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                                         WR3E User Manual

                           Tuya Smart Wi-Fi Module

1. Product Overview
     WR3E is a low power consumption module with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity solution
designed by Hangzhou Tuya Information Technology Co., Ltd..The Wi-Fi Module consists of a highly
integrated wireless radio chip W302HBI40PI and some extra flashthathas been programed with
Wi-Fi network protocol and plenty of software examples.WR3E include a ARM CM4F, WLAN
MAC, 1T1R WLAN, maximum frequency reaches 125MHz, 256K SRAM, 1M byte flash and
various peripheral resources.

    WR3E is a RTOS platform, embedded with all the Wi-Fi MAC and TCP/IP protocol function
examples, users can customize their Wi-Fi product by using these software examples.

1.1 Features

   Integrated low power consumption 32-bit CPU, also known as application processor
   Basic frequency of the CPU can support 125 MHz
   Supply voltage range: 3V to 3.6V
   Peripherals:7 GPIO channels, 2 UART, 1 ADC
   Wi-Fi connectivity:
     802.11 B/G/N20/N40
     Channel 1 to 11 @ 2.4GHz
     Support WPA/WPA2
     +23.31dBm output power in 802.11g Mode
     Support SmartConfig function for both Android and IOS devices
     On-board PCB antenna
     Pass CE, FCC, SRRC certifications
     Operating temperature range: -20℃ to 85℃

1.2 Main ApplicationFields

   Intelligent Building
   Intelligent home, Intelligent household applications
   Healthy devices
   Industrial wireless control
   Baby monitor
   Webcam
   Intelligent bus

                                              WR3E User Manual

2. Dimensions and Footprint


      WR3E has 2 columns of Pins (2*8).The distance between each Pin is 2 mm.
      Size of WR3E: 16 mm (W)×24 mm (L) ×3.3 mm (H)

2.2 Pin Definition

      Table 1 shows the generalpin attributes of WR3E
                                 Table 1. The typical pin definitionof WR3E
PIN           NAME        TYPE                                   DISCREPTION
 1       NC                 /      Dangling don't pick up, in order to compatible with other
 2       ADC               AI      ADC,Max5V
 3       CHIP_EN           I/O
 4       GPIOA_29          I/O     UART_Log_RXD             GPIO
 5       GPIOA_14          I/O     GPIOA_14,hardware PWM
 6       GPIOA_15          I/O     GPIOA_15,hardware PWM
 7       GPIOA_22          I/O     GPIOA_22
 8       VCC                P      (3.3V)
 9       GND                P
 10      GPIOA_0           I/O     GPIOA_0,HardwarePWM
 11      GPIOA_30          I/O     UART_Log_TXD             GPIO
 12      GPIOA_19          I/O     GPIOA_19
 13      GPIOA_5           I/O     GPIOA_5,hardware PWM
 14      GPIOA_12          I/O     GPIOA_12,hardware PWM
 15      RXD               I/O     UART0_RXD
 16      TXD               I/O     UART0_TXD

      Note: S: Power supply pins; I/O: Digital input or output pins; AI: Analog input.

                                               WR3E User Manual

3. Electrical Characteristics

3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

                                      Table 3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
            PARAMETERS                            DESCRIPTION                     MIN         MAX    UNIT
                   Ts                        Storage temperature                  ‐40          105    ℃
                  VCC                            Supply voltage                   ‐0.3         3.6    V
       Static electricity voltage                  TAMB‐25℃                        ‐            2    KV
            (human model)
       Static electricity voltage                  TAMB‐25℃                        ‐           0.5   KV
           (machine model)

3.2 Electrical Conditions

                                         Table 3.2. Electrical Conditions
PARAMETERS         DESCRIPTION                            MIN               TYPICAL      MAX          UNIT
Ta                 Working temperature                    ‐20               ‐            85           ℃
VCC                Working voltage                        3                 3.3          3.6          V
VIL                IO low level input                     ‐0.3              ‐            VDD*0.25     V
VIH                IO high level input                    VDD*0.75          ‐            VDD          V
VOL                IO low level output                    ‐                 ‐            VDD*0.1      V
VoH                IO high level output                   VDD*0.8           ‐            V            V
Imax               IO drive current                       ‐                 ‐            16           mA
Cpad               Input capacitor                        ‐                 2            ‐            pF

                                            WR3E User Manual

3.3 Wi-Fi Receiving CurrentConsumptions

                                 Table 3.3. Wi-Fi RX currentconsumption
PARAMETERS             MODE              TYPICAL         UNIT
     IRF             CPU sleep              90            mA
     IRF             CPU active             120           mA

3.4 Working Mode CurrentConsumptions

                            Table 3.4. The module working currentconsumption
WORK MODE         AT TA=25℃                                                    TYPICAL   MAX*   UNIT

EZ Mode           WR3E is under EZ paring mode, Wi‐Fi indicator                  115     125    mA
                  light flashes quickly
Standby Mode      WR3E is connected, Wi‐Fi indicator light is on                 60      209    mA

Operation Mode    WR3E is connected, Wi‐Fi indicator light is on                 118     198    mA
Disconnection     WR3E is disconnected, Wi‐Fi indicator light is                 34      192    mA
Mode              off
    Note: peak continuous time is about 5us.
          The parameter shown above will vary dependingon different firmware functions.

4. WLAN Radio Specification

4.1 Basic Radio Frequency Characteristics

                              Table 41.Basic Radio frequency characteristics
           PARAMETERS                                           DESCRIPTION
           Frequency band               2412-2462MHz(802.11b/g/n20);2422-2452MHz(802.11n40)
           Wi‐Fi standard                           IEEE 802.11n/g/b (Terminal 1‐11)
      Data transmitting rate                               11b:1,2,5.5,11(Mbps)
            Antenna type                                  On‐board PCB Antenna

                                        WR3E User Manual

4.2.Wi-Fi TransmittingPower
                               Table 4.2. Wi-Fi transmitting power

                                         RF output power


4.3Wi-Fi Receiving Sensitivity

                              Table 4.3. Wi-Fi Receiving sensitivity
                      PARAMETERS                                       MIN   TYPICAL   MAX   UNI
 PER<8%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11b CCK Mode           11M          ‐      ‐91      ‐    dBm
PER<10%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11g OFDM Mode          54M          ‐      ‐75      ‐    dBm
PER<10%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11n OFDM Mode        MCS7           ‐      ‐72      ‐    dBm

                                          WR3E User Manual

5. Antenna Information

5.1 Antenna Type

    Antenna can be connectedusing On-board PCB antenna.

5.2 Reduce Antenna Interference

      While using the On-board PCBantenna, in order to have the best Wi-Fi performance,
it’s recommended to keep a minimum 15mm distance between the antenna part and the other
metal pieces.

6. Packaging Information And Production Guide

6.1 Production Guide

 The storage for the delivered module should meet the following condition:
    1. The anti-moisture bag should be kept in the environment withtemperature< 30℃ and
humidity< 85% RH.
    2. The expiration date is 6 months since the dry packaging products was sealed.
 Cautions:
    1. All the operators should wear electrostatic ringin the whole process of production.
    2. While operating, water and dirt should not have any contact with the modules.

6.2 Recommended furnace temperature curve

                Figure 6.2. PCB Package DrawingRecommended furnace temperature curve

                                         WR3E User Manual

Regulatory Module Integration Instructions

2.2 List of applicable FCC rules
This device complies with part 15.247 of the FCC Rules.
According to the definition of mobile and fixed device is described in Part 2.1091(b), this device is a
mobile device.
2.3 Summarize the specific operational use conditions

This module can be used in household electrical appliances as well as lighting

equipments. The input voltage to the module should be nominally 3.0 to 3.6V VDC ,typical

value 3.3VDC and the ambient temperature of the module should not exceed 85℃.

This module using only one kind of antennas with maximum gain is 2.5dBi .Other antenna

arrangement is not covered by this certification.

The antenna is not field replaceable. If the antenna needs to be changed, the certification

should be re-applied.

2.4 Limited module procedures

 Not applicable

2.5 Trace antenna designs

 Not applicable

2.6 RF exposure considerations

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance
20cm between the radiator& your body. If the device built into a host as a portable usage,
the additional RF exposure evaluation may be required as specified by§ 2.1093.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter. Country Code selection feature to be disabled for products marketed to the US .

2.7 Antennas

  Module only contains one PCB antenna. No additional external connectors.

                                     WR3E User Manual

2.8 Label and compliance information

The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label

referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as: “Contains

Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ANDL-WR3E ”,or “Contains FCC ID: 2ANDL-WR3E ”,

Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.

2.9 Information on test modes and additional testing requirements

  a) The modular transmitter has been fully tested by the module grantee on the required

  number of channels, modulation types, and modes, it should not be necessary for the

  host installer to re-test all the available transmitter modes or settings. It is

  recommended that the host product manufacturer, installing the modular transmitter,

  perform some investigative measurements to confirm that the resulting composite

  system does not exceed the spurious emissions limits or band edge limits (e.g., where a

  different antenna may be causing additional emissions).

  b) The testing should check for emissions that may occur due to the intermixing of

  emissions with the other transmitters, digital circuitry, or due to physical properties of

  the host product (enclosure). This investigation is especially important when integrating

  multiple modular transmitters where the certification is based on testing each of them in

  a stand-alone configuration. It is important to note that host product manufacturers

  should not assume that because the modular transmitter is certified that they do not

  have any responsibility for final product compliance.

  c) If the investigation indicates a compliance concern the host product manufacturer is

  obligated to mitigate the issue. Host products using a modular transmitter are subject to

                                            WR3E User Manual

  all the applicable individual technical rules as well as to the general conditions of

  operation in Sections 15.5, 15.15, and 15.29 to not cause interference. The operator of

  the host product will be obligated to stop operating the device until the interference has

  been corrected

  Below are steps for on test modes:

tx_contin_en 1                // return:wifi tx continuous test!

wifitxout    < parameter 1>      < parameter 2>      < parameter 3>

< parameter 1>:Send channel option and allowed number is 1~11.

< parameter 2>:Send data rate option, the relationship between input parameters and

rates is shown in table 1.

< parameter 3>:Send power attenuation

Table 1: allowed input for speed of receiving or sending data package

            11b mode                            11g mode                      11n mode

    Input         Dial Speed            Input         Dial Speed      Input       Dial Speed

     0x0               1M                0xb               6M         0x10        6.5M / MCS0

     0x1               2M                0xf               9M         0x11        13M / MCS1

     0x2               5.5M              0xa               12M        0x12       19.5M / MCS2

                                       WR3E User Manual

    0x3              11M             0xe              18M           0x13        26M / MCS3

                                     0x9              24M           0x14        39M / MCS4

                                     0xd              36M           0x15        52M / MCS5

                                     0x8              48M           0x16       58.5M / MCS6

                                     0xc              54M           0x17        65M / MCS7

cmdstop        // Stop sending data package command

2.10 Additional testing, Part 15 subpart B disclaimer

The final host / module combination need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B

criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part

15 digital device.

The host integrator installing this module into their product must ensure that the final

composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or

evaluation to the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to

guidance in KDB 996369.

Frequency spectrum to be investigated

For host products with certified modular transmitter, the frequency range of investigation

of the composite system is specified by rule in Sections 15.33(a)(1) through (a)(3), or the

range applicable to the digital device, as shown in Section 15.33(b)(1), whichever is the

higher frequency range of investigation.

                                       WR3E User Manual

Operating the host product

When testing the host product, all the transmitters must be operating.The transmitters can

be enabled by using publicly-available drivers and turned on, so the transmitters are

active. In certain conditions it might be appropriate to use a technology-specific call box

(test set) where accessory devices or drivers are not available.

When testing for emissions from the unintentional radiator, the transmitter shall be placed

in the receive mode or idle mode, if possible. If receive mode only is not possible then, the

radio shall be passive (preferred) and/or active scanning. In these cases, this would need

to enable activity on the communication BUS (i.e., PCIe, SDIO, USB) to ensure the

unintentional radiator circuitry is enabled. Testing laboratories may need to add

attenuation or filters depending on the signal strength of any active beacons (if applicable)

from the enabled radio(s). See ANSI C63.4, ANSI C63.10 and ANSI C63.26 for further

general testing details.

The product under test is set into a link/association with a partnering WLAN device, as per

the normal intended use of the product. To ease testing, the product under test is set to

transmit at a high duty cycle, such as by sending a file or streaming some media content.

FCC Statement

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for

compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies

with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)

This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any

interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Document Created: 2019-06-11 19:48:56
Document Modified: 2019-06-11 19:48:56

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