Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                              TYZS1L User manual
1. Product Overview

      The TYZS1L is a low-power embedded Zigbee module developed by Hangzhou Tuya
Information Technology Co., Ltd. The module consists of a EFR32MG13P732HI highly
integrated wireless RF processor chip and a small number of peripheral devices. It has a built-in
802.15.4 PHY/MAC Zigbee network protocol and a large number of library functions. The
TYZS1L embeds a low-power 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 core, 512KByte Flash program memory,
64KB RAM data memory, and a wealth of peripheral resources.
      The TYZS1L is a FreeRTOS platform that gathers all Zigbee MAC and TCP/IP libraries into
one place. It enables users to build on the product and develop embedded Zigbee products that suit
their individual needs.

  1.1 Features
    A built-in low-power 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 processor with a DSP instruction set and a
    floating point unit that doubles as an application processor

    Wide operating voltage: 1.8V-3.8V
    Peripherals:9×GPIOs, 1×UART,
    Zigbee operating characteristics:
     Supports 802.15.4 MAC/PHY
     Operating channels 11to 26@2.405-2.480GHz, air-interface rate 250Kbps
     Built-in DC-DC circuit for maximum power efficiency

         63uA/MHz operating power consumption; 1.4 uA sleep current
         Active net pairing with terminal devices
         Built-in PCB onboard antenna
         Operating temperature: -40℃ to125℃
         Supports hardware encryption and supports AES 128/256
  1.2 Primary application fields
  Smart buildings
  Smart homes/appliances
  Smart plugs, smart lighting
  Industrial wireless control
  Health and measurements
  Asset tracking

2. Module interfaces

   2.1 Package dimensions
      The TYZS1L has 2 rows of pins with a 2mm gap .
         TYZS1L dimensions: 16mm (W) x 24mm (L) x 3.5mm (H).

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                                                                   TYZS1L User manual
      2.2 Pin definition
        Interface pins are defined as shown in Table 1:

                                 Table 1, TYZS1L interface pins description
  Pin         Symbol         IQ type       Function
  1           nRST           I             Hardware reset pin, low power chips are reset to live at
                                           ordinary times;
                                           Electric reset, users according to actual situation can be
                                           without the pin
  2           ADC            AI            The ADC port 1, 12 accuracy of SAR analog to digital
                                           Should be IC PB11 pin.
  3           NC             -             NC pin, external don't need to deal with
  4           GPIO0          I/O           GPIO use;The corresponding IC PA3 pin.
  5           SWO            I/O           GPIO use/using JLINK communications under the state can
                                           be used as the output
                                           The feet.The corresponding IC PF2 pin.
  6           PWM3           I/O           Do use GPIO.Corresponding internal IC PF4 pin.
  7           PWM1 I/        I/O           Do use GPIO.Corresponding internal IC PF4 pin.
  8           VCC            P             Module power supply pins (typical power supply voltage:
                                           3.3 V
  9           GND            P             Reference to the module.
  10          GPIO2          I/O           Do use GPIO.The corresponding IC PA5 pin.
  11          SWDIO          I/O           Buffer JLINK SWDIO pin.Can be done in normal application
                                           GUOP use.The corresponding IC PF1 tube feet.
  12          SWCLK          I/O           Buffer JLINK SWCLK pin.To do the GIOP in normal
                                           application program
                                           Use.The corresponding IC PF0 pin.
  13          PWM2           I/O           Do use GPIO.The corresponding IC PA2 pin.
  14          GPIO3          I/O           Do use GPIO.The corresponding IC PD15 pin.
  15          RXD            I/O           UART0_RXD;The corresponding IC PA1 pin.
  16          TXD            O             UART0_TXD;The corresponding IC PA0 pin.

        Description: P indicates the power pin; I/O indicates the input/output pin; AI indicates
analog input pin.
        nRST is only the module hardware reset pin; it cannot clear Zigbee net-pairing
        AI: This pin can only be used as an ADC port. It cannot be used as a normal IO port. If it
is not used, it needs to be left floating.
         As an ADC input, the input voltage range is limited to 0-AVDD and can be configured by

                                               2                                      Version1.0.0

                                                                        TYZS1L User manual

3. Electrical parameters

   3.1 Absolute electrical parameters

                                     Table 3, Absolute parameters

                                                              Minimu        Maximu
               Parameters                   Description                                  Unit
                                                              m value       m value
      Ts                                                      -50           150         ℃
      VCC                                   Input voltage     -0.3          3.8         V
      Electrostatic      discharge
                                            TAMB-25℃          -             2.5         KV
      voltage (human-body model)

      Electrostatic      discharge
                                            TAMB-25℃          -             0.5         KV
      voltage (machine model)

   3.2 Operating conditions

                              Table 4, Normal operating conditions

    Paramet                                  Minimum          Typical        Maximum
                     Description                                                             Unit
      ers                                     value            value          value

       Ta                                         -40               -             125        ℃

      VCC       Operating voltage                 1.8             3.3             3.8         V

      VIL            IO low input                 -0.3              -        VCC*0.25         V

      VIH            IO high input           VCC*0.75               -             VCC         V

      VOL            IO low output                 -                -        VCC*0.1          V
      VoH         IO high output              VCC*0.8               -             VCC        V
      Imax       IO drive current                -                  -              12        mA
      3.3    Zigbee TX power consumption

                        Table 5, Power consumption during continuous TX

                                                         Transmission       Typical
            Symbol                   Rate                                                Unit
                                                            power            value

     IRF                   250Kbps                       10.81dBm           120         mA
     IRF                   250Kbps                       10.70dBm           50          mA
     IRF                   250Kbps                       10.47dBm           32          mA

                                              3                                         Version1.0.0

                                                                TYZS1L User manual
     Note: When testing the above data, continuous transmission duty cycle=100%.
    3.4 The Zigbee RX power consumption

                         Table 6, Power consumption during continuous RX

                Symbol                   Rate             Typical value         Unit

                  IRF                  250Kbps                   8              mA
     Note: When UART is active, the RX mode current is 14mA.
    3.5 Power consumption when operating

                                Table 7, TYZS1L operating current

     Operation mode             condition,         Average value                       Unit
                                                                          m value
     Quick                  Module in quick
                                                   10                     40        mA
     configuration          configuration state
     Network                Connected to a
                                                   3                      5         mA
     connection state       network
                            Deep sleep mode
     Deep sleep mode        and retains 64KB       1.4                    3         uA

4. RF Characteristics

  4.1 Basic RF characteristics

                                      Table 8, Basic RF characteristics

                  Parameter                                      Description

         Operating frequency                2405MHz to 2480MHz

         Physical layer standard            IEEE 802.15.4

         Data transfer rate                 250Kbps

         Antenna type                       PCB antenna
         Line of sight                      >150m

                                             4                                         Version1.0.0

                                                                 TYZS1L User manual

 4.2 Zigbee RX sensitivity

                                  Table 10, RX Sensitivity

                                          Minimu       Typical         Maximu
               Parameter                                                         Unit
                                          m value       value          m value
    PER<10%,  RX           sensitivity,
                                          -          -101          -             dBm

5.Antenna signal

    5.1 Antenna type
        Default PCB onboard antenna connection
    5.2 Antenna interference reduction
        To optimize Zigbee performance of the wireless module in combination with the PCB
onboard antenna, it is recommended to keep the antenna at least 15mm from other metal parts.
           The user PCB board should not be routed around the antenna area and should not be
covered with copper to avoid affecting the antenna radiation performance. It is recommended that
the adapter board antenna area be hollowed out.

6.Packaging information and production guide

                                               5                                  Version1.0.0

                                                                TYZS1L User manual

     6.1 Production Guide
   The storage conditions for the module after it has been shipped are as follows:
        1.The moisture resistant bag must be stored at a temperature below 30℃, and under a
relative humidity below 85%.
        2. The shelf life of dry packed products is six months following the packaged date.
    Important information
        1.All line workers must wear anti-static wrist straps and anti-static clothing throughout the
entire production process.
        2.It is strictly prohibited to allow a module to come into contact with water or other
contaminants during operations.
       6.2 Recommended furnace temperature curve

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                                                              TYZS1L User manual
Regulatory Module Integration Instructions

2.2 List of applicable FCC rules

  This device complies with part 15.247 of the FCC Rules.

2.3 Summarize the specific operational use conditions

This module can be used in household electrical appliances as well as lighting

equipments. The input voltage to the module should be nominally 1.8~3.8 VDC ,typical

value 3.3VDC and the ambient temperature of the module should not exceed 85℃.

This module using only one kind of antennas with maximum gain is 2.0 dBi .Other antenna

arrangement is not covered by this certification.

The antenna is not field replaceable. If the antenna needs to be changed, the certification

should be re-applied.

2.4 Limited module procedures

  This module can be used in lighting equipment, smart frontpanel, household electrical

appliances. Normally host device should provide a power supply in range 1.8-3.8VDC,

typically 3.3VDC for this module. The limited module manufacturer will reviews detailed test

data or host designs prior to giving the host manufacturer approval.

2.5 Trace antenna designs

 Not applicable

2.6 RF exposure considerations

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled

environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance

20cm between the radiator& your body. If the device built into a host as a portable usage,

                                                              TYZS1L User manual
the additional RF exposure evaluation may be required as specified by§ 2.1093.

2.7 Antennas

  Module only contains one PCB antenna. No additional external connectors.

2.8 Label and compliance information

The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label

referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as: “Contains

Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ANDL-TYZS1L ”,or “Contains FCC ID: 2ANDL-TYZS1L ”, Any

similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.

2.9 Information on test modes and additional testing requirements

  a) The modular transmitter has been fully tested by the module grantee on the required

  number of channels, modulation types, and modes, it should not be necessary for the

  host installer to re-test all the available transmitter modes or settings. It is

  recommended that the host product manufacturer, installing the modular transmitter,

  perform some investigative measurements to confirm that the resulting composite

  system does not exceed the spurious emissions limits or band edge limits (e.g., where a

  different antenna may be causing additional emissions).

  b) The testing should check for emissions that may occur due to the intermixing of

  emissions with the other transmitters, digital circuitry, or due to physical properties of

  the host product (enclosure). This investigation is especially important when integrating

  multiple modular transmitters where the certification is based on testing each of them in

  a stand-alone configuration. It is important to note that host product manufacturers

  should not assume that because the modular transmitter is certified that they do not

                                                                 TYZS1L User manual

  have any responsibility for final product compliance.

  c) If the investigation indicates a compliance concern the host product manufacturer is

  obligated to mitigate the issue. Host products using a modular transmitter are subject to

  all the applicable individual technical rules as well as to the general conditions of

  operation in Sections 15.5, 15.15, and 15.29 to not cause interference. The operator of

  the host product will be obligated to stop operating the device until the interference has

  been corrected

  Below are steps for on test modes:

plugin mfglib mfgenable 1             //1 presents enable

plugin mfglib start 0                //0 presents transmitting

plugin mfglib set-channel 11     // channel config, 11 presents carrier frequency 2405MHz,

26 presents carrier frequency    2480MHz

plugin mfglib stream start      //transmiting modulated zigbee waveform

plugin mfglib stream stop       //stop transmiting modulated zigbee waveform

2.10 Additional testing, Part 15 subpart B disclaimer

The final host / module combination need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B

criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part

15 digital device.

                                                               TYZS1L User manual

The host integrator installing this module into their product must ensure that the final

composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or

evaluation to the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to

guidance in KDB 996369.

Frequency spectrum to be investigated

For host products with certified modular transmitter, the frequency range of investigation

of the composite system is specified by rule in Sections 15.33(a)(1) through (a)(3), or the

range applicable to the digital device, as shown in Section 15.33(b)(1), whichever is the

higher frequency range of investigation.

Operating the host product

When testing the host product, all the transmitters must be operating.The transmitters can

be enabled by using publicly-available drivers and turned on, so the transmitters are

active. In certain conditions it might be appropriate to use a technology-specific call box

(test set) where accessory devices or drivers are not available.

When testing for emissions from the unintentional radiator, the transmitter shall be placed

in the receive mode or idle mode, if possible. If receive mode only is not possible then, the

radio shall be passive (preferred) and/or active scanning. In these cases, this would need

to enable activity on the communication BUS (i.e., PCIe, SDIO, USB) to ensure the

unintentional radiator circuitry is enabled. Testing laboratories may need to add

attenuation or filters depending on the signal strength of any active beacons (if applicable)

from the enabled radio(s). See ANSI C63.4, ANSI C63.10 and ANSI C63.26 for further

                                                             TYZS1L User manual

general testing details.

The product under test is placed into a normal ‘paired’ mode with another ZigBee device,

as per the normal intended use of the product (for example, transferring data).

FCC Statement

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for

compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies

with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)

This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any

interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation

Document Created: 2019-06-12 20:28:01
Document Modified: 2019-06-12 20:28:01

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