User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                            WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet
1. Product Overview

      WR2L is a low power-consuming built-in Wi-Fi module developed by Hangzhou Tuya
Information Technology Co., Ltd. It consists of a highly integrated radio frequency chip
(RTL8710BX) and an external flash chip, with a built-in Wi-Fi network protocol stack and robust
library functions. WR2L also contains a low power-consuming ARM CM4F, a WLAN MAC, a
1T1R WLAN, and the maximum basic frequency of 62.5 MHz, and is embedded with a 256 KB
SRAM, a 2 MB flash, and robust peripheral resources.
      WR2L is an RTOS platform that integrates all the function libraries of the Wi-Fi MAC and
TCP/IP protocols. You can develop built-in Wi-Fi products as required.

  1.1 Features
    Built-in low power-consuming 32-bit CPU functioning as an application processor

  Working voltage: 3 V to 3.6 V
  Peripherals: five GPIOs
  Wi-Fi connectivity
    802.11 B/G/N20/N40
    Channels 1-11@2.4GHz
    Supports WPA/WPA2 safe modes
        SmartConfig mode (for Android and iOS devices)
        Onboard PCB antenna
        Passing the CE, FCC, and SRRC certification
        Working temperature: –20°C to +105°C

  1.2 Major Application Fields
  Intelligent building
  Intelligent home and household appliances
  Industrial wireless control
  Baby monitors
  Network camera
  Intelligent bus

2. Module Interfaces

  2.1 Dimensions and Pin Layout
    WR2L provides two rows of pins with the distance of 2 mm between every two pins.
    WR2L dimensions: 15 mm (W) x 17.37 mm (L) x 3 mm (H)

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                                                               WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet

 2.2 Pin definition
   Table 2.1 describes the common pins.

                              Table 2.1,WR2L pins description

   No.        Symbol        I/OType                              Function

    1       GPIOA_15           I/O                  GPIOA_15, used for hardware PWM

   2         GPIOA_14        I/O             GPIOA_14, used for hardware PWM
   3         GPIOA_5         I/O              GPIOA_5, used for hardware PWM
   4         GPIOA_14        I/O                           GPIOA_19
   5         GPIOA_12        I/O             GPIOA_12, used for hardware PWM
   6           GND            P               Power supply reference ground pin
   7           VD33           P                Module power supply pin (3.3 V)
   Note: P indicates power-supply pins and I/O indicates input/output pins.

3. Electrical Parameters

   3.1 Absolute electrical parameters

                                      Table 3.1,Absolute Parameters

                                                             Minimu     Maximu
               Parameters                   Description                             Unit
                                                             m value    m value
                    Ts                                          –40         125      °C
                   VDD                                         –0.3         3.6      V
         Static electricity voltage            TAMB –
                                                                 -          2        kV
              (human model)                      25°C

         Static electricity voltage           TAMB –
                                                                 -          0.5      kV
             (machine model)                   25°C

   3.2 Electrical Conditions

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                                                                   WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet
                            Table 3.2 Normal electrical conditions

                  Description              Min               Typ             Max           Unit

      Ta                                   –20                 -             105           °C

     VDD        Working voltage             3.0                -             3.6            V

      VIL      I/O low-level input         –0.3                -          VDD x 0.25        V

      VIH      I/O high-level input    VDD x 0.75              -             3.6            V

     VOL       I/O low-level output          -                 -          VDD x 0.1         V
                  I/O high-level
     VOH                               VDD x 0.8               -            VDD             V

     Imax       I/O drive current            -                 -             16            mA

                    Input pin
     Cpad                                    -                 2              -            pF

3.3 Wi-Fi Transmitting Current Consumptions

                            Table 3.3. Wi-Fi TX current consumption

  PARAMETERS        MODE            RATE             Transmitting power      TYPICAL        UNIT
      IRF            11b           1Mbps                +20.09dBm                 287        mA
      IRF            11g           6Mbps                +23.48dBm                 255        mA
       IRF       11n-HT20           MCS0                +22.06dBm                 244        mA
     IRF          11n-HT40          MCS0                +21.35dBm                 220        mA

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                                                                WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet
   3.4 Wi-Fi RX power consumption

                            Table 3.4 RX power during constant receiving

                   Symbol               Mode                  Typ          Unit

                     IRF             CPU sleep                 90          mA

                     IRF             CPU active                120         mA

       3.5      Power consumption in operating mode

                                Table 3.5, Module operating current

                           Operating condition, TA=25℃                     Typ     Peak    Unit

                     The module is in the EZ state and the Wi-Fi
  EZ mode                                                                  115      125    mA
                              indicator fast flashes.

                  The module is in the connected state and the Wi-Fi
 Idle mode                                                                  60      209    mA
                               indicator is steady on.

                  The module is in the connected state and the Wi-Fi
Working mode                                                               118      198    mA
                               indicator is steady on.

Disconnection      The module is in the disconnected state and the
                                                                            34      192    mA
    mode                  Wi-Fi indicator is steady off.

Notes: The peak period is approx. 5us.
The preceding parameter values vary depending on the firmware functions.

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                                                               WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet

4. RF Characteristics

  4.1     Basic RF characteristics

                               Table 4.1,Basic RF characteristics

           Parameter                                 Description

        Frequency band                       2.412 GHz to 2.462 GHz

         Wi-Fi standard                 IEEE 802.11b/g/n (channels 1 to 11)
                             11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 (Mbit/s) 11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54
        Data transmission
                             (Mbit/s) 11n: HT20 MCS0 to MCS7 11n: HT40 MCS0 to
          Antenna type                               PCB antenna

 4.2Wi-Fi RX sensitivity

                                   Table 4.3,RX Sensitivity

                       Parameter                                        Min         Typ      Max   Unit
   PER < 8%, RX sensitivity, 802.11b CCK mode                             -         –91       -    dBm
  PER < 10%, RX sensitivity, 802.11g OFDM mode                            -         –75       -    dBm

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                                                              WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet
   PER < 10%, RX sensitivity, 802.11n OFDM mode             MCS7          -        –72        -        dBm

5.Antenna Information

    5.1 Antenna type
          Only the onboard PCB antenna is used.
    5.2     Antenna interference reduction
       When using an onboard PCB antenna on a Wi-Fi module, make sure that the antenna on
the module is at least 15 mm away from other metal parts to ensure optimal wireless performance.

6.Packaging information and production guidance

          6.1   Production Instructions
     Storage conditions of a delivered module are as follows:
          1. The anti-moisture bag must be placed in an environment where the temperature is under
  30°C and the relative humidity is under 85%.
          2.The shelf life of a dry-packaged product is six months from the date when the product is
  packaged and sealed.
          1.Throughout the production process, each involved operator must wear an electrostatic
          2.During the operation, strictly protect the module from water and strains.
          6.2 Recommended Oven Temperature Profile

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                                                                    WR2LV1.0.0 Datasheet

 Regulatory Module Integration Instructions
 This device complies with part 15.247 of the FCC Rules.
 The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or
 remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module.
 The antenna is PCB Antenna and maximum gain is 2.0dBi .
 This module has been granted modular approval for mobile applications. OEM integrators
 for host products may use the module in their final products without additional FCC certification
 if they meet the following conditions. Otherwise, additional FCC approvals must be obtained.

The host product with the module installed must be evaluated for simultaneous
transmission requirements.
The user’s manual for the host product must clearly indicate the operating requirements
and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliance with current FCC RF exposure guidelines.
To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human
exposure to RF radiation, use this module only with the included onboard antenna.
The final host / module combination may also need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B
criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15
digital device.

FCC Statement
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm
between the radiator& your body.
FCC Label Instructions:
The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to the
enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as: “Contains Transmitter Module
FCC ID: 2ANDL-WR2L”,or “Contains FCC ID: 2ANDL-WR2L”, Any similar wording that
expresses the same meaning may be used.


Document Created: 2019-05-08 08:04:37
Document Modified: 2019-05-08 08:04:37

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