Test Report


Test Report

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FCC and IC Test Report for Parts
15.247, 15.207 and 15.209 (DTS)
     and RSS-247, RSS Gen

   Product name         : Launch
   Applicant            : Feel Robotics
   FCC ID               : 2AO5N-LCHD18
   IC ID                : 23801-LCHD18

    Test report No. : 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

Laboratory information
Telefication complies with the accreditation criteria for test laboratories as laid down in ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
The accreditation covers the quality system of the laboratory as well as the specific activities as described in
the authorized annex bearing the accreditation number L021 and is granted on 30 November 1990 by the
Dutch Council For Accreditation (RvA: Raad voor Accreditatie).

Telefication is designated by the FCC as an Accredited Test Firm for compliance testing of equipment subject to
Certification under Parts 15 & 18. The Designation number is: NL0001.

Telefication is a Wireless Device Testing laboratory recognized by Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada to test to Canadian radio equipment requirements.
The Industry Canada registration number for the 3 meter test chamber of Telefication is: 4173A-1.


The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to written
approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the tested devices is
archived for 10 years at Telefication Netherlands.

Testing Location

Test Site                                        Telefication BV
Test Site location                               Edisonstraat 12a
                                                 6902 PK Zevenaar
                                                 The Netherlands

                                                 Tel. +31889983600
                                                 Fax. +31316583189
Test Site FCC                                    NL0001

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

Revision History

  Version        Date                         Remarks                       By
   v0.50      16-10-2018                      First draft                   PvW
   v1.00      18-10-2018                    Initial release                 PvW
   v2.00      08-04-2019            Updated emission designator.            PvW
                                       Added software version.
                            Updated clause 2.1 Test mode with information
                            about the software used to operate the device
                                             under test.

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

Table of Contents
Revision History .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Summary of Test results .................................................................................................................................. 6
1      General Description ................................................................................................................................. 7
    1.1        Applicant................................................................................................................................................7
    1.2        Manufacturer ........................................................................................................................................7
    1.3        Tested Equipment Under Test (EUT) .....................................................................................................7
    1.4        Product specifications of Equipment under test ...................................................................................8
    1.5        Modification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) .................................................................................8
    1.6        Observations and remarks.....................................................................................................................8
    1.7        Environmental conditions......................................................................................................................8
    1.8        Measurement Standards .......................................................................................................................8
    1.9        Applicable Standards .............................................................................................................................8
    1.10       Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................9
2      Test configuration of the Equipment Under Test ................................................................................... 10
    2.1        Test mode ............................................................................................................................................10
    2.2        Tested channels and Data rates ..........................................................................................................10
    2.3        Test setups ...........................................................................................................................................10
    2.4        Equipment used in the test configuration ...........................................................................................11
    2.5        Sample calculation ...............................................................................................................................11
3      Test results ............................................................................................................................................ 12
    3.1        6dB bandwidth Measurement .............................................................................................................12
       3.1.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................12
       3.1.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................12
       3.1.3       Test setup ........................................................................................................................................12
       3.1.4       Test procedure ................................................................................................................................12
       3.1.5       Test Results of the 6 dB bandwidth Measurement .........................................................................12
       3.1.6       Plots of the 6 dB bandwidth measurement ....................................................................................12
    3.2        99% Occupied Bandwidth ....................................................................................................................14
       3.2.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................14
       3.2.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................14
       3.2.3       Test setup ........................................................................................................................................14
       3.2.4       Test procedure ................................................................................................................................14
       3.2.5       Test results of the 99% occupied bandwidth measurement...........................................................14
       3.2.6       Plots of the 99% occupied bandwidth measurement .....................................................................14
    3.3        Output Power Measurement ..............................................................................................................16
       3.3.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................16
       3.3.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................16

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    3.3.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................16
    3.3.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................16
    3.3.5      Test results of Output Power Measurement...................................................................................16
  3.4       Power Spectral Density........................................................................................................................17
    3.4.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................17
    3.4.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................17
    3.4.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................17
    3.4.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................17
    3.4.5      Test results of Power Spectral Density Measurement ....................................................................17
  3.5       Band edge Measurement ....................................................................................................................19
    3.5.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................19
    3.5.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................19
    3.5.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................19
    3.5.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................19
    3.5.5      Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................19
    3.5.6      Plots of the Band edge Measurements ...........................................................................................19
  3.6       Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurement .......................................................................................21
    3.6.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................21
    3.6.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................21
    3.6.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................21
    3.6.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................21
    3.6.5      Notes ...............................................................................................................................................21
    3.6.6      Plots of the Radiated Spurious Emissions .......................................................................................22
    3.6.7      Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................26
  3.7       AC conducted mains measurement ....................................................................................................27
    3.7.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................27
    3.7.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................27
    3.7.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................27
    3.7.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................27
    3.7.5      Test results and plots of the AC conducted mains measurement ..................................................27
    3.7.6      Measurement uncertainty ..............................................................................................................27
    3.7.7      Plots of the AC conducted spurious measurement .........................................................................28
  3.8       Conducted Spurious Emissions Measurement ....................................................................................29
    3.8.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................29
    3.8.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................29
    3.8.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................29
    3.8.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................29
    3.8.5      Plots of the Conducted Spurious Emissions Measurement ............................................................29

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    3.8.6   Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................29

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Summary of Test results
   FCC            ISED         Description                                  Section in      Verdict
15.247 (a)    RSS-247 5.2      6dB Bandwidth                                3.1             Pass
    --        RSS-Gen 6.6      99% Bandwidth                                3.2             Pass
15.247 (b)   RSS-247 5.1 (2)   RF output power                              3.3             Pass
15.247 (e)   RSS-247 5.2 (2)   Power spectral density                       3.4             Pass
15.247 (d)    RSS-247 5.5      Band edge                                    3.5             Pass
15.209 (a)    RSS-247 5.4      Radiated Spurious emissions                  3.6             Pass
15.205 (a)    RSS Gen 8.10     Spurious emissions in the restricted bands   3.6, 3.8        Pass
15.207 (c)    RSS-Gen 8.8      Conducted spurious emissions on AC mains     3.7             Pass

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

1     General Description
1.1    Applicant
Client name:                               Feel Robotics B.V.
Address                                    Amstelplein 62, 30th Floor, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Zip code:                                  1096 BC
Telephone:                                 (0)20 737 1194
E-mail:                                    maurice@kiiroo.com
Contact name:                              Maurice op de Beek

1.2    Manufacturer
Manufacturer name:                         Feel Robotics B.V.
Address:                                   Amstelplein 62, 30th Floor, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Zip code:                                  1096 BC
Telephone:                                 (0)20 737 1194
E-mail:                                    maurice@kiiroo.com
Contact name:                              Maurice op de Beek

1.3    Tested Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Product name:                              Launch
Brand name:                                Kiiroo
Product type:                              Interactive Stroker
FCC ID:                                    2AO5N-LCHD18
IC ID                                      23801-LCHD18
Software version:                          1.0
Hardware version:                          Launch V2
Date of receipt                            20-08-2018
Tests started:                             21-08-2018
Testing ended:                             27-08-2018

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1.4       Product specifications of Equipment under test
TX Frequency range (MHz)                          Bluetooth low energy: 2400 – 2483.5
RX frequency range (MHz)                          Bluetooth low energy: 2400 – 2483.5
Maximum output power to antenna (dBm)             -12.44
Antenna type                                      PCB meandering antenna
Antenna gain (dBi)                                2.0
Type of modulation                                GFSK
Emission designator BLE                           1M03F1D

1.5       Modification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)
The EUT is a interactive stroker with an integrated RF module using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technique in
the 2.4 GHz band. The manufacturer provided both a radiated sample and a conducted sample for radio

1.6       Observations and remarks

1.7       Environmental conditions
Test date                           21-08-2018                 23-08-2018                  27-08-2018
Ambient temperature                   26.3 °C                    25.7 °C                     23.9 °C
Humidity                              48.5 %                     48.5 %                      46.5 %

1.8       Measurement Standards
      •    FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01DTS Meas. Guidance V05
      •    ANSI C63.10:2013

1.9       Applicable Standards
According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:

      •    FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.247, §15.207, §15.209
      •    RSS-247 Issue 2, RSS-Gen Issue 5

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1.10 Conclusions
The sample of the product showed NO NON-COMPLIANCES to the specifications stated in paragraph 1.9 of
this report.

The results of the test as stated in this report, are exclusively applicable to the product items as identified in
this report. Telefication accepts no responsibility for any properties of product items in this test report, which
are not supported by the tests as specified in paragraph 1.9 “Applicable standards”.

All tests are performed by:

Name          : P. van Wanrooij, BASC

Review of test methods and report by:

Name          : ing. R. van Barneveld

The above conclusions have been verified by the following signatory:

Date          : 08-04-2019

Name          : ing. K.A. Roes

Function      : Coordinator Radio Laboratory

Signature     :

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2     Test configuration of the Equipment Under Test
2.1    Test mode
The applicant provided test mode firmware for the EUT, in which it was possible to configure the EUT into
different test channels with a temporary version of the FeelConnect app with version number 2.1.9.

2.2    Tested channels and Data rates
          Technology                      Channels                 Data rate          Frequency (MHz)
                                          37 (Low)                  1 Mbps                    2402
      Bluetooth Low Energy                17 (Mid)                  1 Mbps                    2440
                                          39 (High)                 1 Mbps                    2480

2.3    Test setups
                                Radiated emissions test setup 30 MHz - 1 GHz

                                 Radiated emissions test setup above 1 GHz

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                                         Emissions test AC mains

                                         Conducted radio testing

2.4    Equipment used in the test configuration
         Description                         Telefication ID         Used at paragraph
   Radiated emission (SAR)                      TS 00004                    3.6
Conducted measurement system                    TS 00008               3.1 – 3.5, 3.8
 Conducted emission on mains                    TS 00005                    3.7
    Measurement software              DARE!! RadiMation® Ver. 2016        3.6, 3.7

2.5    Sample calculation
Field Strength Measurement example:
Frequency (GHz)          Polarization                 Height(m)       Peak (dBµV/m)
7,236                    Horizontal                   2               52.5

The following relation applies:
E (dBµV/m) = U(dBµV) + AF (dB/m) – G (dB) + CL (dB)


E = Electric field strength
U = Measuring receiver voltage
AF = Antenna factor
G = Gain of the pre-amplifier
CL = Cable loss

(52.5 = 48.12 + 36.1 - 37.42 + 5.7)
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3      Test results
3.1     6dB bandwidth Measurement
3.1.1 Limit
The minimum 6 dB Bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

3.1.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.1.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.1.4 Test procedure
The testing follows FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 DTS Meas. Guidance v05.
IRN 017 - Occupied bandwidth (Hz) Method 4 – DTS Bandwidth.

3.1.5 Test Results of the 6 dB bandwidth Measurement
                                                   Frequency                        6dB bandwidth
      Technology Std.           Channel                                 Data rate
                                                     (MHz)                               (kHz)
                                   37                 2402               1 Mbps         639.7
    Bluetooth Low Energy           17                 2440               1 Mbps         640.2
                                   39                 2480               1 Mbps         640.2
Uncertainty                                                     ± 52.4 kHz

3.1.6 Plots of the 6 dB bandwidth measurement
                                          6 dB Bandwidth (Channel 37)

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                                    6 dB Bandwidth (Channel 17)

                                    6 dB Bandwidth (Channel 39)

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3.2        99% Occupied Bandwidth

3.2.1 Limit
According to RSS-Gen 6.6.

3.2.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.2.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.2.4 Test procedure
IRN 017 - Occupied bandwidth (Hz) Method 1 – XX % power bandwidth.

      1.    Set the centre frequency to the nominal EUT channel centre frequency
      2.    Set span = 1.5 times to 0.5 times the Occupied Bandwidth
      3.    Set VBW ≥ 3x RBW
      4.    Video averaging is not permitted. Where practical, detection and single sweep mode shall be used.
            Otherwise, peak detection and max hold mode (until the trace stabilizes) shall be used.

3.2.5 Test results of the 99% occupied bandwidth measurement
                                                    Frequency                                99% bandwidth
      Technology Std.            Channel                                  Data rate
                                                      (MHz)                                      (kHz)
                                    37                 2402                1 Mbps                1025
Bluetooth Low energy                17                 2440                1 Mbps                1024
                                    39                 2480                1 Mbps                1027
Uncertainty                                                        ± 44 kHz

3.2.6 Plots of the 99% occupied bandwidth measurement
                                                    Channel 37

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                                        Channel 17

                                        Channel 39

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3.3     Output Power Measurement
3.3.1 Limit
For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5 MHz, the limit for the peak output power is 30 dBm. If
transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6 dBi is used, the peak output power from the intentional
radiator shall be reduced below the above stated value by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the
antenna exceeds 6 dBi. In case of point to point operation, the limit has to be reduced by 1 dB for every 3 dB
that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

3.3.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.3.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.3.4 Test procedure
The testing follows FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 DTS Meas. Guidance v05.
IRN 014 - RF power (W) - Method 6.

3.3.5 Test results of Output Power Measurement
                                                  Peak method
                                                  Frequency                              Peak output power
      Technology Std.           Channel                                 Data rate
                                                    (MHz)                                      (dBm)
                                   37                2402              1 Mbps                  -12.44
 Bluetooth Low Energy              17                2440              1 Mbps                  -12.58
                                   39                2480              1 Mbps                  -12.78
Uncertainty                                                      ±0.71 dB

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3.4    Power Spectral Density
3.4.1 Limit
The peak power spectral density shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band at any time interval of
continuous transmission.

3.4.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.4.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.4.4 Test procedure
The testing follows FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 DTS Meas. Guidance v05.
IRN 030 - Spectral power density (W per n.Hz) - Method 5 – Peak method PKPSD (PSD in 3 kHz band).

3.4.5 Test results of Power Spectral Density Measurement
                                          Peak Power spectral density
                                             Frequency                                      PSD/3 kHz
 Technology Std.           Channel                                 Data rate
                                                (MHz)                                         (dBm)
                              1                  2402               1 Mbps                    -28.76
  Bluetooth Low
                              17                 2440               1 Mbps                    -28.66
                              39                 2480               1 Mbps                    -28.91
Uncertainty                                                    ±2 dB

                                   Power Spectral Density 3 kHz (channel 37)

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                              Power Spectral Density 3 kHz (channel 17)

                              Power Spectral Density 3 kHz (channel 39)

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3.5    Band edge Measurement
3.5.1 Limit
Band edge:
At the edge of the authorized band the RF power shall be at least 20 dB down.

3.5.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.5.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.5.4 Test procedure
According to KDB Publication 558074 V05, sections 11.3 and 12.1.
IRN 026 - Radiated electrical disturbance (V per m) Method 6 – Radiated electrical disturbance at the
Authorized band edge.

3.5.5 Measurement Uncertainty
± 5.7 dB.

3.5.6 Plots of the Band edge Measurements
See next page.

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                                  BLE Lower band edge (Channel 1)

                                  BLE Upper band edge (Channel 39)

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3.6       Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurement
3.6.1 Limit
The emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the
following table:

          Frequency (MHz)                 Field strength (µV/m)                Measurement distance(m)
            0.009 – 0.490                      2400/F(kHz)                              300
            0.490 – 1.705                      24000/F(kHz)                              30
              1.705 - 30                             30                                  30
                30 -88                              100                                  3
               88 - 216                             150                                  3
               216-960                              200                                  3
             Above 960                              500                                  3

3.6.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.6.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.6.4 Test procedure
The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing a CISPR quasi-peak
detector except for the frequency bands 9–90 kHz, 110–490 kHz and above 1000 MHz.
Radiated emission limits in these three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.

Other details are according to KDB Publication 558074 V05, sections 11.3 and 12.1.

IRN 026 - Radiated electrical disturbance (V per m) Method 1 – 30 MHz – 1 GHz in SAR.
IRN 026 - Radiated electrical disturbance (V per m) Method 2 – 1 - 18 GHz in SAR.

3.6.5 Notes
      •    In the frequency range of 1 – 26 GHz the green trace is measured using a peak detector and the red
           trace is measured using an average detector. The top limit line represent the peak limit and the
           bottom limit represents the average limit
      •    The peak exceeding the spurious limits at 2.4 GHz in the 1-18 GHz plots is the transmission frequency,
           and therefore not subject to the limit.

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3.6.6 Plots of the Radiated Spurious Emissions
30 MHz to 1 GHz
                                                                                                                                               Vertical polarization
                                                                                            15.209/15.109 and ICES-003        RBW: 120 kHz, Vertical Max Peak



                                                   Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    Low ch                                                                     30




                                                                                30 M                          50 M                             100 M                                 200 M           300 M            500 M           1G

                                                                                                                                                                     Frequency (Hz)

                                                                                       15.209/15.109 and ICES-003        RBW: 120 kHz, Vertical Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    Mid ch




                                               30 M                                                    50 M                            100 M                                 200 M           300 M            500 M              1G

                                                                                                                                                                Frequency (Hz)

                                                                                       15.209/15.109 and ICES-003           RBW: 120 kHz, Vertical Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    High ch




                                               30 M                                                      50 M                              100 M                                     200 M            300 M              500 M             1G

                                                                                                                                                                     Frequency (Hz)

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30 MHz to 1 GHz
                                                                                               Horizontal polarization
                                                      15.209/15.109 and ICES-003   RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    Low ch




                                               30 M                   50 M                       100 M                             200 M   300 M   500 M   1G

                                                                                                                       Frequency (Hz)

                                                      15.209/15.109 and ICES-003   RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    Mid ch




                                               30 M                   50 M                       100 M                             200 M   300 M   500 M   1G

                                                                                                                       Frequency (Hz)

                                                      15.209/15.109 and ICES-003   RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    High ch




                                               30 M                   50 M                       100 M                             200 M   300 M   500 M   1G

                                                                                                                       Frequency (Hz)

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1 GHz to 18 GHz
                                                                                                       Vertical polarization
                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz          RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)


    Low ch




                                               1G                              2G                        3G                              5G                                10 G   18 G

                                                                                                                        Frequency (Hz)

                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz          RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)


    Mid ch




                                               1G                              2G                        3G                              5G                                10 G   18 G

                                                                                                                        Frequency (Hz)

                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz          RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)


    High ch




                                               1G                              2G                        3G                              5G                                10 G   18 G

                                                                                                                        Frequency (Hz)

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1 GHz to 18 GHz
                                                                                                Horizontal polarization
                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz        RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Peak



                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)


    Low ch




                                               1G                              2G                      3G                              5G                                10 G      18 G

                                                                                                                      Frequency (Hz)

                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz        RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Peak




                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    Mid ch





                                               1G                              2G                      3G                              5G                                10 G      18 G

                                                                                                                      Frequency (Hz)

                                                    Limit Average 1 - 18 GHz   Limit Peak 1 - 18 GHz        RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Average   RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Peak




                  Electrical Field (dBµV/m)

    High ch





                                               1G                              2G                      3G                              5G                                10 G      18 G

                                                                                                                      Frequency (Hz)

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3.6.7 Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty Radiated emissions below 1 GHz
                          Horizontal polarization
         30 – 200 MHz                                4.5 dB
        200 – 1000 MHz                               3.6 dB
                           Vertical polarization
         30 – 200 MHz                                5.4 dB
        200 – 1000 MHz                               4.6 dB

Measurement uncertainty Radiated emissions above 1 GHz
        1000- 18000 MHZ                              5.7 dB

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3.7    AC conducted mains measurement
3.7.1 Limit
According to 15.207 (c)

An intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio
frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies,
within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall not exceed the limits in the following table.

3.7.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.7.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.7.4 Test procedure
According to ANSI C63.4: 2014, section 13.3.
IRN 029 - Conducted disturbance (V) Method 1 – AC mains conducted disturbance.

3.7.5 Test results and plots of the AC conducted mains measurement
The EUT normally receives power from another device that in turn connects to the public-utility ac power lines,
therefore the measurements are made with a representative charger with the EUT in operation to ensure that
the device continues to comply with the appropriate limits while providing the EUT with power.

The test results can be found on the next page.

3.7.6 Measurement uncertainty
+/- 3.6 dB.

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3.7.7 Plots of the AC conducted spurious measurement


                               15.207      15.207 avg         RBW: 9 kHz, Line 1 Max Average       RBW: 9 kHz, Line 1 Max Peak




    Voltage (dBµV)






                       150 k            300 k           500 k 600 k             1M                  2M            3M                5M   10 M   20 M   30 M

                                                                                                Frequency (Hz)


                               15.207      15.207 avg         RBW: 9 kHz, Neutral Max Average        RBW: 9 kHz, Neutral Max Peak




     Voltage (dBµV)






                       150 k            300 k           500 k 600 k              1M                 2M            3M                5M   10 M   20 M   30 M

                                                                                                Frequency (Hz)

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

3.8    Conducted Spurious Emissions Measurement

3.8.1 Limit
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated
intentional radiator is operating, the RF power shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth
within the band that contains the highest level of desired power.

3.8.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.4 of this report.

3.8.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.8.4 Test procedure
The testing follows FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 DTS Meas. Guidance r05.
IRN 016 – Method 12.

3.8.5 Plots of the Conducted Spurious Emissions Measurement
See next page.

3.8.6 Measurement Uncertainty
      < 1 GHz                        1.27 dB
      ≥ 1 GHz                        2.53 dB

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

                         BLE Conducted Spurious Emissions Fundamental level

    Low ch

    Mid ch

    High ch

                                                                              Page 30 of 33

Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

                           BLE Conducted Spurious Emissions 30 – 3000 MHz

    Low ch

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Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

    Mid ch

                                        Page 32 of 33

Report number: 180300416 003 Ver 2.00

    High ch

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Document Created: 2019-06-25 10:17:21
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 10:17:21

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