15_FSC-BT646 UserMan r2


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     FSC‐BT646 Datasheet


                                BLE 4.2 Single Mode Bluetooth Module Datasheet
                                                                   Version 2.1

    Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd     ‐1‐                  www.feasycom.com

  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

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Revision History
 Version          Data        Notes
    2.0        2018/12/04     Initial Version                                                  Fish
    2.1        2018/12/18     Upgrade to BLE 4.2                                               Fish

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Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,LTD

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     FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

1.     INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.     GENERAL SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................. 5

3.     HARDWARE               SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 6

     3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.2 PIN DEFINITION DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 7

4.     PHYSICAL INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................................... 8

     4.1 POWER SUPPLY....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
     4.2 RESET ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
     4.3 GENERAL PURPOSE ANALOG IO ................................................................................................................................................. 9
     4.4 GENERAL PURPOSE DIGITAL IO .................................................................................................................................................. 9
     4.5 RF INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
     4.6 SERIAL INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................................................10
         4.6.1 UART.........................................................................................................................................................................10
         4.6.2 I2C Interface ..............................................................................................................................................................11
     4.7 PWM INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................................11

5.     ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................... 11

     5.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ...............................................................................................................................................11
     5.2 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................................12
     5.3 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................................12

6.     MSL & ESD ................................................................................................................................................................ 13

7.     RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE REFLOW PROFILE ..................................................................................................... 13

8. MECHANICAL DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................... 15

     8.1 MECHANICAL DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................................15
     8.2 HOST PCB LAND PATTERN AND ANTENNA KEEP‐OUT FOR FSC‐BT646 ...........................................................................................16

9.     HARDWARE INTEGRATION SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................................................. 16

     9.1 SOLDERING RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................................................16
     9.2 LAYOUT GUIDELINES(INTERNAL ANTENNA).................................................................................................................................17
     9.3 LAYOUT GUIDELINES(EXTERNAL ANTENNA) ................................................................................................................................17
         9.3.1 Antenna Connection and Grounding Plane Design ..................................................................................................18

10. PRODUCT PACKAGING INFORMATION...................................................................................................................... 19

     10.1 DEFAULT PACKING ...............................................................................................................................................................19
     10.2       PACKING BOX(OPTIONAL) ...................................................................................................................................................20

11.      APPLICATION SCHEMATIC ........................................................................................................................................ 21

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                                                           ‐3‐                                                              www.feasycom.com

  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet


Overview                                                            Application
FSC‐BT646 is Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2(BLE4.2) Module.                 Health Thermometer
It can be used as an application processor as well as a               Heart Rate
data pump in fully hosted systems. MCU is 32‐bit                      Blood Pressure
microcontroller. It supports a wide range of applications             Proximity
from low‐end, price sensitive designs to computing‐                   Human Interface Device (HID)
intensive ones and provides advanced high‐end features
in economical products.

Very low active RF, MCU current and low‐power mode
                                                                    Module picture as below showing
current consumption provide excellent battery lifetime
and allow for operation on small coin cell batteries and in
energy‐harvesting applications.

The BLE4.2 firmware includes the L2CAP service layer
protocols, Security Manager (SM), At‐tribute Protocol
(ATT), the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) and the Generic
Access Profile (GAP).

Features                                                                          Figure 1:   FSC‐BT646 Picture

     2.4‐GHz RF Transceiver Compatible With Bluetooth
     low energy (BLE) 4.2
     Programmable TX power up to 13dBm(Class 1)
     RX sensitivity up to ‐90dBm
     Postage stamp sized form factor
     Programmable baud‐rate generator(baudrate can up
     to 921600bps)
     UART, I2C,SPI,12‐bit ADC,PWM connection interfaces
     Bluetooth stack profiles support: HID
     Operating Voltage:2.0V to 3.6V
     Operating Temperature: ‐40°C to +85°C

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

2.    General Specification
Table 1: General Specifications
 Categories             Features               Implementation
                        Bluetooth Version      Bluetooth low energy 4.2
                        Frequency              2.402 ‐ 2.480 GHz
                        Transmit Power         +13 dBm (Maximum)
                        Receive Sensitivity    ‐90 dBm (Typical)
                        Modulation             GFSK
                                               TX, RX, CTS, RTS
                                               General Purpose I/O
                        UART Interface         Default 115200,N,8,1
                                               Baudrate support from 1200 to 921600
                                               5, 6, 7, 8 data bit character
                                               22(maximum – configurable) lines
                        GPIO                   Pull‐up resistor (33 KΩ) control
 Host Interface and                            Read pin‐level
 Peripherals            I2C Interface          2(configurable from GPIO total). Up to 400 kbps
                                               Analog input voltage range: 0.4V ~ 1.4V(or 2.4V) based on configure
                                               Supports single 12‐bit SAR ADC conversion
                        ADC Interface
                                               8 channels (configured from GPIO total)
                                               Up to 200MSPS conversion
                                               8 PWM outputs
                        PWM                    Supports edge‐alignment or center‐alignment
                                               Supports fault detection
                        Class Bluetooth        No Support
                        Bluetooth Low Energy   GATT Client & Peripheral ‐ Any Custom Services
 Maximum                Classic Bluetooth      No Support
 FW upgrade                                    J‐Link
 Supply Voltage         Supply                 2.0V ~ 3.6V
 Power Consumption                             Deep Sleep ‐ 2uA(Wake up by wakeup PAD or RESET)
 Physical               Dimensions             13mm X 26.9mm X 2.0mm; Pad Pitch 1.5mm
                        Operating              ‐40°C to +85°C
                        Storage                ‐40°C to +125°C
                        Lead Free              Lead‐free and RoHS compliant
                        Warranty               One Year
 Humidity                                      10% ~ 90% non‐condensing
 MSL grade:                                    MSL 3
                        Human Body Model       All pins: ±4000V
 ESD grade:
                        Charged device model   RF pins/ Non‐RF pins: ±750V

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 FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 3.1    Block Diagram and PIN Diagram

                    UART                                                                           (optional)
                                                                          or external

                  PIOs/AIOs                  Crystal
                                                                         Bluetooth Chip


                 2.0V ~ 3.6V

                                               Figure 2: Block Diagram

                                                                                EXT_ANT       36
                                                                                       GND    35
                                1      UART_TX                         P5.2/EXT_WAKEUP        34
                                2      UART_RX                                     P0.7       33
                                3      UART_CTS/P1.4                               P0.2       32
                                4      UART_RTS/P1.5                                 P0.3     31
                                5      NC                                  P2.0/I2C1_SDA      30
                                6      NC                                  P2.3/I2C1_CLK      29
                                7      NC                                  P2.2/SPI1_CLK      28
                                8      NC                                              P0.4   27
                                9      ADC6/P3.0                              P3.6/SPI1_SS    26
                                10     ADC7/P3.1                           P2.2/SPI1_CLK      25
                                11     RESET                              P5.7/SPI1_MISO      24
                                12     VDD                                P1.0/SPI1_MOSI      23


                               13      GND                                             GND

                                              14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

                                 Figure 3: FSC‐BT646 PIN Diagram(Top View)

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 3.2      PIN Definition Descriptions
Table 2: Pin definition
 Pin Pin Name                  Type     Pin Descriptions                                                      Notes
  1    UART_TX                   O      UART data output                                                      Note 1
  2    UART_RX                    I     UART data input                                                       Note 1
  3    UART_CTS/P1.4              I     UART clear to send active low                                         Note 1
                                        Alternative Function: Programmable input/output line
  4    UART_RTS/P1.5             I/O    UART request to send active low                                       Note 1
                                        Alternative Function: Programmable input/output line
  5    NC                               NC
  6    NC                               NC
  7    NC                               NC
  8    NC                               NC
  9    ADC6/P3.0                 I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 1
                                        Alternative Function: Analogue programmable I/O line
 10    ADC7/P3.1                 I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 1
                                        Alternative Function: Analogue programmable I/O line
 11    RESET                      I     External reset input: Active LOW, with an inter an internal pull‐up
                                        Set this pin low reset to initial state
 12    VDD                      Vdd     Power supply voltage 2.0V ~ 3.6V
 13    GND                       Vss    Power Ground
 14    NC                               NC
 15    NC                               NC
 16    ICE_CLK                   I/O    Debugging through the CLK line(Default)                               Note 1
 17    ICE_DAT                   I/O    Debugging through the DATA line(Default)                              Note 1
 18    P2.4                      I/O    Programmable input/output line
 19    P2.5                      I/O    Programmable input/output line
 20    P2.6                      I/O    Programmable input/output line
 21    GND                       Vss    Power Ground
 22    GND                       Vss    Power Ground
 23    P1.0/SPI1_MOSI            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 6
                                        * The I/O port for reuse.
 24    P5.7/SPI1_MISO            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 6
                                        * The I/O port for reuse.
 25    P2.2/SPI1_CLK             I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 6
                                        * The I/O port for reuse.
 26    P3.6/SPI1_SS              I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note 6
                                        * The I/O port for reuse.
 27    P0.4                      I/O    Programmable input/output line
 28    P2.2/SPI1_CLK              I     Programmable input/output line                                        Note 6
                                        * The I/O port for reuse.
 29    P2.3/I2C1_CLK             I/O    Programmable input/output line                                        Note
                                        Alternative Function: I2C CLK line (Default)                          1,3

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

  30   P2.0/I2C1_SDA                   I/O    Programmable input/output line                                           Note
                                              Alternative Function: I2C DATA line (Default)                            1,3
  31   P0.3                            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                           Note 1
                                              Alternative Function 1: Analogue programmable I/O line.
                                              Alternative Function 2: Host MCU disconnect bluetooth
  32   P0.2                            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                           Note
                                              Alternative Function: LED(Default)                                       1,4
  33   P0.7                            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                           Note
                                              Alternative Function: BT Status(Default)                                 1,2
  34   P5.2/EXT_WAKEUP                 I/O    Programmable input/output line
  35   GND                             Vss    RF Ground
  36   EXT_ANT                          O     RF signal output                                                         Note 5

 Module Pin Notes:
 Note 1     For customized module, this pin can be work as I/O Interface.
 Note 2       BT Status (Default)‐‐ Disconnected: Low Level; Connected: High Level.
 Note 3       I2C Serial Clock and Data.
              It is essential to remember that pull‐up resistors on both SCL and SDA lines are not provided in the module
              and MUST be provided external to the module.
 Note 4       LED(Default)‐‐ Power On: Light Slow Shinning ; Connected: Steady Lighting.
 Note 5       By default, this PIN is an empty feet. This PIN can connect to an external antenna to improve the Bluetooth
              signal coverage.
              If you need to use an external antenna, by modifying the module on the 0R resistance to block out the
              on‐board antenna; Or contact Feasycom for modification.
 Note 6       This I / O port is shared with the internal SPI Flash chip. We do not recommend using this pin, floating
              This pin is only available when the module is not equipped with air‐upgrade function.

 4.1      Power Supply
The transient response of the regulator is important. If the power rails of the module are supplied from an external
voltage source, the transient response of any regulator used should be 20μs or less. It is essential that the power rail
recovers quickly.

 4.2      Reset
The module may be reset from several sources: Power‐on Reset (POR), Low level on the nRESET Pin (nRST), Watchdog
time‐out reset (WDT), Low voltage reset (LVR).

The RESET pin is an active low reset and is internally filtered using the internal low frequency clock oscillator. A reset will
be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following RESET being active. It is recommended that RESET be applied for a period
greater than 5ms.

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 4.3      General Purpose Analog IO
    12‐bit resolution and 10‐bit accuracy
    Analog input voltage range: 0.4~1.4 or 0.4~2.4V based on configure
    Up to eight single‐end analog input channels
    Two operating modes
      Single mode: A/D conversion is performed one time on a specified channel
      PWM sequence mode: When PWM trigger, two of three ADC channels from 0 to 2 will automatically convert
          analog data in the sequence of channel [0,1] or channel[1,2] or channel[0,2] defined by MODESEL
    An A/D conversion can be started by
      Software write 1 to SWTRG bit
      External pin STADC
      PWM trigger with optional start delay period
    Each Conversion result is held in data register with valid and overrun indicators
    Conversion results can be compared with specified value and user can select whether to generate an interrupt
    when conversion result matches the compare register setting
    Channel 8 supports 2 input sources: External analog voltage and internal fixed band‐gap voltage

4.4     General Purpose Digital IO
There are 22 general purpose digital IOs defined in the module. All these GPIOs can be configured by software to realize
various functions, such as button controls, LED drives or interrupt signals to host controller, etc. Do not connect them if
not use.

The I/O type of each I/O pins can be configured by software individually as Input or Push‐pull output mode. After the
chip is reset, the I/O mode of all pins is input mode with no pull‐up and pull‐down enable. Each I/O pin has an individual
pull‐up and pull‐down resistor which is about 30 kΩ ~ 50 kΩ for VDD and Vss.

4.5     RF Interface
For This Module, the default mode for antenna is internal ,it also has the interface for external antenna. If you need to
use an external antenna, by modifying the module on the 0R resistance to block out the on‐board antenna; Or contact
Feasycom for modification.

The user can connect a 50 ohm antenna directly to the RF port.

    2402–2480 MHz BLE4.2
    TX output power of +13dBm.
    RX sensitivity up to ‐90dBm

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 4.6      Serial Interfaces

   4.6.1      UART
FSC‐BT646 provides one channels of Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UART)(Full‐duplex asynchronous
communications). The UART Controller performs a serial‐to‐parallel conversion on data received from the peripheral and
a parallel‐to‐serial conversion on data transmitted from the CPU.

This is a standard UART interface for communicating with other serial devices. The UART interface provides a simple
mechanism for communicating with other serial devices using the RS232 protocol.

When the module is connected to another digital device, UART_RX and UART_TX transfer data between the two devices.
The remaining two signals, UART_CTS and UART_RTS, can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow control where
both are active low indicators.

This module output is at 3.3V CMOS logic levels (tracks VCC). Level conversion must be added to interface with an RS‐
232 level compliant interface.

Some serial implementations link CTS and RTS to remove the need for handshaking. We do not recommend linking CTS
and RTS except for testing and prototyping. If these pins are linked and the host sends data when the FSC‐BT646 deasserts
its RTS signal, there is significant risk that internal receive buffers will overflow, which could lead to an internal processor
crash. This drops the connection and may require a power cycle to reset the module. We recommend that you adhere
to the correct CTS/RTS handshaking protocol for proper operation.

Table 3: Possible UART Settings
                      Parameter                                                      Possible Values
                                                           Minimum                          1200 baud (≤2%Error)
 Baudrate                                                  Standard                         115200bps(≤1%Error)
                                                           Maximum                          921600bps(≤1%Error)
 Flow control                                                                                  RTS/CTS, or None
 Parity                                                                                       None, Odd or Even
 Number of stop bits                                                                                1 /1.5/2
 Bits per channel                                                                                   5/6/7/8

When connecting the module to a host, please make sure to follow .

                                                 Figure 4: UART Connection

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

      4.6.2    I2C Interface
       Two I2C master and slaver devices with DMA
       Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves
       Multi‐master bus Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting masters without cor‐ruption of serial data on
       the bus
       Serial clock synchronization allowing devices with different bit rates to communicate via one serial bus
       Serial clock synchronization can be used as a handshake mechanism to suspend and re‐sume serial transfer
       Built‐in 14‐bit time‐out counter that requests the I2C interrupt if the I2C bus hangs up and timer‐out counter
       Programmable clocks allow for versatile rate control
       Supports multiple address recognition

4.7       PWM Interface
      Up to four built‐in 16‐bit PWM generators, providing eight PWM outputs or four com‐plementary paired PWM
      Individual clock source, clock divider, 8‐bit pre‐scalar and dead‐time generator for each PWM generator
      PWM interrupt synchronized to PWM period
      Supports edge‐alignment or center‐alignment
      Supports fault detection

 5.1       Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings for supply voltage and voltages on digital and analogue pins of the module are listed below.
Exceeding these values causes permanent damage.

The average PIO pin output current is defined as the average current value flowing through any one of the corresponding
pins for a 100mS period. The total average PIO pin output current is defined as the average current value flowing through
all of the corresponding pins for a 100mS period. The maximum output current is defined as the value of the peak current
flowing through any one of the corresponding pins.

Table 4: Absolute Maximum Rating
 Symbol         Description                                            Min           Trp          Max           Unit
 VDD            BT Input voltage                                       ‐0.3            ‐           3.6           V
 VI             Input voltage                                          ‐0.3            ‐          VDD            V
 VO             Output voltage                                         VSS             ‐          VDD            V
 TOP            Operating Temperature                                  ‐40             ‐           85            °C
 TSTG           Storage Temperature                                    ‐40             ‐           125           °C

Note: Exceeding one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to FSC‐BT646.
Caution: Electrostatic sensitive device, comply with protection rules when operating.

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 5.2         DC Electrical Characteristics
Table 5: Voltage and current
 Symbol                    Parameter                 Min             Type        Max             Unit          Test Conditions
 VDD‐VSS ‐     DC Power Supply                        2.0             3          3.6              V                  TA=25°C
 TA ‐          Operating Temperature                 ‐40              25         +85              °C                    ‐
 I1            Standby Current in Sleep mode           ‐             1.5     ‐                   uA          Wakeup PAD or RESET
 VOH           Output high level voltage            VDD‐0.3           ‐          VDD              V                     ‐
 VOL           Output low level voltage               VSS             ‐      VSS+0.3              V                     ‐
 VIH           Input high level voltage               2.0             3          3.6              V                     ‐
 VIL           Input low level voltage                VSS             ‐      VSS+0.3              V                     ‐

 5.3         AC Electrical Characteristics
Table 6: RF
         Symbol                                Parameter                               Min            Type    Max           Unit
 General frequency
 Fop                       Operating frequency                                         2402             ‐     2480          MHz
 PLLres                    PLL Programming resolution                                       ‐           1       ‐           MHz
 Fxtal                     Crystal frequency                                                ‐          16       ‐           MHz
 DR                        Data rate                                                        ‐           1       ‐           Mbps
 △f1M                      Frequency deviation                                          225            250     275          KHz
 FCH1M                     Channel spacing                                                  ‐           2       ‐           MHz
 PRF                       Output power                                                    ‐18          ‐      13           dBm
 PBW                       20dB Bandwidth for Modulated Carrier at 1Mbps                    ‐          1.5      ‐           MHz
 RXmax                     Maximum received signal at <0.1% BER                             ‐          ‐10      ‐           dBm
 RXSENS                    Sensitivity (0.1%BER) @1Mbps                                     ‐          ‐90      ‐           dBm
 C/ICO                     C/I Co-channel interference                                      ‐          11       ‐            dB
 C/I1MHz                   Adjacent 1MHz interference                                       ‐           ‐2      ‐            dB
 C/I2MHz                   Adjacent 2MHz interference                                       ‐          ‐22      ‐            dB
 C/I3MHz                   Adjacent ≥3MHz interference                                      ‐          ‐38      ‐            dB
 C/Iimage                  Image frequency interference                                     ‐          ‐12      ‐            dB
 C/ Iimage±1MHz            Ajacent 1MHz interference to in‐band image freq                  ‐          ‐24      ‐            dB

Table 7: ADC
         Symbol                             Parameter                              Min            Type        Max            Unit
 Resolution            ‐                                                               ‐               12       ‐              Bit
 Enob                  ‐                                                               ‐               10       ‐              Bit
 IOT                   Operation Current                                               880         1000       1660             uA

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 Pclk                  System Clock                                                ‐      ‐           52            MHz
 FS                    Sample Rate                                                 ‐      ‐           0.5           MHz
 Fin                   ‐                                                           0      ‐           40             KHz
 Vrefp‐Vrefn           Analog input voltage, Reference voltage Vbg                1       2           2               V
 Cin                   Input Capacitane                                            ‐      10           ‐             pF
 VCM                   ‐                                                         0.9      ‐           1.4             V
 DATA                  ADC Output                                                000      ‐           FFF            HEX
 SFDR                  Spurious Free Dynamic range                                 ‐      72           ‐             dB

6.      MSL & ESD
Table 8: MSL and ESD
          Parameter                                          Test Conditions                                       Value
 MSL grade:                                                                MSL   3(1)
                                  Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS001(2)           All pins          ±4000V
 ESD grade:                                                                                      RF pins           ±750V
                                       Charged device model (CDM), per JESD22‐C101(3)
                                                                                               Non‐RF pins         ±750V

 (1)The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder
 (2) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500‐V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
 (3) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250‐V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.

Prior to any reflow, it is important to ensure the modules were packaged to prevent moisture absorption. New packages
contain desiccate (to absorb moisture) and a humidity indicator card to display the level maintained during storage and
shipment. If directed to bake units on the card, please check the Picture below and follow instructions specified by
Note: The shipping tray cannot be heated above 65°C. If baking is required at the higher temperatures displayed in the
Picture below, the modules must be removed from the shipping tray.
Any modules not manufactured before exceeding their floor life should be re‐packaged with fresh desiccate and a new
humidity indicator card. Floor life for MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) 3 devices is 168 hours in ambient environment

Table 9: Recommended baking times and temperatures
                125°C Baking Temp.                 90°C/≤ 5%RH Baking Temp.              40°C/ ≤ 5%RH Baking Temp.
           Saturated @       Floor Life Limit    Saturated @         Floor Life Limit   Saturated @         Floor Life Limit
            30°C/85%          + 72 hours @        30°C/85%            + 72 hours @       30°C/85%           + 72 hours @
                                30°C/60%                                30°C/60%                            30°C/60%

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

   3        9 hours             7 hours            33 hours            23 hours             13 days             9 days

Feasycom surface mount modules are designed to be easily manufactured, including reflow soldering to a PCB. Ultimately
it is the responsibility of the customer to choose the appropriate solder paste and to ensure oven temperatures during
reflow meet the requirements of the solder paste. Feasycom surface mount modules conform to J‐STD‐020D1 standards
for reflow temperatures.
The soldering profile depends on various parameters necessitating a set up for each application. The data here is given
only for guidance on solder reflow.

                                           Figure 5: Typical Lead‐free Re‐flow

Pre‐heat zone (A) — This zone raises the temperature at a controlled rate, typically 0.5 – 2 C/s. The purpose of this
zone is to preheat the PCB board and components to 120 ~ 150 C. This stage is required to distribute the heat uniformly
to the PCB board and completely remove solvent to reduce the heat shock to components.
Equilibrium Zone 1 (B) — In this stage the flux becomes soft and uniformly encapsulates solder particles and spread over
PCB board, preventing them from being re‐oxidized. Also with elevation of temperature and liquefaction of flux, each
activator and rosin get activated and start eliminating oxide film formed on the surface of each solder particle and PCB
board. The temperature is recommended to be 150 to 210 for 60 to 120 second for this zone.
Equilibrium Zone 2 (C) (optional) — In order to resolve the upright component issue, it is recommended to keep the
temperature in 210 – 217  for about 20 to 30 second.
Reflow Zone (D) — The profile in the figure is designed for Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5. It can be a reference for other lead‐free
solder. The peak temperature should be high enough to achieve good wetting but not so high as to cause component
discoloration or damage. Excessive soldering time can lead to intermetallic growth which can result in a brittle joint. The
recommended peak temperature (Tp) is 230 ~ 250 C. The soldering time should be 30 to 90 second when the
temperature is above 217 C.
Cooling Zone (E) — The cooling ate should be fast, to keep the solder grains small which will give a longer‐lasting joint.
Typical cooling rate should be 4 C.

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 FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 8.1      Mechanical Details
         Dimension:   13mm(W) x 26.9mm(L) x 2.0 mm(H) Tolerance: ±0.1mm
         Module size: 13mm X 26.9mm Tolerance: ±0.2mm
         Pad size:    1mmX0.8mm     Tolerance: ±0.1mm
         Pad pitch:   1.5mm Tolerance: ±0.1mm


                                        Figure 6: FSC‐BT646 footprint

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  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 8.2     Host PCB Land Pattern and Antenna Keep‐out for FSC‐BT646

Please check the picture below for Pad Structure and Keep Out Area:

                                              Figure 7: Host PCB‐Top View

 9.1     Soldering Recommendations
FSC‐BT646 is compatible with industrial standard reflow profile for Pb‐free solders. The reflow profile used is dependent
on the thermal mass of the entire populated PCB, heat transfer efficiency of the oven and particular type of solder paste
used. Consult the datasheet of particular solder paste for profile configurations.
Feasycom will give following recommendations for soldering the module to ensure reliable solder joint and operation of
the module after soldering. Since the profile used is process and layout dependent, the optimum profile should be studied
case by case. Thus following recommendation should be taken as a starting point guide.

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                     ‐16‐                                     www.feasycom.com

  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

 9.2      Layout Guidelines(Internal Antenna)
It is strongly recommended to use good layout practices to ensure proper operation of the module. Placing copper or any
metal near antenna deteriorates its operation by having effect on the matching properties. Metal shield around the
antenna will prevent the radiation and thus metal case should not be used with the module. Use grounding vias separated
max 3 mm apart at the edge of grounding areas to prevent RF penetrating inside the PCB and causing an unintentional
resonator. Use GND vias all around the PCB edges.
The mother board should have no bare conductors or vias in this restricted area, because it is not covered by stop mask
print. Also no copper (planes, traces or vias) are allowed in this area, because of mismatching the on‐board antenna.

                                            Figure 8: FSC‐BT646 Restricted Area

Following recommendations helps to avoid EMC problems arising in the design. Note that each design is unique and the
following list do not consider all basic design rules such as avoiding capacitive coupling between signal lines. Following
list is aimed to avoid EMC problems caused by RF part of the module. Use good consideration to avoid problems arising
from digital signals in the design.
Ensure that signal lines have return paths as short as possible. For example if a signal goes to an inner layer through a via,
always use ground vias around it. Locate them tightly and symmetrically around the signal vias. Routing of any sensitive
signals should be done in the inner layers of the PCB. Sensitive traces should have a ground area above and under the
line. If this is not possible, make sure that the return path is short by other means (for example using a ground line next
to the signal line).

 9.3      Layout Guidelines(External Antenna)
Placement and PCB layout are critical to optimize the performances of a module without on‐board antenna designs. The
trace from the antenna port of the module to an external antenna should be 50 and must be as short as possible to
avoid any interference into the transceiver of the module. The location of the external antenna and RF‐IN port of the
module should be kept away from any noise sources and digital traces. A matching network might be needed in between
the external antenna and RF‐IN port to better match the impedance to minimize the return loss.

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                        ‐17‐                                      www.feasycom.com

  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

As indicated in picture below, RF critical circuits of the module should be clearly separated from any digital circuits on the
system board. All RF circuits in the module are close to the antenna port. The module, then, should be placed in this
way that module digital part towards your digital section of the system PCB.

                       Non enmitting
                                                                   Non enmitting


                                              Digital Part

                                       Digital & Analog Circuits


                                                      Figure 9: Placement the Module on a System Board

   9.3.1      Antenna Connection and Grounding Plane Design

                                              Figure 10: Leave 5mm Clearance Space from the Antenna

General design recommendations are:
     The length of the trace or connection line should be kept as short as possible.
     Distance between connection and ground area on the top layer should at least be as large as the dielectric thickness.
     Routing the RF close to digital sections of the system board should be avoided.
     To reduce signal reflections, sharp angles in the routing of the micro strip line should be avoided. Chamfers or fillets
     are preferred for rectangular routing; 45‐degree routing is preferred over Manhattan style 90‐degree routing.

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                                               ‐18‐                 www.feasycom.com

 FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

                           Figure 11: Recommended Trace Connects Antenna and the Module

      Routing of the RF‐connection underneath the module should be avoided. The distance of the micro strip line to the
      ground plane on the bottom side of the receiver is very small and has huge tolerances. Therefore, the impedance of
      this part of the trace cannot be controlled.
      Use as many vias as possible to connect the ground planes.

 10.1       Default Packing
  a, Tray vacuum
  b, Tray Dimension: 180mm * 195mm

Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                       ‐19‐                                   www.feasycom.com

 FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

                                               Figure 12: Tray vacuum

10.2       Packing box(Optional)

  * If require any other packing, must be confirmed with customer

  * Package: 1000PCS Per Carton (Min Carton Package)

                                                 Figure 13: Packing Box

Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                     ‐20‐             www.feasycom.com

  FSC‐BT646 Datasheet

11.    Certifications


(OEM) Integrator has to assure compliance of the entire end‐product incl. the integrated RF Module.
For 15 B (§15.107 and if applicable §15.107) compliance, the host manufacturer is required to show
compliance with 15 while the module is installed and operating.

Furthermore the module should be transmitting and the evaluation should confirm that the module's
intentional emissions (15C) are compliant (fundamental / out‐of‐band). Finally the integrator has to apply
the appropriate equipment authorization (e.g. Verification) for the new host device per definition in

Integrator is reminded to assure that these installation instructions will not be made available to the end
user of the final host device.
The final host device, into which this R‐F Module is integrated" has to be labelled with an auxiliary lable
stating the FCC ID of the RF Module, such as "Contains FCC ID: 2AMWOFSC‐BT646

"This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
‐‐Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
‐‐Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
‐‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
‐‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                ‐21‐                                 www.feasycom.com

Module statement
The single-modular transmitter is a self-contained, physically delineated, component
for which compliance can be demonstrated independent of the host operating
conditions, and which complies with all eight requirements of § 15.212(a)(1) as
summarized below.
1) The radio elements have the radio frequency circuitry shielded.
2) The module has buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will
comply with Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal.
3) The module contains power supply regulation on the module.
4) The module contains a permanently attached antenna.
5) The module demonstrates compliance in a stand-alone configuration.
6) The module is labeled with its permanently affixed FCC ID label
7) The module complies with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter, including
all the conditions provided in the integration instructions by the grantee.
8) The module complies with RF exposure requirements.

This transmitter/module must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.

Integration instructions for host product manufacturers according to KDB 996369 D03 OEM Manual v01

   2.2   - List of applicable FCC rules    FCC Part 15.247
   2.3   - Summarize the specific operational use conditions This transmitter/module and its antenna(s) must not be
                                                              co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
                                                             antenna or transmitter. This information also extends
                                                             to the host manufacturer’s instruction manual.

  2.4    - Limited module procedures       not applicable
  2.5    - Trace antenna designs     It is “not applicable” as trace antenna which is not used on the module.

   2.6   - RF exposure considerations           This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set
                                                forth for an uncontrolled environment. This compliance to FCC
                                                radiation exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment, and
                                                minimum of 50cm separation between antenna and body.
                                                The host product manufacturer would provide the above information
                                                to end users in their end-product manuals.

   2.7   - Antennas       The module equipped with PCB Antenna(2dBi, 2.402 GHz to 2.480GHz).

   2.8   - Label and compliance information The end product must carry a physical label or shall use e-labeling
         followed KDB784748D01 and KDB 784748 stating “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2AMWOFSC-BT646”.

  2.10   - Additional testing, Part 15 Subpart B disclaimer      The modular transmitter is only FCC authorized for
                                                                 the specific rule parts (FCC Part15.247) listed on
                                                                 the grant, and that the host product manufacturer
                                                                 is responsible for compliance to any other FCC
                                                                 rules that apply to the host not covered by the
                                                                 modular transmitter grant of certification. The final
                                                                 host product still requires Part 15 Subpart B
                                                                 compliance testing with the modular transmitter
                                                                 installed when contains digital circuity.

2.9    Information on test modes and additional testing requirements

Information on test modes:
The host manufacturer can use software for access to the test modes. Connected to the device through
the serial port of the host product and control the module. If it does not work, then the host product
manufacturer should coordinate with the module manufacturer for access to test mode software.

The following provides guidance to host product when installing this module on how they may verify
the end product:
A. If the modular transmitter has been fully tested by the module grantee on the required number of
   channels, modulation types, and modes, it should not be necessary for the host installer to re‐test all
   the available transmitter modes or settings. It is recommended that the host product manufacturer,
   installing the modular transmitter, perform some investigative measurements to confirm that the
   resulting composite system does not exceed the spurious emissions limits or band edge limits (e.g.,
   where a different antenna may be causing additional emissions).
B. The testing should check for emissions that may occur due to the intermixing of emissions with the
   other transmitters, digital circuitry, or due to physical properties of the host product (enclosure). This
   investigation is especially important when integrating multiple modular transmitters where the
   certification is based on testing each of them in a stand‐alone configuration. It is important to note
   that host product manufacturers should not assume that because the modular transmitter is certified
   that they do not have any responsibility for final product compliance.
C. If the investigation indicates a compliance concern the host product manufacturer is obligated to
   mitigate the issue. Host products using a modular transmitter are subject to all the applicable
   individual technical rules as well as to the general conditions of operation in Sections 15.5, 15.15, and
   15.29 to not cause interference. The operator of the host product will be obligated to stop operating
   the device until the interference has been corrected.

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd                ‐22‐                                www.feasycom.com

Document Created: 2019-08-30 15:07:18
Document Modified: 2019-08-30 15:07:18

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