Test Report


Test Report

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                                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                  Shenzhen Branch

                                                                     Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                     Page:        1 of 27

                                    TEST REPORT
Application No.:                SZEM1907016177CR
Applicant:                      HandStandsPromo LLC
Address of Applicant:           1420 S. 4800 W. Suite A Salt Lake City Utah 84104 United States
Manufacturer:                   HandStandsPromo LLC
Address of Manufacturer:        1420 S. 4800 W. Suite A Salt Lake City Utah 84104 United States
Factory:                        Amitec Industrial Iimited
Address of Factory:             Unit 1706, Rongchao Building A, Haixiu Road, Bao'An, Shenzhen City,
                                Guangdong Province, China
Equipment Under Test (EUT):
EUT Name:                       Power Mat
Model No.:                      76022
Trade mark:                     Numi
FCC ID:                         2AMZYPOWERMAT
Standard(s) :                   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C
Date of Receipt:                2019-07-10
Date of Test:                   2019-07-11 to 2019-07-14
Date of Issue:                  2019-08-06
Test Result:                    Pass*
* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

             Keny Xu
       EMC Laboratory Manager

                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                           Shenzhen Branch
                                                           Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                           Page:       2 of 27

                                        Revision Record
     Version       Chapter               Date                 Modifier       Remark

     01                              2019-08-06                              Original

Authorized for issue by:

                             Bill Chen /Project Engineer

                             Eric Fu /Reviewer

                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                           Shenzhen Branch
                                                          Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                          Page:       3 of 27

2   Test Summary
    Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
            Item            Standard             Method               Requirement           Result
                          47 CFR Part 15,                        47 CFR Part 15, Subpart
    Antenna Requirement                            N/A                                      Pass
                             Subpart C                                 C 15.203

    Radio Spectrum Matter Part
            Item            Standard             Method               Requirement           Result
    Conducted Emissions
                          47 CFR Part 15,   ANSI C63.10 (2013)   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart
     at AC Power Line                                                                       Pass
                             Subpart C         Section 6.2             C 15.207
                          47 CFR Part 15,   ANSI C63.10 (2013)   447 CFR Part 15, Subpart
      20dB Bandwidth                                                                        Pass
                             Subpart C         Section 6.9              C 15.215
                          47 CFR Part 15,   ANSI C63.10 (2013)   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart
      Restricted Bands                                                                      Pass
                             Subpart C         Section 6.5             C 15.205
    Radiated Emissions    47 CFR Part 15,   ANSI C63.10 (2013)   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart
      (9kHz-30MHz)           Subpart C       Section 6.4&6.5        C 15.205 & 15.209
    Radiated Emissions    47 CFR Part 15,   ANSI C63.10 (2013)   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart
      (30MHz-1GHz)           Subpart C       Section 6.4&6.5        C 15.205 & 15.209

                                                              SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                              Shenzhen Branch

                                                                                                                                Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                                                                                Page:                    4 of 27

3            Contents
1           COVER PAGE ...... ... cccccneeeenenererenenererereeererernenenenereenen en en nen en en nenenerereeneneneeneneneeeeneenen en en nen en en nenenenenenennnn 1

2           TEST SUMMARY .... ... cce eeeeeee6e6ererererererereererereerererereerer en en nen en en nenenerereenen enb nen en en en nen en en nen en en nenenenenene 3

3           CONTENTS ... .cc e ene en ner e en vererereerer en en eerererereerer en ereenen en en nen en en neneneeereenen en neneneeeeneenen en en nen en en nenennnenenennnn 4

4           GENERAL INFORMATION ....... ... .n enc en e errerererereerererereerererereerererereerenereeereneneneeneenen en en nen en en nen en en nenennen 5
      4.1           DETAILS OF E.ULT : iescsc                                                                                                                                                    .5
      4.2           Descaription or Support Units                                                                                     .25
      4.3           MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .                                                                                         .25
      4.4           TEST LOCATION: :sce                                                                                               .6
      4.5           TEST FACILITY mm                                                                                                  .6
      4.6           DEVIATION FROM STANDARDS..                                                                                        .6
      4.7           ABNORMALITIES FROM STANDARD CONDITIONS 1.... ... 0e en en en en eenenen en en en en en eeneneneneeveneneneenenen ns 6
5           EQUIPMENT LIST ....2. .0 cce 0000000069 eerereerererereerererereerererereenenenereenen en en nen en en enen en en nennen en en nenenevnnenenevnenenennenene 7

6           RADIO SPECTRUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT .........ccecncneenenenererernenererernenennenerernenenenenevnenenevnenenennvnene 9
      6.1           ANTENNA REQUIREMENT .. .. .000 en en e en ereeeenerereenererereenererereevererereeveneeneeeneevenenenenveneneneevenen ns 9
            6.1.1        Test Requirement:
            6.1.2         Conclusion ...
7           RADIO SPECTRUM MATTER TEST RESULTS ... ... ccccceeeececneneeenenererernenenerernenennenenevneneneneneenenenevnenenennee 10
      7.1           Conbuctep Emissions at AC Power Linge (150KkHz—30MHz).                                                                                                                     «... 10
            7.1.1        EU.T. OD@ANION........cccccmmemerememereerememernerenememenenne                                                                                                         11
            7.1.2        Test SQ@tup Di@QIAM ...                                                                                                                                               2211
            7.1.3     Measurement Procedure and Data                                                                                                                                              411
      7.2           200B BANDWIDTH.....                                                                                                                                                           A4
            7.2.1        E.U.T. Operation.                                                                                                                                                        .14
            7.2.2         Test Setup Diagram.                                                                                                                                                     .14
            7.2.3     Measurement Procedure and Data                                                                                                                                              .14
      7.3           ResTRICTED BANDS ..                                                                                                                                                           16
            7.3.1        E.U.T. Operation...                                                                                                                                                      16
            7.3.2         Test Setup Diagram.                                                                                                                                                     16
            7.3.3     Measurement Procedure and Data                                                                                                                                              17
      7.4           RADIATED EMISSIONS (OKHz—30MHz).......                                                                                                                                     ... 18
            7.4.1        E.U.T. Operation......                                                                                                                                                ... 19
            7.4.2     Test Setup Diagram.                                                                                                                                                      ... 19
            7.4.3     Measurement Procedure and Data...                                                                                                                                        ... 19
      7.5           RADIATED EMISSIONS (3OMHz—1GHz) ......                                                                                                                                     ....22
            7.5.1        EU.T. Operation......                                                                                                                                                 ... 23
            7.5.2         Test Setup Diagram.                                                                                               ... 23
            7.5.3         M@ASUF@M@Nt PrOCB@UU@ @MQ DBIA................cccccceeemerememeemereremeenerereneeneeneneneneneeneneneeneneneneree n 23

      8.1           ces S e 27
      8.2           EUT CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS (EUT PHOTOS)......... .cesn en en en en en en en en en en n enevenenenevenenenenes 27
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                                                        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                        Shenzhen Branch

                                                                                                                            Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                                                                            Page:                    5 of 27

4          General Information
4.1        Details of E.U.T.
           Power supply:                                Input: DC 5V/2A,9V/1.67A
                                                        Output: 10W,7.5W/5W
           Cable:                                       USB cable: 115¢m unshielded
           Antenna Type:                                Loop Antenna
           Antenna Gain:                                OdBi
           Modulation Type:                             Load Modulation
           Operation Frequency:                         115.2244kHz to 151.4423kHz
           Remark:                                      This device has been tested the worst status of full load and the device has
                                                        been tested with load at 5W,7.5W and 10W,the worst case 10W is reported

4.2 Description of Support Units

           Description                                            Manufacturer                                        Model No.                                       Serial No.
           iPhone 8                                                   Apple                                             A1863                                   F4GVQbSEJCGD
           SAMSUNG Galaxy S8                                        SAMSUNG                                           SM—G9500                                   R28J9140LPB
           Adapter                                                  SAMSUNG                                            EP—TA200                               RSTZJBYA7TWT71DK3

4.3        Measurement Uncertainty

               No.                                                   Item                                                            Measurement Uncertainty
                1                                           RF Conducted                                                                                  +3%

                2                                      Conduction emission                                                            +3.450B (@kHz to 150kHz)
                                                                                                                                     + 3.00B (150kHz to 30MHz)
                                                   .                  .               h                                                   + 4.5dB (Below 1GHz)
                3                          Radiated Spurious emission test                                                                + 4.80B (Above 1GHz)

                4                                        Temperature test                                                                                £1°C
                5                                            Humidity test                                                                                +3%
                6                                         Supply voltages                                                                               £1.5%
                7                                                    Time                                                                                 +3%

                                       Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed
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      %Inspemon 8 TestngSevies <p      results shown in this test report refer only to the sample() tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.
                                       Aftention: To check the authenticity of testing /inspection report & certificate, please contact us at télophone: (86—755) 8307 1443,
                                       or email: CN.Doecheck@sgs.com
                              0oi          No.t Wortshap, N—10, d Secton, Science 8 Technology Pars Shenzhen, Cina 518057   t (86—755) 26012053 f (86—758) 26710504   wimsgsgroup.com.en
 ShonwhenBnt                Labostoy       hB «BRABRdEN—108—S1 B                                         #B4i: 518057       t (€6—755)26012050 f (@6—755) 26710504    sgs:china@sgs.com
                                                                                                                                               Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                            Shenzhen Branch
                                                               Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                               Page:       6 of 27

4.4 Test Location
    All tests were performed at:
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Branch
    No. 1 Workshop, M-10, Middle Section, Science & Technology Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
    Tel: +86 755 2601 2053        Fax: +86 755 2671 0594
    No tests were sub-contracted.
4.5 Test Facility
    The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
    • CNAS (No. CNAS L2929)
    CNAS has accredited SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch EMC
    Lab to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
    Laboratories (CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
    Laboratories) for the competence in the field of testing.
    • A2LA (Certificate No. 3816.01)
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory is accredited by the
    American Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA). Certificate No. 3816.01.
    • VCCI
    The 3m Fully-anechoic chamber for above 1GHz, 10m Semi-anechoic chamber for below 1GHz,
    Shielded Room for Mains Port Conducted Interference Measurement and Telecommunication Port
    Conducted Interference Measurement of SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. have
    been registered in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures with Registration
    No.: G-20026, R-14188, C-12383 and T-11153 respectively.
    • FCC –Designation Number: CN1178
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory has been recognized
    as an accredited testing laboratory.
    Designation Number: CN1178. Test Firm Registration Number: 406779.
    • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory has been recognized
    by ISED as an accredited testing laboratory.
    CAB identifier: CN0006.
    IC#: 4620C.
4.6 Deviation from Standards
4.7 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Shenzhen Branch
                                                                 Report No.: SZEM190701617701
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5      Equipment List
Conducted Emissions at AC Power Line (150kHz-30MHz)
       Equipment           Manufacturer         Model No       Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
     Shielding Room      ZhongYu Electron         GB-88        SEM001-06      2019-06-13    2024-06-12
                                               e3 V8.2014-6-
Measurement Software          AUDIX                                N/A           N/A           N/A
      Coaxial Cable            SGS                 N/A         SEM024-01      2019-07-11    2020-07-10
          LISN           Rohde & Schwarz         ENV216        SEM007-01      2018-09-25    2019-09-24
          LISN            ETS-LINDGREN            3816/2       SEM007-02      2019-04-01    2020-03-31
    EMI Test Receiver    Rohde & Schwarz           ESCI        SEM004-02      2019-04-01    2020-03-31

20dB Bandwidth
       Equipment           Manufacturer         Model No       Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
    DC Power Supply           ZhaoXin           RXN-305D       SEM011-02      2018-09-25    2019-09-24
    Spectrum Analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz           FSP         SEM004-06      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
Measurement Software        JS Tonscend                            N/A           N/A           N/A
                                               BT/WIFI V2.
                                                                              2018-07-12    2019-07-11
      Coaxial Cable            SGS                 N/A         SEM031-02
                                                                              2019-07-11    2020-07-10
        Attenuator      Weinschel Associates      WA41         SEM021-09         N/A           N/A
     Signal Generator       KEYSIGHT             N5173B        SEM006-05      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
       Power Meter       Rohde & Schwarz          NRVS         SEM014-02      2018-09-25    2019-09-24

Restricted Bands Measurement
       Equipment           Manufacturer         Model No       Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
    DC Power Supply           ZhaoXin           RXN-305D       SEM011-02      2018-09-25    2019-09-24
    Spectrum Analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz           FSP         SEM004-06      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
Measurement Software        JS Tonscend                            N/A           N/A           N/A
                                               BT/WIFI V2.
                                                                              2018-07-12    2019-07-11
      Coaxial Cable            SGS                 N/A         SEM031-02
                                                                              2019-07-11    2020-07-10
        Attenuator      Weinschel Associates      WA41         SEM021-09         N/A           N/A
     Signal Generator       KEYSIGHT             N5173B        SEM006-05      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
       Power Meter       Rohde & Schwarz          NRVS         SEM014-02      2018-09-25    2019-09-24

Radiated Emissions (9kHz-30MHz)
       Equipment           Manufacturer         Model No       Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
    10m Semi-Anechoic
                              SAEMC             FSAC1018       SEM001-03      2018-03-31    2021-03-30
                                               e3 V8.2014-6-
Measurement Software          AUDIX                                N/A           N/A           N/A

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Shenzhen Branch
                                                                 Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                 Page:       8 of 27

    Coaxial Cable              SGS                 N/A          SEM029-01      2019-07-11    2020-07-10
  EMI Test Receiver
                         Rohde & Schwarz           ESR          SEM004-03      2019-04-01    2020-03-31
  BiConiLog Antenna
                          ETS-LINDGREN            3142C         SEM003-02      2019-05-24    2022-05-23
                         Sonoma Instrument
     Pre-amplifier                                 310N         SEM005-04      2019-04-12    2020-04-11
 Active Loop Antenna       ETS-Lindgren            6502         SEM003-08      2017-08-22    2020-08-21

RE in Chamber
   Test Equipment          Manufacturer         Model No.      Inventory No.   Cal. Date    Cal. Due date
  3m Semi-Anechoic
                          ETS-LINDGREN             N/A          SEM001-01      2017-08-05    2020-08-04
  MXE EMI Receiver
                        Agilent Technologies     N9038A         SEM004-05      2018-09-25    2019-09-24
  BiConiLog Antenna
                          ETS-LINDGREN            3142C         SEM003-01      2017-06-27    2020-06-26
                        Agilent Technologies      8447D         SEM005-01      2019-04-01    2020-03-31
                                               e3 V8.2014-6-       N/A
Measurement Software          AUDIX                                               N/A           N/A
    Coaxial Cable              SGS                 N/A          SEM025-01      2018-07-12    2019-07-11

General used equipment
     Equipment             Manufacturer         Model No       Inventory No     Cal Date    Cal Due Date
Humidity/ Temperature
                           Meteorological         ZJ1-2B        SEM002-03      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
                          Industry Factory
Humidity/ Temperature
                           Meteorological         ZJ1-2B        SEM002-04      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
                          Industry Factory
Humidity/ Temperature
                              Mingle               N/A          SEM002-08      2018-09-27    2019-09-26
      Barometer            Meteorological         DYM3          SEM002-01      2019-04-04    2020-04-03
                          Industry Factory

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Shenzhen Branch
                                                                  Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                  Page:       9 of 27

6    Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
6.1 Antenna Requirement
6.1.1 Test Requirement:
      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.203

6.1.2 Conclusion
      Standard Requirement:
      An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
      responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a antenna that uses a unique coupling to
      the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit permanently attached antenna or of an
      so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or
      electrical connector is prohibited.

      EUT Antenna:

      The antenna is integrated on the main PCB and no consideration of replacement. The best case gain
      of the antenna is 0dBi.

      Antenna location: Refer to Appendix(Internal photos)

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Shenzhen Branch
                                                                   Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                   Page:       10 of 27

7     Radio Spectrum Matter Test Results
7.1 Conducted Emissions at AC Power Line (150kHz-30MHz)
      Test Requirement         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.207
      Test Method:             ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.2

                                                          Conducted limit(dBμV)
Frequency of emission(MHz)
                                            Quasi-peak                            Average
            0.15-0.5                          66 to 56*                           56 to 46*
             0.5-5                                56                                 46
             5-30                                 60                                 50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Shenzhen Branch
                                                                   Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                   Page:       11 of 27

7.1.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      19.1 °C      Humidity: 52.7 % RH           Atmospheric Pressure: 1000         mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.1.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.1.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      1) The mains terminal disturbance voltage test was conducted in a shielded room.
      2) The EUT was connected to AC power source through a LISN 1 (Line Impedance Stabilization
      Network) which provides a 50ohm/50μH + 5ohm linear impedance. The power cables of all other
      units of the EUT were connected to a second LISN 2, which was bonded to the ground reference
      plane in the same way as the LISN 1 for the unit being measured. A multiple socket outlet strip was
      used to connect multiple power cables to a single LISN provided the rating of the LISN was not
      3) The tabletop EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8m above the ground reference plane.
      And for floor-standing arrangement, the EUT was placed on the horizontal ground reference plane,
      4) The test was performed with a vertical ground reference plane. The rear of the EUT shall be 0.4 m
      from the vertical ground reference plane. The vertical ground reference plane was bonded to the
      horizontal ground reference plane. The LISN 1 was placed 0.8 m from the boundary of the unit under
      test and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISNs mounted on top of the ground reference
      plane. This distance was between the closest points of the LISN 1 and the EUT. All other units of the
      EUT and associated equipment was at least 0.8 m from the LISN 2.
      5) In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface
      cables must be changed according to ANSI C63.10 on conducted measurement.
      Remark: LISN=Read Level+ Cable Loss+ LISN Factor

                         SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen Branch
                                               Report No.: SZEM190701617701
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Mode:a; Line:Live Line

                            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                            Shenzhen Branch
                                                  Report No.: SZEM190701617701
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Mode:a; Line:Neutral Line

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Shenzhen Branch
                                                                Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                Page:       14 of 27

7.2 20dB Bandwidth
     Test Requirement        47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.215
     Test Method:            ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.9.2
     Limit:                  N/A

7.2.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      25 °C        Humidity: 51 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1000    mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.2.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.2.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
    Test Frequency(KHz)             20dB bandwidth (KHz)                Limit (KHz)             Results
          115.5997                         0.026                           N/A                   Pass

                                          SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                          Shenzhen Branch
                                                                                    Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                                    Page:       15 of 27

                                                         * RBW 10 Hz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                         * VBW 30 Hz               -28.65 dBm
       Ref -10 dBm                * Att    10 dB          SWT 1 s          115.600000000 kHz

       -10                                                               ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                         BW 26.121794872    Hz
                                                                         Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                   -48.63   dBm
1 PK                                                 1                      115.586858974   kHz
       -30                                                               Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                   -48.88   dBm
                                                                            115.612980769   kHz

                                          T1                        T2







       Center   115.5996795 kHz                    10 Hz/                        Span   100 Hz

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Shenzhen Branch
                                                               Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                               Page:       16 of 27

7.3 Restricted Bands
     Test Requirement        47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.205
     Test Method:            ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.10.5
     Limit:                  The fundamental wave can not fall in the restricted band 90KHz-110KHz

7.3.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      25 °C        Humidity: 51 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1005    mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.3.2 Test Setup Diagram

                                                       SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                       Shenzhen Branch

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                                                                                                                           Page:       17 of 27

7.3.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
®                                                                                    *RBw       1   kiz                Marker 1         [T1    )
                                                                                     *VBWw      3   kiz                                    —24.65     dBm
      Ref      —10     dBm                         *att         10    ds                 SWT    100    ms                    116.025641026            kHz

        ~10                                                                                                            omw    J6.21794@718            kHz
                                                                                                                       Temp|1        [11 Ofw]
     bozo                      —                                                                                                           =21. 76 anollReil
                                                                                                                             115.224354974            kiz

     Loz                                pommfrmsyrumarily
                              fi\“‘v‘                                                T2                                 Temp     |2   [11    Ofw)

                                                                                                                             1d1.44230f692 kiz





     r\llffif                                                                                -.N -A resely Nr\w‘w"\ll\/\nl\jw"\lw\



      Start         100 kxz                                                 10 kiz/                                                  Stop      200 kHz

According the test data above, the fundamental wave is not fall in the restricted band 90KHz—110KHz, the
field strength also meet the 15.209 requirement, test data please refer to Radiated Emissions (OkHz—
30MHz), so this test is Pass.

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                                                                                                                                              Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Branch
                                                                              Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                              Page:       18 of 27

7.4 Radiated Emissions (9kHz-30MHz)
      Test Requirement      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.205 & 15.209
      Test Method:          ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.4
      Measurement Distance: 3m

       Frequency(MHz)                Field strength(microvolts/meter)                 Measurement distance(meters)
          0.009-0.490                              2400/F(kHz)                                          300
          0.490-1.705                             24000/F(kHz)                                           30
          1.705-30.0                           30                                    30
Remark: The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing a CISPR
quasi-peak detector except for the frequency bands 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz. Radiated emission limits in
these three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector, the peak field strength of
any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified above by more than 20 dB
under any condition of modulation.

If field strength is measured at only a single point, then that point shall be at the radial from the EUT that
produces the maximum emission at the frequency being measured, as described in 5.4. If that point is closer
to the EUT than λ/2π and the limit distance is greater than λ/2π, the measurement shall be extrapolated to
the limit distance by conservatively presuming that the field strength decreases at a 40 dB/decade of distance
rate to the λ/2π distance, and at a 20 dB/decade of distance rate beyond λ/2π. This shall be accomplished
using Equation (2):

                         FS(10m) = FS(30/300m) + 40log{d(near field)/d(10m)} + 20log{d(30/300m)/d(near field)}   (2)

If the single point measured is at a distance greater than λ/2π, then extrapolation to the limit distance shall be
calculated using Equation (3):

                         FS(10m) = FS(30/300m) + 20log{d(30/300m)/d(10m)}                                        (3)

If both the single point and the limit distance are equal to or closer to the EUT than λ/2π, then extrapolation to
the limit distance shall be calculated using Equation (4):

                         FS(10m) = FS(30/300m) + 40log{d(30/300m)/d(10m)}                                        (4)

                       dnear field = 47.77 / fMHz
where fMHz is the frequency of the emission being measured in MHz.

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen Branch
                                                                   Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                   Page:       19 of 27

7.4.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      23 °C        Humidity: 54 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1000         mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.4.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.4.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      For testing performed with the loop antenna, the center of the loop was positioned 1 m above the
      ground and positioned with its plane vertical at the specified distance from the EUT. During testing
      the loop was rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth and also
      investigated with the loop positioned in the horizontal plane. Only the worst position of vertical was
      shown in the report.

              SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
              Shenzhen Branch
                                    Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                    Page:       20 of 27


               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
               Shenzhen Branch
                                     Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                     Page:       21 of 27


                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                           Shenzhen Branch
                                                           Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                           Page:       22 of 27

7.5 Radiated Emissions (30MHz-1GHz)
    Test Requirement      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.205 & 15.209
    Test Method:          ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.5
    Measurement Distance: 10m

    Frequency(MHz)            Field strength(microvolts/meter)   Measurement distance(meters)
          30-88                             100                               3
         88-216                             150                               3
         216-960                            200                               3
       Above 960                            500                               3

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen Branch
                                                                   Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                   Page:       23 of 27

7.5.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      23 °C        Humidity: 54 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1000         mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.5.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.5.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground for below 1GHz at
      a 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of
      the highest radiation.
      b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
      the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
      c. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
      maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set
      to make the measurement.
      d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was
      tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was
      tuned to heights 1 meter) and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find
      the maximum reading.
      e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
      Hold Mode.
      f. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing
      could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that
      did not have 10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method
      as specified and then reported in a data sheet.
      g. Test the EUT in the lowest channel,the middle channel,the Highest channel
      h. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for Transmitting mode,And
      found the X axis positioning which it is worse case.
      i. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
      Remark: Level= Read Level+ Cable Loss+ Antenna Factor- Preamp Factor

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen Branch
                                                      Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                      Page:       24 of 27

Mode: a; Polarization: Horizontal

                                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                  Shenzhen Branch
                                                        Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                        Page:       25 of 27

Mode: a; Polarization: Vertical

                                 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Branch
                                                                Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                Page:       26 of 27

The test was performed at a 10m test site. According to below formulate and the test data at 10m test
  L3 / L10 = D10 / D3
    L3: Level @ 3m distance. Unit: uV/m;
    L10: Level @ 10m distance. Unit: uV/m;
    D3: 3m distance. Unit: m
    D10: 10m distance. Unit: m
The level at 3m test distance is below:

                   Level @
  Frequency                     Level @      Level @ 3m   Level @ 3m   Limit @ 3m                     Ant.
                     10m                                                            Margin (dB)
    (MHz)                      10m (uV/m)      (uV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)                  Polarization
     33.80          21.06         11.30        37.66        31.52        40.00         -8.48           V
     55.80          21.43         11.79        39.30        31.89        40.00         -8.11           V
     64.66          20.00         10.00        33.33        30.46        40.00         -9.54           V
     94.10          20.66         10.79        35.96        31.12        43.50        -12.38           V
    158.67          20.52         10.62        35.39        30.98        43.50        -12.52           V
    942.13          28.47         26.52        88.39        38.93        46.00         -7.07           V
     55.61          16.54          6.71        22.38        27.00        40.00        -13.00           H
     77.87          16.46          6.65        22.18        26.92        40.00        -13.08           H
    124.57          21.31         11.63        38.76        31.77        43.50        -11.73           H
    149.49          21.93         12.49        41.63        32.39        43.50        -11.11           H
    158.67          22.31         13.05        43.49        32.77        43.50        -10.73           H
    938.83          28.90         27.86        92.87        39.36        46.00         -6.64           H

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Shenzhen Branch
                                                                    Report No.: SZEM190701617701
                                                                    Page:       27 of 27

8    Photographs

8.1 Test Setup
Refer to Setup Photos

8.2 EUT Constructional Details (EUT Photos)
Refer to EUT external and internal photos

                                            - End of the Report -

Document Created: 2019-09-02 05:50:31
Document Modified: 2019-09-02 05:50:31

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