Test Report_NII_DFS


Test Report

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Report No.: 18070361-FCC-R
Supersede Report No.: N/A
Applicant          Mundo Reader S.L.
Product Name       Smartphone
Model No.          Aquaris X2
Serial No.         N/A
Test Standard      FCC Part 15.407: 2017, ANSI C63.10: 2013
Test Date          April 14 to 26&September 27, 2018
Issue Date         September 27 2018
Test Result            Pass      Fail
Equipment complied with the specification
Equipment did not comply with the specification

        Aaron Liang                     David Huang
       Test Engineer                    Checked By

                      This test report may be reproduced in full only
     Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only

                                         Issued by:
                   Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
       South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’ an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518108
                 Phone: +86 0755 2601 4629801 Email: China@siemic.com.cn

                                          Test Report No.     18070361-FCC-R
                                          Page                2 of 26

                             Laboratories Introduction

SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one
of the leading independent testing and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop
shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance
management throughout a project. Our extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North
America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the fastest, most cost
effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                       Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
            Country/Region                                              Scope
                   USA                              EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Canada                             EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                  Taiwan                             EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
               Hong Kong                                RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Australia                           EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
                  Korea                          EMI, EMS, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety
                  Japan                              EMI, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                Singapore                                   EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom
                  Europe                             EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety

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1.     REPORT REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................................................5

2.     CUSTOMER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................5

3.     TEST SITE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................5

4.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) INFORMATION .........................................................................................6

5.     TEST SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................8

6.     MEASUREMENTS, EXAMINATION AND DERIVED RESULTS ................................................................... 10

6.1 DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION (DFS) .................................................................................................... 10

ANNEX A. TEST INSTRUMENT ................................................................................................................................. 22

ANNEX B. USER MANUAL / BLOCK DIAGRAM / SCHEMATICS / PARTLIST .................................................. 25

ANNEX C. DECLARATION OF SIMILARITY............................................................................................................ 26

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1. Report Revision History

        Report No.             Report Version                 Description                Issue Date
     18070361-FCC-R                NONE                        Original                 April 27, 2018
                                                      Added the Non-occupancy
     18070361-FCC-R                   V1            Period, Non-associated test and   September 27 2018
                                                          Non co-channel test

2. Customer information

Applicant Name          Mundo Reader S.L.
Applicant Add           Calle Sofía 10, Parque Industrial y Tecnológico Európolis 28232 Las Rozas -
                        Madrid SPAIN
Manufacturer            Mundo Reader S.L.
Manufacturer Add        Calle Sofía 10, Parque Industrial y Tecnológico Európolis 28232 Las Rozas -
                        Madrid SPAIN

3. Test site information

Test Lab:
 Lab performing tests       SIEMIC (Shenzhen-China) LABORATORIES
                            Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
 Lab Address                South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’ an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
 FCC Test Site No.          535293
 IC Test Site No.           4842E-1
 Test Software              Radiated Emission Program-To Shenzhen v2.0

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 4. Equipment under Test (EUT) Information
Description of EUT:             Smartphone

Main Model:                     Aquaris X2

Serial Model:                   N/A

Date EUT received:              April 13, 2018

Test Date(s):                   April 14 to 26&September 27, 2018

Equipment Category:             NII

                                5250 ~ 5350MHz: -6.5dBi gain
Antenna Gain:
                                5470 ~ 5725MHz: -7.5dBi gain

Antenna Type:                   LDS

Modulation Technology:          OFDM

Modulation Type:                64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK

                                5250 ~ 5350MHz: 4 for 802.11a, 802.11n (20MHz),
                                2 for 802.11n (40MHz), 1 channel for 802.11ac 80MHz
Number of Channels:
                                5470 ~ 5725MHz: 8 for 802.11a, 802.11n (20MHz),
                                3 for 802.11n (40MHz), 1 channel for 802.11ac 80MHz

RF Operating Frequency (ies):   5250 ~ 5350MHz, 5470 ~ 5725MHz

Power supply:
                                Spec: 3.85Vdc, Min 2990mAh, Typ 3100 mAh

Port:                           Pls refer to user’ s manual

Trade Name :                    BQ

FCC ID:                         2AN87AQUARISX2

HW Version                      LLDM0893-3 VER:B3

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SW Version   1.3.1_20180904-0601

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 5. Test Summary

The product was tested in accordance with the following specifications.
All testing has been performed according to below product classification:

          Test Item                 Test standard                  Test Method/Procedure           Result
                                                              905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
  UNII Detection Bandwidth        47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   N/A
                                                                 Procedures New Rules v02
  Initial Channel Availability                                905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
                                  47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   N/A
         Check Time                                              Procedures New Rules v02
Radar Burst at the Beginning
                                                              905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
  of the Channel Availability     47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   N/A
                                                                 Procedures New Rules v02
         Check Time
Radar Burst at the End of the
                                                              905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
 Channel Availability Check       47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   N/A
                                                                 Procedures New Rules v02
   In-Service Monitoring -                                    905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
                                  47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   Pass
    Channel Move Time                                            Procedures New Rules v02
   In-Service Monitoring -
                                                              905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
Channel Closing Transmission      47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   Pass
                                                                 Procedures New Rules v02
   In-Service Monitoring -                                    905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
                                  47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   Pass
   Non-Occupancy Period                                          Procedures New Rules v02
                                                              905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance
Statistical Performance Check     47CFR15.407 (h)                                                   N/A
                                                                 Procedures New Rules v02

Measurement Uncertainty

          Test Item                                  Description                            Uncertainty
     Dynamic frequency           Confidence level of approximately 95% (in the case
 selection (DFS) Conducted        where distributions are normal), with a coverage             ±1.5dB
        Measurement                                   factor of 2

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Operating frequency bands and mode of EUT
                                                      Operating Frequency Range
         Operational Mode
                                         5250~5350MHz                       5470~5725MHz
Client without radar detection and ad
                                                  V                               V
            hoc function

Note: The EUT has disabled the 5600-5650MHz band

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 6. Measurements, Examination And Derived Results

6.1 Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
6.1.1General introduction

Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating In-Service Monitoring
Maximum Transmit Power                                      Value (see note)
≥ 200 milliwatt                                             -64 dBm
EIRP < 200 milliwatt and                                    -62 dBm
power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power             -64 dBm
spectra density requirement
Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test
signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication 662911 D01.

DFS Response requirement values
Parameter                                      Value
Non-occupancy period                           Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                60 seconds
Channel Move Time                              10 seconds See Note 1.
Channel Closing Transmission Time              200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
                                               remaining 10 second period. See Notes 1 and 2.
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                      Minimum 100% of the UNII 99% transmission power bandwidth
                                               See Note 3.
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar
Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required facilitating a Channel
move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate
duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For each
frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed with no
data traffic.

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Radar Test Waveforms
This section provides the parameters for required test waveforms, minimum percentage of successful detections, and the
minimum number of trials that must be used for determining DFS conformance. Step intervals of 0.1 microsecond for
Pulse Width, 1 microsecond for PRI, 1 MHz for chirp width and 1 for the number of pulses will be utilized for the
random determination of specific test waveforms

1.   Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

Radar                                                                                 Percentage of
            Width        PRI (μsec)                     Number of Pulses                                    Minimum
Type                                                                                  Successful
0               1                  1428                             18                      See Note 1       See Note 1

                          Test A: 15 unique PRI         Roundup { (1/360) *
                            values randomly                    (19
                         selected from the list of         106/PRI𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑐
                         23 PRI values in Table

1               1              60%          30                                                 60%              30
                          Test B: 15 unique PRI
                              values randomly
                            selected within the
                            range of 518-3066                        -
                          μsec, with a minimum
                           increment of 1 μsec,
                          excluding PRI values
                             selected in Test A
2              1-5                150-230                          23-29                       60%              30
3             6-10                200-500                          16-18                       60%              30
4            11-20                200-500                          12-16                       60%              30

Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                                    80%              120

Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and
channel closing time tests.

2.   Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

Radar        Pulse           Chirp          PRI            Number               Number         Minimum        Minimum
Type         Width           Width          (μsec)         of Pulses            of Bursts      Percentage     Trials
             (μsec)          (MHz)                         per Burst                           of
     5          50-100           5-20       1000-2000              1-3              8-20           80%            30

The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the Long Pulse radar
test signal. If more than 30 waveforms are used for the Long Pulse radar test signal, then each additional waveform
must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms.

Each waveform is defined as follows:

1) The transmission period for the Long Pulse Radar test signal is 12 seconds.

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2) There are a total of 8 to 20 Bursts in the 12 second period, with the number of Bursts being randomly chosen. This
number is Burst_Count.
3) Each Burst consists of 1 to 3 pulses, with the number of pulses being randomly chosen. Each Burst within the 12
second sequence may have a different number of pulses.
4) The pulse width is between 50 and 100 microseconds, with the pulse width being randomly chosen. Each pulse
within a Burst will have the same pulse width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different pulse widths.
5) Each pulse has a linear FM chirp between 5 and 20 MHz, with the chirp width being randomly chosen. Each pulse
within a Burst will have the same chirp width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different chirp widths. The chirp is
centered on the pulse. For example, with a radar frequency of 5300 MHz and a 20 MHz chirped signal, the chirp starts
at 5290 MHz and ends at 5310 MHz.
6) If more than one pulse is present in a Burst, the time between the pulses will be between 1000 and 2000
microseconds, with the time being randomly chosen. If three pulses are present in a Burst, the time between the first and
second pulses is chosen independently of the time between the second and third pulses.
7) The 12 second transmission period is divided into even intervals. The number of intervals is equal to Burst_Count.
Each interval is of length (12,000,000 / Burst_Count) microseconds. Each interval contains one Burst. The start time for
the Burst, relative to the beginning of the interval, is between 1 and [(12,000,000 / Burst_Count) – (Total Burst Length)
+ (One Random PRI Interval)] microseconds, with the start time being randomly chosen. The step interval for the start
time is 1 microsecond. The s9tart time for each Burst is chosen independently.

A representative example of a Long Pulse radar test waveform:

1) The total test signal length is 12 seconds.
2) 8 Bursts are randomly generated for the Burst Count.
3) Burst 1 has 2 randomly generated pulses.
4) The pulse width (for both pulses) is randomly selected to be 75 microseconds.
5) The PRI is randomly selected to be at 1213 microseconds.

6) Bursts 2 through 8 are generated using steps 3 – 5.
7) Each Burst is contained in even intervals of 1,500,000 microseconds. The starting location for Pulse 1, Burst 1 is
randomly generated (1 to 1,500,000 minus the total Burst 1 length + 1 random PRI interval) at the 325,001 microsecond
step. Bursts 2 through 8 randomly fall in successive 1,500,000 microsecond intervals (i.e. Burst 2 falls in the 1,500,001
– 3,000,000 microsecond range)

3. Frequency Hopping Radar Type

                 Pulse                                                                       Percentage
  Radar                                        Pulses           Hopping           Sequence                   Minimum
                 Width        PRI (μsec)                                                         of
  Type                                         per Hop         Rate (kHz)          Length                     Trials
                 (μsec)                                                                      Successful
     6               1            333              9                0.333           300         70%              30

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For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The hopping sequence
is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected 1 from the hopping sequence defined by the
following algorithm:

The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from 5250 –
5724 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is randomly selected
from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475 frequencies are chosen for
the set. For selection of a random frequency, the frequencies remaining within the group are always treated as equally

6.1.2 Radar Waveform Calibration

The following equipment setup was used to calibrate the conducted Radar Waveform. A spectrum analyzer was used to
establish the test signal level for each radar type. During this process there were no transmissions by either the Master
or Client Device. The spectrum analyzer was switched to the zero span (Time Domain) mode at the frequency of the
Radar Waveform generator. Peak detection was utilized. The spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video
bandwidth (VBW) were set to 3 MHz.

For a detection threshold level of -62dBm and the Master antenna gain is -0.98 dBi for the band 5250-5350MHz, and -
0.26 dBi for the band 5470-5725MHz., required detection threshold is -62.98dBi for the band 5250-5350MHz, and -
62.26 dBi for the band 5470-5725MHz.

Note: Maximum Transmit Power is less than200 milliwatt in this report, so detection threshld level is -62dBm

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The device transmits one type of radar as specified in the DFS Order.

The Required detection threshold is -61.06 dBm = -62 +0.94dBi. The conducted radar burst level is set to -

                                              5290-Radar signal

                                              5530-Radar signal

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6.1 In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time , Channel Closing
Transmission Time and Non- Occupancy Period

These tests define how the following DFS parameters are verified during In-Service Monitoring; Channel
Closing Transmission Time, Channel Move Time, and Non-Occupancy Period.
The steps below define the procedure to determine the above mentioned parameters when a radar Burst
with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB is generated on the Operating Channel of the U-NII
the UUT (Client) operating as a Client Device will associate with master at Mid Channel. Stream the MPEG
test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the selected Channel for the entire period of the test.
At time T0 the Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst of pulses for each of the radar types at -62dBm.
Observe the transmissions of the UUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for duration
greater than 10 seconds. Measure and record the transmissions from the UUT during the observation time
(Channel Move Time). Compare the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time results to
the limits defined in the DFS Response requirement values table.

Channel Closing Transmission Time- Measurement

A type 1 waveform was introduced to the EUT and the Spectrum Analyzer sweep time was set to 1s for
monitoring and capturing the plot. A LabView program was created to collect trace data and capturing the
plot. The program will calculate the channel closing time base on the spectrum analyzer result. The result will
be calculated based on FCC procedure.
C= N*Dwell

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C is the closing time, N is the number of spectrum analyzer sampling bins showing a U-NII transmission and
dwell is the dwell time per bin.
Dwell= S/B
Where Dwell is the dwell time per spectrum analyzer sampling bin, S is the sweep time and B is the number
0f spectrum analyzer sampling bins.

10.1.4 DFS Test Setup

Test Setup Block Diagram

The radio was set at the center channel frequency of tested Channel.
A FCC approved mater device – (FCC ID: WBV-AP230) AP was used to link with the UUT (Client) device.

For the frequency bands 5250MHz to 5725MHz the master device provides, on aggregate, uniform loading of the
spectrum across all devices by selecting an operating channel among the available channels using a random algorithm.

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Channel Move Time Test Result
N40 – 5290MHz

N40 – 5530MHz

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Channel Closing Transmission Test Result
N40 – 5290MHz

N40 – 5530MHz

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      Ac 80 – 5290MHz

      Ac 80 – 5530MHz

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Non-associated test

   Ac 80 – 5290MHz

   Ac 80 – 5530MHz

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                                 NON- CO-CHANNEL TEST
The UUT was investigated after radar was detected the channel and made sure no co-channel operation
with radars.

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          Instrument                 Model              Serial #         Cal Date     Cal Due     In use

 Radiated DFS Measurement

   Keysight Signal Analyzer          N9020A         MY49100060          11/14/2017   11/13/2018

Splitter/Combiner (Mini-Circuit)    PD-2/8-2S         XA022154          11/14/2017   11/13/2018

Splitter/Combiner (Mini-Circuit)    PD-2/8-2S         XA022155          11/14/2017   11/13/2018

Splitter/Combiner (Mini-Circuit)    PD-2/8-2S         XA022159          11/14/2017   11/13/2018

   Agilent Signal Generator        MXG N5182A       MY50140530          11/16/2017   11/15/2018

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The following is a description of supporting equipment and details of cables used with the EUT.

Supporting Equipment:

        Manufacturer                                      Model                 FCC ID

              Aerohive           Access point             AP230              WBV-AP230

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The following is the description of how the EUT is exercised during testing.

              Test                                         Description Of Operation
                                   The EUT was continuously transmitting to stimulate the worst
          Emissions Testing

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Annex B. User Manual / Block Diagram / Schematics / Partlist
See attachment

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Document Created: 2019-03-30 08:26:08
Document Modified: 2019-03-30 08:26:08

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