15_Tibe connect UserMan r1


Users Manual

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         TiBe Connect Guide de démarrage rapide
                                                    Comment changez la pile?

                                                    TiBe utilise une pile standard de type
                                                               Le niveau de votre pile est indiqué
                                                    dans les paramètres de l’appplication TiBe,
                                                    en appuyant sur l’icône
 Démarrage du TiBe
1- Tirez délicatement la languette                  1. Ouvrez le couvercle côté bouton en le
2- Appuyez sur le bouton 5sec.             1.
                                                       pivotant dans le sens contraire des aiguilles
                                                       d’une montre,
   jusqu’au signal sonore                           2. Faites glisser la pile, puis changez-la,
                                                       avec le côté positif sur le dessus,
Si pas de signal sonore :                           3. Refermez le couvercle.
3- Ouvrez le boitier                                                     1.           2.

4- Enlevez et replacez la pile
                   3.            4.

                                                    Bouton Connecté comme télécommande
5- Appuyez à nouveau 5 sec jusqu’au signal sonore
   Recommencez l’opération si nécessaire.           TiBe est aussi un bouton connecté pour
                                                    piloter à distance les objets connectés
6- Fermez le boitier
                                                    référencés sur le site www.IFTTT.com
7- Reliez le TiBe à l’application mobile
   Service d’aide : contact@ticatag.com             Pour transformer TiBe Connect en Bouton
 Téléchargez l’application TiBe                     connecté, procédez comme suit :
                                                    1- Ouvrir le boitier,
                 Scannez le QR-Code                 2- Remplacer la partie avec l’attache par la
                 et vous arriverez directement         coque fournie dans l’emballage,
                 sur la page de téléchargement.     3- Refermer le boitier

                                                                                    Marques Commerciales et Copyrights              Conditions Générales d’Utilisation
TICATAG SAS RCS Saint Brieuc B 793 556 523 - ne pas jeter sur la voie publique -

                                                                                   © 2013 TICATAG. Tous droits réservés.
                                                                                   TICATAG, le logo TICATAG, et TiBe sont des       système de géolocalisation TiBe, déclaration
                                                                                   marques commerciales de TICATAG. Toutes
                                                                                                                                    usages qu’un simple relevé de positions de
                                                                                   document appartiennent à leurs                   la (des) balise(s) TiBe, dans le but de rendre
                                                                                   propriétaires respectifs.                        un service de suivi et d’alerte au propriétaire
                                                                                   La marque Bluetooth et Bluetooth Smart           de la balise, sur une période donnée.
                                                                                   ainsi que les logos sont des marques             Conformément aux articles 39 et 40 de la loi
                                                                                   commerciales appartenant à Bluetooth SIG,
                                                                                   Inc. Google et Google Maps sont des
                                                                                   marques commerciales de Google Inc.              libertés, toute personne peut obtenir
                                                                                   Apple et iBeacon sont des marques                communication et, le cas échéant,
                                                                                   commerciales d’Apple Corporation.
                                                                                   TICATAG ne sera pas responsable d’erreurs        informations la concernant, en s’adressant à
                                                                                   ou omissions techniques ou éditoriales           la direction générale de TICATAG
                                                                                   contenues dans ce document, ni de                (contact@ticatag.com).
                                                                                   dommages accessoires ou directs résultant
                                                                                   de la mise à disposition de ce document. Les     d’opposition, sous réserve d’invoquer des
                                                                                   informations sont fournies « en l’état » sans    motifs légitimes qui seront soumis à
                                                                                                                                    l’appréciation de la direction de TICATAG.
                                                                                   sans préavis. TICATAG se réserve le droit de
                                                                                   réviser le contenu de ce document à tout
                                                                                   moment sans préavis.
                                                                                   Toute reproduction de ce document, est                           FCC ID : 2ANX5TIBE
                                                                                   interdite sans l’autorisation écrite préalable
                                                                                   de TICATAG.

                                                                                                                                                                RoHS    2002/95/EC

                                                                                   TICATAG SAS
                                                                                   4 rue Louis de Broglie - 22300 LANNION

                 Tibe Connect - Quick Starter Guide
About TiBe                                         Battery replacement
Find your lost items with your phone. If           Tibe uses standard coin battery CR2032
your Tibe is within the Bluetooth range,           Tip: Battery level is available in the settings
your smartphone will make it ring.                 of the Tibe by clicking on the       icone.

                                                   To change the battery
                                                   1 – open the Tibe as shown below
 Getting started                                   2 – Replace the battery
1- Remove the plastic sheet                        3 – Close the cover
2 – Press 5 sec on the button                 1.
until the Tibe rings                                                 1.               2.
If no ring …
3- Open the Tibe and remove
the battery off and on and
try again.

                                                   TiBe is a connected Button
4 – close the Tibe
5 – Download the app and attach your Tibe          Tibe can also be used as a smart button, as a
to the mobile app.                                 short cut by homemade scenario or your own
Helpdesk: contact@ticatag.com                      scenario build through IFTTT
                                                   (see www.ifttt.com)

 Downloadtheapp                                    A button casing is provided and can be
                                                   change anytime.
                By scanning this QR-Code
                you will access directly to
                the app

                                                                                    Trademarks & Copyrights                          Terms & Conditions of Use
TICATAG SAS RCS Saint Brieuc B 793 556 523 - do not throw on the public highway -

                                                                                    © 2013 TICATAG. All rights reserved.
                                                                                    TICATAG, the TICATAG logo, and TiBe are          declared to the CNIL its geolocation system
                                                                                    trademarks of TICATAG. All other trademarks      TiBe - Declaration No. 1836386 -
                                                                                    included herein are the property of their        This, in order to avoid other uses than just a
                                                                                    respective owners.                               statement of positions of the TiBe tracker(s),
                                                                                    Bluetooth, Apple, Google, Windows and            with a view to provide a better tracking
                                                                                    other trademarks are the property of their       service on a period and send the best alerts
                                                                                    respective trademark holders.                    for the TiBe owner.
                                                                                    TICATAG shall not be liable for technical or     In accordance with the articles 39 and 40 of
                                                                                    editorial errors or omissions contained          Law No. 78-17 of 6 Jan. 1978
                                                                                    herein, nor for incidental or consequential      amended in 2004, referred to as the «Law on
                                                                                    damages resulting from furnishing this           Information Technology and Civil Liberties»,
                                                                                    material. The information is provided « as is»   any person may obtain a report and, if
                                                                                    without warranty of any kind and is subject
                                                                                    to change without notice. TICATAG also           own information, by writing an email to the
                                                                                    reserves the right to revise the content of      management of TICATAG
                                                                                    this document at any time without prior          (contact@ticatag.com)
                                                                                    notice.                                          You also get the right to object, subject to
                                                                                                                                     invoke legitimate reason to be
                                                                                    No part of this document may be                  submitted to the agreement of the
                                                                                    reproduced or transmitted in any form or by      management of TICATAG.
                                                                                    any means, electronic or mechanical,
                                                                                    including photocopying, recording or
                                                                                    storing in a retrieval system, or translated
                                                                                    into any language in any form without prior                     FCC ID : 2ANX5TIBE
                                                                                    written permission of TICATAG.

                                                                                    Informations                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                RoHS    2002/95/EC

                                                                                    TICATAG SAS
                                                                                    4 rue Louis de Broglie - 22300 LANNION

                                 LEGAL NOTICE
 FCC Statement                                 - Increase the separation between the
                                               equipment and receiver
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC   - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
Rules. Operation is subject to the following   circuit different from that to which the
two conditions:                                receiver is connected.
1. This device may not cause harmful           - Consult the dealer or an experienced
interference and                               radio/TV technician for help
2. This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may       FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
cause undesired operation.                     This equipment complies with Radio
Please note that changes or modifications      frequency exposure limits set forth by the
not expressly approved by the party            FCC for an uncontrolled environment.
responsible for compliance could void the      This equipment should be installed and
user’s authority to operate the equipment.     operate with a minimum of distance of
Note: This equipment has been tested and       5mm between the device and the user or by
found to comply with the limits of a Class B   standers.
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the     This device must not be co-located or
FCC rules. These limits are designed to        operating in conjunction with any other
provide reasonable protection against          antenna or transmitter.
harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses    EU Declaration of conformity
and can radiate radio frequency energy and,    Ticatag SAS hereby declare that this
if not installed and used in accordance with   equipment is in compliance with the
the instructions, may cause harmful            essential requirements and any other
interference to radio communications.          relevant provisions or Directive 2014/30/EU,
However, there is no guarantee that            Standards EN 55022: 2010, EN 55024:
interference will not occur in a particular    2010+A1: 2015, EN301489, EN300328,
installation. If this equipment does not       EN62479, EN60950.
cause harmful interference to radio or         Declaration of conformity and test reports
television reception, which can be             are available on request at
determined by tuning the equipment off         contact@ticatag.com.
and on, the user is encourage to try to
correct by one or more of the following        FCC ID : 2ANX5TIBE
measures:                                                                       BLUETOOTH
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna                                     TRACKER

Document Created: 2017-11-06 09:22:37
Document Modified: 2017-11-06 09:22:37

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