Test report


Test Report

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                                                TEST REPORT
 Report Reference No. .................... :              TRE1801017701               R/C…….: 58088

 FCC ID ............................................. :   2ANWO-HOTSHOT

 Applicant’s name ........................... :           HOT SHOT SYSTEMS INC.

 Address .............................................:   1005 E. 17TH, HAYS, Kansas, United States

 Manufacturer.....................................:       HOT SHOT SYSTEMS INC.

 Address.............................................:    1005 E. 17TH, HAYS, Kansas, United States

 Test item description .................... :             TR-1000

 Trade Mark .......................................:      Hot Shot TR-1000

 Model/Type reference .......................:            TR-1000

 Listed Model(s) .................................:       -

 Standard ......................................... :     FCC Part 95

 Date of receipt of test sample……...:                     Jan. 25, 2018

 Date of testing……………..…………:                              Jan. 25, 2018 –Feb. 06, 2018

 Date of issue…………….…………...:                              Feb. 06, 2018

 Result .................. …………………...:                    PASS

 Compiled by
 ( position+printed name+signature) ..:                   File administrators Shayne Zhu

 Supervised by
 ( position+printed name+signature) ..:                   Project Engineer Cary Luo

 Approved by
 ( position+printed name+signature) ..:                   RF Manager Hans Hu

 Testing Laboratory Name ............. :                  Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.

 Address .............................................:   1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road,
                                                          Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China

 Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
 Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and
 source of the material. Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility
 for and will not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced
 material due to its placement and context.

The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test laboratory.

Report No : TRE1801017701            Page 2 of 33          Issued: 2018-02-06


1.     TEST STANDARDS AND REPORT VERSION                                                 3

1.1.   Test Standards                                                                3
1.2.   Report version information                                                    3

2.     TEST DESCRIPTION                                                                  4

3.     SUMMARY                                                                           5

3.1.   Client Information                                                            5
3.2.   Product Description                                                           5
3.3.   Test frequency list                                                           6
3.4.   EUT operation mode                                                            6
3.5.   EUT configuration                                                             6

4.     TEST ENVIRONMENT                                                                  7

4.1.   Address of the test laboratory                                                7
4.2.   Test Facility                                                                 7
4.3.   Environmental conditions                                                      8
4.4.   Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                      8
4.5.   Equipments Used during the Test                                               9

5.     TEST CONDITIONS AND RESULTS                                                   11

5.1.   Maximum Transmitter Power                                                     11
5.2.   Occupied Bandwidth                                                            12
5.3.   Emission Mask                                                                 14
5.4.   Frequency Stability Test                                                      16
5.5.   Audio Low Pass Filter Response                                                18
5.6.   Spurious Emission on Antenna Port                                             19
5.7.   Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission                                        21

6.     TEST SETUP PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                                  28

7.     EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                       29

                                                    Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

Report No : TRE1801017701                 Page 3 of 33                          Issued: 2018-02-06

1.1. Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:
FCC Rules Part 2: Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; General rules and regulations
FCC Rules Part 95E:PERSONAL RADIO SERVICES- General Mobile Radio Service
TIA/EIA 603 D: June 2010 Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment Measurement and
Performance Standards.
ANSI C63.26-2015: American National Standard for Compliance Testing of Transmitters Used in Licensed
Radio Services

1.2. Report version information
      Revision No.               Date of issue                           Description
          N/A                    2018-02-06                                Original

                                                                         Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

Report No : TRE1801017701                  Page 4 of 33                           Issued: 2018-02-06

2. Test Description
                                      Transmitter Requirement
                Test item                                 Standards requirement
                                                                                               Pass      N/A
       Maximum Transmitter Power                   FCC Part 95.2767, FCC Part 2.1046
           Occupied Bandwidth                      FCC Part 95.2773, FCC Part 2.1049
             Emission Mask                         FCC Part 95.2779, FCC Part 2.1049
           Frequency Stability                     FCC Part 95.2765, FCC Part 2.1055
     Audio Low Pass Filter Response                         FCC Part 95.2775
  Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission           FCC Part 95.2779,FCC Part 2.1053
    Spurious Emission On Antenna Port              FCC Part 95.2779,FCC Part 2.1053

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3.1. Client Information
Applicant:                    HOT SHOT SYSTEMS INC
Address:                      1005 E. 17TH, HAYS, Kansas, United States
Manufacturer:                 HOT SHOT SYSTEMS INC
Address:                      1005 E. 17TH, HAYS, Kansas, United States

3.2. Product Description
Name of EUT:                  TR-1000
Trade mark:                   Hot Shot TR-1000
Model/Type reference:         TR-1000
Listed model(s):              -
Power supply:                 -
Battery information:          -
Charger information:          -
Adapter information:          -

Operation Frequency Range:    151.82 MHz, 151.88 MHz, 151.94 MHz, 154.57 MHz,154.60MHz
Rated Output Power:           2W (33.01dBm)
Modulation Type:              FM(Analog)
Channel Separation:                12.5kHz           25kHz
Emission Designator*:              12.5kHz Channel Separation: 11K0F3E
                                   25kHz Channel Separation: 16K0F3E
Antenna Type:                 External
Maximum Transmitter           1.45W for 12.5kHz Channel Separation
Power:                        1.89W for 25kHz Channel Separation
(1) *1 According to FCC Part 2.202 requirements, the Necessary Bandwidth is calculated as follows:
    – For FM Voice Modulation
      Channel Spacing = 12.5 KHz, D = 2.5 KHz max, K = 1, M = 3 KHz
      Bn = 2M + 2DK = 2*3 + 2*2.5*1 = 11 KHz
      Emission designation: 11K0F3E
      Channel Spacing = 25 KHz, D = 5 KHz max, K = 1, M = 3 KHz
      Bn = 2M + 2DK = 2*3 + 2*5*1 = 16 KHz
      Emission designation: 16K0F3E
(2) The device only supports voice communication.

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3.3. Test frequency list
    Mode                Modulation             Channel Separation(kHz)           Test Frequency (MHz)
                                                                               CHL        151.82
                                                        12.5                   CHM1       151.88
    Analog                 FM                                                  CHM2       151.94
                                                                               CHM2       154.57
                                                                               CHH        154.60
3.4. EUT operation mode
    Test mode                   Transmitting
                                                                   12.5kHz                       25kHz
       TX1                           √                               √
       TX2                           √                                                              √

√: is operation mode.
3.5. EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:
● - supplied by the manufacturer
○ - supplied by the lab

○ Power Cable                                     Length (m) :       /
                                                  Shield :           Unshielded
                                                  Detachable :       Undetachable
○ Multimeter                                      Manufacturer :     /
                                                  Model No. :        /

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4.1. Address of the test laboratory
Laboratory: Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.
Address: 1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China
Phone: 86-755-26748019 Fax: 86-755-26748089
4.2. Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
CNAS-Lab Code: L1225

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance
with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC17025:
2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA-Lab Cert. No.: 3902.01

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing.

FCC-Registration No.: 762235

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The acceptance letter from
the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 762235.

IC-Registration No.: 5377B-1

Two 3m Alternate Test Site of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered by
Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated measurements with
Registration No. 5377B-1.


Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
Australian C-Tick mark as a result of our A2LA accreditation.

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4.3. Environmental conditions
                                            Normal Conditon
                 Relative humidity:                                      20 % to 75 %.
                      Air Pressure:                                      950~1050mba
                        Voltage:                                         AC 120V/60Hz

4.4. Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to CISPR 16 - 4 „Specification for radio
disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC
Measurements“ and is documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality
system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to
that tested may result in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued
compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongwei laboratory is reported:

Test Items                                                 Measurement Uncertainty                Notes
Frequency stability                                        25 Hz                                  (1)
Transmitter power conducted                                0.57 dB                                (1)
Transmitter power Radiated                                 2.20 dB                                (1)
Conducted spurious emission 9KHz-40 GHz                    1.60 dB                                (1)
Conducted Emission 9KHz-30MHz                              3.39 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emission 30~1000MHz                               4.65 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emission 1~18GHz                                  5.16 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emission 18-40GHz                                 5.54 dB                                (1)
Occupied Bandwidth                                         35 Hz                                  (1)
FM deviation                                               25 Hz                                  (1)
Audio level                                                0.62 dB                                (1)
Low Pass Filter Response                                   0.76 dB                                (1)
(1)   This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
      level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

                                                                             Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

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4.5. Equipments Used during the Test
All conducted test items
                                                                                                    Last Cal.
Item   Test Equipment                Manufacturer           Model No.            Serial No.
 1     RF Communication Test Set     HP                     8920A                3813A10206         11/11/2017
       Digital intercom
 2                                   Aeroflex               3920B                1001682041         11/11/2017
 3     Signal Generator              R&S                    SML02                100507             11/11/2017
 4     Signal Generator              IFR                    2032                 203002\100         11/11/2017
 5     RF Control Unit               Tonscend               JS0806-2             N/A                11/11/2017
 6     Spectrum Analyzer             R&S                    FSW26                103440             11/11/2017
 7     Climate Chamber               ESPEC                  GPL-2                ----               11/10/2017
 8     Attenuator                                           EMCAXX-10RNZ-3       ----               11/11/2017
 9     High-Pass Filter              OCEN                                        ----               N/A
 10    High-Pass Filter              OCEN                                        ----               N/A
 11    Variable DC Power Supply      GWINSTEK               SPS-2415             ----               N/A
 12     Storage Oscilloscope          Tektronix             TDS3054B              B033027           11/11/2017

Radiated Spurious Emissions
                                                                                                     Last Cal.
Item    Test Equipment             Manufacturer              Model No.           Serial No.
  1     Horn Antenna               SCHWARZBECK               9120D               1011                3/27/2017
  2     Spectrum Analyzer          R&S                       FSP40               100597              11/11/2017
  3     Broadband Preamplifer      SCHWARZBECK               BBV 9718            9718-248            10/18/2017
  4     Turntable                  Maturo Germany            TT2.0-1T            N/A                 N/A
  5     Antenna Mast               Maturo Germany            CAM-4.0-P-12        N/A                 N/A
  6     Test Software              R&S                       E3                  N/A                 N/A
  7     Ultra-Broadband Antenna    SCHWARZBECK               VULB9163            538                 4/5/2017
  8     Pre-amplifer               SCHWARZBECK               BBV 9743            9743-0022           10/18/2017
                                                             3m 18GHz S          N/A
  9     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      11/21/2017
 10     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      11/21/2017
                                                             3m 3GHz S Serisa
                                                             3m 3GHz RG          N/A
 11     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      11/21/2017
                                                             6m 18GHz S          N/A
 12     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      11/21/2017
                                                             6m 18GHz S          N/A
 13     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      N/A
                                                             3m 18GHz S          N/A
 14     RF Connection Cable        HUBER+SUHNER                                                      N/A
 15     High-Pass Filter           Anritsu                   MP526D              6220878392          11/11/2017
 16     High-Pass Filter           OCEN                                          ----                N/A
 17     High-Pass Filter           OCEN                                          ----                N/A
                                                                             Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

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 18     RF Connection Cable       HUBER+SUHNER           MULTIFLEX 141       N/A                 11/21/2017

Conducted Disturbance
                                                                                              Last Cal.
 Item    Test Equipment            Manufacturer           Model No.        Serial No.
  1      EMI Test Receiver         R&S                    ESCI             101247             11/11/2017
  2      Artificial Mains          SCHWARZBECK            NNLK 8121        573                11/11/2017
  3      Pulse Limiter             R&S                    ESH3-Z2          101488             11/11/2017
  4      Test Software             R&S                    ES-K1            N/A                N/A
  5      RF Connection Cable       HUBER+SUHNER           EF400            N/A                11/21/2017
  6      2-Line V-Network          R&S                    ESH3-Z5          100049             11/11/2017

The Cal. Interval was one year.

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Report No : TRE1801017701                          Page 11 of 33                                  Issued: 2018—02—06

5.1. Maximum Transmitter Power
Applicants for licenses must request and use no more power than the actual power necessary for satisfactory

FCC Part 95.2741,       FCC Part 2.1046
The highest point of any MURS station antenna must not be more than 18.3 meters (60 feet) above the ground
or 6.10 meters (20 feet) above the highest point of the structure on whichit is mounted. MURS station antennas
must also meet the requirements in §95.317 regarding menaces to air navigation. See 47 CFR 95.317 and
consult part 17 of the FCC‘s Rules for more information (47 CFR part 17).

                          i         Power    I       —.} Spectrum J\l.\al\.'{_er
        under       ~                                         or Receiver
        test                    attenuator


Measurements shall be made to establish the radio frequency power delivered by the transmitter the standard
output termination. The power output shall be monitored and recorded and no adjustment shall be made to
the transmitter after the test has begun, except as noted bellow:
If the power output is adjustable, measurements shall be made for the highest and lowest power levels.
Connect the equipment as ilustrated.


Please reference to the section 3.4


[X] Passed              [—] Not Applicable

Please refer to the below test data:

  Operation         Test Frequency               Measured power                    Meis&greo   Limit           Result
    Mode                      (MHz)                  (dBm)                          "w          M
                              CHi                    31.35                           1.36

     TX1                      CHim                   31.61                           1.45

                              CHup                   31.57                           1.44       <2             Pass
                              CHive                  32.77                           1.89
                              CHn                    32.77                           1.89

Report No : TRE1801017701                             Page 12 of 33                    Issued: 2018—02—06

5.2. Occupied Bandwidth
The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency limits.

FCC Part 95.2773, FCC Part 2.1049
Each MURS transmitter type must be designed to meet the emission bandwidth limitations in this section.
(a) The occupied bandwidth of emissions transmitted on the center frequencies 151.820 MHz, 151.880 MHz,
    and 151.940 MHz must not exceed 11.25 kHz.
(b) The occupied bandwidth of emissions transmitted on the center frequencies 154.570 MHz and 154.600
      MHz must not exceed 20.0 kHz.
(c) The occupied bandwidth of type A3E emissions must not exceed 8.0 kHz.


      DUMMY       ¢        AUDIO

    TRANSMITTER           STANDARD                sPECTRUM
    UNDER TEst        » TRA“L‘(S)"IQSTER   [—®1   AnaLy2ER


1     The EUT was modulated by 2.5kHz sine wave audio signal; the level of the audio signal employed is
      16dB greater than that necessary to produce 50%of rated system deviation.
2     Spectrum set as follow:
      Centre frequency = fundamental frequency, span=50kHz for 12.5kHz channel spacing,
      RBW=100Hz, VBW=300Hz, Sweep = auto,
      Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
3     Set 99% Occupied Bandwidth and 260B Occupied Bandwidth
4     Measure and record the results in the test report.

Please reference to the section 3.4


[ Passed                 [_] Not Applicable

                                                     Occupied Bandwidth (kHz)      o        ;
     Operation        Test Frequency                                            ggB/;r%cxiléfled     Result
       Mode                MHz                                                       ue
                            (         )               99%               26dB      Limit(kHz)

                                CHL                  10.140            15.070

       TX1                   CHyq                    10.140            15.098      §11.25

                             CHimz                   10.140            15.041                        Pass

                             CHiug                   10.440            15.393
       TX2                                                                         =20.00
                                CHn                  10.440            15.377

Report No : TRE1801017701           Page 13 of 33                              Issued: 2018-02-06

Test plot as follows:
    Modulation Type            FM                   Operation Mode                       TX1

                        CHL                                            CHM1
                                                                       Not plot

                        CHM2                                               -

    Modulation Type            FM                   Operation Mode                       TX2

                        CHM3                                             CHH

                                                                     Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

Report No : TRE1801017701                      Page 14 of 33                              Issued: 2018-02-06

5.3. Emission Mask
    Transmitters used in the radio services governed by this part must comply with the emission masks
    outlined in this section.
FCC Part 95.2779,FCC Part 2.1049
(a) Emission masks. Emission masks applicable to transmitting equipment in the MURS are defined by the
    requirements in the following table. The numbers in the paragraphs column refer to attenuation
    requirement rule paragraph numbers under paragraph (b) of this section. The words “audio filter” refer to
    the audio filter described in §95.2775.

(1) Each MURS transmitter type that transmits F3E or G3E emissions on 154.570 MHz or 154.600 MHz and
    incorporates an audio filter satisfying the requirements of §95.2775 in its design may comply with the less
    stringent unwanted emissions attenuation requirements set forth in paragraphs (b)(3), (4), and (7) of this
(2) Each MURS transmitter type that transmits on 154.570 MHz or 154.600 MHz, but does not incorporate an
    audio filter satisfying the requirements of §95.2775 in its design, must comply with the unwanted emissions
    attenuation requirements set forth in paragraphs (b)(5) through (7) of this section.
(b) Attenuation requirements. The power of unwanted emissions must be attenuated below the transmitter
    output power in Watts (P) by at least:
(1) 7.27(fd−2.88 kHz) dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by a displacement
    frequency (fd in kHz) that is more than 5.625 kHz, but not more than 12.5 kHz.
(2) 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation, on any frequency removed from the
    channel center frequency by more than 12.5 kHz.
(3) 25 dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by more than 10 kHz, but not more
    than 20 kHz.
(4) 35 dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by more than 20 kHz, but not more
    than 50 kHz.
(5) 83 log (fd ÷ 5) dB on any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a
    displacement frequency (fd in kHz) that is more than 5 kHz, but not more than 10 kHz.
(6) 29 log (fd2 ÷ 11) dB or 50 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation on any frequency removed from the
    channel center frequency by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) that is more than 10 kHz, but not more
    than 50 kHz.
(7) 43 + 10 log(P) dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by more than 50 kHz.
(c) Measurement bandwidths. The power of unwanted emissions in the frequency bands specified in
    paragraphs (b)(1) and (3) through (6) of this section is measured with a reference bandwidth of 300 Hz.
    The power of unwanted emissions in the frequency ranges specified in paragraphs (b)(2) and (7) of this
    section is measured with a reference bandwidth of at least 30 kHz.



1    Connect the equipment as illustrated.
2    Spectrum set as follow:
     Centre frequency = fundamental frequency, span=120kHz ,RBW=300Hz, VBW=1kHz,
     Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
3    Key the transmitter, and set the level of the unmodulated carrier to a full scale reference line. This is the
     0dB reference for the measurement.
4    Modulate the transmitter with a 2500 Hz sine wave at an input level 16 dB greater than that necessary to

                                                                                 Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

Report No : TRE1801017701                   Page 15 of 33                              Issued: 2018-02-06
    produce 50% of rated system deviation. The input level shall be established at the frequency of maximum
    response of the audio modulating circuit. Transmitters employing digital modulation techniques that
    bypass the limiter and the audio low-pass filter shall be modulated as specified by the manufacturer
5 Measure and record the results in the test report.
Please reference to the section 3.4

   Passed               Not Applicable
Note: The device with audio filter.

    Modulation Type                   FM                   Operation Mode                       TX1

                         CHL                                                  CHM1
                                                                              Not plot

                         CHM2                                                     -

    Modulation Type                   FM                   Operation Mode                       TX2

                         CHM3                                                  CHH

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5.4. Frequency Stability Test
The carrier frequency stabilty is the abilty of the transmitter to maintain an assigned carrier frequency.

FCC Part 95.2765,FCC Part 2.1055
Each MURS transmitter type must be designed to meet the applicable frequency tolerance and stability
requirements of this section.
{a) MURS transmitters that operate with an emission bandwidth of 6.25 kHz or less must be designed such
    that the cartier frequencies remain within +2.0 parts—per—million (ppm) of the channel center frequencies
    specified in §95.2763 during normaloperating conditions.
(b) MURS transmitters that operate with an emission bandwidth greater than 6.25 kHz must be designed such
    that the cartier frequencies remain within +5.0 ppm of the channel center frequencies specified in
    §95.2763 during normal operating conditions.

     Temperature Chamber

           under                       Power                  Spmn';m Anabyzer
            test                     attenuator        7 ]_      arfieseiver

     Variable Power Supply


1.    According to FCC Part 2 Section 2.1055 (a)(1), the frequency stabiltty shall be measured with variation of
      ambient temperature from —80°C to +50°C.
2.    According to FCC Part 2 Section 2.1055 (d) (2), for battery powered equipment, the frequency stability
      shall be measured with reducing primary supply voltage to the battery operating end point, which is
      specified by the manufacture.
      Vary primary supply voltage from 85 %to 115%of power supply.

4.    The EUT was set in the climate chamber and connected to an extenal AC power supply. The RF output
      was directly connected to Spectrum Analyzer, The coupling loss of the additional cables was recorded
      and taken in account for all the measurements. After temperature stabilization (approx. 20 min for each
      stage), the frequency for the lower, the middle and the highest frequency range was recorded. For
      Frequency stabilty Vs. Voltage the EUT was connected to a DC power supply and the voltage was
      adjusted in the required ranges. The result was recorded.


Please reference to the section 3.4


[] Passed                  [.] Not Applicable

Report No : TRE1801017701                 Page 17 of 33                               Issued: 2018-02-06


            Test conditions                       Frequency error (ppm)
   Voltage(V)            Temp(℃)          CHL             CHM1            CHM2

                              -30         0.196           0.077           0.087

                              -20         0.120           0.106           0.126

                              -10         0.182           0.129           0.170

                              0           0.210           0.170           0.031

      120                     10          0.185           0.127           0.184

                              20          0.119           0.086           0.099
                                                                                          ±5             Pass
                              30          0.117           0.121           0.148

                              40          0.104           0.136           0.105

                              50          0.022           0.129           0.028

                              20          0.146           0.064           0.181
  (85% Rated)

                              20          0.176           0.150           0.143
 (115% Rated)


               Test conditions                    Frequency error (ppm)
    Voltage(V)                 Temp(℃)             CHM3            CHH

                                    -30           0.136           0.168

                                    -20           0.051           0.103

                                    -10           0.033           0.154

                                    0             0.148           0.102

       120                          10            0.126           0.070

                                    20            0.006           0.019
                                                                                      ±5                Pass
                                    30            0.216           0.105

                                    40            0.006           0.168

                                    50            0.024           0.014

                                    20            0.107           0.116
    (85% Rated)

                                    20            0.066           0.097
   (115% Rated)

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5.5. Audio Low Pass Filter Response
The audio low pass filter response is the frequency response of the post limiter low pass filter circuit above
3000 Hz.

FCC Part 95.2775:
(a) The audio filter must be between the modulation limiter and the modulated stage of the transmitter.
(b) At any frequency (f in kHz) between 3 and 15 kHz, the filter must have an attenuation of at least 40 log
    (f/3) dB more than the attenuation at 1 kHz. Above 15 kHz, it must have an attenuation of at least 28 dB
    more than the attenuation at 1 kHz.



1)    Configure the EUT as shown in figure .
2)    Apply a 1000Hz tone from the audio signal generator and adjust the level per manufacturer’s
      specifications. Record the dB level of the 1000 Hz tone as LEVREF.
3)    Set the audio signal generator to the desired test frequency between 3000 Hz and the upper low pass
      filter limit. Record the dB level at the test frequency as LEVFREQ.
4)    Calculate the audio frequency response at the test frequency as:
      low pass filter response = LEVFREQ - LEVREF


Please reference to the section 3.4


     Passed             Not Applicable

This device does not support voice communication.

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Report No : TRE1801017701                   Page 19 of 33                             Issued: 2018-02-06

5.6. Spurious Emission on Antenna Port
Conducted spurious emissions are emissions at the antenna terminals on a frequency or frequencies that are
outside a band sufficient to ensure transmission of information of required quality for the class of
communication desired


FCC Part 95.2779 (b)(2):
 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation, on any frequency removed from the channel
center frequency by more than 12.5 kHz.
Limit (dBm) = P( dBm)-50-10 log (Pwatts) = -20dBm

FCC Part 95.2779 (b)(7)
43 + 10 log(P) dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by more than 50 kHz
Limit (dBm) = P( dBm)-43-10 log (Pwatts) = -13dBm



1.    The RF output of the EUT was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation.
2.    The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set to 100 kHz. Sufficient scans were taken to
      show any out of band emission up to 10th. Harmonic for the lower and the highest frequency range.
3.    Set RBW 100 kHz, VBW 300 kHz in the frequency band 30MHz to 1GHz,while set
      RBW=1MHz.VBW=3MHz from the 1GHz to 10th Harmonic.
4.    The audio input was set the unmodulated carrier, the resulting picture is print out for each channel


Please reference to the section 3.4


     Passed             Not Applicable

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Report No : TRE1801017701   Page 20 of 33             Issued: 2018-02-06

Operation Mode                         TX1

                     CHL                          CHM1

                                                No plot


Operation Mode                         TX2

                    CHM3                          CHH

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Report No : TRE1801017701                   Page 21 of 33                             Issued: 2018-02-06

5.7. Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission
Radiated spurious emissions are emissions from the equipment when transmitting into a nonradiating load on
a frequency or frequencies that are outside an occupied band sufficient to ensure transmission of information
of required quality for the class of communications desired.

FCC Part 95.2779 (b)(2):
 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation, on any frequency removed from the channel
center frequency by more than 12.5 kHz.
Limit (dBm) = P( dBm)-50-10 log (Pwatts) = -20dBm

FCC Part 95.2779 (b)(7)
43 + 10 log(P) dB on any frequency removed from the channel center frequency by more than 50 kHz
Limit (dBm) = P( dBm)-43-10 log (Pwatts) = -13dBm


Below 1GHz:

Above 1GHz:

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Report No : TRE1801017701                        Page 22 of 33                            Issued: 2018—02—06

         5                   Receiving Antenna

1. Standard Transmitter Load with a 50 2| input impedance and an output impedance matched to the test
2.   EUT was placed on a 0.8 meter high non—conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from the receive
     antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the EUT for emission
     measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1. 0 m. Detected emissions were maximized at each
     frequency by rotating the EUT through 360° and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated
     emission measurements of all transmit frequencies in six channels were measured with peak detector.
     A log—periodic antenna or double—ridged waveguide horn antenna shall be substituted in place of the EUT.
     The log—periodic antenna will be driven by a signal generator and the level will be adjusted till the same
     power value on the spectrum analyzer or receiver. The level of the spurious emissions can be calculated
     through the level of the signal generator, cable loss, the gain of the substitution antenna and the reading
     of the spectrum analyzer or receiver.
     The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the test.Set
     Test Receiver or Spectrum RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz for above 1GHz and RBW=100kHz, VBW=300kHz
     for 30MHz to 1GHz, And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
     The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the
     frequency band of interest is placed at the reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the
     frequency band of interest is connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed
     to not interfere with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
     substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the receiver
     reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The test should be
     performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.
     A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be connect
     between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna. The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain
     (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be recorded after test.
     The measurement results are obtained as described below:
     Power{EIRP)=PMea— PAg — Pol — Ga
     We used SMF100A micowave signal generator which signal level can up to 33dBm,so we not used power
     Amplifier for substituation test; The measurement results are amend as described below:
     Power{EIRP)=PMea— Pol — Ga

7.   This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15 dBi) and
     known input power.
8.   ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP—2.15dBi.


Please reference to the section 3.4


B Passed              [_] Not Applicable

Report No : TRE1801017701    Page 23 of 33                   Issued: 2018-02-06

Test Frequency:        CHL             Polarity:            Horizontal

Test Frequency:        CHL              Polarity:           Vertical

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Test Frequency:        CHM1             Polarity:            Horizontal

Test Frequency:        CHM1              Polarity:           Vertical

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Test Frequency:        CHM2             Polarity:            Horizontal

Test Frequency:        CHM2              Polarity:           Vertical

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Report No : TRE1801017701     Page 26 of 33                   Issued: 2018-02-06

Test Frequency:        CHM3             Polarity:            Horizontal

Test Frequency:        CHM3              Polarity:           Vertical

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Test Frequency:        CHH             Polarity:            Horizontal

Test Frequency:        CHH              Polarity:           Vertical

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6. Test Setup Photos of the EUT

Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission:

Frequency stability:

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7. External and Internal Photos of the EUT
                            External Photos of the EUT

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                            Internal Photos of the EUT

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                            ----------------End of Report-----------------

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Document Created: 2018-03-13 11:22:24
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 11:22:24

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