RF exposure

FCC ID: 2ANP7EGG170016

RF Exposure Info

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       TEST                                                                                  Model: EGG170016

                 Measurement and Test Report

                             Eggtronic Engineering SRL

                        Via Campagna 8, 41126, Modena — Italy

                             FCC ID: 2ANP7EGG170016

 FCC Rule(s):                       KDB 680106 DO1 VO3

 Product Description:              Triple coil embedded wireless charging system

 Tested Model:                      EGG170016

 Report No.:                       WTX19X08053138W—2

 Tested Date:                      2019—08—01

 Issued Date:                      2019—08—01 to 2019—08—14
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 Tested By:                        Jason Su / Engineer                 Jfl&wfl
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 Reviewed By:                      Silin Chen / EMC Manager           sA——SHUEV*

 Approved & Authorized By:         Jandy So / PSQ Manager             j”"%fi?
 Prepared By:
                        Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd.
                      1/F, Building A, Hongwei Industrial Park, Liuxian 2nd Road,
                      Bao‘an District, Shenzhen, P.R.C. (518101)
          Tel.: +86—755—33663308   Fax.: +86—755—33663309     Website: www.semtest.com.cn

   Note: This test report is limited to the above client company and the product model only. It
   may not be duplicated without prior permitted by Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd.

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W—2                   PAGE 1 OF 8                                        RFExposure

                                                                                                                                                Model: EGG170016

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................4
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ...............................................................................4
2. RF EXPOSURE TEST REPORT ............................................................................................................................5
   2.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.........................................................................................................................................5
   2.2 TEST CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................5
   2.3 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................6
   2.4 TEST RESULT..........................................................................................................................................................6
   2.4 TEST PHOTOS .........................................................................................................................................................8

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W-2                                                        PAGE 2 OF 8                                                             RFExposure

                                                                Model: EGG170016

Report version
  Version No.       Date of issue                 Description

    Rev.00           2019-08-14                    Original

       /                  /                            /

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W-2       PAGE 3 OF 8                       RFExposure

                                                                                            Model: EGG170016


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Client Information
  Applicant:                                    Eggtronic Engineering SRL
  Address of applicant:                         Via Campagna 8, 41126, Modena - Italy

  Manufacturer:                                 Eggtronic Engineering SRL
  Address of manufacturer:                      Via Campagna 8, 41126, Modena - Italy

  General Description of EUT
  Product Name:                                 Triple coil embedded wireless charging system
  Trade Name:                                   Eggtronic
  Model No.:                                    EGG170016
  Adding Model(s):                              /

  Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample, provided by the manufacturer.

  Technical Characteristics of EUT
  Frequency Range:                              110~205kHz
  Modulation Type:                              FSK
  Antenna Type:                                 Coil Antenna
  Rated Voltage:                                DC5V (Wireless output)
  Rated Current:                                1A (Wireless output)
  Rated Power:                                  5W (Wireless output)

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W-2                        PAGE 4 OF 8                                  RFExposure

            TEST                                                                                       Model: EGG170016

2. RF Exposure Test Report

2.1 Standard Applicable

According to § 1.1310 system operating under the provisions of this section shall be operating in a manner that
the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess limit for maximum permissible exposure.

                                 Taeue 1—Limits ror Maxmun Permssioece Exeosure (MPE)

 Frequency range      |Electric field strength      Magnetic field strength         Power density     |Averaging time
 (MHz)                (Vim)                         (A/m)                           {mW!cmE}          (minutes)
                                   (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
 0.3—3.0                                        614                          1.63                *100                    6
 3.0—30                                      1842/7                        4. 89/Tf           *300/f2                    6
 30—300                                      61.4                          0.163                 1.0                     6
 300—1,500                                                                                     f{300                     6
 1,500—100,000                                                                                     5                     6
                             (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
 0.3—1.34                                     614                       1.63                    *100                    30
 1.34—30                                     824/f                     2.19/f                *180/f2                    30
 30—300                                      27.5                          0.073               0.2                      30
 300—1,500                                                                                   1500                       30
 1,500—100,000                                                                                 1.0                      30

     f= frequency in MHz *= Plane—wave equivalent power density

2.2 Test Conditions

      Test Mode                 Description                       Remark                     Power Supply Mode
                                       ,                              .                  DC 5V (with a adapter input
            TM1                   Working                Connect to wireless load
                                                                                                AC 120V/60H2)

        .                                                            15 cm

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                                                                                        Model: EGG170016

2.3 Test Procedure

a. The measurement probe was placed at test distance(15 cm for A,B,C,D,F and 20 cm for E) which is between
   the edge of the charger and the geometric center of probe.
b. The highest emission level was recorded at the measurement points(A, B, C, D, E, F).
c. The EUT was measured according to the distance of KDB 680106 D01 V03.

2.4 Test Result

The EUT dose comply with item 5.2 of KDB 680106 D01V03

1. Power transfer frequency is less that 1 MHz
     Yes, the device operate in the frequency range from 110kHz to 205kHz.

2. Output power from each primary coil is less than 15 watts
     Yes, the maximum output power of the primary coil is less than 15W.

3. The transfer system includes only single primary and secondary coils. This includes
     charging systems that may have multiple primary coils and clients that are able
     to detect and allow coupling only between individual pairs of coils
     Yes, the client device includes only single primary coils.

4. Client device is inserted in or placed directly in contact with the transmitter
     Yes, Client device is placed directly in contact with the transmitter.

5. Mobile exposure conditions only (portable exposure conditions are not covered by
     this exclusion).
     Yes, It is mobile exposure conditions only.

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W-2                       PAGE 6 OF 8                                 RFExposure

                                                                               Model: EGG170016

6. The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above
   the top surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be
   less than 50% of the MPE limit.
   Yes, The EUT field strength levels are less than 50% of the MPE limit, refer to
   test TM1, TM2 list, and the coils can’t transmitted simultaneous.

Test Mode: TM1 (with mobile phone)
                                       Electric Field Emissions
      Test Position             Measure Value (V/m)               Limit(V/m)   50% Limit (V/m)
          Top                          10.21                         614            307
        Bottom                         9.78                          614            307
         Side 1                        9.05                          614            307
         Side 2                        11.51                         614            307
         Side 3                        10.87                         614            307
         Side 4                        9.35                          614            307

                                      Magnetic Field Emissions
      Test Position             Measure Value (A/m)               Limit(A/m)   50% Limit (A/m)
          Top                         0.0932                         1.63           0.815
        Bottom                        0.0859                         1.63           0.815
         Side 1                       0.0948                         1.63           0.815
         Side 2                       0.0878                         1.63           0.815
         Side 3                       0.0965                         1.63           0.815
         Side 4                       0.0972                         1.63           0.815

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                                                            Model: EGG170016

2.4 Test Photos

                                ***** END OF REPORT *****

REPORT NO.: WTX19X08053138W-2              PAGE 8 OF 8            RFExposure

Document Created: 2019-09-10 09:53:15
Document Modified: 2019-09-10 09:53:15

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