Cover letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                           HandStandsPromo LLC

                              Cover Letter—Wireless Charger Approval
FCC ID: 2AMzZYAIRCORE                                            Date: 03/29/19

There‘s an UbioLabs Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad that would like to have your authorization as
an Inductive wireless power transfer applications approval.
The specific product as below, UbioLabs Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad, with its designed features
and specified description, meets special requirements for KDB 680106 DO1 section 5.2 requirements.
Company:                    HandStandsPromo LLC
Product Name:               Air Core
Model Number:               KO0110
FCC ID:                     2AMZYAIRCORE

KDB 680106 DO1 Section 5.2 Requirements               Product Technical Specification   Result
a) Power transfer frequency is less that 1 MHz        112.50~183.33KHz                  Complied

b) Output power from each primary coil is less        10watts/7.5watts/5watts           Complied
than or equal to 15 watts.
c) The transfer system includes only single                                             Complied
primary and secondary coils. This includes
charging systems that may have multiple primary
coils and clients that are able to detect and allow
coupling only between individual pairs of coils
d) Client device is placed directly in contact with                                     Complied
the transmitter.
e) Mobile exposure conditions only (portable                                            Not Complied
exposure conditions are not covered by this
f) The aggregate H—field strengths at 15 cm           Please refer to RF exposure       Complied
surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top        report
surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils
are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the
MPE limit.

Print Name: Stefan Leimer                             Title: Senior Product Manager

                    4   a   00—

On behalf of Company: HandStandsPromo LLC

Telephone: 8017271416


Document Created: 2019-04-24 20:22:06
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 20:22:06

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