Document 75940027-05 Issue 01


Test Report

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FCC Testing of the Axnes Aviation AS
Base Station. Model: BST50 and
Control Panel. Model: CP50
In accordance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15B
Prepared for:                  Axnes Aviation AS
                               Terje Lovasvei 1


Date: May 2018
Document Number: 75940027-05 | Issue: 01

RESPONSIBLE FOR                       NAME                                                                   DATE                               SIGNATURE

Project Management                    Steven White                                                           08 May 2018

Authorised Signatory                  Matthew Russell                                                        08 May 2018
Signatures in this approval box have checked this document in line with the requirements of TÜV SÜD Product Service document control rules.

The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedures described on test pages. All reported testing
was carried out on a sample equipment to demonstrate limited compliance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15B. The sample tested was
found to comply with the requirements defined in the applied rules.

RESPONSIBLE FOR                       NAME                                                                   DATE                               SIGNATURE

Testing                               Graeme Lawler                                                          08 May 2018

FCC Accreditation
90987 Octagon House, Fareham Test Laboratory

A sample of this product was tested and found to be compliant with FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: 2016.

                                           DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT
                                           This non-binding report has been prepared by TÜV SÜD Product Service with all reasonable skill and care. The document is confidential to the
                                           potential Client and TÜV SÜD Product Service. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of TÜV SÜD
                                           Product Service © 2018 TÜV SÜD Product Service
                                           Our UKAS Accreditation does not cover opinions and interpretations and any expressed are outside the scope of our UKAS Accreditation.
                                           Results of tests not covered by our UKAS Accreditation Schedule are marked NUA (Not UKAS Accredited).

TÜV SÜD Product Service                         TUV SUD Ltd is a                            Phone: +44 (0) 1489 558100                    TÜV SÜD Product Service
is a trading name of TUV SUD Ltd                TÜV SÜD Group Company                       Fax: +44 (0) 1489 558101                      Octagon House
Registered in Scotland at East Kilbride,                                                                       Concorde Way
Glasgow G75 0QF, United Kingdom                                                                                                           Fareham
Registered number: SC215164                                                                                                               Hampshire PO15 5RL
                                                                                                                                          United Kingdom

     TÜV SÜD Product Service

Document Number: 75940027-05 | Issue: 01

1           Report Summary .........................................................................................................................2
1.1         Report Modification Record...........................................................................................................2
1.2         Introduction....................................................................................................................................2
1.3         Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................3
1.4         Declaration of Build Status ............................................................................................................4
1.5         Product Information .......................................................................................................................5
1.6         Deviations from the Standard........................................................................................................5
1.7         EUT Modification Record ..............................................................................................................5
1.8         Test Location .................................................................................................................................5
2           Test Details ..................................................................................................................................6
2.1         Radiated Emissions.......................................................................................................................6
3           Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................11

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Document Number: 75940027-05 | Issue: 01

1          Report Summary

1.1        Report Modification Record

           Alterations and additions to this report will be issued to the holders of each copy in the form of a
           complete document.

            Issue           Description of Change                                               Date of Issue

            1               First Issue                                                         08 May 2018

                                                            Table 1

1.2        Introduction

           Applicant                                Axnes Aviation AS
           Manufacturer                             Axnes Aviation AS
           Model Number(s)                          BST50 and CP50
           Serial Number(s)                         000 273 and 000 106
           Hardware Version(s)                      R8
           Software Version(s)                      AXS-SW-0311
           Number of Samples Tested                 2
           Test Specification/Issue/Date            FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: 2016
           Order Number                             801584
           Date                                     10 August 2017
           Date of Receipt of EUT                   11 August 2017
           Start of Test                            18 November 2017
           Finish of Test                           19 November 2017
           Name of Engineer(s)                      Graeme Lawler
           Related Document(s)                      ANSI C63.4 (2014)

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1.3       Brief Summary of Results

          A brief summary of the tests carried out in accordance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15B is shown below.

           Section      Specification Clause   Test Description                                       Result   Comments/Base Standard
           Configuration and Mode: PNG BST50 - Idle

           -            15.107                 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                      N/A      EUT Is DC Powered
           2.1          15.109                 Radiated Emissions                                     Pass     ANSI C63.4 (2014)

                                                                                   Table 2

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1.4        Declaration of Build Status

            Manufacturer                    Axnes AS

            Country of origin               Norway

            UK Agent                        n/a

            Technical Description           PNG BST50 Base station, component used in the
                                            PNG wireless intercom system

            Model No                        BST50

            Part No                         AXS-BS-D0100-N

            Serial No                       000 273

            Drawing Number                  AX-PNG-MCL-0185

            Build Status                    R8

            Software Issue                  AXS-SW-0311

            Hardware Issue                  R8

            Highest Internally Generated    1880 MHz

            FCC ID                          2AOHP BST50A

            Industry Canada ID

                                            Signature            Petter Johnsen

                                            Date                 07/09/2017

                                            D of B S Serial No

           Note: This document has been prepared to enable manufacturers with no mechanism for
           producing their own Declaration of Build Status, to declare the build state of the
           equipment submitted for test.

           No responsibility will be accepted by TÜV SÜD Product Service as to the accuracy of the
           information declared in this document by the manufacturer.

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1.5        Product Information

1.5.1      Technical Description

           PNG BST50 Base station, component used in the PNG wireless intercom system. The CP50 is the
           Control Panel for the BST50.

1.6        Deviations from the Standard

           No deviations from the applicable test standard were made during testing.

1.7        EUT Modification Record

           The table below details modifications made to the EUT during the test programme.
           The modifications incorporated during each test are recorded on the appropriate test pages.

                                                                                                             Date Modification
            Modification State   Description of Modification still fitted to EUT   Modification Fitted By
            Serial Number: 000 273
            0                    As supplied by the customer                       Not Applicable            Not Applicable

            Serial Number: 000 106
            0                    As supplied by the customer                       Not Applicable            Not Applicable

                                                                     Table 3

1.8        Test Location

           TÜV SÜD Product Service conducted the following tests at our Fareham Test Laboratory.

            Test Name                                  Name of Engineer(s)                   Accreditation

            Configuration and Mode: PNG BST50 - Idle

            Radiated Emissions                        Graeme Lawler                          UKAS

                                                                     Table 4
           Office Address:

           Octagon House
           Concorde Way
           Segensworth North
           PO15 5RL
           United Kingdom

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2          Test Details

2.1        Radiated Emissions

2.1.1      Specification Reference

           FCC 47 CFR Part 15B, Clause 15.109

2.1.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           BST50, S/N: 000 273 - Modification State 0
           CP50, S/N: 000 106 - Modification State 0

2.1.3      Date of Test

           18 November 2017 to 19 November 2017

2.1.4      Test Method

           The test was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.4, clause 8.

           The EUT was tested transmitting on the middle channel as it was not possible to disable the
           transmitter (434.9875 MHz). Both antenna ports were terminated with 50 ohm loads.

           For measurements from 30 MHz to 1 GHz, measurements were performed at 3 m and the data
           was adjusted by -20*Log(10/3).

           Measurements > 1 GHz were performed at 3 m.

2.1.5      Environmental Conditions

           Ambient Temperature        16.5 °C
           Relative Humidity          44.0 %

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2.1.6     Test Results

          PNG BST50 - Idle

          Highest frequency generated or used within the EUT: 1880 MHz
          Upper frequency test limit: 10 GHz

           Frequency        QP Level         QP Limit       QP Margin
                                                                             Angle(Deg)   Height(m)   Polarity
           (MHz)            (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)
            30.060          19.7             39.1           -19.4            262          1.00        Vertical

            349.894         13.7             46.4           -32.7            50           1.00        Vertical

            434.951         45.0             46.4           -1.4             138          1.00        Vertical
            449.887         16.4             46.4           -30.0            223          1.00        Vertical
            456.488         16.2             46.4           -30.2            112          1.00        Vertical

            648.212         20.1             46.4           -26.3            210          1.00        Vertical

                                                Table 5 - 30 MHz to 1 GHz

                                   Figure 1 - 30 MHz to 1 GHz - Horizontal and Vertical

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           Frequency      Result (µV/m)            Limit (µV/m)          Margin (µV/m)       Angle     Height           Polarisation
           (GHz)                                                                              (°)       (m)
                         Peak       Average       Peak      Average      Peak    Average

                                                     Table 6 - 1 GHz to 10 GHz

          *No emissions were detected within 10 dB of the limit.
                              Max/Ref Lvl     Marker 1 [T1]               RBW    1 MHz     RF Att      0 dB
                               97 dB*                    35.79 dB V/m    VBW   100 kHz
                               69 dB*               8.00000000 GHz        SWT   175 ms     Unit       dB V/m


                               D1 74 dB*
                            1VIEW                                                                                 1MA
                         60 2MAX                                                                                  2MA

                                  D2 54 dB*

                         40                                                                                       TDS




                              Start 1 GHz                         700 MHz/                        Stop 8 GHz

                       Date:        18.NOV.2017    13:59:43

                                        Figure 2 - 1 GHz to 8 GHz - Horizontal and Vertical

          *The limit shown on the above plot is for a non-Class A device as this was considered to be more
          stringent than the limit for a Class A device.

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                               Max/Ref Lvl      Marker 1 [T1]              RBW       1 MHz     RF Att       0 dB
                                97 dB*                  38.91 dB V/m      VBW      50 kHz
                                69 dB*                8.00000000 GHz       SWT    100 ms       Unit        dB V/m


                                D1 74 dB*
                             1VIEW                                                                                   1MA
                          60 2MAX                                                                                    2MA

                                   D2 54 dB*

                           1                                                                                         TDS




                               Start 8 GHz                       200 MHz/                             Stop 10 GHz

                        Date:        18.NOV.2017    14:05:36

                                         Figure 3 - 8 GHz to 10 GHz - Horizontal and Vertical

          *The limit shown on the above plot is for a non-Class A device as this was considered to be more
          stringent than the limit for a Class A device.

          FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Limit Clause 15.109 (Class A)

           Frequency of Emission (MHz)                                  Field Strength (µV/m) at 10 m.
           30 to 88                                                     90.0
           88 to 216                                                    150.0

           216 to 960                                                   210.0

           Above 960                                                    300.0

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2.1.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

          This test was carried out in EMC Chamber 5.

           Instrument                 Manufacturer             Type No          TE No   Period        Calibration Due

           Test Receiver              Rohde & Schwarz          ESIB26           242     12            19-Jun-2018

           Antenna (Bilog)            Schaffner                CBL6143          287     24            18-Apr-2018

           Pre-Amplifier              Phase One                PS04-0086        1533    12            31-Jul-2018

           Screened Room (5)          Rainford                 Rainford         1545    36            20-Dec-2017

           Turntable Controller       Inn-Co GmbH              CO 1000          1606    -             TU

           Hygrometer                 Rotronic                 HYGROPALM 1      2338    12            24-Oct-2018

           Cable (N-N, 8m)            Rhophase                                  3248    12            02-May-2018

           Tilt Antenna Mast          maturo Gmbh              TAM 4.0-P        3916    -             TU

           Mast Controller            maturo Gmbh              NCD              3917    -             TU

           TRUE RMS
                                      Fluke                    179              4006    12            13-Dec-2017
           1GHz to 8GHz Low Noise
                                      Wright Technologies      APS04-0085       4365    12            18-Oct-2018
           Cable (Yellow, Rx, Km-Km                            KPS-1501-2000-
                                      Scott Cables                              4527    6             04-Dec-2017
           2m)                                                 KPS

           EMI Receiver               Keysight Technologies    N9038A MXE       4628    12            22-Jun-2018

           Double Ridge Broadband
                                      Schwarzbeck              BBHA 9120 B      4848    12            17-Feb-2018
           Horn Antenna

                                                              Table 7

          TU - Traceability Unscheduled

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3         Measurement Uncertainty

          For a 95% confidence level, the measurement uncertainties for defined systems are:

           Test Name                                       Measurement Uncertainty

           AC Power Line Conducted Emissions               150 kHz to 30 MHz, LISN, ±3.7 dB
           Radiated Emissions                              30 MHz to 1 GHz: ±5.2 dB
                                                           1 GHz to 40 GHz: ±6.3 dB

                                                      Table 8

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Document Created: 2018-05-08 14:07:39
Document Modified: 2018-05-08 14:07:39

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