Confidentiality Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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< RN           onal Inc.>
   NG Internatio

Offiice of Engineeering Technnology
Fedeeral Communnications Coommission
74355 Oakland MMills Road
Coluumbia, MD221046
                                                                                   Date: 20177.11.1
Subjject; Requestt for Confideentiality
  C ID: 2ANPB  B-SBS-25

To Whom
    W       It Maay Concern,
Purssuant to the pprovisions off the Commission’s ruless Title 47 Secctions §0.4577 and §0.4599, we are
requuesting the C
                Commission withhold
                                w       the following atttachment(s) as confidenttial documennts from
publlic disclosuree indefinitelyy.

These documentts contain dettailed system  m and equipm ment descripttions and aree considered as
propprietary inforrmation in opperation of thhe equipmennt. The publicc disclosure these
                                                                                   t     documments
mighht be harmfuul to our commpany and woould give com   mpetitor an unfair
                                                                      u      advanntage in the market.

          Block D
          Schemattic Diagram
          Operatioonal Descripttion

In adddition to abbove mention ned documennts, pursuant to KDB 7266920 D01 of the Commission's
policcy, and in orrder to complly with the marketing
                                           m          reggulations in Title
                                                                       T     47 CFR R §2.803 and
                                                                                               dTitle 47
CFRR §2.1204Im  mport Conditions we are requesting thee commissioon grant shot--term confidentiality
requuest on the foollowing attaachment(s) foor 180 days aafter the grannt as outlinedd in KDB 726920

It is our understaanding that ID Label/Loccation, Attesttation statem
                                                                    ments, Test Reports,
                                                                                 R         RF Exposure
Infoormation, andd Cover Letteers cannot bee granted as confidential documents aand this inforrmation
will be availablee for public review
                              r      once the
                                           t grant of equipment
                                                       e            auuthorization is issued.



  me:     jason jiang

Titlee:   CTO

Document Created: 2017-11-07 16:35:59
Document Modified: 2017-11-07 16:35:59

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