Users Manual


Users Manual

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The product is fixed for use on the vehicle.
The battery is used for a few minutes while the power is off.
 Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure
 When using the product, maintain a distance of 20cm from the body
 to ensure compliance with RF exposure requirements.
 FCC statements:
 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is
 subject to the following two conditions:
 (1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and
 (2)this device must accept any interference received, including
 interference that may cause undesired operation.
 NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV
 interference caused by unauthorized modifications or changes to this
 equipment. Such modifications or changes could void the user’s
 authority to operate the equipment.
 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
 limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
 Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
 against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
 equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
 and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
 may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
 there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
 installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
 radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
 equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
 interference by one or more of the following measures:
 ‐ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 ‐ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 ‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
 to which the receiver is connected.
 ‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
 Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
 responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
 this equipment.

Packaging (Standard)                             LED
(1) Power cable                                  Power indicator—RED
(2) SOS cable                                    ®—@         Solid red                     ACC ON & Power on
(3) 3M sticker                                   @0          0.1s ON & 10s OFF              ACC OFF
(4) 4pin relay                                   o)          Off                           power not connected
Device appearance                                GPS indicator—GREEN
                                                 ®@—@        Solid green                   ACC ON & Positioning succeeds
                                                 ®O0         0.1s ON & 1s OFF              Searching GPS

                  Inward camera                  9      Of                                 ACC OFF
                  640x352 30FPS                  GSM indicator—BLUE
                                                 ®—@         Solid blue                    ACC ON & Connected with platform
   Power                          Micro USB      ®@—0_       0.1s ON & 1s OFF              ACC ON & No networkNo SIM card
                                                 O           Off                           ACC OFF
        M                          .                            = gu        =
   GS                             Light sensor   specrfl Catlons

                                                  Category     |Item       Specification              Remark

                                                                           ARM Cortex A7
                                                               cPU         Quad—Core 1.2GHz           M"6582
                                                               os          Android 4.4                :::gds;;:;""
                                                  Hardware |Flash          EMMC Flash 8G
Front camera                                                   RAM         LPDDR3 1GB                 Frequency 533MHz

1080P 30FPS                                                                                           GSM 850/900/1800/1900
                                                               Band        GSM & wCDMA                WCDMA 850/200/1900/2100
                                                               DVvR        Full HD 1080P              30fps,H.264 encoding,
                                                                                                      Loop—Recording , MP4

                                                  Function     |Wi—Fi      802.11 big‘n               Frequency 2.4 GHz, hotspot

1.Login & Add device                              For first—time users, please register. Enter your email where
                                                  verify code is about to send. Enter the code and click Next to
After the installation is complete, Tap the App   set your password. Registeris finished.
CarMatrix to enter login page.

                             m                         T           P   s               -

                                                  Scan the QR code on the JC200 to add device.

                                                                                  Scan the QR code on the
                                                                                  JC200 to add device.

Positioning page                        Click"Track", "Tracking", "Switch". "[S]", as shown below:


                   History route

                   Real—time tracking

                                           {Track: To playback             (Tracking: To chack
                                           hilstory route)                 real—time latitude, longltude
                                                                           and speed. )


                                     Click setting,

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     a xmun                                           Voice
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                                     oompatimatas m inhtcasy           Sessay

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                  Select device
                  Edit device name
                  Vehicle setting
                  Unbind device


                                           hom              Function
     Sitnsccietcn                   Yiee   Positioning      Vehicte management, Location, Routo
     m                              _      Device List      All the Devices onl foftine
     siin esn                              Geo Fance        Geo Fance saiting on/ott
                                           Remote Picture   lesue commend to take picture that
     svoten                                                 would be sent to APP
                                                            lssue command to record video MLive
                                           Remote Video     view! ADAS callbrationistory replay
     Menu Introduction, as shown below:    Media Genter     Pnnc uon
                                                            Synchrontzation with device for video

                                           Notfoation       Check the alart content
                                           Soting           Gommand sending /Alert function‘
                                                            Help/ Clear cache /App version info

13                                                                                                14

 click "Geo—fence" in menu screen, as shown below:             click‘Remote Picture" in menu screen, as shown below:

                                    Modify the size of fence
                                                               Ein toceaow
                                    Geo—fence zone

                                                                                                    Photo list

                                    Add other device
                                    Set for Enter or Exit

15                                                                                                                     16

     click" Remote video" and " Live View"in menu screen,
     as shown below:

                                       Take a Video                 o                         Open ADAS calibration line
         ameose                                                                               Switch camera

                                                                                              Live View

                                        Live View
                                       Video list                        |           _______ Mic /snapshotivideo
     ®                                                                                       record/full screen
                                                            Live View needs 3G Network ar befter WIFI . If the Network
      ameceze                                               speed does not meet this demand, the screen will be some
     5e cememicn       omm                                  non—smooth or delayed.
      on                 ime

17                                                                                                                         18

     Cilck" Media Center® in menu screen, as shoun below:   l‘ Nofffeation" in menu scroen, as shoun below:

                                 Local ie for naved Video

                                 during lviw


                                 vie wit

                        ~>> Fle Lst
                5>——— Gonnection status between davice
                                 and phone

19                                                                                                            20

     click" Setfing" in menu screen, as shown below:
                                                                              PaRAM    |no      |panamnsssese          B
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21                                                                                                                                                   22

Document Created: 2019-01-29 09:53:49
Document Modified: 2019-01-29 09:53:49

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC