RF Exposure for WPT


RF Exposure Info

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY TD.                       FCC ID: 2ANAYCTVKOs                 Report No.: LC$190415047AEA

                                       RF Exposure Evaluation Report

    1.     Product Information

         FCC ID:                                       2ANAYCTVKO3
         Product Name                                  WIRELESS CAR CHARGER MOUNT
         Model Number                                  CTVkO3

                                                        Input: 5.0V ===2.0A4/9V ===2.0A /12V === 1.54
         Power Supply
                                                       Output: 5W/7.5W/10W
         Modulation Type                               Continuous Wave
         Frequency Range                                110.0 — 205.0 KHz
         Operation Frequency                            160.0 KHz
      Antenna Type                                     Coil Antenna
         Hardware version                              V1.0
         Software version                              V1.0
      Accessories                                       iPhone X
         Exposure category                             General population/uncontrolled environment
         EUT Type                                       Production Unit
         Device Type                                    Mobile Device

    2.     Evaluation Method

Per KDB 680106 DO1 v03 Section 3. RF Exposure Requirements;
    1)      Consumer wireless power transfer devices approved under Part 18 in some cases have to demonstrate
           compliance with RF exposure requirements. The potential for exposure must be assessed according to
           the operating configurations of the wireless system and the exposure conditions of users and
           bystanders. RF exposure must be evaluated with the client device(s) being charged by the primary at
           maximum output power. The RF exposure requirements must be determined in conjunction with the
           device operating characteristics, according to the mobile and portable exposure requirements in
           Section 2.1091 and Section 2.1093 of the rules. SAR and MPE limits do not cover the frequency range
           for wireless power transfer applications which operate below 100 kHz and 300 kHz respectively;
           therefore, RF exposure compliance needs to be determined with respect to 1.1307 (c) and (d) of the
           FCC rules.
    2)     Based on the design and implementation of the power transfer application, it must be clearly identified
           if mobile or portable RF exposure conditions apply. Devices that are installed to provide separation of
           at least 20 cm from users and bystanders may qualify for mobile exposure conditions. For some
           conditions where users and bystanders may be exposed at closer than 20 cm, section 2.1091(d) (4) of
           the rules may apply.
    3)     For devices designed for typical desktop applications, such a wireless charging pads, RF exposure
           evaluation should be conducted assuming a user separation distance of 15 cm. E and H field strength
           measurements or numerical modeling may be used to demonstrate compliance. Measurements should
           be made from all sides and the top of the primary/client pair, with the 15 cm measured from the
           center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device. Emissions between 100 kHz to 300 kHz should be
           assessed versus the limits at 300 kHz in Table 1 of Section 1.1310: 614 V/m and 1.63 A/m. A KDBinquiry
           is required to determine the applicable exposure limits below 100 kHz.
    4)     Portable exposure conditions from 100 kHz to 6 GHz are determined with respect to SAR requirements.
           Existing SAR systems and test procedures are generally intended for measurements above 100 MHz.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVK09                    Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

        While numerical modeling can be an alternative, the constraints of substantial computational
        resources at low frequencies could introduce further limitations. Under these circumstances, including
        operations below 100 kHz, the Commission may consider a combination of analytical analysis, field
        strength, radiated and conducted power measurements, in conjunction with some limited numerical
        modeling to assess compliance.
    5) Depending on the operating frequency, existing SAR and MPE measurement procedures may be
       adapted to evaluate wireless power transfer devices for compliance with respect to mobile or portable
       exposure conditions. If the grantee or its test lab have any questions regarding RF exposure evaluation
       they should contact the FCC Laboratory with sufficient system operating configuration details to
       determine if RF exposure evaluation is necessary and, if required, how to apply specific test procedures.
       Below 100 MHz, when SAR testing is required and the device is operating at close proximity to persons,
       information on device design, implementation, operating configurations, exposure conditions of users
       and bystanders are needed to determine the evaluation and testing requirements. In addition, the
       influence of nearby objects may also need consideration according to the wireless power transfer
       system implementation; for example, the effects of placing the device, its coils or radiating elements
       on or near metallic surfaces
    6) According to April 2018 TCB Workshop, No need to report E-field measurements. Only H-field required.

    3. Evaluation Limit

    3.1 Refer Evaluation Method

        ANSI C95.1–1999: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
        Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
        FCC KDB publication 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03: RF Exposure Considerations
        for Low Power Consumer Wireless Power Transfer Applications
        FCC CFR 47 part1 1.1310: Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
        FCC CFR 47 part2 2.1091: Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: mobile devices
        FCC CFR 47 part 18.107:Indusial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment

    3.2 Limit

          Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)/Controlled Exposure
                 Frequency               Electric Field           Magnetic Field            Power Density             Averaging Time
                Range(MHz)              Strength(V/m)             Strength(A/m)               (mW/cm²)                   (minute)
                                                Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
                   0.3-3.0                     614                      1.63                      *100                        6
                   3.0-30                    1842/f                    4.89/f                   *900/f                        6
                   30-300                     61.4                      0.163                      1.0                        6
                 300-1,500                       /                        /                      f/300                        6
               1,500-100,000                     /                        /                         5                         6

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SHENZ HEN CS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY [TD.                              ECC ID: 2ANeYerv k08                 Report No.: LC§190415047A5A

          Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure {MPE}/Uncontrolled Exposure
                 Frequency               Electric Field                  Magnetic Field            Power Density           Averaging Time
                Range(MHz)              Strength{V/m)                    Strength(A/m)                  {mW/cm?)              {minute)
                                           Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
                  0.3—1.34                    614                              1.63                       *100                      30
                   1.34—30                   824/f                            2.19/f                     *180/f                     30
                   30—300                     27.5                            0.073                       0.2                       30
                 300—1,500                      /                                   /                    1/1500                     30
               1,500—100,000                    /                                   /                     1.0                       30

          F=frequency in MHz
          *=Plane—wave equivalent power density

          According to FCC KDB 680106 DO1 v03 Section 3. RF Exposure Requirements clause 3 the
          Emission—Limits in the frequency range from 100 KHz to 300 KHz should be assessed versus the limits
          at 300 KHz in Table 1 of CFR 47 — Section1.310 as following {measured distance shall be 15cm from
          the center of the probe to the edge of the device}:
                                                            E—filed                           H—filed                        B—filed
                   Frequency                                V/m                                A/m                             uT
              0.3 MHz — 3.0 MHz                              614                               1.613                          2.0
              3.0 MHz —30 MHz                  824/1 {227.Szovc)                        2.19/f (20.073 zove)                   —

          A KDB inquire was required to determine/confirm the applicable limits below 100 KHz.

   4. Test Setup Diagram


                                                                                             E—Field & B—Field Probe

                  B                            gut                                                          C
                                                                                                         L1 0

                                                                C ism           —>
                                    E                   F

          For mobile RF exposure condition, due to installation limitations no tests from the underside of the
          charging device are required.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVK09                 Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

    5. Test Equipment

               Equipment             Manufacturer          Model        Serial no.      Calibrated date        Calibrated Due
       Exposure Level Tester              Narda           ELT-400         N-0713          2019-04-01             2020-03-31
              B-Field Probe               Narda           ELT-400        M-1154           2019-04-10             2020-04-09

    6. Uncertainties
        The probe uncertainties stated by the manufacturers are considered to be the main relevant and dominant

        6.1. Typical uncertainty of ELT-400
        The uncertainties stated in this document have been determined according to user manual.
        They were estimated as expanded uncertainty obtained multiplying the standard by the coverage factor k=2.
        Corresponding to a confidence level of about 95%.
        The total uncertainty of the probe derived from typical contributions of linearity, anisotropy, frequency
        response, temperature, relative humidity and with/without contribution of uncertainty of calibration.

                                                                                       Total expanded uncertainty (k=2)
                                                                            Without contribution of            With contribution of
              Magnetic probe (1)            Magnetic flux density
                                                                           uncertainty of calibration            uncertainty of
                                                                                      (%)                       calibration UT(%)
                                              0.1 uT to < 0.3 uT                        4.1                             4.2 (2)
                                              0.3 uT to < 10.0 uT                       3.3                             3.5 (2)
              Frequency at 50 Hz
                                              10 uT to < 100 uT                         3.7                             4.3 (3)
                                               100 uT to 500 uT                         4.1                             4.8 (4)
         Frequency from 40 to 10                0.1 uT to 0.3 uT                        6.5                             6.7 (5)
                  kHz                          0.3 uT to 10.0 uT                        6.1                             6.3 (5)
        (1)    The temperature range is from -10 degree to 23 degree and relative humidity is from 20% to 50%
        (2)    (5) The uncertainty or calibrated used is 1.5%
        (3)    The uncertainty of calibration used is 2.0%
        (4)    The uncertainty of calibration used is 2.7%

                                                                                       Total expanded uncertainty (k=2)
                                                                            Without contribution of            With contribution of
               Electric probe (6)         Electric frequency range
                                                                           uncertainty of calibration            uncertainty of
                                                                                      (%)                       calibration UT(%)
                                              10 V/m to 500 V/m                         7.8                             8.2 (7)
              Frequency at 50 Hz
                                            10 V/m to < 100 kV/m                        8.4                             8.8 (8)
         Frequency from 40 to 10                                                                                             (9)
                                            10 V/m to < 500 V/m                         9.5                            9.9
        (6) The temperature range is from -10 degree to 23 degree and relative humidity from 20% to 50%
        (7) The uncertainty of calibration used is 2.0%
        (8) The uncertainty of calibration used is 2.5%

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVK09                 Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

    7. Measurement Procedure

          a) The RF exposure test was performed on 360 degree turn table in anechoic chamber.
          b) The measurement probe was placed at test distance (15cm) which is between the edge of the
          charger and the geometric center of probe.
          c) The turn table was rotated 360d degree to search of highest strength.
          d) The highest emission level was recorded and compared with limit as soon as measurement of each
          points(A, B, C, D, E) were completed.
          e) The EUT were measured according to the dictates of KDB 680106D01v03.

    8. Equipment Approval Considerations

          The EUT does comply with item 5.2 of KDB 680106 D01 v03 as follows table;
    Requirements of KDB 680106 D01 v03                               Yes / No       Description
                                                                                    The device operate in the frequency
    Power transfer frequency is less than 1 MHz                      Yes
                                                                                    range 110.0 KHz - 205.0 KHz
    Output power from each primary coil is less than 15                             The maximum output power of the
    watts                                                                           primary coil is 10W.
    The transfer system includes only single primary
    and secondary coils. This includes charging systems
                                                                                    The transfer system includes single coil
    that may have multiple primary coils and clients                 Yes
                                                                                    that is able to detect receiver device.
    that are able to detect and allow coupling only
    between individual pairs of coils.
    Client device is placed directly in contact with the                            Client device is placed directly in
    transmitter.                                                                    contact with the transmitter.
    Mobile exposure conditions only (portable
    exposure conditions are not covered by this                      Yes            Mobile exposure conditions only
                                                                                    The aggregate H-field strengths at 15
    The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm
                                                                                    cm surrounding the device and 20 cm
    surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top
                                                                     Yes            above the top surface from all
    surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils are
                                                                                    simultaneous transmitting coils areless
    demonstrated to be less than 50% of the MPE limit.
                                                                                    than 50% the MPE limit.

          In all other cases, unless excluded above, an RF exposure evaluation report must be reviewed and
          accepted through a KDB or PBA inquiry to enable authorization of the equipment. When evaluation is
          required to show compliance; for example, using field strength, power density, SAR measurements or
          computational modeling etc., the specific authorization requirements will be determined based on
          the results of the RF exposure evaluation.

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survenen tes compiiance resmie Laronatomy tro                 ree : aavavervioo              tevort No esaoersouzacn

   9.. Eand Hfield Strength
 [Test Moces:
  Mode 1         Car Charge (124/1.5¢) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone X (Battery Status: <1%)                 Record
  Mode 2        Car Charge (124/1.5¢) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone K (Battery Status: <50%)               Pre—tested
  Mode 3        Car Charge (12V/1.50) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone X @Battery Status:100%)                Pre—tested
  Mode 4           Car Charge (SV/2A) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone X (Battery Status: <1%)                Pre—tested
  Mode 5          Car Charge (SV/28) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone X (Battery Status: «50%)                Pre—tested
  Mode 6          Car Charge (SV/28) + EUT + Mobile Phone iPhone X (Battery Status:100%)                 Pre—tested
            Note: Alltest mades were pre—tested, but we only recorded the worst case in this report.

HField Strength at 15 cm from the edges surrounding the EUTand 15em from the top surface of the EUT
                                  Measured F—Field Strength Values (A/m)          FCCHiField FCCH—Field
   Charging Frequency
                             Test       Test       Test       Test       Test     Strength50      Strength
    Battery     Range
                           Postion Position Postion Position Position              % Limits         Limits
     Level      (meig
                                A          a            c           o             &         (A/m)        (A/m)
      15         o.160         asee      o8            asos       ores          oi          aasis         Les
     sor         o.160         o.osa     o.oss         ooz        o.oor         oire        sais          Les
     sor         o.160         o.00s     o.oss         ooss       o.os2         ons         sais          Les

H.Feld Strength at 20cm from the top surface of the EUT
                                          Measured H—field strength                FOCH—Field         FCCH—Field
      Charging       Frequency Range
                                                 Values (A/m)                   Strength50% Limits     Strength
    Battery Level         (meig                                                                        h
                                                 Test Positiont                       (A/m)              is (A/m)
         1x               o.160                      0.095                            oans               1e3
        sox               o.160                      o.082                            ons                1e3
        sox               o.160                      o.085                            ons                1e3

                                         WPT RF Exposure_Mobile
     L os                                                                                 —Testrsiton15on
     E..                                                                                  oTexbostont15e
     $                                                                                    —tetrortonC.150m
      ; o                                                                                 —Testrstiond5im
         sz                                                                               —sostime
         or               gemmeeeccncnnnnn                                                ——texPostont,200m
                         108                   sooos                    ssoos

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swenziien Los compuiaNce Trstine tagoratory ITp.                    rco i: 2anavervios                  Report No.: 1CS190415087A0A

    10. Test Setup Photos
    10.1. Test Position E—Exposure photo from top surface(20cm)

 9.2Test Position E—Exposure photo from top surface(LScm)



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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVKO3                  Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

    9.3 Test PositionA—Exposure photo from side edge surface—Rear


    9.4 Test PositionB—Exposure photo from side edge surface—Left


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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVKO3                  Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

    9.5 Test Position C—Exposure photo from side edge surface—Front


    9.6 Test PositionD—Exposure photo from side edge surface—Right


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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                       FCC ID: 2AN4YCTVK09                 Report No.: LCS190415047AEA

    11. Conclusion

          A minimum safety distance of 20 cm to the antenna is required when the device is charging a smart
          phone. The detected emissions with a distance of 20 cm from center of probe to the top surface of
          EUT and 15cm from center of probe to edge of EUT are below the limitations according to FCC KDB
          680106 D01 v03 Section 3. RF Exposure Requirement Clause 3.

                                                       Revision History

               Revision                     Issue Date                          Revisions                     Revised By
                 000                       April 25, 2019                      Initial Issue                  Gavin Liang

                              .........................END OF REPORT.........................

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Document Created: 2019-04-29 08:36:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-29 08:36:02

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