                    0 : OFF
                    1 : ON

RS485 or wireless port set for Write enable port can be dual-redundant.

 R3 main network
 (main/sub switching control)
        Address : 01025 = 1

        Address : 01025 = 0

 Communication Status                 Start                          Main Lost                          Main Restored   Switching by Host
                                (1)                     (2)                       (3)                        (4)               (5)
 R3 sub network
 (main/sub switching control)
        Address : 01025 = 1

        Address : 01025 = 0

1) When the main/sub switching control for both main and sub network is set to ‘0’, all contact outputs are off, and analog
   output modules output -15%.
2) When the main’s setting is switched to ‘1’, the output modules are in control of the main host device.
3) When a loss of communication is detected in the main network, the output signal is held for the preset time period. (Timer
   is programmable with the PC Configurator Software, R3CON.) After the time has elapsed, the output control is switched
   from the main to the sub network. Be sure to set an appropriate output signal to the sub network and switch the sub’s
   setting to ‘1’ before such switching occurs.
4) The output modules’ control is not automatically switched back to the main’s when the main network is restored if the
   main’s setting is ‘0’. Thus, if the main’s setting is ‘1’, the control is back to the main’s.
5) When both the main and the sub network modules are in communication, the output can be switched without delay.

                                              5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN                  EM-8286    P. 10 / 10
                                              Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: info@m-system.co.jp

Document Created: 2019-04-01 18:10:00
Document Modified: 2019-04-01 18:10:00

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