SAR Test Report-4


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                            SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                            Re: ACR2S6.4.SATU.A

                           "':n“;"“'            Relative permittivity (e)             Conductivity (0) $/m
                                                required          measured          required        measured
                              150               e19is%                             0.8015%
                              300               sazes%                             o9225%
                              450               Se.7i5 %                           09425 %
                              750               ss.55%                             09615%
                              835               55225 %                            09725%
                              900               s5.0 15 %                          10515%
                              915               ss0i5 %                            10615%
                              1450              sa05%                              13015%
                              1610              sa815%                             14015%
                              1800              s2315%              Pass           15225%              pass
                              1900              53345 %                            15215%
                              2000              52315 %                            15225%
                              2100              sazis%                             16215%
                              2450              52725 %                            19515%
                              2600              s2515%                             21615%
                              3000              s2015 %                            27315%
                              3500              s1345%                             33115%
                              5200             490 £10%                            $30110%
                              5300             48.9 £10%                           $42210%
                              5400             48.7 £10%                           s.53210%
                              5500             48.6 £10%                           s.65 210%
                              5600             48.5 £10%                           $.77210%
                              5800             482 £10%                            600 :10%

 Software                                                           | OPENSAR V4
 Phantom                                                              SN 20/09 SAMT]
 Probe                                                                SN 1871 EPG122
| Liquid                                                            | Body LiquidValues: eps‘ : 53.3 sigma:1.51
  Distance between dipole center and liquid                         | 10.0 mm
 Area scan resolution                                                 dx=mm/dy=$mm
 Zoon Scan Resolution                                                 dx~&mm/dy=8m/de=5mm
 Frequenc                                                           | 1800 MHz
 Input power                                                        | 20 dBm
 Liquid Temperature                                                  2°C
 Lab Temperature                                                     2 °C
 Lab Humidity                                                        45%

                                                             Page: 9711
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         SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                              Ref: ACR 287.6.14.SATU A

         "e;\‘n‘i"“’              18 SA8 (Wike/m                     10 SAR (W/ke/w)
                                      measured                           measured
            1800                     38.03 (3.90)                        20.5 (2.07)

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 ( Li                      SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                              Ref: ACR.287.614.SATU.A


                                               Equipment Summary Sheet

    Equipment                Manufacturer / Identification No.     Current                                        Next Calibration
    Description                  Model                         Calibration Date                                         Date

   SAM Phantom                      Satimo               SN.—Stibg.gamy1             Velteled. No cal
                                                                                                                               No cal
                                                                                   alidated. No cal              alidated.     No    cal
|COMOSAR Test Bench               Version 3                       NA              required                      required

  Network Analyzer           Rh"de;vi"hwm                    sv100132                       o22016                      22019
      Calipers                      Carrera                 CALIPER—01                      122016                      1272019

  ReferenceProbe                    Satimo              EPG122 SN 18711                     102018                      102019

     Multimeter                Keithley 2000                   1188656                      122016                      1272019

  Signal Generator            Agilent E4438C                MY49070581                      122016                      122019

                                                                                   Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
      Amplifier                 Aethercomm                     sn 046              test. No cal required. |test. No cal required

    Power Meter                  HP E4418A                  US38261498                      122016                      122019

   Power Sensor                HP ECP—E26A                  US37181460                      122016                      122019

 Directional Coupler           Narda 4216—20                    oisse              Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
                                                                                   test. No cal required. [test. No cal required
  Temperature and
  Humidity Sensor            ControCompany                     t1—651—.9                    srois                       aror

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                                   T nlcoverevidoncongany ./

     SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                                        Ref: ACR.262.8.14.SATU.A

           LABORATORY LTD.
                BAO‘AN BLVD
                      FREQUENCY: 1900 MHZ
                      SERIAL NO.: SN 30/14 DIP1G900—333

                           Calibrated at SATIMO US

                  2105 Barrett Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144
                            $A /s

                           L mds
                            LZZOS             (accrebiTep
                              "ohage®           Tamswunmaen

   This document presents the method and results from an accredited SAR reference dipole calibration
   performed in SATIMO USA using the COMOSAR test bench. All calibration results are traceable
   to national metrology institutions

                             SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                 Ret AcR2e28 14 SATVA

                                     Name                                Function                 |__Date             _|           Signature
Prepared by :                   Jérome LUC                       Product Manager                    9/19/2018                       ?%’
Checked by :                    Jérome LUC                        Product Manager                   9/19/2018                       ?%

Approvedby :              Kim RUTKOWSKI                           Quality Manager                   9192018                  ju,     Authowth

                                                                          Customer Name
                                                                           Shenzhen LCS
                                         Distribution :                  Compliance Testing
                                                                           Laboratory Ltd.

   Issue       |           __Date _                                  e                    Modifications
     A                    9/19/2018                 | Initial release

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                         SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ret ACR 2628.14.SATU.A

                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1     Introduction
2     Device Under Test..
3     Product Description...
    31     General Information
4     Measurement Method ...
    4.1    Return Loss Requirements
    4.2    Mechanical Requirements
5     Measurement Uncertainty.........
    31     Return Loss

    ho     Dimension Measurement
    53     Validation Measurement

6     Calibration Measurement Results
    6.1    Return Loss and Impedance In Head Liquid                                                                              6
    6.2    Return Loss and Impedance In Body Liquid                                                                              6
    6.3    Mechanical Dimensions                                                                                                 6
      Validation measurement
    7A     Head Liquid Measurement
    72     SAR Measurement Result With Head Liquid
    7.3    BodyLiquid Measurement
    74     SAR Measurement Result With BodyLiquid
8     List of Equipment ...

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    ([« i \             SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACK 260814 SATU.A

1             INTRODUCTION

This document contains a summary of the requirements set forth bythe IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin
C and CEVIEC 62209 standards for reference dipolesused for SAR measurementsystem validations
and the measurements that were performed to verify that the product complies with the fore
mentioned standards.

2             DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                 Device Under Test
        |_Device Type                                  COMOSAR 1900 MHz REFERENCE DIPOLE
         Manufacturer                                  Satimo
         Model                                         $1D1900
         Serial Number                                 SN 30/14 DIP1G900—333
         Product Condition (new / used)                New

A yearly calibration interval is recommended.



Satimo‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordanceto the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin
C and CEVIEC 62209 standards. The productis designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench

                              Figure 1 — Satimo COMOSAR Validation Dipole

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    {/ (.       \             SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACK 2608 14 SATU.A

            4       MEASUREMENT METHOD
The IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C and CEUIEC 62209 standards provide requirements for
reference dipoles used for system validation measurements. The following measurements were
performedto verifythat the product complies with the fore mentioned standards.

            4.1     RETURN LOSS REQUIREMENTS
The dipole used for SAR systemvalidation measurements and checks must have a return loss of—20
dB or better. The return loss measurement shall be performed against a liquid filled flat phantom,
with the phantom constucted as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.

            Std. 1528 and CENIEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
    ensions of the validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequency and phantomshell thickness
dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantomshell thickness therefore the
dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench comply with the requirements    set forth for a 2
mm phantomshell thickness.


All uncertainties listed belowrepresent an expanded uncertaintyexpressed at approximatelythe 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
Measurement Uncertainty.

            5.1     RETURNLOSS
The following uncertainties applyto the returnloss measurement:
                           Frequency band                            I Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss

                            400—6000MHz                                                         0.1 dB

            5.2     DIMENSION MEASUREMENT
The following uncertainties applyto the dimension measurements:
                             Length (mm)                                    Expanded Uncertainty on Length

                                  3 — 300                            |                         0.05 mm

            5.3     NALIDATION MEASUREMENT
The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC EN30361 and CEMEC
62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty for validation
                             Scan Volume                                   Expanded Uncertainty

                                     Is                                                203 %
                                    10 &                                               20.1 %
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  LC                         SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ree Ackaees.14.SATU.A


                                                             Frequency, Mz
                              1900        1820 1840   1e60 1880 1900 1920                1980     1960     1980

   ‘requency (MHz) _|__Return Loss(dB)_|__ Requirement (dB)__|___ Impedance___|
             1900                    _             —22.98                                 —20                        50.9 Q + 6.7 iC

                                                                Frequency, MHz

  Frequency (MHz)                    _|    Return Loss (dB)            _|       Requirement (dB)                       Impedance
        1900                                    —20.28                                —20                            49.2 Q + 9.4 jc2


 Frequency MHz                              L mm                                       h mm                                  d mm
                             required              measured                 required            measured          required          measured
     300                    anon%             |                        25001 %                                |   sasann
     aso                    2900 +1 %                                  1667 +1 %                                  sase1%
     750                    weorl%                                     100.0#1 %                                  sasen%
     835                    161041 %                                   89.8 21%                                   3621 %      |

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 {(t.,                 SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ref: ACR 262 8.14.SATU.A

     s00              m90u1%                                      ss3i1%.                                 s6:1%
     150              so1r1%.                                     si7e%.                                  s6i1%
     1500             sose1%.                                     soor1%.                                 a6:1%
     1610             7eor1%.                                     as7en%.                                 s6:1%
     1750             7s2e1%                                      a29i1%.                                 s611%
     1800             7onx.                                       anrex.                                  s6i1%
     1900             saor1%.                pass                 sose1%.               Pase              3621 %           hass
     1950             se3e1%.                                     se5e1%.                                 s6i1%
     2000             sase1%.                                     arse1%.                                 s6i1%
     2100             s1or1%.                                     3s7e1%.                                 a6:1%
     2300             ssse1%.                                     s26:1%.                                 s6i1%
     2050             si5e1%                                      30421 %.                                a6:1%
     2600             a8521%.                               |     msax         |                          a6:1%
     3000             ansen%.                                     2s0r%.                                  s6i1%
     3500             37.0e1%.                                    r6arl%.                                 s6i1%
     3700             sa7e1%.                                     rearl%.                                 s6i1%

The IEEE Std. 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C and CEUIEC 62209 standards state that the system
validation measurements must be performed using a reference dipole meeting the fore mentioned
return loss and mechanical dimensionrequirements. The validation measurement must be performed
against a liquid filled flat phantom, with the phantom constructed as outlined in the fore mentioned
standards. Per the standards, the dipole shall be positioned belowthe bottom ofthe phantom, with
the dipole length centered and parallel to the longest dimension of the flat phantom, withthe top
surface ofthe dipole at the described distance from the bottom surface ofthe phantom.


                      foel®                Relative permittvity (€/)               Conductivity (0) 5/m
                                           required             measured      required          measured
                          300             45.3 15 %                          0.87 25 %
                          450             43.5 +5 %                          0.87 25 %

                          750             41.9 25 %                          0.89 25 %
                          835             41.5 i5 %                          0.90 25 %
                          500             41.5 25 %                          0.97 25 %
                         1450             40.5 25 %                           12015 %
                         1500             40.4 25 %                           12315%
                         1640             40.2 +5 %                           13115%
                         1750             40.1 +5 %                           13735%
                         1800             40.0 25 %                           140 25 %

                         1900             40.0 25 %               PaS$        14015 %             PASS
                         1950             40.0 25 %                           14015 %
                         2000             40.0 25 %     ‘                     14025 %

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 { hi                     SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR 262 8.14.SATU A

                            2100             sosis%                             14915%
                            2300             sasis%        |                    16715%
                            2450             seris%        |                    18045%
                            2600             sa0i5%                             19625%
                            3000             3a5i5%                             24015%
                            3500             37945 %                            29115%

The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation measurements
should produce the SAR values shown below (for phantom thickness of 2 mm), within the
uncertainty for the system validation. All SAR values are normalized to 1 W forward power. In
bracket, the measured SAR is given with the used input power.

Software                                                             OPENSAR V4
Phantom                                                              SN 2009 SAM7I
Probe                                                              |    1871 EPG122
Liguid _                                                             Head Liquid Values: eps: 41.1 sigma 142
Distance between dipole center and liquid                            10.0 mm
Area scan resolution                                                dx—§mm/dy—$mm
Zoon Scan Resolution                                               | dx—§mm/dy=Sm/de~Smm
Frequency                                                          | 1900 MHz
Input power                                                        | 20 dBm
Liquid Temperature                                                 |2°C
LabTemperature                                                     |2°C
Lab Humidity                                                       |45%

                         To                       14 SA(W/ke/w)                     10 SAR (W/kg/w)
                                              required     |     measured        required        measured
                            300                 285                                194
                            aso                 ass                                306
                            750                 849                                sss
                            aas                 ase                                622
                            900                 108                                ss9
                            1450                 29                                 16
                            1500                sos                                168
                            1640                aa2        0|                      184
                            17so                364                                193
                            1800                sea                                201
                            1900                307             s0.44 (3.98)       205          20.20 (2.02)
                            1950                405                                209
                            2000                ara                                2i
                            2100                as         |                       219
                            2300                a8.7                               233

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 (’ I                  SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ref: ACR 2628.14.SATUA

                          2050                 s2a                                   24
                          2600                 se3                                  26
                          3000                 sas                                  257
                          3500                 s71                                   2s


                       "ea':""               Relative permittvity (e)               Conductivity (0) $/m
                                            required           measured      |    required         measured
                          150          |    stosx         |                  | osorss          |
                          300               sers®         |                  |   oszas%
                          450           | sersx           |                  | osarss |
                          750          | sssix            |                  | oseasx
                          835          | sizsx            |                  | osris® |
                          900          |_ssosx            |                  |_zosa5%
                          915          | ssosx            |                 | 10s15% |
                         1450          |    seosx         |                  |   23015%
                         1610          |    siesx         |                  |   2405%
                         1800          |    susx          |                  |   1sz5%         |
                         1900          |    sase          |      Pass        |   aszise        |     pass
                         2000               52315 %                              15225%
                         2100          |    sarse         |                  |   1e215%
                         2450          |    sirsx         |                  | 1sss5%
                         2600          |    sissz         |                  | r1615%
                         3000          |    szosx         |                  |   z7is%
                                       |    51315 %       |                  |   331 15%

                                           480 :10%                              s30:10%
                                           as9 :10%                              saze10%
                                           487 £10%                              ss310%

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                             SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ret ACR 2628.14.SATU.A

                               5500              486 :10%                   £10%
                               5600              48.5 £10%                            s77210%
                               5800              482 £10%                             600:10%

| Software
 Phantom                                                               | SN 20/09 SAM7]
 Probe                                                                   SN 1871 Epo122
 Liquid ________                                                       | Body Liquid Values: eps 54.2 sigma 1.54
 Distance between dipole
 Area    scanresolution                                                  dx=8mm/dy=8mm
 Zoon Scan Resolution                                                    dx—Smm/dy=Sm/dz—Smm
 Frequency                                                               1900 MHz
 Input power                                                           | 20 dbm
 Liquid Temperature                                                    J 20°C
 Lab Temperature                                                       | 21°C
 Lab Humidity                                                            45%

                             m"\'fl‘:""                 14 SAR (Wie/w                      10 SAR (W/ka/w)
                                                           measured                             measured
                                1900                      aa 33 (1.33)                         21.59 2.6)

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                           SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR 262 8.14.SATU A

        8    LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                              Equipment Summary Sheet

    reipmatt M*999090|ineviteatone connoitbae *Te
   SAM Phantom                     Satimo                SN—20/00.SAM71 xflfif;zd Nowal                        r:q':j:zd        No: al
COMOSAR Test Bench                Version 3                     NA              ;/eaqlfiraézd Nowal           r:(;:j:gd        No:   cal

  Network Anatyzer          RhO4e&Sohwarz                   gjoora2             |        ozzoe                       2019
       Calipers                    Carrera                CALIPER—01                     122016                      122019

  Reference Probe                  Satimo            | eporze sn iem |                   102018                      102019
     Multimeter                Keithiey 2000         |       rssese             |        122016                      122019
  Signal Generator            Agilent E4438C              MY49070581            |        122016                      122019

      mmoter                    severom                       suoe                  Cenpmnpenn Eeneararied
    Power Meter                 HP E4418A                 US38261498                     122016                      1202019

   Power Sensor               HP ECP.E25A                  usaris14s0           |        122016                      122019
 Directional Coupler          Narda 4216—20 |                 o13ss             fi:’;”afif;‘:mzz%g‘ g:f’afifzgff'egsfi'es’r
  Leu':’"fi;@“é’:":gf        Control Company                  11—661—9           |         arois                      ar2019

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      SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                                      Ref: ACR.273.4.18.SATU.A

                   BAO‘AN BLVD
                     FREQUENCY: 2600 MHZ
                     SERIAL NO.: SN 38/18 DIP 2G600—468

                             Calibrated at MVG US
                 2105 Barrett Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144

                           tm                 [accrebitreo
                              Yuhoals®         o           w
                         Calibration Date: 09/24/2018

    This document presents the methodand resultsfrom an accredited SAR reference dipole calibration
    performed in MVG USA using the COMOSAR test bench. All calibration results are traceable to
    national metrology institutions.

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                              PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                            Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

                                    SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR.2734.18 SATU A

                                           Name               |             Function                 |__Date           _|           Signature
          Prepared by :                Jérome LUC                     Product Manager                 09/30/2018 ‘                    9%/
          Checked by :                 Jérome LUC                     Product Manager                 |0930/2018 ‘                   J#
          Approved b              Kim RUTKOWSKI                       Quality Manager                 09/30/2018 l            lum     Puthowih

                                                                              Customer Name
                                                                             Shenzhen LCS
                                                Distribution :             Compliance Testing

               Issue                 Date                                                    Modifications
                A                09/30/2018                Initial release

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                          be released in whole orpart without writen approval of MVG

   ns report shait not be reproaucea except inyutt, wihout the written approvat of snenzhen L3 Compuance tesing Laboréiory Lid.
                                                            Page 136 of 152

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                                PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                             Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

                                     SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ref: ACR 2734.18.SATUA

                                                           TABLE OF CONTE

           1     Introduction
           2     Device Under Test ...
           3     Product Description ....
               3.1    General Information                                                                                                      4

          4      Measurement Method.....
               4.1    Return Loss Requirements                                                                                                 5
               4.2    Mechanical Requirements                                                                                                  5

           5     Measurement Uncertainty.
               5.1    Return Loss                                                                                                              5

               5.2    Dimension Measurement                                                                                                    5
               53     Validation Measurement                                                                                                   5
          6      Calibration Measurement Results.
               6.1    Return Loss and Impedance In Head Liquid                                                                                 6
               6.2    Return Loss and Impedance In BodyLiquid
               6.3    Mechanical Dimensions
           7     Validation measurement ...
               7.1    Head Liquid Measurement                                                                                                  7
               T2     SAR Measurement Result With Head Liquid                                                                                  8
               73     BodyLiquid Measurement                                                                                                   9
               7.4    SAR Measurement Result With BodyLiquid                                                                                  10
           8     List of Equipment.....

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                            This documentshall not be reproduced exceptinfull orin pa, without the writen approval ofNIVG
                            The information contained hereinis to be ud only for thepurposeforwhich itis ubmited and is not to
                           be released in whole orpart without writen approval of MVG

   ns report shait not be reproaucea except inyutt, wihout the written approvat of snenzhen L3 Compuance tesing Laboréiory Lid.
                                                            Page 137 of 152

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                              PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                             Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

           unue]                   SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ret: ACR 2734.18.SATU.A

           1           INTRODUCTION

          This document contains a summaryofthe requirements set forth by the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
          CEDIEC 62209 standards for reference dipoles used for SAR measurement systemvalidations and
          the measurements that were performed to verify that the product complies with the fore mentioned

          2            DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                            Device Under Test
                   |_Device Type                                   COMOSAR 2600 MHz REFERENCE DIPOLE
                    Manufacturer                                   MVG
                    Model                                          $1D2600
                    Scrial Number                                  SN 38/18 DIP 2G600—468
                    Product Condition (new / used)                 Used

           A yearly calibration interval is recommended.

          3            PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

           3.1      GENERAL INFORMATION

          MVG‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
          CEUIEC 62209 standards. The product is designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench only.

                                          Figure 1        —MFVG COMOSAR Validation Dipole

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                          The information contained herein is to be ud onlyfor thepurposeforwhich itis ubmited and is not to
                          be released in whole orpart vithout writen approval ofMVG

   ns report shait not be reproaucea except inyutt, wihout the written approvat of snenzhen L3 Compuance tesing Laboréiory Lid.
                                                            Page 138 of 152

nue]                   SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ref: ACR2734.18SATU A

The IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and CEUIEC 62209 standards provide requirements for reference
dipoles used for system validation measurements. The following measurements were performed to
verifythat the product complies with the fore mentioned standards.

The dipole used for SAR system validation measurements and checks must have a return loss of —20
dB or better, The return loss measurement shall be performed against a liquid filled flat phantom,
with the phantomconstructed as outlined in the fore mentionedstandards.

The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEVIEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
dimensions ofthe validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequency and phantomshell thickness
dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench complywith the requirements set forth for a 2
mm phantom shell thickness.


All uncertainties listed belowrepresent an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
Measurement Uncertainty.

       5.1   RETURNLOSS
The following uncertainties applyto the returnloss measurement:
                    Frequency band                                 Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                      400—6000MHz                                                          0.1 dB

Thefollowing uncertainties applyto the dimension measurements:
                      Length (mm)                                     Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                         3 — 300                                                 0.05 mm

       5.3 YALIDATIONM                                     T
The guidelines outlined in the TE              1528, FCC KDBs, CENELEC EN50361 and CEVIEC 62209
standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertaintyfor validation measurements.
                    Scan Volume                     Expanded Uncertainty
                               1s                                                20.3 %                            ‘

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                                PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                               Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

           nue]                     SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ref: ACR2734.18SATU A

                  4     MEASUREMENT METHOD
          The IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and CEUIEC 62209 standards provide requirements for reference
          dipoles used for system validation measurements. The following measurements were performed to
           verifythat the product complies with the fore mentioned standards.

                  4.1    RETURN LOSS REQUIREMENTS
          The dipole used for SAR system validation measurements and checks must have a return loss of —20
          dB or better. The return los            measurement shall be performed against aliquid filled flat phantom,
          with the phantomconstructed as outlined in the fore mentionedstandards.

                  4.2    MECHANICAL RE UIREMENTS
          The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEVIEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
          dimensions ofthe validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequency and phantomshell thickness
          dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
          dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench complywith the requirements set forth for a 2
          mm phantom shell thickness.

          5             MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY

          All uncertainties listed belowrepresent an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
          confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
           Measurement Uncertainty.

                  5.1    RETURNLOSS
          The following uncertainties applyto the returnloss measurement:
                                 Frequency band                                  Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                                   400—6000MHz                                                            0.1 dB

                  5.2    DIMENSION MEASUREMENT
          Thefollowing uncertainties applyto the dimension measurements:
                                   Length (mm)                                       Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                                        3 — 300                                                          0.05 mm

                  5.3    NALIDATION                    SUREMENT
          The guidelines outlined in the TE                 1528, FCC KDBs, CENELEC EN50361 and CEVIEC 62209
          standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertaintyfor validation measurements.
                              Scan Volume                     Expanded Uncertainty

                                            Is                                                  20.3 %

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                                  PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                             Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

           unue]                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                               Ref: ACR2734.18 SATU A

                                              10 8                                                    20.1 %

                  6     CALIBRATION MEASUREME                                  ® RESULTS

                                                                            Freauency Miiz
                                                                        asen reto 2820

              Frequency(MHz)                        Return Loss (dB)                      Requirement (dB)                         Impedance
                       2600                                 —29.14                                    —20                      49.2 Q +3.4 jQ

                  6.2         RETURN LOSS AND IMPEDANCE IN BODY LIQUID
                                                                            Frauency. M
                                                                aseo    2seo

              Frequency (MHz)                       Return Loss (dB)             |        Requirement (dB)              ‘       Impedance
                   2600                                  —29.47                                 —20                            4750+22j0                 _|

                  6.3       MECH                    L DIMENSIC
            Frequency MHz                            L mm                  ‘                    h mm                ‘                  d mm
                                         required           measured       ‘         required           measured    ‘       required          measured
                 300                    a200+1%.      _|                   \    zsoou1%.          |                 ‘   easen%.
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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                              PCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                             Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

           nue]                    SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ret: ACR2734.18SA

                 aso              28001 %.                                  166721 %                                sasen%.
                 750              weon%.                                    100021 %                                sase1%.
                 sas              i6101 %.                                  sose1 %                                 a6:1%
                 900              19.0+1%.                            |     ansnx                                   a6:1%                       |
                 150              so1+1%                                    si7en%                                  a6:1%
                 1500             so.5 1 %                                  sooe1 %                                 a6:1%
                 1640             7o01%                                     as.7 1 %                                 2621%.
                 1750             752e1%                                    42921 %                                  2621%.
                 1800             7201%                                     an7ente                                  2621%.
                 1900             seor%                                     sosen%                                   2621%.
                 1950             se3i%                                     38541 %                                  2621%.
                 2000             6a521%                                    ansen%                                  16:1%
                 2100             s10r1%.                                   3s7e1%                                  s6:1%
                 2300             ss5e1%                                    s2621%                                  a6:1%
                 2050             siset%.                                   30421 %                                 s611%
                 2600             485 21%.                pass               288 i1%                PASS             s61%               Pass
                 3000             ans en %                                   2s021%                                  s6:1%
                 3500              37.0:1%                                   26.4 21 %                               36i1%

                 3700              sira%                                     26ar1%                                  s611%

                  7     VALIDATION MEASUREMENT
          The IEEE Std. 1528, FCC KDBs and CEVIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation
          measurements must be performed using a reference dipole meeting the fore mentioned return loss
          and mechanical dimension requirements. The validation measurement must be performed against a
          liquid filled flat phantom, with the phantom constructed as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.
          Per the standards, the dipole shall be positioned below the bottom ofthe phantom, with the dipole
          length centered and parallel to the longest dimensionof the flat phantom, with the top surface ofthe
          dipole at the described distance from the bottom surface ofthe phantom.

                  7.1    HEAD LIQUID MEASUREMENT

                                   "e:n‘:fl"“’          Relative permittivity (€)             Conductivity(0) 5/m
                                                        required          measured         required         measured
                                      300              as3 25%                             oa7a5%
                                      aso              as.5 25 %                           oa7a5%
                                      750              perp                                osei5%
                                      ass              ans 25%                             os045%
                                      s00              ans 25%                             oo7as%
                                      1450             40.5 25 %                           12045 %

                                      1500             40.4 25 %                           12345%

                                      1610             402 25 %                            i31i5%
                                      2750             a04 25%                             13ri5%
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           nue]                       SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ret: ACR2734.18SA

                                         1300              400 25%                              14025%
                                         1900              40.0 25%                             14025%
                                         1950              10.0 25 %                            14045 %
                                         2000        |     40045%                               14045 %
                                         2100              sa8 i5 %                             14925 %
                                         2300              sa.s i5 %                            1eras%
                                         2450              s02i5%                               18045 %
                                         2600              200 15%               pass           1965 %              pass
                                         3000              38515 %                              24025 %
                                         3500              an9i5%                               29115%

                      7.2—   SAR MEASUREMENT RESULT WITH HEAD LIQUID
           The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEUIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation measurements
           should produce the SAR values shown below (for phantom thickness of 2 mm), within the
           uncertainty for the systemvalidation. All SAR values are normalized to 1 W forward power. In
           bracket, the measured SAR is given with the used input power.

           Software                                                               OPENSAR V4
           Phantom                                                                SN 20/09 SAMTI
           Probe                                                                 SNIS/71Epoi22
           Liquid                                                                 Head Liquid Values: eps"
           Distance between dipole center and liquid                              10.0 mm
           Area sean resolution                                                   dx—&mm/dy=8mm
           Zoon Scan Resolution                                                   dx=3mm/dy=Smm/dz=5mm
           Frequency                                                              2600 MHz
           Input power                                                            20 dBm
           Liquid Temperature                                                     a°C
           Lab Temperature                                                        21 °C
           Lab Humidity                                                           45%

                                      To                        14 SAR (Wike/w)                    10 SAR (W/k/w)
                                                            required          measured           required         measured
                                          300                 285                                  194
                                          450                 458                                  306
                                          750                 849                                  555

                                          835                 9.56                                 622

                                          900                 109                                  699
                                         1450                  29                                   16

                                         1500                 305                                  168
                                         1640                 342                                  184
                                         1750                 364                                  193
                                         1800                 384                                  201

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           unue]                    SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR 2734.18.SATUA

                                       1900                307                                205
                                       1950                405                                208
                                       2000                ard                                21
                                       2100                a3.6                               219
                                       2300                a8.7                               223
                                       2450                524                                 24
                                       2600                s3         | sear (se9)            216         2469 (2.47)
                                       3000                sas        |                       257
                                       3500                a71                                 2s
                                       3700                a7a                                242

                                    _T                   Relative permittivity (€)           Conductivity(0) $/m
                                             —           sequbed      |   measured         romured      | messured |
                                       150              61.9 25 %     |                    0.80 15 %
                                       300              58.2 15 %                          0.92 15 %
                                       450              56.7 15 %                          0.94 +5 %

                                       750              55.5 15 %                          0.96 15 %
                                       835              55.2 25 %                          0.97 15 %
                                       900              55.0 25 %                          1.05 +5 %
                                       915              55.0 25 %                          1.06 +5 %

                                       1450             54.0 25 %                          1.30 +5 %
                                       1610             538 15 %                           1.40 5 %
                                       1300             53345 %                            1.52 5 %

                                       1900             53.3 15 %                          115245 %
                                       2000             53315 %                            1.52 5 %

                              ‘        2100         }   53245 %       1                    1.62 5 %

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING IABORATORY LTD.                                 FCCiD:2AMSGCHAMELEONS                            Report No.: LCS1904220GSAE

                                       SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR 2734.18.SATUA

                                         2300              529 15 %                           18125 %
                                         2450              527 15%                            1.95 25 %
                                         2600              s2.5 15 %            Pass          21615%             pass
                                         3000              52.0 15 %                          27315%
                                         3500              51315 %                            as115%
                                         3700              51.0 15 %                          a55a5%
                                         s200             49.0 210%                          530 210 %
                                         s300             48.9 210%                          542 210%
                                         sa00             48.7 10%                           s.s3110%
                                         ssoo             48.6210%                           5.65 210 %
                                         seoo             48.5210%                           5.77 210%
                                         seoo             48.2210%                           6.00:10%

                       7.4   SAR MEASUREMENTRESULT W ITH BODY LIQUID
            Software                                                            opEns
          [ Phantom                                                             SN 20(09 SAV7]
            Probe                                                               SN18/1 Epo122
            Liquid                                                              Body Liquid Values: eps‘ 52.5 sigma 223
           Distance between dipole center and liquid                             10.0 mm
           Area scan resolution                                                 dx~&mm/dy=$mm
           Zoon Sean Resolution                                                 dxccSmm/dy=Smm/da~3mm
           Frequency                                                            2600 MHz
           Input power                                                          20 dBm
           Liquid Temperature                                                   21 C
          Lab Temperature                                                        21
          LabHumidity                                                           as

                                      Fre:;:n(v                1 g SAR (W/ke/w)                  10 SAR (W/kg/w)
                                                                   measured                           measured
                                         2600                     54.14 (541)                        24.13 241)


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           Lous]                       SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                             Ref: ACR 2734.18.SATUA

                   8    LIST OF EQUIPM

                                                          Equipment Summary Sheet

               Equipment                Manufacturer / Identification No,                             Current                Next Calibration
               Description                     Model                                        "| Calibration Date                        Date
                                                                 |                              alidated. No cal           Validated          No   cal
               SAM Phantom                       MVG                  SN—20/09—SAM71           equired                     required

                                                                                                alidated. No cal           Validated          No   cal
          |COMOSAR Test Bench                 Version 3          \|           NA               equired                     required

             Network Analyzer           Rhode 8Schwarz                   smioo1s2                      c2pors                         o2r2019
                  Calipers                     Carrera                  CALIPER—01                     01/2017                        01/2020

             ReferenceProbe                      MVG                  EPG122 SN 1871                   10/2017                        102018

                 Multimeter                Keithiey 2000                  1188656                      01/2017                        01/2020

             Signal Generator             Agilent E4438C                MY49070581                     01/2017                        01/2020

                 Ampliier                   Astbarsomm                     SN 046             Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
                                                                                              test. No cal required. [test. No cal required

               Power Meter                  HP E4418A                   US38261498                     01/2017                        01/2020

               Power Sensor                HP ECP—E26A                  US37181460                     0172017                        01/2020

                                                                                              Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
            Ejrectlonal Counter           Nards 4216—20          |         D1456              test. No cal required. |test. No cal required
             Temperature and
              Humidity Sensor            Control Company                150798832                      112017                         1172020

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 eomize     couranice es                                 wancraurer

6.1 Photograph of liquid depth

                  Photograph of the depth in the Body Phantom (750MHe, 15.tom depth)

                Photograph of the depth in the Body Phantom (B95MHz, 15.0om depth)

  Tirepen ralIna Berpradund anan i l watou e nmappront af Bnaion EeB Conplance raveg Ctcney Gn
                                           Pooe zis2

eomize    couranice es                                  wancraurer

                Photograph of the deptl in the Body Phantom (1800NKe, 15.20m depth)

                Photograph of the deptl in the Body Phantom (1900NKe, 15.4om depth)

Tirepen ralIna Berpradund anan i l watou e nmappront af Bnaion EeB Conplance raveg Ctcney Gn
                                         Pooe Hexerisa

eomize    couranice es                                  wancraurer

                Photograph of the deptl in the Body Phantom (2600NKe, 15.Som depth)

Tirepen ralIna Berpradund anan i l watou e nmappront af Bnaion EeB Conplance raveg Ctcney Gn
                                         Pose rperisa

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                     FCCID:2AM8GCHAMELEON8                 Report No.: LCS190422068AE

6.2 Photograph of the Test

                                    0mm body-worn Back Side Setup Photo (hotspot)

                                    0mm body-worn Front Side Setup Photo (hotspot)

  This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laborator y Ltd.
                                                               Page 150 of 152

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                     FCCID:2AM8GCHAMELEON8                 Report No.: LCS190422068AE

                                     0mm body-worn Left Side Setup Photo (hotspot)

                                     0mm body-worn Top Side Setup Photo (hotspot)

  This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laborator y Ltd.
                                                               Page 151 of 152

SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                     FCCID:2AM8GCHAMELEON8                 Report No.: LCS190422068AE

7. EUT Photographs


                                                     WIFI AUX                               LTE AUX Antenna

                                                                                                   WIFI/BT Main
                                              GSM/WCDMA/LTE                                          Antenna
                                                Main Antenna


                       .....................The End of Test Report.........................

  This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laborator y Ltd.
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Document Created: 2019-07-01 15:59:00
Document Modified: 2019-07-01 15:59:00

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