Test Report


Test Report

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

                                                  FCC TEST REPORT

                                             AtGames Digital Media Inc.
                                                 Wireless P2 Controller
                                               Test Model: FBC342(P2)
                                                    Additional Model: /

Prepared for                            :    AtGames Digital Media Inc.
Address                                 :    258 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA, US 90245

Prepared by                             :   Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd
                                            1/F., Xingyuan Industrial Park, Tongda Road, Bao’an Avenue, Bao’an
Address                                 :
                                            District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel                                     :   (+86)755-82591330
Fax                                     :   (+86)755-82591332
Web                                     :   www.LCS-cert.com
Mail                                    :   webmaster@LCS-cert.com

Date of receipt of test sample          :    November 15, 2018
Number of tested samples                :    1
Sample number                           :    Prototype
Date of Test                            :    November 15, 2018~ November 30, 2018
Date of Report                          :    November 30, 2018

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                          FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2           Report No.: LCS181115033AE

                                                            FCC TEST REPORT
                                                  FCC CFR 47 PART 15 C(15.249)

 Report Reference No. ................. : LCS181115033AE

 Date of Issue................................... : November 30, 2018

 Testing Laboratory Name ............ : Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.
                                                         1/F., Xingyuan Industrial Park, Tongda Road, Bao’an Avenue,
 Address ........................................... :
                                                         Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                                         Full application of Harmonised standards       ■
 Testing Location/ Procedure ..........                  Partial application of Harmonised standards □
                                                         Other standard testing method □
 Applicant’s Name ......................... : AtGames Digital Media Inc.
 Address ........................................... : 258 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA, US 90245

 Test Specification

 Standard ......................................... : FCC CFR 47 PART 15 C(15.249) / ANSI C63.10: 2013

 Test Report Form No. ..................... : LCSEMC-1.0

 TRF Originator ................................ : Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.

 Master TRF ..................................... : Dated 2011-03
 Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd. All rights reserved.
 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
 Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of
 the material. Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will not
 assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to
 its placement and context.
 Test Item Description. .................. : Wireless P2 Controller

 Trade Mark ..................................... : N/A

 Test Model ...................................... : FBC342(P2)

 Ratings ............................................ : DC 3.0V by 2*AAA Battery
 Result ........................................... : Positive

              Compiled by:                                       Supervised by:                             Approved by:

     Dick Su/ File administrators                        Calvin Weng/ Technique principal              Gavin Liang/ Manager

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

                                                     FCC -- TEST REPORT

                                                                                                November 30, 2018
        Test Report No. :                           LCS181115033AE
                                                                                                    Date of issue

     Test Model..............................        : FBC342(P2)

     EUT.........................................    : Wireless P2 Controller

     Applicant...............................        : AtGames Digital Media Inc.

     Address..................................       : 258 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA, US 90245
     Telephone..........................             : /

     Fax.....................................        : /

     Manufacturer.....................               : AtGames Digital Media Inc.

     Address..............................           : 258 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA, US 90245

     Telephone..........................             : /

     Fax.....................................        : /

     Factory..............................           : /
     Address..............................           : /

     Telephone..........................             : /

     Fax.....................................        : /

                                Test Result                                                        Positive

    The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
    It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

                                                     Revision History
           Revision                     Issue Date                            Revisions                        Revised By
             000                     November 30, 2018                       Initial Issue                     Gavin Liang

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                                     FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2                     Report No.: LCS181115033AE

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

     1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 6
         1.1.        Description of Device (EUT) ................................................................................................................ 6
         1.2.        Support Equipment List ........................................................................................................................ 6
         1.3.        External I/O ............................................................................................................................................. 6
         1.4.        Description of Test Facility ................................................................................................................... 6
         1.5.        Statement of the Measurement Uncertainty...................................................................................... 7
         1.6.        Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................................................... 7
         1.7.        Description of Test Modes ................................................................................................................... 7
         1.8.        Channel List and Frequency ................................................................................................................ 8
     2. TEST METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 9
         2.1 EUT Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 9
         2.2. EUT Exercise ............................................................................................................................................... 9
         2.3. General Test Procedures........................................................................................................................... 9
     3. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 10
         3.1. Justification ................................................................................................................................................ 10
         3.2. EUT Exercise Software ............................................................................................................................ 10
         3.3. Special Accessories.................................................................................................................................. 10
         3.4. Block Diagram/Schematics ..................................................................................................................... 10
         3.5. Equipment Modifications .......................................................................................................................... 10
         3.6. Test Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 10
     4. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 11
     5. TEST RESULT .................................................................................................................................... 12
         5.1. Radiated Emission Measurement........................................................................................................... 12
         5.2. Power line conducted emissions (Not Applicable) ............................................................................... 21
         5.3. Results for Band edge Testing ............................................................................................................... 22
         5.4. 99% Occupied Bandwidth and 20dB Bandwidth Measurement ........................................................ 24
         5.5. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................... 26
     6. LIST OF MEASURING EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 27
     7. TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT ...................................................................................... 28
     8. EXTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT .......................................................................................... 28
     9. INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT ............................................................................................ 28

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE


    1.1. Description of Device (EUT)

        EUT                                     : Wireless P2 Controller
        Test Model                              : FBC342(P2)
        Additional Model                        :/
        Model Declaration                       :/
        Power Supply                            : DC 3.0V by 2*AAA Battery
        Hardware version                        : FBC342-V1.0
        Software version                        : F537-V1.0
                                                  (2407MHz, 2413MHz, 2420MHz, 2426MHz, 2431MHz,
        2.4G Operation frequency                : 2436MHz, 2439MHz, 2442MHz, 2447MHz, 2449MHz,
                                                  2452MHz, 2454MHz, 2459MHz, 2462MHz, 2467MHz,
        Channel Number                          : 16 channels
        Modulation Type                         : GFSK
        Antenna Description                     : Internal Antenna, 2.0dBi

    1.2. Support Equipment List

              Manufacturer               Description                 Model             Serial Number          Certificate
                   --                        --                       --                      --                  --

    1.3. External I/O

                I/O Port Description                          Quantity                                 Cable
                         --                                     --                                      --

    1.4. Description of Test Facility

     FCC Registration Number. is 254912.
     Industry Canada Registration Number. is 9642A-1.
     ESMD Registration Number. is ARCB0108.
     UL Registration Number. is 100571-492.
     TUV SUD Registration Number. is SCN1081.
     TUV RH Registration Number. is UA 50296516-001
     NVLAP Registration Code is 600167-0.

     The 3m-Semi anechoic test site fulfils CISPR 16-1-4 according to ANSI C63.4:2014 and CISPR
     16-1-4:2010 SVSWR requirement for radiated emission above 1GHz.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

    1.5. Statement of the Measurement Uncertainty

      The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that
      there may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement
      uncertainty was calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. To CISPR 16 – 4
      “Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4:
      Uncertainty in EMC Measurements” and is documented in the LCS quality system acc. To DIN EN
      ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may
      result in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of
      the device.

    1.6. Measurement Uncertainty

                     Test Item                       Frequency Range                      Uncertainty               Note
                                                       9KHz~30MHz                          ±3.10dB                   (1)
                                                     30MHz~200MHz                          ±2.96dB                   (1)
             Radiation Uncertainty           :      200MHz~1000MHz                         ±3.10dB                   (1)
                                                      1GHz~26.5GHz                         ±3.80dB                   (1)
                                                     26.5GHz~40GHz                         ±3.90dB                   (1)
            Conduction Uncertainty :                  150kHz~30MHz                         ±1.63dB                   (1)
              Power disturbance    :                 30MHz~300MHz                          ±1.60dB                   (1)
      (1). This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
      confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

    1.7. Description of Test Modes

      The EUT operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4GHz. The following operating modes were
      applied for the related test items.

      All test modes were tested, only the result of the worst case was recorded in the report.

      It was pre-tested on the positioned of each 3 axis. The worst case was found positioned on X-plane.

                          Mode of Operations                         Transmitting Frequency (MHz)
                                   GFSK                                          2442
                                                    For Conducted Emission
                                Test Mode                                                  TX Mode
                                                     For Radiated Emission
                                Test Mode                                                  TX Mode

      Worst-case mode and channel used for 9 KHz-1000 MHz radiated emissions was the mode and
      channel with the highest output power, that was determined to be TX-2407MHz.

      ***Note: Using a temporary antenna connector for the EUT when the conducted measurements are

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

    1.8. Channel List and Frequency

                 Channel                    Frequency (MHz)                        Channel                   Frequency (MHz)
                    1                            2407                                 9                           2413
                    2                            2420                                10                           2426
                    3                            2431                                11                           2436
                    4                            2439                                12                           2442
                    5                            2447                                13                           2449
                    6                            2452                                14                           2454
                    7                            2459                                15                           2462
                    8                            2467                                16                           2469

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.10-2013, American National
 Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices.
 The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters. All radiated and
 conducted emissions measurement was performed at Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.

 2.1 EUT Configuration
 The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the Commissions
 requirement and operating in a manner that intends to maximize its emission characteristics in a
 continuous normal application.

 2.2. EUT Exercise
 The EUT was operated in the engineering mode to fix the TX frequency that was for the purpose of the
 According to its specifications, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the Section 15.203, 15.205,
 15.207, 15.209 and 15.249 under the FCC Rules Part 15 Subpart C.

 2.3. General Test Procedures

 2.3.1 Conducted Emissions
 According to the requirements in Section 6.2 of ANSI C63.10: 2013, AC power-line conducted emissions
 shall be measured in the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and 30MHz using Quasi-peak and average
 detector modes.

 2.3.2 Radiated Emissions
 The EUT is placed on a turn table and the turntable shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of
 maximum emission level. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which varied from 1m to 4m to
 find out the highest emission. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization
 of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the maximum emissions, exploratory
 radiated emission measurements were made according to the requirements in Section 6.3 of ANSI
 C63.10: 2013.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE


 3.1. Justification
 The system was configured for testing in a continuous transmit condition.
 Using four samples to test, each sample was set up separately for a single transmitter frequency point,
 which was automatically launched

 3.2. EUT Exercise Software

 3.3. Special Accessories

 3.4. Block Diagram/Schematics
 Please refer to the related document

 3.5. Equipment Modifications
 Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd. has not done any modification on the EUT.

 3.6. Test Setup
 Please refer to the test setup photo.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE


                                Applied Standard: FCC Part 15 Subpart C
                 FCC Rules                   Description of Test                                           Result
                  §15.203                  Antenna Requirements                                           Compliant
                 §15.207(a)            Power Line Conducted Emissions                                       N/A*
           §15.205(a), §15.209(a),
                                      Radiated Emissions Measurement                                      Compliant
           §15.249(a), §15.249(c)
            §15.205, §15.249(d)           Band Edges Measurement                                          Compliant
             §15.249, §15.215             99% and 20dB Bandwidth                                          Compliant

 N/A – Not Applicable

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE


 5.1. Radiated Emission Measurement

 5.1.1. Standard Applicable
    1). According to §15.249 (d) and RSS-210 B.10 (b): Emissions radiated outside of the specified
    frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the
    fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

           Frequencies(MHz)             Field Strength (microvolts/meter)             Measurement Distance (meters)
              0.009~0.490                          2400/F(KHz)                                    300
              0.490~1.705                         24000/F(KHz)                                     30
              1.705~30.0                                30                                         30
                 30~88                                 100                                         3
                88~216                                 150                                         3
                216~960                                200                                         3
               Above 960                               500                                         3
      2). According to §15.249 (a) and RSS-210 B.10 (a): Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
        section, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency
        bands shall comply with the following:

           Fundamental               Field strength of fundamental                   Field strength of harmonics
             frequency              millivolts/meter      dBuV/m                  microvolts/meter       dBuV/m
           902-928 MHz                     50               94                          500                54
         2400-2483.5 MHz                   50               94                          500                54
          5725-5875 MHz                    50               94                          500                54
          24.0-24.25 GHz                  250               108                        2500                68

      As shown in §15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits in paragraphs (a)
      and (b) of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission
      shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified above by more than 20 dB under
      any condition of modulation. For point-to-point operation under paragraph (b) of this section, the peak
      field strength shall not exceed 2500 millivolts/meter at 3 meters along the antenna azimuth.

 5.1.2. Measuring Instruments and Setting
 Please refer to equipment’s list in this report. The following table is the setting of spectrum analyzer and

     Spectrum Parameter                                         Setting
     Attenuation                                                Auto
     Start Frequency                                            1000 MHz
     Stop Frequency                                             10th carrier harmonic
     RB / VB (Emission in restricted band)                      1MHz / 3MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average
     RB / VB (Emission in non-restricted band)                  1MHz / 3MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average

     Receiver Parameter                                    Setting
     Attenuation                                           Auto
     Start ~ Stop Frequency                                9kHz~150kHz / RB/VB 200Hz/1KHz for QP/Average
     Start ~ Stop Frequency                                150kHz~30MHz / RB/VB 9kHz/30KHz for QP/Average
     Start ~ Stop Frequency                                30MHz~1000MHz / RB/VB 120kHz/1MHz for QP

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.1.3. Test Procedures

      1) Sequence of testing 9 kHz to 30 MHz

      --- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
      described by manufacturer.
      --- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 0.8 m height is used.
      --- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground.
      --- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions.
      --- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
      --- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
      --- The EUT was set into operation.

      --- The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
      --- The antenna height is 0.8 meter.
      --- At each turntable position the analyzer sweeps with peak detection to find the maximum of all

      Final measurement:
      --- Identified emissions during the premeasurement the software maximizes by rotating the turntable
      position (0° to 360°) and by rotating the elevation axes (0° to 360°).
      --- The final measurement will be done in the position (turntable and elevation) causing the highest
      emissions with QPK detector.
      --- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, correction factor,
      margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with the graph of the premeasurement and
      the limit will be stored.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

      2) Sequence of testing 30 MHz to 1 GHz

      --- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
      described by manufacturer.
      --- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a table with 0.8 m height is used, which is placed on the ground
      --- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between both.
      --- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
      --- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
      --- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
      --- The EUT was set into operation.

      --- The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
      --- The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
      --- The antenna height changes from 1 to 3 meter.
      --- At each turntable position, antenna polarization and height the analyzer sweeps three times in
      peak to find the maximum of all emissions.

      Final measurement:
      --- The final measurement will be performed with minimum the six highest peaks.
      --- According to the maximum antenna and turntable positions of premeasurement the software
      maximize the peaks by changing turntable position (± 45°) and antenna movement between 1 and 4
      --- The final measurement will be done with QP detector with an EMI receiver.
      --- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, antenna height, antenna polarization,
      turntable angle, correction factor, margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with the
      graph of the premeasurement with marked maximum final measurements and the limit will be stored.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

      3) Sequence of testing 1 GHz to 18 GHz

      --- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
      described by manufacturer.
      --- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 1.5 m height is used.
      --- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between both.
      --- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
      --- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
      --- The measurement distance is 3 meter.
      --- The EUT was set into operation.

      --- The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
      --- The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
      --- The antenna height scan range is 1 meter to 2.5 meter.
      --- At each turntable position and antenna polarization the analyzer sweeps with peak detection to
      find the maximum of all emissions.

      Final measurement:
      --- The final measurement will be performed with minimum the six highest peaks.
      --- According to the maximum antenna and turntable positions of premeasurement the software
      maximize the peaks by changing turntable position (± 45°) and antenna movement between 1 and 4
      meter. This procedure is repeated for both antenna polarizations.
      --- The final measurement will be done in the position (turntable, EUT-table and antenna polarization)
      causing the highest emissions with Peak and Average detector.
      --- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, EUT-table position,
      antenna polarization, correction factor, margin to the limit and limit will be recorded. Also a plot with
      the graph of the premeasurement with marked maximum final measurements and the limit will be

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

      4) Sequence of testing above 18 GHz

      --- The equipment was set up to simulate a typical usage like described in the user manual or
      described by manufacturer.
      --- If the EUT is a tabletop system, a rotatable table with 1.5 m height is used.
      --- If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between both.
      --- Auxiliary equipment and cables were positioned to simulate normal operation conditions
      --- The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
      --- The measurement distance is 1 meter.
      --- The EUT was set into operation.

      --- The antenna is moved spherical over the EUT in different polarizations of the antenna.

      Final measurement:
      --- The final measurement will be performed at the position and antenna orientation for all detected
      emissions that were found during the premeasurements with Peak and Average detector.
      --- The final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, correction factor, margin to the limit and
      limit will be recorded. Also a plot with the graph of the premeasurement and the limit will be stored.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.1.4. Test Setup Layout

      Above 18 GHz shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20
      dB/decade form 3m to 1m.
      Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (specific distance [3m] / test distance [1.5m]) (dB);
      Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor [6 dB].

 5.1.5. EUT Operation during Test
      The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.1.6. Results of Radiated Emissions (9 KHz~30MHz)

             Temperature                        23.5℃                       Humidity                          51.3%
             Test Engineer                     Tom Liu                    Configurations                       TX

                Freq.                   Level                Over Limit               Over Limit
               (MHz)                   (dBuV)                  (dB)                     (dB)
                  -                        -                       -                        -                  See Note

      The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible
      value has no need to be reported.
      Distance extrapolation factor = 40 log (specific distance / test distance) (dB);
      Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

 5.1.7. Results of Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1GHz)

             Temperature                        23.5℃                     Humidity                           51.3%
             Test Engineer                     Tom Liu                  Configurations                        TX


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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE


 1). Pre-scan all modes and recorded the worst case results in this report (TX-Low Channel).
 2). Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
 3). Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.1.8. Results for Radiated Emissions (Above 1GHz)

                                    Field Strength of Fundamental (TX-2407MHz)
  Frequency                  Measure Result       Measure Result     Peak Limit                        AVG Limit
                   Pol.                                                                                                      Result
    (MHz)                     (PK, dBuV/m)        (AVG, dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                          (dBuV/m)
     2407            H           83.05                 71.92            114                               94                 Pass
     2407            V           80.93                 70.74            114                               94                 Pass

              Reading         Ant.         Pre.       Cab.
  Freq.                                                         Measured         Limit         Margin
               Level         Fac.          Fac.       Loss                                                   Remark            Pol.
  MHz                                                            dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
               dBuV          dB/m           dB         dB
 4814.00       49.25         33.06        35.04       3.94         51.21          74.00         -22.79       Peak          Horizontal
 4814.00       33.39         33.06        35.04       3.94         35.35          54.00         -18.65      Average        Horizontal
 4814.00       48.91         33.06        35.04       3.94         50.87          74.00         -23.13       Peak           Vertical
 4814.00       32.69         33.06        35.04       3.94         34.65          54.00         -19.35      Average         Vertical

                                    Field Strength of Fundamental (TX-2442MHz)
  Frequency                  Measure Result       Measure Result     Peak Limit                        AVG Limit
                   Pol.                                                                                                      Result
    (MHz)                     (PK, dBuV/m)        (AVG, dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                          (dBuV/m)
     2442            H           82.86                 72.18            114                               94                 Pass
     2442            V           80.74                 70.91            114                               94                 Pass

              Reading         Ant.         Pre.       Cab.
  Freq.                                                        Measured          Limit         Margin
               Level         Fac.          Fac.       Loss                                                   Remark             Pol.
  MHz                                                           dBuV/m          dBuV/m          dB
               dBuV          dB/m           dB         dB
 4884.00       48.13         33.16        35.15       3.93        50.07          74.00         -23.93        Peak           Horizontal
 4884.00       31.01         33.16        35.15       3.93        32.95          54.00         -21.05       Average         Horizontal
 4884.00       48.59         33.16        35.15       3.93        50.53          74.00         -23.47        Peak            Vertical
 4884.00       32.31         33.16        35.15       3.93        34.25          54.00         -19.75       Average          Vertical

                                    Field Strength of Fundamental (TX-2469MHz)
  Frequency                  Measure Result       Measure Result     Peak Limit                        AVG Limit
                   Pol.                                                                                                      Result
    (MHz)                     (PK, dBuV/m)        (AVG, dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                          (dBuV/m)
     2469            H           81.93                 72.04            114                               94                 Pass
     2469            V           80.86                 70.41            114                               94                 Pass

              Reading         Ant.       Pre.       Cab.
  Freq.                                                        Measured          Limit         Margin
               Level         Fac.        Fac.       Loss                                                     Remark             Pol.
  MHz                                                           dBuV/m          dBuV/m          dB
               dBuV          dB/m         dB         dB
 4938.00       48.91         33.26      35.14       3.98          51.01          74.00         -22.99        Peak           Horizontal
 4938.00       34.39         33.26      35.14       3.98          36.49          54.00         -17.51       Average         Horizontal
 4938.00       52.78         33.26      35.14       3.98          54.88          74.00         -19.12        Peak            Vertical
 4938.00       35.16         33.26      35.14       3.98          37.26          54.00         -16.74       Average          Vertical

 1. Measuring frequencies from 9 KHz~10th harmonic (ex. 26GHz), No emission found between lowest
 internal used/generated frequency to 30MHz.
 2. Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 9 KHz~10th harmonic (ex. 26GHz) were made
 with an instrument using Peak detector mode.
 3. No emission was be recorded above 18GHz means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than
 20dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.2. Power line conducted emissions (Not Applicable)

 5.2.1. Standard Applicable

 According to §15.207 (a) & RSS-Gen § 8.8: For an intentional radiator which is designed to be connected
 to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power
 line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed 250 microvolts
 (The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.50 MHz). The
 limits at specific frequency range are listed as follows:

                          Frequency Range                                  Limits (dBμV)
                                (MHz)                            Quasi-peak              Average
                             0.15 to 0.50                         66 to 56               56 to 46
                              0.50 to 5                             56                      46
                               5 to 30                              60                      50

                * Decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency

 5.2.2. Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                                              Vert. reference
                                                                                                        EMI receiver


                           LISN                                             Reference ground plane

 5.2.3. Test Results

 Not Applicable!!!
 The device was powered by DC battery (2*AAA battery)

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 5.3. Results for Band edge Testing

 5.3.1 Standard Applicable

 According to FCC §15.249 (d): Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
 harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general
 radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
 According to RSS-210 B.10 (b): Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
 harmonic emissions, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental emissions or
 to the general field strength limits listed in RSS-Gen, whichever is less stringent.

 5.3.2. Test Setup Layout

 5.3.3. Measuring Instruments and Setting

     Please refer to equipment list in this report. The following table is the setting of Spectrum Analyzer.

 5.3.4. Test Procedures

 According to ANSI C63.10:2013 Field Strength Approach (linear terms):
     eirp = pt x gt = (E x d)2/30
     pt = transmitter output power in watts, 
     gt = numeric gain of the transmitting antenna (unitless), 
     E = electric field strength in V/m, 
     d = measurement distance in meters (m).
     erp = eirp/1.64 = (E x d)2/(30 x 1.64)
     Where all terms are as previously defined.

 1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
    from an external generator.
 2. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect to a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to
    an EMI test receiver, then turn on the EUT and make it operate in transmitting mode. Then set it to
    Low Channel and High Channel within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated
    in its linear range.
 3. Set both RBW and VBW of spectrum analyzer for Radiated emissions restricted band RBW=1MHz,
    VBW=3MHz for peak detector and RBW=1MHz, VBW=1/B for Peak detector.
 4. Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a reference level. Plot the
    graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
 5. Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.
 6. Measure the conducted output power (in dBm) using the detector specified by the appropriate
    regulatory agency for guidance regarding measurement procedures for determining quasi-peak, peak,
    and average conducted output power, respectively).
 7. Add the maximum transmit antenna gain (in dBi) to the measured output power level to determine the
    EIRP level (see 12.2.5 for guidance on determining the applicable antenna gain)
 8. Add the appropriate maximum ground reflection factor to the EIRP level (6 dB for frequencies ≤ 30
    MHz, 4.7 dB for frequencies between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz, inclusive and 0 dB for frequencies >
    1000 MHz).

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 9. For devices with multiple antenna-ports, measure the power of each individual chain and sum the
     EIRP of all chains in linear terms (e.g., Watts, mW).
 10. Compare the resultant electric field strength level to the applicable regulatory limit.
 11. Perform radiated spurious emission test duress until all measured frequencies were complete.

 5.3.5. Measuring Instruments and Setting

                                                           Ground               Covert
                     Conducted           Antenna
  Frequency                                               Reflection         Radiated E                           Limit
                      Power               Gain                                                   Detector                       Verdict
    (MHz)                                                  Factor            Level At 3m                        (dBuV/m)
                       (dBm)              (dBi)
                                                            (dB)              (dBuV/m)
   2310.000            -48.368             2.000             0.0               48.860              Peak            74.00        PASS
   2390.000            -48.795             2.000             0.0               48.433              Peak            74.00        PASS
   2483.500            -49.466             2.000             0.0               47.762              Peak            74.00        PASS
   2500.000            -49.259             2.000             0.0               47.969              Peak            74.00        PASS

 1. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
 2. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of
    average detection.
 3. Detector AV is setting spectrum/receiver. RBW=1MHz/VBW=10Hz/Sweep time=Auto/Detector=Peak;
 4. Since the out-of-band characteristics of the EUT transmit antenna will often be unknown, the use of a
    conservative antenna gain value is necessary. Thus, when determining the EIRP based on the
    measured conducted power, the upper bound on antenna gain for a device with a single RF output
    shall be selected as the maximum in-band gain of the antenna across all operating bands, or 2 dBi,
    whichever is greater. However, for devices that operate in multiple frequency bands while using the
    same transmit antenna, the highest gain of the antenna within the operating band nearest in frequency
    to the restricted band emission being measured may be used in lieu of the overall highest gain when
    the emission is at a frequency that is within 20 percent of the nearest band edge frequency, but in no
    case shall a value less than 2 dBi be used.
 5. Please refer to following test plots;

                           Restrict-Band Band-edge measurements for radiated emissions
                            GFSK                                               GFSK

                      2407 MHz – Peak                                                      2469 MHz – Peak

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                        FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 5.4. 99% Occupied Bandwidth and 20dB Bandwidth Measurement

 5.4.1. Standard Applicable

 According to § 2.1049 and RSS-Gen section 6.7 “The occupied bandwidth or the “99% emission
 bandwidth” is defined as the frequency range between two points, one above and the other below the
 carrier frequency, within which 99% of the total transmitted power of the fundamental transmitted emission
 is contained. The occupied bandwidth shall be reported for all equipment in addition to the specified
 bandwidth required in the applicable RSSs.”
 In some cases, the “x dB bandwidth” is required, which is defined as the frequency range between two
 points, one at the lowest frequency below and one at the highest frequency above the carrier frequency, at
 which the maximum power level of the transmitted emission is attenuated x dB below the maximum in
 band power level of the modulated signal, where the two points are on the outskirts of the in-band

 5.4.2. Block Diagram of Test Setup

 5.4.3. Test Procedure

 Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
 Span = 3MHz
 RBW = 30 KHz
 VBW = 100 KHz
 Sweep = auto
 Detector function = peak
 Trace = max hold
 The EUT should be transmitting at its maximum data rate. Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the
 marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission. Use the marker-delta function to
 measure 20 dB down one side of the emission. Reset the marker-delta function, and move the marker to
 the other side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the reference marker level. The
 marker-delta reading at this point is the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission. If this value varies with different
 modes of operation (e.g., data rate, modulation format, etc.), repeat this test for each variation. The limit is
 specified in one of the subparagraphs of this Section. Submit this plot(s).

 5.4.4. Test Results

                                 Test Result of 99% and 20dB Bandwidth Measurement
            Test Frequency             20dB Bandwidth        99% Bandwidth             Limit
                 (MHz)                       (MHz)               (MHz)                (MHz)
                  2407                       2.717               3.0110            Non-Specified
                  2442                       3.182               3.1097            Non-Specified
                  2469                       2.737               3.6327            Non-Specified


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 1. Test results including cable loss;
 2. Please refer following test plots;

                                            20dB Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth
                             GFSK                                                                  GFSK

                           2407 MHz                                                             2442 MHz

                           2469 MHz

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 5.5.1. Standard Applicable

 According to § 15.203 and RSS-Gen, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna
 other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
 attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
 considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit
 so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical
 connector is prohibited.

 5.5.2. Antenna Connected Construction

 The directional gains of antenna used for transmitting is 2.0.dBi, and the antenna is an Internal antenna
 connect to PCB board and no consideration of replacement. Please see EUT photo for details.

 5.5.3 Result


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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                          FCC ID: 2AMTQFBC342P2             Report No.: LCS181115033AE

 6. List of Measuring Equipment

Item Equipment                      Manufacturer             Model No.              Serial No.            Last Cal.         Next Cal.
1     Power Meter                   R&S                      NRVS                   100444                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
2     Power Sensor                  R&S                      NRV-Z81                100458                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
3     Power Sensor                  R&S                      NRV-Z32                10057                 2018-06-16        2019-06-15
4                       Agilent                              E4407B                 MY41440754            2018-11-17        2019-11-16
5     MXA Signal Analyzer           Agilent                  N9020A                 MY49100040            2018-06-16        2019-06-15
6     SPECTRUM ANALYZER R&S                                  FSP                    100503                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
      3m Semi Anechoic
7                                   SIDT FRANKONIA           SAC-3M                 03CH03-HY             2018-06-16        2019-06-15
8     Positioning Controller        MF                       MF-7082                /                     2018-06-16        2019-06-15
9     EMI Test Software             AUDIX                    E3                     N/A                   N/A               N/A
10    EMI Test Receiver             R&S                      ESR 7                  101181                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
11    AMPLIFIER                     QuieTek                  QTK-A2525G             CHM10809065           2018-11-17        2019-11-16
12    Active Loop Antenna           SCHWARZBECK              FMZB 1519B             00005                 2018-06-22        2019-06-21
13    By-log Antenna                SCHWARZBECK              VULB9163               9163-470              2018-05-01        2019-04-30
14    Horn Antenna                  SCHWARZBECK              BBHA 9120 D            9120D-1925            2018-07-02        2019-07-01
15    Broadband Horn Antenna SCHWARZBECK                     BBHA 9170              791                   2018-09-21        2019-09-20
16    Broadband Preamplifier        SCHWARZBECK              BBV 9719               9719-025              2018-09-21        2019-09-20
17    RF Cable-R03m                 Jye Bao                  RG142                  CB021                 2018-06-16        2019-06-15
18    RF Cable-HIGH                 SUHNER                   SUCOFLEX 106           03CH03-HY             2018-06-16        2019-06-15
19    TEST RECEIVER                 R&S                      ESCI                   101142                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
20    RF Cable-CON                  UTIFLEX                  3102-26886-4           CB049                 2018-06-16        2019-06-15
21    10dB Attenuator               SCHWARZBECK              MTS-IMP136             261115-001-0032 2018-06-16              2019-06-15
22    Artificial Mains              R&S                      ENV216                 101288                2018-06-16        2019-06-15
                                    JS Tonscend
23    RF Control Unit                                        JS0806-2               178060073             2018-10-28        2019-10-27
      JS1120-3 BT/WIFI Test         JS Tonscend
24                                                           JS1120-3               /                     N/A               N/A
      Software                      Corporation
Note: All equipment is calibrated through GUANGZHOU LISAI CALIBRATION AND TEST CO.,LTD.

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      Please refer to separated files for Test Setup Photos of the EUT.


      Please refer to separated files for External Photos of the EUT.


      Please refer to separated files for Internal Photos of the EUT.

                      ----------------THE END OF TEST REPORT---------------

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Document Created: 2018-12-04 21:54:26
Document Modified: 2018-12-04 21:54:26

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