Test Report_Classic BT_Part 3 of 4

FCC ID: 2AO7Q-X600M1

Test Report

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                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                                page 5-5

  2480MHz(30MHz – 1GHz)      2480MHz(10GHz – 25GHz)

                             Hopping on
  2480MHz(1GHz – 10GHz)      GFSK(2.3GHz – 2.4GHz)

  2480MHz(2.4GHz – 2.5GHz)   (2.4GHz – 2.5GHz)

                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                               page 5-6

  8-DPSK(2.3GHz – 2.4GHz)   (2.4GHz – 2.5GHz)

                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                                                       AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                                                               page 6-1

         6. 20 DB BANDWIDTH TEST
             6.1.Test Equipments
  Item      Equipment      Manufacturer     Model No.   Serial No.                         Last Cal.      Cal. Interval
            PXA Signal
  1.                          Agilent       N9030A     MY53311015                         Oct.15,17          1 Year
  2.     Attenuator (20dB)    Agilent        8491B     MY39262165                         Apr.27,17          1 Year
  3.         RF Cable                    SFL402105FLEX    NO.1                            Oct.15,17          1 Year
                           Microwave Inc

                   Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission
                   limits, as contained in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be
                   designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may
                   otherwise be specified in the specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is
                   contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under which the
                   equipment is operated.
             6.3.Test Procedure
                   1. Connect the antenna port of the EUT to the spectrum analyzer.
                   2. Let the EUT transmit at Low/ Mid/ High channel with test software.
                   3. Setting of SA is following as: RBW: 30kHz / VBW: 100kHz
                      Sweep Mode: Continuous sweep
                      Detect mode: Positive peak
                      Trace mode: Max hold.
                   4. Use the occupied bandwidth function of the SA measure the 20dB bandwidth directly.

             6.4.Test Results
       EUT: Gemini
       M/N:Gemini 4G
       Test date:2018­01­25               Pressure: 102.1±1.0 kpa               Humidity: 51.1±3.0%
       Tested by: Kayle                   Test site: RF site                    Temperature:22.8±0.6 ℃

                          Frequency             20dB bandwidth                                Limit
         Test Mode
                            (MHz)                   (KHz)                                    (KHz)
                              2402                    920.7                                    N/A
           GFSK               2441                    831.1                                    N/A
                              2480                    775.2                                    N/A
                              2402                    1.295                                    N/A
          8­DPSK              2441                    1.282                                    N/A
                              2480                    1.233                                    N/A

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                         page 6-2

 GFSK                 8-DPSK
 2402MHz              2402MHz

 2441MHz              2441MHz

 2480MHz              2480MHz

                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                                                               page 7-1

              7.1.Test Equipments
  Item       Equipment          Manufacturer       Model No.           Serial No.          Last Cal.      Cal. Interval
             PXA Signal
  1.                               Agilent          N9030A           MY53311015           Oct.15,17           1 Year
  2.          RF Cable                        SFL402105FLEX               NO.1            Oct.15,17           1 Year
                                Microwave Inc
                     Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequency separated by
                     a minimum of 25kHz or the 20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater.
                     Alternatively, frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400­2483.5 MHz band may
                     have hopping channel carrier frequencies that are separated by 25 kHz or two­thirds of the
                     20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater, provided the systems
                     operate with an output power no greater than 125 mW.
              7.3.Test Procedure
                      1. Connect the antenna port of the EUT to the Spectrum analyzer.
                      2. Let the EUT transmit at Low/ Mid/ High channel.
                      3. Setting of SA is following as: RBW: 100kHz / VBW: 300kHz.Span:5MHz
                      4. Use the mark Delta function of the SA measure out the channel separation.
              7.4.Test Results.
       EUT: Gemini
       M/N:Gemini 4G
       Test date:2018­01­25               Pressure: 101.4±1.0kpa         Humidity: 51.4±3.0%
       Tested by: Kayle                   Test site: RF Site             Temperature: 23.4±0.6℃
             Test Mode              Channel separation        Limit(KHz)           Conclusion
               GFSK                      1.0MHz                   613.800                              PASS
              8­DPSK                     1.0MHz                   863.333                              PASS

 GFSK                                                     8-DPSK

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                                                              page 8-1

               8.1.Test Equipments
   Item      Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No.          Serial No.         Last Cal.      Cal. Interval
             PXA Signal
    1                                Agilent           N9030A         MY53311015           Oct.15,17          1 Year
    2.        RF Cable                         SFL402105FLEX                NO.1           Oct.15,17          1 Year
                                 Microwave Inc
                     Frequency hopping systems in the 2400­2483.5 MHz band shall use at least 15 channels

               8.3.Test Procedure
                     Use the test method descried in ANSI C63.10 clause 7.8.3:
                     a) Span: The frequency band of operation. Depending on the number of channels the
                          device supports, it may be necessary to divide the frequency range of operation
                          across multiple spans, to allow the individual channels to be clearly seen.
                     b)    RBW: To identify clearly the individual channels, set the RBW to less than 30% of
                           the channel spacing or the 20 dB bandwidth, whichever is smaller.
                     c)    VBW ≥ RBW.
                     d)    Sweep: Auto.
                     e)    Detector function: Peak.
                     f)    Trace: Max hold.
                     g)    Allow the trace to stabilize.

               8.4.Test Results
          EUT: Gemini
          M/N:Gemini 4G
          Test date:2018­01­25                 Pressure: 101.4±1.0 kpa        Humidity: 51.4±3.0%
          Tested by: Kayle                     Test site: RF Site             Temperature: 23.4±0.6℃

                Test Mode             Number of channel            Limit                    Conclusion
                    GFSK                       79                  >=15                        PASS
                8­DPSK                         79                  >=15                        PASS

                                                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052


                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID:2AO7Q­X600M1                                         page 8-2



                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F18052

Document Created: 2018-07-19 16:34:00
Document Modified: 2018-07-19 16:34:00

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